International Human Resource Management: 30 November

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The case study we have been given talks about a company which has to open a hotel abroad and
the company has no knowledge of the same. It has no experience in the same field. It has
acquired a organization which did not seem in a very good position. We have to discuss the
following questions in the light of the various international human resource management

Question: 1. Based on the information you have to date, what do you think the key priorities
should be?
The common law says that hotel is a place where all who conduct, themselves properly and who
being able and ready to pay for their entertainment, accommodation and other services including
the boarding like a temporary home. It is home away from home where all the modern amenities
and facilities are available on a payment basis. Therefore the concept of total quality
management is found getting an important place in the marketing management of hotels. Along
with that the recruitment and training programmes are also a priority which needs to be to be
developed in the face of technological sophistication. So it is in the hospitality industry, before a
manager can direct and shape employee’s individual contributions into an efficient whole, he or
she must first turn employees into competent workers who know how to do their jobs
The key priorities should be as follow:
1. As most of the existing mangers are eager to work abroad hence the first crucial
decision is to decide whom to go?
2. Another important task is to provide basic training about local language as it would
make the positive impact on local staff of that country.
3. Branding: the hotel needs good branding techniques as it operational within four
weeks; hence the branding is a matter of big concern in key priorities. They have to re
launch the hotel and this is a matter of major concern.
4. Recruitment : the organization has to recruit a large force for the new hotel as more
than 7-0 percent of the staff from the earlier organization left. They have to hire
the appropriate employees to suit the job requirements. The organization can make
use of various personality and psychological tests to obtain the suitable candidates.
5. Creating flexibility: We should also keep in mind the inter-culture competence, the
individuals’ personality, attitude to foreigners, and ability to relate with the culture
group. The employees should be flexible enough to adapt to the foreign culture. They
should have the family that is not reluctant to migrate and supports settling abroad as
well if required. The employee should be suitable to the cross cultural operations.

Question: 2. what would you advice to the hotel group? In context of whom to hire i.e. HCN or
Answer: the organization have a crucial dilemma regarding whom to hire, the available options
such as HCN to hire or PCN to hire.

Parent-Country Nationals

Parent country nationals are residents of home country.


􀁺 Better organizational Control and Coordination

􀁺 Promising managers are given International experience.

􀁺 PCNs are the best people for the job.


􀁺 Adaptation to the host country may take a long time

􀁺 PCNs may impose an inappropriate headquarter style

􀁺 Compensation for PCNs and HCNs may differ

Host-Country Nationals

Host country national are residents of the host country.


􀁺 Language and other barriers are eliminated

􀁺 Hiring costs are reduced

􀁺 No work permit is required

􀁺 Continuity of management improved


􀁺 Control and Coordination of headquarters may be impeded.

􀁺 Hiring HCN’s limits opportunities for PCN’s to gain overseas experience.

Since France has an entirely different culture it is essential to hire HCN for the hotel industry so
that the language barriers can be eliminated. Guests can feel at home and no cross cultural
blunders could happen at the employee-guest interaction level. But at key positions PCN should
be hired for ease of coordination with the parent organization and infusing the parent DNA in the
chain of French Hotels.

Question: 3. Write a recruitment advertisement for the new positions which can be sent to
existing managers by e-mail. Your advertisement should include, at a minimum, the following
 Main responsibilities of the new job.
 The skills you are looking for in the position.
A hotel manager is responsible for the day-to-day management of a hotel and its staff. They have
commercial accountability for budgeting and financial management, planning, organising and
directing all hotel services, including front-of-house (reception, concierge, reservations), food
and beverage operations and housekeeping. In larger hotels, managers often have a specific remit
(guest services, accounting, and marketing) and make up a general management team. While
taking a strategic overview and planning ahead to maximize profits, the manager must also pay
attention to the details, setting the example for staff to deliver a standard of service and
presentation that meets guests' needs and expectations. Business and people management are
equally important elements. The following are the qualities that the manager should poses. He
should know how to:

 plan and organise accommodation, catering and other hotel services; promote and market
the business;
 manage budgets and financial plans as well as control expenditure;
 maintain statistical and financial records;
 set and achieve sales and profit targets;
 analyse sales figures and devise marketing and revenue management strategies
 recruit, train and monitor staff;
 plan work schedules for individuals and teams;
 meet and greet customers;
 deal with customer complaints and comments;
 address problems and troubleshooting;
 ensure events and conferences run smoothly;
 supervise maintenance, supplies, renovations and furnishings;
 deal with contractors and suppliers;
 ensure security is effective;
 carry out inspections of property and service
 Ensure compliance with licensing laws, health and safety and other statutory regulations.
 Here the manager should also be flexible because we are discussing the hr in international
 He should have no issues in migrating
 He should have the ability to adjust to foreign culture.
 He should agree to the length of assignment.

