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Time Waits One Act Play CARL: Oh yes. Ms. Ahlee.

Haven't seen you for

a month since...
ABEEY: (Enters.) Carl, towel la. (Gives towel.)
By Debbie Ann Tan Did you kill?
CARL: (Takes towel. Says slowly.) Kill?
AHLEE 55, second-generation Chinese
(They sit. ABEEY wipes her hands with her
own towel.)
ABEEY 55, twin sister
CARL 30, Chinese mestizo
AHLEE: Abeey! Silly.
VOICE on radio
Carl, we were just talking. I said you surely
Place made killing in stock market.
Chinatown, Binondo Don't mind her, she's just ignorant.
Set has clock collection in a corner. CARL: (Laughs.) Tita Abeey is so cute.
ABEEY: (Laughs.) Thank you. Eat cake.
The present. Afternoon. There's a magnetic field
AHLEE: Isn't this your favorite?
lightning storm in the air.
CARL: Yes. Love those. Thank you both.
ABEEY: So, what's the big news?
EXCERPT STARTS HERE) AHLEE: Abeey! Let him eat and rest.
CARL enters. ABEEY: Eat and talk. That's rest.
AHLEE: In his due time.
AHLEE: Carl. Did you get wet? Sit, sit. CARL: Well, it's actually, very personal.
ABEEY: There's hot tea. I'll get you towel. ABEEY: Oh? Tell us. I'm used to you two
(Leaves.) talking money matters.
AHLEE: Yes, towel. Towel. AHLEE: Because it's our job. (Pause.) It WAS
my job.
CARL: I'm ok. How are you, Ma'am Ahlee?
CARL: Now, you get to do it for fun and
AHLEE: I'm no longer your boss.
personal, investment.
CARL: Tita Ahlee.
AHLEE: Yes. Sure. As long as you're there to
AHLEE: Sounds so old. be my trader.
CARL: (Laughs.) Hindi kasi ako sanay. What CARL: Certainly, Ma’am.
do I call you?
AHLEE: So, did I earn today? (Laughs.)
AHLEE: Just Miss Ahlee.
CARL: (Laughs along.) We most certainly did.
ABEEY: We? Means you and she. And me? CARL: Oh yes. Okay. Excuse me. (Leaves.)
CARL: Certainly, Tita. All of us. AHLEE: Abeey, do we have enough food if he
stays for dinner?
AHLEE: Abeey, can you get, (Touches CARL's
back.) a T-shirt for Carl? ABEEY: Just enough. Why? Is he staying?
ABEEY: (Leaves reluctantly.) Shouldn't be hard AHLEE: We should feed him before he goes
to find one, size is not too big. home.
CARL: I'm ok po. ABEEY: He's not assistant anymore.
AHLEE: It's fine, Carl. Abeey is happy to get AHLEE: Can still be a friend, can't he? (Pause.)
you shirt. And you should let us talk. He might be shy to
open up with you around.
CARL: Kakahiya. But thanks. About...
ABEEY: Maybe he's got problem that's why
AHLEE: Did you think I was foolish to get that
he's here.
early retirement package?
AHLEE: Don't presume.
CARL: No, it's okay.
ABEEY: Cause if good news, if he made
AHLEE: I just felt suffocated in that office.
money, he would shout out loud all ready.
CARL: Competition talaga.
AHLEE: He's very private.
AHLEE: I noticed everything.
ABEEY: He is? Or is that you?
CARL: You're the boss. It's your job.
CARL: (Unseen.) Nice curtains.
AHLEE: I was the boss. It was my job.
AHLEE: Abeey! He's coming, now go.
CARL: Still can't get used to you not being
ABEEY: Ho ho. I'll just cook another dish. And
heat up leftovers.
AHLEE: Noticed everyone. And you...
(ABEEY leaves.)
