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- Escribe el comparativo

Ej. small - smaller

1. good
2. intelligent
3. old
4. dark
5. bad
6. large
7. narrow
8. new
9. easy
10. funny

- Completa las frases usando un comparativo.

Ej. My flat isn’t very big.- I want a bigger flat.

1. My motorbike isn’t very fast. I’d like .

2. My husband isn’t very rich. I need .
3. Your computer is getting old now. You need .
4. His camera isn’t very good. He needs .
5. It isn’t very hot today. It was yesterday.
6. I’m not very interested in football. I’m in tennis.
- Escribe frases que signifiquen lo mismo usando ‘as………as’.

Ej. A Porsche is faster than a Skoda. – A Skoda isn’t as fast as a Porsche.

1. Football is more popular than cricket in Spain. 

Cricket isn’t
2. I work harder than you.

3. My car’s newer than yours.

4. His watch is more expensive than hers.

5. Your flat’s nicer than ours.

6. Paris is colder than Casablanca.

- Completa las frases con un superlativo.

Ej. He’s a very good footballer. He’s the best footballer in Europe at the moment.

1. She’s a pretty girl. She’s girl in my class.

2. There are many exciting cities in North America, but I think New York is .
3. August is a hot month in Spain. It’s usually month of the year.
4. I was so happy when I got married. My wedding day was day of my life.
5. It’s such an expensive restaurant. I think it’s the restaurant in Madrid.
6. It’s a very interesting book. It’s one of the books I’ve ever read.
1. good -better
2. intelligent - more intelligent
3. old - older
4. dark - darker
5. bad - worse
6. large - larger
7. narrow - narrower
8. new - newer
9. easy - easier
10. funny – funnier

1. My motorbike isn’t very fast. I’d like a faster motorbike.

2. My husband isn’t very rich. I need a richer husband.
3. Your computer is old now. You need a newer computer.
4. His camera isn’t very good. He needs a better camera.
5. It isn’t very hot today. It was hotter yesterday.
6. I’m not very interested in football. I’m more interested in tennis 

2. 1. Cricket isn’t as popular as football in Spain. 

2. You don’t work as hard as me.
3. Your car isn’t as new as mine.
4. Her watch is not as expensive as his.
5. Our flat isn’t as nice as yours.
6. Casablanca isn’t as cold as Paris.

1. She’s a pretty girl. She’s the prettiest girl in my class.

2. There are many exciting cities in North America, but I think New York is the most exciting.
3. August is a hot month in Spain. It’s usually the hottest month of the year.
4. I was so happy when I got married. My wedding day was the happiest day of my life.
5. It’s such an expensive restaurant. I think it’s the most expensive restaurant in Madrid.
6. It’s a very interesting book. It’s one of the most interesting books I’ve ever read.
Quiz on comparative and superlative forms of adjectives: Quiz on general knowledge: Click on the correct response. Check your
Enter the correct form of the adjective in parentheses. Use the score at end of quiz. Example below.
buttons for feedback. Example below.

    Mount Kilimanjaro

highest     Mount Everest
Example:   What is the mountain in the
world?           (high)     K2

1. What is the river in the world?           (long)     The Mississippi

    The Amazon

check answers     The Nile

    The Saint Lawrence

2. Which is the planet from the sun?             Mercury

check answers

3. Which of the following Canadian provinces is

than the province of Ontario?          (large)
    British Columbia
check answers
    Newfoundland (including Labrador)
4. In Greek mythology what was the feature of     the size of its head
a cyclops?           (prominent)
    its eye
    its nose
check answers
    its ear

5. Which human invention was the first object to travel

    a whip
than the speed of sound?           (fast)
    a rocket
    a cannonball
check answers
    a bullet

6. In which country did the world's nuclear     Sweden

disaster take place in 1986?           (bad)
    Ukraine (Soviet Union)
check answers
    Russia (Soviet Union)

7. On which island did Gauguin paint some of his

works?           (beautiful)
check answers

8. What is the part of a candle's flame?             the center

    the outer edges
    the tip, the highest point of the flame
check answers
    the bottom, next to the wax
9. Which is the second mountain in the     Kilimanjaro
world?           (tall)
check answers

10. What is the thing we know?           (fast)     sound


check answers     a bullet

    a whip

11. Of which creature are there species on this     flies

earth?           (many)
check answers

12. Which planet is to the sun?           (close)     Venus


check answers     Mars


13. Which of the following countries is than     Brazil

Canada?           (large)
check answers
14. What is the college sport in North     football
America?           (dangerous)
    ice hockey
check answers

15. What is the six-word phrase from the first     The force is always with you.
Star Wars movie?           (famous)
    May the force be with you.
    Place your faith in the force.
check answers
    May the force be always with you.

