Division 700: Structures

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701.1 701.2.1.




701.1 Description
1 This section contains specifications for the materials, construction, meas-
urement, and payment for furnishing, storing, and handling of the materials;
and the proportioning, mixing, and delivery of Portland cement concrete for
701.1.1 Classes of Concrete
1 Classes of concrete typically used by the Department are listed in the
Structural Concrete Table in Subsection 701.2.12.2. The numerical portion
of the Class is the minimum 28-day mix design strength based on ASTM C
701.2 Materials
701.2.1 Portland Cement
701.2.1.1 General
1 Use Portland cement conforming to the requirements of the following speci-
fications for the type required or permitted and obtained from a source listed
on the most recent edition of SCDOT Qualified Product List 6 with the addi-
tional requirements stated hereafter.
2 Use Portland cement concrete for structures composed of Portland cement,
fine aggregate, coarse aggregate, water, air-entraining admixture, and other
permitted or required admixtures. Fly ash, water granulated blast-furnace
slag, and silica fume may be added or used as a replacement for a portion of
the Portland cement and is considered as cement in the water-cementitious
material ratio unless otherwise designated. Ensure that the materials conform
to the requirements hereinafter specified. Prepare and deliver the mixture in
accordance with these specifications.
3 Comply with compressive strength requirements and meet the require-
ments for low-alkali cement (0.6 maximum).
4 Except for cement in RC pipe and prestressed or precast products, use
cement complying with the maximum limits of fineness of grind in AASHTO M
85 controlled as follows:
A. Ensure that the cement in the mill test reports furnished by the
manufacturer complies with the maximum fineness (air permeability
test) values stated in AASHTO M 85.

701.2.1.1 701.2.3

B. Take job control samples at random at the project site and submit
them to the OMR for testing. Make certain that the maximum fine-
ness limit (air permeability test) is in conformance with the require-
ments of AASHTO M 85 with allowance for variations in sampling,
presence of moisture in the sample, age of the cement production,
and multi-laboratory coefficient of variation.
5 Type I (SM) slag-modified Portland cement may be used instead of Type I
and Type II cement. If used, furnish Type I (SM) cement conforming to the
requirements of AASHTO M 240 and obtain from the sources listed on the
most recent edition of SCDOT Qualified Product List 18. Provide an intimate
and uniform blend of Portland cement and granulated blast-furnace slag. In
any case, make certain that the slag constituent is less than 25% of the total
weight of the slag-modified Portland cement.
6 Furnish certified mill test reports to the RCE as outlined in the most recent
edition of SCDOT Qualified Product Policy 6.
7 Do not store incompatible brands of cement or different types of cement in
the same cement storage bin or silo and do not use them together in any con-
tinuous pour.
8 Have the weighing and handling procedures of bulk cement approved by
the OMR before its use. Protect cement shipments at all times. Inspect,
sample, and test questionable cement before its use. Do not use cement that
is lumpy, caked, or from open or otherwise damaged bags.
9 Measure cement by weight or by the bag as packed by the manufacturer.
Unless another weight is indicated on the bag, use 94 pounds as the weight
of one bag of cement.
10 Whenever it is determined by subsequent laboratory testing of mill or job
control samples that a cement shipment does not comply with these specifica-
tions, discontinue use of the cement from that cement mill until testing reveals
that the problem has been corrected. The Contractor is responsible for re-
placing or otherwise making satisfactory the concrete in which any defective
cement is used.
701.2.2 Fly Ash
1 Use fly ash (Type C or Type F) conforming to the requirements of AASHTO
M 295, except for the supplementary optional physical requirements. Use fly
ash from sources listed on the most recent edition of SCDOT Qualified Prod-
uct List 3.
701.2.3 Water Granulated Blast-Furnace Slag
1 If slag is used, use water granulated blast-furnace slag Class 100 or higher
conforming to the requirements of ASTM C 989.

701.2.4 701.2.5.1

701.2.4 Silica Fume
1 Use silica fume meeting the general requirements of ASTM C 1240. Make
certain that the raw silica fume meets the chemical requirements of Table 1
and Table 2 and the physical requirements of Table 3 in ASTM C 1240. Fur-
nish the manufacturer’s certification stating the results of tests made on sam-
ples of silica fume during production and that the applicable requirements of
ASTM C 1240 have been met. Provide certification for each lot of each ship-
ment to the RCE and to the OMR.
2 Silica fume may be added to the mix in either a dry (densified) form or a
wet (slurry) form. The dry form is usually supplied in 50-pound bags. When a
dry form is used, adjust the mix design to use whole bags of silica fume, i.e.
do not use partial bag(s). Whole bags of silica fume in excess of the normal
50-pound bag and whole bags as small as 40 pounds are permitted only if
approved by the RCE. Make certain that the guidelines of OSHA regulations
for worker protection are followed.
3 When a wet (slurry) form is used, compute the water contained in the slurry
and count it as part of the total water in the mix. Ensure that this data is in
accordance with the manufacturer’s certified quality test report for the lots of
silica fume being used in the mix.
701.2.5 Air Entrained Concrete
1 Unless otherwise specified, use a design mix for air-entrained concrete
based on 4.5% (± 1.5%) entrained air, except for prestressed concrete. If the
concrete is pumped, then the entrained air will be acceptable at 5.5%
(± 1.5%) measured at the truck.
2 Do not use air entrainment exceeding the maximum limits specified in the
paragraph above. Air entrainment for Class 10000 concrete is left to the
judgment of the Contractor and approval of the OMR.
3 Use air entrained concrete in all bridge columns, bent or pier caps, decks,
sidewalks, parapets, barrier walls, and other structural elements on the bridge
deck regardless of the class of concrete used.
4 When air-entrainment is used, vary the proportions of water, fine aggre-
gate, and coarse aggregate from those specified herein to maintain the speci-
fied strength of the concrete. Use approved admixture specified in
Subsection 701.2.5.1 to obtain the required air entrainment.
701.2.5.1 Air-Entraining Admixtures
1 When air entrainment is required, use air-entraining admixtures complying
with AASHTO M 154. Submit an affidavit to the RCE and the OMR to show
that the admixture conforms to the requirements of AASHTO M 154. Use
admixtures from sources appearing on the most recent edition of SCDOT
Qualified Product List 5.

701.2.6 701.2.9.2

701.2.6 Accelerating, Retarding, and Water-Reducing Admixtures
1 If the use of a chemical admixture to facilitate concrete placement in ad-
verse conditions is desired, the use of an admixture complying with AASHTO
M 194 must be approved by the RCE before its use. The RCE may direct the
use of an admixture due to adverse placement conditions.
2 When a retarding admixture is desired and approved, use a Type G high
range water reducing-retarding admixture or a Type D water reducer-retarder
combined with a Type F high range water reducer as provided in
Subsections 701.4.7 and 701.4.8. Do not use a Type B retarding admixture.
Furnish the RCE with an affidavit showing that the admixtures conform to the
requirements of AASHTO M 194. Use admixtures from sources appearing on
the most recent edition of SCDOT Qualified Product List 5.
701.2.7 Corrosion Inhibitor
1 When a corrosion inhibitor is required in a concrete mix, add the corrosion
inhibitor to the concrete while batching. Use the corrosion inhibitors that ap-
pear on the most recent edition of SCDOT Qualified Product List 53. Adhere
to the manufacturer’s written recommendations regarding the use of the ad-
mixture including storage, transportation, and method of mixing. Add the cor-
rosion inhibitor to the mix by a dispenser meeting the requirements of
Subsection 701.4.3.4.
2 Furnish the RCE a copy of the manufacturer’s certified test report showing
the composition of the corrosion inhibitor and the percent of solids.
701.2.8 Calcium Chloride
1 If calcium chloride is approved by the RCE for use in non-reinforced con-
crete during cold weather work, do not exceed a rate of 2% by weight of ce-
mentitious material. Use calcium chloride complying with the requirements of
AASHTO M 144 for Type S or Type L. In any case, do not use calcium chlo-
ride in reinforced concrete structures.
701.2.9 Fine Aggregate for Portland Cement Concrete
701.2.9.1 General
1 Submit the fine aggregate in the concrete mix designs for approval by the
OMR. Use natural sand, manufactured sand, or a combination of natural and
manufactured sand meeting the requirements of Subsections 701.2.9.2
through 701.2.9.8 below. Do not use marine limestone aggregate in rein-
forced concrete.
701.2.9.2 Natural Sand
1 Use natural sand, FA-10, composed of clean, hard, durable, and uncoated
grains that is free of lumps or flaky particles, organic matter, loam, or other
deleterious substances.

701.2.9.3 701.2.10.1

701.2.9.3 Manufactured Sand
1 Use manufactured sand, FA-10M, made from stone meeting all the quality
requirements for coarse aggregates.
701.2.9.4 Mixtures of Sand
1 When a blend of sands is approved, store and batch the two materials
separately unless otherwise approved in writing by the OMR.
701.2.9.5 Organic Impurities
1 Make certain that fine aggregate is free of injurious amounts of organic im-
purities. Do not use fine aggregates, which when subjected to the colorimet-
ric test, AASHTO T 21 for organic impurities, produces a color darker than 3,
unless the following criteria is met:
• Fine aggregate with the color darker than 3 may be used if the rela-
tive strength at 7 and 28 days is not less than 95% when tested in
accordance with AASHTO T 71 as revised herein.
2 Comply with Section 4.2 of AASHTO T 71 revised as follows:

• Mix one batch of mortar with the aggregate treated in sodium hy-
droxide and one batch with untreated aggregate on the same day.
Mold six 2-inch cubes from each batch. Test three of the cubes from
each batch at 7 days and 28 days.
701.2.9.6 Soundness
1 Use fine aggregate that has a weighted loss not exceeding 10% by weight
when subjected to five alternations of the sodium sulfate soundness test con-
ducted according to AASHTO T 104.
701.2.9.7 Approved Sources
1 Use sand from sources that appear on the most recent edition of SCDOT
Qualified Product List 1.
701.2.9.8 Gradation of Fine Aggregate
1 Use fine aggregate for all classes of Portland cement concrete and con-
crete pavement conforming to the following gradations of FA-10 or FA-10M as
indicated in Gradation of Fine Aggregate table in the Appendix of these speci-
701.2.10 Coarse Aggregate
701.2.10.1 General
1 Use coarse aggregate that is clean, tough, durable crushed gravel or
crushed stone. Make certain that it is free from soft, thin, elongated, or lami-
nated pieces and sufficiently washed during production to produce a clean
aggregate free from lumps or coatings of clay, disintegrated particles, vegeta-
tion, or deleterious substances. Adherent coatings are considered injurious.
Do not use coarse aggregate with a Los Angeles Abrasion Loss exceeding
60% as determined by AASHTO T 96. Use coarse aggregate that has a

701.2.10.1 701.2.11.1

weighted loss not exceeding 15% when subjected to five alternations of the
sodium sulfate soundness test conducted according to AASHTO T 104. Use
coarse aggregate for Portland cement concrete conforming to the require-
ments in Subsections 701.2.10.2 through 701.2.10.4.
2 Use aggregate from marine limestone quarries only in applications of non-
reinforced concrete. Use marine limestone coarse aggregate that has a
weighted loss not exceeding 25% when subjected to five alternations of the
sodium sulfate soundness test conducted according to AASHTO T 104.
When marine limestone aggregate is used, use a sprinkler system to produce
a saturated aggregate during concrete batching.
701.2.10.2 Slag
1 Use crushed slag or other inert materials having similar characteristics and
approved in writing by the OMR, consisting of clean, tough, durable pieces of
approved slag or other inert materials, is reasonably uniform in density and
quality, and is reasonably free of thin or elongated pieces. Ensure that the
slag or other inert material is air-cooled and has a weight of not less than 75
pounds per cubic foot. Do not use crushed slag with a Los Angeles Abrasion
Loss exceeding 40% as determined by AASHTO T 96. Do not use slag con-
taining free lime in deleterious quantities as determined by laboratory tests
and containing more than 15% by weight of glassy pieces.
701.2.10.3 Approved Sources
1 Use coarse aggregate from sources listed on the most recent edition of
SCDOT Qualified Product List 2 and approved for use with Portland cement
701.2.10.4 Gradation of Coarse Aggregate
1 Use Aggregate No. 56, No. 57, or No. 67 as coarse aggregate for Portland
cement concrete. Aggregate No. 78 may be used in thin sections and
prestressed panels when approved in writing by the OMR. Use only Aggre-
gate No. 67 in prestressed concrete. Do not use blends of aggregate other
than Aggregate No. 67, except when approved in writing by the OMR. Use
gradation requirements for Aggregate No. 56, No. 57, No. 67, and No. 789 as
indicated in the table entitled Gradation of Coarse Aggregates, in the
Appendix of these specifications.
701.2.11 Water
701.2.11.1 General
1 Make certain that water used in mixing, fogging, or curing of Portland cement
concrete is free of salt, oil, acid, alkali, organic matter, sewage, or other sub-
stances injurious to the finished product. The RCE in consultation with the SME
will be the sole judge in determining whether the water used in mixing, fogging,
or curing of Portland cement concrete is reasonably free of salt, oil, acid, alkali,
organic matter, sewage, or other substances injurious to the finished product. If
at any time, the water is found to be unacceptable by the RCE, discontinue its

701.2.11.1 701.2.11.3

use and provide approved water at no additional cost to the Department.

2 Conduct tests using the services of a laboratory that has an equipment cali-
bration and verification system, technician training, and an evaluation process in
conformance with AASHTO R 18 or, for Chemical Testing, has otherwise been
approved by the SCDHEC for the tests being conducted. Supply AASHTO R
18 documentation to the SME for review and acceptance before using a non-
SCDHEC approved laboratory. Keep all laboratory test results on file at the
concrete plant, and ensure that all reports are readily available to the RCE and
the SME. Conduct testing at no additional cost to the Department.
701.2.11.2 Water from a Public Water Supply
1 Water from a public water supply may be accepted and approved without be-
ing tested.
701.2.11.3 Water from Sources Other than a Public Water Supply
1 Do not use water from sources other than a public water supply until tested
and approved by the RCE. Do not use wash water in structural concrete or
other applications using reinforcing steel.
2 For water sources of questionable water quality, except for wash water recy-
cling sources, make a comparison of the water with distilled or other satisfactory
water by means of the standard cement test for soundness, time of setting, and
1:3 mortar strength with standard sand conforming to ASTM C 778 using the
same cement with each water. Reject the water being tested if there is any indi-
cation of unsoundness, change in time of setting of ± 30 minutes, or a reduction
of more than 10% in strength from 7 day test results obtained with mixtures con-
taining satisfactory water.
3 When required by the SME, determine the acidity or alkalinity of the water in
accordance with AASHTO T 26. In the event an approved water source reser-
voir is relatively shallow, enclose the intake pipe and elevate it to exclude silt,
mud, grass, or other foreign matter.
4 Water from washout operations or is a blend of concrete wash water and
other acceptable water sources is certified by the concrete producer as com-
plying with the requirements of AASHTO M 157, Table 2 (Level 3 – conven-
tionally reinforced concrete in a moist environment, but not exposed to chlo-
ride) and either AASHTO M 157, Table 1 (using mortar) or the table below
entitled Acceptance Criteria for Questionable Water Supplies (Using Con-
crete), may be used as mix water. Wash water from mixer washout may be
used only with RCE approval. When wash water is permitted, provide satisfac-
tory proof or data that no detrimental effects if potentially reactive aggregates are
used. Discontinue use of wash water if undesirable reaction with admixtures or
aggregates occurs. Test the wash water or blended water weekly for 4 weeks
for compliance with the chemical and physical requirements indicated above.
Conduct subsequent tests on the water every month with records of test results
provided upon request by the RCE or the OMR.

701.2.11.3 701.2.12.1

5 In addition, do not allow the specific gravity of the mixing water sampled
from the discharge line to exceed 1.03 at any time concrete is being produced
for the Department. Check the specific gravity by acceptable means and
document the value before commencing the batching operation for use in
work for the Department.
6 Use the following table to determine acceptance of water.
Acceptance Criteria for Questionable Water Supplies
(Using Concrete)

Criteria Limits Test Method (1)

Compressive Strength, min. percent AASHTO T 22

Control at 7 days (ASTM C 39)

From 1:00 hr. earlier AASHTO T 197

Time of Set, Deviation from Control
to 1:30 hr later (ASTM C 403)
Base comparison on fixed proportions and the same volume of test water com-
pared to control mix using public water or distilled water.
701.2.12 Concrete Mix Design
701.2.12.1 General
1 Design the concrete mix and determine the proportions of cementitious ma-
terial, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate, water, air-entraining admixture, and
water-reducing or water-reducing set retarding admixture (when used) that
produces a workable concrete mix. Meet the criteria for the typical classes of
concrete shown in the Structural Concrete Table in Subsection 701.2.12.2.
Consider the amount of air-entrainment that is incidentally afforded by the use
of water-reducing or water-reducing/retarding admixtures. Determine the pro-
portions of ingredients in accordance with requirements for the particular type
of work and with consideration of the specific gravities of the materials to pro-
vide the desired workability and consistency.
2 At its own expense, the Contractor may retain an independent testing labo-
ratory accredited by the AASHTO Accreditation Program to design the mix for
the class of concrete specified, or use a mix design previously reviewed and
used by the Department.
3 Submit all design mixes to the OMR for review using standard forms ap-
proved by the SME. After successful review by the OMR, provide a copy of
all concrete designs to the RCE.
4 For the water-cementitious material ratio, use the ratio of water to cementi-
tious materials by weight.
5 Design the concrete mix using Department approved ingredients intended
for use in the project and make all trial batches using such materials. Test
trial mixes for complete conformance with the Specifications by the approved
laboratory engaged by the Contractor.

701.2.12.1 701.2.12.2

Base mix designs on the air entrainment specifications in Subsection
7 Base the total water content of the mix on the weight of cement, fly ash,
and silica fume multiplied by the water-cementitious ratio. Do not include the
absorbed water in the aggregate as mix water.
8 Base mix designs on specific gravities and saturated surface dry moisture
contents of aggregate obtained from a source on the most recent edition of
SCDOT Qualified Product List 2.
9 Base the sand to stone ratio on volume. Vary the ratio to obtain good
10 No separate payment is made for the cost of the laboratory engaged by the
Contractor, the materials furnished and used for trial batches, the preparation
and testing of trial batches either by the Contractor or its laboratory, or fur-
nishing the OMR with the mix data, the results of the cylinder tests, and yield
to be tested. These costs are considered incidental to the work of the appli-
cable item. Include the cost in the unit prices for the applicable pay items in
the Contract.
11 After successful review of a design mix by OMR, do not change the mix
proportions for concrete of that class unless modifications are necessary and
are approved in advance.
701.2.12.2 Structural Concrete Table
1 Unless otherwise noted or directed, make certain that the properties of the
various classes of concrete incorporated into the work conform to the follow-
ing Structural Concrete Table. Compressive strength is based on ASTM C
Structural Concrete Table

Minimum Other Min. 28 Fine to Max. Water to
Cement Cementitious Day Mix Coarse Cementitious
Aggregate Content Material Design Aggregate Material
Type (lbs./CY) (lbs./CY) (psi) Ratio Ratio

Class 2500 (Non Structural)

494 -- 2500 36:64 0.54

Gravel 494 -- 2500 35:65 0.52

494 -- 2500 40:60 0.56

(table continued on the next page)

701.2.12.2 701.2.12.2

(table continued from the previous page)

Structural Concrete Table

Minimum Other Min. 28 Fine to Max. Water to
Cement Cementitious Day Mix Coarse Cementitious
Aggregate Content Material Design Aggregate Material
Type (lbs./CY) (lbs./CY) (psi) Ratio Ratio

Class 3000

588 -- 3000 35:65 0.46

Gravel 588 -- 3000 34:66 0.44

588 -- 3000 39:61 0.47

Class 4000

611 -- 4000 35:65 0.40

Gravel 611 -- 4000 34:66 0.40

Class 4000S

682 -- 4000 38:62 0.45

Gravel 682 -- 4000 38:62 0.45

Class 4000DS (See Notes 2 & 4)

625 -- 4000 40:60 0.44

Gravel 625 -- 4000 39:61 0.43

Class 4000P (See Note 5)

682 -- 4000 34:66 0.43

Gravel 682 -- 4000 33:67 0.38

Class 5000

705 -- 5000 35:65 0.46

Gravel 705 -- 5000 34:66 0.42

(table continued on the next page)

701.2.12.3 701.2.12.3

(table continued from the previous page)

Structural Concrete Table

Minimum Other Min. 28 Fine to Max. Water to
Cement Cementitious Day Mix Coarse Cementitious
Aggregate Content Material Design Aggregate Material
Type (lbs./CY) (lbs./CY) (psi) Ratio Ratio

Class 6000

750 -- 6000 34:66 0.44

Gravel 750 -- 6000 33:67 0.39

Class 6500 (See Notes 1 & 3)

Crushed CF35,
500 4000 37:63 0.37
stone FA140

Gravel 500 4000 38.62 0.37

Class 7000

800 --- 7000 35:65 0.37

Gravel 800 --- 7000 34:66 0.37

Class 8000

840 --- 8000 34:66 0.30

Gravel 840 --- 8000 34:66 0.30

Class 10000

Silica Fume:
74 & Fly
stone, or 800 10000 34:66 0.25
Ash, Type F:
701.2.12.3 Structural Concrete Table Notes
Note 1:
Provide a mix design that yields a 56-day minimum laboratory strength of
6500 psi. Acceptance of in-place concrete is based on a minimum strength of
4000 psi compression strength at a maximum of 28 days or 6500 psi at 56

701.2.12.3 701.2.12.3

Note 2:
Use Type G or Type D admixture.
Note 3:
Use the following proportions for Class 6500 concrete mix per cubic yard:
Cement (min.)………………………………...500 lbs.
Fly Ash……………………………………...…140 lbs.
Silica Fume………………………………….….35 lbs.
Corrosion Inhibitor………………………..….(see Subsection 701.2.7)
Entrained Air (Range)…………………….….4.5 (± 1.5)%
Water-Cementitious Material Ratio (max.)…0.37
High Range Water Reducer……………..…..Required
4 If a Type A or Type D admixture is used, demonstrate that the admixture is
compatible, does not adversely extend normal setting time, and does not
cause excessive bleeding.
5 The slump of the concrete at time of placement in the forms may be in-
creased by the use of a High Range Water Reducer, either Type F or Type G
in accordance with the requirements of Subsection 701.2.6.
6 If silica fume slurry is used, add it at a point that produces an acceptable
7 Add a High Range Water Reducer at the job site. Limit additional mixing to
the minimum specified in accordance with Subsection 701.4.7, but it may be
increased in order to obtain the necessary air entrainment.
8 Concrete Temperature: Do not allow the temperature of Class 6500 con-
crete to exceed the maximum permitted in Subsection 701.4.4.3.
9 Mix Design Review: Submit to the OMR a proposed sequence of mixing
and a proposed concrete mix design based on trial mixes by the concrete
supplier. Perform the laboratory mix design with the observation and assis-
tance from the OMR. There is no separate payment for this mix design.
10 Class 6500 Trial Mix: Before placing Class 6500 concrete in the deck,
place one or more small batches of Class 6500 concrete in a part of the struc-
ture as directed by the RCE. Test air content, slump, unit weight, tempera-
ture, cylinder for 28-day compressive strength, and time of set. Repeat the
trial batch procedure until all desired mix properties are achieved.
11 No payment is made for the trial batches. The Class 6500 concrete used in
trial batches may be substituted for another class of concrete elsewhere in the
project if it meets proper strength requirements, and in which case, it is paid
for at the contract unit price of the concrete for which it is being substituted.

701.2.12.3 701.

12 Mixing Sequence: Develop a proposed mixing sequence for review that

ensures breakup and distribution of the dry densified silica fume. (Generally,
the addition of part of the water, aggregates, and silica fume at mixing speed
adequately disperses the silica fume. The remaining ingredients may then be
added in a sequence to produce a desirable mix.)
13 Include both silica fume and fly ash as part of the cementitious material.

Note 4:
Use Class 4000DS concrete for drilled shaft construction.
15 Design the mix for drilled shaft concrete and determine the proportions of
cement, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate, water, and water reduc-
ing/retarding admixture that produces a workable concrete mix meeting the
following criteria:
Minimum cement per cubic yard…………..625 lbs.
Slump…………………………………………7-9 inches
Max. water/cementitious ratio……………..(see Table)
28-day minimum compressive strength…..4000 psi
Air entraining admixture…………………….not required
Nominal coarse aggregate size…………… ¾ inch
No. 67 aggregate gradation………………..as required
16 Design concrete mix using approved ingredients intended for use on the
project. Test trial mix for complete conformance with the Specifications.
17 Submit the proposed mix with test results showing full compliance with the
Specifications to the OMR for review.
18 A Type G High-Range Water Reducing/Retarding admixture or a Type D
Water Reducer-Retarder combined with a Type F High-Range Water Reducer
may be used.
Note 5:
Minimum Class 4000P concrete is preferred in non-prestressed precast
701.2.12.4 Non-conforming Concrete
701. Price Reduction
1 If the 28-day compressive strength or tensile strength of the concrete test
cylinders falls below the expected design strengths, but is at least 90% of the
design strength, a price reduction is applied on the quantity of concrete repre-
sented by the non-conforming cylinders determined from the following table.
(This subsection does not apply to prestressed concrete, which due to com-
plex design criteria is handled on a case-by-case basis.)

701. 701.


Cylinder Test Price Reduction per cubic yard

Results: (Percent) X (Contract Unit Price)

Percentage of With Contract Without Contract

Minimum Strength Unit Price Unit Price*

98.0 - 100.0 0% 0%

95.0 - 97.9 5% 25%

90.0 - 94.9 10% 50%

* If there is no contract unit price for concrete, use (percent reduction) x (supplier's
invoice unit cost).
The BCE may approve use of concrete test method SC-T-49 to determine the
accepted strength if the concrete test cylinders have been considered non-
The total amount of the price reduction will not be less than $500.00.
2 If any cylinder test result is below 90%, take cores in the presence of the
BCE or RCE from the concrete in the structure that is represented by the non-
conforming test cylinders in order to evaluate the strength of the concrete in
place. Ensure that test cores are taken, conditioned, and tested in accor-
dance with the requirements of Subsection 701.
701. Procedure for Testing Non-conforming Concrete
701. Limits of Questionable Concrete
1 The limit of questionable concrete is determined by using concrete test
method SC-T-49. Acceptance is solely based on the compressive strength of
the cores removed from the in-place concrete, unless authorized otherwise by
the BCE.
701. Obtaining Cores
1 Have the OMR or an independent firm, accredited by AASHTO, remove the
cores from the structure in the presence of representatives of all affected par-
ties. The BCE will determine the location(s) of the test cores that best repre-
sent the concrete in question. Take three cores (3 to 4 inches in diameter),
sized to match the testing equipment used, from each area of concrete that
produced a test cylinder with test strength less than 90% of the required
strength. Take care to avoid damaging reinforcing steel. Properly label cores
before shipment. Obtain and test cores at no expense to the Department.
701. Conditioning and Testing Cores
1 Deliver cores to the OMR or an independent testing laboratory accredited
2 Have cores tested in accordance with AASHTO T 24. Provide a written
report on the laboratory test results to all affected parties.

701. 701.3.1

701. Acceptance of Concrete
1 Acceptance of the concrete from which the cores are taken is based on the
core test results. If access to the concrete is not practical for obtaining cores
or the taking of cores would result in irreversible damage to the structure, the
BCE may approve concrete test method SC-T-49 to determine the strength of
the concrete.
If the SC-T-49 test results or the core test results are below 90%, but are
equal to or greater than 85% of the design strength, obtain a design analysis
based on the reduced strength from the Designer-of-Record. Based on the
design analysis, the BCE will determine if the concrete can remain in place. If
the concrete test results are less than 85% of the design strength, remove the
concrete unless authorized otherwise in writing by the BCE.
3 If non-conforming concrete is allowed to remain in-place, a price reduction
on the quantity of concrete in question is determined by the following table.

Price Reduction for Non-conforming Concrete Left In-Place

Price Reduction per cubic yard

Core Test Results: * (Percent) X (Contract Unit Price)

Percent of With Contract Unit Without Contract Unit

Minimum Strength Price Price**

98.0 -100.0 0% 0%

95.0 - 97.9 5% 25%

90.0 - 94.9 10% 50%

85.0 - 89.9 15%*** 80%

* Or SC-T-49 if approved by the BCE.

