FACTS Controllers Kalyan K Sen

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1, JANUARY 2003

Comparison of Field Results and Digital Simulation

Results of Voltage-Sourced Converter-Based
FACTS Controllers
Kalyan K. Sen, Senior Member, IEEE, and Albert J. F. Keri, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—This paper compares the field results of

Voltage-Sourced Converter (VSC)-based Flexible Alternating
Current Transmission Systems (FACTS) Controllers, such as
STATic synchronous COMpensator (STATCOM), Static Syn-
chronous Series Compensator (SSSC), and Unified Power Flow
Controller (UPFC) with that obtained from the computer models
of the FACTS controllers using an Electro-Magnetic Transients
Program (EMTP) simulation package. The operational results of Fig. 1. Unified Power Flow Controller in a simplified network.
the actual equipment include the control of the line voltage and
the control of the real and reactive power flow in the line. The
correlation of the results establishes the validity of the models. SSSC with the line flows bidirectionally to the line through
The protection scheme of the FACTS controllers during faults and the STATCOM and the common dc link capacitor. In addition,
contingencies is also described. The simulation results can be used the STATCOM carries a reactive current to regulate the bus
to accurately predict the behavior of an actual controller.
voltage independently. The concept of a shared dc link between
Index Terms—Converters, FACTS, load flow control, power elec- a shunt-connected VSC and a series-connected VSC was first
tronics, power system transients, power transmission, power trans- introduced in the Active Power Line Conditioner (APLC) [1],
mission control, UPFC.
[2] for distribution power level applications. The same concept
was implemented in the UPFC [3]–[5] for transmission power
I. INTRODUCTION level applications.
The objective in this paper is to demonstrate that the simula-
F LEXIBLE Alternating Current Transmission Systems
(FACTS) controllers, namely STATic synchronous COM-
pensator (STATCOM), Static Synchronous Series Compensator
tion results of a VSC-based FACTS controller can be used to ac-
curately predict the behavior of the controller in the field. This
demonstration is substantiated with the comparison of results
(SSSC), and Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC), are used
from the computer simulation and actual field measurements.
to control the bus voltage and/or the power flow through
The operation of the model is verified with the model connected
an electrical transmission line. The UPFC consists of two
to a simple 2-bus network. Although the simulation and field re-
solid-state Voltage-Sourced Converters (VSCs), which are
sults correlate qualitatively, a proper representation of field data
connected through a common dc link capacitor. Each converter
requires, in general, the simulation of 100 or more buses, which
has a coupling transformer with the utility interface. The VSC1,
is out of the scope of this paper.
known as STATCOM, injects an almost sinusoidal current, of
variable magnitude and in quadrature with the line voltage, at
the point of connection. The VSC2, known as SSSC, injects II. DESCRIPTION OF THE MODEL
an almost sinusoidal voltage, of variable magnitude and in A power system network has been set up for simulation in
quadrature with the line current, in series with the transmission conjunction with the VSC-based FACTS controllers. The net-
line. When the STATCOM and the SSSC operate as stand-alone work is a simplified 2-bus model as shown in Fig. 1. The net-
controllers with open dc link switch, they exchange almost work consists of an equivalent source voltage, , and a source
exclusively reactive power at their terminals. When both VSCs reactance, , at the Inez substation bus, INEZ, an equivalent
are operating together as a UPFC with closed dc link switch, source voltage, , at the Big Sandy bus, and a line reactance,
the injected voltage in series with the transmission line can , between Big Sandy and the bus, BUS05. This model is
be at any angle with respect to the line current; therefore, used to verify the response of the controller following a step
the exchanged power at the terminals of the SSSC can be change in the reference of the control inputs.
reactive as well as real. The real power exchanged by the The description of the FACTS controller models [6]–[8], in
EMTP and the application of the models in the AEP network
Manuscript received February 13, 2002. are given below. The objective for this model is to characterize
K. K. Sen is with the Westinghouse Electro-Mechanical Division Technology the behavior of the UPFC as viewed from the network terminals,
Center, Mount Pleasant, PA 15666 USA (e-mail: kalyan.sen@wxemd.com). especially the dynamic behavior during disturbances and faults
A. J. F. Keri is with American Electric Power, Gahanna, OH 43230 USA
(e-mail: ajkeri@aep.com). on the power system. The model provides the implementation of
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPWRD.2002.804012 the automatic power flow controller using the series-connected
0885-8977/03$17.00 © 2003 IEEE

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Fig. 3. Modeling structure of a FACTS controller.

