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Lattice Energy How sung are the ine onds in an ionic solid? Why? ‘When comparing the srenghs of covalent bonds we can use bond energy ables oeximate the energy ‘clessed when apucalat bond is formed, The mor enepy thats released, che stonges, or more sable the bond Toni bonds have similar quay called lati energy, Lardce energy is Gefned as she change {n energy when ions in their gaseous state form an onic solid Is very difiul to dretly measure bce tneipies for ionic substances, 0 they are osslly theoretically calculate from other dat In this activity, we tll ook a he variables tha determine the magnitude ofthe lice energy. Model 1 - The Born-Haber Cycle Me") 40%. +67K) Land 2nd cleo fing Mg" +018. +249 1 | Bond ney Mer@ +40,@) +2189) terand 2nd ianiation energy Soe ences Mg@ + 40. +148 1g | Hae of blinarion MgQa) + 4Ox(@) = 6021) | Hea of formation 1. What ionic substance is being used to illustrate che concept of lantice energy in Model 1? ‘The lattice energy of magnesuom oxide is illasrated in Mode Latcie Energy 8 2, According ro the Why? box on the previous page, what isthe definition of lattice energy? Label the arrow in Model | that represents lace energy. The tice energy is the change in energy when ions in thir geseon tate form a one oid ‘See Model 1 3. The latice energy is theoretically calculated from five other energies. They are listed below with theie definitions. Label the remaining arrows in Model 1 with these fve energies, + Iscand 2nd electron affniy—The energy needed co add ewo electrons to an atom to form + Lotand 2nd ionization energy —The energy needed to remove an electron fom an atom form cation, ‘+ Bond energy—The energy needed to break a covalent bond between atoms ‘+ Heat offormation—The energy change when a compound is Formed from its component cements in thee naural sate. ‘+ Heat of sublimation —The energy needed to change fom a solid state into a gaseous sate See Model I 4. Verify tha the lati energy shown in Model 1 canbe caloulated using the five other energy values Show your ealelation hers, 148 WJ + 2189 A] +249 J+ 657 WJ + 602 bf = 3845 8f 5. Tey Innke np the hond energy far an O; molec, yo will inl Feraare ales oF 498 Klmale [Explain why the energy asocated with breaking the bonds inthe oxygen molecules in Model | is listed as half chat val, ‘The breaking of one mole of oxygen molecules into single ators wll form two moles ofexgen atoms Only bf of that is nesded to produce one male of magnesium oxide. G6. Use the information below wo calculate she latice energy for ithium bromide. Hint: Consider that only one bromine atom is needed for lithium bromide. Also consider that Br, () must be ‘vaporized to Br (g). This heat of vaporization was not necessary in the case of MgO. Be(g) te B®) 324 Wmole Br") —> Brig) er $324 knle L@uUM@+e —-4520Kmole Lt +L) ~520 fmol Br (@) > 2Br(9) 4192 Kmole —Y42Br(g) > Brag) 1924) BO > B® #15 Kjfmole —— H4(Bry(g) > Br) W815 bole) LG) +i) H62kImole — Li Li) 162 kymole 1iG)+¥Beg(D 7 LiBe(s) —351 Kfimole LG) + HBra(Y > Libr) —=S5reftmate 813 fmol BR, 7. Consider the definition of ace ney Would you predic tha lie energie are aye 82 ‘exothermic? Justify your reasoning Yes, consider thas energy is required so melt most ione compounds, o 0 desry ther erst lates By Hist law the, energy must be released when anionic slid is formed from its elements. POGIL™ Activities for AP* Chemistry AAAAAAAAARAAAAAHAAAARATAATAATATAAAAAAAIH TE Model 2 - Atom Size and Charge 8 Data Set A Data Set B eS Lattice energy Lattice energy g/mol) (g/mol) LiCl 830 NaCl 710 NaCl 710 MgCl 2530 Ka. 700 Nad 2570 RbCL 680 MgO cGa_| 660 a (Consider the data presented in Model 2 14 Which set of data could be analyzed to show the effect atomic sie has on latice energy? Explain your choice. ae Sit weve compounds hare he metal toms nthe aie reall +1 car, bt have ‘dfirent ait 4 Which seo daa coud be aay vo show the eet ion charge has on ac energy? Bipan our chk , a SB ie vl componnds he the cations and anions have difvens charg Refer co Model 2 4. Aste onsin the sold ace gt bigs, thus making the bond length Inge, what hapens tthe lac energy ofthe sol No Igor tig on the le ees Then {Sting that energy een, Yu ae inte nt magiade of tec ney Th mown of energy reed ite metal atm in sh ae eer 4 Decide how your newer in part atest th law of Coulombic aration beeen bared pace? Paes cost wit the Como le Ae thon et larger, ad band gh es re, ‘heaton Been the ine il dace, Tht see le reed when th bend formed Refer vo Model 2, 4 When the ions she sl atc hae higher charges, what happens to che ac energy of dhe sai "Th compound Data St B thar 1-1 hag rele ox ene whe te ei red thn the ter bave 2-2 oF 0-2. As th charges on he i sagen te ece eget eg 4. Descibe how your newer in partes tothe lw of Coulombic traction beeen changed parce it cnn withthe Colombes As th on hag get legs th aracon bere he tons rng Ths arene il be eed when bon formed Lastce Energy 8 1. Work individually on this question and then discuss your answers asa group. Which compound in ach row would have the lager latie energy? Be prepared to justify our reasoning MgO MgCl, MgO—the charger are lager (421-2 1, +21) { MgC Mg, -MgE_—the fluoride in smaller then the chloride on MO GO ‘MgO—the magnesium ion is smaller than the cae ion AIC, ALO, ALOs—the charges are lager (434-2 4. +3t-1) 12, Match the ionic compounds below to thet lace energy Compound Lattice Energy ki/mole LiF -2800 14,0 2040 KF ~1030 KBr 320 KO zi ~680 4 POGIL™ Activites for AP* Chemistry Sees ceed eeeee cers eemecrerer me eee cer ee eee ae a a ee Extension Questions 18, The latice energy (atactive fore) ofan ionic slid canbe approximated sing the Coulombic force equation shown below, Use your undersanding of lacice energy and Coslombicatrnetion to answer the allowing 41% F 4 Identify each ofthe variables in che equation F ‘ andy, r Sore constant charger cdinance berocen ions 4 When you calculate the force between a positive and negative ion, will the force be positive or negative? Explain your reasoning. When the charges are multiplied, thy will result in a negative umber There are no ether values ‘in the equation that are negative, so the reusing fice will be negative. © When you calla che force between two negative ions wil the force be positive or negative Explain your reasoning, When the charges are mulled, thy wil eal ina pastive number. There are no other values in ‘the equation tha are negative, 1 the reuling force will be povtive. 4 How are aeractve and repulsive forces distinguished when calculating forces? ‘Atri fives are given a negative force valu un epi frcs ae glen a psi foe male 14, Most heats of formation for ionic compounds are exothermio—energy is released when the com- ‘pound forms ftom its element in cheir natural state. However, some are endothermic overall, 1 Refer to Model 1, Whar mus be true about the relative magnitudes ofthe energies involved in thar model ro make a heat of formation fo anionic compound endothermic? ‘The lattice nergy mast be smaller than the sum ofthe energies neded to turn the element in tein nasal ate into gaseous ions (sublimation, vaporization, ionisation and electron affinity energie 4 Would an ionic compound with an endothermic heat of formation be a shelf table (can be stored fora longtime without decomposing) as anionic compound with an exothermic heat ‘of formation? Explain your reasoning, The compound would most itly not be shelf sable if it bad a eat of formation thas was endo ‘hermit. This means the elements inter natural sate are more sable then he compound. Ths would meen decomposition was thermodynamical fivorable Lattice Energy 85

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