** If there is no contract unit price for concrete, use (percentage) x (supplier's
invoice unit cost).
*** Use 15% of contract unit price or 80% of supplier's invoice unit cost, whichever
is greater.
The total amount of the Price Reduction will not be less than $500.00.
701.2.12.5 Changes in Mix Design
1 When changes are made in the mix design, furnish the new proportioning
values for batching purposes to the OMR for review.
701.3 Equipment
701.3.1 Equipment, Inspection, and Approval
1 Have all equipment specified herein inspected and approved before use.
Schedule such inspections at least annually and at other times considered
necessary by the RCE.

701.3.2 701.3.3

701.3.2 Weighing Equipment
1 At all batch plants, provide equipment with a positive means of weighing
ingredients in each batch of concrete.
2 Weigh individual cementitious material to not less than 99% of the required
Ensure that the weight of individual aggregates is within ± 2% of the re-
quired weight and the total weight of aggregate is within ± 2% of the total re-
quired weight. Use beam, springless-dial, or load cell scales for weighing
aggregates and cement. Make certain that scales are accurate to within 0.5%
when used for cement and to within 1.0% when used for aggregate under
operating conditions throughout the range of use. When beam scales are
used, provide a device such as a “tell-tale” dial for indicating when the load in
the weighing hopper is approaching the required weight. Use poises de-
signed to lock in any position to prevent accidental change of position.
4 Provide dust tight enclosure for dial scales. Ensure that the chart is made
from a durable material and has good readability.
5 Periodically have scales used in batching Portland cement concrete
checked for accuracy by the Division of Weights and Measures of the State
Department of Agriculture or by other qualified scale service agents. Post on
the scales or in the batching room a statement certifying as to their accuracy
with the date of inspection. Do not allow the interval between inspections to
exceed 12 months.
6 Ensure that the cement weighing hopper is properly sealed and vented to
preclude dusting during weighing operations.
701.3.3 Central Mixing Plant
1 Thoroughly mix concrete in a batch mixer of an approved size and type that
ensures a uniform distribution of the materials throughout the batch. Use
plants that are listed on the most recent edition of SCDOT Qualified Product
List 28.
2 Ensure that there is adequate water storage. Make certain that the mixer is
equipped with a device to accurately weigh or measure and automatic control
the quantity of water used in each batch. Ensure that the device used is ac-
curate, and so calibrated that under all operating conditions, it is accurate to
within 1% of the quantity of water required for the batch. Furnish the Depart-
ment’s inspector with facilities for checking the water measuring equipment
whenever deemed necessary by the RCE. Clearly mark scales or other
means used to measure water to accurately show the quantity of water used.
Ensure that there is no loss of water from the time it is measured until it is
deposited in the mixer drum. Make certain that the water supply is automati-
cally shutoff while the water is being discharged into the mixer. Use a mixer
with an acceptable timing device capable of being locked and that does not
permit the batch to be discharged until the specified mixing time has elapsed.

701.3.3 701.3.4

3 Maintain mixers in good working condition. Repair mixers when necessary

to ensure that the concrete is of uniform quality. Examine mixers for change
in condition due to accumulation of hard concrete or mortar and for wear of
the blades. Replace the pick-up and throw-over blades when any part or sec-
tion is worn 1 inch or more below the original height of the manufacturer’s
design. If requested by the OMR, provide a copy of the manufacturer’s de-
sign, showing dimensions and arrangements of blades.
4 Use mixers equipped with a separate dispenser for each type of admixture.
The dispensers may operate either automatically or manually, but regardless
of which type is used, make certain that they are capable of measuring and
placing exactly and consistently the desired amount of admixtures in each
701.3.4 Truck Mixers
1 Make certain that all truck mixers are pre-approved by the SCDOT or
NRMCA and display a valid approved inspection sticker.
2 Ensure that the manufacturer's rating plate is attached on all truck mixers
and the mixing speed and agitating speed are clearly visible and legible on
the plate. If the speeds are not legible or if truck mixer does not have a rating
plate, provide the OMR a written document from the truck mixer manufacturer
stating the mixing and agitating speeds.
3 Use truck mixers capable of combining the ingredients of the concrete
within the specified number of mixing revolutions into a thoroughly mixed and
uniform mass and discharging the concrete with a degree of uniformity satis-
factory to the RCE.
4 Do not exceed the manufacturer’s rating for the volume of mixed concrete
permitted in the drum of truck mixer indicated on the capacity plate. Ensure
that the National Ready Mixed Concrete Association (NRMCA) plate is ac-
cessible, clear, and legible at all times. Ensure agitators are capable of pro-
ducing concrete with a degree of uniformity to the satisfaction of the RCE.
5 If the equipment does not have an attached rating plate with maximum ca-
pacities. The approved capacity as a mixer and as an agitator will be as-
sumed from the following table.

Maximum Gross Maximum Capacity

Volume of Drum (cubic yards)
(cubic feet) As Mixer As Agitator

261 6.0 7.75

306 7.0 9.25
329 7.5 9.75
352 8.0 10.50
(table continued on the next page)

701.3.4 701.4.1

(table continued from the previous page)

Maximum Gross Maximum Capacity

Volume of Drum (cubic yards)
(cubic feet) As Mixer As Agitator

376 8.5 11.25

399 9.0 12.00
423 9.5 12.75
446 10.0 13.25
493 11.0 14.75
540 12.0 16.00
587 13.0 17.50
634 14.0 19.00
681 15.0 20.25
6 If the volumes are determined using the table above, provide with each
truck the proper documentation to be used instead of the manufacturer’s rat-
ing plate showing the maximum mixing and agitating capacity.
7 Use truck mixers equipped with a water system and measuring device.
Make certain that the device permits ready access and can accurately deter-
mine the quantity of water used. Use a water-measuring device that can ac-
curately measure water in the tank to within 1.0% when the truck mixer is sta-
tionary and essentially level.
8 Ensure that truck mixers and agitators of the revolving drum type are
equipped with a hatch in the periphery of the drum shell that will permit ac-
cess to the inside of the drum for inspection, cleaning, and repair of the drum
and blades.
9 Use truck mixers that have an electrically or mechanically actuated revolu-
tion counter that can be reset to zero. Make certain that this counter is
mounted in a position such that it can be read from the ground.
10 Maintain truck mixers in good working condition. Repair when necessary to
ensure that the concrete is of uniform quality. Replace blades when any part
or section is worn 1 inch or more below the original design. If requested by
the OMR, provide a copy of the manufacturer’s design, showing dimensions
and arrangements of blades.
701.4 Construction
701.4.1 Care and Storage of Concrete Aggregates
1 Handle and store concrete aggregates in a manner that prevents intermix-
ing, segregation, and contamination by foreign materials. Handle and stock-

701.4.2 701.4.3.3

pile each aggregate component from a different source or grading separately.

Clear vegetation and other extraneous matter from stockpile sites, so that
they have natural ground bottoms, and ensure that they are generally smooth,
firm, and well drained. Do not use the bottom 1-foot of any stockpile with a
natural ground bottom except under direct supervision of the RCE. If exces-
sive segregation is likely because of the stockpiling of an aggregate, construct
the stockpile in layers not to exceed 3 feet in depth.
701.4.2 Storage of Cement
1 Store bulk cement in weatherproof bins or silos that protect the cement
from dampness and provide for the free flow of the cement. If the OMR au-
thorizes the use of bagged cement, store it in weatherproof buildings or tem-
porary store it in the open on a raised platform with ample waterproof flooring
and covering.
2 At a batching plant with two or more silos in which different types of cement
or cementitious materials are stored, place a sign at each fill inlet indicating
the type of cement stored therein. Make the sign from a durable material with
raised, indented, or cut letters a minimum of 2 inches high and ¼ inch thick or
deep. Ensure that the sign clearly identifies the material that is in the silo.
3 If concrete is to be proportioned at the work site and is only for the Depart-
ment’s use, keep accurate records of the deliveries of cement and of its use in
the work. Provide copies of these records to the RCE and OMR in such form
as they may require.
701.4.3 Measuring Materials
701.4.3.1 Portland Cement
1 Measure Portland cement and other cementitious materials by weight
unless otherwise specified. Weigh the cementitious materials on scales
meeting the requirements of Subsection 701.3.2 and are not used to weigh
other materials. If bagged cement is authorized, measure it in bags packed
by the manufacturer. From time to time, weigh full bags as a check on the net
weight. Prepare batches that do not require fractional bags of cement unless
all the cement for each batch is weighed.
701.4.3.2 Water
1 Measure water by volume or by weight through an approved measuring
system. Use a measuring system with a metering or weighing device capable
of incorporating into the batch the predetermined quantity of water with an
accuracy of 1.0% of the quantity of water required for the batch. Assume wa-
ter to weigh 8.33 pounds per gallon.
701.4.3.3 Fine and Coarse Aggregate
1 Measure fine and coarse aggregates separately by weight on scales meet-
ing the requirements of Subsection 701.3.2. In measuring aggregates, make
allowance for water in the aggregates. For determinations of the moisture
content of aggregates, use automatic sensing devices if available; otherwise,

701.4.3.4 701.4.4.1

take representative samples and investigate individually or combined in a

composite sample.
701.4.3.4 Admixtures
1 Dispense admixtures into the batch as a solution of uniform concentration
and in the amounts recommended by the manufacturer. Use properly
equipped sight-tube dispensers with a graduation strip or strips that are la-
beled in terms of ounces or ounces per hundred pounds of cement. Identify
graduated strips as to the rate at which the admixture is being measured for
the particular diameter of the tube being used.
2 Calibrate meter and timing dispensers by obtaining a metered sample and
checking the accuracy of the system. Have the equipment checked and ap-
proved during the annual inspection and at other times when deemed neces-
sary or as directed by the RCE.
Maintain the accuracy of all systems to within ± 3%. Discharge the admix-
ture into the stream of water entering the mixer drum or into the pre-measured
or pre-weighed water for each batch. Take precautions to prevent the dilution
of the admixture in storage by rain and condensation. For actual control,
measure the air content with air meters only. Add additional admixtures at
any time to achieve the proper amount of entrained air.
4 When adding Types A, C, D, or E admixtures, ensure that the dispensing
equipment and procedure adds the admixture after the dispensing of the air
entraining agent is complete and some mixing of the concrete has occurred.
When adding Types F or G admixture, do not add the admixture agent until
after all of the materials are in the mixer and have been mixed for 1 minute if
in a truck mixer, for 15 seconds if in a central-mix mixer, or at approximately
the midpoint of the primary mixing portion of the auger mixing chamber on a
mobile concrete mixer unit.
701.4.4 Concrete Batching and Mixing
701.4.4.1 General
1 When concrete is furnished by a transit or central-mix plant, use the batch-
ing equipment that is sufficient to weigh out a load of the required size in not
more than 15 minutes.
2 Make certain that an SCDOT-certified concrete field technician is present at
the plant when concrete is being produced for SCDOT work. The SCDOT-
certified concrete field technician may be an employee of the Contractor, the
concrete supplier, or an independent testing laboratory. While concrete is
being produced for SCDOT work, ensure that the SCDOT-certified concrete
field technician’s sole, full-time responsibility is to maintain quality control re-
cords and conduct physical testing of concrete and its constituent materials.
Have the SCDOT-certified concrete field technician complete and sign a
SCDOT Form 700.04. Except for Class 2500 concrete and prestressed, pre-
cast concrete, the Department will not accept concrete unless a completed
SCDOT Form 700.04, signed and certified by the SCDOT-certified field tech-

701.4.4.1 701.4.4.3

nician, accompanies the delivery of the concrete.

3 Provide sufficient advance notification to the RCE as to the name of the
plant supplying the concrete in order to permit time to make the necessary
arrangements for inspection of equipment at the plant.
701.4.4.2 Batching and Mixing in Cold Weather
1 Before starting work on the project, submit a written Cold Weather Batching
and Mixing Plan developed in conjunction with the concrete supplier and to be
used when the atmospheric temperature is below 35ºF (determined by the
2 At a minimum, include in the plan the methods and equipment employed to
meet the following requirements and restrictions:
• Do not batch concrete with aggregates that contain frozen particles.
• Do not heat mixing water to a temperature exceeding 170ºF at dis-
charge into the mixer.
• Heat aggregates by either steam or dry heat.
• Use heating apparatus to heat the aggregates uniformly and avoid
hot spots.
• Make certain that the temperature of the batched concrete is at least
50ºF when placed in the forms.
The RCE may add other requirements to the plan if deemed necessary.
3 Batch concrete only after the plan has been accepted, and the RCE has
specifically authorized the batching.
701.4.4.3 Batching and Mixing in Hot Weather
1 Before starting work on the project, submit a written Hot Weather Batching
and Mixing Plan developed in conjunction with the concrete supplier to pre-
vent the concrete mix temperature from exceeding 90ºF measured before
placement in the forms, unless specified otherwise. For Class 2500 concrete,
do not allow the temperature of the concrete to exceed 95ºF. For mass con-
crete pours, do not allow the mix temperature to exceed 80ºF as measured at
discharge into the forms. This requirement does not apply to concrete used in
precast/prestressed members.
2 The plan may include the following methods and equipment to meet the mix
temperature requirements:
• Use Type II cement.
• Sprinkle coarse aggregate with water to cool by evaporation.
• Use chilled mixing water or shaved ice to replace part of the mixing
3 Ensure that the plan conforms to the applicable requirements of ACI 305R,
Hot Weather Concreting.

701.4.4.4 701.4.6

701.4.4.4 Central Plant Mixing
1 Thoroughly mix concrete in a central mixer of an approved plant. Ensure
that the period of mixing after all materials including water are in the drum
exceeds 1½ minutes. During the mixing period, operate the drum at speeds
specified by the mixer manufacturer and shown on the nameplate on the ma-
2 Mix concrete only in quantities required for immediate use. Transport the
mixed concrete to the work site in a truck mixer operating at agitating speed.
701.4.4.5 Truck Mixing
1 After all materials, including water, have been placed in a truck mixer, ro-
tate drum for not less than 70 revolutions at the mixing speed designated by
the truck mixer manufacturer and shown on the rating plate. Mix concrete at
the batching plant or at the job site. After mixing or while in transit between
the plant and the work site, rotate the drum at agitating speed of 2 to 6 rpm or
at the speed designated for agitation by the manufacturer.
701.4.4.6 Wash Water Stabilizers
1 Ready mix concrete producers may use mixer drum wash water stabilizer
agents in truck and central mix drums. Use products that appear on the most
recent edition of SCDOT Qualified Product List 32. Make certain that the sta-
bilizing agents are used in accordance with the most recent edition of SCDOT
Qualified Product Policy 32.
2 The RCE or the OMR may disallow the use of mixer drum wash water sta-
bilizers if the Department’s policy is not strictly adhered to or technical prob-
lems are encountered because of using a stabilizer.
701.4.4.7 Mobile Concrete Mixing Plants
1 Use a truck mounted mobile Portland cement concrete plant designed for
automatic volume proportioning of the concrete materials and for mixing the
concrete for immediate use at the work site for incidental construction and
only when authorized by the OMR. If authorized, ensure that the plant pro-
vides a satisfactory rate of production and is capable of combining the con-
crete ingredients into a thoroughly mixed and uniform mass and of discharg-
ing the concrete without segregation.
701.4.5 Consistency
1 Provide compatible pozzolans and/or admixtures as necessary to obtain
the appropriate workability and consistency at no additional cost to the De-
partment. Provide the RCE and the OMR with written documentation from the
concrete supplier stating that all products in the concrete mix are compatible.
701.4.6 Slump
1 Except for Class 2500 concrete and unless otherwise specified, provide
concrete that has a maximum slump of 4 inches when measured in accor-
dance with ASTM C 143. In any case, do not exceed the water to cementi-

701.4.6 701.4.7

tious material ratio for the appropriate class of concrete shown in the Struc-
tural Concrete Table in Subsection 701.2.12.2.
2 For pumped concrete, the slump is measured at the truck.

3 In the event additional water is required to obtain the specified slump at the
work site, the RCE may approve adding water from an acceptable water sup-
ply at the rate of 1 gallon per cubic yard per inch of desired slump, but not to
exceed the maximum water to cementitious material ratio shown in the table
in Subsection 701.2.12.2. When additional water is added, make certain that
the truck mixer drum turns a minimum of 25 revolutions at mixing speed be-
fore discharge of the concrete.
4 For Class 2500 concrete with an initial slump between 4 to 6 inches, addi-
tional cement may be added at the work site at the rate of 20 pounds of ce-
ment per cubic yard of concrete per inch of slump over 4 inches to attempt to
bring the slump down to the maximum of 4 inches. Batches of Class 2500
concrete with slumps greater than 4 inches after the allowable addition of ce-
ment will not be accepted for Department use, unless otherwise permitted by
these specifications or the Special Provisions.
701.4.7 Water Reducers
1 A water reducer may be used to increase the slump of concrete. A Mid-
Range Water Reducer (MRWR) may be used to increase the slump to a
maximum of 6 inches. A High-Range Water Reducer (HRWR) may be used
to increase the slump to a maximum of 9 inches. In any case, do not allow
the slump to exceed the maximum slump for the following items:
• Maximum 6" slump for concrete in bridge decks.
• Maximum 9" slump for seal concrete and in drilled shaft concrete.
• Maximum 9" slump for prestressed concrete.
2 Use MRWR or HRWR admixtures listed on the most recent edition of
SCDOT Qualified Product List 5. Provide to the RCE for prior approval the
admixture manufacturer’s product data sheet that clearly states the product is
intended for use as a MRWR or a HRWR. Use MRWR and HRWR admix-
tures strictly in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations and the
limitations specified in this subsection.
3 Type F or Type G admixtures may be added to concrete to increase
workability and/or to reduce the water to cementitious material ratio. Type F
is a HRWR, and Type G is a High Range Water Reducer-Retarder. If these
admixtures are used, add them at the work site just before discharge, and mix
concrete for a minimum of 30 seconds per cubic yard of concrete in the mixer
after each addition of an admixture. Measure the slump of the concrete be-
fore the addition of the high-range admixture, and make certain not to exceed
the maximum slump limits indicated above. Discontinue or avoid the use of
admixtures when there is any indication of excessive flow, bleeding, or segre-
gation. The admixture may be added a second or third time to re-establish
mixture flow if the maximum time for placing the concrete after the mix water

701.4.8 701.4.9

is added has not expired.

701.4.8 Water Reducer-Retarders
1 A water reducer-retarder admixture may be added to concrete mixes to
reduce the water content and shrinkage in the concrete, improve its workabil-
ity, retard the initial set of the concrete, and/or reduce the rate of internal heat
development in concrete pours without sacrificing quality or strength.
2 Use a water reducer-retarder, Type D or Type G complying with
Subsection 701.2.6 in concrete deposited underwater, and also in concrete
that is not likely to reach its final position in the forms before initial set takes
place. Ensure that proportioning and dispensing of the admixture is in accor-
dance with Subsection 701.2.6.
701.4.9 Fly Ash and Water-Granulated Blast-Furnace Slag
1 The addition of fly ash or water granulated blast-furnace slag is allowed in
the concrete mix if the following requirements are met when using these ma-
A. Fly ash or water-granulated blast-furnace slag may replace allowable
percentages of Type I, Type II, or Type III Portland cement. Do not
use fly ash or slag replacement for mixes using Type I (SM) or any
other blended cement.
B. Remove forms in accordance with Subsection 702.4.5.
C. When fly ash is used to replace the Portland cement, replace at a ra-
tio of not less than 1.2:1 by weight, and do not replace more than
20% of the cement originally called for in the mixture.
D. When water-granulated blast-furnace slag is used to replace Port-
land cement, replace at a ratio of 1:1 by weight, and do not replace
more than 50% of the cement originally called for in the mixture.
E. Submit a mix design to the OMR for review a minimum of 7 calendar
days in advance of batching. Indicate in the submittal the amount of
cement to be removed, the material that will replace it, and compres-
sive strength results of the mix.
F. After batching begins and as concrete is delivered to the work site,
make certain that the concrete contains the specified entrained air
content at the time it is discharged from the transit mixer. Do not use
concrete with non-conforming air content.
G. To ensure accurate batching, provide separate storage bins, convey-
ing devices, weighing equipment, and weighing procedures for each
material (fly ash or slag) used.
H. Provide fly ash from sources that appear on the most recent edition
of SCDOT Qualified Product List 3. Furnish certified mill test reports
and shipping tickets from the supplier for each shipment.
I. Provide slag from sources that appear on the most recent edition of
SCDOT Qualified Product List 6.

701.5 701.6

701.5 Measurement
1 The quantity for the pay item Concrete for Structures - Class (as specified)
is the volume of specified concrete within the neat lines of the structure as
shown on the Plans or as revised by the RCE (excluding precast/prestressed
members, bridge barrier parapet, bridge barrier parapet transitions, and drilled
shaft concrete) and is measured by the cubic yard (CY) of concrete, com-
plete, and accepted. Deductions are made for the volume of embedded
items, except for reinforcing steel; however, no deduction is made for edge
chamfers of ¾ inch or smaller.
2 Measurement for the quantity of concrete in bridge slabs is computed from
the neat line dimensions shown on the Plans with no allowance for form de-
flection. No additional payment is made for extra concrete required by the
use of permanent steel bridge deck forms or for the SIP forms themselves.
3 The costs for concrete used in precast/prestressed members, bridge barrier
parapet, bridge barrier parapet transitions, and drilled shafts, including the
cost of designing the mix, testing, engaging the testing laboratory, and fur-
nishing materials for testing is included in the contract unit bid price for the
applicable pay item.
701.6 Payment
1 Payment for the accepted quantity of Concrete for Structures - Class (as
specified), measured in conformance with Subsection 701.5, is determined
using the contract unit bid price for each pay item. Payment is full compensa-
tion for furnishing and placing the Class of concrete as specified or directed
and includes costs of the mix design, sampling, and testing; furnishing, stor-
ing, batching, mixing, and transporting concrete materials; admixtures; false-
work and forms (including SIP forms); surface finishing and curing; quality
control personnel and equipment; and all other materials, labor, equipment,
tools, supplies, transportation, and incidentals necessary to fulfill the require-
ments of the pay item in accordance with the Plans, the Specifications, and
other terms of the Contract.
2 Concrete is paid for at 100% of the contract unit bid price upon completion
of the Initial Surface Finish.
3 Unless otherwise specified, payment for concrete includes the cost of pipe
drains, French drains, weep holes, expansion joints, expansion joint materi-
als, flashing, pipes, conduits, anchors, and other similar material. Payment
for concrete also includes the cost of removing and disposing of portions of
existing structures designated on the Plans to be widened or reconstructed
and the costs of drilling for dowels or expansion bolts.
4 Payment for the item Concrete for Structures includes all direct and indirect
costs and expenses required to complete the work.

701.6 701.6

5 Pay items under this section include the following:


Item No. Pay Item Unit

7011100 Concrete for Structures – Class 3000 (Roadway) CY

7011105 Concrete for Structures – Class 3000 (Retaining Wall) CY

7011200 Concrete for Structures – Class 3000 (Bridge) CY

7011300 Concrete for Structures – Class 2500 CY

7011400 Concrete for Structures – Class 4000 CY

7011400 Concrete for Structures – Class 4000 CY

7011401 Concrete for Structures – Class 4000 (Retaining Wall) CY

7011402 Concrete for Structures – Class 4000 (Culvert) CY

7011403 Concrete for Structures – Class 4000 (Roadway) CY

7011500 Concrete for Structures – Class 4000S CY

7011501 Concrete for Structures – Class 4000P CY

7011510 Concrete for Structures – Class 4000DS CY

For Drilled Shafts

7011600 Concrete for Structures – Class 5000 CY

7011630 Concrete for Structures – Class 6500 CY

7011640 Concrete for Structures – Class 7000 CY

702.1 702.2.2.3


702.1 Description
1 This section contains specifications for the materials, equipment, construc-
tion, measurement, and payment for structures involving the use of structural
concrete, except where the requirements are specifically waived or revised by
another governing section of these specifications. Construct concrete struc-
tures in accordance with the design requirements and details shown on the
Plans and in conformity with the requirements of this specification and any
Special Provisions pertaining thereto.
702.2 Materials
702.2.1 Concrete
Provide concrete conforming to the requirements of Section 701. Provide
the class of concrete for each type of structure, structural element, or con-
crete item as specified herein and on or in the Plans, SCDOT Standard Draw-
ings, Supplemental Specifications, the Special Provisions, or as directed by
the RCE.
702.2.2 Expansion Joint Material
702.2.2.1 Preformed Joint Filler
1 Use preformed material composed of cane or other fibers of a cellular na-
ture, securely bound together, uniformly saturated with a suitable bituminous
binder, and complying with the requirements of AASHTO M 213, or a pre-
formed material composed of 100% scrap tire rubber that is shredded and
fused into cohesion with a non-toxic, odorless, and tasteless formulated poly-
urethane binder. Make certain that the shreds are treated to resist most types
of microbes, oils, fungi, and biological growth. Provide joint filler meeting the
physical properties of ASTM D 6690, Type I.
702.2.2.2 Hot-Poured Elastic Filler
1 Provide hot applied elastic filler material meeting the requirements of ASTM
D 6690, Type I.
2 Make certain that the filler material does not exceed the maximum of 20%
recycled tire rubber by weight of bituminous components. When using mate-
rial with scrap tire rubber, obtain a certified statement from the vendor with
each shipment stating the number of pounds of reclaimed scrap tire rubber
contained in the filler material. Provide the certificate to the RCE before using
the filler material.
702.2.2.3 Elastomeric Compression Seals for Bridge Decks
1 Use elastomeric compression seals for bridge deck joints meeting the re-
quirements of AASHTO M 297. Provide seals that conform to the dimensions
shown on the Plans. Ensure that the lubricated adhesive used with the seals

702.2.2.3 702.2.2.9

meets the requirements of ASTM D 2835. Install the seals in accordance with
the manufacturer's recommendations or as directed by the RCE. Do not
splice or cut the seal unless indicated to do so on the Plans.
2 Obtain from the vendor and furnish to the RCE three copies of the manu-
facturer's certification of conformance along with test results verifying that the
seals and adhesive furnished meet the applicable specifications.
702.2.2.4 Metal Expansion Plates
Provide stainless steel plates, Type 301 or Type 302, with a No. 1 Finish as
specified in ASTM A 167. If copper alloy expansion plates are required, use
copper alloy No. 510 as specified in ASTM B 100.
702.2.2.5 Roofing Felt
1 Use a standard self-adhesive roofing underlayment with at least a 60 mil.
702.2.2.6 Copper Flashing
1 Use flashing of the thickness or weight indicated for Copper No. 110 as
specified in ASTM B 152.
702.2.2.7 Plastic Waterstops
1 Provide flexible polyvinyl chloride waterstops of the size and type specified
on the Plans. Unless otherwise specified, use material conforming to the cur-
rent AASHTO LRFD Bridge Construction Specifications, Section
702.2.2.8 Pipes and Conduits
1 If polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe schedule 40, 80, or 120 is used for conduit,
ensure that it meets the requirements of ASTM D 1785.
702.2.2.9 Cold Applied Elastic Filler
1 Provide polymeric elastomeric, two-component, cold-applied, bridge joint
filler recommended by the manufacturer for use in bridge joints and meeting
the requirements of ASTM C 920 for a multiple component self-leveling mate-
2 When specified or as an alternate to the abovementioned filler, use a self-
leveling, cold-applied, rapid cure, two-part, ultra low modulus, 100% silicone
rubber sealant. Provide this material packaged such that no pre-mixing or
measuring is required. Use sealant capable of accommodating movements
up to ± ½ inch for bridge joints 1 to 3 inches wide. Check throat depth imme-
diately before and during installation. Have a manufacturer's representative
on site during the first installation.
3 Provide circular cross-section backer rod consisting of closed-cell, polyeth-
ylene foam that is ⅛ inch greater in diameter than the maximum joint width.

