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nly Proto R COTA GREEN WORLD HEALTH CARE PRODUCTS NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENT Premera eta) GREEN WoRLD Green World Health Care Product Preface Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine Green World Health Philosophy Green World Product Concept Nutritional Supplement B- Carotene & Lycopene Capsule Calcium Calcium Capsule Calcium Tablet for Adults Calcium Tablet for Children Figh-caicium Gummies for Children Meal Cellulose Tablet Vitamins Mult-Vitamine Tablet for Adults Mult-Vitamins Tablet for Children Protein Powder Se Tablet Vitamin © Tablet Vitamin E Softgel Zine Zine Tablet for Adults Zinc Tablet for Children Functional Supplement Aloe Vera Plus Capsule ‘A-Power Capsule Balsam Pear Tablet Cardio Power Capsule Chitosan Capsule Compound Marrow Powder Cordyceps Plus Capsule Deep Sea Fish Oil Softge! Detoxin Ped Digestant Tablet Enzymes. Ganoderma Coffee Ganoderma Plus Capsule Garlic Oil Softge! Ginkgo Biloba Capsule Ginseng RHs Capsule Glucoblock Capsule Grape Seed Extract Plus Capsule (OPC) Ishine Capsule Joint Health Plus Capsule (AnthroPower Capsule) Kidney Tonifying Capsule (Men) Kidney Tonifying Capsule (Women) Lecithin Capsule Livergen Capsule Malapower Capsule Parashield Capsule Pine Pollen Tablet (Chewable Tablet) Probiotics Powder Propolis Propolis Capsule Royal Jelly Capsule ProstaSure Capsule Slimming Capsule Soy Power Capsule Spirulina Spirulina Plus Capsule Spirulina Tablet Super Co-Q10 Capsule Vigpower Capsule Tea Series Balsam Pear Tea Bitter Buckwheat Tea Clear Lung Tea Energy Tea Intestine Cleansing Tea Kuding Plus Tea Lipid Care Tea Mass-Dispersing Tea (Breast Care Tea) Pine Pollen Tea Pro-Slim Tea Blueberry Series introduction to Blue Nutrtions Green World Blueberry Organic Growth Base Blueberry Anti-aging Capsule Bluaberry Eye Care Soflgel 1 Blueberry Tea Blueberry Cottee Blueberry Super Nutrion (Powder Form) Blueberry Juice High Vc (Powder Form) Bluaberry Concentrate Blueberry Candy Blueberry Dietary Fiber Green World Jam oe La SMILIFE Products a Skin Care & Personal Care Series Blueberry Facial Cleanser Blueberry Keratin Remove Cream Blueberry Toner Blueberry Essence Tourmaline Series Blueberry Day Cream Blueberry Night Cream Blueberry Eye Cream Blueberry Hand Cream 41. Tourmaline Protective Outfit 3. Tourmaline Accessories Tourmaline Eyeshade Tourmaline Necklace Tourmaline Neck Protector Tourmaline Bracelet Tourmaline Waist Protector Tourmaline Energy Stone Pendant Tourmaline Knee Protector ‘Tourmaline Leg Protector Tourmaline Wristband 4, Tourmaline Bedding Tourmaline Memory Foam Pillow Tourmaline Wool Comforter 2. Tourmaline Functional Clothing pores Healt bmeesied Tourmaline Briefs 5, Tourmaline Daily Necessities Tourmaline insoles Tourmaline Flask Tourmaline Socks Tourmaline Running Water Treasure Tourmaline Gloves Tourmaline Mini Water Treasure Tourmaline Sleeveless Jacket Tourmaline Shower Head Tourmaline Silk Scart Tourmaline Comb Daily Neces: Green World Herbs Toothpaste Olive Soap ‘Smilife Panty Liner ‘Smilife Sanitary Napkin for Day Use ‘Smilife Sanitary Naplin for Night Use ‘Smilife Sanitary Napkin Extra Length Nutriplant Organic Plus Fertilizer Nutriplant Organic Plus Fertilizer Health Care Instrument Mico-computer Massage Cushion Massage Chair Car Air Purifier ‘Ozone Machine Slimming Massager Crazy Fit Massager Blood Circulatory Messager Preface . ‘As time goes on, mankind's development is gaining in momentum; we are creating more advanced ciulizations and as we do, we encounter more diseases of civilization. On one hand, we have obtained Uungrecedented achievements in science and technology and have increased the average life expectancy ‘and health level of man. On the other hand, the population of Earth has increased from 1.9 bilion at the beginning of this century to nearly 6 billion at present. Its estimated by the World Health Organization (WHO) that it wil each 8 billion by the year 2025, Problems with the envionment, wars, over-population, lack of education and over-development are all facing us, but the biggest overall problem by faris health. When we speak about healthy people, we are ‘addressing only about one-fourth of the total population of the world. People suffering with debilitating diseases comprise another one-fourth ofthe population. The other half of the people of the world suffer fom poor health. 60-70% of the population in poor health are suffering modem diseases of civilization, such as hypertension, arteriosclerosis, cardiovascular disease, cancer, endocrine disease, and various immunodeficiency diseases, such as AIDS Recently, the data from domestic and international sources shows that there is a high incidence of mortality and disability rates because these diseases are becoming more severe. Hypertension ‘The incidence rate exceeds 20% in westem countries. In China, collected data from 950,000 people revealed that the incidence rate was 11% among the population above the age of 15 with middle-aged and elderly patients accounting for over half the total number. Cardiovascular disease Itis the number one killer in the world. The annual mortality rate exceeds 12 milion. In China, there are about 15 million angina patients with a mortality rate of up to 1 milion per year. Cerebral-vascular disease Itis the second leading cause of death in China, The annual mortality rate is 1.5 million and the incidence rate is 1.52 millon per year. In China, the total number of patients suffering this disease will reach 53 rrillion over the next ten years Cancer Since 1990, it has become the leading cause of death. The annual mortality rate is 1.52 milion. Cancer Patients will exceed 30 milion in the next 20 years in China, Diabetes In China, diabetes patients already number 15 million. Itis estimated that the number of people afflicted with diabetes will double in the next 15 years. ‘WHO pointed out that everyone shares health and care concems. To realize this goal, the fist step is to make people understand that health and preventive care are an indispensable part oftheir daily life, Nex, people should consider what modem science has discovered. With the coming of the new century, people are looking to preserve their health and prevent diseases Green World has developed a series of health products with the aim of lowering blood lipid levels, delaying senilty, fighting cancer, and regulating the incorporation of the immune response. Since their introduction, millions have benefited from these products. Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine China has a long, rich history, spanning several millennia. Two of the Wonders of the World are located there-the Great Wall of China and the Terra Cotta Warriors of the Gin Dynasty (221~208 BC), Chinese civilization is also responsible for such important contributions to society as the ‘compass, gunpowder, papermaking, and printing ‘Along with art, architecture and inventions, early Chinese discovered the miracles of herbal medicine, The ancient Chinese found that some foods possess the specific properties of relieving or even eliminating certain diseases. This discovery marked the beginning of the use of herbal medicine, More than 2,000 years ago, Yellow Emperor's Canon of Medicine, the first medical book in China was written. It is the first extensive and. comprehensive medical classic in China and possibly in the world. It is in this book that the fundamentals of Chinese medicine were compiled. Doctors respect it today as the formal archetype for modem Chinese medicine. Today traditional medical doctors continue to diagnose diseases by asking questions, physically reviewing and talking with the patient, taking the patient's pulses, compiling a comprehensive analysis and determining the proper prescription(s). The final instructions to the patient wil be to take the prescribed herbs, mix them in a pot and boll for consumption as a "soup" (tea would be a better term for it) During the East Han Dynasty, Divine Husbandman's Classic of the Matura Medica was published. It is completely void of the supernatural references of the earlier period. It contains 364 entries. Most of them are very popular even today. Top grade herbs ‘such as Chinese Dodder seeds, Eucommia bark, ‘Morinda root can be found in Green World products. The Yellow Emperor's Canon of Medicine and thousands of annual traditional Chinese medical publications record the practice, research, development and understanding of herbal medicine. Long practice has proven that herbal remedies are an effective means of preventing diseases and maintaining wellness. Since World War Il, Chinese ‘medicine has been growing at fast pace. In China, several dozens of schools, and hundreds of Chinese medical hospitals and institutes have been set up to meet the increasing demand. The value of traditional Chinese medicine has also been recognized throughout the world. The practice of Chinese medicine is common in most of Europe and in the United States, it has also been legally recognized in nearly all states. In Africa, there are quite 2 lot of healthcare providers practicing Chinese medicine. Some Chinese herbs, such as ginseng and angelica, have become very popular dietary supplements. YIN-YANG : The theory of yin and yang isthe fundamental comerstone of Chinese philosophy. In Chinese medicine, yin and yang are the two basic energy systems in life. They resist and restrict each other. However, they also rely on and support each other. Under certain conditions, they transform into one another. Thus, both yin and yang maintain a balance and harmony by which life germinates, grows, develops and matures. As ‘human being, one is healthy when yin and yang are in harmony. Ifthe yin and yang lose their balance, either the yin overwhelms the yang or vice versa, with either deficiency of yin or insufficiency of yang, one becomes ill To make an analogy, since yin symbolizes water and yang represents the sunlight, only when there is enough water and sunlight, and both are in balance, can life thrive. Too much of ether-drought or flood-can destroy lf. Similarly, excess heat scorches life while low temperatures freeze life This principle is incorporated into all Green World products-the balance of yin and yang and their symbiotic relationship. In addition to yang tonic herbs, the formula also includes yin tonics such as Dogwood fruit and Schizandra berries as well to balance the yang tonics, and makes the whole formula more effective since yin tonics provide the basal nourishment for yang energy. The Five Elements The Five Elements is an ancient Chinese philosophical theory: that every system is composed of certain basic elements which can be recapitulated into five basic categories~water, fire, wood, metal and earth. They support, sustain, and balance one another, thus maintaining the stability of the whole system. Chinese medical doctors and scholars employed this theory to explain and analyze the complex human body, its diseases, and methods to cure them. For example, if a person has chronic pulmonary disease with symptoms of shortness of breath, coughing with a tot of phiegm, fatigue, pale complexion, poor appetite, and indigestion, one of the ways to treat this condition is to strengthen the spleen system because the spleen (earth) supports the lungs (metal. ne of the most important concepts that form yin and yang, and the five elements theory is the concept Cf wholeness. Any system of any life is inseparable from the others. When one organ becomes unhealthy, the others are affected as well. While trealing one part of the body, one must pay attention to the whole body and take heed not to hurt the other organs. This distinguishes Chinese medicine from Western medicine and this is the reason that Chinese medicine seldom shows side effects. This holistic adopted by every formula of Green World's products. The theory of Yin and Yang and the theory of the Five Elements form the core of traditional Chinese: medicine, GREEN WORLD Green World Health Philosophy Green World Health Philosophy is Green World's theoretical system about health and regimen. It serves a the guideline for Green World to develop its product series, Green World Health Philosophy: Balance, Circulation and Strength Balance Balanced nutrition keeps diseases at bay The life of a human is a process of growth and development. On one hand he absorbs all kinds of nutrients from diet, on the other hand, he is exposed to potential attacks by various pathogens. Only through balanced nutritional intake, can all systems of human body be functioning in harmony; the immunity be enhanced to keep diseases at bay. Circulation ‘Smooth circulation ensures longevity Being merely free of any diseases based on belanced nutritional status is only the first step towards health, Longevity is built upon healthy metabolism supported by normal activity of cells, tissue, and systems of human body. Smooth circulation ensures healthy growth and development of human body throughout fe process, which, lays the foundation for longevity Strength Physical and mental strength of individuals empowers mankind Physical fitness and longevity is not the ult mate goal of health for human being, Physically refreshed, ‘energetic, as well as mentally feel empowered, relaxed and happy is what modern people long for. ‘Therefore, through Green World regimen means and health care products, people can greatly improve ‘their life quality, and live at full potential. People who live a healthy live at his full potential physically and mentally will extend his love to the people around him, to his community and the society. By empowering individua's health Green World will imprave life quality of the mankind, BALANCE CIRCULATION STRENGTH GREEN WORLD Green World Product Concept Product concept proposed by Green World serves as the guideline for product development and manufacture. Green World product concept is From the nature, beyond the nature, back to nature’ From the nature Green World commits herself to searching for the best source of herb to produce health care products of the highest quality. Empowered by the strength of R&D, herbal materials have been thoroughly studied and developed among which include King of fruits - Blueberry; King of algae - spirulina; King of pollens ~ pine pollen; King of leaves -leave of Ginkgo Biloba. Those are the invaluable gifts from mother nature. Beyond the nature Green World employs the state of the art process and extraction technique to obtain the purest and the most effective essence out of the herbs. The dregs are discarded through implying advanced extraction technology such as microwave extraction, supercritical fluid extraction, ultrasonic extraction, semi-bionic extraction, steam distillation, reflux distillation and flow distillation. Green World nutraceuticals boast the maximum regimental efficacy that is beyond any herb of natural source. Back to nature ‘The raw material providers are required by Green World to harvest and collect the herbs in “green’ method, which is environment friendly. Green World takes the best from the nature to improve human health thereafter gives mother nature the optimum protection. The harmony created between human and rnature manifests the health concept that Green World is from the nature and back to nature. 