BUSI-1301-22001 - Business Principles, 12th-1

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BUSI-1301- 22001 Business Principles

Brookhaven College and Dallas Colleges Online

Instructor Information:
Name: Ron Schmidt
DCCCD Email: rschmidt@dcccd.edu
Office Phone: Not available at this moment Cell Phone: 469-682-0452
Office Location: M129 – Instructional Computer Lab
Office Hours: E-mail me for an appointment. Virtual office hours posted on Blackboard (eCampus) class site 
Division Office: Bldg. M, Room M110 (teaching remote)
Division Phone: 972-860-4160

Course Information:
Course Title: Business Principles
Course Number: BUSI-1301
Section Number: 22001
Semester/Year: Spring / 2021
Credit Hours: 3 hours
Class Meeting Time/Location: Online
Certification Date: February 2nd, 2021
Last Day to Withdraw: April 4th, 2021
Last Day of Class: May 13th, 2021

Course Prerequisites: Business Prinicples has no prerequisites.

Course Description: This course provides a survey of economic systems, forms of business ownership,
and considerations for running a business. Students will learn various aspects of business,
management, and leadership functions; organizational considerations; and decision-making processes.
Financial topics are introduced, including accounting, money and banking, and securities markets.
Also included are discussions of business challenges in the legal and regulatory environment, business
ethics, social responsibility, and international business. Emphasized is the dynamic role of business in
everyday life.

Student Learning Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of this course, you should be able to: 

 Identify major business functions of accounting, finance, information systems, management, and
 Describe the relationships of social responsibility, ethics, and law in business.
 Explain forms of ownership, including their advantages and disadvantages.  
 Identify and explain the domestic and international considerations for today’s business
environment: social, economic, legal, ethical, technological, competitive, and international.  

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 Identify and explain the role and effect of government on business.   
 Describe the importance and effects of ethical practices in business and be able to analyze business
situations to identify ethical dilemmas and ethical lapses  
 Describe basic financial statements and show how they reflect the activity and financial condition
of a business.  
 Explain the banking and financial systems, including the securities markets, business financing, and
basic concepts of accounting.   
 Explain integrity, ethics, and social responsibility as they relate to leadership and management.   
 Explain the nature and functions of management.  
 Identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of information technology for

Note:  These student learning outcomes (SLOs) are identified by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating
Board (THECB) in the Academic Course Guide Manual (ACGM) or the Workforce Education Manual

Texas Core Objectives: The College defines essential knowledge and skills that students need to develop
during their college experience. These general education competencies parallel the Texas Core Objectives for
Student Learning. In this course, the activities you engage in will give you the opportunity to practice two or
more of the following core competencies:
1. Critical Thinking Skills - to include creative thinking, innovation, inquiry, and analysis, evaluation
and synthesis of information
2. Communication Skills - to include effective development, interpretation, and expression of ideas
through written, oral, and visual communication
3. Empirical and Quantitative Skills - to include the manipulation and analysis of numerical data or
observable facts resulting in informed conclusions
4. Teamwork - to include the ability to consider different points of view and to work effectively with
others to support a shared purpose or goal
5. Personal Responsibility - to include the ability to connect choices, actions, and consequences to ethical
6. Social Responsibility - to include intercultural competence, knowledge of civic responsibility, and the
ability to engage effectively in regional, national, and global communities

Required Course Materials:

Nickels, William G., James M. McHugh, and Susan M. McHugh, Understanding Business, 12th
Edition, McGraw-Hill Education, 2019, Textbook w/Connect Access Code (Required).

(Note: A student of this institution is not under any obligation to purchase a textbook from a university-
affiliated bookstore. The same textbook may also be available from an independent retailer, including an

Graded Work: The tables below provide a summary of the graded work in this course and an explanation of
how your final course grade will be calculated.

Summary of Graded Work:

Component Breakdown Totals %
Semester Pre-Test 1 at 50 points each 50 4%
Chapter Quizzes 17 at 11.75 points each 200 16%
Videos 17 at 11.75 points each 200 16%

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Prjoects 8 at 25 points each 200 16%
Exams 4 at 150 points each 600 48%
Total Possible Points 1,250 points 100%
TOTAL: 1,200 points; not including the Semester Pre-Test
Final Grade:
Final Course Grade Percentage Total Points
A 90% - 100% 1,125 – 1,250
B 80% - 89% 1,000 – 1,124
C 70% - 79% 875 - 999
D 60% - 69% 750 - 874
F or N Below 60% Below 749
Caveat: This grading criteria, grading scale, and class schedule may be revised at the discretion of your instructor.