Question: 4. Design a compensation package for the hotel management position. Explain the
rationale for your design. You may also include non-financial benefits.
Answer: Existing salary for managers is £30,000 (45,000 Euros) plus bonuses.
Surveys show that the average salary for hotel managers in France is 60,000 Euros with no
opportunity to earn bonuses.

Question: 5. please design a selection process for the candidates. There is no budget limit for the
development of the process; the senior management team knows that it is important to get the
right person for the job. However, because the new hotels must be up and running quickly, they
ask you to design a selection process which will take a maximum of two days. You must be able
to justify why each method is appropriate.
Selection Process for Managerial Positions

Selection Process for House Keeping Department

Selection Process for Chefs
Question: 6. Devise a training program that would be suitable for the managers working in
Effective training is basic ingredient of success in the hotel industry. One of the main problems
in hotel industry is that investment in training and development of employees is a reactive
process for many companies. Frequently, training and development arises as the result of
significant change in the operational environment or as a consequent of crisis such as staff
turnover or major departmental problems. Training is then used to cope with the immediate
difficulty. This process may be proved costly to hotel. So the job of an HR Manager is to reduce
this cost as much as possible.
Training within a hotel provides the best opportunity to influence the attitude and performance of
employees. The training programmes includes imparting information about necessary things
such as introduction, fire, food hygiene, control of substances hazardous to health, manual
handling first-aid, technical skills, product knowledge, and customer service.
The training should include both On-the-job as well as Off-the-job.
The employees are the hotel’s assets. This intensive management training programme prepares
young people as thorough professionals.
The training program should be designed to train the trainees to the level of “Supervisor” in any
of their operational departments.“Learning comes by doing”, based on this principle the on-the-
job training is build in as very important component of this entire program.
The training program should follow a systematic process including induction, theory classes, on-
the-job training, evaluation, appraisals and assessments.
The management-training program should be comparable to an MBA in hospitality that moulds
young budding hotel professionals into future business managers. A typical career path could
include joining as a Management Trainee and attaining the position of a general.
Manager of a hotel by lateral movements through various functions such as Human Resource,
Sales, Food & Beverage and Front Office. An 18-month intensive management training
programme that prepares for profit centre management in the Hotel.

• First 12 months, the Management trainee focuses on practical (On-the- Job training) and
theoretical exposure to the fundamentals in hoteliering.
• Next 6 months, the management trainee receives inputs that combine elements of management
including Management Development, Architectural Appreciation, Human Resources, Materials
Management and Accommodation
6 months training as a Shadow Manager (mentorship by a senior Manager).
The program provides educational exposure and development commensurate with an MBA in
hospitality. The management trainees are also expected to complete live projects during their
training period.

For Housekeeping Department is a one year intensive housekeeping training programme, which
prepares trainee for a career in housekeeping and accommodation in the Hotel.
During the first 6 months of the programme, the management trainees undergo technical training
in classroom accompanied by on-the job exposure. Inputs include interiors, finance, human
resources, architectural design, fabric and styling. The next 6 months include on-the-job training
in a hotel as an understudy to a mentoring executive housekeeper.
This is an exclusive “Earn while you Learn” opportunity, offering attractive Stipends to
programme participants.
•Stipend + benefits
•Subsidized accommodation during the training period.

Question: 7. the management team asks you to conduct Internet-based research to find out what
expatriate support services are available in France. You should create a list of the services that
are available and provide details of at least one organization which could provide the services.
These services should then be listed in order of priority for the expatriates.
Answer: ISA expat support services are an English speaking expat support organization.
This organization helps us in France in every possible manner and the services are free of cost.
They help us out in the problems of all sorts be it Administration formalities and all the other
 All registration : Social security, cars, school, sports, general taxes, telephone, internet
 Healthcare, doctors, hospitals
 Translation / Interpretation of your French mail
 Liaison with architects, solicitors, builders, banks, insurance .
 Planning applications, project management and overseeing
 They also help us in house purchase/sale/renting.
 They also help us to eliminate the language barriers by providing French lessons /
conversations – and also provide us with the French Cooking Lesson .
They also have a helpline, a monthly subscription to help with all the other worries: to help us to
take appointments with doctors and solutions to most of the emergency situations.

1. whom to hire in hotel industry ; human resource





6. the international human resource management 4th edition by Peter j.dowling and denice
e.welch the international human resource management 4th edition

7. the international human resource management and the contemporary issues in Europe by
Chris Brewster and Hillary harris and routeldge

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