7 e mw FROM NATURE BEYOND NATURE BACK TO NATURE a B - Carotene & Lycopene Capsule Ingredients: B- Carotene, Lycopene Characteristics and Benefits: 1. Supplements body with vitamin A; 2. Serves as a strong antioxidant which deactivates free radicals; 43. Prevents cancer, especially prostate cancer; 4. Prevents atherosclerosis through lowering biood lpi. able for Teenagers and adults with vitamin A deficiency Males with prostate disorders such as prosialiis, benign prostatic hyperplasia (prostate enlargement), and prostate cancer People with elevated blood lipid Key knowledge Provitamin A activity of B- Carotene §- Carctene Is the red-orange pigment in carrets that colours them orange and Is the mast common form of carotene in plants. One molecule of B-carotene can be cleaved by the intestinal enzyme into two molecules of vitamin A, which accelerates the cell vision, helps body growth, and accolerates the renewal of epithelial issue and sebum growth. Itis essential for maintaining the nommel growth of bones, leeth, infants, and eyesight protec- tion Antioxidant property of f- Carotene & lycopene Being an important flavonokd compound, f-carotene has powerful antioxidant functions, it helps body scavenge ‘ree radicals, thereby limiting the damage to cell membranes, DNA and protein structures in ths cal Lycopene is a bright red carotene and carotenoid pigment found in tomatoes and other red fuls and vegetables Lycopene's chemical structure allows it to aggressively scavenge free radicals from its surroundings, making it an. effective antioxidant ‘Anti-cancer property of Carotene & lycopene {+ Carotene stops carcinogen from invading DNAS in the nucleolus. It slows down cancer cel prokferation thus prevents tumor metastasis. Rezording lo scientific report made by American macical experts in 1989 and many recent datum, yeopene can olay the prostate cancer development especially sensitive to tumor, and prevent prostate cancer. Ablood thinner ‘The lipid in human blood serum are mainly triglyceride, cholesterol, phospholipids. Most of them combine with protein as compounds, named as ipoproten Itcan be divided into low densi lipoprotein (LDL) and high density lipoprotein (HDL). IF LOLin the bicodis very high, the wal of artery vessels may become narrow, atherosclerosis willoccurs and the ‘sks of having heat attack increases. Tha is why LDL is refered to as "oad? cholesterol ‘When HDL in the blood is abundant, it protects against heart disease by taking the "bad" cholesterol out of the blood and keeping it from building up in the arteries. So HDL is referred to as "good" cholesterol. Both f- Carotene and lycopene are very effective to elder and senior people to prevent Blood embolism and reduces the risks of heart attack Calcium Key knowledge: “Serum calcium Calcium plays 2 very important role in maintaining the normal physiological function. Itis the most abundant ‘mineral in the body, iti found in some foods, added to others, available a8 a dietary supplement, and present in some medicines (such as antacids). Calcium is required for vasoular contraction and vasodilation, ‘muscle function, nerve transmission, intracellular signaling and hormonal secretion, though less than 1% of total body calcium is needed to support these critical metabolic functions. * Reservoir of calcium - bone and teeth ‘Serum calcium is very tightly regulated and does not fluctuate with changes in dietary intakes; the body uses bone tissue as a reservoir for, and source of calcium, to maintain constant concentrations of calcium in blood, muscle, and intercellular fuids. The remaining €9% of the body's calcium supply is stored in the bones and teeth where it supports their structure and function. Bone itself undergoes continuous remode!- ing, wth constant resorption and deposition of calcium into new bone. * Calcium intake and age ‘The balance between bone resorption and deposition changes with age. Bone formation exceeds resorption in periods of growth in children and adolescents, whereas in early and middle adulthood both processes are relatively equal. In aging adults, perticulerly among postmenopausal women, bone breakdown exceeds formation, resulting in bone loss that inoreases the risk of osteoporosis over time. * RDA of calcium intake Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) is designated as average dally level of inteke sufficient to meet the rhutrient requirements of nearly all (67%-6%) healthy individuals. They are listed in the following table in riligrams (mg) per day. * (RDAs) for Calcium Age Male Fomale Pregnant Lactating 0-6 months 200 mg 200 mg ‘ 7-42 months 260. mg 260 mo 1-3 years 700mg 700. mg 48 years 4,000 mg 4,000 mg 313 4,300 mg 4,300 mg 14-18 years 4,300 mg, 4,300 mg 1,300 mg 1,300mg 19-50 years 4,000 mg 4,000 mg 1,000 mg 4,000 mg 51-70 years 4,000 mg 4,200 mg 71+ years 4,200 mg 41,200 mg ——_ Calcium Capsule Ingredients: Nano calcium GREEN WORLD Suitable for: * Adults who are unable to meet the calcium daily intake allowance from their diet Adults vith calcium deficiency * Females during pregnancy or lactation * Postmenopausal females * Seniors with insufficient dally intake of ealekum Calcium Tablet for Adults Ingredients: Nano milk calcium, sucrase, starch Suitable for: * Adults who are unable to mest the calcium daily intake allowance from their diot * Adults with calcium deficiency females during pregnancy or lactation ?ostmenopausal wornen Seniors with insufficient dally intake of calcium Calcium Tablet for Children Ingredients: Nano milk calcium, sucrose, starch ‘Suitable for: * Children or adolescents who are unable to meet the calcium daily intake allowance from their diet * Children or adolescents with calcium deficiency High-calcium Gummies for Children Ingredients: Nano milk calcium, sucrose, starch Suitable for: * Children or adolescents who are unable to meet the calcium daily intake allowance from their diet * Children or adolescents with calcium deficiency Meal Cellulose Tablet Ingredients: Water Soluble and Insoluble meal cellulose Characteristics and Benefits: 1. Normalizes bowel movement and maintain bowel integrity and health; 2. Lowers biood cholesterol levels: i 3, Helps control blood sugar levels; 4. Aids in weight loss. Suitable for: ~ People with constipation, chronic diarrhea, iitable bowel syndrome and diverticular disease * People with elevated blood lipid level * People with elevated blood sugar level or type 2 diabetes * People who are over-weight or intend to control body weight, Key knowledge: ~ Meal cellulose or dietary fiber Meal cellulose, also refered io delay fiber, includes all pats of plant foods thatthe body can rot digest or absorb ‘Therefore, itpasses relatively intact through our stomach, small intestine, colon and out of our bod). It might seem like fiber does not do much, but thas sovera important roles in maintaining haath, Soluble fiber or insoluble fiber Fiber is commenly classified inlo two categories: those that doit dissolve in water (insoluble ber) and those that 0 (sotbe oer) Soluble fiber dissolves in watero form a gebike material. Itcan help lower blood cholesterol and glucose levels. Soluble ber is found in cals, peas, beans, apples, cits fits, carots, barley and psylum Insoluble fiber promotes the movement of materiel through our digestive system and increases stoo! bulk, so it an be of benefi to those who struggle with constipation or imegular stools, Whole-vheat flour, wheat bran, nuts ‘and many vegetables are good sources of insoluble fiber. * Normalizes bowel movement and maintain bowel integrity and health Meal Cellulose increases the weight and size of the stool and softens i. Abulky stools easier to pass, decreasing the chance of constipation. If we have loose and watery stool, it may also help to solity the stool because it absorbs water and adds buik to too). For some, Meal Calulose may provide relief from irtable bowel syndrome, itmay lower the rsk of developing hemermaids, and small pouches inthe colon (diverticular disease) It élules carcinogen, decreases the density of carcinogen and minimizes the duration of toxic substance inthe intestine, helps to prevent the occurrence of colon cancer and rectum cancer. “ Lowers blood cholesterol levels. ‘Soluble fiber in Meal Cellulose helps lower total blood cholesterol love's by lowering low-density lipoprotein, or "oad," cholesterol levels. Epidemiologic studies have shown that increased fiber in the diet can reduce blood pressure and iflammation, which is also protectve to heart health Helps control blood sugar levels ‘Soluble ber can slow the absorption of sugar, hich for people with diabetes can help improve blood sugar levels. ‘Adiet that includes insoluble ber has been associated with a reduced risk of developing type 2 diabetes, “Aids in weight loss. Meal Cellulose gives a feeling of fulness and high-fiber dios also tend to be less “energy dense," which means they have fewer calories for he same volume of food. Taking Meal Cellulose before meals helps contol the body weight Vitamins Vitamins and the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for adults Vitamins are essential for maintaining normal metabolism and function, Human body itself can not produce vitamin but requires from food. Vitamins required by the body everyday is minimum but lack of it may cause physiological and pathological change in human calls, turbulence of metabolism, resulting in avitaminosis, ‘The RDA represents the establishment of a nutritional norm for planning and assessing dietary intake, and are the levels of intake of essential nutrients considered to be adequate to meet the known needs of practically all healthy people Disorder caused RDA Benefits bys defcleney ‘Adult wae [Adu Fema ania | Fm tain eaty th tres. | noeipn oan canee. Orin | spoons | ae TTansorn caronyaiais no energy Aso Dernatoshyiosis,Beibenabnomal |wtamin 84] escort or ear uncon ard haath foaled oop same 11m neon gastrointestinal disorders: ‘Wis ih i es 8 avba npr | itaraton of ou ore 5 in [Vitamin B2) grows and the production of red blood cets. and scrotum ie bide: Fon asb cla ad nahn iain | mre ean, dare lmanan os] postmen! pene ta Rah wee ey entrees hay ee aa 2 |Witaein B42) ans maintain he eital nervous system. sis! 7 ‘nantoatent at pats neaty woh ad | Say gona, peau sh wianine| Sceeotaraamcctoeainanan | manueclare epeeeucns | soasng | ecesne aly te rome wana hoog os Yep bey sieoe car ore noma mn o| Secon su mairarcecinesty ie | Rd bore pan on mace ‘Witamin | sna bones. Maintain proper bcos levels of weekness: oow a Seams pose ae | Anastasio aed eodeas ard | pemayie wrens mavemaicge | 5m F ‘Vitamin E | ip tie booy use viamn K cance sm sma hans 8 comp teinaponenaiveaty &| oemara, eames maven | ia (Niacin | 3nd nerves, sisohas cholesterollowerng elects, Ree ee = ” ‘erwin var B24 apt et oo mate peri SOWA sch cons | Arena Spa ose tty Fok aca | Sou goen tattacion ayeones cs | Socata smn ta - pregnant should be suo ge culcon! late. Low] pregnancy cae en Pe Beaters ochteve Bowes nae, Sse GREEN WORLD -Vitamins Tablet (for adults) ‘Vitamin A (1167 IU), Vitamin 81 (900 yg), Vitamin 82 (900 yg), Vitamin 66 (900 ug), vitamin B12 (0 ug) Vitamin C (40 mg), Vitamin D (180 IU), Vitamin E (6000 ug), Folic Acid (100 jg), Niacin (7 mg) ‘Multivitamin keeps the normal metabolism and function of the body. Green World ‘Mult-Vitamins Tablet supply all the necessary vitamins required by body. Intake of this ‘product every day can balance the vitamin supplement requirements for both adults and children Adults, especialy People with vitamin deficiency People can not meet their RDA of vitamins. Multi-Vitamins Tablet (for children) Mothers know how hard it isto make a child eat healthy foods which are the main source of vitamins and minerals. Children need these necessary nutrients for their healthy immune system and for their physical and mental development. Unfortunately, not many kids are getting all necessary vitamins through their diet. Deficiency of those vitamins may cause retarded growth and development and even serious diseases in children, ‘Vitamin defeeney in children Vitamin A - an eye viamin, Ia child watching TV frequently for prolonged time, or very often sits by computer, Pisher eyes are Consuming a lt of vlamin A. Vamin A decency may lead to poor vision, poor growth and weakened immune eysem. B vitamins. Chicren who et [tof sweets may develop defency of vitamins, because thee vamins ae very easly destoyed by sugar 8 vlamine are mpotant for well functioning of nervous system and are essential forthe metabolism of Carbohydrates. 85, B72 toate and especaly 1 warn are very important or your thes bran and ther eficencies may lead to reduced concentration and poor i memory ‘Vitamin C. Frits and vegetables are the rchestvtamin C source and many kids do not get enough of this vitamin because they don't eat enough of fresh produce. raving or une foods cause many ids a high risk to develop wramin detcency ‘Those kids ho ae having Frequent cols cr nections ae ost el lacking var wich Is necessary for song Immune system Also this wamin ie required for normal growth, wounds healing and healthy gums. Vitamin E. Two-thirds of chicren are not geting enough of thie vitamin. Vitamin E isan anondant that's imporiantin the prevention of cancer and hard dnease, Lack chs vitamin Kid's team rterd growth and ncuce ane Protein Powder : Ingredients: Soy Protein Isolate, Peanut Protein Powder, Soybean Lecithin Characteristics and Benefits: 1, Promotes growth and development of human body: 2. Cartes out the duties specified by the information encoded in genes, 3. Constitutes enzymes, which catalyze chemical reactions; 4. Involved in the process of cell signaling and signal transduction’ 5. Structural proteins confer stiffness end rigilty to otherwise-fiuid biologicel components. Suitable for: * People in status of malnutrition such as alcoholism * People a the ite stage of wasting diseases such 2s cancer, AIDS, tuberculosis, diabetes, chronic atrophic gests, malignant thyrotoxicosis, etc * Vegetarians who have insufficient intake of protein * Athletes who need to build muscles People who are at body weight control program Key knowledge: * Importance of protein Protein is one of the most important nutritious element in our lives. All the physiological activities, metabolism, the growh of bones, the formation of organs, the renewal of human tissues and the energy Supplement, can not be carried out and completed without the involvement of protein. The growth and development of body, the renewal of injured tissues, the metabolism, the enzyme formation, immune system {and incretion, vitality maintenance and decrepitude postpone and prolonging life, all are an exception without protein, “protein deficiency Insufficient protein in human body wil cause malfunctions, the symploms of memory decine and other physiological atrophy, skin loosening, muscle weakness, and can also cause other diseases. “How much protein do we need? Our protein needs depend on our age, size, and activity level The standard method used by nutritionists to estimate our minimum dally protein requirement is to multiply the body weight in kilograms By 0.8, of weight in pounds by 0.37. This is the number of grams of protein that should be the daily minimum, ‘According fo this method, @ person weighting 60 kg should eat 48 grams of protein per day. Caution: People with severe liver and kidney impairment must restrict thelr protein intake. So this products are not recommended for those who have liver or renal failure Se Tablet - Ingredients: Organic Selenium Characteristics and Benefits: 4. Relieves selenum deficiency related disorders; 2. Enhances the body/s ant-oxidation ability; i 3. Regulates the secretion of thyroxin; 4. Paticipates in the producton of sperm; 5, Suppers the immune system Suitable for: People wih selenium deficiency * People craving in refined food or junkfood Key knowledge: How does selenium benefit our health? 4) Ithelps in the creation and production of glutathione peroxidase, which is a natural antioxidant defense membsr against ree radials: 2) Regenerates or re-creates, several antioxidants, inducing vitamin C: 3) Protects developing sperm from oxidative (attacked by free radical) damage; a main component in sperm, Which determines the formation and stablization of sper, 4) Rgulates thyroid hormone - turing the inactive T4 hormone into an active T3 hormone; 5)Aids in the creation of Selenoproten P. which helps protec the body's cell that form the blood vessels, heart {nd circulatory system. Selenoprotein P fights egainst Nitrogen free radicals, the tree radical that attacks the cells ofthe circulatory system 6) Involved withthe inflammatory and immune responses. “ What cause selenium deficiency? 