Capsule Form Thesis-1

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Aspiration for Migration among the Kankana-ey of M. H.

Del Pilar, Alicia, Isabela

Valerie Jade Salaguinto, Jeff Ryan Martinez, Vinder Deculing & Ina-Mae H. Natividad
Isabela State University-Echague Campus


Migration plays a vital role in the development of a society. It is a worldwide phenomenon

wherein people who have different reason leaved their original homes. Some are motivated to

improve their economic situation, some are seeking for a safe place for refuge

( and some are driven to seek better education as a

stepping stone for a greener pasture.

Migration predates history, an interest for which cuts across different disciplines in trying to

understand how man had spread on much of the face of the earth. Anthropologist Chris Sanger

(1993, 27-35) pointed that the first humans moved out of Africa and inhabited Australia, Eurasia,

The America’s, Southeast Asia, and the Pacific Islands. (H. Ignacio, 2015)

At present, Alicia is a first class municipality subdivided into thirty four barangays. The

original inhabitants of Alicia are the Ilokanos, now the municipality is composed of different ethno-

linguistic groups namely Ilokano, Igorots, Gaddang, Ifugao, Kapampangan, Tausug, Tagalog and

Yogad. (National Statistics Office 2007)Among the ethno-linguistic this inhabited Alicia the

migration of Igorots particularly the Kankanaey group is measured as individualistic while the

nature of the others is massive in nature. The Kankanaey’s of M.H. Del Pilar was chosen to be the

unit of analysis of the study because Kankanaey is one of the most popular migrants of Alicia. It is

viewed that the history of gradual migration and spontaneous settlement of this ethno-linguistic

group is significant in the course of making the history of the barangay or if not the municipality.

Kankanaey people are Filipino indigenous group from Northern Philippines. They are part

of the collective group of indigenous people known as the Igorot people. They lived in Western

Mountain Province, Northern Benguet and South Eastern Ilocos Sur. They speak kankanaey and
iloko. The Kankananey of Western Mountain Province from the municipalities of Sagada and Besao

identify themselves as part of tribe called Applai or Aplai.

The aspiration of lower cost and bigger size of land for agriculture and livelihood and

education concern the future of the family, the collective will of the migrants is an important

consideration. (Petersen, 1958, 163) Since the settlement of Kankana-ey involved the relocation of

pioneer families that thesis examined the influence of aspiration in the migration decision process as

an individual act (Brown and Moore, 1984, 22 cited in Perez, 1984) and more importantly as a

group of familial act (Root 1987).

Objective of the study

The thesis sought to write a local history of settlement, focused on the Kankana-ey

pioneers’ settlement in M. H. Del Pilar, Alicia, Isabela from 1978- 1989. It looked into the

pioneers’ economic motives for migration, expressed in terms of aspirations for land and education,

the influence of such migrations on the migration- decision process, and the extent to which

aspirations for land and education were achieved in the migration destination during the period.

Statement of the Problem

1. What is the situation of their place of origin?

2. What are the aspirations for the migration of the Kankana-ey that made settle?

3. How did the pioneers find their way to M.H. Del Pilar?

4. To what extent did the Kankana-ey achieve their aspirations?

Conceptual Framework

Economic motives
(Aspirations for Land and Education)

Pioneer Migration

Group\ Mass Migration

Initiation\ culmination\ decline


Economic History of the Kankan-ey in M. H. Del Pilar


Historical Method is one which deals with past events and interprets them in the light of the

present. It is past-oriented and is concerned in giving an account of past events or facts in the spirit

inquiring critically for the whole truth. The purpose of historical method is to explain the present or

anticipate the future, based on a systematic collection and evaluation of events or experiences in the

past always in terms of what can be understood presently. (Adanza, 2009) By knowing the

past, the knowledge of the present conditions is better.