16. What sense suffers the damage when     sight

someone is struck by lightning? That is, it is the last to
recover from the shock.           (great)
check answers     hearing

17. When he was shipwrecked on a desert island, which

animals did Robinson Crusoe find to be the ?
check answers     pigs

18. What are the plants on earth?             trees

check answers
19. North Dakota has a small population in relation to
    Washington State
most other U.S. states. Which of the following states has
even residents?           (few)
check answers     West Virginia

20. What is the planet to see in the night sky?     Jupiter
It is the brightest one.          (easy)

Comparative-Superlative Quiz
1. Which girl is ________? Dana or Karen? 12.Indian cooking has some of ________dishes in the world.
young the hottest      
the youngest hotter             
younger hottest
more  young                                                      
2. Tomer is _________ boy in the class. 13.That is ____________ song this band has.
the most beautiful  
the strongest
stronger   more beautiful
strong                         bautifulest     
the most strong beautiful
3. The China Wall is _____ wall in the world. 14. Cities are ____________ than villages
the longest                              
  more long  busy  
   longer  the busiest  
 long most busy
4. February is ______ than April. 15. Bill Gates is one of  ___________ people in the world.
short                           the rich

the shortest  richer      

shorter rich              
 most short  the richest
5. I am ______ at music than my old sister.  16. Rita is __________ than the other students in class.
good   hardworking 
better the most hardworking  
goodest more hardworking 
the best hardworkinger                                                                                    
6. Ice hockey is __________ sport in Canada. 17.  Garfield is ___________ than Nemo.
popular   the funniest

the most popular     more funny           

more popular        funnier    
populariest funny
7. Amalia is  ___________ girl in the class. 18.  German is __________ than English. 
the cleverest   the most difficult      

 clever       difficulter   
cleverer   difficult  
more clever   more difficult
8. Swimming is ______________ than running. 19. Your new car is _______ than my old car.
exciting          the cheapest 

more exciting   cheaper   

excited         more cheaper   
the most exciting most cheapest
9. Traveling by plane is________ than traveling by ship. 20 .New York is ________  city in USA.
fastest  crowded  
fast the most crowded      
faster           more crowded     
more fastest crowder
10. Jerusalem is  _________ city in Israel. 21. This is  ____________ question in this task.Don't give up!
the biggest     easier 

big         easy             
bigger           the easiest     
biggest   most easy
11. The weather this week is _________ than last week. 22. This book is _______than the movie .I liked it very much. 

 bader    interesting 
  more interesting 
bad             the most interesting      
the worst                   interest

El comparativo y el superlativo de los adjetivos

Pon los adjetivos entre paréntesis en la forma adecuada de comparativo o superlativo.
James: I'm going skiing next week.
Tina: I'd love to have a holiday in November, but my children are at school now, so it's (convenient) for them to go during the school
holidays.I know it's probably (bad) time to go on holiday, because everybody else is going too and the hotel prices are
(expensive) than now.
James: I know, but the Christmas holiday is also (lively) time for the skiing resorts. If you want to make a lot of friends, it's (good)
to go in December than in November.
Tina: My favourite time for going on holiday is September. The weather is (dry) than in October and everything is (cheap) and
(quiet) than in August, especially if you want to go to the beach. I think September is (beautiful) time of the year.
James: I agree with you. It's definitely (sensible) to go on holiday when everybody else is working!

Transformaciones con el comparativo de los adjetivos

Reescribe las frases utilizando el comparativo del adjetivo entre paréntesis.
1. John is 30. Mike is 20.
(old) John .
2. A city is noisy. A village is quiet.
(noisy) A city .
3. Jogging is boring. Swimming is fun.
(boring) Jogging .
4. Mary lives 20 minutes away from the centre. Jane lives 5 minutes away from the centre.
(far) Mary .
5. A bike costs 200 euros. A motorbike costs 20000 euros.
(expensive) A motorbike .
6. In summer it's 30 degrees above zero. In winter it's 10 degrees below zero.
(hot) In summer .
7. Paul is good at Maths. Larry is not so good at Maths.
(good) Paul .
8. Harriet is bad at drawing. Diana is not so bad at drawing.
(bad) Harriet .

El comparativo y el superlativo de los adjetivos en contexto

Escoge el adjetivo que mejor complete las siguientes frases. Ponlo en la forma de comparativo o superlativo según el contexto: big, comfortable,
expensive, fast, friendly, funny, heavy, interesting, long, narrow.
1. A sofa is than a chair.
2. Travelling by plane is than travelling by train.
3. The Volga is river in Europe.
4. This is novel I have ever read.
5. The circus is than the cinema.
6. Lead is than aluminium.
7. Dogs are than cats.
8. The Ritz is one of hotels in the world.
9. A Jeep is than a Mini.
10. A path is than a road.

1. Laura is ..... in our class.

1.   taller
2.   the tallest
2. Reading a book is ..... than playing computer games.
1.   more interesting
2.   the most interesting
3. Jerry is ..... than Tom.
1.   fitter
2.   more fit
4. This is ..... film I have ever seen.
1.   better
2.   the best
5. Your flat is ..... than mine.
1.   biger
2.   bigger
6. This is ..... restaurant in the town.
1.   worse
2.   the worst
7. The test was not as ..... as I expected.
1.   easier
2.   easy
8. Jane is less ..... than her parents.
1.   richer
2.   rich
9. A pub is ..... than a café.
1.   noisier
2.   more noisy
10. This is ..... present I have ever received.
1.   the most lovely
2.   the loveliest

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