1) Lack of selenium in environment: lack of selenium in soil leads tothe low production of selenium in plants and causes selenium deficiency in human body. 2)Poliuton of environment: duet the industrial polltton and acd rains selenium absorption inthe dally inceptis. Teduced, which causes selenium deficiency in human body. 3) Refined food processing: Foods wil lose 60-T5% of selenium in food processing. Generally, kemels and rinds of food contain greater amount of minerals, However, the rice after processing contains only 18.9 gammas of selenium per kg. Bran contains 71.2.gammas of selenium per kg, processed light four contains only 28.6 gammas of selenium per. People who always consume refined food may lack selenium How much selenium do we need every day? ‘Seleriumis considered a trace mineral. We need jst alitle bit for normal functioning andi can be toxic if we take {00 much. Get at least 5 meg of selenium per day but no more than 400 meg per day. “What is the result of selenium deficiency? Lack of selenium relates to the ocourrences of cancer and relates to the incidence and dest rate of mult-infection diseases (such as AIDS). Due to the industrial poluion and acid rain, slur dioxide will react with selenium Compound which affect plants to absorb unsuitable selenium, in addition, some modem planting method also reduces selenium in food chain. Vitamin C Tablet . Ingredients: Vitamin © Characteristics and Benefits: 1, Promotes immunity; enhances the body's resistance to virus, prevents cold; 2.A powerful antioxidant against oxidative stress, 3. Protects cardiovascular system; 4, Prevents and slows down the progress of ege-relaled maculer degeneration and cateracts, Suitable for: “All people Key knowledge: * Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is an essential vitamin required by human body, It is obtained from fruits ‘and vegetables and is a complex organic compound essential for the growth and metabolism of plants. Human body does not compose vitamin C itself and it must be obtained from diet. Here are the main health benefits of vitamin C. As a heelthy adult, the RDA of vitamin C is 75 - 90 mg per day. People wiho smoke need an additional 35 milligrams of vitamin G every day. * Immunit ‘Wunglge gouge of vain Cean emacs th i etc nove ne sytem agate Its also necessary for collagen, the main structural protein found in connestive tissue. A healthy dose of vitamin ‘C will protect our body from infection and maintain healthy bones and teeth, as well as quicken the body/s abiity to repair wounds. | ~ Common Cold ‘Along with its immune functions that fight against bacteria, viruses, and infection, vitamin C also serves as an effective antihistamine that will lessen the unpleasant effects of the common cold, including inflammation, stufy I nose and aches. Antioxidant Vilamin C is a powerful and effective antioxidant that protects our bodies from free radicals that cause oxidative stress, Excessive oxidative stress can lead to a host of severe mecical conditions, such as atherosclerosis that ‘can cause both heart disease and stroke, end is associated with many different types of cancer, including lung, ‘mouth, throat, colon, stomach and esophagus. Vitamin C also helps to regenerate our supplies of vitamin E {another useful antioxidant). * Cardiovascular diseases ‘Along vith lowering the blood pressure, vitamin C ensures proper dilation of biood vessels, and prevents the: formation of cholesterol plague on the wall of the blood vessels, which in tum prevents such cardiovascular diseases as atherosclerosis, high cholesterol, congestive heart falure, and angina pectoris. “ Age-related macular degeneration and cataracts The lens of the human eye requires vitamin C to function property, and a deficiency can lead to calaracts. A higher intake of vitamin C has been shown to Bele: Sete ee onan cia renne | suggests that vitamin C combined with other nutrients might help keep early ‘age-related macular degeneration (AMD) from worsening into advanced AMD. Vitamin E Softgel z Ingredients: Vitamin Characteristics and Benefits: 1. Apowerful antioxidant; 2. Prevents and alleviates cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases; 3. Acancer fighter, 4, Beneficial for menstruation problems and fibrocystic breast disease; 5, Prciecis nerve system against attack by free radicals, thus improves memory and prevents degeneration of nerve sysiem, Suitable for: ~ All people with insufficient daily vitamin E intake * People who intend to prevent or alleviate cardiovascular or cerebrovascular diseases * Seniors * Women who have pre-menstrual tension, fbracystic breast disease, derk spots on the skin, menstruation problems, etc. Key knowledge: Vitamin E is the collective name for a group of fat-soluble compounds with distinctive antioxidant activities. As a healthy adult, we need minimum 1S mg (22.4 |U) of vitamin E very day from our cet * Vitamin E and Antioxidation Vitamin E's antioxidant properties ere important to maintain the integrity and stabilty of the cell membrane. For ‘example, vitamin E protects lung cells that are in constant contact with oxygen and white blood cells that help fight disease, ‘Vitamin & can be beneficial to people with diabetes, It enhances the action of insulin and improves blood glucose metabolism by reducing oxidative stress. ‘As an antioxidant wath a powerful punch, vitamin E helps prevent cancer, heart disease, strokes, cataracts, and ‘some of the signs of aging * Protects cardiovascular system Vitamin E protects artery walls and keeps the "bad! low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol from being oxidized. Oxidation of LDL cholesterol marks the beginning of clogged arteries. Vitamin E also keeps the blood thin by preventing biood platelets from clumping together. High levels of vitamin E in the body decrease the risk of a ‘non-fatal heart attack or stroke in most people. “Fights cancer ‘A.cynamic cancer fighter, vitamin E protects cells and DNA from damage that can turn cancerous. It reduces the {growth of tumors while enhancing immune function and preventing precancerous substances from being tured Into carcinogens. * For women's health ‘Women who suffer from firocystic breast disease can often find relief with vitamin E supplementation, Fibrocystic breast disease is characterized by painful breasts, sometimes with benign lumps or swelling, starting several days before the menstrual period. Many women report that vitamin E helps reduce hot flashes and other symptoms of "menopause, The spots caused by aging and ultraviolet ray damage can be elevated by intake of vtamin E. “For nerve system ‘This humble nutrient keeps the nerve system healthy by protecting the myelin sheaths that surround nerves. talso ‘appears to prevent mental degeneration due to aging, possibly inciuding Alzheimer disease. Recent studies have reported improved short-term memory in older adults who took supplemental vitamin E. While vitamin E may not ‘make you Ive longer, it may help you lve a litle better es you get older. f | Zinc Characteristics and Benefits: 1. Essential for optimal physical performance and energy levels, 2. For protein synthesis and proper function of red and white blood cells; 3. Participates in synthesize of more than 200 metalloprotease and nucleic acid, 4. Enhances immunity and accelerates wound healing 5. Supports reproductive system of men and women and helps with infertility Suitable for: * People with insufficient daily intake of zinc Lean meat and sea food, especially oysters contain abundant amount of zinc. Zinc from plant source is bound to phytates, which are inaccessible by the body. * People with digestive problems and poor stomach acid * People taking medications for long time * People who smoke or take alcohol excessively * Vegetarians, * Women on the birth control pill or on hormone replacement therapy * Athletes or people who are physically active * Children Key knowledge: “zine is such a critical element in human health that even a small deficiency is a disaster.” written by researchers. Zinc is So important because it's found in every tissue in the Dody ands directly involved in call division. Itis @ powerful antioxidant, helping to prevent cancer, but zine also is directly involved in proper endocrine function and the maintenance of ideal hormone levels, “Zine deficiency Zine deficiency makes both men and women infertile and causes low libido. Low zinc also exacerbates the effects of stress on the body and accelerates aging Be aware that zinc deficiency is not aniy prevalent in malnourished individuals or developing countries. Rather, itis widespread in the U.S. and Europe in men, women, and children Zine deficiency wil produce an altered sense of taste leading to cravings of saltier, sweéter food. itcan also be indicated by diarhea, low energy, chronic fatigue, infertility, poor immunity, bad memory, inability to focus, ADD symptoms, slow wound healing, nerve dysfunction, and ringing in the ears. * For male reproductive health Zinc is @ eritical mineral for robust testosterone levels, and the cells of the male prostate require ten times more zinc than other cells in the body to stay healthy and perform optimally. Zinc deficiency in men impairs testosterone production, puts them at risk for developing prostate cancer, and causes infertility Inadequate zinc has also been linked to low libido. GREEN WoRLD * For female reproductive health In women, zinc is involved in the growth process of the oocyte or egg. If women are zinc deficient, the egg won't mature properly and ovulation will be impeded, causing infertility. Adequate zinc allows ‘women to use estrogen and progesterone efficiently, “Enhances immune system Zinc deficiency profoundly affects the immune system because low zinc produces a direct and rapid deciine in T cell function. T cells elevate the body's immune system when viruses, bacteria, or challenges to health arise. Older people are at greater risk of zinc deficiency, which is not solely due to poor dietary intake. There's ‘evidence that a need for more zinc may increase with age to counter inflammation, support the immune system, and ensure healthy cell function. * Protects cardiovascular system Zinc is vital to maintain the health of cardiovascular cells and the endothelium. The endothelium is the thin layer of cells that lines the blood vessels and plays a major role in circulation. Low zinc can cause a deficiency in the endothelial barrier, which leads to high cholesterol buildup and inflammation Cholesterol and inflammation increase your risk of heart disease. “Prevents diabetes Zinc is needed for the healthy function of most hormones, including insulin. Zine binds to insulin so that insulin is adequately stored in the pancreas and released when glucose enters the blood stream. ‘Second, zinc helps insulin binds to the cell and "opens the door” so that the glucose can enter. Ifthe cell is resistant to insulin, glucose will stay in the blood stream, cause high blood sugar, and ultimately lead to fat gain. When zinc concentration falls, there is a reduction in insulin secretion and peripheral insulin sensitivity, which if persistent, will lead to diabetes. A recent study of Spanish school children found a direct relationship between low zinc levels, greater body fat content, and insulin resistance. “A powerful antioxidant Zinc is an excellent antioxidant that gets rid of free radicals which cause damage to cells in the body by bonding with them and neutralizing them, Zinc also targets free radicals that cause inflammation and is especially effective at detoxilying heavy metals from the brain. “A powerlul detoxifier ‘The progression of neurodegeneration and Alzheimer's disease is accelerated by heavy metal buildup in the brain. Zinc can help get rid of those toxins, and it also helps maintain cellular homeostasis of brain cells. Zine plays an essential role in neurotransmitter function and helps maintain brain structure and health Also, zinc is part of an enzyme that is necessary for the anabolism of fatty acids in the brain membrane. This is very important because a key part of supporting brain health and function is to ensure the ‘membrane gets the nutrients it needs. GREEN WoRLD * Prevents cancer Ananda Prasad, a leading researcher in the field of zinc and health, notes that simply ensuring our zinc levels are adequate can help cure a number of the most severe health problems, especially cancer and oor immune function. Along with prostate cancer, low zinc plays a role in the development of most cancers since it is instrumental in healthy cell proliferation. Recent evidence links zinc deficiency 10 cancers of the breast, colon, ovaries, lungs, skin, and leukemia, * How much zinc do we need every day? Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs) for Zinc ‘Age [Male Female Pregnancy cos menhe | 2 me" ma" | TAZ months | 3mo 3mg I ‘3year | 38mg mg. I 4-8 years Sma mg S13yeers | Oma ema I Tet6yeas [tte @mo [tne 13m 18+ yea —_|_itmg emg [itm ama ‘Adequate Intake (Al) Zine Tablet (for adults) Zine Tablet (for chileren) Zinc Tablet for Adults Ingredients: Zine Lactate (4 mg of zine per tablet) Zinc Tablet for Children Ingyedients: Zine Lactate (4 mg of zine per tablet) Aloe Vera Plus Capsule Ingredients: Concentrated ultra-fine powders of alce vera, Grape seed extract, Vitamin E Characteristics and Benefits: 1. Improves bowel movement, aocelerates toxin excretion; 2. Alleviates inflammatory signs and symptoms; 3, Eases pain and expels the internal heat of human body. Suitable for: * People with gastrintestinal disorders, such as chronic diarthea; ~ People with constipation; * People with chronic inflammation and skin disorders. Key knowledge: * Bowel movement supporter Aloe is a pro-noun of bitter peptic. Aloe contains aloin, aloe pyridine which oan stimulate the appetite and minimize the diarrhea of the large intestine, Aloe component can increase the small intestine fluid secretion, enhance the activity of lipase and stimulate maladjusted autonomic nerves of large intestine. After ingesting aloe, people with chronic constipation can digest easily, thus, aloe is taken as the best medicament for relieving constipation all over the world. * Anti-inflammation and sterilization Aloe tincture has strong bacteria repellency, and can sterlize directly which makes it superior to antibiotic, Aloe tincture wal disable the insecticide tolerance of the cells. Moreover, it can kill the harmful bacteria result- ing from antibiotic usage end recommend for controling antibiotic resistant bacteria. * Detoxification ‘The amylase in aloe can detoxiy the liver, accelerate the blood circulation within the liver, help resume liver function and assist rehabilitation of hepatitis. Aloe can eliminate or diminish the complications due to inflam- ‘matory medicine, antihistamine and improve the leukocyte decline radically. Its effective on most symp- toms of hypersusceptibilty. * Ease pain and cool off ‘Aloe relieves pain quickly and accurately without any harm. Amylose in aloe can induce nerves to rest and eliminate hypersusceptility and intemal heat; it can cure neuropathic gastritis and heart disease. “power Capsule : Ingredients: Fructus Hippophae, Herba Anoectochilus, Ganoderma, Radix Ginseng, Folium Camellia Extractum Characteristics and Benefits: 1. Boosts immunity through improving both humoral and cellular immune systems, 2. Prevents and assists the treatment of cancer when used in combination with anti-cancer medications. Suitable for: * People with immune disorders such as autoimmune diseases and inflammatory diseases * People who have immunodeficiency, acquired conditions such as HIVAIDS, or the use of immunosuppressive medication * People wih various types of cancer Key knowledge: * Anti-cancer property of Sea Buckthorn Fructus Hippophae is also known as Sea Buckthorn, containing a cocktail of active ingredients such as it i ‘flavonoids and ursolic acid, which signifi cantly inhibits tumor growth, Clinical tests show significant benefits of Sea Buckthom extract in preventing and improving carcinoma, lymphoma and leukaemia. Sea Buckthom extract exhibits direct kiling effects on human leukaemia cell line (K562) and human gastric cancer cell line (7801) * Immune booster (cellular and humoral immunity) Fructus Hippophae extract significantly stimulates the macrophages (one type of white blood cells) to engulf and then digest, cellular debris and pathogens. It also stimulates lymphocytes and other immune cells that respond to the pathogen. It significantly improves cellular immunity The immunomodulatory proteins in Herba Anoectochilus improves activity of 8 lymphocytes, which means it strengthens the humoral immunity * HIVIAIDS HIV stands for human immunodeficiency virus. It kils or damages the body's immune system cells. AIDS. stands for acquired immune deficiency syndrome. Its the most advanced stage of infection with HIV. HIV most often spread through unprotected sex with an infected person. It may also spread by sharing needles land syringe or through contact with the blood of an infected person. Women can give itto their babies during pregnancy or childbirth The first signs of HIV infection may be swollen glands and flu-like symptoms. These may come and go a month or two after infection, Severe symptoms may not appear until months or years later. Ablood test can tell if somebody has HIV infection. There is no cure, but there are many medicines and alternative remedies to fight both HIV infection and the infections and cancers that come with it. People can live with the disease for many years. ‘A-Power Capsule with its richly formulated natural herbal ingredients can greatly boost immunity, detect ‘tumor cells, as well as improve general wellbeing of people who has HIV/AIDS. | Balsam Pear Tablet Ingredients: Balsam Pear Powder Characteristics and Benefits: 1. Reduoes blood suger level, 2. Increases response of human body cells to insulin; 3. Relieves the complications of diabetes. Suitable for: * People with elevated blood suger level * Pople with diabotas mellitus © Peopie with complications of diabetes Key knowledge: * Diabetes " Diabetes, often referred as diabetes melitus by coctors, describes a group of metabolic diseases in which the ‘person has high blood glucose (biood sugar), either because insulin production is inadequate, or because the Body’ cells do net respond propery to insulin, or both. This results in too much glucose building up inthe blood, This excess biood glucose eventually passes out of the body in uiine. So, even though the blood has plenty of ‘glucose, the cells are not getting it for their essential energy andi growth requirements. Patients with high blood sugar wil typically experience polyuria (requent urination), they will become increasingly thirsty (polyaipsia) and hungry (polyphegia. There are three types of diabetes: 41) Type 1 Diabetes “The body does not produce insulin. People usually develop type 1 diabetes before their 40th year, often in early ‘adulthood oF teenage years. Patients with type 1 diabetes will need to take insulin injections forthe rest oftheir ite 2) Type 2 Diabetes ‘The body does not produce enough insulin for proper function, or the cells in the body do not react to insulin {insulin resistance). Approximately 80% of al cases of diabetes worldwide are ofthis type. People with type 2 ‘labetes may be able to contol thelr type 2 diabetes symptoms by losing weight, folowing @ healthy le, doing plenty of exercise, and monitoring their biood glucose levels. Herbal remedies have been proved to be beneficial for type 2 diabetes. 