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A notional-functional syllabus is an approach in which the organization of a subject is

defined by concepts or ideas that learners expect to be able to express through the
target language and functions that learners expect to be able to accomplish .A
notional-functional syllabus is a set of subjects learned by students of a second
language. during the time of learning to perform communicative activities, students
are practiceing language structures of Language that mention to particular attitudes
and ideas . structures of language are organized to express different reciprocal
action that which have different effects. These jobs may be expressions of empathy,
disagreement, or concern. Structures are organized in a gradient in pourpose of
.reflecting different levels of interactions , from politeness to subtlety

Literature review
The notional/functional syllabus is the most popular type of contemporary language
curriculum. However, it is also a misunderstanding. On the other hand, while the
..notional/functional has been indicated as an approach

Brumfit &Johnson, 1979; Widdowson, 1979), notional/functionalism has been closely

related to what has been called communicative language has not been
described as a type of language instruction content that is teaching out of a diverse
kind of classroom techniques. On the other hand, notional/functionalism has been
closely related to what has been called communicative language
Teaching . (Brumfit & Johnson; 1979; Richards & Rodgers, 1986; Widdowson, 1979);
they have another viewpoint of language teaching they refer to it as a method but in
fact, it is different approaches to collection and procedures clustered about
notional/functional content. Notional/functionalism is hardly to describe clearly wey.
Because it has a wide scope, it is confused with an instructional method, and it has a
lack of definition . Here a narrow perspective is taken, presenting the idea, a
functional movement only in terms of a means of determining educational content.
In this sense, the notional/functional syllabi have many variables with structural
curricula where both are subject to a variety of interpretations and can be related to
. different kinds of methodologies

Notional/functionalism emerges as a functionally linguistic tradition-oriented that

which his long existed in Britain. British linguists Firth (1957) and Halliday (1973),
insisted that appropriate descriptions of language should include what purposes,
information about how for and in what are the ways that language used rather than
studying language independently of its uses and social context . Austin (1965)
philosophical work has been provided the foundation for many recent analyses. In
the United States, social linguistic work was introduced competence provided much
. of the theoretical foundation for notional/functionalism in language teaching
explain notional/functionalism simplest terms, a ) Richards and Rodgers (1986)(
language theory. It States that language bases are the uses. When language is seen
as a relationship between form and function, it is putting.Notional/functionalism
considers the function side of the equation as primary while the form side as
. secondary

Other interpretations and applications have been developed on notional

/functionalism, but in language teaching, the most basic point of the movement is
that denomination of language use rather than the denomination of language form
that which taken as the arranging principle for instruction . Whereas the
denomination that which used to talk about the form of language is a frequent verb,
noun, statement, present tense, question, subordinate clause, and so other
categories of use of language are Much less well known. Notional/functionalism is
defined in two ways. First, Wilkins (1978) notions or categories of meaning are what
has been called semantic grammatical denomination, which is usually described by
the interaction between categories of meaning and grammatical forms in most
languages. Some examples of notions are agent, tinted duration quantity, instrument
place, and many others.The second denomination of use of language is functions or
in other words, the uses that which forms of language are put, what (Finocchiaro and
Brumfit) have been called the communicative purpose. Some examples are greeting,
. the agreement approval, apologizing, prediction; requesting directions, and so on

Whereas the denomination that which used to talk about the form of language is a
frequent verb, noun, statement, present tense, question, subordinate clause, and
so other categories of use of language are Much less well known.
Notional/functionalism is defined in two ways. First, Wilkins (1978) notions or
categories of meaning are what has been called semantic grammatical
denomination, which is usually described by the interaction between categories of
meaning and grammatical forms in most languages. Some examples of notions are
.agent, tinted duration quantity, instrument place, and many others
The second denomination of use of language is functions or in other words, the uses
that which forms of language are put, what (Finocchiaro and Brumfit) have been
called the communicative purpose. Some examples are greeting, the agreement
approval, apologizing, prediction; requesting directions, and so on . Van Ek (1976)
and Finocchiaro and Brainfit (1983): are listing excellent functional categories for
teaching second or foreign languages. Each notion or function can be related to
different kind of forms. The noun can be expressed with prepositions such as ("by
bus," "with an ax"), verbs "used an ax;" "chopped"), and with
prepositional phrases (such as "by chopping it"). Future time can be expressed by
future tense forms (such as; I will go tomorrow," "I'm going to go tomorrow");
present tense forms (such as "I leave tomorrow"); or present continuous forms (such
.)".as., "I'm leaving tomorrow )

The identification of notions/functions and forms to be included in an educational

syllabus is often seen as part of notional/functionalism .Actually, notional/
functionalism is a step for purposes syllabus or choosing content for a particular
syllabus, but is not apart of the content of the syllabus itself.To determine specific
syllabus content should include examining the type of discourse the learners are will
need to engage in, observation the notions and functions, and the specific forms that
are used to express them in the types of discourse include, and putting them
. together into a language teaching syllabus

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