702.2.2.9 702.2.2.12

4 Use material from sources appearing on the most recent edition of SCDOT
Qualified Product List 11.
702.2.2.10 Bridge Deck Joint Strip Seals
1 Provide bridge deck joint strip seals complying with the requirements of
Section 723.
702.2.2.11 Liquid Curing Compounds
1 Unless otherwise specified, use Type 2, white pigmented, liquid curing
compounds conforming to AASHTO M 148 either Class A all resin or all wax
based, or Class B all resin based. Ensure that all products are VOC compli-
ant (water-based or solvent-emulsion). Do not use total solvent-based prod-
2 When tested in accordance with AASHTO T 155 procedures, small oven
variations will be allowed in temperature, relative humidity, and velocity of air
3 Use materials from sources appearing on the most recent edition of
SCDOT Qualified Product List 33.
4 For each project, provide the RCE with the following documents:

• Certificate of analysis and performance test results for each lot/batch

number furnished, verifying that it meets AASHTO M 148 for the type
and class furnished.
• Materials Safety Data Sheet.
• Application instructions.
The following information only needs to be furnished to the RCE once pro-
vided there are no manufacturing changes to the material.
5 Ensure that the shipping containers are plainly marked with the manufac-
turer’s name and trademark, batch number, type and class of cure, and date
of manufacture. With each load of material shipped in bulk tankers, provide a
label and place it on the project storage tank for identification purposes.
6 The RCE and OMR will accept the material based on a manufacturer's cer-
tificate of analysis and performance test results, the fact that it is on the most
recent edition of SCDOT Qualified Product List 33, and is delivered in prop-
erly labeled containers.
7 The above acceptance procedures will be honored by the Department until
the documentation of the curing compound is found to be incorrect. If this
condition should occur, the OMR will attempt to establish correct documenta-
tion. Results of these negotiations and/or tests will be used to determine the
future status of the manufacturer as an authorized source.
702.2.2.12 Falsework
1 Submit to the BCE detailed Working Drawings and design calculations for
falsework in accordance with Subsection 105.2 and Section 725 for work

702.2.2.12 702.2.2.13

involving cofferdams; structures over navigable waterways, highways, or rail-

roads; caps adjacent to railroads or highways; temporary shoring walls; cast-
in-place flat slabs or girders/beams; and any other items designated on the
Plans or in the Special Provisions as requiring falsework.
2 Ensure that the Working Drawings and design calculations submitted as
described above are sealed by a South Carolina registered Professional En-
gineer and comply with the requirements of Subsection 702.4.1. Working
Drawings and design calculations will not be reviewed in-depth by the De-
partment, and review or acceptance of Working Drawings and design calcula-
tions does not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility for the adequacy of
the falsework.
3 If a falsework system has been previously used successfully on an SCDOT
project, Working Drawings for that system are not required to be re-submitted
to the BCE, but instead submit to the RCE for verification purposes, two cop-
ies of the Working Drawings for the previously accepted falsework system
that have been stamped by the BCE. No deviations will be allowed to this
previously accepted system without the approval of the BCE. If there are
changes to the system, submit to the BCE for review and acceptance, the
details of the changes along with calculations sealed by a South Carolina reg-
istered Professional Engineer.
702.2.2.13 Forms
1 Submit detailed Working Drawings for forms involving items of work listed
in Subsection 702.2.2.12 in accordance with Subsection 105.2 and Section
725. Make certain that the Working Drawings are sealed by a South Carolina
registered Professional Engineer and comply with the requirements of
Subsection 702.4.1.3. Working Drawings will not be reviewed in-depth by
the Department, and review or acceptance of Working Drawings does not
relieve the Contractor of the responsibility for the adequacy of the forms.
2 If a form system has been previously used successfully on an SCDOT pro-
ject, Working Drawings for that system are not required to be re-submitted to
the BCE. Submit to the RCE for verification purposes, two copies of the
Working Drawings for the previously accepted form system that have been
stamped by the BCE. No deviations will be allowed to this previously ac-
cepted system unless the changes, sealed by a South Carolina registered
Professional Engineer, are resubmitted to the BCE for review and accep-
3 Use forms made of wood or metal that are mortar-tight and of sufficient ri-
gidity to prevent distortion due to the pressure of the concrete and other loads
incident to the construction operations. Make certain that the interior dimen-
sions of the forms conform to the shape and dimensions of the finished con-
crete as shown on the Plans. Construct and maintain forms to prevent warp-
ing and opening of joints due to expansion or shrinkage of the forms. Ensure
that the forms are substantial and unyielding and the design includes the ef-
fect of vibration of concrete and the impact of concrete as it is placed.

702.2.2.13 702.4.1.1

4 Use dressed lumber or plywood in wood forms. Ensure that the dressed
lumber is of good quality and free of imperfections that would affect the
strength or impair the finished surface of the concrete. Repair all mismatched
forms, holes, or undesirable indentions in the forms to the satisfaction of the
RCE before placing concrete.
702.3 Equipment
702.3.1 Vibrators
1 Use vibrators that are in good operating condition and are acceptable to the
RCE. Provide an adequate number of working backup vibrators for each pour
and backup sources of power throughout the pour, such that backups are
available in event of failure of any of the required vibrators. Do not begin a
concrete pour if not in compliance with this requirement.
2 Use the minimum number of vibrators for a pour based on the size of the
batches, the frequency of batches, the size of the sections, and the size of the
vibrators subject to acceptance by the RCE.
702.3.2 Tremie
1 If a tremie is used in depositing concrete under water, use one that consists
of a metal tube, other than aluminum, and has a diameter of not less than 10
inches. Use a tremie constructed in sections having flanged couplings fitted
with watertight gaskets.
702.3.3 Kettles for Heating Hot-Poured Elastic Filler
1 In order to avoid damaging hot poured elastic filler material by excessive
heating, melt the filler material in a double-walled, oil-bath kettle. Provide an
accurate pyrometer to accurately measure the heat of the filler material in ac-
cordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
702.3.4 Curing Blankets
1 Use curing blankets of a natural or synthetic fiber-polyethylene mat or other
material expressly manufactured for curing concrete. Make certain that the
exposed side is a white opaque polyethylene.
702.4 Construction
702.4.1 Falsework/Forming Systems
702.4.1.1 General
1 Apply the requirements of this subsection to all falsework/forming systems,
including systems for flat slabs, cast-in-place girders/beams, reinforced con-
crete decks, bent or pier caps, reinforced concrete columns, cofferdams,
sheeting or shoring, temporary work bridges, and any other temporary sys-
tems to support the structure, soil in excavations, embankments, personnel,
or equipment during the construction of the project. Refer to Subsections
702.2.2.12 and 702.2.2.13 for special submittal requirements.

702.4.1.2 702.

702.4.1.2 Design
1 Design falsework/form systems to handle all vertical and horizontal loading
that may be placed upon it and with sufficient redundancy to prevent failure of
the system because of the failure of any individual element. Include the sum
of all anticipated vertical dead and live loads and real and assumed horizontal
loads. Include the weight of the concrete, reinforcing steel and other encased
items, equipment, personnel, forms, and falsework. For the weight of con-
crete, do not use less than 150 pounds per cubic foot for normal concrete and
not less than 120 pounds per cubic foot for lightweight concrete.
2 For live loads, use the actual weight of any equipment and personnel to be
supported by falsework applied as concentrated loads at the points of contact
plus a uniform load of not less than 20 pounds per square foot applied over
the area supported, plus 75 pounds per linear foot applied at the outside edge
of deck overhangs.
3 For horizontal loads, use actual horizontal loads due to equipment and per-
sonnel, construction sequence, or other causes, plus an assumed horizontal
wind load of not less than 50 pounds per square foot of horizontal surface
area or 2% of the total dead and live load, whichever is greater.
4 Erect falsework with sufficient camber and/or adjustment to compensate for
deflection and settlement under the weight of concrete so that the completed
structure or part thereof has the alignment and curvature shown in the Plans.
When footing type foundations are used for falsework support, determine the
bearing value of the soil and show the values assumed in the design on the
Working Drawings. Consider the effects of differential settlement. Limit set-
tlement and support of falsework to 1 inch or less.
5 When falsework is to be placed adjacent to public roads, consider the ef-
fects of vibrations from passing vehicles and include provisions for protection
of the falsework from errant vehicles.
6 If falsework from one bridge is to be used on another bridge, determine
new loading conditions and verify the adequacy of the falsework system. In-
corporate into the design any adjustments or changes necessary.
702.4.1.3 Working Drawing Submittal
1 Provide fully detailed Working Drawings showing the layout of false-
work/form elements, sizes, material specifications, and any manufacturer's
recommendations for installation. Show allowable stresses for design, work-
ing loads, the load capacity of all support elements, and the design specifica-
tions. Refer to Subsections 702.2.2.12 and 702.2.2.13 for special submittal
702.4.1.4 Inspection
702. General
1 Install falsework/form systems in accordance with the submitted, reviewed,
and accepted Working Drawings. Do not deviate from these drawings. Prop-

702. 702.

erly install clean, lubricated bolts in all bolted connections. Have the installa-
tion of falsework/forms inspected as required by Subsection 702. or
702. Correct all deficiencies found during the inspection to the satis-
faction of the Contractor's qualified inspector and the RCE before loading the
falsework system.
702. Category I
1 Have a South Carolina registered Professional Engineer, employed or re-
tained, inspect the initial assembly and installation of the falsework/form sys-
tem required for structural items listed in Subsections 702.2.2.12 and
702.2.2.13, or as otherwise specified on the Plans or in the Special Provisions
for compliance with the accepted and approved falsework/form system except
for bridge deck overhangs and cofferdams or sheeting with a design height of
8 feet or less. Provide the RCE with a written certification of compliance from
the Contractor's designated qualified inspector before loading the system.
2 Have additional installations of the identical falsework system on the project
inspected by a South Carolina registered Professional Engineer or the Con-
tractor’s designated qualified inspector. Provide the RCE with a written cer-
tificate of compliance with the accepted Working Drawings before loading the
702. Category II
1 Have falsework/form systems for bridge deck overhangs and cofferdams or
sheeting with a design height of 8 feet or less and all other systems not cov-
ered by Category I above inspected by the Contractor’s designated qualified
Inspector to ensure that the assembly and installation of the system is in ac-
cordance with the accepted falsework/form Working Drawings. If in the opin-
ion of the RCE a system may not be assembled or installed in accordance
with the accepted Working Drawings, provide an inspection and a written cer-
tificate of compliance by a South Carolina registered Professional Engineer
for the system in question.
702. Designated Inspector Qualifications
1 Provide the RCE with the name and qualifications of the Contractor's des-
ignated qualified inspector. Make certain that the inspector has a minimum of
5 years of supervisory experience in bridge construction or an Engineering
degree and 4 years experience in structural design or bridge construction.
702. Responsibility
1 The Contractor is not relieved of any liability or responsibility based on the
Department’s review of falsework/form system designs and drawings. The
Contractor is solely responsible for the adequacy of the installation and per-
formance of the falsework/form system. Any delays due to failure to comply
with this specification or due to the inadequacy of the proposed false-
work/form system are not grounds for an extension of contract time or addi-
tional compensation.

702.4.1.5 702.

702.4.1.5 Wood Forms
1 Use machined surface chamfer strips to form fillets on concrete member of
the size and at the locations shown on the Plans. Design and construct forms
such that they may be removed without injuring the concrete.
2 Ensure that metal anchors, bolts, struts, reinforcement, ties, etc., encased
in the concrete are placed such that no metal remains closer than 1 inch to
the surface of the concrete. Wire form-ties of special design with a weakened
section not less than ¾ inch back from the concrete face may be used at
places of minor pressure, provided such ties have ¾-inch deep wooden or
plastic cone nuts to ensure the breaking of the tie at least ¾ inch inside the
face of the concrete. Do not use wire ties in forms other than those described
above. Other devices may be submitted for consideration, but do not use
them without the written approval of the BCE.
3 Roughen cavities left by washers, cone nuts, or falsework/form support
systems, and then completely plug, without any voids, with non-shrink struc-
tural grout approved by the RCE. If the grout plug shows a crack after setting,
remove it and re-plug the cavity. Float the plugged surface flush with the ad-
jacent surface. Ensure that the texture and color of the plugged surface is
similar to the surrounding surface.
4 Other devices may be submitted for consideration, but do not use them
without the written approval of the BCE.
702.4.1.6 Metal Forms
1 When using metal forms, comply with the specifications for wood forms
regarding design, mortar-tightness, fillets and chamfers, bracing, alignment,
removal, re-use, and oiling. Use metal in forms of such thickness that the
forms will remain true to shape. Countersink all bolts and rivet heads on the
formed surface. Design clamps, pins, or other connecting devices to hold the
forms rigidly together and to allow removal without injury to the concrete. Do
not use metal forms that do not present a smooth surface or do not line up
properly. Exercise special care to keep metal forms free from rust, grease, or
other foreign matter that may discolor the concrete. Provide metal forms with
an adjustable metal section or occasional sections where wooden forms may
be inserted to compensate for inaccuracies in measurements.
702.4.1.7 Stay-in-Place (SIP) Forms for Concrete Deck Slabs
1 If allowed in the Plans, permanent stay-in-place steel bridge deck forms for
concrete deck slabs may be used at the Contractor's option. If used, make
certain that the forms comply with the requirements for SIP forms contained
702. Material for SIP Forms
1 Fabricate permanent steel bridge deck forms and supports from steel con-
forming to ASTM A 446/A 653, Grades 40 or 50, and having a coating class of
G165 in accordance with ASTM A 525.

702. 702.

702. Design of SIP Forms
702. Loads for SIP Forms
1 Base design of SIP steel forms on dead load of forms, reinforcement, and
plastic concrete plus 50 pounds per square foot for construction loads. Limit
allowable unit working stress in the steel sheet to not more than 72.5% of the
specified minimum yield strength of the material furnished. In any case, do
not exceed 36,000 psi.
702. Deflection of SIP Forms
1 Calculate deflections using the weight of the forms, the plastic concrete,
and reinforcement. In any case, do not use a loading of less than 120 pounds
per square foot total for deflection calculations. Consider vibration effects
from adjacent traffic, construction activities, etc. in the deflection calculations.
For form span lengths less than or equal to 10 feet, do not allow deflections to
exceed 1/180 of the form span length or ½ inch, whichever is less. For form
span lengths greater than 10 feet, do not allow deflections to exceed 1/240 of
the form span length or ¾ inch, whichever is less.
2 Base the permissible form camber on the actual dead load condition. Do
not use camber to compensate for deflection in excess of the limits in para-
graph 1 above.
702. Span Length of SIP Forms
1 Use the clear span distance of the form plus 2 inches measured parallel to
form flutes as the design span length for forms.
702. Design Properties of SIP Forms
1 Compute the physical design properties in accordance with requirements of
the current edition of the AISC specification Design of Cold Formed Steel
Structural Members.
702. Reinforcing Steel in SIP Forms
1 Make certain that the bottom mat of reinforcing steel in SIP forms has
minimum concrete cover of 1 inch. Maintain the plan dimensions of both lay-
ers of primary deck reinforcement from the top surface of the concrete deck.
702. Lateral Bracing for SIP Forms
1 Do not consider permanent steel bridge deck forms as lateral bracing for
compression flanges of supporting structural members.
702. Longitudinal Deck Joints for SIP Forms
1 Unless authorized in writing by the BCE, do not use permanent steel bridge
deck forms in bays in which longitudinal deck construction joints are located.
702. Welding of SIP Forms
1 Do not weld SIP forms to beam or girder flanges or other structural steel
bridge elements, unless specified and the approved on Shop Plans.

702. 702.

702. Shop Plans for SIP Forms
Submit Shop Plans in accordance with Section 725. On the Shop Plans,
indicate the grade of steel, the physical and section properties for all perma-
nent steel bridge deck form sheets and details of form support devices.
702. Construction with SIP Forms
1 Prepare Fabrication and Erection Plans for SIP forms and submit them in
accordance with Section 725. Install all forms in accordance with accepted
Fabrication and Erection Plans.
2 Do not rest forms directly on the top of the stringer or floor beam flanges.
Securely fasten form-to-form supports and provide a minimum bearing length
of 1 inch at each end. Place form supports in direct contact with the flange of
stringer or floor beam. Attach the form to the support by permissible welds,
bolts, clips, or other approved means. However, welding of form supports
directly to flanges is not permitted.
3 Where the galvanized coating of permanently exposed form metal has
been damaged, thoroughly wire brush and clean the damaged metal to the
satisfaction of the RCE, then paint with two coats of zinc oxide and zinc dust
primer in accordance with ASTM A 780 with no color added. Minor heat dis-
coloration in areas of welds need not be touched up.
4 Locate transverse construction joints at the bottom of a form flute. Field
drill ¼-inch weep holes at not less than 12 inches on-center along the line of
the joint.
702. Placing Concrete in SIP Forms
1 Place concrete in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations
and the Special Provisions. Make certain that the proper vibration of the con-
crete is performed to avoid honeycombing and voids especially at construc-
tion joints, expansion joints, and valleys and ends of form sheets.
702. Inspection of SIP Forms
1 Provide such facilities as are reasonable for the RCE to a conduct safe and
convenient inspection of the SIP forms.
2 The Contractor’s method of construction will be carefully observed during
all phases of the construction of the bridge deck slab. These phases include
installation of the metal forms, location and fastening of the reinforcement,
composition of concrete items, mixing procedures, concrete placement and
vibration, and finishing of the bridge deck. Should the RCE determine that the
procedures used during the placement of the concrete warrant inspection of
the underside of the deck, remove at least one section of the forms at a loca-
tion and time selected by the RCE for each span. Perform this removal as
soon after placing the concrete as practicable in order to provide visual evi-
dence that the concrete mix and the placement procedures are obtaining the
desired results. Remove additional sections if the RCE determines any
change in the concrete mix or placement procedures warrant additional in-

702. 702.4.1.8

3 After the deck concrete has been in place for a minimum of 2 days, test the
concrete for soundness and bonding of the forms by sounding with a hammer
as directed by the RCE or BCE. If areas of doubtful soundness are disclosed
by this procedure, remove the forms from such areas for visual inspection
after the concrete has attained adequate strength. Perform this removal of
the permanent steel bridge deck forms at no cost to the Department.
4 Unless otherwise directed, do not replace the forms at locations where sec-
tions of the forms are removed, but repair the adjacent metal forms and sup-
ports to present a neat appearance and ensure their satisfactory retention.
5 As soon as the form is removed, examine the concrete surfaces for cavi-
ties, honeycombing, and other defects. If irregularities are found and it is de-
termined by the RCE that these irregularities do not justify rejection of the
work, repair the concrete as directed by the RCE and give an initial surface
finish in accordance with these specifications. If the concrete where the form
is removed is unsatisfactory, remove additional forms as directed by the RCE
for inspection. Remove or repair all unsatisfactory concrete as directed by the
BCE. Modify the method of construction to obtain satisfactory concrete in un-
poured slabs.
6 If after a substantial amount of slab has been satisfactorily constructed and
inspected and the results of the inspection as outlined above indicate that
sound concrete is being obtained throughout the slabs, the RCE may moder-
ate the amount of sounding and form removal.
702.4.1.8 Construction of Falsework/Form Systems
Set all wood and metal forms as outlined in Subsections 702.4.1.5 and
702.4.1.6 and maintain forms true to the line and grade with no mismatched
forms or holes/indentions in forms until the concrete has gained sufficient
strength to permit their removal. Install permanent steel bridge deck forms for
concrete deck slabs in accordance with Subsection 702.4.1.7. If before or
during the placing of concrete, the forms appear to be unsatisfactory in any
way, the RCE will stop all work on the project until the defects have been cor-
2 Do not place forms in patchwork arrangement by using small pieces. Stag-
ger joints in lumber other than plywood.
3 For narrow walls, columns, etc., where the bottom of the forms or construc-
tion joint is inaccessible, leave the lower form boards loose, so they can be
removed for cleaning out extraneous material immediately before placing the
concrete, or provide suitable openings and methods of closing for this pur-
4 Except for permanent steel bridge deck forms, treat forms with oil or satu-
rate with water immediately before placing the concrete. For rail members or
other members with exposed faces, treat the forms with approved oil to pre-
vent the adherence of concrete. Do not use any material that adheres to or

702.4.1.8 702.4.2.1

discolors the concrete.

5 Inspect forms before as well as during the placement of concrete. Check
all dimensions carefully and make certain that any errors, bulges, warping, or
other defects are remedied before concrete is placed.
6 Ensure that the back face of forms for cast-in-place box girders are free of
screw heads, protruding nails, and any other objects that would hinder inspec-
tion of the inside of the box girder.
702.4.2 Handling and Placing Concrete
702.4.2.1 General
1 Place concrete only during daylight hours unless otherwise specified, al-
lowed or required by the Contract or approved by the RCE. Do not start the
placing of concrete unless the pour can be completed and the concrete fin-
ished during daylight, except when an adequate lighting system is provided
and the pour is accepted by the RCE.
2 Do not place concrete until the following items have been inspected by the
• Depth, character, and water conditions of foundations in water,
• Adequacy of falsework and forms,
• Absence of debris in the forms,
• Alignment and grade of the forms,
• Condition of the construction joints, and
• Condition and spacing of the reinforcing steel.
3 Unless authorized in writing by the BCE, do not place concrete before the
RCE receives notification from the OMR or an OMR authorized AASHTO ac-
credited testing laboratory that all reinforcing steel in the affected pour meets
the contract requirements.
4 Do not deposit concrete under water unless permitted by the Plans or the
Special Provisions or is authorized in writing by the BCE.
5 Provide sufficient hauling equipment to permit continuous placing of con-
crete, to maintain required pour rates, and to prevent placing of concrete on
or against previously placed concrete that has begun its initial set in any one
6 Establish a concrete operation with job site placement of concrete at a
minimum rate of 25 cubic yards per hour, unless specified otherwise on the
Plans or in the Special Provisions. For bridge deck slabs, establish the con-
crete placement at a minimum rate of 45 cubic yards per hour with a maxi-
mum pour time of 5 hours unless otherwise authorized in writing by the BCE.
Before the first concrete deck pour, hold a Pre-pour Conference with the con-
crete supplier and the RCE to establish a Concrete Operation Plan. Prepare
and submit this written plan to and have it accepted by the RCE before pour-
ing any deck concrete. The RCE is not required to review the plan in-depth,

702.4.2.1 702.4.2.1

and the Contractor assumes all responsibility for the adequacy of the plan.
Hold additional conferences when necessary or if directed by RCE.
7 Regulate placing concrete so that the pressures caused by wet concrete do
not cause distortion of the forms.
8 Conduct the operation of depositing and compacting the concrete to form
an artificial stone of maximum density and impermeability and uniform texture
with smooth surfaces when the forms are removed.
9 Deposit concrete so that the total deflection or settlement of supporting
members and the final screeding of the surface has occurred before initial set
of the concrete.
10 Place concrete while fresh and before initial set has occurred. Do not use
or re-temper concrete in which initial set has begun. Do not, in any case, re-
temper concrete. Do not use concrete containing lumps or crusts of hardened
materials. If any concrete is found defective, remove or repair it as specified
herein or as directed by the BCE without extra compensation.
11 Do not retain concrete that has not reached its final position in the forms
within 75 minutes after water or cement is first added to the mix, except when
an approved water reducing retarder is used. If a water reducing retarder is
used, the maximum time may be extended to 2 hours.
12 Place concrete to avoid segregation of the materials and displacement of
the reinforcement. Obtain written permission from the BCE to use chutes
over 50 feet in length for conveying concrete from the mixer to the forms. If
an inferior quality of concrete is produced by the use of chutes, employ an
alternate method of placing concrete that is satisfactory to the BCE.
13 Use open metal troughs, pipes, and chutes or metal lined (other than alu-
minum) troughs, pipes, and chutes. Where steep slopes are necessary,
equip the chutes with baffle boards or use short lengths of chutes that change
the direction of movement.
14 Keep all chutes, troughs, and pipes clean and free from coatings of hard-
ened concrete by thoroughly flushing with water after each run. Discharge
the water used for flushing away from the concrete in place.
15 Except in the fabrication of prestressed concrete members, drilled piles,
and drilled shafts, do not drop concrete more than 5 feet unless flexible metal
or rubber-like pipes are used. Take special care to fill each part of the form
by depositing the concrete as near to its final position as practicable. Work
back the coarse aggregate from the face of the forms and force concrete
around the reinforcement without displacing the bars. Do not jar the forms
after the initial set of the concrete. Do not place any strain on the ends of lap
reinforcement projecting from the forms.
16 Consolidate concrete by continuously working with a suitable tool or by the
use of an internal vibrator in accordance with Subsection 702.4.2.4. If vibra-
tion cannot be done effectively because of obstruction by reinforcement or
other causes, consolidate concrete by vibrating the form in a manner satisfac-

702.4.2.1 702.4.2.4

tory to the RCE.

17 Except in the fabrication of prestressed concrete members, place concrete
in horizontal layers not more than 18 inches thick, unless hereinafter speci-
fied. When less than a complete layer of concrete is placed in one operation,
terminate it in a vertical plane. To prevent injury to the green concrete and to
avoid surfaces of separation between the batches, place and compact each
batch in a layer before the preceding batch has taken initial set.
18 When the placing of concrete is temporarily discontinued, wait until con-
crete has become firm enough to retain its form, and then, clean the concrete
of laitance and other objectionable material to a sufficient depth to expose
sound concrete. To avoid as many visible joints as possible, smooth the sur-
face of the concrete adjacent to the forms with a trowel.
702.4.2.2 Construction Joints
1 Do not provide construction joints except for those shown on the Plans or
those approved by the BCE. Provide approved bulkheads and keys as speci-
fied below.
2 When joining fresh concrete to concrete that has already set, thoroughly
clean the surface of the concrete in-place and adjacent forms and remove all
chalky, loose, or foreign materials. Clean reinforcing steel so that it is free
from loose or thick rust, dirt, scale, dust, paint, oil, concrete mortar, curing
compound, or other foreign material. In inaccessible places, such as small
columns and thin walls, clean the surface as stated above before setting the
forms. Immediately before placing the new concrete, draw the forms tight
against the concrete already in-place; thoroughly wet the old concrete surface
and coat with a thin coating of mortar, neat cement, or other suitable bonding
3 When shown on the Plans, make the construction joint resistant to shear by
placing raised or depressed keys on the surface of the concrete first poured.
In general, make the width of the key about 1/3 of the total width of the sec-
tion and make the key occupy about the middle third of the section. Make the
height/depth of the key about 1/3 of its width. Steel dowels may be used in-
stead of keys only upon the written approval of the BCE.
702.4.2.3 Pumping Concrete
1 Make certain that vibrations from pumping equipment do not damage
freshly placed concrete. Provide a suitable type of pumping equipment with
adequate capacity for the work. Ensure that the pump provides a continuous
stream of concrete without air pockets.
702.4.2.4 Vibration of Concrete
1 When required, use vibrators in conformance with the requirements of
Subsection 702.3.1.