3) Gestational diabetes “This type affects females during pregnancy. Some women have very high levels of glucose in ther blood, and their bodies are unable to produce enough insulin to transport al the glucose into their cals, resulting in progressively ‘sing levels of glucose, Undieanased or uncontrolled gestational diabetes can increase the risk of complications during childbirth. The baby may be bigger than he/she should be. * Balsam pear -"Plant insulin” Balsam pear is called “plant insulin" in which the sugar-polypepte P (vegetal) peptide can reduce the blood sugar safely and steadiy. Moreover, it can improve the function of insulin, rehabiitate 8 cells insulin abiity in secreting ‘or improving insulin, relieve the syndrome, regulate blood lipid and reduce blood pressure. After enhancing the activity of insulin cells, itcan increase the ability of se requlating blood suger, spaed up the oxidation of Blood sugar which adapt with the natural order of human metabolism, ‘The call element in balsam pear can stimulate the increase in secretion of salivary land, relief he mouth desicoa- tion and the thirst ofthe diabetes patients Cardio Power Capsule Ingredients: Radix Salviae Miliothizae Extractum, Radix Notoginseng Extractum, Rhizoma Chuanxiong Extractum, Radix Ginseng Exiractum, Flos Carthami Extractum, Boreolum, Polyethylene glyco! Characteristics and Benefits: 1. Decreases blood lipid, blood viscosity, prevents platelet aggregation, reduces the risk of atherosclerosis; 2. Dilates arteries which supply blood to the brain and heart; increases coronary 7] blood flow; improves blood supply to brain and heart; | 3. Dilates coronary artery, can be used for alleviating symptoms of angina pectoris, =a Suitable for: * People with hypertension, high blood lipid, high blood viscosity * people with atherosclerosis * People who have angina pectoris, myocardial ischemia, andior other coronary artery diseases * People during rehabilitation of myocardial infarction Key knowledge: * Benefits to Blood vessels Radix Salviae Milonthizae is also known as Red Sage Root, which can dilate coronary arteries, increase coronary blood flow, improve cerdiac output, decrease myocardial oxygen consumption end biood platelet ‘aggregation, prevent thrombosis, iower blood and plasma viscosity and reduce cholesterol. itprevents heart muscle damage and treats coronary arteriosclerosis, angina pectoris, myocardial ischemia, hyperiponemia, dizziness and memory oss caused by cerebral circulatory disorders. “Benefits to Heart Radic Notoginseng Ex\ractum can increase the coronary blood flow through dilating coronary artery, accel- erates the establishment of collateral circuiation around the region of myooardial ischemia. It improves the ‘oxygen supply to the cardiac muscles. It increases oxygen supply yet decreases the myocardial exygen consumption by reducing peripheral vascular resistance and heart rate, as well as controlling the myccartial contractility. Radic Notoginseng Extraclum ean significantly prolong the survival period of cardiac muscles under the iroumstanoe of lack of oxygen. * Powerful antioxidant ‘The advanced formula of Red Sage Rost, Notoginseng, Rhizoma Chuanxiong, Ginseng, Flos Carthami, Borneolum effectively inhibits lipid peroxide, scavenges free radicals, increases SOD (superoxide sismutase) activity and protects the vial organs against oxidation damage. Chitosan Capsule : Ingredients: Chitosan Characteristics and Benefits: 1, Reduces biood lipid; helps weight loss; 2. Reduces biood sugar; i 3. Strengthens the function of liver; prevents liver against damage of toxins; 4. Promotes healing of gastric ulcer. Suitable for * People who desire to lose weight * People with high blood lipid and high blood sugar * People with fatty liver, hepatitis or other liver disorders People with gastric uleer Key knowledge: * About Chitosan Chitosan is @ polysaccharide found in the exoskeletons of crustaceans (shell of shrimps and crabs) Chitosan is called “the sixth element of if’. The benefits of Chitosan are great. Weight loss Is one of the most recognized benefits of this starch. It is also known to be beneficial for high blood pressure and cholesterol, immunity improvement as well as ulcers and osteoporosis, “Reduces blood lipid and weight loss ‘The electrical charges that chitosan carries may bind tothe negative charges on ble acids and fatty acids, resulting in the hypocholesterolemic (cholesterol lowering) effect. Chitosan can bind up to six times its weight in fat. Chitosan does not work by meking you feel less hungry. It works by actually helping fat pass through your body instead of storing in the fat cells. Chitosan Capsule helps people to lose weight easily and absorbs nutrients effectively which distinguishes itself from other weight-loosing products that restrain appetite or lead to diarrhea. “Reduces blood sugar Chitosan can reguiate the acid-base balance of human body, increase the activity of insulin, regulate and balance endocrine system, help the insulin secret normally and decrease the blood sugar. “ Adetoxifier that strengthens the function of liver Chitosan may protect the liver against certain toxins, such as mercury and dioxins. It has been proved that chitosan can prevent fatty liver, increase the actiity of various enzymes, enhance livers bitransformation ‘and function “Anti-ulcer effect Chitosan has the most potent gastric cytoprotective and ulcer healing-promoting actions. Chitosan may increase the mucus development in human stomach. It accelerates the healing process of gastric ulcer. VA GREEN WoRLD Compound Marrow Powder Marrow Powder (Tibet Yak Brain, Spinal Cord, Marrow), Lecithin, Protein powder, Buckwheat powder, Vitamins, Iron, Zine, Magnesium, Calcium 1. Supplements calcium and magnesium to relieve osteoporosis symptoms such as joint pain and lumbago; 2. Strengthens hematopoietic function 3. Improves immunity, relieves fatigue, 4, Improves sleeping quality and memory; delays aging People with calcium deficiency or osteoporosis People with bone and joint disorders such as arthritis People waith malnutrition People with compromised immunity People with anemia Tibet Yak Yaks live in a habitat on Qinghai-Tibet Plateau - a vast natural and non-polluted grassiand about 4500 meters above sea level, This oxygen deficient habitat creates a unique creature with strong body and wall-unctioned heart and lungs. Its content of red blood cell and hemoglobin is more than that of other cattle species. Yak has strong oxygen-carying capacity that can resist redness and frigid climate, ‘Yak marrow Marrow is the most nutrional part of yak. The fresh yak bones and the marrow (brain, spinal marrow and bone marrow) contains multiple nutrients which nourish brain, bones and blood system of human. The greasy substances of marrow has been removed whereby the beneficial parts remain to produce Green World ‘Compound Marrow Powder, Three kinds of marrows in one product ensures the diversity of nutrients provided to human, which is superior over those provided by single marrow. Benefits to brain Brain phospholipids, lecithin, neural phospholipids, neural growth factor, polypeptides contained in Compound Marrow Ponder are brain foods that nourish peripheral and central nervous system. According to anthropologist, this nutrientA do not have negli ide ofets on ou gaxthtosinal cad Yoseulr systems. . “Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular benefits PA and Orap rede is ects for net seas, eluding high cheese and high bce pressure. Deep Sea Fish oi has ben shoun to ower levels of gyees, terete, reduens Me nak death hea atack, stoke, ar ebnermal hea. ‘tims n peopl who have seedy had Meet attack: Deep Sea Fish ol aso helps prevent ance atteroslersis By Sowing the Gevelopmentof plaque and tood es, which can dog aes “Benefits for iabetes People winlabstes en have high gene ard ow HO eel, meee fay ais om Deep SeaFeh ican heplover tgeeces and apoprotens (markers of dabees), and rae HDL. Auta ype of omege- ally aod, ALA tro nsec ot tramp ay not have the same bane as Deep Sea Feh Ol Some people wih cance canon conven ANAID EPA and DHA. Suppementng rom Deep Sea Fish Ol essen for hose wh have ype? ones Detoxin Pad ee a] ees —— IBETOXIN PAD. 1. Pumps cut toxins and wastes from acupoints; 2.Alleviates pain and strains of skin, musc'e and joints. Paopie at sub-health status People who endure ong term stand, walk and ‘computer radiation People with lumbago, arthritis and muscle pain How toxins sabotage our health? ‘Toxins are produced in the process of metabolism, which can accumulate in joints and soles and affect blood Circulation. Diseases Ike artis, dermatosis, allergy and hypertension caused by toxin accumulation can severely affect people's life. Experiments conducted by Japanese scientists have found that Detoxin Pad can eliminate the dampness and toxins from the body. How does Detoxin Pad purify our body? ‘This product takes the extract of natural bamboo vinegar and other botanical extracts as its main composition. With the marvelous toxin absorptive capacity, bamboo vinegar extracts can intercept and seize the metabolic wastes, waste fluid and lipid in acupoints then expel them in the pad. It pumps out retained water, eliminate ong-accumulated dampness and toxins within the body, thus achieving the goal of blood pusiication. ‘Alarge number of anions contained in this product are tested to be able to reach acupoints through the skin, restrain toxic cations, and convert unhealthy acid body fluid into alkaline body fluid. Meanwhile, strong far-infrared rays which can activate the body and stimulate parasympethatic nerve system of the vegetative nerves can be released, ‘What do you observe after you use Detoxin Pad? Itis natural to see the greasy secretion on the pad, which isthe toxin coming from the body. By repeated use, the toxin inside your body will decrease. Thus the color of the pad and volume of the lipid secreted from the body decline. How to use Detoxin Pad? Cleanse the skin and paste the pad cn the acupoints of the sole or other parts of the body such as joints, palms, waist, shoulders, back and limp shank, weary foot and overwrought muscle. Let the ventilating side face the skin and the slickenside with printed characters be pasted on the gluey sheet. After utilizing tear off the pad and clean the skin with water. A pad and gluey sheet can be used only once. ‘This product is for external use only Don't apply on the skin of babies, wounds, eyes or mucous membranes Discontinue usage if hypersensitive to active ingredient or when the skin feels any iritaion and discomfort; Apply immediately when opened Digestant Tablet Ingredients: Radic Pseudostellariae, Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae, Rhizoma Dioscoreae Oppositae, Fructus Horde! Germinatus, Fructus Crataegi Characteristics and Benefits: 1. Beneficial for dyspepsia, epigastric suppression and poor appetite caused by weakness of spleen and stomach; 2. Enhances the natural defense function of stomach. Suitable for: “People with dyspepsia andlor constipation * People take alcohol excessively * People with anemia caused by lack of stomach acids. “People with pimples, acnes, rough skin, or with dull and dark complex, who need to detox Key knowledge: ~ Radix Pseudostellariae and Rhizoma Dioscoreae Oppositae can accelerate secretion of gastvic juice and improve movement of the stomach and intestine. According to TCM these two herbs are beneficial for spleen meridian, which governs digestion and ingestion, and metabolism of food. * Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae, together with ether components normalize function of the stomach, alleviate ‘gastro-abdorinal distention, anorexia, vomiting and diarrhea caused by Gi stagnation in the spleen and stomach. ‘The naphtha in Pericarpium Citn Reticulatae can ease the spasm of the smooth muscle and improve the digestive function of the intestine * Fructus Hordel Germinatus acts as a tonic for spleen and stomach meridian. Itrelieves food stagnation. Diges- tive enzyme amylase, invertase and vitamin B complex in Fructus Hordel Germinatus have a good effect on diges- =P tion promotion. a * Fructus Crataegi contains various kinds of vitamins, tartaric acid, citric acid, cralaegolic acid, malic acid, flavones, lactone, glucide, protein, fat as well as minerals such as calcium, phosphorous, and iron. Research ‘shows, Fructus Crataeg!'s function of stomach strengthening, appetite stimulating and digestion promoting are indicated in its ingredients called organic acid, lipolytic enzyme and vitamin C, vihich can promote secretion of the ‘gastric juice and bile, increase enzyme in the stomach, including amylase and lipase, strengthen the stomach and promote digestion, Enzymes Ingredients: The fermented extracts of 120 fruits, vegetables and plants such as pineapple, apple, green papaya, strawberry ‘and kiwi fruit, ete, Characteristics and Benefits: ~ Ragulate the inner environment ofthe body Cleanse the toxins ofthe body; improve the gastrointestinal peristalsis; balance the intestinal for; enhance the cell functions; increase antivirus capabilty and improve immunity. * Anti.inflammatory and anti-bacterial effects ‘Alleviate inflammation and kill the bacteria; accelerate the wound healing: repair intestinal mucosa and villus. Blood purification Cleanse the wastes and toxins of the blood; remove the toxins produced by bacteria and inflammation; lower cholesterol; maintain the weak alkalinity of blocd; improve the blood circulation, * Decampose toxins Break down the alcohol residue in intestinal tract and liver; promote the digestion and absorption of food; enhance the detoxification of ler; help the defecation of stubborn stool * Maintenance ‘Accelerate the cell metabolism; maintain the gastrointestinal tract, ver and gall bladder; enhance the self-regulatory capability of organs of human body. suitable or “People ho dest to improve heath “Poop wf dec mai ay Edy ih “People ceareo enhance Des, “The elie, é “Menopatsl or postmenopausal wore 4 “People with unbalaoed et or eat unk oodreuenty; GA “People un are ovewelt x obese, “Poca ity comprised mn “Poor wt ni gue “People gastntestna rac ceeds sich as dysoepsa chronic gaits, nd constpaton “Poop wth her tdes sche ay ver, rand cveisepats AREA F key nowledge: Enzymes exist n all ving animals and plants, vhich are essential to the cell metabolism, generation, division ‘and disintegration. Enzymes catalyze the cells’ absorption of fresh nutrients and their excretion of the wastes and toxins. They are the source that sustains life ‘Why do we need to supplement additional enzymes? 