CARL: They have to report to you. And me?
AHLEE: Fine.
AHLEE: I saw in you the way I was.
CARL: (Enters.) Love your bathroom curtains.
CARL: (Laughs.) I owe you a lot. For five years
(Lingers over AHLEE.) Where did you buy it?
you trained me.
AHLEE: I think we have extra. I'll tell Abeey to
AHLEE: A quick learn. Enthusiasm.
give you.
CARL: Thank you. Great teacher.
CARL: No, no. I'm just asking.
AHLEE: I can still teach...
AHLEE: You're always so curious.
ABEEY: (Enters with T-shirt.) This will be
CARL: I also love your clock collection.
body fitting for you.
AHLEE: From Asia to Europe. Antique and
CARL: No problem, Tita. (Starts to change.)
new. (Pause.) But they've all stopped this
ABEEY: (Stops him.) Carl. Go to the CR. afternoon.
(Again, wipes her hands.)
(CARL approaches the collection, but stops AHLEE: And you said?
CARL: Once.
AHLEE: (Continues.) Just before you came.
AHLEE: Then?
CARL: All of them? Weird ha. (Pause.) I can
CARL: Now. Now you came and asked what I
take a look.
just said.
AHLEE: Abeey says she's going to change
AHLEE: It's fine, Carl. (Pause.) We have time.
batteries tomorrow.
CARL: They may just need some adjustments.
Or some knocks, you know, untog. (CARL is tinkering with the clock collection.)
(Laughs.) AHLEE: (Continues.) You don't have to fix
AHLEE: (Fondly.) Don't you dare, Carl.
CARL: Except for maybe the batteries, I don't
(Lightning, thunder and static lighting the
know what could be wrong.
collection. CARL goes to collection area and
freezes.) AHLEE: How could you know?
AHLEE: What's your scientific assumption, CARL: You're right. I don't know mechanical
Carl? Not the untog method. stuff.
(Pause.) Carl? (Looks at him.) Carl? AHLEE: You can try.
(Goes to the collection area.) Carl? CARL: I find these interesting-automatic,
winding, cuckoo, ceramic, metal, clay...
CARL: You're right. They've all stopped.
AHLEE: Carl? Did you hear me call you just (AHLEE leaves the collection area. CARL
now? freezes. AHLEE paces around.)
CARL: Yes. Why?
AHLEE: How many times? AHLEE: Abeey. Abeey.
CARL: Just once. ABEEY: (Enters.) What's this? Calling like
there's fire, sheesh.
(AHLEE moves away from the collection.
CARL freezes.) AHLEE: Is anything strange?
AHLEE: Can you hear me when I say, I ABEEY: Apart from you? No.
(ABEEY starts to clean up.)
(Goes to CARL.) Did you hear me just now?
AHLEE: Stop. Can you see Carl?
CARL: (Is puzzled.) Something going on?
ABEEY: Standing by the clocks. (To CARL.)
AHLEE: No. But I need you to tell me what Careful there, Carl.
you heard last.
CARL: It's the same question. You asked me
how many times you called my name. ABEEY: So? Carl standing by the clocks.
AHLEE: I want you to watch. AHLEE: You saw me go there, yes?
ABBEY: I have enough going on in the kitchen. ABEEY: Yes. Now I need to go back to the
AHLEE: Just watch. (Goes to CARL.)
AHLEE: Wait, Carl and I talked, then I came
CARL:, gold-plated, genuine silver,
ABEEY: No, you went here. Then you were
AHLEE: Did you notice I was gone, Carl?
there then came back in seconds. So, excuse me.
CARL: Really nice collection. Gone where? (Leaves.)