Fig. 2. Unified Power Flow Controller. threshold is exceeded. The model does represent the behavior of
the FACTS controller in the presence of negative sequence and
VSC2 and bus voltage control using the shunt-connected VSC1, harmonic line voltages and currents.
including protective limits on series voltage injection, and over- In the model, the bypass of VSC2 is a representative of an
current and overvoltage limits for both VSCs. electronic bypass on the secondary side using the VSC2 valves.
The UPFC model in EMTP is shown in Fig. 2. The The behavior of the UPFC during disturbances is in large part
model consists of two multi pulse harmonically neutralized determined by a number of threshold levels and delay times.
voltage-sourced converters, VSC1 and VSC2, two magnetic cir- These numbers determine the current and voltage thresholds and
cuits, MC1 and MC2, shunt coupling transformer, XFSHN, and timing delays associated with protective action and they are set
series coupling transformer, XFSRS, shunt breaker, SHNBRK, in the first instance to values that seem reasonable for the ac-
series breaker, SRSBRK, dc Link Switch, DCLS, bypass breaker, tual equipment. This model is well suited for system transients
BYPBRK, line breaker, LBR, current and voltage sensors, and a studies.
control and protection unit. Fig. 3 shows the modeling structure of a FACTS controller.
The model is a virtual representation of the actual UPFC at The inputs from the voltage and current measuring units, the
its terminals. Two idealized twenty four-pulse three-level VSCs, breaker status and the operator—voltage reference, voltage
each of which is rated at 160 MVA, are connected at their slope (also known as droop) and the real and the reactive power
dc link capacitor terminals. The control unit implements basic references are fed to the control & protection unit. The output
control and protection schemes. The gating signals for the pole of the control & protection unit is a set of low voltage optical
valves are generated “on the fly.” The ideal pole voltages are signals. These optical signals are fed to the Valve Interface
mathematically combined to produce two three-phase harmoni- Circuit, which converts them into electrical gating signals that
cally neutralized converter voltage sets, and . The VSC1 is turn ON and OFF the semiconductor switches of the high
operated at a fixed “dead angle” to produce a forty eight-pulse power VSC, which is connected to the power system network
voltage source and the VSC2 is operated as a twenty four-pulse through its coupling transformer. The output of the control &
variable magnitude voltage source. The coupling transformers protection block is also another set of low voltage electrical
include a lumped leakage reactance that is an equivalent of all signals that operate the interposing relays, which operate the
the leakage reactances of the intermediate magnetic circuits and high power breakers and disconnect switches that connect the
the main transformers. The lumped leakage reactance is 15% of FACTS controller with the power system network.
the converter rating and divided equally on both primary and Fig. 4 shows the control block diagram of the UPFC, which
secondary sides. The dc link capacitor is modeled by a single can be divided into two parts: the control of the VSC1 as a shunt
lumped capacitor (14.1 F, 190 kV) sized in accordance with compensator and the control of the VSC2 as a series compen-
other model parameters, including the transformer leakage reac- sator. An instantaneous 3-phase set of transmission line volt-
tance, to preserve the same dynamics in the model as in the real ages, , at BUS 1 is used to calculate the reference angle, ,
system. The voltage, , across the dc link capacitor is main- which is phase-locked to the phase of the bus voltage, .
tained by the instantaneous power balance equation at both AC An instantaneous 3-phase set of measured VSC1 currents, , is
and dc sides of the two converters. Special effort has been made decomposed into its real or direct component, , and reactive
to model the rectifier action that charges the dc link capacitor to or quadrature component, , respectively. An instantaneous
the peak of the AC bus voltage when the VSC1 gating is inhib- 3-phase set of measured line currents, , is decomposed into its
ited. At that moment, the ideal VSC is replaced by a six-pulse real or direct component, , and reactive or quadrature compo-
rectifier bridge circuit with appropriate snubber circuits. The dc nent, , respectively. An instantaneous 3-phase set of measured
link capacitor overcharges until the VSC1 gating begins, which line voltages, , at BUS 1 is decomposed into its direct com-
discharges the dc link capacitor to the normal level. The voltage ponent, , and quadrature component, , respectively. The
variation across the dc link capacitor is correctly represented and magnitude of the BUS 1 voltage, , is calculated.
also represented is the operation of the voltage clamp that dis- The control for the VSC1 works in such a way that the desired
charges the dc link capacitor partially when certain overvoltage bus voltage magnitude reference, , (adjusted by the droop