2. Environment pollution results in the over-consumption of enzymes in human body. b. Work under pressure or overload, overtime or stay up late rapidly consumes the enzymes, . Attficial foods and junk foods cause excessive toxins accumulating in the body, which consumes the enzymes 4. Unhealthy life styles and eating habits lead to dysfunction of organs, which causes insufficient synthesis of enzymes Enzymes are essential to complete the following physiological activities: Decomposition: Help break down the nultients to be absorbed and the toxins to be metabolized. Absorption: All nutrients are absorbed to meet the demand of human body. ‘Synthesis: Help synthesize nultients to nourish skin, muscles, bones, hair and other organs and tissues. ‘Metabolism: Help metabolize and excrete the toxins and wastes. Ganoderma Coffee Ingrodlionts: Instant coffee, Lucid ganoderma extract, Characteristics and Benefits 1. Ant-fatigue: It refreshes, recharges and revitalizes; 2. An immune regulator; 3. Ametabolism booster 4, Acalorie burner. Suitable for += Coffes consumers; * People need to refresh or revitalize, + People need to control body weight; + People need to improve immunity, += People with chronic fatigue. Key konwledge ‘+ Ganoderma is a precious hetb according to TOM. It has significant health benefits in enhancing immunity ‘regulating blood suger and blood pressure, assisting in tumor chemo-radiotherapy, and protecting the liver. ‘The superfine nano pulverizing technique ensures the release of active constituents of the herb. ‘High-quality Indonesian coffee is selected to produce Green World Ganoderma Coffee. It refreshes, recharges and revitalizes the body. Coffee relieves fatigue, improves cardiac function.and helps with weight contol. Low roasting temperature maintains the activity of the constituents, wa Ganoderma Plus Capsule Ingredients: ‘Spora Ganoderma, Cordyceps Sinensis Mycelium, Radix Ginseng Characteristics and Benefits: 1 1. Promotes immune defensive function thus prevents cancer; 2. Reduces adverse effect caused by chemotherapy and radiotherapy (for example, vomiting, pain, decrease of white biood cells, the loss of hair fatigue, etc.); speeds up recovery after chemotherapy and radiotherapy; 3. Boosts immunity; relieves chronic bronchitis, asthma and allergies. Suitable for: People who need to boost immunity People whio have benign or malignant tumor People wkio complete chemotherapy andlor radiotherapy People who are sick or during rehabilitation People with chronic bronchitis, asthma, allergy or other respiratory disorders Key knowledge: * Immune supporter In Compendium of Materia Medica ganoderma is called "supernatural grass’. Ganoderma contains, ‘ganoderma amylose, triterpenoids of ganoderma lucidum, alkaloid and 17 amino acids, organic germanium, ‘organic selenium and other trace elements. It's generally recommend as @ long-term immune system ‘supporter. * Cancer prevention ‘The efficacy of ganoderma spore is 80 times higher than that of ganoderma. Ganoderma spore can strengthen the cell-mediated immunity therefore, assists the recovery after radiotherapy, chemotherapy and ‘operation. * Liver protection ‘The combination of ganoderma, cordyceps and ginseng is especially beneficial for its hepatoprotective (iver protective) action. It can reduce the SGOT and SGPT (liver enzymes clinically indicate liver disorders and impairment of liver function). By supporting liver it accelerates cholesterol metabolism thus reduces blood cholesterol level Cardiovascular health ‘Ganoderma inhibits platelet aggregation and enhances the blood circulation. It improves oxygenation of the blood thus increases oxygen utilization of vital organs, such as heart and brain, Garlic Oil Softgel : Ingredients: Gate Oi Characteristics and Benefits: 1. Restrains and kis many kinds of pathogenic microorganisms with its anti-microbial property: 2. blood thinner that lowers blood cholesterol level; 3. Prevents atherosclerosis and heart diseases caused by the same factor, 4, Protects cardiovascular and cerebrovascular systems wth its property of lowering blood pressure Suitable for: * People with metabolic disease such as high blood pressure, high blood sugar and high blood cholesterol * People with chronic infectious diseases such as candidiasis, Key knowledge: * About garlic Garlic has enjoyed tremendous popularity n Asia and Africa for its culinary value, Modern researches prove the ‘medicinal benefits of garlic due to the broad range of substances it contains, such as allin, allinase, alicin, S-allylcysteine, daly! sulfide and ally| meth! Lisulide. Garicis also a dietary source of selenium. Crowned as the “smeling rose", garlic builds a fame which can not be replaced in modem supplementary realm. | * Anti-microbial property ‘Scientific researches home and abroad show that garlic oll restrains and kills many kinds of microorganisms such 2s bacteria, pathogenic fungus, virus, amoeba protazoon, trichomoniasis and parasites, Garlic Ol Sofigel Capsule can be used as a natural antibiotics. “Antioxidant lis role 2s an antioxidant enables human body to get rd ofthe free radicals, which can dlsturb metabolic activities and cause cancer. * Lowers blood cholesterol Garlic oil decreases levels of low density lipids or bad cholesterol, which is helpful for heart disease caused by atherosclerosis, Most importantly, italso lowers the total cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the body. The chemi- cals present in it, promote formation of HDL cholesterol “ Lowers blood pressure Garlic oll acts as a blood thinner and is knovm to successfully unciog the blood vessels and prevent atherosclero- sis. Its abilty to make the blood thinner is important for avciding stroke and thrombosis, Ingestion of garic cl also helps in lowering the blood sugar levels. * Lowers blood sugar Oral administration of Garlic Oil Capsule has been reported to have resulted in a wonderful decrease of blood ‘glucose levels and in a raise of serum insulin. The blood sugar lowering effect relies on alicin, the component that ‘contributes the peculiar pungent smell of gare. What this component does is to compete with insulin for insulin- ‘inactivating sites in the liver, which results in insulin inactivation. Consequently the free insulin is increased, Ginkgo Biloba Capsule . Ginkgo biloba leat extract 1. Scavenges tee radicals and counteracts age-related damages to organs and tissues; 2 Inreases oxygen supply to bran sve ths enhances memery 3 Prevents age elated macular degeneration, i 4. Prevents or eleves symploms of interment claudication, People with memory loss People with Aizheimer's andor dementia Seniors who intend to prevent age-related macular degeneration or degeneration of brain People with intermittent claudication ‘Adulls who intend to improve memory ‘A powerful antioxidant Ginkgo leaves contain two types of chemicals - flavonoids and terpenoids, vihich have potent antioxidant prope ties, Antioxidants are substances that scavenge fee radicals - compounds in the body that damage call mem- branes, tamper with DNA, and even cause cell death. Free radicals are believed to contribute to health problems including heart disease and cancer as well as Alzheimers disease and other forms of dementia. Antioxidants such as those found in ginkgo can help neutralize free radicals and may reduce or even help prevent some of the damage they cause. ‘Abrain herb Ginkgo is widely touted as a ’brain herb, which has been shown to increase brain function. The brain uses about 20% of the body's oxygen. Because ginkgo helps with brain circulation, sending oxygen to the brain more quickly ‘and efficiently. This has many benefits, ranging from the treatment of depression ta the increase of memory, ‘reflexes, and overall mental perfornnance. New studies have shown that i can aiso dacrease the effects of demen: tia in Alzheimer's palionts, opening doors to a new treatment of thal common but mysterious disease. Macular Degeneration “The flavonoids found in ginkgo may help stop or lessen some retinal problems - problems with the back part of the eye. Macular degeneration, often called age-related macular degeneration or ARMD, is an eye disease that affects the retina. Itis a progressive, degenerative eye disease that tends to affect older adults and is one of main causes ‘of blindness among aged Intermittent Claudication Because ginkgo improves biood flow, ithas been studied in people with intermittent claudication, or pain caused by reduced blood flow to the legs. People with intermittent claudication have a hard time walking without feeling ‘extreme pain. An analysis of eight studies reveeled that people taking ginkgo tend to walk about 34 meters farther than these taking placebo. In fact, ginkoo has been shown to be as effective as a prescription medication in lmproving pain-free walking distance Ginseng RHs Capsule Seca omer Ingredients: Radix Ginseng Extractum (350mg) Characteristics and Benefits: 1. Anatural remedy used adjunetly with anti-cancer medications; 2. Increases vihite blood cells; highly beneficial for patients who receive chemotherapy or radiotherapy; 1 3. Promotes wound healing and speeds up convalescence. Suitable for: People who intend to boost immunity * People viho have benign or malignant tumor * People viho complete chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy * People during rehabilitation * People with lowered white blood cells due to infection of HIV or AIDS * People with chronic fatigue or intend to boost stamina Key knowledge: “About ginseng ‘The beneficial properties of ginseng were fist recognized by the ancient Chinese nearly 5,000 years ago, it became revered for its strenth-giving end rejuvenating powers, and its human shape was considered to be 2 powerful symbol of ‘civine harmony on earth.” By the third century AD China's demand for ginseng created international trade in the root. Science today is proving what the Chinese and other healers have knovm for millenniums, that ginseng can help boost energy, improve immunity and rebuild the damaged immune system, improve sexual performance, reduce stress, relieve coughs and generally increase stamina “Why Ginseng RHs Due to a serious lack of consumer education on Ginseng, most people are not aware that the effectiveness of Ginseng does not depend on the country of origin, age. grade end type of Ginseng, Different Ginseng will yield diferent kinds and amount of each kind of Ginsenosides. However, the kind and amount of natural Ginsenosides is not key to Ginseng's effectiveness. The key to Ginseng's effectiveness is how well the human body can metabolize end absorb Ginsenosides. After Ginseng is consumed, natural Ginsenosides enter the stomach and small intestines without being digested. When they enter the large intestines, the beneficial bacteria residing in the large intestines play a very important role of metabolizing natural Ginsenosides into highly absorbeble compounds such as Com- pound K, RH1 & RH2. Scientific studies have shown that the human body can better absorb the highly absorbable Ginsenosides such as Compound K, RH1 & RH2 and not the natural Ginsenosides Due to old age, sickness, unbalanced diet, stress and lifestyles, mast people may not have a healthy diges- tive system (lack of good intestinal bacteria) to metabolize and absorb Ginsenosides. Green World Ginseng RHs ‘Green World Ginseng RHs Capsule has increased the content of RH1 and RH2 by more than 1,000 times. It is proved clinically that it can increase leukocyte levels in 2-3 days after administration. It can notably control the proliferation and metastasis of cancer cells while reducing the incidence of cancer. It can also promote the synthesis of DNA and RNA and improve the body immunity. GREEN WORLD Glucoblock Capsule (DiaSure Capsule) Ingredients: Astragalus Hoangtchy Extracts, Balsam Pear Extract, Ginkgo Leaf Extract, Mulberry Leaf Extract Characteristics and Benefits: 4. Improves secretion of insulin by pancreas; 2. Lowers blood sugar level by increasing insulin receptors’ response to ‘the specific hormone: 3. Regulates incretion and metabolism of glucose of the body. \ & Suitable for: } Glucoblock * People with high blood sugar i a People with type 2 diabetes * People with elevated blood lipid level, or other known metabolic syndrome Key knowledge: " * High blood sugar The glucose of certain concentration in the body is called biood suger, which provides eneray for our daly activity The concentration of the glucose in the blood increases aftr taking food. The glucose enters the cello participate ina series of biochemistry reaction and then provde energy fer human activity under the acton of insulin. When | there's a shortage of insulin in the body, or the body cells develop resistance towards insulin, or target tissue cel's| ‘sensity to the insulin declines, the glucose can not enter the cell normally to metabolize. This causes the aL. ‘abnormal increase of the glucose concentration and then, diabetes. | “Diabetes and its complications After the incidence of diabetes, a series of turbulence of sugar, protein, fat, water and electrolyte happen. A large | ‘amount of glucose is discharged through urine. At the same time, there are symptoms such as excessive drinking, urination and eating, severe weight loss, dizzy and fatigue. If not controlled, severe acute and chronic ‘complications throughout the body will be aroused. Chronic complications may happen to the eyes, Kidneys, nerve, skin, blood vessel and heart. Finally, blindness, lower limbs gangrene, uremia, brain stroke or cardiac infarction happens, which endangers human beings’ health seriously, * How does Green Werld Glucoblock Capsule regulate blood sugar level? ‘A Itimproves circulation ofthe collateral branch and reallocation of the blood stream, reguiates microcirculation ‘and metabolism ofthe pancreas, so as to normalize the physiological function ofthe diseased insulin tissue. B. It reduces the blood sugar, eliminates symptoms of ciabetes, restores function of the insulin, improves normal ‘secretion ofthe insulin cel, activates histiooyte, and resumes receptors sensitivity to insulin cytosine, Meanviile, itis particulary effective on diabetes complications. ©. It regulates incretion, metabolism of carbohydrate and central nervous system, eliminates. "self immunoreaction" causing diabetes so as to be good for restoration ofthe function of insulin cells. : “Oo wr oe 8! Se Grape Seed Extract, Vitamin E 1. Protects the cells and tissues against the damage by free radicals; 2 Alleviates the symptoms of diseases caused by oxidalive slress such as Parkinson's, atherosclerosis, Alzheimer’s and dementia, compromised immunity and tumors; 3. Delays aging and improves skin condition, 4. Releves inflammatory symptoms People exposed to palltions of air, water and soil People who smoke andlor take excessive alcohol. People with diseases such as Parkinson's, atherosclerosis, Alzheimer’s and dementia, ‘compromised immunity and tumors, People with chronic inflammatory diseases People intend to delay aging andlor beautify their skin, ‘What kills human longevity? Human beings biologic mil of age should be 100 to 150. However, we can't meet that ideal age at present. Lois of facts are in debt for our senile ahead of schedule, the most important of which are increase ofthe free radical level and decrease ofthe defense function to the free radicals What are free radicals? Free radicals ae very unstable. They do not have an even numberof electrons, so they are always searching for an extra electron they can “eter” to became stable. Out in the world, this i @ normal process, but inthe body, tcan fesulkin unnecessary and unwanted damage. Fee raccals are free" because they fost around unt they stablize, and “radical in the sense that there are a wide variety of molecules from which they can take an election. The damage does not sip there, however, as the new molecule, say a piece of cel membrane, is now also missing an electron and has beoome another free radical. Ths snowball effect can wreak haves on hesithy Essue Where do free radicals come from? Free radicals are created by environmental poluton, cigarette smoking, excessive crnking, and poisons lke clean- 18 of hetbiodes. They are cleo constarly formed inthe body during normal metabolic processes, and bological systems have evolved to live with them, contol them and even utlze them, However, when their formation is greatly increased, or protective mechanisms compromised, a stale of oxdetve sess ull result oxatve Sess is persis tent, it willlead to molecular damage and tissue in ‘What does oxidative stress result in? Oxidative stress is the culprit for aging, tissue damage and disease such as Parkinson's, atherosclerosis, ‘Azheimers and dementia, devastated immunity and certain types of tumor. How antioxidants prevent against free radical damage? (One way to feed the hungry electo-eppetie