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Ibarra 1

Jazmine Ibarra

Sarah Thaller

Fire Cohort

7 February 2021

Week 3: Journals

Journal 2, 5 Feb 2021: Do you feel like you get enough sleep? What works for your nighttime routine?

What doesn’t work? Do you feel well rested?

Yes, I do feel like I get enough sleep most days. The past two or three days, however, I feel like I

have not been getting enough sleep just because I’ve had a lot on my mind lately, trivial things, really, but

they keep me up at night. Another reason why I feel that I have not been getting enough sleep is because I

have strayed from my morning and evening routines the past two or three days. I haven’t been feeling all

that great. Not sick or anything, just not super positive towards myself and other people as I usually am.

What works for my nighttime routine is getting ready two or three hours before my actual bedtime so I

can do a bunch of activities either on my own or with my family. I have it all organized, written down on

paper, and hung on my wall alongside my morning routine. My morning routine, I feel, takes much longer

than my nighttime routine though. I think the most helpful part of my nighttime routine is doing some

form of physical or mental activity such as exercise, writing, or self-reflecting. What doesn’t work well is

using electronics past four or five pm because I spend most of my time on the computer thanks to

schoolwork and my hardworking nature. Even if I don’t need to be working hard, I still do. In regards to

the last question, today I do not feel well-rested.

Journal 1, 1 Feb 2021: What does self-care mean to you? What do you currently do for yourself that you

feel is fundamental to your self-care? If you don’t do anything, why not?

I value self-care because if I take care of myself well, I can also take care or at least help others to

whatever extent. Self-care is important to me because it allows me to function more easily than someone

who doesn’t take care of themselves at all. I enjoy the simple act of taking time to myself because I am

someone who needs a lot of alone time to recharge both physically and mentally. Some things that I
Ibarra 2

currently do that I feel are fundamental to my self-care is drinking water, keeping my nails at a reasonable

length (not too long or not too short), eating food and snacking whenever I feel hungry, and doing

something that I like every day. I’ve started exercising again, at least during the week, and that is a good

distraction for my mind and a good way to keep my physical health up and running. In the morning, I

always make my bed. I never leave it unmade, even if I woke up later than I usually do, I still take the

time to fix it in a way that I like. After fixing my bed, I drink water, change my clothes before or after I go

to the restroom, do my business, and wash my face, fix my hair, brush my teeth, etc. At the end of the

day, I shower, brush my teeth, and call someone if I feel the need to talk to someone about anything.

Otherwise, I’ll just read webcomics after getting my clothes ready for the next day, and then go to bed.

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