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Fig. 4. Control block diagram of a Unified Power Flow Controller.

Fig. 5. Protection scheme of a Unified Power Flow Controller.
factor, ) is compared with the BUS 1 voltage magni-
tude, , using an outer voltage control loop and the error
tude of the voltage, , exceeds the rated voltage of the VSC
is passed through an error amplifier, which produces the ref-
then is limited to 1 pu and the real and reactive power flow
erence quadrature component, of the VSC1 current. The
are regulated to an intermediate value. The controllable range of
droop factor, , is defined as the allowable voltage error
the real and reactive power flow can easily be determined with
at the rated reactive current flow through the VSC1. The refer-
the open loop voltage injection by injecting the rated within
ence quadrature component, , is compared with the measured
its entire 360 range. This is called “Voltage Injection” mode of
quadrature component, , of the VSC1 current using an inner
operation. In this case, there is no need for the use of the auto-
reactive current control loop and the error is passed through an
matic power flow control algorithm.
error amplifier, which produces a relative angle, , of the VSC1
The general protection scheme of a UPFC is shown in Fig. 5.
voltage with respect to the BUS 1 voltage. The phase angle, ,
When the VSCs are operated as stand-alone compensators, the
of the VSC1 voltage is calculated by adding the relative angle,
basic protection scheme is as follows. The VSC1 stops gating
, of the VSC1 voltage and the phase-locked-loop angle, .
when the instantaneous overcurrent through it exceeds a set
This is called “Voltage Control” mode of operation. The dc link
value or the bus voltage drops below a set value. The VSC2
capacitor voltage, , is dynamically adjusted in relationship
goes into an electronic bypass mode when the instantaneous
with the VSC1’s AC terminal voltage. Note that for a particular
overcurrent through it exceeds a set value. When both VSCs
bus voltage magnitude demand, , if the reference quadrature
are operated together as a UPFC, the VSC2 is bypassed when
component, , exceeds the rated current of the VSC then
the VSC1 stops gating for the following reason. Since the real
is limited to 1 pu and the bus voltage is regulated to an inter-
power exchanged by the VSC2 with the line flows bidirection-
mediate value. The controllable range of the bus voltage can
ally through the dc link capacitor and the VSC1, VSC2 must be
easily be determined by operating the VSC1 with the inner re-
bypassed when the VSC1 is stopped. The dc link capacitor is
active current control loop and varying from 1 pu to 1 pu.
prevented from being excessively charged by switching on a re-
The reference quadrature component, , of the converter cur-
sistive clamp circuit when the dc voltage rises above a set value
rent is defined to be either positive if the VSC1 is emulating
and by switching off when the dc voltage falls below a set value.
an inductive reactance or negative if it is emulating a capacitive
reactance. This is called “Reactive Current Control” mode of
operation. In this case, there is no need for the use of the outer III. RESULTS
voltage control loop. For the comparison of simulation and field results, step
The control for the VSC2 works in such a way that the de- changes in the reference of the control inputs and the sub-
sired real and reactive power, and , are compared with sequent response have been used. The natural real and the
the measured real and reactive power, and , using an au- reactive power flow on the Big Sandy to Inez line (represented
tomatic power flow control algorithm and the errors are passed with a reactance ) at the bus, BUS05, flowing toward the
through an error amplifier, which produces, with respect to the UPFC are 312 MW and 68 Mvar, respectively. The voltage at
bus voltage, the direct and the quadrature components of the se- the Inez bus, INEZ, is 0.97 pu.
ries injection voltage, and , respectively. Next, the mag- Fig. 6 shows the changes in (a) Inez bus voltage, (b) line real
nitude of the voltage, , at the output of the VSC2 and its rel- and reactive power, and (c) shunt converter reactive power due
ative angle, , with respect to the reference phase-locked-loop to the operation of the 160 MVA, 138 kV rated STATCOM
angle are calculated. The phase angle, , of the VSC2 voltage only while the SSSC is injecting no voltage in series with the
is calculated by adding the relative angle, , of the VSC2 voltage line. The STATCOM is operated in “Reactive Current Control”
and the phase-locked-loop angle, . This is called “Automatic mode with a step reference of 1 pu capacitive at 50 ms, 1 pu
Power Flow Control” mode of operation. Note that for a partic- inductive at 175 ms, and zero reactive current at 300 ms. The
ular real and reactive power, and , demand, if the magni- voltage at the Inez substation bus can be varied between 0.91 pu

