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PA 122 
Jomari Jericho G. Dinsay   Ma’am Penalosa 
1. What the subject is all about? Integration of all the topics in the course. Why necessary? which 
topics we think are worthy of inclusion in the course? Remove or no? 
Among all types of resources, I believe the most important resource is human resource. 
Humans are capable of being self-sufficient, resourceful with tools and knowledge, functions with 
problem-solving qualities. These traits makes the human race advanced, it allows development with 
the well- being of a person. 
The state the world is in at the moment is because of the tireless innovation of people working 
together, embodying an organizational framework. The saying goes, “No man is an island.” No matter 
how big or small an organization is, people are required to do certain roles providing to the ecosystem 
of the company. The ecosystem has a lot of variables that allows it to become an operating system, 
variables like human capital and financial capital. It starts with a shared vision and mission embedded 
to each variable, allowing each variable to do its role effectively. If well taken-cared off, the ecosystem 
can become a full-house operating machine that works its way towards the organization’s goal. It may 
even exceed organizational expectations.  
Human Resource Management (HRM) is practiced within all types of organization, it is 
found in the public and private sector. Organizations, as we can also call institutions operate in a 
corporate setting. In a corporate setting, there are several departments with certain roles that allows 
these institutions to reach its target goals. This is where the importance of HRM come in, they are 
tasked with planning, selecting, recruiting and recommending of each organization. Their role is 
crucial for they know what the company want and need, they are the heart and soul of the company. 
HRM is tasked to screen all the applicant and assess their skills, talents, strengths and 
weaknesses. This make their job tricky because their recruitment of an applicant can add value to the 
company or place the company in disequilibrium. It is a hazardous task for the screening process 
comes with several indicators, like screening tools and techniques, conducting job interviews, reference 
checks and job offers. All these are the external aspects in the recruitment process, but HRM operates 
internally in companies. They always assess and evaluate a workers performance, in order to give them 
a hindsight if they can be promoted or moved to a different division or department where his/her 
expertise is needed.  
In an organization, workers undergo training cycles and development interventions for the 
workers to be more effective and efficient. One has to sharpen its saw to be able to contribute quality 
work or to keep up with company standards. Aside from those, companies have methods like 
employee turnover, retention strategies, employee discipline, handling terminations and exit 
interviews. As part of the ecosystem, there are checks and balances needed to be done to cater to the 
behavior of employees. If the employees behavior is regressive and has been violating company rules, it 
affects the system of the company. The methods mentioned above allows the company to promote the 
relationship with employer and employees. The success and failures of the company allows it to be 
self-reflective. All past experiences, glorious or unpleasant makes the company. It gives them the 
knowledge on how to handle present and future situations because of the documented and 
experienced history records.  
Another aspect of HRM is the position classification of jobs, employee compensation 
incentives and benefits system. These methods has been academically studied with respect to increase 
in productivity. The labor force or the workers are humans beings, not something mechanical that 
doesn’t have emotions. This is why employee compensation, incentives and the benefits system was 
made in order to inspire workers to work. These are factors that motivate workers to work hard and 
improve their well-being. Work is something people do repetitively, it is prone to abuse and burn out. 
Understanding the welfare of workers and improving their well-being by promoting internal and 
external factors in the company works wonders. We go back again to the ecosystem framework, all 
these factors or variables contribute to the environment. It is the task of HRM to create that 
environment that is enticing and engaging.  
Strategic HRM looks into the risks and assessments of existing practices, looking into the past, 
present and future situations to have a hindsight on how to maneuver such company calamities. Risk 
and Assessment Management provides the employers possible impacts to the company. Variables like 
strategic management and recruitment, assessment of possible layoff or additional recruitment of 
workers, and competencies and careers assessment and recruitment. This paves the way to the 
avoidance of possible losses that may put the company at risk of shutting down or losing control.  
I believe that HRM as a course in the National College of Public Administration and 
Governance (NCPAG) is highly valuable and important. All of what I mentioned above is about 
handling people, which creates organizations. As Public Administration students, we are likely to join 
the government and take on managerial roles in the future. It is best that we have a good hindsight on 
the processes of HRM because when it is our time to run the GOCC’s, Departments, LGUs and 
hopefully Malacanang, we will be able to use our knowledge about HRM. We get to to be equipped 
and serve our country the best way we can. HRM in nature adds value to the organization, it creates 
quality work, it excellent outcomes, and allows the organization to strive and reach higher. 
I believe that Ma’am Penalosa should continue teaching this course. Personally, it has helped 
me grow as a student in NCPAG. It is more of a practical course rather than theoretical frameworks. 
This is why I believe that it added so much value to me.  
2. If a field trip is required?  
The field trip that I experienced in Congress with the care of Ma’am Penalosa together with 
her graduate classes has broaden my mind. It is good to be able to study HRM and learn its methods, 
but it is also different to also hear it from people who has dedicated long years of experience into actual 
practice. Our guest speaker was kind enough to impart her knowledge of how the HRM department 
in Congress operates. She even shared under the table information to the group which made it more 
actual and genuine.  
I am for the field trip experience because it gives the audience knowledge that is raw and actual. 
The knowledge learned is not by the book, but it allows the audience to life their awareness higher and 
see the formal and informal practices at work.  

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