702.4.2.4 702.4.2.5

2 Vibrate all classes of concrete except Class 4000DS and Class 4000S.
Use vibrators during placement of non-prestressed concrete as specified in
this subsection. For prestressed concrete, use vibrators as specified in
Subsection 704.4.4.1 in addition to the requirements of this subsection.
3 Apply vibration at the point of deposit and in the area of freshly deposited
concrete. Slowly insert and withdraw the vibrators from the concrete. Ensure
that the vibration is of sufficient duration and intensity to thoroughly compact
the concrete, but do not continue to the point of causing segregation. Do not
continue vibration at any one point to the extent that localized areas of grout
are formed.
4 Apply vibrators at uniformly spaced points, but not farther apart than twice
the radius that the vibrator is visibly effective.
5 Supplement vibration by spading as is necessary to ensure smooth sur-
faces and dense concrete along form surfaces and in corners and locations
impossible to reach with the vibrators.
6 Perform vibration in a manner that avoids contact with forms and ties as
much as is practicable. Do not use vibrators to move the concrete.
702.4.2.5 Mass Concrete Placement
1 Use procedures for mass concrete placement for a pour that has dimen-
sions of 5 feet or greater in 3 different directions. In the case of a circular
cross-section, a mass concrete placement is defined as a pour that has a di-
ameter of 6 feet or greater and a length of 5 feet or greater. Mass concrete
requirements do not apply to Drilled Shafts (Class 4000DS) and Foundation
Seals (Class 4000S).
2 For all mass concrete pours, do not allow the mix temperature to exceed
80ºF measured at discharge into the forms. Maintain a temperature differen-
tial of 35ºF or less between the interior and exterior of all mass pour elements
during curing.
3 Before placing mass concrete, submit to the BCE for review and accep-
tance a Mass Concrete Placement Plan containing, but not limited to, the fol-
• Analysis of the anticipated thermal developments within mass pour
placements using the proposed materials and casting methods,
• Temperature Control Plan outlining specific measures to control the
temperature differential within the limits noted above, and
• Details of the proposed monitoring system.
4 Submit for review by the OMR all special concrete mix designs, which are
part of the Temperature Control Plan.
5 Provide temperature monitoring devices to record temperature develop-
ment between the interior and exterior of the element at points accepted by
the BCE and closely monitor the mass pour temperature differential. Gener-
ally, use one monitoring point in the center of the largest mass of concrete

702.4.2.5 702.4.2.6

and a second point approximately 2 inches inside the face nearest to the first
monitoring point. Continue monitoring temperature until the interior tempera-
ture is within 35ºF of the lowest ambient temperature or a maximum of two
weeks. Provide the RCE with a copy of each set of readings as they are
taken and a temperature chart for each mass pour element showing tempera-
ture readings vs. time.
6 If the monitoring indicates that the proposed measures are not controlling
the concrete temperature differential within the 35ºF specified, make the nec-
essary revisions to the Temperature Control Plan and submit the revised plan
for review.
7 The Contractor assumes all risks connected with placing a mass pour of
concrete. RCE review of the Contractor's Mass Concrete Placement Plan will
in no way relieve the Contractor of the responsibility for obtaining satisfactory
results. Should any mass concrete placed under this specification prove un-
satisfactory, make the necessary repairs or remove and replace the material
at no expense to the Department.
8 Provide the control of temperatures in mass concrete pours in addition to
any other requirements found on the Plans and/or in the Special Provisions
that apply to the work in question. Include all costs associated with tempera-
ture controls for mass concrete placement in the unit cost of the concrete.
702.4.2.6 Depositing Concrete Underwater
1 When concrete is permitted to be deposited in water by the Plans, the Spe-
cial Provisions, or with the written approval of the BCE, ensure that the con-
crete and procedure conform to the following requirements:
A. Conform to the requirements of Subsection 712.4.13 for depositing
Class 4000DS concrete in water.
B. Make certain that Class 4000S concrete has a slump of approxi-
mately 8 inches.
C. When considered desirable, use a water-reducing retarder to delay
the initial set of the concrete deposited under water in the proportion
accepted by the OMR.
D. To prevent segregation, carefully place the concrete in a compact
mass in its final position by means of a tremie, or other method ac-
cepted by the BCE, and do not disturb the concrete after being de-
E. Maintain still water at the point of deposit.
2 Unless otherwise permitted, place concrete seals continuously from start to
finish and keep the surface of the concrete as nearly horizontal as is practica-
ble at all times. Ensure thorough bonding by placing each succeeding layer
of a seal before the preceding layer has taken its initial set. Remove all lai-
tance and foreign matter from the top surfaces before any concrete is placed
upon it in the dry.
3 If a tremie is used to place the concrete, support the tremie to permit free

702.4.2.6 702.

movement of the discharge end over the entire top surface of the work and to
allow rapid lowering when necessary to retard or stop the flow of concrete. At
the start of work, close the discharge end with an approved plug or mechani-
cal means to entirely seal the tremie tube and prevent the entry of water.
Keep the tremie tube full to the bottom of the hopper. When a batch is
dumped into the hopper, induce the flow of concrete by slightly raising the
discharge end of the tremie while keeping it in the deposited concrete. Make
certain that the flow is continuous until the work is complete. Two or more
complete tremies including hoppers may be required by the BCE for large
footings and other locations where the additional tremies are considered de-
702.4.2.7 Concrete Exposed to Tidal Water
1 Make certain that concrete structures exposed to tidal water are con-
structed with maximum resistance to the disintegrating action of the water.
Where reinforced concrete is used in tidal water, accurately place the rein-
forcement and rigidly hold it in place. Make certain that the clear distance
from the face of the concrete to the nearest face of any reinforcement bar is
not less than the clearance shown on the Plans.
2 Except for the initial surface finish, do not disturb the original formed sur-
faces below the elevation of high tide. In order to secure a thick and dense
surface film, heavily coat the form surface with shellac or acceptable form oil.
3 In tidal water, do not locate construction joints in concrete between the ele-
vations of extreme low tide and extreme high tide as indicated on the Plans.
Bring to the attention of the BCE field conditions that are not addressed in the
Plans that may affect the construction joint location or cause deterioration of
concrete, such as wave action or other conditions. The BCE will implement
changes if warranted.
4 Deposit concrete in-the-dry in tidal water within the range of tidal water in-
dicated in paragraph 3 above. Do not allow tidal water to come in direct con-
tact with the concrete until the concrete has hardened for at least 3 days.
702.4.2.8 Temperature Control
702. Concreting in Cold Weather
1 Before starting work on the project, submit a written Placing and Curing
Plan that includes measures and equipment to ensure that the air tempera-
ture surrounding the concrete is maintained at a temperature above 50ºF as
monitored by Hi-Lo thermometers placed on the concrete surface for a period
of 3 days after the concrete is placed. If curing blankets are used, make cer-
tain that they conform to the requirements found in Subsection 702.3.4, and
remain in place for a minimum of 4 days. Provide provisions in the plan for
sudden temperature changes below those forecasted during the curing pe-
riod. If dry heat is used, provide a means of maintaining moisture in order to
maintain the concrete in a wet condition during the curing period.
2 Do not place concrete unless specifically authorized by the RCE, who may

702. 702.

only issue such authorization upon receipt and acceptance of a written Cold
Weather Batching and Mixing Plan as specified in Subsection 701.4.4.2.
702. Concreting in Hot Weather
1 Before starting work on the project, submit a written Placing and Curing
Plan that includes measures and equipment to maintain the temperature of
concrete below 90ºF, with the exceptions of Class 2500 concrete and mass
concrete pours. Ensure that the plan conforms to the applicable requirements
of ACI 305R, Hot Weather Concreting. The plan may incorporate one or
more of the following provisions as necessary to control the concrete tem-
A. Schedule work so that concrete can be placed with the least possible
B. Sprinkle coarse aggregate with water to cool by evaporation.
C. Use chilled mixing water or shaved ice to replace part of the mixing
water, and consider the use of Type II cement.
D. Reduce loss of water through absorption by pre-wetting the sub-
grade or forms just before pouring so that they will not absorb water
from mix.
E. Spray forms and reinforcing steel with cool fresh water just before
placement of concrete.
F. Erect windbreakers to prevent wind from drying exposed concrete
surfaces while they are being finished.
G. Screed and float concrete as it is placed, and start curing procedures
H. Use water-curing methods to provide evaporative cooling.
2 Do not allow the temperature for Class 2500 concrete to exceed 95ºF. Do
not allow mass concrete mix temperature measured at discharge into the
forms to exceed 80ºF.
3 Do not place concrete unless specifically authorized by the RCE, who may
only issue such authorization upon receipt and acceptance of a written Hot
Weather Batching and Mixing Plan as specified in Subsection 701.4.4.2.
702. Responsibility for Satisfactory Results of Temperature Con-
1 The Contractor assumes all risks connected with the placing of concrete,
and any permission given to place concrete under such conditions will in no
way relieve the responsibility for satisfactory results. Remove, dispose of,
and replace all unsatisfactory concrete at no expense to the Department.
2 Provide the control of temperatures in concrete placement in addition to
any other requirements found on the Plans and/or in the Special Provisions
that may apply to the concrete placement. Include all costs associated with
temperature controls for concrete placement in the unit cost of the concrete.

702.4.3 702.4.3.2

702.4.3 Setting Finished Grade of Concrete Bridge Deck Slabs
702.4.3.1 Setting Finished Grade When Covered with a Wearing Surface
1 After concrete is placed in deck slab forms, strike-off the top to the proper
crown and longitudinal profile with an approved template. Do not deviate from
the surface indicated on the Plans by more than ½ inch.
702.4.3.2 Setting Finished Grade When Not Covered with a Wearing
1 As soon as the concrete has been placed and vibrated in the deck slab
forms in a section of sufficient width to permit working, strike-off the concrete
with sufficient passes of the screed to obtain the required grade (usually 1 or
2 passes for the transverse screed and 2 or 3 passes for the longitudinal
screed are sufficient).
2 Maintain a slight excess of mortar along the entire leading edge of the
screed at all times to fill low spots. On the final pass of the screed, leave the
surface true to grade and free from water, laitance, or other conditions leading
to an undesirable surface. Take care to remove all such surplus material from
the gutters where final hand finishing is permitted. Complete all screeding
before the initial set of the concrete has taken place.
3 As screeding is completed at the beginning or end of a pour, especially
702.4.3 2
where fresh concrete adjoins hardened concrete, carefully check the surface
of the slab in the longitudinal direction with a 20-foot straightedge, or if ap-
proved by RCE, use a 10-foot straightedge due to the vertical curve ordinate.
Correct all abrupt changes that would affect the surface smoothness while the
concrete is still plastic. Closely following the final pass of the screed, texture
the surface by using a drag composed of 2 layers of wet burlap on a trans-
verse screed or an RCE approved broom on longitudinal screeds.
4 Finish the surface of the deck under sidewalks or barriers to the proper
grades shown on the Plans and finish the surface to the same surface texture
as the wearing surface. Along the edges of the slab where the screed cannot
pass, make certain that concrete finishers use a straightedge, minimum 4 feet
in length, and ensure that the proper slope of the deck is maintained.
5 In the case of concrete slab spans or concrete girder spans supported on
falsework, finish the top surface of the slab with a camber sufficient to offset
the dead load deflection of the slab and the long-term creep of the concrete
while still maintaining the proper vertical curve ordinate. Unless otherwise
directed by the BCE, use a camber of ⅛ inch for spans 20 to 30 feet long.
Place camber strips on the falsework support beams, bar joist, etc., which
include the effect of dead load deflection and any applicable vertical curve
ordinate to maintain the proper thickness of the deck.
6 For spans of 80 feet and under, the Contractor may use a longitudinal
screed equal to the length of the span. For spans greater than 80 feet, but
equal to or less than 100 feet, if possible, use a screed equal to the span
length, but in any case, do not use a major longitudinal screed less than 1/2 of

702.4.3.2 702.4.4.1

the span length.

7 Include all costs for labor, equipment, and other items necessary to provide
the finished grade of concrete deck described above in the unit price of the
8 Have the slab checked by the RCE at representative locations using suit-
able means to determine deviations from the theoretical plan grade. Do not
allow the maximum deviation from the theoretical plan grade to exceed
1/1200 of the bridge length or ½ inch, whichever is smaller. Do not allow the
maximum deviation from the theoretical crown in a direction normal to the
traffic direction to exceed ¼ inch. Remove excessive height of ridges formed
by the finishing processes. If the Plans indicate that the future design traffic
count is less than 1000 vehicles per day, with the RCE present, check the
slab for smoothness by means of a rolling straightedge immediately after the
curing operation is complete. Provide the rolling straightedge equipped with
devices for marking irregularities in the slab surface of ⅛ inch or more in a
length of 10 feet. For temporary detour bridges, ¼ inch or more in a length of
10 feet is acceptable. Details of an acceptable rolling straightedge are avail-
able from the BCE office and will be furnished on request.
9 In addition to the longitudinal rolling straightedge check, make certain that
the deck surface meets a 0.20 inch in 10 feet straightedge check made trans-
versely across the slab at a spacing determined by the RCE. Perform the
longitudinal rolling straightedge tests first.
10 Remove or correct irregularities that exceed the maximum deviations
stated in this subsection in a manner satisfactory to the RCE and/or BCE at
no expense to the Department. Do not perform grooving before satisfying the
requirements of this subsection.
702.4.4 Concrete Curing
702.4.4.1 Curing of Bridge Decks
1 Exercise caution to prevent plastic cracking from occurring in bridge decks.
Follow the latest ACI 224R and ACI 305R guidelines on control of cracking
and hot weather concreting.
2 Protect freshly placed structural concrete from rapid drying. Use high effi-
ciency multiple-head water foggers with individual shut-off valves or an alter-
native acceptable to the BCE to increase the humidity directly above the fresh
concrete until the curing mats are placed. Demonstrate the fogger system for
the RCE and make certain that it is accepted before placing concrete. Do not
allow the foggers to spray directly onto the concrete. However, condensation
from the foggers that wet the concrete without causing surface damage is
acceptable. Provide a minimum of two foggers with a third back-up fogger on
hand in case of a breakdown. Provide additional foggers as required for wide
and/or large deck pours. The use of a pressure washer with a fine mist noz-
zle on the wand in lieu of using foggers is acceptable provided there is a sat-
isfactory performance in the field as determined by the RCE. Make certain
that the system does not drip or pond water on the concrete. Ensure that the

702.4.4.1 702.4.4.2

system sprays over the concrete (a minimum of 4 feet) and not directly on the
concrete and maintains the humidity over the entire surface of the concrete
until the curing mats are installed. Be aware that these measures alone may
not prevent plastic cracking of the deck. Provide other preventative measures
as necessary including windbreaks, placement of approved curing compound,
or if necessary, delaying the pour until more suitable conditions.
3 Wet-cure the top surface of the bridge decks for a minimum of 7 days.

4 Construction traffic may be placed over the slab if 90% of the 28-day com-
pressive design strength has been reached even though curing blankets are
still in place. Obtain approval from the RCE to place construction traffic on
the slab in less than 7 days. Base strength on breaks of cylinders that have
been cured similarly to the deck.
5 Provide and maintain a curing box at the testing site to cure cylinders for
28-day breaks. Make certain that the curing box is capable of holding cylin-
ders at a temperature between 60ºF and 80ºF until cylinders are shipped to
the OMR for storage in a curing room before conducting compression breaks.
Provide a Hi-Lo thermometer to monitor the temperature range. Modify the
curing box as necessary if the required temperature range is not being main-
6 Perform curing by use of curing blankets conforming to the requirements of
Subsection 702.3.4. Place curing blankets as soon as practicable after plac-
ing the concrete. Overlap edges of blankets. Re-wetting of the curing blan-
kets may not be required if the blankets remain wet and the edges remain
sealed throughout the 7-day curing period.
702.4.4.2 Curing Structural Concrete Other than Bridge Decks
1 Wet-cure structural concrete other than bridge decks for a period of 4 days
and cover with curing blankets described in Subsection 702.4.4.1. Re-
wetting of the curing blankets and overlapping edges may not be required if
the blankets remain wet and the edges remain sealed throughout the curing
period. Cure precast and prestressed concrete members in accordance with
the requirements of Subsection 704.4.4.3.
2 Polyethylene sheeting may be used for curing concrete columns. Take
extreme care and make certain that the overlapping edges of the adjacent
wraps and the extreme edges of the sheeting are sealed and a saturated
condition is maintained at all times inside the enclosure.
3 If a final finish coating is specified by the manufacturer as being capable of
acting as a curing membrane, apply the coating immediately on any portions
of the structure that require a finish coating. Apply material at the rate as
specified in Subsection 702.4.11.

702.4.4.2 702.4.5

4 A clear, non-wax, water-based, dissipating membrane-curing compound

may be used as soon as practical instead of curing blankets. Ensure that it
meets the requirements of Subsection 702.2.2.11.
5 Apply the curing compound as soon as the finishing of the concrete surface
is complete. Apply the compound uniformly at a rate of at least 1 gallon per
150 square feet until the entire surface has a solid and vapor-tight coating of
the curing compound. Apply the compound by means of a spray nozzle that
is held 2 feet or less from the concrete surface. If necessary, protect the
spray from the wind by suitable means. Keep the spray nozzle and other
spraying equipment clean at all times.
6 If rain falls on the newly sprayed surface before the film has sufficiently
dried, immediately as conditions permit, re-spray the surface to the specified
thickness. Where the curing compound is inadvertently applied to surfaces
against which new concrete is to be cast, including projecting reinforcing
steel, completely remove the compound by the use of steel wire brushes or by
other means accepted by the RCE.
7 Protect the sprayed surface film from abrasion or damage for at least 3
days. Do not allow the placing of forms, lumber, reinforcing steel, equipment,
or unnecessary walking on the surface until the film is at least 3 days old.
702.4.5 Removal of Falsework and Forms
1 In order to obtain a satisfactory surface finish, remove the forms for orna-
mental work, railings, parapets, and other vertical surfaces that will be ex-
posed in the finished work as soon as the concrete has hardened sufficiently
to allow the removal of the forms without damaging the edges, corners, and
faces of the concrete. Do not remove the forms in less than 5 hours, nor
more than 48 hours, unless the concrete is poured on Friday, in which case
the forms may be removed the following Monday. Column and pier forms
may be removed after 24 hours.
2 Keep forms and falsework under slabs, beams, girders, caps, arches, and
structures or parts of structures carrying static dead loads in place until the
concrete compressive strength reaches at least 75% of the design strength.
Make additional test cylinders and cure under similar conditions for use in
form removal strength determinations.
3 Do not use methods of form and falsework removal that are likely to cause
overstressing of the concrete. In general, remove the forms from the bottom
upward. Do not remove forms without the consent of the RCE.
4 Strike falsework supporting concrete beams, slabs, and brackets that will
support sidewalks, concrete railing, or other applicable items before the side-
walk, concrete railing, or the other items are cast.
5 Make additional strength control cylinders if early removal of falsework is
desired. The falsework may be struck when these cylinders, cured under the
same conditions as the concrete in the structure, have developed a unit
strength of 75% of the required 28-day compressive design strength. How-

702.4.5 702.4.6

ever, do not subject such concrete to a superimposed load until the compres-
sive strength develops 90% of the required compressive design strength.
Assist in transporting the additional strength control cylinders to the OMR for
6 Extra test cylinders for early form or falsework removal will be at no addi-
tional expense to the Department.
702.4.6 Protecting and Loading Recently Placed Concrete
1 Do not place beams, girders, or other precast elements on concrete sub-
structures until the concrete in the substructure develops a minimum of 75%
of the design compressive strength. Do not place deck concrete until the
concrete in the substructure develops a minimum of 90% of the design com-
pressive strength.
2 Do not place backfill or fill for retaining walls, abutments, piers, wingwalls,
or other structures that will retain material to an elevation higher on one side
than on the other until the concrete develops a minimum of 90% of the speci-
fied design strength.
3 Do not place backfill for arch culverts and box culverts to an elevation
higher than 1 foot above the top of footing or bottom slab until the concrete
develops a minimum of 90% of specified design strength.
4 Adhere to the following time and strength requirements when performing con-
struction activities on or near recently placed concrete:
• Wait a minimum of 12 hours between placing footing or drilled pier
concrete and erecting column forms.
• Wait a minimum of 24 hours between placing footing and drilled pier
concrete and placing column concrete.
• Wait a minimum of 72 hours between placing column concrete and
beginning erection of cap forms or until column concrete attains a
minimum of 75% of the design compressive strength as verified by
testing extra test cylinders.
• Wait a minimum of 96 hours between placing column concrete and
placing cap concrete or until column concrete attains a minimum of
75% of the design compressive strength as verified by testing extra
test cylinders.
• Wait a minimum of 12 hours after a drilled shaft or drilled pile con-
crete has achieved the initial set, determined by the RCE or BCE,
before installing adjacent piling or drilling adjacent shaft/drilled pile
within a 20-foot radius of the cast concrete item. Multiple shafts or
piles may be drilled before placing concrete if the drilled holes re-
main in a stable condition. For non-cased drilled shafts or drilled
piles, wait until the cast concrete attains a minimum of 75% of the
design compressive strength, verified by testing test cylinders, be-
fore placement of a construction vehicles or equipment are allowed
within the 20-foot radius of the cast concrete item.

702.4.6 702.4.7

5 Do not blast within a 50-foot radius of any cast structural concrete item until
the cast item attains 90% of the design compressive strength verified by test-
ing concrete test cylinders.
6 The requirements of this subsection are minimum requirements. Additional
restrictions or increased wait times may be required to protect the concrete if
deemed necessary by the RCE or BCE. Suspend any activity determined by
the RCE or BCE to be detrimental to the concrete item cast regardless of the
distance from the cast concrete until such time as the RCE or BCE allows the
activity to proceed or until the cast concrete attains a minimum of 90% of the
design compressive strength verified by testing concrete test cylinders.
7 Do not place highway traffic, construction vehicles, and/or construction
loads/equipment on a bridge deck or approach slab until the concrete devel-
ops a minimum of 90% of the specified design compressive strength verified
by testing concrete test cylinders.
8 Do not abruptly start or stop construction vehicles, construction equipment,
concrete trucks, etc. on bridge deck(s) and/or approach slabs. Do not mix
concrete in a truck mixer while the truck is on the deck without permission
from the RCE. To avoid excessive vibrations while placing concrete barrier
rail or parapet, do not place any equipment on the deck except for one con-
crete truck mixer if required. Do not place other equipment or traffic on the
deck until concrete barrier rails and parapet walls obtain a minimum of 75% of
the compressive design strength verified by testing test cylinders.
9 Make test cylinders for early testing to determine the concrete compressive
strength for all items of the structure that are required to meet 75% of the de-
sign compressive strength.
10 Make early break test cylinders to determine concrete strength if early live
loading, including highway traffic and/or construction equipment loading is
desired. Assist the RCE in the making and transporting of early break test
cylinders to the OMR.
11 If loads or equipment exceeding 80,000 pounds gross weight are intended
to be placed on the structure, submit 7 copies of the proposed plan with cal-
culations for placing the load(s) on the structure for review, comments, and
written acceptance by the BCE. Have the plan and design calculations pre-
pared by a South Carolina registered Professional Engineer.
702.4.7 Initial Surface Finish
1 Thoroughly vibrate and work the concrete in all structures during the
placement operation by means of suitable tools. Ensure that the vibrating and
working forces the coarse aggregate from the surface and thoroughly works
the mortar against the forms to produce a smooth finish free from water-
pockets, air pockets, sand streaks, and honeycombing.
2 As soon as the concrete has met the strength requirements specified in
Subsection 702.4.5, carefully remove the forms. Immediately following form
removal, perform the initial surface finishing as described herein.

702.4.7 702.4.9

3 Remove fins and ridges in the concrete surface resulting from misaligned
forms by grinding or other methods accepted by the RCE.
4 Use sand and cement mortar to carefully point all depressions resulting
from the removal of metal ties and other holes and rough places. Make sure
pointed surfaces are flush with the surrounding structure surface by means of
a wooden float (or equivalent) before setting of the sand and cement mortar
mixture occurs.
5 The RCE may assess a 10% price reduction to the unit bid price of con-
crete that does not have the initial surface finish described above completed
within 7 calendar days of form removal. Provide this initial surface finish to all
surfaces to receive the final finish in accordance with Subsection 702.4.11.
702.4.8 Repair of Concrete Surface Defects
1 After initial finishing is complete, the RCE will inspect the concrete sur-
faces. Repair minor surface defects as specified herein. When it is neces-
sary to add a thin layer of structural grout/concrete to old concrete, use a suit-
able type of epoxy bonding compound that produces an adequate bond be-
tween the two layers. Make certain that the grout/concrete is suitable for the
type of concrete repair for which it will be used, and that the epoxy compound
meets the requirements of ASTM C 881. Obtain acceptance by the OMR or
BCE of grout/concrete and epoxy before its use.
2 Make certain that repair areas have near-vertical edges and do not result in
feathered-edged patches.
3 The repair described above does not apply to the top surface of bridge
decks. Repair defective areas of concrete on the top surface of bridge decks
in accordance with the requirements of Subsection 702.4.10.
702.4.9 Repair of Cracks in Top Surface of Bridge Decks
1 Fill bridge deck cracks or portions of cracks, including construction joints,
with widths of 0.007 inch or greater, which appear before the bridge is opened
to the traveling public, at no expense to the Department. Fill the cracks using
a gravity flow, low viscosity, crack healer/penetrating material capable of filling
cracks down to 0.003 inch. Use crack sealing material meeting the require-
ments of ASTM C 881. Obtain acceptance of the crack sealing material from
the RCE before its use. Maintain a small pond of epoxy over the crack long
enough to allow the gravity flow to fill the crack. Once the flow has stopped,
remove excess material from the deck surface before the epoxy hardens. If
the cracks cannot be filled with the gravity flow material, use a pressure in-
jectable product acceptable to the BCE. Fill cracks before any contamination
of the cracks occurs. If the RCE suspects that cracks are not being ade-
quately filled, take cores as directed by the BCE to verify the extent to which
the cracks are being filled.

702.4.9 702.4.10.1

2 Make repairs at no additional cost to the Department, and such repairs will
not justify extension of the contract completion date.
702.4.10 Repair of Top Surface of Bridge Decks
702.4.10.1 Repair of Small Areas in Top Surface of Bridge Decks
1 Repair isolated small holes (approximately 1 inch or less in diameter) with
near vertical sides with an epoxy patching material with sand added.
2 For small defective areas (equal or less than 4 square feet total) on the top
surface of bridge decks, use the following repair procedure:
1. Outline the defective areas and sawcut the outline to a minimum
depth of 1½ inches.
2. Remove all defective and/or delaminated concrete in the outlined ar-
eas by use of a concrete milling machine to a minimum patch depth
of 1½ inches. A mechanical scarifier may be used on small areas. If
jackhammers are used, limit the maximum size to 15 pounds. Do
not damage the vertical sides of the sawcut during concrete removal.
3. Remove all grease, dirt, oil, or foreign material from the patch areas
by blast cleaning.
4. Immediately before placing patching material, remove all dust, sand,
and blasting debris with oil-free compressed air.
5. Design a repair concrete mix with 35% Aggregate No. 89M stone by
volume. Submit the proposed concrete mix design to the OMR for
review and furnish a copy to the RCE. Do not use the mix until it has
been accepted by the OMR.
6. Immediately after cleaning, while the vertical edge surface is dry and
the air temperature and concrete surface temperature are between
50ºF and 80ºF, apply an approved moisture resilient epoxy bonding
compound meeting the requirements of ASTM C 881 in accordance
with the manufacturer’s recommendations to all vertical edges of the
repair area.
7. While the epoxy is tacky, pour in the accepted concrete repair mix.
8. Finish off the top on the new patch to the proper grade and cure the
patch in accordance with Subsection 702.4.4.1, unless otherwise di-
rected by the BCE.
3 Complete repair work before grooving the bridge deck.

4 Make repairs at no additional cost to the Department. Repairs will not

justify extension of the contract completion date.

702.4.10.2 702.4.10.2

702.4.10.2 Repair of Large Areas on the Top Surface of Bridge Decks
1 For large defective areas (greater than 4 and less than 500 square feet to-
tal) on the top surface of bridge decks, repair using the following procedure:
1. Outline the defective areas and sawcut the outline to a minimum
depth of 1½ inches.
2. Remove all defective and/or delaminated concrete in the outlined ar-
eas by use of a concrete milling machine and/or jackhammers to a
minimum depth of 1 inch below the top mat of reinforcing steel. A
mechanical scarifier may be used on small areas. If jackhammers
are used, limited the maximum size to 15 pounds. Do not damage
the reinforcing steel or the vertical sawcut sides during concrete re-
3. Remove all grease, dirt, oil, or foreign material from the patch areas
by blast cleaning.
4. Immediately before placing patching material, remove all dust, sand,
and blasting debris with oil-free compressed air.
5. Design a repair concrete mix with 35% Aggregate No. 89M stone by
volume. Submit the proposed concrete mix design to the OMR for
review and furnish a copy to the RCE. Do not use the mix until it has
been accepted by the OMR.
6. Immediately after cleaning, while the vertical edge surface is dry,
and the air temperature and concrete surface temperature are be-
tween 50ºF and 80ºF, apply an approved moisture resilient epoxy
bonding compound meeting the requirements of ASTM C 881 or
AASHTO M 235 in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommen-
dations to all vertical edges of the repair area.
7. While the epoxy is tacky, pour in the accepted concrete repair mix.
8. Finish off the top on the new concrete patch to the proper grade and
cure the patch in accordance with Subsection 702.4.4.1, unless oth-
erwise directed by the BCE.
2 Complete all repair work before grooving the bridge deck.

3 For the repair of extremely large defective areas on top surface of bridge
decks (equal to or greater than 500 square feet total), place a low slump or
latex overlay to restore the deck to an acceptable condition. Make certain the
overlay conforms to the requirements of Section 726.
4 Make repairs at no additional cost to the Department. Repairs will not jus-
tify extension of the contract completion date.

702.4.11 702.4.11.2

702.4.11 Final Finish or Exposed Concrete Surfaces Other than Bridge
702.4.11.1 General
1 Provide a final finish of exposed concrete surfaces of structures, except for
bridge deck slabs, as specified in the Plans and in accordance with the follow-
ing requirements for a sprayed or brushed finish. Unless otherwise specified,
the finish used is at the option of the Contractor. However, use the same fin-
ish, either sprayed or the brushed, throughout the structure. Notify the RCE
of the type surface finish intended for use before the start of the finishing
work. Obtain verification from the finishing material manufacturer that the
curing membrane material is compatible with the specified finishing material.
2 Use final finish coating material from sources appearing on the most recent
edition of SCDOT Qualified Product List 7.
3 Furnish the following information with each shipment of finish coating mate-
• Material certification showing brand name,
• Production batch or lot numbers,
• Manufacturer's recommended rate of application,
• Materials Safety Data Sheet,
• Materials Data Sheet,
• SC File No.,
• Shipping date, and
• To whom it is shipped.
4 Make certain that the certificate states that the material meets SCDOT
specifications and is essentially the same as that appearing on the most re-
cent edition of SCDOT Qualified Product List 7. Ensure that the shipped con-
tainers are plainly marked with the manufacturer's name and trademark, the
production lot or batch number, a clear date indicating date of manufacture
and/or shelf life expiration date, and application procedures. Submit for
evaluation by the OMR all formulation changes after initial approval.
5 Apply finish coating material at the manufacturer's recommended rate of
702.4.11.2 Surface Preparation for Finish Coat
1 Remove all foreign matter such as dirt, dust, mildew, efflorescence, and
curing compound on the surface by water blasting. Ensure that water used
for cleaning is either a potable water or a clean supply approved by the RCE.
Make certain that the water leaves no residue that would impair bonding.
Provide water blasting equipment that has a minimum working pressure of
3000 psi with a 15-degree tip, an output of approximately 4.5 gallons per min-
ute, a 10 HP or equivalent pump, and is equipped with a working pressure
gauge near the nozzle to check the working pressure.