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and 1.02 pu. The real and the reactive power flow on the Big
Sandy to Inez line at the Inez substation bus can be varied from
293 MW to 325 MW and 0 to 132 Mvar, respectively. When the
STATCOM is operated at 1 pu capacitive current control mode,
it delivers 163 Mvar reactive power to the Inez bus. When the
STATCOM is operated at 1 pu inductive current control mode,
it absorbs 145 Mvar reactive power from the Inez bus. Fig. 6(d)
shows the corresponding test results. These test results verify
the computer simulation results on a qualitative basis.
Fig. 7 shows the changes in (a) Inez bus voltage, (b) line real
and reactive power, and (c) shunt converter reactive power due
to the operation of the 160 MVA, 138 kV rated STATCOM
and the 160 MVA, 13.33 kV rated SSSC as a UPFC. The
STATCOM is operated in “Voltage Control” mode to hold the
Inez bus voltage at 1 pu level at 50 ms. The real and the reactive
power flow on the Big Sandy to Inez line at the bus, BUS05,
change from 312 MW to 316 MW and from 68 Mvar to 101
Mvar, respectively. At 200 ms, the reactive power flow in the
line is brought to zero. While holding unity power factor load on
the line and bus voltage at 1 pu level, the real power flow in the
line was varied between 266 and 366 MW. The STATCOM ex-
changes an appropriate amount of reactive power with the line
to hold the bus voltage at 1 pu level. Fig. 7(d) shows the cor-
responding test results. These test results verify the simulation
results on a qualitative basis.
Fig. 8 shows the changes in (a) Inez bus voltage, (b) line real
and reactive power, and (c) shunt converter reactive power due
to the operation of the 160 MVA, 138 kV rated STATCOM
and the 160 MVA, 13.33 kV rated SSSC as a UPFC. The
STATCOM is operated in “Voltage Control” mode to hold the
Inez bus voltage at 1 pu level at 50 ms. The real and the reactive
power flow on the Big Sandy to Inez line at the bus, BUS05,
change from 312 MW to 316 MW and 68 Mvar to 101 Mvar,
respectively. While holding the reactive power flow in the line
(c) at 101 Mvar and bus voltage at 1 pu level, the real power flow
in the line is varied between 266 and 366 MW. The STATCOM
exchanges appropriate amount of reactive power with the line
to hold the bus voltage at 1 pu level. Fig. 8(d) shows the cor-
responding test results. These test results verify the simulation
results on a qualitative basis.
Fig. 9 shows the changes in (a) Inez bus voltage, (b) line real
and reactive power, and (c) shunt converter reactive power due
to the operation of the 160 MVA, 138 kV rated STATCOM
and the 160 MVA, 13.33 kV rated SSSC as a UPFC. The
STATCOM is operated in “Voltage Control” mode to hold the
Inez bus voltage at 1 pu level at 50 ms. The real and the reactive
power flow on the Big Sandy to Inez line at the bus, BUS05,
change from 312 MW to 316 MW and 68 Mvar to 101 Mvar,
respectively. While holding the real power flow in the line at
316 MW and bus voltage at 1 pu level, the reactive power flow
in the line is varied between 51 and 151 Mvar. The STATCOM
exchanges appropriate amount of reactive power with the line
to hold the bus voltage at 1 pu level. Fig. 9(d) shows the cor-
responding test results. These test results verify the simulation
Fig. 6. (a), (b), and (c) STATCOM simulation results—controlling voltage results on a qualitative basis.
at Inez bus—(series converter not operating). (a) Inez bus voltage, (b) line
real power and line reactive power, (c) shunt converter reactive power and
Fig. 10 shows the changes in (a) Inez bus voltage and (b) line
(d) STATCOM test results—controlling voltage at Inez bus—(series converter real and reactive power due to the operation of the 160 MVA,
not operating). 13.33 kV rated SSSC. The SSSC is operated in “Reactance