of ree radicals i to take more antioxidants. Antioxidants are molecules which can safely interact with free radicals and terminate the chain reacion before vital molecules are damaged Allhough there are several enzyme systems within the body thal scavenge free radicals, the principe micronutrient antoxidanis are vlamin E, caretenoids(B-carotene, lycopene), thiols (glutathione, ipoic ci), ubiquincls flavonoids, polyphenols (from herbs, teas, grape skins), anthocyanin (Irom blueberry) and 80 on and a vanety’of enzyme systems (catalase, superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxdase). How does Grape Seed Extract Plus (GPC) benefit human health? Grape Seed Extract Plus (OPC) takes first class red grape seed as its main compostton. it benefits human health with abundant amount of polyphenols, lipid and minerals. Especially, the bioactivity of grape seed polyphenol {including Proanthocyanidin and stilbene) is the best. lis oligomers-OPC (Oligomeric Proanthocyanidins Complexes) is one of the most powerful antioxidants found in natural fruits up to now. IShine Capsule Ingredients: Polygala Tenuitolia, Herba Gynostemmae Pentaphyll, Semen Pruni Characteristics and Benefts: J 1. Induces sleep and improves sleep quality; i 2. Regulates sleep disorders such as insomnia, troubled and dream disturbed sleep, 3. Soothes the nerve system. Suitable for: * People with sleep disorders * People with poor quality sleep “People with anxiety, stress, chronic fatigue and depression Key knowledge: * Sleep disorders Sleep can offen be a barometer of human overall health. In many cases, people in good health tend to sleep well, wherezs repeated sleeping problems may indicate an underlying mecical or mental health problem, be itminor or serious. Sleeping well is essential to physical health and emotional well-being. ‘The brain's physiological function of sleep regulation weakens with age, Sleep disorders such as insomnia, troubled and dream disturbed sleep not only indicate declined welzbeing, but also lead to compromised immunity, accidents, impaired job performance, and relationship stress, * Polygala Tenuifoli Polygala Tenuifolia calms the nerves, hastens sleep, lessens dream, soothes the nerves and benefits wit * Herba Gynostemmae Pentaphyli Herba Gynostemmae Pentaphylli contains mercaptan and more than 50 kinds of saponins, which brings {uiet sleep and placid mood, improves mental involvement, enhances brain function and boosts memory. * How does iShine Capsule improve quality of sleep? ‘Green World iShine Capsule regulates sleep, brings the sleep from the shallower to the deeper and then to the sleeping state quickly. It has an obvious effect on climacteric insomnia, dream disturbed sleep, and waking up with a start at night {Shine Capsule supplies nerve system with nutrients, promotes growth of nerve cells, improves blood circu lation, rehabiltates nerves, harmonizes the balance between excitement and restrain of pallium cells, restores the normal conduction of cerebra neurotransrrtter, resists fatigue, accelerates deep sleep, increases elaborative faculty and memory. ‘Taking iShine Capsule 10-15 minutes before sleep can significantly improve sleep quality. ws GREEN WORLD Joint Health Plus Capsule (ArthroPower Capsule) Ingredients: Glucosamine Hydrochloride, Chondroitin Sulfate, Astragalus Root Extract, Calcium Carbonate Characteristics and Benefits: 1. Alleviates pain and svel of joints caused by arthritis; 2. Provonts degonorative joint diseases amiong middle-aged and elderly. Suitable for: People vith joint injury * People vith degenerative joint diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and/or osteoarthritis People vith gout Key knowledge: ~ Degenerative joint disease Degenerative joint disease, most commonly known as osteoarthritis, is a painful degenerative condition that ‘peut in the deterioration of cartilage tissues that suppor the weight-bearing joints in the body. Onoe the cartlage 's thinned or lost, the constant grinding of bones against each other causes pain and slffness around the joint. ‘Abnormal and excess bone formations called spurs grow from the damaged bones, causing further pain and siiffness, Statistics show that decenerative joint disease affects 80% of people over the age of 60, * Glucosamine Hydrochloride Glucosamine Hydrochloride is the core substance of the joint, regarded as the only one that has an eradicative fact on osteoarthritis up to now in the medical fel, “Chondroitin Sulfate Chondroitin Sulfate accelerates increase of the sclerotin, normalizes the destructive cartlage, improves ‘concrescence and renewal of the damaged sclerotin, prevents and cures mucous membrane tissue damaged by fee radicals, as well as brings forward the restoration and concrescence of the damaged tissue. “Astragalus Root Extract ‘Astragalosides in Astragalus Root Extract connected to amino acids and ‘race elements show a significant immunomodulating activity, which are ‘benoficial in rheumatoid artis Calcium Carbonate CCaleium Carbonate supplements calcium in the body, wich serves as the ‘building blocks of bones and joints. * How does Joint Health Capsule help the joint disease? Joint Health Capsule has an obvious effect on elimination of arthritis and ‘myositis. Long term intake can assist the restoration of middle-aged and ‘elderly people's lumbago, scelalgia and arthralgia, especially gonitis, neck ‘vertebra and lumbar vertebra hypertrophy. GREEN WORLD Kidney Tonifying Capsule (Men) Ingredients: Rhizoma Dioscoreae, Fructus Lyci, Radix Ginseng, Comu Cervi Pantottichum, Cortex Cinnamomi, Semen Euryales, Concha Ostreae, Flos Chrysanthemi Characteristics and Benefits: 1. Invigorates the kidney and improves the function of infitration; 2, Removes the toxins accumulated in the kidneys; 3, Improves sexuality in men. Suitable for: * Males with compromised immunity * Males with impotence caused by weakened kidney functioning Key knowledge: * Kidney meridian at the view point of TOM Known as the "Minister of Power’, the kidney is regarded as the body's most important reservoir of essential ‘energy. The original prenatal energy (Yuan Gi) which forms the basis off is stored in the kidney, which is ‘why the kicheys are also known as the "Root of Lif’. In the Chinese view, the kidney meridian also includes the adrenal glands that secrete a wide range of essential hormones regulating metabolism, excretion immu- nity, sexual potency and fertlty, The kidney mercien is extended to what the Chinese call the "external kineys" the testicles in men and the ovaries in women, Thus the kidneys control sexuel and reproductive functions and provide the body's prime source of sexual vitality, which the Chinese regard as a major indica- tor of health and immunity. * Fructus Lycii is considered an extraordinary supplement which delays aging. It improves eyesight through enhancing liver function and boosts male sexuality through nourishing the kidneys. * Rhizoma Dioscoreae is constituted with a broad range of nutitional components such 2s vitamins, amino ‘acids and minerals, Its also known as Chinese Yam which has long been used to regulate the metabolism offal. The polysaccharides in Rhizoma Dioscoreae can protect the pancreas islet cells that product insulin. Both tredtional practice and modem research have proved that Rhizoma Dioscorege can improve immunity, prevent atheroscleroses, strengthen heart functioning and delay aging * Radix Ginseng is well known in both Westem and Eastern culture for its unique properties of improving immunity and enhancing stamina of the body. * Concha Ostreae contains 18 amino acids, vitamin B complex, taurine, calcium, phosphorus, iran, zno, ete. Ithas been used as a herb to boost sexuality of men as well as invigorate the kidney to preserve essence ‘energy of the body. GREEN WORLD Kidney Tonifying Capsule (Women) nts: Rhizoma Dioscoreae, Fructus Lyci, Radix Ginseng, Comu Cervi Pantotrichum, Radix Angolicae Sinensis, Longan Pulp, Concha Ostreae, Flos Chrysanthemi 4. Invigorates the kidney and improves the function of infiltration 2. Removes the toxins accumulated in the kidneys} 3. Improves sexual desire and quality of intercourse; 4, Regulates ovaries to balance the female hormones. Females with iregular menstruation Females during menopause Females with postmenopausal syndrome Females with chronic fatigue, arthritis and lumbago Kidney meridian at the view point of TCM Known as the "Minister of Power’ the kidney is regarded as the body's most important reservoir of essential ‘energy. The original prenatal energy (Yuan Qi) which forme the basis of Ife is stored in the kidney, which is why the kidneys are also known as the "Root of Life’. In the Chinese view, the kidney meridian also includes the adrenal glands that secrete 2 wide range of essential hormones regulating metabolism, excretion, immunity, sexual potency and fertlity The kidney meridian is extended to what the Chinese call the “extemal kidneys’ the testicles jn men and the ovaries in women. Thus the kidneys control sexual and reproductive functions and provide the ‘body's prime source of sexual vila, which the Chinese regard as a major indicator of health and immunity, ‘Comu Cervi Pantotrichum can improve the bodys cellular and humoral immune function, promote the transformation of lymphocytes, the role of immune enhancers. I increases the bodys defenses against the harmful ‘micro-organisms and regulates the immunity to prevent diseases and promote wound healing. Radix Angelicae Sinensis eamed a reputation as the “ultimate herb” for women. It is widely used among Chinese women as a fortfying daily tonic, much as Chinese men rely on ginseng, As a blood tonic, itis beneficial for women's unique shythms, cycles and body systems though it is not recommended during pregnancy or ‘menstruation or for people taking blood thinning agents, Longan Pulpis spectically rich in ron and vitamin 82, which are essential nutrients for synthesizing hemoglobin, Together with other ingredients Kidney Tonifying Capsule (Women) is an ideal herbal remedy for anemia, a common disorder in women caused by insufficient intake of nutrients, excessive menstrual bleeding, and postpartum anemia. It alleviates dizziness, headache, lack of concentration, memory loss which are common ‘among women NS GREEN WORLD Lecithin Capsule Ingredients: ‘Natural Soybean Lecthin=720mgiCapsule Characteristics and Benefits; 4 An essential constituent for healthy cell membranes; 2. Strengthens the nerve system and nourishes the brain; 3. Lowers blood kid level through transferming LDL to HDL; 44, Protects liver and enhances liver function Suitable for: ~ People intend to improve memory or alertness of central nerve system People with high blood lipid, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases * People with acute or chronic liver disorders such as fatty liver, hepatitis and liver cirthoses Key knowledge: * Akeystone for healthy cell membranes Lecithin is the basic material fr life, the more lecithin content in body, the stronger the metabolism, immunity, renewable abilty, and the body health. Master Lester in the biomedicine field considers that lecithin is the most valuable nutrient found inthe last 50 years, which is called "the patron saint of cells Lecithin is a necessary component of every cel in the human body. Considered a keystone in the construction of calls, ecthin prevents the hardening of cell membranes. Healthy cells ead to a healthier body, and the mem- branes are a critica part in montoring a cel’ intake and output. Protecting cells integral in maintaining a body's resistance to many diseases that attack damaged cells. “Abrain care food After being absotbed by the small intestine it can hydralyze galibladde alkali along with blood entering into the brain, and combine with acetic acid to form acetylcholine, which is called neurotransmitter. The higher the amount oflecthin, the quicker and stronger is the transportation and memory respectively. Therefore, lecthin has a special effect on intligence creation and strong memory Its recommended as "bin care food. “A cardiovascular protector Lecithin mimics the function of HDL cholesterol, Lecithin helps cholesterol and ft travel through the bloodstream by keeping it solvent in the bicod s0 it doesnt attach tothe artery wall, This is Vital function forthe overall health of anyone with @ predisposition to heart disease and other cardiovascular afflictions. The lubrication provided by lecithin creates a slippery ining on whichis dificult for lrge, fatty deposits to adhere. When large deposits of ft cannot adhere to specific regions of the body, they are transported to the liver where they are metabolized and converted to energy. Improved circulation seen as a result of lecthin supplementation helps to prevent biood clots ‘and maintain the health of the lver through which excess fats and energy-providing substances will pass. Aliver enhancer By accelerating the renewal of the liver calls, it can prevent fatty liver and hepatic cirrhosis, resume the liver function. The emulsification of lectin can resolve and prevent its aggradation, thus prevents gall stone radically Livergen Capsule Ingredients: Cassia Seed, Fructus Lyci, White Chrysanthemum, the root of Dahurian Angelica, Rhizoma Dioscoreae, Dandelion Characteristics and Benefits: 1. Adetoxifier accelerates the excretion of toxins; 2. Improves hepatic microcirculation and enhances liver function, 3. Promotes liver call regeneration, 4, Siows down liver cirhoses caused by faty liver, hepatitis and alecholism ; 5. Alloviates liver damage caused by chemicals, heavy metals, medicines, food poisons or other palitants Suitable for: * People who intend to detoxify their systern People with liver disease such as fatty liver, hepatitis, ver cithoses or other liver diseases People with cholecystitis, gallstone, jaundice or ether gal disorders * People who drink excessively Paople who work in contaminated environment Key knowledge: * About liver Liver isthe largest glandular organ that sits on the right side of the abdomen The liver has well over 500 functions ‘and is known as the laboratory ofthe human body. The lver is ted to all diy processes because t's responsible for filtration of all incoming foods and fluids. The body relies upon the liver fo remove toxins and itis connected to every disease or dysfunclon that is happening inside the body. Metabolizes proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, thus providing energy and nutrients Stores vitamins, minerals, and sugers Fiters the blood and helps remove harmful chemicals and bacteria Creates bile which breaks down fats ‘Stores extra blood that can be quioky released when needed Creates serum proteins that maintain fluid balance and act as carers Helps maintain electrolyte and water balance Creates immune substances such as gamma globulin Breaks down and eliminates excess hormones ‘Synthesizas urea, constructs blood protein, interconverts amino acids Constructs 60,000 systems of enzymes to govem metabolic activity throughaut the body Removes damaged red blood cells Ts sont par ne ong ist Iver func. stil uncertain exact how many uncon te vers respon sible fo. Liver diseases Many factors are culprits of live diseases. These include infection of hepattis B, unhealthy dist, air pollution, Cigarette smoking, prolonged fatigue, severe fl, and s0.0n, “How does Livergen Capsule help? Groen World Livergen Capsule improves the hepatic blood flow and the microcirculation in the liver, promotes the regeneration of the impaired liver cells. t gradually renews the normal function of iver that has been attacked and Improves the detox function of liver. Malapower Capsule Ingredients: Radix Astragali, Radix Glycyrrhizae, Herba Lophatheri Characteristics and Benefits: 1. Inhibits the growth of plasmodium and directly kills them so as to control the attack of malaria; 2. Relieves symptoms of malaria such as fever, headache, body ache, nausea, etc. 3. Improves complications of malaria like anemia, fatigue, and insornnia, Suitable for: * People who are suffering from malaria * People who intend to prevent malaria, Key knowledge: * What is malaria? Malaria is caused by infestation of plasmodium in human body. Malaria constantly breaks out when people are bitten by malaria mosquito or trans- fused with blood contaminated by plasmodium. The symptoms of malaria are ague and tremble at the beginning. Then high fever, fush of cheeks, { headache, thirst and body ache come. After bath of sweat, the body temperature declines to the normal soon. Such symptoms happen repeat- edly and periodically. Severe cases may involve acute headache, mental r | disorder, twitch, coma and incontinence, etc, “Radix Astragali Radix Astragali contains glycosides, various kinds of polysaccherides and {ace elements which could strengthen the immunity of human body. * Radix Glycyrrhizae and Herba Lophatheri: Radix Glyoyrmhizae and Herba Lophatheri are rich in various amino acids such as lysine, arginine, histidine, as well as calcium and sulfur, which ‘could promote the generation of red blood cells and hemoglobin in the blood. jf Parashield Capsule Ingredients: Radix Sophorae Flavescentis, Cortex Meliae Characteristics and Benefits: 1. Expels and kills common intestinal parasites: 2. Prevents parasitic diseases. Suitable for: * People vio are vulnerable to parasitic diseases such as those with compromised immunity * People who are frequently exposed fo sources of parasitic infection, such as contaminated water, soil or foods * People wiho don't have access to clean drinking water * Children and adolescence Key knowledge: Common intestinal parasitic diseases Parasitic diseases endangers human health, Especially, there is a high infection rate of food-borne intestinal narasitic diseases such as ascatiasis (infection of roundworm), uncinariasis (infection of hookworrn), trichuriasis (nection of whipworm) and enterobiasis {infection of threadlipin worm), ete. These parasites tear around in ‘the abdomen and cause various diseases. f 3 “How does Green World Parashield Capsule expel parasites? The combination of two hertss have a very good expelling effect on f the cestode by paralyzing its whole body. Pinworm can be also J paralyzed to the restraining state, Apiral ascarid, hookworm, < \Whipworm and fasciolopsis (infection of giant intestinal luke) can be ‘expelled. Schistosomiasis (bilharzia) can be prevented. i Cortex Melize extract paralyzes and expels the ascarid and } 2 whipworm, Radix Sophorae Flavescentis kills trichomonas vaginalis = and endamoeba, == Green World Parashield Capsule is effective in kiling both eggs and adult worms. Pine Pollen Tablet (Chewable Tablet) Ingredient: Pine pollen, Starch Characteristics and Be 1.An immune regulator: Pine pollen regulates immune system and enhances the phagocytosis of macrophage. 