Description of Graded Work:

1. The Semester Pretest covering the course syllabus is assigned to ensure students have read and
understand it. The pre-test also satisfies an institutional requirement of certifying each student’s
attendance for online based courses only.
2. Examinations will cover the designated learning objectives for each unit. Exams will be a combination
of true-false, multiple choice and essay questions.
3. The Projects are listed under the Blackboard (eCampus) Course tab “Projects”. They are designed to
help you understand the application of the learned content. Writing guidelines have been established
that will provide details for completing these assignments.
4. Quizzes are given for each chapter and are accessible through Blackboard (eCampus).
5. Videos are incorporated automatically in self-paced and online courses. Those students are required to
view the videos and answer questions about the material. (Note: Videos are assigned at the instructor’s

Attendance and Your Final Grade:

Students are expected to attend regularly all classes in which they are enrolled.  Class attendance and course
progress are the responsibility of the student.  It is also the responsibility of the student to consult with the
instructor following a period of absence.  Once enrolled in the course, it is the responsibility of the student to
withdraw from the course should that become necessary.  Instructors will not automatically drop students who
have stopped attending class. 

Late Work Policy: Late Work, Missed Assignments or Exams 

Students should notify the instructor in advance of a planned absence, so that appropriate arrangements may be
made for submitting assignments, and taking quizzes or exams.  Students are expected to notify the instructor of
an unplanned absence, as soon as reasonably possible.  Assignments, quizzes and exams may be made up for an
unplanned absence, but at the discretion of the instructor.  It is the responsibility of the student to contact the
instructor about absences, so that consideration may be given for the acceptance of late work, and missed
quizzes or exams. 

Failure to contact the instructor may result in a grade of zero (0) for the assignment, quiz or exam. 

Other Course Policies:

 This is a College Course.  I will treat you as adults and you will be expected to act as such. 
 Values:  Honesty, Academic Integrity, Respect, and Professionalism. 
 Participate in class discussions and activities. 
 Be a good communicator and work with me and help me help you.   

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o Problems  See me first.  Almost any issue can be fixed at my level. 
o I will be straight and forthright with you; be the same with me. 
o Bring your questions to me; together we will find the answers. 
 Class starts on time.  Don’t disrupt class if you come in late. 
 No phones, recording devices, cameras or other electronics.  Use your notes. 
 Ask questions; participate; stay alert.  If you are tired and having trouble staying awake, you are
welcome to stand to the side or back of the classroom. 
 Avoid controversial discussions. 
 Use the buddy system (Studying, Confirming assignments, Sharing notes, etc.). 
 Follow my Paperwork Rules: CANT.  Complete, Accurate, Neat, & Timely  (you CAN’T go wrong). 

Wow me!  With hard work, you will be surprised what you will learn and achieve.

Institutional Policies:
Institutional Policies relating to this course can be accessed using the link below. These policies include
information about tutoring, Disabilities Services, class drop and repeat options, Title IX, and more. Brookhaven
Institutional Policies (http://www.brookhavencollege.edu/syllabipolicies)

Course Schedule: To successfully complete this course, you must do the following activities and assessments
should be completed by their respective due dates for this course.

Taking Risks and Making Profits within the Dynamic Business Environment  1 
Understanding Economic and How it Affects Business  2 
Doing Business in Global Markets  3 
Demanding Ethical and Socially Responsible Behavior  4 
Project #1 Due
Test #1 Due Chapters 1-4                                                 
How to Form A Business  5 
Entrepreneurship and Starting A Small Business  6 
Management and Leadership  7 
Structuring Organizations for Today’s Challenges  8 
Production and Operations Management  9 
Project #2 Due
Test #2 Due Chapters 5-9                                                 
Motivating Employees   10 
Human Resources Management: Finding and Keeping the Best Employees as 11 
Dealing with Union and Employee – Management Issues  12 
Marketing:  Helping Buyers Buy  13 
Project #3 Due
Test #3 Due Chapters 10-13 
Developing and Pricing Goods and Services  14 
Distributing Products  15 
Using Effective Promotions   16 
Understanding Accounting and Financial Information  17 
Project #4 Due
Finals Week: Test #4 Chapters 14-17

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