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Fig. 8. (a), (b), and (c) UPFC simulation results—controlling real power on
Big Sandy—Inez line. (a) Inez bus voltage, (b) line real power and line reactive
(d) power, (c) shunt converter reactive power and (d) UPFC test results—controlling
real power on Big Sandy—Inez line.
Fig. 7. (a), (b), and (c) UPFC simulation results—holding unity power
factor while changing line power. (a) Inez bus voltage, (b) line real power
and line reactive power, (c) shunt converter reactive power, and (d) UPFC test
results—holding unity power factor while changing line power. lagging the line current so that a capacitive reactance is emulated
in series with the line. The real and the reactive power flow on
Control” mode [7]. First, a 0.5 pu voltage at 50 ms and an ad- the Big Sandy to Inez line increase. At 300 ms, a 0.5 pu voltage
ditional 0.5 pu voltage at 175 ms are injected in quadrature and is injected in quadrature and leading the line current so that an

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(c) (c)
Fig. 10. (a) and (b) SSSC simulation results—changing line real and reactive
power—(shunt converter not operating). (a) Inez bus voltage (unregulated),
(b) line real power and line reactive power, and (c) SSSC test results—changing
line real and reactive power—(shunt converter not operating).

STATCOM is not operating, the bus voltage is not regulated.

Fig. 10(c) shows the test results corresponding to a capacitive
reactance emulation. These test results verify the simulation re-
sults on a qualitative basis.

FACTS controllers—STATCOM, SSSC, and UPFC, have
been modeled using an EMTP simulation package. The UPFC
consists of two voltage-sourced converters—one injects an
almost sinusoidal current at the point of connection and the
other injects an almost sinusoidal voltage in series with the
transmission line. In the UPFC operation, the dc link switch
is closed. The injected voltage in series with the line can be at
any angle with the prevailing line current, thereby emulating
an impedance in series with the line. The shunt-connected
Fig. 9. (a), (b), and (c) UPFC simulation results—controlling reactive current source has two components. First, the real component,
power on Big Sandy—Inez line. (a) Inez bus voltage, (b) line real power and
line reactive power, (c) shunt converter reactive power and (d) UPFC test which is in phase with the bus voltage, carries real power that is
results—controlling reactive power on Big Sandy—Inez line. exchanged by the series-connected voltage source and losses in
the UPFC. Second, the reactive component, which is in quadra-
inductive reactance is emulated in series with the line. The real ture with the bus voltage, emulates an inductive reactance or
and the reactive power flow on the line decrease. Since, the a capacitive reactance at the point of connection. When the