2.Protects cardiovascular and cerebral system; 3 Serves as an ideal nutrient reservation; efits: Suitable for ‘People desire to improve immunity: ‘People desire to optimize nutntional status; ‘Poople with family history of cardiovascular or cerebrovascular diseases, or has elevated blood pressure or blood lipid eve ‘People with compromised immune system; ‘People with cardiovascular or cerebrovascular diseases; ‘People with malnutrition or eat junk foods frequently EPTII sor cans pete eine: cia pep a to ferilize the gyncecium it contains rich components of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, essential fatty acids and flavonoids, which synergistically act as antioxidants army to counteract free radicals - the culprits of atheroscleresis. Flavonoids lower the blood cholesterol end vitamins maintain the elasticity of the blood vessels, + Pollen is encapsulated in sporodem to protect the sensitive genetic materials against any damage. Human doesn't have digestive juice to break the pallen sporodem. Green World adopts advanced technique to break the pollen sporadem with an sporodem broken rate over 98% to achieve better nutrient absorption. Probiotics Powder Ingredients: Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium lactis, Bifidobacterium longum, Streptococcus thermophilus, Water-soluble dietary fiber, Maltodextrin, Fructo-oligosaccharide, Green World Probiotics Powder is formulated with Lactobacillus Acidophilus, Bifidobacterium Lactis, Bifidobacterium Longum, and Streptococcus Thermophilus as the main ingredients, Adopting the worldeading advanced technology, the activity of active cultures is lastingly maintained at room temperature. Benefits of Green World Probiotics Powder ‘© Itworks as a supplementation of probiotics to adjust the balance of microbial eco-system of intestinal tract, \which further initiates the alteration of cholesterol cistribution mechanism of human body. This results in lowered cholesterol level, which is helpful in cleansing the wastes on the inner walls of blood vassals, thus prevents eardiovaseular diseases It multipies the beneficial flora in intestinal tract by 100 folds, which helps in cleansing the toxins and wastes in intestinal tract, preventing constipation, inhibiting the gastrointestinal inflammation and diarrhea. It acts to protect intestinal mucosa and liver thereby prevents the canceration with its immune enhancing properties, ‘© Itpromotes the absorption of minerals such as calcium, magnesium, zinc and iron. Especially the absorption ‘of calcium helps prevent osteoporosis. ‘© Ithelps the synthesis of essential vitamins, improves the mainutritious status and increases the amount of beneficial flora in intestinal tract. Characteristics of Green World Probiotics Powder ‘© Formation of protective barrier of intestinal tract: Various types of bacteria cohere and colonize in the ‘microbial eco-system of small and large intestines, thereby increases beneficial flora of the intestinal tract, maintains a weakly acicic intestinal environment and adjusts the overall intestinal flora. A healthy gut has better absorptive capabilty ‘© Excellent adaptation: Advanced double embedding technology is adopted fo maintain the survival rate of the active cultures, ‘© Variety and activity ofthe probiotics: Green World Probiotics Powder is constituted by four types of probiotics with a balanced ratio of 1:1:1:1, which sufficiently balance the pH value of intestinal tract © Free of side effects: Selection of probiotics with high purty and stabilly to guarantee the security and effectiveness of the products, Suitable for: ‘© People need special care of intestinal tract ‘such 2s infants, pregnant women and the elderly; ‘© People with gastrointestinal dysfunction, © People with constipation, bloating, lactose infolerance, iitable bowel syndrome, © People with suppressed appelite, anorexia ‘and dyspepsia, 1. Possesses antimicrobial properties against various bacterial and fungal infestations; 2. Improves nutritional status and general well-being, People with chronic infection (bacterial, fungal and viral infection) People with compromised immunity People with sore throat, conjunctivitis, sinus congestion, colds, influenza, bronchitis, cisorders of the ‘ears, periodontal disease, pneumonia, bile infections, gastric ulcer, infection ofthe urinary tract, intestinal infections, and eczema Nutritional value of propolis ‘There are more than 30 kinds of flavones compounds, various kinds of terpenes, 20 amino acids, various vitamins, active enzymes, 34 trace elements like iron, zinc, chromes, selenium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorous, etc. Propolis also contains 10 aromatic acids, 30 aromatic esters, over 30 fatty acids. Polysaccharides in propolis that are essential for the body, History of propolis Propolis has a long history of medicinal use, dating back to 350 B.C., the time of Aristolle, Greeks have used propolis for abscesses; Assyrians have used it for healing wounds and tumors, and Egyptians have used it for mummification. This natural bee products is renown of elixir” and "natural antibiotic’. About 1900 years ‘ago, the ancient Roman encyclopedia "History of the Nature” mentioned a detailed description of source and effect of propolis. Antiseptic and antimicrobial properties Research shows it offers antiseptic, antibiotic, antibacterial, antifungal, and even antiviral properties. Propolis is Nature's premiere preventive. It is so powerful in action, it is often called Russian penicilin in acknowledgement of the extensive research the Russians have mounted on this wonder work from the bees. Propolis demonstrates strong antimicrobial properties against various bacterial and fungal infestations. Even streptococcus bacteria have been shown sensitive to propolis Improves immunity Modem scientific studies indicate that those who take propolis regularly escape winter colds and sore throats and seem to develop a natural immunity to common viruses, including the various strains of fu Anatural antibiotic ‘Chemical antibiotics destroy all bacteria in the body, both the friendly, (necessary flora required for healthy functioning in the entire gastrointestinal tract) and the bad intestinal flora. An individual who constantly takes prescribed antibiotics for one condition after another soon learns the fact that the medication may no longer work as effectively as they once did. The invasive micro-organisms gradually develop resistance ‘against the medication. Propolis, the natural antibiotic, works ‘against harmful bacteria without destroying the friendly bacte- tia the body needs. ‘Multiple functions Propolis has also been proven effective against strains of bacteria that resist chemical antibiotics. The field of influence of ‘propolis is extremely broad. It includes cancer, infection of the Urinary tract, swelling of the throat, gout, open wounds, sinus congestion, colds, influenza, bronchitis, gastritis, diseases of the ears, periodontal disease, intestinal infections, ulcers, ‘eczema eruptions, pneumonia, arthritis, lung disease, stomach virus, headaches, Parkinson's disease, bile infections, sclero- sis, circulation deficiencies, warts, conjunctivitis, and hoarse- ness. Unsuitable for babies, infants, pregnant women or hypersensi- tive people, especially who are allergic to honey and other bee products. Halve the dosage for minors aged 10 to 18. Propolis Capsule Propolis, Radix Ginseng Extractum, Vegetable oi NYS GREEN WORLD Softgel Ingredients: 100% Natural Royal Jelly Characteristics and Benefits: 1. Strengthens immunity and facilitates regeneration of the tissue; 2. Improves metabolism and ineretion; 3, Prevents certain types of cancer, such as breast and cervical cancer of women 4, Fights cancer by inhibiting blood supply to tumors; ‘5, Improves insulin resistance and high blood pressure; 6. Accelerates convalescence and reduces the incidence of relapse; 7. Restrains bacteria and reduces inflammation; 8. Reduces spots and wrinkles, nourishes skin, activates the hair, nail and skin, and postpone senile Suitable for ‘Weak, sickly and senile people ‘Women who intend to reduce spot and wrinkle People with anemia or those during convalescence after sickness or surgery Office workers who are incline to fatigue * People with chronic liver and kidney diseases Key knowledge: Royal jelly -a "royal food” for the queen bee Royal jelly isthe specific food for the queen bee for her entre Ife, which contribute to her longevity (50 times longer than the worker bees), as well as her fertility. A queen bee is fertilized once, and from that moment on. can lay as many as three thousand eggs @ day during the season. As incredible as this may seem, she can lay that many eggs for five years ‘Nutritional vaiue of royal jelly This rich concentrated food is not just useful for the bees. It contains remarkable amounts of proteins, lipids, glucides, vitamins, hormones, enzymes, mineral substances, and specific vital factors that act as biocatalysts in cell regeneration processes within the human body. Although some of the elements found in royal jelly are in microgram quantities, they siill can act supremely with co-enzymes as catalysts or can act synergistically. (That is, the elements’ action combined is greater than the ‘sum oftheir actions taken separately.) Royal jelly is rich in protein, vitamins B1, B2, B6, C, E, niacin, pantothenic acid, biotin, inositol and folic acid. In fact, it contains seventeen times as much pantothenic acid as that found in dry pollen. itis a marvelous heaith food called "quid nutrient gol” Green World Royal Jelly Capsule contains 100% pure royal jelly, whose active rate is above 97%, 3 times higher than that in fresh royal lly. ~ ProstaSure Capsule ~ Ingredients: Extractum of Recix Rehmenniae, Rhizoma Anemarthenae, Cortex Phellodendri Chinsis, Herba Eciptae, Fructus Ligusti Lucidi, Herba Plantaginis, Radix Paeoniae Rubra Characteristics and Benefits: 1. Improves blood circulation of prostate gland; 2. Restrains grovdhi of pathogenic microorganism in the prostate; 3. Alleviates symptoms of prostate disorders, Suitable for: * Males with any of the prostate disorders * Males of age above 40, Key knowledge: * About prostate disorders The prestate is a small gland, usually described as “walnut-sized,” that, together wih the seminal vesicles, produces the fuid part of semen. Its located just below the bladder and surrounds the urethra, the tube through \which urine passes through the penis. Problems with the prostate are usually connected to aging: the older a man i, the more likely he has chances of ‘experiencing prostate problems and symptoms. Afier age fity prostate disorders are among the most common of ‘men’s heath complaints. Eighty percent of all prostate cancer diagnoses, for instance, are made after age sixty-five, and by age seventy, ninety percent ofall men display atleast some symptoms of an enlarged prostate. “Types of prostate disorders, Prostate problems or symptoms tend ofall into three common categories: prostatitis, or inflammation ofthe gland; benign prostatic hyperplesia (BPH), which results in an enlarged prostate that can narrow the urethra; and cance * Symptoms of prostate disorders ‘Symptoms ofthe three disorders are often very similar, and any ofthe folowing symptoms might suggest prostate disorders: + cifieulty or pain while urinating + buming sensation while urinating + pelvic pain + frequent urination + abdominal pain + “cribbing” or incontinence + impotence +2 feeling thatthe bladder never fly empties +2 sudden inabilty to urinate + urinary tract infection ‘hematuria andéor anemia + Nocturia * How does Green World ProstaSure Capsule help? ‘This product prevents and alleviates symptoms common in prostate disorders ‘such as frequent, urgent, dificult or painful urination. It improves blood circulation ‘and restrains growth of pathogenic microorganism in the prostate. ata = os REEN WORLD ai Slimming Capsule : Ingredients: Cassia Seed, Lotus Leaf, Mulberry, Hawthorn, Neroli, Jasmine, Rose Characteristics and Benefits: 4 1. Accelerates metabolism rate to increase the burning of the fat as fuel and } the degradation of fat in the body; 2. Decreases the intake of calories by regulating food intake; 3. With its natural floral formula itheips lose weight safely and steadily without rebound and generation of wrinkles; 4. Dual roles in weightloss and beautification, Suitable for: * People on weight control program * People who intend to prevent overweight “People who have obesity Key knowledge: “Cassia Seed Cassia seed extract boosts weight loss due to its laxative properties, which help hydrate the large intestinal tract to loosen the bowels Cassia seed extract is tonic for the eyes, kidney, liver and bowel. Its useful to ‘address liver fie, a diagnostic pattem in traditional Chinese medicine. Symptoms of liver fire are iitabilty, headache, red face, tinnitus and sleep problems. * Lotus leaf ‘Alkaloids and flavonoids in lotus leaf extract decreases blood glyceride and cholesterol greatly. Meanwrile, ithelps with urination and bowel movement thus the excretion of metabolic wastes and toxins can be accel- erated. “Hawthorn Hawthorn contains flavonoids, hawthorn acids, procyanidins, vitamin C, lipase and other active compounds that lower the blood lipid level” In some European countries, hawthom extract is considered a relatively safe ‘and effective therapy for mild to moderate congestive heart failure due to its effects on improving cardiac ‘output * Mulberry Mulberry is classified in the modern Chinese Materia Medica as a blood tonie, which improves the production ‘of blood cells. Traditionally, mulberry has been used as a mecicinal agent to nourish the yin and blood, benefit the kidneys, and treat weakness, fatigue, anemia, and premature graying of hair. Its also used to ‘teat urinary incontinence, tinnitus, dizziness, and constipation in the elderly and the anemic, The bioactive ‘constituents such as vitamin C, B-carotene, selenium and flavonoids improve immunity and also work syner- istically as antioxidants, “Rose ‘The rose essential oll and volatile oll in rose extract have shown properties of decreasing systolic blood pressure, and total cholesterol level. The benefits of rose extract extend well beyond its antioxidant potency, however. The extract possesses well-stablished anti-inflammatory effects and has been shown to relieve {int pain associated with osteoarthritis, cheumatoid arthritis and lower-back pain. I Soy Power Capsule 3 a Ingredients: Semen Glycine, Radix Paeoniae Alba Extractum, Ganoderma, Soy Isoflavones Characteristics and Benefits: 1. Prevents the decline of ovary's function: 2. Reduces the loss of bone density; prevents osteoporosis, especialy during and after menopause! 