702.4.11.2 702.4.11.4

2 In the event the foreign matter is not removed by the water blast method,
use an alternate cleaning method, such as sandblasting or high-pressure wa-
ter blasting equipment, to clean the surface.
3 When a clear curing compound has been used, allow enough time (usually
20 to 45 days) for the membrane to dissipate, and then clean completely to
remove any membrane that remains.
702.4.11.3 Application of Final Finish Coating
1 Allow the concrete to cure for 28 days before application of finial finishing
coat. A shorter cure time may be allowed by the RCE if it is recommended by
the manufacturer of the material. After the surface is cleaned, apply the coat-
ing before contamination occurs. If adverse weather or other obstacles pre-
vent a timely coating application, re-clean the surface as determined by the
RCE. Make certain that the surface is clean and surface dry in accordance
with the manufacturer's recommendations before application of the coating. If
the coating is sprayed, use application equipment recommended by the
manufacturer of the coating. Make certain the spray procedure is as ap-
proved by the coating manufacturer. Ensure that the coverage per gallon of
the coating is in accordance with these specifications and does not exceed 60
square feet per gallon.
702.4.11.4 Sprayed Final Finish
1 Use a material for the high-build spray finish coat that is a factory mixed
coating applied as a single spray coat at the rate of 55(± 5) square feet per
gallon of coating. Ensure that the finish coat is uniform in color, coverage,
and texture. The uniform coverage may vary in dry mil thickness depending
on the properties of the product being used, but minimize variation by strict
control of the application rate. Apply the spray coat uniformly to dry and clean
surfaces that have received the initial surface finish. Allow the concrete to
cure 28 days before application of the final finish coating. A shorter cure time
may be allowed by the RCE if it is recommended by the manufacturer of the
material. Apply the sprayed finish strictly in accordance with the written in-
struction of the product manufacturer. Ensure that the actual application of
the material is done by an operator specially trained for this work and is
skilled in the application of the sprayed finish.
2 Ensure that the spray material is for exterior coating. Use the color Near
White (Federal Shade No. 37778) with smooth texture. The spray coating
material may be solventborne or waterborne. Make certain that it meets the
following requirements:
A. Durability by accelerated weathering testing is 5000 hours minimum
in accordance with ASTM G 153.
B. Durability by freeze thaw testing is 50 cycles minimum without detri-
mental effect. Conduct the test procedure by means of a test cham-
ber capable of maintaining a -15ºF temperature for 1 hour and a
+70ºF temperature for 1 hour, which constitutes one freeze thaw cy-

702.4.11.4 702.4.11.5

C. Durability by salt spray testing is 300 hours minimum in accordance

with ASTM B 117 without loss of adhesion or deterioration of the
D. Moisture vapor permeability is 0.4 metric perms minimum in accor-
dance with ASTM E 96.
3 Make certain that the solventborne coating complies with the following re-
A. The resin is a vinyl toluene acrylic copolymer resin having a sward
hardness of 48 minimum when tested at 33.3% solids.
B. The solvent is mineral spirits (aliphatic).
C. The pigment is 55% minimum by weight.
D. The non-volatile vehicle (% by weight of vehicle) is 35% minimum.
E. VOC is 3.5 pounds/gallon maximum.
F. The coating total solids is a minimum 68% by weight.
4 Ensure that waterborne coating complies with the following requirements:

A. The resin is 100% pure acrylic copolymer emulsion. Monomers are

Butyl acrylate or methyl methacrylate. Vinyl acetates and styrene-
modified copolymers are not allowed.
B. The solvent is water.
C. The pigment is 55% minimum by weight.
D. The non-volatile vehicle (% by weight of vehicle) is 20% minimum.
E. The coating total solids is a minimum 62% by weight.
F. The pH is 9.0 to 10.5.
702.4.11.5 Brushed Final Finish
1 At the Contractor’s option, a brushed finish material may be applied to all
exposed surfaces throughout the structure instead of a sprayed finish mate-
rial. If selected, apply the brushed final finish material in 2 separate coats to
provide a uniform finish of good texture on exposed surfaces that have re-
ceived the initial surface finish. Mix the material and apply strictly in accor-
dance with the written recommendations of the product manufacturer. Have
the material applied by workers who have been instructed in the preparation
and application of the material. Ensure that the final brushing of the material
is generally done in one direction and results in a uniform and attractive ap-
2 Use material recommended for brush application. Ensure that the material
is specially manufactured for waterproofing exterior concrete surfaces and for
enhancing the appearance of concrete surfaces. Make certain the final color
of the finish is Near White (Federal Shade No. 37778) with a smooth texture.
3 Use material from a source appearing on the most recent edition of SCDOT
Qualified Product List 7. Furnish the manufacturer's certification with each
shipment stating that it meets the Department’s specifications for a brushed-

702.4.12 702.4.14.2

on application.
702.4.12 Limits of Initial and Final Finishes
1 Apply initial surface finish to all concrete surfaces as soon as the formwork
is removed.
2 On bridges, apply final finish to all exposed surfaces as noted on the Stan-
dard Note Sheet of the Plans or in the Special Provisions. Discontinue the
final finish 6 inches below the final ground line or at the low-water line.
3 For culverts and minor structures, apply the final finish on all permanently
exposed concrete surfaces and carry it 18 inches back from the edges of all
surfaces to be covered with earth. Continue the final finish at least 24 inches
inside the barrel of the culvert at each end.
4 No separate payment for the initial and final finishes for concrete structures
is made. Include the costs of labor, materials, and equipment in the items of
work that receive the finishes.
702.4.13 Treatment of Horizontal Surfaces Not Subject to Wear
1 For upper horizontal surfaces, such as the tops of handrails, curbs, caps,
parapets, coping, and bridge seats, place an excess of concrete in the form
and remove or strike-off excess with a wooden template after a suitable inter-
val of time and force the coarse aggregate below the mortar surface. Do not
use a mortar topping for these surfaces. Finish all bearing surfaces smooth
and level, either with a suitable trowel or by means of a suitable dry rub with
an abrasive after the concrete is at least 2 days old.
702.4.14 Bridge Deck Rideability
702.4.14.1 Rideability When Contractor Provides Stakes, Lines, and
Provide stakes, lines, and grades in accordance with Subsection 105.8.3,
and perform bridge deck smoothness tests using a longitudinal rolling 10-foot
straightedge check and a 10-foot straightedge check transversely across the
deck as specified in Subsection 702.4.3.2. When the Plans indicate that the
design (future) traffic count is greater than 1000 vehicles per day, provide a
surface smoothness in conformance with SC-M-701.
Payment for the above work is in accordance with Subsection 105.8.3
702.4.14.2 Rideability When the Department Provides Partial Lines and
1 The Department will furnish the lines and grades for projects as specified in
Subsection 105.8.1, except for all lines and grades affecting the bridge su-
perstructure. This exception includes screed, overhang, beam, and header
lines and grades, as well as parapet, rail, sidewalk, curb, or median lines and
grades. Make certain of the proper computation and setting of the above-
mentioned lines and grades. The RCE will make random checks of the lines
and grades set by the Contractor to determine if the work is in substantial

702.4.15 702.4.16

conformance with the Plans. The bridge deck rideability requirements of

Subsection 702.4.14.1 apply to the bridge structure.
702.4.15 Grinding and Texturing Bridge Decks
1 After checking the bridge deck for maximum allowable deviations and ride-
ability requirements, remove irregularities and excessive deviations by grind-
ing and texturing the deck as necessary to meet the requirements specified.
2 Make certain that the equipment used for grinding and texturing does not
cause damage to other bridge components and does not damage deck con-
crete that is to remain. Do not allow depth of grinding to exceed ½ inch nor
encroach upon the required rebar cover by more than ½ inch.
3 Use machines with diamond blades to produce a uniform texture finish with
a high skid number without an excessive noise level under traffic. Do not tex-
ture the deck surface within 12 inches of the gutter lines and within 2 inches
of expansion or deflection joints. The Contractor may elect to produce a tex-
tured finish simultaneously with the grinding operation.
4 Remove debris and residue from the grinding and texturing operation by
vacuum or other methods approved by the RCE. Make certain all residue is
legally disposed of off the construction site or uniformly distributed in the road-
way embankment as directed by the RCE. Ensure that the debris and residue
does not remain on the bridge deck nor is washed into the bridge drainage
702.4.16 Grooved Surface Finish
1 Except for rehabilitated decks or decks with staged construction and after
the concrete has been cured and all applicable rideability specifications have
been satisfied, groove concrete deck slabs perpendicular to the centerline for
non-skewed bridges or parallel to the expansion or contraction joint for
skewed bridges. Cut the grooves into the hardened concrete using a me-
chanical sawing device that leaves grooves that are 0.125 inch wide and
0.125 inch deep. Provide grooves with a center-to-center spacing that vary
randomly from 0.625 inch to 1.125 inches.
2 After the concrete has been cured and all applicable rideability specifica-
tions have been satisfied, groove rehabilitated decks or decks with staged
construction longitudinally and parallel to the centerline.
3 Limit grooving on non-skewed bridge decks as follows:

A. Extend grooving to a point measured 12 inches perpendicular to the

gutterline or 12 inches perpendicular to the edge of any raised me-
B. Extend grooving to a point measured 2 inches from and perpendicu-
lar to the edge of expansion or contraction joints.
C. Do not groove across expansion or contraction joints.

702.4.6 702.

4 Limit grooving on skewed bridge decks grooved parallel to the expansion or

contraction joint as follows:
A. Extend grooving to a point not further than 18 inches and not closer
than 6 inches from and perpendicular to the gutterline or edge of
raised median.
B. Extend grooving to a point not further than 8 inches and not closer
than 2 inches from and perpendicular to the edge of expansion or
contraction joints.
C. Do not groove across expansion or contraction joints.
5 Remove residue from the sawing operation from the deck by vacuum or
other methods. Make certain all residue is legally disposed of off the con-
struction site or uniformly distributed in the roadway embankment as directed
by the RCE. Ensure that the residue does not remain on the deck nor is
washed into the bridge drainage system.
6 Notify the RCE at least 3 calendar days before performing any deck groov-
ing work. Provide a written groove pattern to the RCE for approval before the
work begins. Do not perform grooving without the presence of the RCE or a
Department representative on site to view the grooving operation.
702.4.17 Joints
702.4.17.1 General
1 Provide fixed and expansion joints in concrete structures only at the loca-
tions shown on the Plans or otherwise specified. Ensure that expansion joint
material conforms to the requirements of Subsection 702.2.2. Set all steel
armor plates, strip seal joint plates, steel finger joint plates, etc. at ¼ inch be-
low the finish roadway elevation.
702.4.17.2 Open Joints
1 Construct open joints by the use of removable bulk-heading forms that are
removable without injury to concrete.
702.4.17.3 Sliding Joints
702. Roofing Felt
1 When roofing felt is used, make certain that the supporting or first formed
concrete surface is true, smooth, and parallel to the direction of movement.
Take care in cutting, placing, and holding the roofing felt against this surface
so that it is smooth, snug, and does not become displaced or damaged during
concrete placement. Hold the roofing felt in place by the forms or by asphalt
cement carried well beyond the area of contact, then cut back after the forms
are stripped and all rubbing and finishing near the joint is completed. Ensure
that the entire joint presents a neat, workmanlike appearance, with absolutely
no contact between the concrete on each side of the joint, and the joint is free
to move in the proper direction for the required distance.

702. 702.

702. Metal Plates
1 When metal plates are used as friction joints, anchor them in the correct
position with full bearing, and all sliding surfaces are planed true and smooth.
When placed in position, thoroughly coat all sliding surfaces with graphite or
other RCE approved lubricant. Do not impede movement because of contact
with surfaces other than bearing surface.
702. Mortised Joints
1 Construct mortised joints as shown on the Plans and generally consisting
of a concrete or metal element sliding in a concrete or metal socket. Ensure
that the construction permits freedom of movement in the two opposite direc-
tions and is watertight and rustproof to the greatest extent practicable.
702.4.17.4. Fixed Joints
1 Separate fixed joints between superstructure and substructure by a layer of
¼-inch thick elastomeric bearing pads, unless otherwise shown on the Plans.
Unless otherwise specified, furnish elastomeric bearing pads in conformance
with the requirements of Section 724, including measurement and payment.
702.4.17.5 Expansion Joints
702. General
1 Ensure that expansion joint materials consist of pre-molded filler, elas-
tomeric compression seals, or deck joint strip seals.
702. Compression Seal Joints
1 Fabricate filled compression joints from elastomeric compression seals or
pre-molded filler, or both as indicated on the Plans or in the Special Provi-
sions or as directed by the BCE, and conforming to the requirements of
Subsection 702.2.2.
2 Cut the joint filler out of the least number of pieces practicable to com-
pletely fill the space shown on the Plans. Bond the various pieces in the joint
together as recommended by the manufacturer and approved by the OMR.
Do not permit loose fitting sections or gaps between sections of filler or be-
tween filler and concrete or steel headers. Hold the material in place by as-
phalt cement or adhesive recommended by the manufacturer or by other suit-
able and RCE approved means.
702. Hot Poured Elastic Filler Joints
Sawcut or form joints in concrete in accordance with Subsection 501.4.13.
Fill formed joint with hot applied elastic filler material as specified in ASTM D
6690, Type III.
2 To avoid damaging hot poured elastic filler material by excessive heating,
melt the filler material in a double-walled, oil-bath kettle. Cut the material into
appropriate sized pieces with a hot spade and lower slowly into the kettle.
Stir continuously to prevent local overheating. Keep the kettle filled to ap-
proximately half of its capacity at all times by adding new pieces as material is

702. 702.4.19.2

withdrawn. Provide an accurate pyrometer and heat the material in accor-

dance with the manufacturer’s instructions. Take care not to overheat the
material. Watch for and avoid excessive smoke, which is one indication of
local overheating.
3 Fill joint to within ⅜ inch of the top surface of the slab. After joints are filled,
the left over material in the kettle may be re-cut into suitable size pieces and
re-heated later.
702. Deck Joint Strip Seals
1 Furnish and install deck joint strip seals in conformance to the requirements
of Section 723.
702.4.17.6 Special Expansion Joints
1 Special types of expansion joints may be used when specified on the Plans
or in the Special Provisions.
702.4.18 Encased or Supported Pipes and Conduits
1 Furnish and place pipes and conduits encased in the concrete as shown on
the Plans or as specified in the Special Provisions without compensation
unless otherwise specified.
2 In cases where the Department has authorized the placement of public utili-
ties on a structure, the necessary pipes or conduits and any devices for sup-
porting such utilities will be furnished by the owners of the utilities involved.
Place such supporting devices without extra compensation unless otherwise
specified on the Plans and/or in the Special Provisions.
702.4.19 Weep Holes and Drains
702.4.19.1 General
1 Locate and construct weep holes and drains or grates as indicated on the
Plans or as directed by the RCE. No additional compensation will be made
for such work. No deduction in measurement of concrete is made for these
702.4.19.2 Weep Holes and French Drains for Box Culverts
1 When called for on the Plans, construct weep holes and French drains as
described herein in box culverts that have inside vertical dimensions of 6 feet
or greater. Provide 3-inch diameter weep holes in the outside walls of cul-
verts and wingwalls at intervals of about 8 feet at an elevation of about 12
inches above the estimated normal water elevation. Cover the inside face of
the weep hole with a 12 inch x 12 inch square of fiberglass or plastic mesh or
grid that allows water to pass freely, but prevents the loss of the aggregate.
Connect the weep holes with 12-inch square French drains constructed with
aggregate conforming to Aggregate No. 5 or 57.

702.4.19.3 702.4.21

702.4.19.3 Weep Holes and French Drains in Retaining Walls
1 Construct weep holes in retaining walls with a height of 6 feet or more
above footing. Space the holes approximately 20 feet on centers, or as
shown on the Plans, and locate at or slightly above finished ground line eleva-
tion on the exposed side of the wall. Provide 3-inch diameter weep holes
unless otherwise specified. Cover the inside face of the weep hole with a 12
inch x 12 inch square of fiberglass or plastic mesh or grid that allows water to
pass freely, but prevents the loss of the aggregate. Connect the weep holes
with 12-inch square French drains. In addition, extend 12-inch square French
drains vertically above each weep hole to within 2 feet of the top of the retain-
ing wall. Construct the French drains with aggregate conforming to Aggre-
gate No. 5 or 57.
702.4.20 Bridge Sidewalks and Curbs
1 Take utmost care in placing and finishing curbs and sidewalks. Ensure that
they are placed true to line and grade and meet ADA requirements. Screed,
float, and finish the surface in a manner satisfactory to the RCE.
702.4.21 Widening Existing Concrete Structures
1 Dimensions of new construction on a widening project are subject to exist-
ing conditions, therefore, field verify all dimensions before ordering beams
and performing any work on existing bridges. Make at least three profile line
surveys of the existing bridge decks at the locations determined by the RCE.
Make the profile line surveys at 5-foot intervals and determine elevation to the
nearest 0.002 of a foot. Use identical stations for all surveys in order to facili-
tate survey comparisons. Compare the cross slope, bridge grades, and sta-
tioning of the actual surveys with the widening Plans to aid in determining the
amount of necessary adjustments needed to eliminate any conflicts and im-
prove the alignment of the new structure with respect to the existing structure.
2 Anticipate having to perform grinding and texturing of the deck in order to
meet the longitudinal rolling straightedge, rideability, and transverse straight-
edge requirements as specified in Subsection 702.4.14. Check the depth of
the concrete cover over the reinforcing steel and limit the proposed grinding
and texturing accordingly. For each structure, submit to the RCE for review
and acceptance the following:
• All plotted survey profiles,
• Proposed grinding and texturing procedures,
• Proposed grinding depths,
• Existing concrete cover information,
• Proposed finished grades, and
• Proposed substructure elevations and stationing.
3 Include all costs of the abovementioned work, except grinding and textur-
ing, in the lump sum price bid for Construction Stakes, Lines, and Grades,
which includes all materials, labor, equipment, tools, and traffic control.

702.4.21 702.5

4 When casting new concrete against existing concrete, clean the contact
surface of the existing concrete of all loose concrete, dirt, oil, grease, and any
other deleterious material to the satisfaction of the RCE. In addition, before
placing the new deck slab concrete, sawcut the edge of the existing deck slab
(1 inch minimum) to give a straight line to tie into. Thoroughly roughen to an
amplitude of ¼ inch just before casting the new concrete. Also, just prior to
casting the new deck concrete, coat the portion of the existing slab from the
top surface down to the top layer of reinforcing steel with a bonding epoxy
conforming to ASTM C 881, Type II. Apply bonding epoxy in accordance with
the manufacturer's written recommendations.
5 If feasible, embed in the new concrete all reinforcing steel protruding be-
yond the existing concrete surface after removal of the designated portion of
the existing concrete. Unless a concrete overlay is used, cut off reinforcing
steel that cannot be embedded in the new concrete to 1 inch below the exist-
ing concrete surface and patch the resulting hole with an epoxy-sand grout
accepted by the BCE. When an overlay is used, cut off the reinforcing steel
that cannot be embedded flush with the surface of the concrete.
6 Include the entire cost of removal and disposal of designated portions of
existing bridge, including all drilling and chipping necessary to construct the
new structure in the lump sum price bid for Removal and Disposal of Desig-
nated Portions of Existing Bridges.
7 At no expense to the Department, repair or replace in a manner satisfactory
to the BCE any portion of the existing structure damaged by the Contractor's
operations. Any other necessary repairs to the existing structure that are not
called for in the Plans, and in the opinion of the BCE are needed, are paid as
extra work.
702.5 Measurement
1 Measurement for work for concrete items described in this section is not
made under this section. Measurement is made in accordance with other
sections of these specifications that govern the items of work included in the
concrete structure. No separate measurement is made for stay-in-place (SIP)
steel bridge deck forms. Include all the cost of materials, labor, equipment,
tools, supplies, and incidentals necessary to furnish and install permanent
steel bridge deck forms in the contract unit bid price for the concrete item.
2 Measurement for the quantity of concrete in the bridge slabs is computed
from the neat line dimensions shown on the Plans with no allowance for form
deflection. No additional payment is made for extra concrete required by the
use of permanent steel bridge deck forms or for the SIP forms themselves.
3 Unless otherwise specified herein, on the Plans, or in the Special Provi-
sions, joints are not measured for separate payment. Include all materials,
labor, equipment, tools, supplies, and incidentals necessary to furnish and
install expansion joints, except deck joint strip seals, in the contract unit bid
price for deck slab concrete.

702.5 702.6

4 Deck joint strips seals are measured and paid for in accordance with
Subsections 723.5 and 723.6.
5 The quantity for the pay item Grooved Surface Finish is the surface area of
the bridge deck provided with the grooved finish and is measured by the
square yard (SY), complete, and accepted. Deck area not grooved is not in-
cluded in the measurement.
6 There is no measurement for payment for grinding and texturing of new
bridge decks to correct irregularities and excess deviations that are the fault
of the Contractor. The quantity for the pay item Grinding and Texturing Con-
crete Bridge Deck for the removal or correction of irregularities and excessive
deviations at the junction of new and existing bridge deck slabs is measured
by the square yard (SY) of deck area ground and textured, complete, and ac-
702.6 Payment
1 No separate payment, except as noted below, is made for compliance with
this section. Consider all costs of the work described in this section incidental
to the project and included in other items of work.
2 If the RCE requires inspection and certification of any falsework system by
a South Carolina registered Professional Engineer as described in
Subsection 702., payment will be made by Change Order. However,
if the inspection reveals that the falsework system does not comply with the
Working Drawings, no payment is due.
3 Payment for the accepted quantity of Grooved Surface Finish, measured in
accordance with Subsection 702.5, is determined using the contract unit bid
price for the pay item. Payment is full compensation for providing a grooved
surface finish as specified or directed and includes cutting grooves into the
harden concrete deck; removing and disposing of the debris; and all other
materials, labor, equipment, tools, supplies, transportation, and incidentals
necessary to fulfill the requirements of the pay item in accordance with the
Plans, the Specifications, and other terms of the Contract.
4 Payment for the accepted quantity for Grinding and Texturing Concrete
Bridge Deck, measured in accordance with Subsection 702.5, is determined
using the contract unit bid price for the pay item. Payment is full compensa-
tion for removing or correcting irregularities and excessive deviations at the
junction of new and existing bridge deck slabs and all other materials, labor,
equipment, tools, supplies, transportation, and incidentals necessary to fulfill
the requirements of the pay item in accordance with the Plans, the Specifica-
tions, and other terms of the Contract.

702.6 702.6

5 Pay items under this section include the following:


Item No. Pay Item Unit

7023200 Grooved Surface Finish SY

7028000 Grinding and Texturing of Concrete Bridge Deck SY

703.1 703.


703.1 Description
703.1.1 General

1 This section contains specifications for materials, equipment, construction,

measurement, and payment for furnishing and placing reinforcing steel con-
sisting of bars, wire, wire mesh, bar supports, and ties.
703.1.2 Production of Iron and Steel Products on Federal Aid Projects
1 On federal-aid projects, use only iron and steel products, including tie wire
and supports for reinforcing steel and coatings, for which the manufacturing
processes occurred in the United States in accordance with Subsection
703.2 Materials
703.2.1 Reinforcing Bars
1 Provide reinforcing bars (rebar) and dowels that meet the requirements of
ASTM A 706 with a minimum single yield strength level of 60,000 psi, desig-
nated as Grade 60 and are from a source listed on the most recent edition of
SCDOT Qualified Product List 60. Acceptance or rejection of all reinforcing
steel is based on 30-inch long samples taken in the field and tested by the
OMR or an OMR authorized AASHTO accredited testing laboratory.
703.2.2 Wire and Wire Fabric
1 Provide wire for concrete reinforcement, either as such or in fabricated
form, conforming to AASHTO M 32 or AASHTO M 225. Provide welded steel
wire fabric for concrete reinforcement meeting the requirements of AASHTO
M 55.
703.2.3 Galvanized Reinforcing Bars
703.2.3.1 Use and Production
1 Use zinc-coated galvanized deformed steel reinforcing bars in structural
concrete where shown on the Plans and extend it to the limits shown. Pro-
vide zinc-coated reinforcing steel in structures that is hot-dip galvanized in
accordance with ASTM A 767, Class II, 2 ounces per square foot with a mini-
mum thickness of 3.5 mils. Galvanize the steel bars after fabrication.
2 Do not use reinforcing steel produced by water quenching method.
703.2.3.2 Repair of Galvanized Reinforcing Steel
703. Shop Repair
1 Reject zinc-coated reinforcing steel bars that do not meet the requirements
above and do not repair such reinforcing steel bars.

703. 703.2.4.3

703. Field Repair
1 Field repair damaged areas of the rebar coating and replace bars exhibiting
severely damaged coatings. Make certain that the field repair material has a
minimum of 65% zinc by weight. Provide a minimum repair coating thickness
of 3.5 mils.
2 The RCE and/or BCE will be the sole judges of the severity of damaged
areas for purposes of repair or replacement. Do not incorporate into the work
any reinforcing bar having a coating determined by the RCE and/or BCE to be
severely damaged. Remove such rebar from the work site. Replace the
damaged rebar in kind at no additional cost to the Department.
703.2.3.3 Handling, Placing, and Fastening
1 Provide systems for handling galvanized coated bars that have padded
contact areas for the bars, wherever possible. Pad all bundling bands and lift
all bundles with multiple supports or a platform bridge to prevent bar to bar
abrasion from sags in the bar bundle. Do not drop or drag the bars or bun-
dles. Flame cutting of the ends of reinforcing steel is allowable if requested,
and such request is reviewed and approved by the RCE. Grind/trim ends of
flame cut bars to remove any burrs and/or sharp edges before field coating.
2 Provide galvanized tie wire in accordance with AASHTO M 232, Class D or
stainless steel. Ensure that chairs and reinforcing steel supports are plastic in
Zone A (as defined in Subsection 703.2.6.1) and plastic or galvanized in
Zone B. Have the specific hardware intended for use approved by the BCE.
703.2.4 Mechanical Couplers for Reinforcing Steel
703.2.4.1 General
1 Ensure that all mechanical coupler components are compatible with the
reinforcing bars specified in this subsection and that all splices with the me-
chanical couplers are made as specified and detailed on the Plans. In select-
ing a coupler, consider the clearance requirements for correct installation and
proper alignment of the reinforcing after installation.
703.2.4.2 Quality Control Manager
1 Designate in writing, to the RCE, a Quality Control Manager (QCM) for all
mechanical couplers. The QCM is responsible for the quality of the mechani-
cal coupler splicing, including the inspection of materials and workmanship
and for submitting, receiving, and approving all correspondence, required
submittals, and reports to and from the RCE. The QCM may be an employee
of the Contractor.
703.2.4.3 Material Information and Certification
1 Provide from the coupler manufacturer a description of the device, including
dimensions, designations, material specifications, and the method of packag-
ing and identification. Ensure that the couplers develop at least 125% of the
actual yield strength of the control bar under the static tension test. When
Ultimate Couplers are required, ensure that mechanical couplers develop ul-

703.2.4.4 703.

timate butt splice connection strength under the static tension test of 100% of
the specified tensile strength of the bar. Additionally, supply to the RCE de-
tailed installation instructions from the mechanical coupler manufacturer for
each type of mechanical coupler being used. Obtain the information required
above in a document from the manufacturer certifying that the product meets
the applicable SCDOT specifications.
703.2.4.4 Manufacturer’s Quality Control Testing Facility and Reports
703. General
1 Ensure that all manufacturer quality control testing is performed in a labora-
tory that has been reviewed and accepted by the SME representative or has
been satisfactorily inspected by AASHTO Materials Reference Laboratory
(AMRL) for all applicable tests. Ensure that the qualified laboratory used to
perform the manufacturer’s quality control testing of all splices and control
bars meets and complies with the requirements of Subsections 703.
through 703.
703. Facilities
1 Ensure that the qualified laboratory has a tensile testing machine capable
of breaking the largest bar requiring testing.
703. Markings
1 Ensure that the reinforcing bars are marked in such a way to measure any
slippage across the splice.
703. Operators
1 Ensure that the machine operators have received formal training and are
certified to perform the testing in conformance with ASTM A 370.
703. Calibration
1 Ensure that the qualified laboratory has a record of annual calibration of
testing equipment performed by an independent third party that has standards
that are traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology
(NIST) and has a formal reporting procedure, including published test forms.
703. Test Reports
1 Ensure that the qualified laboratory submits test reports that include the
• Sampling procedures,
• Test specimen preparation procedures,
• Test procedures, and
• Results of all tests performed.