The study seek to understand and write the history of migration among the Kankana-ey of

M.H. Del Pilar, Alicia, Isabela from 1978 to 1989 using primary data largely oral data

supplemented by secondary written data. It applied oral history using key informant interview to

generate oral data and determine the evidentiary value of the statements of the informants. Oral data

was largely used in the analysis of the study due to there’s no record documenting about the quality

of life in Mountain Province, their aspiration for migration and the influence of that aspiration in the

migration decision making process, their spontaneous settlement in the migration destination, and

the extent to which their aspirations for land, livelihood and education where achieved in barangay

M.H. Del Pilar, Alicia, Isabela.

The ideal key informants where the head of the family of the pioneers and the latter

migrants, since some of the pioneers where already dead during the conduct of the interview, each

child of the pioneers preferably the eldest regardless of gender were considered the informants. The

researchers identified the respondents through the Del Pilar Igorot Organization Secretary

(Mrs.Antonina Bissok) and were supported by the written document from the said organization.

Moreover, the researcher looked for the eldest Kankana-ey (Feliza Ngoloban) to pin point those

other pioneers of M.H. Del Pilar. They were Felipa Ngoloban wife of Antero Ngoloban (deceased)

migrated on 1978, Eliza Bag-ayan wife of Wynright Bag-ayan (deceased), Apolonio Compala son

of Peter Compala(deceased) who migrated on 1985, Leticia Cadaweng who migrated in 1989.
Since the study is a qualitative research which used oral history as methodology in data

gathering the key instrument are the researchers themselves.

Primary data, oral data, and secondary data sources questions was used in the collection of

oral data. The questionnaire was adopted from the study of Harris T. Ignacio (2015) on

Understanding Pioneer Aklanon of Aklan Village, Diffun, Quirino: A Basis for Local History. The

questions are divided into two. First, inquires on the Pioneers quality of life in the province of Mt.

Province (Luzon), focused on the desire for migration. Second, inquires on the pioneers attempt at

achieving their desire foe migration in Barangay M.H. Del Pilar, Alicia, Isabela, focus on

permanent settlement and education.

The researchers consulted documents and reports related to the study available at the

Municipal Planning and Development Office of the Municipal Hall of Alicia and the Del Pilar

Igorot Organization (DIO) of M.H. Del Pilar, Alicia Isabela.

The researcher asses the authenticity and the validity or truthfulness of the written materials

contained in document through focused group discussion for the criticism of data using internal and

external criticism (Goods and Scates 1972).

Migration should be seen as a holistic process reflecting the aspirations of people and places

instilled with shortfalls/abundance in criteria for a good life. The combined desires of mankind

surpass or exceed these categories with one major aim, which is, ‘aspirations towards a better and

humane life’ which summarizes the notion of development. Development can be described as

growth or progress in life situation wherein people enjoy real freedom with respect to their status

quo. The Kankana-ey migrant settlers for example, took then chance to migrate to M.H. Del Pilar in

search for land. They till and plough the land which in return will soon bring prosperity to them.

The attraction of more economically developed places for migrants has always provided the

incentives for some people to move. Most of the studies showed that migration happens due to

economic factors. It can be further categorized as ‘Push and Pull Factors’. The push factors are
those that force the individual to move voluntarily, to leave that place and go to some other places.

There are several reasons as to why migrants choose to leave their place of origin in search for a

better place to stay with. It also include problems such as poor economic conditions, exhaustion of

natural resources, lack of job opportunities, and others. Pull factors on the other hand are factors

which attract the migrants to settle to a particular area. The promise of better life and economic

opportunities often pull people into new location.

Adjustment and coping to their environment and on the people around them are some of the

challenges faced by the Kankana-ey (Igorot) migrants from Sagada Mountain Province and Bagnin,

Bauko Mountain Province. They spend time to adapt to a new environment, new faces, neighbors

and etc.

Life in Mountain Province is quiet simple but has always been challenging to Kankaney.

Every family depends only with the goods they can harvest in small sloping terraces and to

maximize farm space in the rugged terrain, they plant different crops like rice, corn, yam, cabbage.