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STATCOM and the SSSC are independently operated, the dc Kalyan K. Sen (S’83–M’87–SM’01) was born in
link switch is open. A STATCOM regulates the bus voltage Bankura, WB, India. He received the B.E.E. degree
(with first-class honors), the M.S.E.E. degree, and
and, in turn, regulates the reactive current flow through it. An the Ph.D. degree from Jadavpur University, Calcutta,
SSSC injects a voltage in series with the transmission line and WB, India, Tuskegee University, Tuskegee, AL, and
in quadrature with the line current. The operation of the model Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA, all
in electrical engineering, in 1982, 1983, and 1987,
is verified with the model connected to a simple 2-bus network. respectively.
Although the simulation and field results correlate qualitatively, He is currently a Fellow Engineer with the
a proper representation of field data requires, in general, the Westinghouse Electro-Mechanical Division Tech-
nology Center, Mount Pleasant, PA. He spent three
simulation of many more buses than the 2-bus network. years as an Assistant Professor at Prairie View A&M University, Prairie
View, TX, before joining Westinghouse Electric Corporation’s Science and
Technology Center, as a Senior Engineer, where he was a member of the
FACTS development team for nine years. From 1999 to 2001, he worked at
ABB Power Systems, Västerås, Sweden, and at the Corporate Research Center,
Västerås, Sweden. He is the coinventor of the “Sen” Transformer for FACTS
applications. He is also the cofounder of SEN Engineering Solutions, where he
pursues his interests in affordable power flow controllers. His interests are in
power converters, electrical machines, control, and power system simulations
REFERENCES and studies.
Dr. Sen is an editor of the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER DELIVERY and an
IEEE Distinguished Lecturer from the Power Engineering Society.
[1] E. J. Stacey and M. B. Brennen, “Active Power Conditioner System,”
U.S. Patent 4 651 265, 1987.
[2] M. B. Brennen, “Low cost, high performance active power line condi- Albert J. F. Keri (SM’80) received the Ph.D. degree
tioners,” in Third Int. Conf. Power Quality: End-Use Applicat. Perspec- in electrical engineering from University of Missouri,
tives, EPRI, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Oct. 24–27, 1994. Columbia, in 1972, and the M.B.A. degree from Ohio
[3] L. Gyugyi, “A unified power flow control concept for flexible ac trans- University, Athens, in 1985.
mission systems,” Proc. Inst. Elect. Eng. C, vol. 139, no. 4, July 1992. He joined American Electric Power, Gahanna,
[4] N. G. Hingorani and L. Gyugyi, Understanding FACTS—Concept and OH, in 1972 and was involved with protection
Technology of Flexible AC Transmission Systems. New York: IEEE and relaying for the first two years. He transferred
Press, 2000. to the Research Section in 1974 where he has
[5] B. A. Renz et al., “AEP unified power flow controller performance,” been involved with EMTP, insulation coordination
IEEE Trans. Power Delivery, vol. 14, pp. 1374–1381, Oct. 1999. studies, system harmonics investigation, field tests,
[6] K. K. Sen, “STATCOM—STATic synchronous COMpensator: Theory, single-phase switching techniques, loss reduction
modeling, and applications,” in Proc. IEEE Power Eng. Soc. Winter techniques, and equipment failure analysis. In 1999, he transferred to System
Meeting, 1999, pp. 1177–1183. Dynamics Analysis where he has been also involved with planning and stability
[7] , “SSSC—static synchronous series compensator: Theory, mod- calculations. He has taught for 14 years a variety of graduate and undergraduate
eling, and applications,” IEEE Trans. Power Delivery, vol. 13, pp. courses on a part-time basis. He has been a Consultant to power companies in
241–246, Jan. 1998. the U.S., Venezuela, Korea, Brazil, etc. He has authored or co-authored many
[8] K. K. Sen and E. J. Stacey, “UPFC—Unified power flow controller: technical papers and patents.
Theory, modeling, and applications,” IEEE Trans. Power Delivery, vol. Dr. Keri holds a P. E. License and is the chairman of the IEEE General Sys-
13, pp. 1453–1460, Oct. 1998. tems Subcommittee.

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