703.2.4.5 703.2.5.1

703.2.4.5 Quality Control (QC) Test Requirements
1 A lot of mechanical couplers is defined as 150, or fraction thereof, of the
same type of mechanical couplers used for each bar size and each bar de-
formation pattern that is used in the work. Test sample splices in confor-
mance with these specifications and the requirements of ASTM A 370.
2 For all mechanical couplers testing performed, in accordance with the test
criteria, test in tension an unspliced control reinforcing bar of each size used
in order to establish the actual yield and ultimate stress values and strain in
the bar at actual yield stress. Ensure that for any bar group, all bars used for
testing are from the same heat number. After all of the splices in a lot have
been completed, provide the RCE with written statement from the QCM stat-
ing that all couplers in this lot conform to the specifications.
703.2.4.6 Quality Assurance (QA) Test Requirements
1 For each lot of each splice size, two complete samples of couplers with
reinforcing bars of the same heat numbers that are being used in the work
and one control bar from that same heat will be randomly obtained at the pro-
ject site by the SCDOT inspector and submitted to the OMR for testing. En-
sure that complete reinforcing bars with coupler splice samples and control
bar samples are a minimum length of 30 inches long and are accompanied by
a Certified Mill Test Report for the control bar’s heat number. In the event
one sample fails, submit a check sample of two couplers for testing.
703.2.4.7 Handling and Storage
1 Protect exposed threaded bars on staged work by installing the threaded
coupler on the in-place bar and capping the open end of the coupler. Imme-
diately before installation, check the threads and ease of rotation of any
threaded parts of couplers to detect contamination that could cause blinding.
Regardless of the method of mechanical coupling used, prevent damage to or
contamination of the reinforcing or coupling devices that will inhibit or nega-
tively affect the certified behavior of the device. If in the opinion of the RCE,
such damage or contamination exists, replace the reinforcing, couplers, or
both, or remove the contamination to the satisfaction of the RCE at no addi-
tional time or cost to the Department. In the choice of couplers, consider the
clearance requirements for correct installation and proper alignment of the
reinforcing after installation.
703.2.5 Ultimate Butt-Welded Splices (UBWS)
703.2.5.1 Material
Use UBWS containing steel that conforms to the requirements of
Subsection 703.2.1 and is from a manufacturer (mill) listed on the most re-
cent edition of SCDOT Qualified Product List 60.

703.2.5.2 703.

703.2.5.2 Fabricator Pre-job Test Requirements
1 Before incorporation into the work, ensure that Ultimate Butt Welded
Splices are fabricated in conformance with the following pre-job test require-
A. Notify the OMR at least 14 calendar days before beginning produc-
tion for the project so that a source visit can be arranged. The OMR
will make random visits to the fabricator during production.
B. Obtain 4 pre-job sample splices and 4 control bars (total of 8 bars for
1 set) for each bar size UBWS that will be used in the work.
C. Fabricate the sample splices using the same splice materials, posi-
tion, operators, location, and equipment, and following the same pro-
cedures that will be used to make the splices in the work.
D. Perform all fabricator pre-job testing in a laboratory that has been re-
viewed and accepted by the OMR.
E. Make certain that all sets of UBWS from each pre-job test conform to
the test criteria specified herein. For each set, obtain a pre-job test
report prepared by the laboratory performing the tests. Have the of-
ficial, who represents the laboratory and accepts the responsibility
for the report’s contents, sign the report. Ensure that the report con-
tains, as a minimum, the following information for each set:
• SCDOT Contract No.,
• SC File No.,
• Bar size,
• Type of splice,
• Physical condition of test sample splice and control bar,
• Any notable defects,
• Limits of heat affected zone,
• Location of visible necking area,
• Ultimate strength of each splice,
• Ultimate strength and 95% of this ultimate strength for each
control bar,
• Actual yield strength of each control bar, and
• Comparison between 95% of the ultimate strength of each con-
trol bar and the ultimate strength of its associated splice.
F. Submit the pre-job test report to the OMR and the RCE for review
and acceptance.
703.2.5.3 Quality Assurance (QA) Test Requirements
703. General
1 A UBWS lot is defined as a shipment of the same type of UBWS used for
each bar size and each heat number that is used in the work. Test samples
in accordance with Subsection 703.

703. 703.

2 Perform QA tests for all UBWSs used in the work. A QA test is considered
as a sample splice and corresponding control bar removed from each lot of
completed splices at the project site. The RCE will randomly select the sam-
ple splices to be removed from the lot and the associated control bar. Re-
move the sample splice and obtain the control bar in the presence of the
RCE. Obtain all samples requested by the RCE at no additional cost.
703. Test Sample Requirements
1 A test sample of UBWSs will be randomly selected at the project site for
each size and shipment of material for the work. Make certain that each
sample is
• A minimum of 30 inches in length with the splice located at mid-point,
• Accompanied by a Certified Mill Test Report for that bar’s heat num-
ber, and
• Suitably identified before shipment with weatherproof markings.
703. Control Sample Requirements
1 Provide one control bar from the same bar lot as the test sample splice.
Make certain that the control bars are
• A minimum of 30 inches in length, and
• Suitably identified before shipment with weatherproof markings.
2 Identify and mark each sample splice and its associated control bar as a
set. When a portion of any hoop reinforcing bar is removed from assembled
cages or columns to obtain a sample splice and control bar, replace the re-
moved portion using a pre-qualified Ultimate Mechanical Butt Splice, or re-
place the hoop in kind.
3 Securely bundle together the set from each QA test and identify the bundle
with a completed sample identification card before shipment for testing. Bun-
dles of samples not containing a complete set of one sample splice and one
associated control bar will not be tested. Submit a copy of the manufacturer’s
Certified Mill Test Report with each sample set.
4 Ensure that all sample test results are satisfactory before encasing any
splices in concrete. If any splices are encased before receiving notification
from the RCE, it is expressly understood that any material not conforming to
these specified requirements will be subject to rejection, and the replacement
of removed material will be at the no expense to the Department.
703. Test Criteria
1 Test the tensile strength of sample splices in conformance with the re-
quirements described in ASTM A 370. Make certain that sample splices rup-
tures in the reinforcing bar either
• Outside of the heat affected zone, or
• Within the heat-affected zone, if the sample has achieved at least
95% of the ultimate tensile strength of the control bar associated with

703. 703.2.5.4

the sample.
2 In addition, ensure that necking of the bar is visibly evident at rupture re-
gardless of whether the bar breaks inside or outside the heat-affected zone.
The heat-affected zone is the portion of the reinforcing bar where any proper-
ties of the bar, including the physical, metallurgical, or material characteristics,
have been altered by fabrication or installation of the splice.
3 Determine the ultimate tensile strength of each control bar by tensile testing
the bar to rupture. Test the ultimate tensile strength for all applicable control
bars, regardless of where each sample splice ruptures. Test sample splices
for ultimate strength and the corresponding control bars for yield and ultimate
4 Any material not conforming to the requirements herein will be subject to
rejection. If the sample splice or control bar fail to conform to these provi-
sions, all splices in the lot represented by the QA tests will be rejected.
5 If the sample splice and control bar from a QA set passes, all splices in the
lot will be considered acceptable.
6 Do not mix or combine the lots of UBWSs being tested before the success-
ful completion of the QA tests.
703.2.5.4 Corrective Action
1 Whenever a lot of UBWSs is rejected, fulfill the following requirements be-
fore using additional UBWSs in the work:
A. Perform a complete review of the producer’s quality control process
for these splices.
B. Submit a written report to the OMR describing the cause of failure for
the splices in this lot and provisions for correcting the failure in future
C. Ensure that the OMR has provided the RCE notification that the re-
port is acceptable. The OMR will have at least 10 calendar days to
review the report and notify the RCE of the report’s status. The RCE
will have at least 5 calendar days after notification to determine the
course of action for the project.
2 If a QA test for any lot fails, replace all reinforcing bars representing failing
sample splices before the RCE selects additional splices from the replace-
ment lot for further testing.
3 When sampled bars are repaired with a pre-qualified Ultimate Mechanical
Butt Splice as described in Subsection 703.2.5.3, QA tests are not required
on the repaired splices.

703.2.6 703.2.6.3

703.2.6 Bar Supports
703.2.6.1 General
1 Unless otherwise approved in writing by the BCE, utilize plastic bar sup-
ports in lieu of wire bar supports in Zone A, which consists of Beaufort, Berke-
ley, Charleston, Colleton, Dorchester, Georgetown, Horry, and Jasper Coun-
2 Wire bar supports or plastic bar supports may be utilized in Zone B, which
consists of all counties not in Zone A.
Provide bar supports for galvanized rebar as specified in Subsection
703.2.6.2 Wire Bar Supports
1 Ensure that the wire bar supports comply with standard type and classes of
protection as specified in the CRSI Manual of Standard Practice unless noted
otherwise in this subsection, on the Plans, or in the Special Provisions.
Space wire supports to provide adequate support for slab reinforcing steel.
2 For flat slab spans, support the lower layer of slab steel with Beam Bolster
(BB) bar supports. Place 1 row near each end of span with interior rows
spaced approximately 24 inches on centers.
3 For beam spans, support the lower layer of slab steel withy Beam Bolster
(BB) bar supports spaced approximately 36 inches on centers with a mini-
mum of three rows between longitudinal beams and one row on each over-
hang placed not more than 12 inches from edge of slab. Ensure that the BB
bar supports have Class 1 maximum protection, unless shown otherwise in
the Plans. Support top reinforcing bars by Continuous High Chairs Upper
(CHCU) bar supports or Beam Bolster Upper (BBU) bar supports as shown
on the Plans and spaced a maximum of 30 inches on centers.
4 Provide tie wire galvanized in accordance with AASHTO M 232, Class D or
stainless steel, for use with galvanized bars. Use black tie wire for non-
galvanized bars.
703.2.6.3 Plastic Bar Supports
1 Ensure that plastic bar supports meet the following requirements:

A. Chairs and bolsters are of adequate strength to resist a 300 pound

concentrated load without permanent deformation or breakage.
B. The plastic bar support material is manufactured from either resin or
first generation recycled thermoplastic resin, is colored white, gray,
or black, and is chemically inert in concrete.
C. Plastic reinforcing bar supports are in a configuration that does not
restrict concrete flow and consolidation around and under the rein-
forcing bar support.

703.2.6.4 703.4.2

703.2.6.4 Concrete Blocks
1 When concrete is to be placed directly on soil, concrete blocks may be
used to support reinforcing bars. Cast the blocks holding the lower reinforcing
bars in position from concrete of the same materials and proportions as that
used in the structure, and ensure that the blocks are properly cured. Do not
use blocks over 6 inches in length. Place blocks to permit their ends to be
covered with concrete. Do not use pebbles, pieces of broken stone or brick,
metal pipe, or wooden blocks to support reinforcing bars.
703.3 Equipment
1 Ensure that the equipment necessary for the proper construction of the
work is on site, in acceptable working condition, and approved by the RCE as
to both type and condition before the start of work under this section. Provide
sufficient equipment to enable prosecution of the work in accordance with the
project schedule and completion of the work in the specified time.
703.4 Construction
703.4.1 Protection of Materials
1 Store steel reinforcement on platforms, skids, or other supports raised
above the ground a minimum of 6 inches and protect it as far as practicable
from mechanical injury, surface deterioration, and mud splatter. Place poly-
ethylene sheeting or other acceptable material on the ground under the rein-
forcing steel and ground supports to minimize the possibility of mud splatter
contamination. When placed in the work, ensure that steel reinforcement is
free from loose or thick rust, dirt, scale, dust, paint, oil, concrete mortar, curing
compound, or other foreign material. Ensure that the surface condition of the
reinforcement is acceptable to the RCE before using it in the work.
703.4.2 Bending
1 Bend the reinforcement accurately to the shapes shown on the Plans. Util-
ize competent personnel for cutting and bending and provide the proper e-
quipment for such work. Ensure that bar bending is performed in accordance
with recommendations in the CRSI Manual of Standard Practice, unless oth-
erwise shown on the Plans.
2 All dimensions relative to clearances are from the edge of the reinforcing
steel to the edge of the concrete. All dimensions relative to spacing of rein-
forcing steel are from center to center of the bars. The overall length of the
bars shown in the steel tables is the overall length of the bars along their cen-
terlines after bending.
3 Provide finished bars conforming to the shapes and dimensions called for
on the Plans and in the Special Provisions. Make any allowances necessary
to account for creep in the bars during bending to secure the shapes and di-
mensions called for on the Plans and in the Special Provisions.

703.4.3 703.4.4.3

703.4.3 Placing and Fastening
1 Accurately place reinforcement, and during the placing and consolidation of
concrete, firmly hold in the positions shown on the Plans. Maintain distances
from the forms and between layers by means of concrete blocks, hangers,
bolsters, or other approved supports complying with requirements of
Subsection 703.2.6.
2 Hold the reinforcement together by tie wire at all intersections except where
the spacing is 12 inches or less in each direction, in which case tie alternate
intersections. Hold bars projecting beyond a construction joint in place by
templates during concreting to ensure proper position.
3 Before concrete is deposited in the forms, replace, adjust, or bend back any
steel or wires that project nearer to the forms than specified by the Plans.
Correct to the satisfaction of the RCE all reinforcement that is not in its proper
position, properly wired, and clean as specified in Subsection 703.4.1. Do
not deposit concrete until the RCE has inspected the condition of the reinforc-
ing steel and given permission to place concrete. Unless otherwise provided
or permitted by the BCE, do not place reinforcement into the concrete as the
concrete is being placed.
703.4.4 Splicing of Bars
703.4.4.1 General
1 Furnish all reinforcement in the full lengths indicated on the Plans unless
otherwise permitted. Except for splices called for on the Plans, do not splice
bars without advance written approval from the BCE. Stagger approved
splices when possible.
703.4.4.2 Lapped Splices
1 Provide lapped splices of the length shown on the Plans. If not shown on
the Plans, provide the length of lapped splices in accordance with the
AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications and approved by the BCE. In
lapped splices, place and wire the bars to maintain the minimum distance to
the surface of the concrete shown on the Plans.
703.4.4.3 Ultimate Welded Lap Splices
1 Use welded splices only if detailed on the Plans or with the written approval
of the BCE. Make certain that the welds conform to the AWS D1.4, Structural
Welding Code - Reinforcing Steel.
2 Make welded lap splices with low-hydrogen type electrodes. Before begin-
ning the fabrication of the splices, submit for approval by the OMR the weld-
ing procedure and two test samples. Ensure that the Ultimate Welded Lap
Splices under the static tension and compression test develop at least 100%
of the specified ultimate tensile strength of the bar. Repair hot dipped galva-
nized welded bars by use of a zinc rich formulation subject to approval of the

703.4.4.4 703.5

703.4.4.4 Ultimate Welded Butt Splices
1 Use Ultimate Welded Butt Splices only if detailed on the Plans or with the
written approval of the BCE. Make certain that Ultimate Welded Butt Splices
meet the requirements of Subsection 703.2.5.
703.4.4.5 Mechanical Couplers
1 Use Mechanical Couplers only if detailed on the Plans or with written ap-
proval of the BCE. Make certain that Mechanical Couplers meet the require-
ments of Subsection 703.2.4. Do not install any couplers until the passing
strength test reports for that lot have been provided to the RCE.
703.5 Measurement
1 The quantity for Reinforcing Steel for Structures is the weight of reinforcing
steel placed in a structure in accordance with the reinforcing steel schedule
shown in the Plans unless otherwise directed and is measured by the pound
(LB), complete, and accepted.
2 The weight of the bar supports is not included in the reinforcing steel quan-
tity. Bar supports are considered incidental to the reinforcing steel work and
all cost of furnishing and placing bar supports is included in the contract unit
id price for Reinforcing Steel for Structures.
3 The diameter, area, and theoretical weight of reinforcing bars are computed
using Table 1 in ASTM A 706.
4 The weight of reinforcing wire, welded wire fabric, and plain bar of sizes
other than those listed in Table 1 of ASTM A 706, is computed from tables of
weight published by CRSI or computed using the nominal dimensions and an
assumed unit weight of 490 pounds per cubic foot. The cross-sectional area
of wire in square inches is assumed equal to its MW- or MD-Size Number. If
the weight per square unit of welded wire fabric is given on the Plans, that is
the weight used in the quantity for payment.
5 The weight of steel reinforcement in precast members is not measured
when the cost of the reinforcement is included in the contract unit bid price for
the precast member. Threaded bars or dowels placed in the work and used
to secure such members to cast-in-place concrete after the installation of pre-
cast members is measured in the quantity for Reinforcing Steel for Structures.
6 No allowance is made for clips, wire, separators, wire chairs, and other ma-
terial used in supporting, spacing, and fastening the reinforcement in-place or
for galvanizing such items. If rebars are substituted at the Contractor's re-
quest and results in more steel than shown in the Plans, only the amount
shown in the Plans is included in the measurement.
7 The additional steel for splices that are not shown on the Plans even
though they are authorized as provided herein, is not measured. Mechanical
couplers are not measured and are considered incidental to reinforcing steel

703.5 703.6

8 No allowance is made for the weight of galvanizing in computing the weight

of reinforcing steel.
703.6 Payment
1 Payment for the accepted quantity of Reinforcing Steel for Structures,
measured in accordance with Subsection 703.5, is determined using the
contract unit bid price for the applicable item. Payment is full compensation
for furnishing and placing reinforcing steel as specified or directed and in-
cludes fabricating, cutting, splicing, repairing or replacing, placing, and secur-
ing the reinforcing steel in structures and all other materials, labor, equipment,
tools, supplies, transportation, and incidentals necessary to fulfill the require-
ments of the pay item in accordance with the Plans, the Specifications, and
other terms of the Contract.
2 Payment for each item includes all direct and indirect costs and expenses
necessary to complete the work.
3 Pay items under this section include the following:

Item No. Pay Item Unit

7031100 Reinforcing Steel for Structures (Roadway) LB

7031105 Reinforcing Steel for Structures (Retaining Wall) LB

7031200 Reinforcing Steel for Structures (Bridge) LB

7031210 Spiral Reinforcing Steel for Structures (Bridge) LB

7031220 Hoop Reinforcing Steel for Structures (Bridge) LB

7031400 Galvanized Reinforcing Steel for Structures (Bridge) LB

704.1 704.2.2


704.1 Description
1 This section contains specifications for materials, equipment, construction,
measurement, and payment for the manufacture, handling, and installation of
precast, prestressed concrete beams, cored slabs, channels, and other
prestressed concrete members in structures. Specifications for the precast
prestressed concrete piles are also a part of this section. This work is per-
formed in accordance with the Plans, Sections 701, 702, 703, 709, 711, and
any other sections that are pertinent to such prestressed members, except
that this section governs where at variance from the other section or sections.
Prestressing by pretensioning or post-tensioning method, or a combination of
2 methods, is performed as required by the Plans, the Special Provisions,
applicable Supplemental Specification, these specifications, and as directed
by the RCE and the OMR.
704.2 Materials
704.2.1 Concrete
1 Provide concrete for prestressed members of the class specified on the
Plans or in the Special Provisions. When no class is specified, use Class
5000 with a minimum 28-day cylinder compressive strength of 5000 psi. En-
sure that concrete conforms to the provisions of Section 701, except for the
following modifications:
A. Do not use marine limestone as a coarse or fine aggregate.
B. Do not use slag material as a coarse aggregate.
C. Type I, Type II, or Type III cement, an approved admixture to secure
high early strength, an approved admixture to secure a retardation in
the initial set of concrete, or an approved air-entraining admixture to
secure more workability may be used at the Contractor's option.
D. Where an air-entraining admixture is used, adjust the proportions of
ingredients to produce 27 cubic feet per cubic yard.
704.2.2 Prestressing Strands
1 Provide prestressing strands of either high-tensile-strength steel wire, high-
tensile-strength seven-wire strand, or high tensile-strength alloy bars as called
for on the Plans or in the Special Provisions. Assign a lot number to all wire,
strand, or bars and tag for identification purposes before shipment. Similarly,
identify all anchorage assemblies. Store prestressing tendon material off the
ground and protect from the weather by means of a building or other accepted
cover. Do not use any prestressing strands with loose scaling rust or pitting.

704.2.2.1 704.2.4.1

704.2.2.1 High-Tensile Strength Steel Wire
1 Ensure that high tensile-strength wire conforms to the requirements of
704.2.2.2 High-Tensile Strength Seven-Wire Strand
1 Ensure high-tensile-strength seven-wire strand conforms to the require-
ments of AASHTO M 203.
704.2.2.3 High-Tensile Strength Alloy Bars
1 Ensure high-tensile-strength alloy bars conform to the requirements of
704.2.3 Anchorage Devices
1 Provide a wedge-type end-fitting anchorage cone approved by the OMR for
steel tendon anchorage. Ensure that the wedge-type anchorage cones for
wire and strand are strong enough to develop at least 95% of the total speci-
fied ultimate strength of the tendon. Ensure that wedge-type anchorage de-
vice for alloy bar post-tensioning is of sufficient strength to develop the mini-
mum ultimate stress specified for the nominal bar diameter. Ensure that the
anchorage cones bear against embedded grids of reinforcing steel of ap-
proved type or anchorage plates of hot rolled steel having physical character-
istics not less than that specified for AASHTO M 270, Grade 36.
704.2.4 Testing Prestressing Steel and Anchorages
1 Testing of prestressing steel will be arranged by the OMR without cost to
the Contractor. Have the manufacturer supply the OMR with typical curves
obtained from mill tests of the material furnished for use in checking stresses
by means of observed elongation. In addition, have the manufacturer of the
strand furnish affidavits certifying as to the required properties. Where the
Department intends to require nondestructive testing of one or more parts of
the structure, the Special Provisions will specify the required details of the
2 Furnish all of the materials specified for testing without cost to the Depart-
ment and have them delivered in time for testing well in advance of the antici-
pated time of use. Ensure that all samples submitted are representative of
the lot furnished and in the case of wire or strand, taken from the same mas-
ter roll.
704.2.4.1 Samples of Pre-tensioning Strands for Testing
1 Furnish the following samples from each lot of material as selected by the
Department’s inspector:
• Two pieces, one at least 40 inches long and one approximately 12
inches long, from each shipment of each strand size and each heat
number, per every 5 reels or part thereof.

704.2.4.2 704.4

704.2.4.2 Samples of Post-Tensioning Strands for Testing
1 Furnish the following samples from each lot of material as selected by the
Department’s inspector:
A. For wires requiring heading: 5 feet,
B. For wires not requiring heading: sufficient length to make up one
parallel-lay cable 5 feet long consisting of the same number of wires
as the cable to be furnished,
C. For strand furnished with fittings: 5 feet between near ends of fittings,
D. For bars furnished with wedge anchors: 5 feet between faces of an-
chor plates.
704.2.4.3 Testing of Anchorage Assemblies
1 Testing of Anchorage Assemblies is at the discretion of the Department.
704.2.5 Steel Reinforcement
1 Make certain that deformed steel reinforcement bars conform to the re-
quirements of Section 703.
704.2.6 Post-Tensioning Grout
1 Use grout consisting of a commercial premixed grout approved by the OMR
or a mixture of cement, water, and sand in the proportions of 1 bag of cement
to 50 pounds of sand (all passing the No. 30 sieve) to about 5½ gallons of
water. Use the amount of water to provide a grout of the consistency of thick
paint. The sand may be omitted if desired, but take care to obtain the consis-
tency stated above. Mix the grout in a mechanical mixer for at least 2 minutes
and keep constantly agitated.
704.2.7 Grout for Prestressed Cored Slabs
1 Use a non-shrink, non-corrosive, and non-metallic grout approved by the
OMR in the shear keys, dowel holes, and all recesses in the prestressed con-
crete of cored slabs that reaches a compressive strength of 5000 psi in 24
704.3 Equipment
704.3.1 Jacks
1 Provide all equipment necessary for the construction and tensioning proc-
ess. Calibrate gauges, jacks, and pumps as a system in the same manner in
which they are used in the tensioning operations. Perform calibration and
written documentation by an independent testing laboratory, calibration ser-
vice, or under supervision of a South Carolina registered Professional Engi-
neer. Provide this documentation to the OMR or SCDOT representative upon
request. Perform calibrations at any time a tensioning system indicates er-
ratic results, and in any case, at intervals not greater than 12 months.
704.4 Construction

704.4.1 704.4.3

704.4.1 General
1 Have all fabrication of prestressed concrete members in structures per-
formed by a fabricator certified in accordance with the Prestressed Concrete
Institute (PCI) Plant Certification Program for the category of work to be done.
Have a PCI-certified technician at the plant supervise all work done on
prestressed concrete members for SCDOT projects. Have this technician
make certain that all prestressing operations are performed properly and as-
sist the Department’s representative in making tests and measurements that
may be necessary. Have each precast/prestressed concrete fabricator sub-
mit to the OMR for review and acceptance a copy of the standard operating
procedures (SOP) proposed for use at each permanent and/or temporary
2 Place a permanent beam identification marking showing name or symbol of
manufacturer, date cast, a number identifying the beam in the structure and
SCDOT File No. in permanent paint on each beam at a location that is readily
accessible and which will not be covered by diaphragms, etc. Where orienta-
tion of the direction of the beam in the span is critical, ensure that this infor-
mation is painted clearly with appropriate arrows to show the proper erection
of beam. Place the information, described above, on piles in an area that will
not be covered by the cap.
704.4.2 Shop Plans and Working Drawings
1 Before commencing fabrication, submit for review and acceptance by the
designer 7 sets of the complete Shop Plans that are signed and sealed by a
South Carolina registered Professional Engineer certifying conformance with
contract documents. Include details of the plant, forms, equipment, and
method of fabrication, including pickup devices and tensioning and de-
tensioning procedures in detail for manufacturing the precast prestressed
concrete members. Also include strand elongation computations, procedure
and sequence of jacking and release of the deflected strands, description of
the holdup or holddown devices for the deflected strands, and other methods
or procedures that may be desired by the Department in order to fully de-
scribe the fabrication of the prestressed members. Include complete informa-
tion on post-tensioning and grouting details, procedures, and materials in the
Working Drawings for post-tensioned construction.
2 Prepare and submit Shop Plans and Working Drawings in accordance with
Subsection 105.2 and Section 725.
704.4.3 Forms
1 Ensure all forms have smooth joints and produce surfaces of the concrete
members free of fins. Use forms that are well braced to maintain true shape
and dimension. If forms ties are used, use the snap-off or threaded type, so
that no tie metal remains closer than ¾ inch from the surface of the concrete.
Form the bottom corners of the beams with ¾ inch x ¾ inch (45-degree)
chamfer whether or not shown on the Plans. Carefully and accurately locate
holes, inserts and other items with tolerances appropriate for the function of

704.4.3 704.4.4.3

the item. Where voids are formed in a prestressed member, use a positive
means to hold the voiding device accurately in position. Have all forms ac-
cepted by the OMR before casting any concrete. If at any time during the
course of construction any form becomes damaged or deformed such that it
will not produce members of the proper dimensions, repair or replace it.
When forms are continually reused, use steel forms.
2 Recess holddown devices for deflected strands a distance of 1 inch or
more from the exposed face of the concrete and fill the resulting holes with
non-shrink grout. As an alternative, rest holddown device on the bottom form
and allow the device to remain in place after concrete placement. Mechani-
cally galvanize, in accordance with ASTM B 695, the portion of the device in
contact with the form for a minimum distance of 1½ inches and fill any voids
with non-shrink grout. Ensure that the non-shrink grout has the same com-
pressive strength as the concrete in the beam and is suitable for use in over-
head repairs.
3 Ensure that the finished prestressed beam or girder meets the tolerances
shown on the Standard Beam Details sheet included in the Plans.
704.4.4 Concrete Work
704.4.4.1 Placing Concrete
1 Do not deposit concrete in the forms until the Department’s representative
has inspected the placement of the reinforcement, prestressing steel, post-
tensioning ducts, anchorages and other items and has given approval thereof.
Vibrate the concrete internally and/or externally as required for proper con-
solidation of concrete. Vibrate with care and in such a manner to avoid dis-
placement of reinforcing steel, conduits, or strands.
704.4.4.2 Finishing Concrete
2 Do not correct irregularities in the surface of the beams or piles without the
prior approval of the Department’s representative. Excessive surface defects
may be cause for rejection of a member. Fill all surface air and water holes
greater than ¼ inch with mortar, and ensure that the surfaces are smooth and
free from irregularities. Provide the outside faces of exterior beams the sur-
face finish as set forth in Section 702 on the surfaces of all beams, piles, and
exterior sides of hollow core bridges.
3 Rough float the top surfaces of beams against which cast-in-place concrete
will later be placed with a wooden float to bring grout to the surface and cover
aggregate. Intentionally roughen the top surface to full amplitude of approxi-
mately ¼ inch.
704.4.4.3 Concrete Curing
1 Curing may be by the moist curing method or accelerated curing with low-
pressure steam or radiant heat. Have all wet mats and covers accepted by
the Department’s inspector. Side forms may be removed when, in the opinion
of the Department’s inspector, the concrete has hardened sufficiently to per-
mit such removal without damage to the concrete member. Additional curing

704. 704.4.4.4

is not required after detensioning.