However, life is usually much harder for them because their lives were controlled by two

important factors: the terrain, and the remoteness from the market for economic opportunities and;

the accessibility of safe health centers and Education.

The question on how the Kankana-ey (Igorot) pioneers reach M.H. Del Pilar Alicia can be

condensed into single idea- the need to have an improved and healthier way of life in their

migration destination by means of land agronomy. Having and owning a land to be nurtured is one

of the major reasons of the Kankana-ey pioneers to stay in Del Pilar. Land plays an important role

in their lives. It serves as a source of their families’ income and it also provides food for the entire


We can’t deny the fact that aside from economic factors concerning the Kankana-ey (Igorot)

migrant settlers, education can also be a factor with reference to their migration in Del Pilar. This

research clearly explains that education had no influence on the pioneer’s decision for migration.

Accessibility to education was limited during their time. The presence of elementary schools in
their respective places gave them the experience to education, but unfortunately, only one among

them graduated in elementary. The problem is that the location of the secondary and tertiary schools

are far from their homeland. Consequently, some of the kankana-ey pioneer migrants did not finish

their elementary level and never pursued secondary and tertiary education. But their experiences on

education deprivation at their time had never been transmitted to their children and grandchildren

for schools at their time are accessible.


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1. Socioeconomic status of the pioneers from Mountain Province is aggravated by natural

calamities. Difficulty of work played as a push factor. However, not a strong drive but

simply a contributor of their migration destination made them decide to migrate.

2. The ambition to have a larger land to cultivate, an easier farm work, and a little of education

take the foot of the pioneers via information’s from their relatives and friends at M.H. Del

Pilar. The conceived realization of the aspiration of the pioneers led them to leave out of

their homeland to search for a better quality of life. Some exposed to a certain condition and

some of the people of Mountain Province leave out and others stay and chose to continue

cultivating their land in those times.

3. Land ownership became the primary aspiration which they found at M.H. Del Pilar and

made them settle. In terms of education, elementary schools were accessible to the pioneers,

High Schools, and Tertiary levels were situated in Bontoc which the pioneers never reach

because they chose to help their parent’s even though they have the means to achieve it.

Their offspring have already reached tertiary levels before they decided to migrate sometime

in 1978- 1990. The education had not been a factor for the pioneers and their children but in

a long run it became an aspiration for their grandchildren and to their coming generation

4. Information on the migration destination plays a vital role for a migration process to be

done. Relatives and friends of the pioneers gave them the information which is necessary,

thus became a pull factor on their migration to M.H. Del Pilar Alicia.

5. Homesteading of the pioneers in the M.H. DelPilar made their quality of life and economic

condition improved. Since, their settlement bring about a good economic condition and their

aspiration for a bigger land to cultivate was achieved. It is rightly to say that their migration

was successful. Their personal progress eases their transformation and social mobility of the
Kankana-eys of M.H. Del Pilar collectively. Kankana-eys of M.H. Del Pilar have no regrets

of leaving Mountain Province and no desire to go back unless situation needs it.

Thus, this study generally concludes that the acquisition of a bigger land to cultivate a better

transportation, have an easier work at farm aided by machineries and on plain which features to

quality life push and pull the pioneers to draw out from their homeland and settle for good.


After the study of the migration of the Kankanaey’s in M.H. Del Pilar, the following

recommendations are suggested:

5. To make further studies about the changes of Kankanaey’s cultures and traditions brought

by their migration in M.H. Del Pilar.

6. Aside from the Kankanaey’s at M.H. Del Pilar, the researchers may conduct more studies

among other ethnic groups for better understanding about the aspirations of migration.

7. A study comparing political participation in their place of origin and in the migration

destination may be conducted.

8. Possible study on the impacts of their settlement at the original settlers of M.H. Del Pilar

might give vivid description on the development of M.H. Del Pilar.

9. The researchers may conduct a study about the social participation of Kankanaey’s at the

migration destination.

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