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CIRCLE THE CORRECT WORD 1 -Micacia€oay nave lost ner bag 2-Have you) valec your room? 3-Paul nave / ritton you a text message. ' Ar hey fren «Grea gone to that café yet. 8-ty tomer nas. uy (Quan tanto. ‘ 6 My sister have (hap pratened a tot of TV. 7 a nav anon Gap now me payer to my beter. 8- Has ne ever (a9) used 2 DVO player? 10 Has you ever walked in the snow ? COMPLETE THE SENTENCES WITH A VERB FROM.THE BOX ufo & ae T oa ae re Tiles 7 sadn D - It's my frieng’s birthday and | haven’t foigtners her a present. 2- They are having a party tomorrow. They've toyed 2 lot of friends. 3-1's only eight o'clock and Nick has already PYE2Y\_to bed. 4-Has your uncle ever Lisle to Austratia? 5 -Wno's that man? I've never_“S@2M_him before. 6-she nas _Ooter 7 - My teacher has never “Tronetted by air. 8- How many times has Argentina SSO) _ tne world cup? 9 - My father has WAM nis car since May. 20-rve KOU nim for a ong time. in many places. Escaneado con CamScanner

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