AHLEE: I went to the kitchen to speak with AHLEE: (To herself.) Time passes here, but
Abeey. there, time stops.

CARL: Did you? All I know is you're standing (Pause.) When I'm there, it continues like
here. normal. How come I'm the only one

(Pause.) Are you going to ask what I last said? affected?

'Coz I don't remember.
Abeey... (Realizes she's alone.)
AHLEE: (Laughs.) You can stay here forever,
Is this Twilight Zone? Sure feels like Star Trek.
Carl. Seeing that you enjoy the clocks so much.
Siao khi lo.
CARL: I'm asking myself if I have a favorite.
(Shrugs. Goes to CARL.)
AHLEE: Which would it be?
CARL: Could this be my favorite?
CARL: I've more to look at.
AHLEE: Carl?
AHLEE: Take your time. (Leaves the collection
CARL: What is your favorite, Ms. Ahlee?

(CARL freezes. AHLEE goes over to ABEEY.)

AHLEE: Maybe...maybe the one with a heart on
AHLEE: So? its hand.
ABEEY: Don't waste my time. (Starts to leave.) CARL: Nice one. Very feminine taste.
AHLEE: I don't think time can be a waste. AHLEE: I suppose it is. But a trader should see
(Pause.) Tell me. two meanings to every transacton
ABEEY: What do you want me to say? CARL: You're right. Timing is the key. Then, I
think my favorite is the big key design.
AHLEE: Abeey, there's no trick or threat here.
Just tell me whatyou saw. AHLEE: Good choice. That design is in the
shape of a Victorian Key.
ABEEY: He and you standing there.
CARL: Nice for a living room.
AHLEE: What were we talking about?
AHLEE: Sure. You plan on renovating your
ABEEY: Nothing.
house? Or are you moving?
AHLEE: We were talking.
ABEEY: No you were not.
CARL: Can we go back to the sofa? CARL: I didn't notice.
AHLEE: Sure. Lets... (Stops.) ABEEY: It's almost 6:30. Come on, early
dinner. Early to clean up so, he can go home
(CARL is at the border of the collection area and
early, too. Not good to stay with this weather.
is caught in "static." He is frozen there.)
AHLEE: Can you give us a few minutes,
(AHLEE moves to him and gets stuck herself
They are both frozen. ABEEY enters.)
ABEEY: Don't be long. Not good to eat cold
ABEEY: Are you two just going to stand there?
(ABEEY unknowingly crosses the border.
CARL: We'll be there soon, Tita Abeey.
Sparks. AHLEE and CARL are free.)
ABEEY: (Looks at the clocks.) They're ticking.
ABEEY: I'm expecting you to eat a lot.
AHLEE, CARL: They are?
CARL: Of course. Every time I'm here for
ABEEY: (Is exasperated.) Ah, you two. (Dusts dinner, I leave with a big stomach.
the clocks.)
ABEEY: Yes, with matching pabaon. Nothing
(CARL moves to the sofa. AHLEE follows. less for you, Carl.
They sit.)
AHLEE: Abeey. Mang ya gaw sung.
CARL: I'm sorry I haven't been coming here.
ABEEY: I'll give you five minutes. If you're not
AHLEE: You're busy, I know. there, l'm eating alone.

CARL: Remember, when after work, I used to (ABEEY exits.)

accompany you here? I miss the dinners.
CARL: I got what you said to her.
AHLEE: I couldn't let you leave without full
AHLEE: You're Fookien is better, too, ha?
CARL: Having known you, made me want to
learn more of our culture. Remember, my
CARL: My Mom was happy 'coz she didn't grandpa is Chinese.
have to worry about my dinner. They could
clean the kitchen early. AHLEE: It's an advantage, especially dealing
AHLEE: Glad your mother knew you were with Chinese Filipino clients.
always getting care. And will always, if you CARL: Yes, it is. Any language is an advantage.
need. But Fookien is very useful. You're right.
CARL: Of course. You're my great mentor. AHLEE: I was thinking, Carl, I wanted to say
AHLEE: Carl. this. It's just a good thing you came today. A
month, I haven't seen you.
CARL: Ms. Ahlee.
CARL: I know. I was going to say...
ABEEY: Ehem, dinner.
AHLEE: Let me just say it. I want to continue
CARL, AHLEE: Dinner? teaching you. Stocks. Trading. Fookien. That is,
if you have the time.
AHLEE: Did time just fly us by?
CARL: That would be an honor, Ms. Ahlee.
AHLEE: And you don't even have to call me
that. I'm not your boss. I'm just a...
CARL: Great teacher. Great mentor.
AHLEE: We can have it Mondays,
Wednesdays, Fridays, and the weekends.
CARL: That would be great.
AHLEE: Good. Come this Monday.
CARL: I've also something to tell you.
Remember, you mentioned me moving house.
Well, soon.
AHLEE: That's good. Time to be independent.
You're a big boy.
CARL: I've met the most inspiring person in my
life. She makes me decide things. Make things
CARL: She makes me see life and feel life
more. And more. And more. Life.
CARL: It has made me realize, I miss her when
I'm not with her.
CARL: So, "marry me," I asked.
AHLEE: (Whispers.) Yes.
CARL: And so, we are going to...I will be...her
father gave us a condo. You will be there at the
wedding, right?
AHLEE: (Whispers.) Yes.
CARL: It's two weeks from now. I'll ask her to
send you the invites. That's why I'm extra busy.
AHLEE: Are you going to say who you're


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