704. Moist Curing Method
1 Under normal curing temperatures, ensure that moist curing method con-
forms to the following requirements:
A. As soon as possible after the units have been cast, cover with mats
and keep wet until the side forms are removed. After the side forms
are removed, protect the units with wet mats and a vapor proof cover
until the units have attained the strength requirements for detension-
B. If it is necessary to remove the protective covering to point up hon-
eycomb areas or to give the units a surface finish, keep the surfaces
of the units moist during the entire time that the units are uncovered.
During the curing period, do not allow the concrete to be exposed to
temperatures below freezing.
704. Accelerated Curing with Low Pressure Steam or Radiant
1 Perform low pressure steam curing or radiant heat curing under a suitable
enclosure to contain the live steam or the heat. Place the enclosure over the
units as soon as possible after the concrete placement has been finished.
Allow the concrete to attain its initial set before application of the steam or the
heat. Apply steam or the heat no sooner than 2 hours (4 hours if retarders
are used) after the final placement of concrete to allow the initial set of the
concrete to take place. If the time of initial set is determined by AASHTO T
197, then the time limits described above may then be waived. During the
waiting period in cold weather, maintain the temperature within the curing
chamber between 50ºF and 80ºF with live steam or radiant heat.
2 To avoid localized high temperatures, do not direct the application of steam
on the concrete forms.
3 Apply radiant heat by means of pipes circulating steam, hot oil, or hot water
or by electric heating elements. Minimize moisture loss by covering all ex-
posed concrete surfaces with wet mats.
4 During the application of live steam or radiant heat, increase the ambient
temperature within the curing enclosure at a rate not exceeding 40ºF per hour
until the desired curing temperature is reached. Do not allow the average
curing temperature within the enclosure to exceed 160ºF. Do not allow the
curing temperature at any single point to vary more than 10ºF from the se-
lected average curing temperature.
5 Provide recording thermometers at the one-third and two-thirds points of
the bed to verify the curing temperature from the time of final placement of
concrete to the time of cover removal. Remove the covers in a manner to
avoid rapid temperature changes in the concrete.
704.4.4.4 Detensioning Prestressed Units

704.4.4.4 704.4.5.2

1 Units may be detensioned as soon as they have attained the required initial
minimum compressive strength. If the units have been cured by accelerated
curing methods, detension units as soon as possible after the required initial
minimum compressive strength of the concrete has been reached and while
the concrete is still warm. Cure test cylinders for determination of minimum
compressive strength for detensioning with the girder or under matching con-
ditions. Additional curing is not required after detensioning.
704.4.4.5 Inspection and Testing
1 Ensure that the Department’s representative has free access to the fabrica-
tion plant at all times for the purpose of inspecting materials, plant facilities,
and fabrication and curing procedures. Inform the Department’s representa-
tive of planned concrete placement and curing schedule in advance of the
start of any work to afford time for the testing of materials, the inspection of
equipment, and review of procedures used in casting the units.
704.4.4.6 Cylinder Molds
1 Furnish an ample supply of cylinder molds for the casting of test cylinders.
Have all molds approved by the OMR. A mold size of 4 inches x 8 inches is
704.4.4.7 Compression Testing Machine
1 Furnish a machine capable of measuring the compressive strengths of
concrete cylinders cast during the fabrication of the units. Calibrate annually
all testing machines used to determine the stress release time for the units by
an independent recognized calibration service. Have calibration reports
available for review on request of the OMR.
704.4.5 Tensioning Procedure
704.4.5.1 General
1 During the course of construction, take special care to protect the
prestressing wire, strand or bars from damage due to use of welding or cut-
ting equipment. This provision, however, does not exclude the use of burning
torches to cut the strand beyond the ends of the casting bed before stressing
the strands nor to cut the strands or wires projecting from the ends of the
members. Ensure that no lubricant, dirt, paint, or other bond-reducing mate-
rial is deposited on the strands. If any such material is so deposited, clean
the tendon to the satisfaction of the Department’s representative.
704.4.5.2 Pretensioning
1 Show the number, size, and location of the strands required to induce the
necessary prestress force on the Shop Plans. At the request of the Contrac-
tor, the BDE will give consideration to the use of other size strands or to the
use of strands of higher ultimate unit stress, provided approximately the same
concrete stress pattern and approximately the same beam camber is obtained
in the substitute beam as would have been obtained in the original beam de-
sign. Obtain written permission from the BDE before any such changes are

704.4.5.2 704.4.5.3

made. Give each tendon of all sizes, an initial tension as shown on the ap-
proved Shop Plans. Measure this initial tension by some suitable means indi-
cating the stress directly from the jacking gauge or a dynamometer and do not
measure by elongation of the tendon. Apply the remaining prestressing force
to the strands by means of hydraulic jacks equipped with gauges graduated to
indicate the load applied to the strands within an accuracy of 2%. In general,
monitor the application of the final force using the calibrated pressure gauge
and verified by measured elongation of the strands. Report any discrepancy
greater than 5% between the pressure gauge and the tendon elongation to
the OMR and make corrections as directed.
2 Maintain the force applied as described above until the concrete is depos-
ited and has reached the required initial minimum compressive strength, at
which time the strands may be released to transfer the prestress to the con-
crete. Release the strands, so that there is not a sudden imposition of bond
stress between the concrete and the strands. Release the strands symmetri-
cally about the vertical axis of the concrete member.
3 Where deflected pretensioned strands are required, stress these strands
first in a horizontal position by a partial force in the amount as shown on the
approved Shop Plans. Obtain the final stress by deflecting the strands up-
ward at points at or beyond the ends of the concrete beams, progressing from
the center of the bed outward in both directions. The strands may be ten-
sioned in their deflected position where suitable rollers are used and where it
can be shown that the variation in tension throughout the length of the tendon
will not exceed 2%. If only one beam is being prestressed and low friction
rollers are used, then the tendon may be stressed in the deflected position.
704.4.5.3 Post-tensioning
1 Recalibrate jacks for post-tensioning before use if not calibrated within the
past 6 months. Provide the calibration results of the jack and gauge certifica-
tion to the OMR with a graph or table showing the calibration data. Have the
calibration re-checked every 6 months or furnish a proving ring to check cali-
bration of the jack.
2 Do not begin post-tensioning of beams until the concrete has reached the
required initial minimum compressive strength. Stress all strand or wires in a
tendon simultaneously. Stress strands not on the vertical axis of beam in
such manner that the force during tensioning on one side of the vertical axis is
not greater than that on the other side of the vertical axis to an extent to
cause undesirable bending about such axis. Apply tension in each tendon in
accordance with that specified on the Plans. Carry out jacking by means of
hydraulic jacks equipped with pressure gauges. Ensure that the gauges read
within 2% of the true jack force. Ensure that the elongation of strands is
measured and the stresses checked in accordance with the requirements of
Section 10 of the most current edition of the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Construc-
tion Specifications. Account for the observed slip occurring at the end an-
chorages in the elongation of the strands. After the post-tensioning force has
been transferred to the concrete by means of the end anchorages, grout the

704.4.5.3 704.4.5.5

ducts containing the strands. Have the methods and materials for anchoring
and grouting post-tensioning strands accepted by the Designer before use.
3 Force the grout into one end of the duct to be grouted until all entrapped air
and water are forced out through the other end and/or through an orifice lo-
cated at the high point of the duct, and a steady stream of grout is emitted.
Close the outlet end and orifice while the grout is under pressure and the
pressure increased to about 75 psi and held at this pressure for approximately
10 seconds. Plug the entrance end under this pressure. Beams may be lifted
before grouting, but do not lift after grouting or apply any other loads until the
grout has cured for at least 36 hours.
4 The Plans may show the post-tensioning tendon enclosed in steel ducts.
The Contractor may form channels by means accepted by the Designer and
pull the strands into these channels instead of using ducts. Do not use chan-
nels with an outside diameter that exceeds the outside diameter of the duct
shown on the Plans. Place the ducts or channels accurately according to the
profile shown on the approved Shop Plans. Secure ducts by wire or bar ties
fastened to the vertical bars in the beams.
704.4.5.4 Combined Pretensioning and Post-Tensioning
1 When the Plans call for or allow a combination of pre-tensioning and post-
tensioning, adhere to all of the requirements of both the pretensioning and
704.4.5.5 Handling and Erection of Prestressed Members
1 Prestressed piles, beams, slabs, channels, and other components may be
handled as necessary immediately after the pretensioned stress is released.
Take care in handling, storing and transporting to prevent damage to the
components by excessive vibration, impact, improper supports, or other faulty
methods of handling, storing, and transporting. Lift beams by attachments
located near the beam ends and store in an upright position by supporting as
simple beams with the supports near the end bearing areas. Temporary lat-
eral stiffening of beams may be necessary to avoid buckling tendencies due
to loads/vibrations caused by wind or other external forces and construction
practices. Prestressed members may be transported and erected or piles
driven after 3 days of curing and attainment of the specified 28-day concrete
compressive strength. Before starting erection work, submit to the BCE for
acceptance an Erection Plan that fully details the method of erection and the
amount and type of equipment to be used. Include in the Erection Plan any
necessary temporary bracing to adequately prevent overturning of the mem-
ber(s) until all permanent bracing is in place and secured. The acceptance by
the Department does not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility for the
safety of the proposed method or equipment, or from carrying out the work in
full accordance with the Plans and the Contract specifications. Do not start
work until such acceptance by the Department has been obtained. After erec-
tion and before placement of deck falsework, verify the camber in beams and
report any discrepancies between the actual and plan camber to the RCE.

704.4.6 704.4.6.5

704.4.6 Prestressed Cored Slabs
704.4.6.1 General
1 Unless otherwise specified below, ensure that prestressed cored slabs con-
form to the requirements of this section.
704.4.6.2 Forms
Conform to requirements of Subsection 704.4.3. In addition, provide a ¾-
inch chamfer to bottom edges on ends and sides of all slab sections, top out-
side edges of exterior slab sections, and acute corners of slab sections.
Round top edges on ends of all sections with a ¼-inch finishing tool. Provide
square corners on top edges on all slab sections along shear keys. Do not
chamfer vertical edges at ends of slab sections.
2 Provide holes and recesses at locations indicated in the Shop Plans for
insertion of a ½-inch transverse post-tensioning strand.
704.4.6.3 Finishing
1 Give a broom finish to the top surface of the cored slab sections. No sur-
face finish is required for sides and bottom of the slab sections except the
exposed side of the exterior slab sections. Fill all voids with grout on the ex-
posed side of the exterior slab sections, making certain that the resulting sur-
face finish is essentially the same color and surface finish as the surrounding
704.4.6.4 Shop Fitting
1 In order ensure a proper field fit, assemble the cored slab spans in the
shop/yard and match mark the pieces. Make certain that the pieces fit to-
gether neatly and in a manner acceptable to the Department's inspector.
Make certain of the correct alignment of the holes for the post-tensioning
704.4.6.5 Transverse Post-tensioning
1 In each span, place a ½-inch diameter transverse post-tensioning strand(s)
and tension to 30,000 pounds. Grease the transverse strand, and then place
in a non-corrosive ½-inch diameter, 1/16-inch minimum wall thickness black
polyethylene pipe meeting the requirements of ASTM D 2239. Do not apply
the grease nor place the pipe in the areas of the recesses at the ends of the
tensioning strands where grout is to be applied.
2 At the Contractor's option, and at no additional cost to the Department, a
steel rod may be substituted for each ½-inch diameter transverse post-
tensioning strand. Make certain that the tensioned rod provides a force equal
to the force provided by the strand. Tension the rod using a calibrated
wrench, or other means approved by the RCE to obtain the desired force in
the rod. Galvanize the rod, nuts, and washers in accordance with ASTM A
153. If the steel rod is used, provide the size of hole and recesses in the
cored slab units as required to accommodate the rod with adequate tolerance
for erection. Submit a method for locking the nut in place after tensioning the

704.4.6.5 704.5

rod. Also, indicate on the Shop Plans all details associated with using the
rod, such as hole size, location of voids, size of recess, etc.
3 After the ½-inch diameter transverse strand (or rod) has been tensioned in
a span and before any equipment, material or barrier parapet is placed on the
span, fill the shear keys and dowel holes with the non-shrink grout as indi-
cated on the Plans and allow curing for a minimum of 3 days. Ensure that the
grout reaches a compressive strength of 5000 psi in 24 hours. Properly re-
move any foreign substance/materials including grease from the exposed
transverse strand or rod before grouting the recess.
4 With the approval of the RCE, material and equipment may be placed on
the cored slab spans after the transverse strands have been tensioned to
30,000 lbs, the grout in shear keys has cured for 3 days minimum, and the
grout has reached a compressive strength of 5000 psi.
704.4.6.6 Placement of Equipment Exceeding Legal Load Limits
1 Support cranes or other equipment exceeding the legal load limit on mats,
but before cranes or other equipment exceeding the legal load limit are placed
on the structure, submit design calculations to check the adequacy of the
cored slabs and structure to support the equipment and mats without dam-
age. Ensure that a Professional Engineer registered in South Carolina seals
the detailed drawings and calculations. Submit the drawings and calculations
at least 30 days before the placement of the equipment to allow time for the
Department's review. Additionally, submit to the RCE for review detailed
drawings of the mats intended to place on the cored slabs. Ensure that these
drawings give a complete description and location of the equipment that is
intended to be place on the mats. Adequately address any review comments
to the satisfaction of the Department before placing equipment and mats on
the structure. Regardless of the review and acceptance by the Department,
the Contractor is solely responsible for all damage that occurs because of
placing such equipment and mats on the structure.
2 No payment is made for any materials and work necessary including design
drawings and calculations in the construction and loading of the mats.
704.5 Measurement
1 The quantity for the pay item Prestressed Concrete Beams (Type specified)
or Cored Slab (of the size specified) is the length of the prestressed concrete
beam or cored slab erected in accordance with the Plans and the Special
Provisions and is measured by the linear foot (LF) of beam of the type and
size specified, complete, and accepted.
2 Prestressed concrete piling is not measured for payment under this section
of the specification, but is measured and paid for as specified in Subsections
711.5 and 711.6.
3 Other prestressed members are measured and paid for as specified on the
Plans or in the Special Provisions.

704.6 704.6

704.6 Payment
1 Payment for the accepted quantity of Prestressed Concrete Beams (Type
specified) or Cored Slab (of the size specified), measured in accordance with
Subsection 704.5, is determined using the contract unit bid price for the ap-
plicable pay item. Payment is full compensation for the fabricating and erect-
ing prestressed concrete beams or cored slabs as specified or directed and
includes the necessary design; furnishing and installing or placing strands,
anchorages, bearing plate assemblies, sole plates, reinforcing steel, and con-
crete; tensioning and releasing strands; forms; finishing and curing concrete;
testing; transportation and erection of beams (or girders); and all other mate-
rials, labor, equipment, tools, supplies, transportation, and incidentals neces-
sary to fulfill the requirements of the pay item in accordance with the Plans,
the Specifications, and other terms of the Contract.
2 Partial payment for prestressed concrete beams may be made in accor-
dance with Subsections 109.7 and 109.8.
3 Payment for each item includes all direct and indirect costs and expenses
necessary to complete the work.
4 Pay items under this section include the following:

Item No. Pay Item Unit

7041000 Prestressed Concrete Beam (Type I) LF

7042000 Prestressed Concrete Beam (Type II) LF

7043000 Prestressed Concrete Beam (Type III) LF

7044000 Prestressed Concrete Beam (Type IV) LF

7045000 Prestressed Concrete Beam (Type V) LF

7045100 Prestressed Concrete Beam (Type V Modified) LF

7046000 Prestressed Concrete Beam (Type VI) LF

7045991 3’-0” x 1’-9” Cored Slab LF

7045992 3’-0” x 2’-0” Cored Slab LF

705.1 705.2.3.1


705.1 Description
1 This section contains specifications for materials, equipment, construction,
measurement, and payment for the furnishing and erection of bridge railing of
cast-in-place concrete, precast concrete, aluminum, steel, or other specified
materials, or a combination of these materials on bridges, walls, or incidental
structures as shown on the Plans.
2 Unless otherwise stated, bridge railing includes that portion of the structure
erected on and above the bridge deck, curb, or sidewalk, or above the top of
retaining walls for the protection of traffic and pedestrians.
3 Construct bridge railing in accordance with the details shown on the Plans
and include the necessary devices for anchoring or attaching the railing to the
main structure.
705.2 Materials
705.2.1 Concrete Railing Wall and Barrier Parapet
1 Unless otherwise specified, use Class 4000 concrete or greater. Use con-
crete and procedures conforming to the requirements of Sections 701 and
702. Provide reinforcing steel conforming to the requirements of Section
2 If lightweight concrete bridge barrier parapet is required, produce the con-
crete from lightweight coarse aggregate sources approved by the OMR. En-
sure that the concrete obtains a 28-day design compressive strength equal to
or greater than Class 4000 and weighs 3100 ± 50 pounds per cubic yard.
705.2.2 Precast Bridge Barrier Parapet
1 Use Class 5000 concrete, or greater, for precast bridge parapet. Use con-
crete and procedures conforming to the requirements of Sections 701 and
702. Provide reinforcing steel conforming to the requirements of Section
703. Cast sections to the dimensions shown on the Plans. Galvanize all in-
stallation hardware consisting of bolts, nuts, washers, inserts, and rods in ac-
cordance with ASTM A 123 or ASTM A 153 as applicable.
705.2.3 Galvanized Steel Railing and Steel Handrail
705.2.3.1 Post and Rail
1 Fabricate steel post assembly to the same general appearances as the
railing shown in the Plans. Prepare and submit Shop Plans in accordance
with the requirements of Subsection 105.2 and show complete details of all
parts of the post and rail. Unless otherwise shown on the Plans, ensure all
steel rail and post components conform to the requirements of ASTM A 709,
Grade 36. Ensure rail caps conform to the requirements of ASTM A 245,
Grade C. Provide required hardware including bolts, nuts, screws, etc., con-

705.2.3.2 705.4.1

forming to the requirements of Subsection 705.2.5.

705.2.3.2 Galvanizing
1 Hot-dip galvanize steel posts and railing in accordance with the current
ASTM A 123 or ASTM A 153 as applicable.
705.2.3.3 Cut Ends of Galvanized Steel Railing
1 After grinding smooth, give cut ends of galvanized steel railing two coats of
a zinc rich paint meeting the requirements of Federal Specification TT-P-641
or an equal material approved by the OMR.
705.2.4 Aluminum Railing
705.2.4.1 Extruded Aluminum
1 Provide aluminum alloy extruded rails, posts, bases, expansion bars, etc.
conforming to the requirements of ASTM B 221, Alloy 6061, Condition T6.
705.2.4.2 Cast Aluminum
1 Ensure cast aluminum railing post and other items for permanent mold
castings conform to the requirements of ASTM B 108, Alloy G70B, Condition
T61, except that the elongation in 2 inches is not less than 8%.
705.2.5 Stainless Steel Bolts, Nuts, Set Screws, and Washers
1 Fabricate and erect galvanized steel or aluminum rail with stainless steel
bolts and set screws meeting the requirements of ASTM F 593, and stainless
steel nuts meeting the requirements of ASTM F 594.
705.3 Equipment
1 Ensure that the equipment necessary for the proper construction of the
work is on site, in acceptable working condition, and approved by the RCE as
to both type and condition before the start of work under this section. Provide
sufficient equipment to enable prosecution of the work in accordance with the
project schedule and completion of the work in the specified time.
705.4 Construction
705.4.1 General
1 Provide the type railing specified and construct in accordance with the de-
tails shown on the Plans and in conformance with the requirements herein.
Construct railing to the alignment, grade, and camber designated on the
Plans. Ensure that shop fabricated railing is of such uniformity as to ensure
good joints and continuous lines after erection on the structure. Any appre-
ciable amount of cutting, bending, or adjusting required during erection to
produce a reasonable fit is cause for rejection of the railing. Unless otherwise
provided, do not place railing on a span until after the falsework for the span
has been removed. During erection of the railing, ensure proper functioning
of expansion joints.

705.4.1 705.4.3.1

2 Unless otherwise shown on the Plans or approved in writing by the BCE,

erect railing posts vertically with tops of posts parallel to the roadway grade
shown on the Plans.
705.4.2 Fabrication and Erection of Metal Railing
1 Ensure the fabrication and erection of steel railing is in conformance with
the pertinent provisions of Section 709, and to the requirements of this speci-
fication. Fabricate aluminum railings in accordance with the current AASHTO
LRFD Bridge Design Specifications. Splice rail members generally near rail-
ing posts and do so only as shown on the Plans. Prepare and submit Work-
ing Drawings for metal railing in accordance with Subsection 105.2 and
Section 725 of these specifications.
2 Carefully handle and store all components of metal railing to avoid scratch-
ing, marring, denting, or otherwise damaging the railing. Separate aluminum
members from concrete or steel by methods called for on the Plans; or if not
shown on the Plans, provide the separation by means of a 1/16-inch thick
elastomeric sheet, Durometer 60, that meets the requirements of AASHTO M
3 Weld all steel railing in accordance with the requirements of the current
ANSI/AASHTO/AWS D1.5, Bridge Welding Code. Weld all aluminum railing
in conformance to the requirements of Section 10 of the current AWS D1.2,
Structural Welding Code - Aluminum.
705.4.3 Concrete Bridge Railing Wall and Barrier Parapet
1 Construct the concrete railing wall and barrier parapet in conformance to
the requirements of Section 702. Exercise extreme care in the construction
of railing forms to ensure that true grade and alignment of railing or barrier
members is obtained. Do not place concrete in forms until the forms have
been inspected by the RCE. Remove and replace any portion of the concrete
railing wall or barrier parapet that is not constructed to true grade and align-
ment and cannot be satisfactorily corrected in the opinion of the RCE. Re-
moval and replacement is at the Contractor's expense.
2 At the option of the Contractor, the concrete bridge rail, curb base, or bar-
rier parapets may be slip formed. Submit the method of slip forming the con-
crete to the RCE for approval. A 1½-inch extension of the concrete slab is
provided on the Plans to enable the Contractor to slip form the concrete
bridge rail, curb base or barrier parapets. No additional reinforcing steel is
required, and the payment for the concrete in the slab is for the quantity
shown on the Plans.
705.4.3.1 Concrete Bridge Rail Surface Finish
1 Provide either a rubbed finish or a final surface finish as specified in
Subsection 702.4.11 and as indicated on the Plans and/or in Special Provi-

705.5 705.6

705.5 Measurement
1 The quantity for the pay item Concrete Bridge Parapet or Concrete Bridge
Railing is the length of cast-in-place bridge parapet or bridge railing above the
top of the deck, curb, or sidewalk, excluding all reinforcing steel and is meas-
ured by the linear foot (LF) along the continuous parapet or railing in-place
from end to end, complete, and accepted. The bridge railing items include all
posts and spaces between posts. The reinforcing steel is measured for pay-
ment in accordance with Subsection 703.5.
2 The quantity for the pay item Precast Bridge Barrier Parapet is the length of
precast bridge barrier parapet above the top of the deck, curb, or sidewalk,
including the reinforcing steel and is measured by the linear foot (LF) in-place,
complete, and accepted.
3 The quantity for the pay item Steel Bridge Railing, Steel Handrail, or Metal
Bicycle Handrail is the length of metal handrail above the top of the deck,
parapet wall, or sidewalk and is measured by the linear foot (LF) in-place,
from end to end, complete, and accepted.
705.6 Payment
1 Payment for the accepted quantity of Concrete Bridge Parapet, Concrete
Bridge Railing, or Precast Bridge Parapet, measured in accordance with
Subsection 705.5, is determined using the contract unit bid price for the ap-
plicable item. Payment is full compensation for constructing bridge parapets
or railings as specified or directed and includes preparing Shop Plans; form-
ing and placing concrete; furnishing and installing expansion joint material,
metal castings, pipe, hardware, anchor bolts, and reinforcing steel (except in
cast-in-place concrete); and all other materials, labor, equipment, tools, sup-
plies, transportation, and incidentals necessary to fulfill the requirements of
the pay item in accordance with the Plans, the Specifications, and other terms
of the Contract.
2 Reinforcing steel in cast-in-place concrete parapets and railings is paid for
under the provisions of Subsection 703.6.
3 Payment for the accepted quantity of Steel Bridge Railing, Steel Handrail,
or Metal Bicycle Handrail, measured in accordance with Subsection 705.5, is
determined using the contract unit bid price for the applicable item. Payment
is full compensation for constructing metal railings or handrails as specified or
directed and includes preparating Shop Plans; fabricating and installing railing
supports, base pads, hardware, and anchor bolts; and all other materials, la-
bor, equipment, tools, supplies, transportation, and incidentals necessary to
fulfill the requirements of the pay item in accordance with the Plans, the
Specifications, and other terms of the Contract.
4 Payment for each item includes all direct and indirect costs and expenses
necessary to complete the work.

705.6 705.6

5 Pay items under this section include the following:


Item No. Pay Item Unit

7051000 Concrete Bridge Barrier Parapet LF

7051005 Precast Concrete Barrier Parapet LF

7051010 Concrete Bridge Barrier Parapet (Lightweight) LF

7051100 Concrete Bridge Median Barrier LF

7053000 Steel Bridge Railing LF

7054000 Concrete Bridge Railing Wall (3'6" Height) LF

7054001 Concrete Bridge Railing Wall with Indentations LF

7054009 Concrete Bridge Railing Wall (2'10" Height) LF

7054010 Concrete Bridge Railing Wall (2'6" Height) LF

7054012 Concrete Bridge Railing Wall (2' Height) LF

7054014 Concrete Bridge Railing Wall (1.5' Height) LF

7054030 Concrete Bridge Railing Wall with Formliner Finish LF

7055010 Steel Handrail LF

7055100 Metal Bicycle Handrail LF

706.1 706.2.5.1



706.1 Description
1 This section contains specifications for materials, equipment, construction,
measurement, and payment for treated and untreated wood products for use
in highway construction and pertains only to such products that become part
of the completed work. Wood products for erection purposes such as false-
work, forms, bracing, sheeting, and miscellaneous wood products without
specification are provided without direct compensation.
706.2 Materials
706.2.1 Structural Lumber
1 Use materials as described in the current Southern Pine Inspection Bureau
Special Products Rules for structural lumber. Provide the size, grade, and
length specified on the Plans. Where specified, treat structural lumber in ac-
cordance with Section 707.
706.2.2 Dimension Lumber
1 Use materials as described in Section 300 of the current Southern Pine
Inspection Bureau Grading Rules. Provide the size, grade, and length speci-
fied on the Plans. For other miscellaneous uses of lumber, not specified on
the Plans, use grades and sizes in accordance with the Southern Pine In-
spection Bureau Grading Rules for the intended use. Where specified, treat
lumber in accordance with Section 707 of these specifications.
706.2.3 Timbers
1 Use materials as described in Section 400 of the current Southern Pine
Inspection Bureau Grading Rules. Provide the size, grade, and length speci-
fied on the Plans. Where specified, ensure that treatment is in accordance
with Section 707 of these specifications.
706.2.4 Guardrail Posts
1 Furnish wood posts and offset blocks of Southern Yellow Pine conforming
to the requirements for rough or dressed timbers as described in Section 400
of the current Southern Pine Inspection Bureau Grading Rules. Use grade
No. 1 timbers for guardrail posts and offset blocks. Conform to the nominal
dimensions shown on the Plans. Ensure that lengths are as shown on the
Plans with a tolerance of plus 2 inches. Saw the ends of all posts square.
Treat wood guardrail posts and blocks in accordance with Section 707 of
these specifications.
706.2.5 Wood Fence Posts and Braces
706.2.5.1 General
1 Furnish wooden fence posts and braces of Southern Yellow Pine. Use

706.2.5.1 706.2.6.3

round or sawn square posts as specified. For sawn posts and braces, use
No. 2 grade for dimension lumber or timbers as applicable and as described
in the current Southern Pine Inspection Bureau Grading Rules. Ensure that
round posts and braces are sound, free from decay, excessive knots, clusters
of knots, or splits that exceed 1½ times the diameter of piece. Seasoning
checks not affecting serviceability are permitted. Ensure that all posts and
braces are reasonably straight.
2 Furnish posts in lengths that provide a uniform height of 5 inches above the
top strand of wire and a minimum embedment in firm ground of 2½ feet for
line posts and 3 feet for other posts.
3 Unless otherwise specified, treat Southern Yellow Pine posts and braces
accordance with Section 707.
706.2.5.2 Line Posts and Post Braces
1 Unless otherwise specified, use round posts having a nominal diameter of
4 inches with no diameter less than 3½ inches at any point or square posts
sawn nominal 4 inches X 4 inches with no dimension less than 3⅝ inches
rough or 3½ inches dressed.
706.2.5.3 End, Corner, Gate, and Pull Posts
1 Use round posts having a nominal diameter of 6 inches with no diameter
less than 5½ inches at any point or square posts sawn nominal 6 inches X 6
inches with no dimension less than 5⅝ inches rough or 5½ inches dressed.
706.2.6 Timber Piles
706.2.6.1 General
1 Furnish timber piles meeting the general quality requirements and physical
characteristics as herein specified. Where specified, treat timber piles in ac-
cordance with Section 707.
706.2.6.2 Source
1 Use piles cut from sound, live trees, except that fire killed, blight killed or
wind felled timber may be used if not attacked by decay or insects. Ensure
that trees for piles are cut above the ground swell and with sound tip and butt
706.2.6.3 Knots
1 Sound knots no larger than 1/6 the circumference of the pile where the knot
occurs are allowed. Consider cluster knots as a single knot. Do not allow the
entire cluster greater in size than permitted for a single knot. Do not allow the
sum of knot diameters in any 1-foot length of pile to exceed 1/3 of the circum-
ference at the point where they occur. Determine the size of a knot by meas-
uring its diameter at right angles to the length of the pile.
2 Unsound knots not exceeding half the permitted size of a sound knot are
allowed if the unsoundness extends to not more than 1½ inches in depth and
the adjacent areas of the trunk are not affected.