3. Prevents breast cancer; 4. Prevents arteriosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases; 5. Improves mental activities; strengthens memory and prevents dementia; 6. Retards aging; nourishes skin and makes skin smooth, soft and elastic. Suitable for: “Females with pre-menstruate tension “Females with post menopausal syndrome Females with unbalanced femele hormones, especially declined estrogens “Females with lower bone density or osteoporosis “Females with infertility caused by low estrogen level * Females with poor-quality sleep, insomnia or anxiety “Females who intend to improve their sexuality Key knowledge: * Estrogenie and Anti-Estrogenic Activities ‘Soy Isoflavones are known to have weak estrogenic or hormone-like activity. Estrogens are signaling molecules that exert their effects by binding to estrogen receptors within cells (chemical stuctures of endogenous estrogens), ‘The estrogen-receptor complex interacts with DNA to change the expression of estrogen-responsive genes. Estro- {gen receptors are present in numerous tissues other than those associated with reproduction, including bone, liver, heart, and brain. Soy isoflavones and cther phytoestrogens cen bind to estragen receptors, mimicking the effects Cf estrogen in some tissues and blocking the effects of estrogen in others. Scientists aro interested inthe tissue- ‘elective activites of phytoestrogens because antiestrogenic effects in reproductive tissue could help reduce the tisk of hormone-associated cancers (breast, uterine, and prostate), while estrogenic effects in other tissues could help maintain bone density and improve blood lipid profiles (cholesterol evel) Antioxidants ‘Soy isoflavones have antioxidant properties which protect the cardiovascular system from oxidation of LDL (the 'bad) cholesterol, Oxidized LDL cholesterol accumulates inthe arteries as patches of fatty buildup which blocks the flow of blood, resulting in atherosclerosis. Soy Power Capsule inhibits the growth of cells that form this artery ‘logging plaque. Arteries damaged by atherosclerosis usually form blood clots, This can lead to. heart attack f the lot goes to the heart, or a stroke ifit goes to the brain, “ Prevents breast cancer Being a weak form of estrogen, isoflavones can compete at estrogen receptor sites, blocking the stronger version ‘naturally produced by the body from exerting its full effect. Since high blood levels of estrogen are an established risk factor for breast cancer, weaker forms of estrogen may provide protection against ths disease. In combination with Ganoderma and other herbs Soy Power Capsule can prevent estrogen sensitive cancer such as breast ‘Strengthens bones ‘Soy Power Capsule also plays an important role in protecting and maintaining strong and healthy bones. it can Increase bone mineral content and bone density, as well as stimulate bone formation. Thus Soy Power Capsule helps prevent and improve osteoporosis, Spirulina Spirulina is an ancient aquatic creature that is as old as the sea itself. It is @ planktonic blue-green algae-like forganism known as a cyanobacteria because of is brillant biue/green pigment and its bacterial genes. I ives in salt water and warm akaline volcanic lakes in the hot regions of the world. Spirulina has chlorophyll and uses the ‘sun as an energy source, simiar to plants and algae. Scientists are very excited about it because ofits potential {as a concentrated food source with unique properties as follows: ‘Nutritional values of Spirulina 1) Low fat Spirulina has very low saturated fat, making it an excellent food source for modern society plagued by overweight and obesity 2) High protein and unsaturated fatty acids The protein content of Spirulina reaches 60 to 72% of ts dry weight and 1 gram of Spirulina can provide 60 to 70% of the daily requirement of protein for a healthy adult. The unsaturated fatty acids of Spiruina contribute to its ‘benefits on conditions such as hypercholesterolemia and atherosclerosis, premenstrual tension and arthntis and as an auxiliary in weightloss. 3) Rich amount of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. in general, 1 gram of Spirulina is nutritionally equal to 1 kg of vegetables and fruits It contains a high amount of ferrous (20 times higher than ordinary ferrous rich food lke spinach). Its content of vitamin B12 is 3.5 times that of animal iver. Carolinoids is 1.5 times that of carrot. There is also an array ofthe B vitamins including B12, vitamin and minerals such as calcium, magnesium, selenium, manganese, potassium, and zinc ‘Spirulina is a great source of naturally occurring selenium, which is a powerful anti-oxidant. Selenium works closely with vitamin & to ensure the proper oxygen supply to muscle cells and in particular to the myocardium. The immune system also benefits from selenium. Selenium, in association with Vitamin E protects red blood cells, cell ‘membranes and cellular components from damage due to soluble peroxides known as free radicals. Importantly, the main role of selenium is as the cofactor to the enzyme glutathione peroxidase. The discovery of glutathione peroxidase revealed how critical selenium is to protection against cancer, heart disease, arhrilis and accelerated aging, The main biological ale of glutathione peroxidase is fo protect the organism from oxidative damage. Anticancer feature ‘The high levels of chiorophyil and P-carctene in spirulina may expiain its ability to stop cancer colonies from forming because they bind with and thus stimulate excretion of cancer-causing chemicals. If cancer cells are stopped before they can form colonies, the body's naturally occurring cancer cells won't be able to run amok and develop into symptomatic cancer. ‘The Harvard University School of Dental Medicine reduced oral cancer cells with spirulina extracts and published the corresponding repor in 1986, ‘The anti-cancer property of phycobiliprotein in Spirulina has been granted patent (JP5B065218) in Japan and patent (USP1150726-A82679) in USA. Anti-radiation feature: ‘Studies have shown that Spirulina is protective against radioactivity. Studying children living in highly radioactive areas of the world, researchers have shown that Spirulina protects the immune system from radioactivity as well {8 reduces urine radicactiviy levels. Anti-allergy features ‘A recent clinical study involving 26 allergic rhinitis patients has demonstrated that ingesting only 29 of spirulina a day provides a significant reduction in the level of Interiuken-4 (IL-4) in the body. IL-4 is produced by certain immune cells and is responsible for the production of the antibody, Immunoglobulin E (IgE), which mediates symptoms of allergic rhinitis, Spirulina Plus Capsule Spirulina Platensis. Radix Panacis Quinquefoli Spirulina Tablet Spirulina Platensis 1. The ultrasine moleculer groups of pulverized Spirulina reach size of 011-100nm with processing technique of superfine nanotechnology, ensuring its high absorption rate by human body, 2. The punty of Green World Spirulina achieves 98.72% and is free of any preservatives. 3. An ideal food source that are highly compatible vith human nutritonal demand People who intend to have balanced dlily nutritional intake People with any ofthe fllowang conditions: diabetes, gastric ulcer, overweight or obesity, hepatitis, eye and renal disorders, “anemia, cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, hypetipemia, ‘norevia, enuresis, ple, constipation, premenstual tension, side eftects resuling from cancér, chemno- or radio-therapy and immundeficiency, chronic fatigue, insomnia and unhealed wound People on diet People in status of malnutrition People a the late stace of wasting diseases such as cancer, AIDS, tubercu- losis, diabetes, chronic airophic gasrts, malignant thyrotoxicosis, etc Vegetarians who have insufficient intak® of protein Super Co-Q10 Capsule Ingredients: Coenzyme Q10, L-camitine Hemifumarate, Radices Salviae Mitiorthizae Extract, Astragalus Hoangtchy Extract Characteristics and Benefits: 1. Improves metabolism of cells of body, especially myocardial cells and nerve cells; 2. Improves immunity 3. Antioxidants which prevent and alleviate degenerative cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases: 4. Improves stamina and general well-being of human body. Suitable for: * People with cerdiovascular diseases such as: myocardial infarction, congestive heert fllure, hypertension, high cholesterol, angina pectoris, te. * People suffer trom vital organ damage caused by chemo- or radiotherepy ~ People with diabetes, obstructive pulmonary disease, periodontal disease * People with chronic fetigue * Prior to heart surgery Key knowledge: “Coenzyme @10 ‘The main ingrediont of cell mitochondria is Coenzyme 010, which is the element to generate energy. Coenzyme 10 levels are reported to decrease with age and to be low in patients with some chronic diseases such as heart conditions, muscular dystrophies, Parkinson's cisease, cancer, diabetes, and HIV/AIDS, Recent research indicates that Coenzyme 10 can contradict tumor. Its particularly effective on the prevention of coronary heart disease, reli of angina and improvement of immunity. So i is regarded as the most precious = product in the health ford range ‘The effectiveness of Coenzyme G10 on cardiovascular diseases have been proved by recent research conducted by Japan, Russia, some European countries and USA. Patients who suffered from angina pectoris, myocardial infarction of congestive heart failure were given Coen- zyme Q10 in conjunctive with clinic medications in Japan, Brazil and Belgium, have shown outstanding improve ‘ment oftheir signs and symptoms. Radices Salviae Miltiorrhizae Extract Tanshinone I, tanshinone Il and cryptotanshinone in Radices Salviae Milllorthizee Extract are able to late coronary artery, reduce blood pressure and cholesterol. L-camitine Hemifumarate L-Carnitine Hemifumarate is a naturally ocourring amino acid, which is involved in the transport of falty acids into mitochondria. Without this a decrease in energy production on the celluler level will occur. Studies have shown there is a direct correlation between age and L-Camitine. The levels of Carnitine in older people show a drastic reduction. Since Carnitine has been shown to have antioxidant properties which prevent free-radical damage to the neurons, which contributes to age-related memory problems and degenerative cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Astragalus Hoangtchy Extract Astragalus Hoangtchy Extract can improves myocardial contractility without increasing myocardial ‘oxygen consumption Vigpower Capsule (for men) ingredients: Semen Cuscutae, Fructus Lycii, Rhizoma Dioscoreae, Radix Rehmanniae Preparata, Cortex Moutan, Characteristics and Benefits: 4. Conserves the vital power and strengthens the sexual ability through replenishing kidney, 2. Increases sperm count and improves sperm motity 3, Increases sexual desire of men, enhances the oxygen content in blood which helps in penis erection for ‘normal sexual performance; 4. Helps with sexual dysfunctions such as premeture ejacuiation, erectile dysfunction or frequent spermator- thea. Suitable for: © Men who intend to improve sexuality * Men with sexual dysfunction such as premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction or frequent spermatorthea Key knowledge: “Semen Cuscutae The main effect cf Semen Cuscutae is to replenish the kidney essence and support healthy sexual and reproductive functioning, * Fructus Lyci {ts main function is to energize the body, so that.a person can get enough power for sexual activities. Fructus Lyi protongs the time of ejaculation and improves satisfaction to both the partners. * Rhizoma Dioscoreae ‘The bioactive constituents of Rhizoma Dioscoreae include 18 amino acids and over 10 trace elements and improve vitality and sense of well-bing in men. * Radix Rehmanniae Preparata Radix Rehmanniae Preperata improves fatigue resistence and enhances kidney function when it interacts with other male enhancers. It is beneficial for spermatorthea and premature ejaculation, which are common problems in men, Cortex Moutan Cortex Moutan improves microcirculation and dissipates blood stasis thus improves the blood circulation into cavernous body of penis, a 3 PRODUCTS a 3 a: Green World are] POE Reet Peer Re eur ae uri Chinese made not only ar) orm era i Coenen ema err) ‘health problems when you enjoy the tea culture ~ GREEN WoRLD ‘Tea is considered "liquid for health" and "drink for soul" in Britain; “national drink’ in China. Modem scientific research has proved that, tea leaves contain biochemical components benefi- cial to human health, Tea leaves have the pharmacological effects of refreshing, relaxing, heat clearing and detoxifying, They help diges- tion and dissolve phlegm, as well as lower biood lipid and reduce body weight. They can also soothe the nerve, release the restlessness, land keep a person sober after excessive drinking. Drinking tea helps quench thirst, improve eyesight, stop dysentery and remove dampness. In addition, tea has certain pharma- ological effects for modem diseases, lke radiation sickness, cardio-cerebral vascular disease and cancer. With so many health benefits, tea is irreplaceable compared with other drinks. And their benefits come from the bioactive components contained in tea leaves, such as polyphenol, theamine, theophylline, and lipopolysaccharide etc. These constituents’ specific effects are as follows: 1. Delay aging; 2. Inhibit cardiovascular disease; 3. Prevent cancer; 4, Prevent and alleviate radiation injury; 5. Inhibit and deactivate harmful microorgan- isms like bacteria, virus and fungi 6, Helpful for beautification and skin care; 7. Refresh body and mind; 8, Helpful for micturition and release fatigue; 8. Helpful for digestion and lowering blood lipid; 10. Protect teeth an ve eyesight. s ‘Green.World Tea Series takes the first-class ‘green tea, black tea and Folium licis Kudingchae as basic materials, together with functional herbal ingredients to make fragrant and delicious compound tea products, which hhelp enhance your health and alleviate your canturies history ay ? Balsam Pear Tea . Ingredients: Balsam Pear Powder, Green Tea Powder 4, Repairsfoells of pancreas which is responsible for producing insulin; 2. Polypeptide Pa plant insulin, reduces blood suger and bloog lipid level satel 3. Prohibits the absorption of glucose in small intestine, and reduces glucose in the blood stream; 4 Alleviates complications of diabetes such as thirst and dry mouth. People with hyperglycemia People with diabetes Balsam Pear is also called "cool melon" or bitter gourd”, with its cold and brine nature, and rich contents of vitamin B1, vitamin C and many minerals, itrelieves thirst, reffeshes and nourishes the body and accelerates the metabolism. it also improves cigestion and relieves constipation. Hypoglycemic effect of charantin and lectin Charantin was extracted from balsam pear which has shown hypoglycaemic effect on normal and diabetic people. It was also found to increase insulin sensitivity Studies in the U.S. have show that balsam pear contains lectin that has insulir-tke activity due to its Ronprotein-specific linking together to insulin receptors. This lectin lowers blood glucose concentrations by acting on peripheral tissues and, similar to insulin's effects in the brain, suppressing appetite. Due to its hypoalycemic effect, lectin is also known as “plant insulin”. Presence of this lectin makes it beneficial for alleviating adult-onset diabetes, also known as type Il diabetes, ther compounds in bitter melon have been found to activate the AMPK, the protein that regulates glucose uptake (a process which is impaired in diabetics). Lectin is stable in exireme environment such as stortach which is exposed to strong stomach acids and digestive enzymes. in comparison of insulin, lectin acts more persistently and hardly develop resistance. Green Tea has long been used by the Chinese to alleviate headaches, body ache, poor digestion and improving well-being and life expectancy. Green Tea is rich in bioflavonoids, polyphenols, vitamins and minerals, and one of its main properties is to fight free radicals that cause oxidative stress in diabetes.

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