706.2.6.4 706.2.6.8

706.2.6.4 Checks, Shakes, and Splits
1 A check is defined as a lengthwise separation of the wood across the rings
of normal growth, extending from the surface toward the pith, but not extend-
ing through the piece. Do not use piles with checks that extend to the pith.
Do not use piles with any 2 or more checks extending to the pith that become
contiguous at the pith, except as modified under splits.
2 A shake is defined as a circumferential separation of the rings of normal
growth. Ensure that the length of any shake or combination of shakes in the
outer 1/2 of the radius of the butt of the pile, when measured along the curve
of the annual ring, does not exceed 1/3 of the circumference of the butt of the
3 A split is defined as a lengthwise separation of the wood across the rings of
normal growth, extending from one surface through the piece to the opposite
surface. Do not use piles with splits longer than the butt diameter.
706.2.6.5 Holes and Scars
1 Holes less than ½-inch average diameter are allowed, provided the sum of
the average diameters of all holes in any 1 square foot of pile surface does
not exceed 1½ inches, and the depth of any hole does not extend to more
than 1½ inches.
2 Sound turpentine scars undamaged by insects are allowed.
706.2.6.6 Sapwood in Piles for Treatment
1 Ensure that piles for use with preservative treatment contain a minimum of
1½ inches of sapwood.
706.2.6.7 Peeling
1 Ensure that piles designated for treatment are peeled of bark, including the
inner skin, soon after cutting so that piles are smooth and clean. Take care to
remove as little sapwood as possible while peeling the bark.
2 Do not injure the sapwood by unnecessary axe cuts. Ensure that piles are
peeled until all of the rough bark and at least 80% of the inner bark along the
pile length is removed. Ensure that no piece of inner bark that remains is
over ½ inch in width or over 6 inches in length, and there is 6 inches of clean
wood surface between any 2 strips of inner bark.
706.2.6.8 Taper and Surface Finish
1 Use piles that have a gradual taper from the point of butt measurement to
the tip. Cut knots and limbs flush with the surface of the pile in a manner to
prevent fiber breaks around the knot. Hand-trim knots flush with the surface
of the swell surrounding the knot. Saw the butt and tip square with the axis of
the pile to an accuracy of 1/10 inch per inch of diameter.

706.2.6.9 706.3

706.2.6.9 Twist of Grain
1 Ensure that spiral grain does not exceed 180 degrees of twist when meas-
ured over any 20-foot section of the pile.
2 Ensure that all piles are straight to the extent that a line drawn from the
center of the butt end to the center of the tip end lies within the middle third of
the body of the pile at all points. Ensure that piles are free from short crooks
in which the surface deviation from straightness in any 5 feet of length ex-
ceeds 1½ inches at any location as determined by a straight edge.
706.2.6.10 Dimensions
1 Ensure that the diameters of piles measured under the bark conform to the
requirements shown in the following table, subject to a permissible variation of
minus ½ inch in any diameter and in not more than 20% of the piles of that

Diameter of Pile

Diameter at 3 Feet from Butt Minimum

Length (inches) Diameter
(feet) of Tip
Minimum Maximum

Under 25 11 20 8

25 to 40 inclusive 12 20 8

45 to 50 inclusive 12 20 7

55 to 70 inclusive 13 20 7

75 to 90 inclusive 13 20 6

Over 90 13 20 5
2 In cases where the tree is not exactly round, determine the diameter of a
pile either by measuring the circumference and dividing the number of inches
by 3.14 or by taking the average of the maximum and minimum diameters at
the location specified.
3 The Department specifies timber piles in multiples of 5 feet. For piles 40
feet and shorter, the length may exceed the specified length by 1 foot. For
piles 45 feet and longer, the length may exceed the specified length by 2 feet.
706.2.6.11 Storage of Materials
1 Ship and store treated and untreated wood products by acceptable com-
mercial methods that prevent damage before use in the work.
706.3 Equipment
1 Ensure that the equipment necessary for the proper construction of the
work is on site, in acceptable working condition, and approved by the RCE as
to both type and condition before the start of work under this section. Provide

706.4 706.6

sufficient equipment to enable prosecution of the work in accordance with the

project schedule and completion of the work in the specified time.
706.4 Construction
706.4.1 Workmanship
1 Construction requirements are as set forth in other sections of these speci-
fications that govern the items of work using the specified wood products.
706.5 Measurement
1 Measurement for wood products is made in accordance with other sections
of these specifications that govern the items of work that incorporate the wood
products specified herein.
706.6 Payment
1 Payment for wood products is made in accordance with other sections of
these specifications that govern the items of work that include the wood prod-
ucts specified herein.

707.1 707.2.3



707.1 Description
1 This section contains specifications for materials, equipment, construction,
measurement, and payment for preservative treatment for timber and lumber
for guardrail posts, fence posts, fenders, and dolphins and piling in accor-
dance with the following specifications.
707.2 Materials
707.2.1 General
1 Ensure that the supplier of treated wood products has an independent
treated wood inspection company, approved by the OMR, inspect and test the
material in accordance with AWPA M2, Part A, at no cost to the Department.
Ensure that a copy of the independent testing company’s inspection report is
provided to the RCE for each shipment. The RCE will visually inspect and
approve all treated wood products before use on the project.
2 Ensure that the treatment plant maintains standard quality control proce-
dures as described in AWPA M3, Part A.
707.2.2 Wood
Use wood products that conform to the requirements of Section 706.
707.2.3 Preservative
1 Use preservatives and treatment methods that conform to the following

Preservative or Treatment Specification

Creosote for Land, Fresh, Water, and Marine AWPA P1 / P13

Creosote-Coal Tar Solutions AWPA P2

Creosote-Petroleum Solution AWPA P3

Petroleum for Blending with Creosote AWPA P4

Pentachlorophenol AWPA P8

Solvents used in Pentachorophenol Solutions AWPA P9

Acid Copper Chromate AWPA P5

Ammoniacal Copper Arsenate AWPA P5

Ammoniacal Copper Zinc Arsenate AWPA P5

(table continued on the next page)

707.2.3 707.4.3

(table continued from the previous page)

Preservative or Treatment Specification

Chromated Copper Arsenate, Type A AWPA P5

Chromated Copper Arsenate, Type B AWPA P5

Chromated Copper Arsenate, Type C AWPA P5

Ammoniacal Copper Quat, Type B AWPA P5

Copper Naphthenate AWPA P8

Alkali Copper Quat, Type C AWPA P5

2 Test the preservative in accordance with the requirements of AASHTO M
133 for the particular preservative involved.
707.3 Equipment
1 None specified.
707.4 Construction
707.4.1 Treating Methods
1 Treat wood products in accordance with AWPA C14, or the following speci-
fications, except that in the case of conflict, AWPA C14governs:
• Use the general requirements for timber treatment as set forth in
• Treat lumber and sawed timber, including guardrail posts and blocks,
as set forth in AWPA C2.
• Treat round timber piling as set forth in AWPA C3.
• Treat sawed fence posts as set forth in AWPA C2.
• Treat round fence posts as set forth in AWPA C5.
707.4.2 Retention of Preservative
1 For wood products treated with creosote, creosote-coal tar solution, or pen-
tachlorophenol solution, the net retention is expressed in pounds of preserva-
tive per cubic foot of wood. For material treated with water-borne salts pre-
servatives, the net retention is expressed in pounds of dry preservative per
cubic foot of wood. Use the type of preservative and the minimum net reten-
tion allowed as set forth in AWPA C14.
2 Determine net retention by the assay method in accordance with AWPA
M2, Part A.
707.4.3 Penetration
1 Determine the penetration of the preservative for treated wood products as
set forth in AWPA M2, Part A. Provide lumber, structural timber, sawn fence
post, and guardrail posts, with a minimum penetration of the preservative of
2½ inches or 85% of the sapwood. Provide foundation piles or piles for land

707.4.3 707.6

or fresh water with a minimum penetration of preservative of 3 inches or 90%

of the sapwood. Provide piles for use in coastal water, treated with creosote
or creosote-coal tar solution with a penetration of 4 inches or 90% of the sap-
wood. Provide piles for use in coastal water, treated with waterborne pre-
servatives with a minimum penetration of 3½ inches or 90% of the sapwood.
2 Fill all holes made for determining the penetration of preservative with tight-
fitting treated plugs.
707.4.4 Handling and Storage
1 Handle and store treated wood products in accordance with AWPA M4.
707.4.5 Fabrication
1 Where practical, perform all required fabrication prior to treatment. If fabri-
cation is required after treatment, perform it in accordance with AWPA M4.
707.5 Measurement
1 No measurement is made for the preservative treatment of wood products
under these specifications.
707.6 Payment
1 No direct payment is made for the preservative treatment of wood products
under these specifications. The cost of the preservative treatment of wood
products is included in the contract unit bid price for the treated wood prod-
ucts or the items that incorporate the treated wood products.

708.1 708.2.5




708.1 Description

1 This section contains specifications for materials, equipment, construction,

measurement, and payment for fastening hardware used in the construction
of timber structures including all bolts, lag screws, nuts, nails, washers, rods,
eye bars, turnbuckles, shapes, and plates.
708.2 Materials
708.2.1 General
1 Furnish fastening hardware conforming to the requirements of these speci-
fications unless shown otherwise in the Plans or as directed by the BCE.
2 Furnish bolts, drift pins, dowels, lag screws, nails, and machine bolts of low
carbon steel conforming to the requirements of Subsection 709.2.5. Provide
hardware of standard quality and of the sizes and quantities specified.
708.2.2 Rolled Steel
1 Furnish rods, plates, shapes and eye bars of structural carbon steel or mal-
leable iron as specified, conforming to the requirements of Subsection
708.2.3 Castings
1 Provide castings of cast steel or gray-iron as specified, conforming to the
requirements of Subsection 709.2.6.
708.2.4 Nuts and Bolts
1 Use the plan length of bolts given for estimating purposes only. Furnish
bolts of the proper length for each connection. Furnish square or hexagonal
bolt heads and nuts where the washers bear on wood and hexagonal bolt
heads and nuts where the washers bear on metal.
708.2.5 Washers
1 Provide washers on each end of all bolts, except with high strength bolts
where only one washer is required.
2 Provide standard cut washers for ½ inch bolts or smaller that are bearing
on wood or metal.
3 For bolts larger than ½-inch diameter, furnish cast ogee or approved malle-
able castings where washers bear on wood. Furnish cast ogee washers with
a diameter of four times the bolt and a thickness at least equal to the diameter
of the bolt. Furnish malleable washers with a diameter of four times the bolt
and a thickness of at least half of the diameter of the bolt.

708.2.6 708.6

708.2.6 Nails and Spikes
1 Provide cut or round wire standard form nails. Furnish spikes that are cut
wire or boat spikes as specified.
708.2.7 Galvanizing
1 Unless specified otherwise, furnish galvanized hardware. Galvanize hard-
ware in accordance with the requirements of AASHTO M 111, AASHTO M
232, or AASHTO M 298 as applicable.
2 Items described in AASHTO M 232, Class C may be coated in accordance
with AASHTO M 298, Class 50.
3 Items described in AASHTO M 232, Class D may be coated in accordance
with AASHTO M 298, Class 40.
708.3 Equipment
None specified.
708.4 Construction
1 Do not use blocking between piles and sway braces unless specifically
shown on the Plans. Any extra length of bolts or extra washers used will be
at the Contractor’s expense. The unit weight for galvanized hardware is as-
sumed the same as non-galvanized hardware for purposes of payment.
708.5 Measurement
1 The quantity for Hardware is measured for payment either as a lump sum
(LS) unit or as a per pound (LB) unit as indicated in the Contract.
2 If the pay item Hardware is paid for at a lump sum bid price, no measure-
ment of individual pieces is necessary.
3 When the pay item Hardware is paid for at a contract unit bid price per
pound, the quantity is measured by the weight of each piece of hardware
called for on the Plans or authorized by the BCE that remains in the structure.
No allowance is made for extra lengths or additional washers.
708.6 Payment
1 Payment for the accepted quantity for Hardware is determined using the
contract unit bid price or contract lump sum bid price for the pay unit as speci-
fied by the Contract.
2 Payment is full compensation for furnishing and installing all hardware as
specified or directed by the BCE and includes galvanizing, painting (if re-
quired), and all other materials, labor, equipment, tools, supplies, transporta-
tion, and incidentals necessary to fulfill the requirements of the pay item in
accordance with the Plans, the Specifications, and other terms of the Con-
3 Payment for each item includes all direct and indirect costs and expenses
necessary to complete the work.

708.6 708.6

4 Pay items under this section include the following:


Item No. Pay Item Unit

7081000 Hardware LS

7082000 Hardware LB

709.1 709.2.1.1


709.1 Description
1 This section contains specifications for materials, equipment, construction,
measurement, and payment for furnishing, fabricating and erecting steel
structures as required by the Plans and the Special Provisions, and per-
formed in conformance with these specifications and in reasonably close con-
formity to the lines, grades and dimensions shown on the Plans or established
by the Department. It also includes incidental metal work on other structures
not otherwise provided for in these specifications.
709.1.1 Design and Details of Design
1 When performed by the Contractor, ensure that the design methods, calcu-
lations, details of the design of structural steel comply with the requirements
of the current edition of the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications and
the requirements of these specifications. In case of conflict between these
specifications and the referenced AASHTO specifications, the requirements of
these specifications govern.
709.1.2 Plans (Design Drawings)
1 The Department will furnish Plans (Design Drawings) showing a complete
design with sizes, sections, and the relative locations of the various members.
Plans will indicate camber of structural members, tolerances, finishes, type of
fasteners and other information as may be required for the proper preparation
of Shop Plans and Working Drawings by the Contractor.
709.1.3 Shop Plans and Working Drawings
1 Upon acceptance and execution of the Contract, prepare and furnish Shop
Plans showing complete details and sizes of component parts of the structure
and details of all miscellaneous parts such as nuts, bolts, drains, etc. Prepare
and submit additional stress sheets, Working Drawings, and Erection Plans
required for erection purposes. Ensure that Shop Plan, Working Drawing,
and Erection Plan submissions conform to the requirements of Subsection
105.2 and Section 725.
709.1.4 Production of Iron and Steel Products on Federal Aid Projects
1 On all federal-aid projects, ensure that the manufacturing processes of all
iron and steel products, including fasteners and coatings, occurs in the United
States in accordance with Subsection 106.11.
709.2 Materials
709.2.1 Structural Steel
709.2.1.1 General
1 Unless otherwise shown on the Plans, make certain all structural steel con-

709.2.1.1 709.

forms to the requirements in the following table.

Type of Steel Grade per Specification


Structural Steel Grade 36 Grade 36

High-Strength Low Alloy Steel Grade 50 Grade 50

High-Strength Low Alloy Steel Grade 50W Grade 50W

Quenched and Tempered Low Grade 70W Grade 70W

Alloy Steel

High Yield Quenched and Grades 100/100W Grades 100/100W

Tempered Alloy Steel

High Performance Steel Grade HPS 70W Grade HPS 70W

Quenched and Tempered
1. When these materials are specified on the Plans, ensure that the longitudinal
Charpy V-Notch criteria comply with the requirements of AASHTO M 270,
Zone 2.
2. Sample in accordance with the H frequency in AASHTO T 243.
3. Perform testing in accordance with AASHTO T 266.
4. For High Performance Steel Quenched and Tempered, non-quenched and tem-
pered thermo-mechanical controlled processed (TMCP) HPS 70W steel may be
directly substituted for Q&T HPS 70W steel for plate thickness up to 2 inches.
2 Protect the stock steel to be used in the project such that all surfaces are
free from heavy rust and rust pitted areas at the start of and during fabrica-
709.2.1.2 Notch Toughness of Weld Metal
1 Ensure that the Charpy V-Notch Toughness of weld metal complies with
the requirements of the latest edition of ANSI/AASHTO/AWS D1.5, Bridge
Welding Code, Table 4.1, 4.2, or 4.3 as applicable.
709.2.1.3 Charpy V-Notch Testing
1 Perform Charpy V-Notch testing of the following structural steel members at
the location indicated in Subsections 709. through 709.
709. Simple Span Rolled Beam
1 Perform Charpy V-Notch testing of the beam itself as well as bottom cover
plate, if applicable.
709. Simple Span Plate Girder
1 Perform Charpy V-Notch testing of the web, bottom flange plate, and web
splice plates, and bottom flange, excluding any filler plates.

709. 709.2.2

709. Continuous Span Rolled Beam
1 Perform Charpy V-Notch testing of the beam itself as well as any top or
bottom cover plate located in a tension region as indicated in the Plans. In
addition, test all web splice plates and top and bottom flange splice plates,
excluding any filler plates.
709. Continuous Span Plate Girder
1 Perform Charpy V-Notch testing of the all web plates, the top flange plates
and the bottom flange plates located in a tension region as indicated in the
Plans. Also, perform testing on all web splice plates and top and bottom
flange splice plates, excluding any filler plates.
709. Curved Girder
1 In addition to Charpy V-Notch testing of web, flange, and splice plates as
applicable and as specified in Subsections 709. through 709.,
perform Charpy V-Notch testing of all diaphragm members, connection plates,
and gusset plates.
709.2.1.4 Copper Bearing Steel
1 When copper-bearing steel is specified, ensure that the steel contains not
less than 0.20% copper.
709.2.1.5 Corrosion Resistant Steel (Weathering Steel)
1 Ensure that all welding produces weld metal with atmospheric corrosion
resistance and coloring characteristics similar to that of the base metal are in
accordance with Section 4.1.4 of the latest edition of ANSI/AASHTO/AWS
D1.5, Bridge Welding Code.
2 Clean all structural steel to the requirements of Near White Blast Cleaning
in accordance with the current edition of Steel Structures Painting Council
Surface Preparation, SSPC SP-10, Near White Blast Cleaning Method. Re-
move all contamination of the structural steel resulting from erection or con-
crete placement. Clean the structural steel by an acceptable method ap-
proved by the BCE and restores the surface finish to the specified Near White
Blast Clean condition.
Do not paint corrosion resistant steel unless specifically indicated on the
709.2.2 Shear Connector Studs
1 Provide shear connector studs conforming to the requirements of AASHTO
M 169, (ASTM A 108), Cold-drawn Bar, Grades 1015, 1018, or 1020, either
semi or fully-killed. If flux-retaining caps are used, ensure that the steel for
the caps are a low carbon grade suitable for welding and comply with the re-
quirements of ASTM A 109.
2 Provide shear connector studs suitable for welding to steel beams and
girders with automatically timed stud-welding equipment.


3 Ensure that studs are of the type, size or diameter, and length as specified
by the Plans or the Special Provisions and are listed on the most recent edi-
tion of SCDOT Qualified Product List 25.
4 Before placing orders for studs, submit to the OMR for approval the follow-
ing information on the studs intended for use:
• Name of the manufacturer,
• Detailed description of the stud and arc shield to be furnished,
• Certification from the manufacturer that the stud meets the Depart-
ment’s requirements, and
• Copy of a qualification test report as certified by an OMR authorized
testing laboratory.
709.2.3 Welding Electrodes
1 Ensure that the electrodes used in welding structural steel conform to the
requirements in the latest edition of the ANSI/AASHTO/AWS D1.5, Bridge
Welding Code.
709.2.4 High Strength Structural Steel Fasteners
709.2.4.1 General
1 Furnish high strength bolts, nuts, washers, and direct tension indicators in
accordance with the appropriate ASTM materials specification as amended
and revised herein.
2 Ensure additional requirements for field or shop installation of ASTM A 325
high strength bolts included herein are met.
3 Ensure that all bolts, nuts, washers, and Direct Tension Indicators (DTI) are
marked in accordance with the appropriate ASTM specification.
709.2.4.2 Bolts
1 Provide bolts meeting the requirements of ASTM A 325 and the revisions
contained herein. Mechanically galvanize Type 1 bolts in accordance with
ASTM B 695, Class 50. When atmospheric corrosion resistant Weathering
steel, ASTM A 709, Grade 50W is required by the Plans, use non-galvanized
Type 3 bolts.
2 Ensure that the hardness number for bolt diameters ½ inch to 1½ inch in-
clusive is as noted in the table below.
Hardness Number

Bolt Size Bolt Length Brinell Rockwell C

(Inches) (Inches) Min. Max. Min. Max.

ASTM A 325 (½ to 1, incl.) Length < 3 Dia. 253 319 25 33

(table continued on the next page)

709.2.4.3 709.

(table continued from the previous page)

Hardness Number

Bolt Size Bolt Length Brinell Rockwell C

(Inches) (Inches) Min. Max. Min. Max.

ASTM A 325 (½ to 1, incl.) Length > 3 Dia. --- 319 --- 33

ASTM A 325 (1⅛ to 1½, incl.) Length < 3 Dia. 223 286 19 30

ASTM A 325 (1⅛ to 1½, incl.) Length > 3 Dia. --- 286 --- 30
709.2.4.3 Nuts
1 Furnish nuts meeting the requirements of ASTM A 563, Grade DH or DH3
as indicated. Ensure that nuts are mechanically galvanized in accordance
with ASTM B 695, Class 50. Additionally, ensure that plain nuts for Type 3
bolts are Grade DH3 and are provided with an additional lubricant that is
clean and dry to the touch.
2 Provide galvanized nuts that are tapped oversize the minimum amount re-
quired for proper assembly. Ensure that the amount of over-tap in the nut is
such that the nut will assemble freely on the bolt in the coated condition and
meets the mechanical requirements of ASTM A 563 and the Rotational-
Capacity tests SC-T-150 and SC-T-151.
3 Provide all nuts with an additional lubricant that is clean and dry to the
touch. Ensure that the lubricant has a color that contrasts with the zinc coat-
ing of galvanized nuts.
709.2.4.4 Washers
1 Provide washers that meet the requirements of ASTM F 436 as revised by
these specifications.
2 Mechanically galvanize washers for Type 1 bolts in accordance with ASTM
B 695, Class 50. Use non-galvanized weathering steel washers for Type 3
bolts having equal or better corrosion resistance than the Type 3 bolts.
709.2.4.5 Direct Tension Indicators (DTI)
1 Furnish DTI complying with the requirements of ASTM F 959, and install in
accordance with Subsection 709.
2 Mechanically galvanize the direct tension indicators for Type 1 bolts in ac-
cordance with ASTM B 695, Class 50. Use non-galvanized weathering steel
DTI for Type 3 bolts having equal or better corrosion resistance than the Type
3 bolts.
709.2.4.6 Testing High Strength Bolt Assemblies
709. Bolts
1 Perform proof load tests in accordance with ASTM F 606, Method 1.

709. 709.

2 Perform wedge tests in accordance with ASTM F 606 on full size bolts.
Perform tests after galvanizing. Perform testing at the minimum frequency
specified in ASTM A 325.
3 Measure the thickness of the zinc coating on the wrench flats or top of bolt
709. Nuts
1 Perform proof load tests in accordance with ASTM F 606. Perform testing
at the minimum frequency specified in ASTM A 563. Perform tests after gal-
vanizing and lubricating.
2 Measure the thickness of the zinc coating on the wrench flats of the nut.
709. Washers
1 Perform hardness testing after galvanizing. Remove coating before taking
hardness measurements.
2 Measure the thickness of the zinc coating.
709. Direct Tension Indicators (DTI)
Test the DTI in accordance with SC-T-152 and ensure that the results
comply with the Department's specifications.
709. Assembly and Verification
1 Perform the Rotational-Capacity (R/C) test in accordance with the require-
ments contained in Subsection 709.4.4.10 for long bolts and/or Subsection
709.4.4.11 for bolts too short to be tested in a Tension Measuring Device
(TMD). Perform Rotational-Capacity tests on all structural fastener assem-
blies prior to shipping by the manufacturer or distributor. Test galvanized as-
semblies after galvanizing.
2 Perform the Rotational-Capacity test on 2 assemblies of each possible
combination bolt, nut, and washer production lot. Assign a Rotational-
Capacity lot number to each combination of lots tested.
3 Ensure that the tension for the long bolts at the completion of the required
rotation is equal to or greater than 1.15 times the required installation tension.
The installation tension and the tension for the turn tests are shown in the fol-
lowing table.

709. 709.


Minimum Installation Tension and Turn Test Tension For ASTM A 325 Bolts

Bolt Diameter
½ ⅝ ¾ ⅞ 1 1⅛ 1¼ 1⅜ 1½

Min. Installation
12 19 28 39 51 56 71 85 103

Min. Turn Test

14 22 32 45 59 64 82 98 118

*Installation Tension equals 70% x Min. Tensile Strength in kips.

**Turn Test Tension equals 1.15 x 70% x Min. Tensile Strength in kips.
4 Ensure that the measured torque is as follows:
Torque < 0.25 x P x D
Torque = Measured torque (foot-pounds)
P = Turn test tension (pounds)
D = Bolt diameters (feet)
5 For test bolts that are too short for testing in a TDM, test in a steel joint.
The tension requirement of paragraph 3 above need not apply.
6 Failure of any portion of the Rotational-Capacity (R/C) test for either of the
two sample assemblies tested constitutes failure of the R/C lot.
709. Reporting
1 Ensure that the manufacturer or distributor provides a record of the results
of all tests (including the zinc coating thickness) required herein and in the
appropriate ASTM specification on the appropriate document.
2 Report the location where tests are performed and date of tests on the ap-
propriate document.
709. Witnessing
1 The tests need not be witnessed by an inspection agency; however, have
the manufacturer or distributor that performs the tests certify that the results
reported are accurate.
709. Documentation
709. Mill Test Report (MTR)
1 Furnish MTR for all mill steel used in the manufacture of the bolts, nuts,
and washers. Ensure that the MTR indicates the place where the material
was melted and manufactured.
709. Manufacturer Certified Test Report (MCTR)
1 Have the manufacturer of the bolts, nuts, and washers furnish a MCTR for
the items furnished. Ensure that the MCTR shows the relevant information
required in accordance with Subsection 709.

709. 709.2.5.2

2 Ensure that the manufacturer performing the Rotational-Capacity test in-

cludes the following information on the MCTR:
• Lot number of each of the items tested,
• Rotational-Capacity lot number as required in paragraph 2 of
Subsection 709.,
• Results of the test required in Subsection 709., if performed
by the manufacturer,
• Pertinent information required in Subsection 709.,
• Statement that MCTR for the items are in conformance to this speci-
fication and the appropriate ASTM specification, and
• Location where the bolt assembly components were manufactured.
3 Provide a MCTR that certifies that the furnished DTI meet Department
709. Distributor Certified Test Report (DCTR)
1 Include the MCTR for the various bolt assembly components in the DCTR.
Include in the DCTR, the Rotational-Capacity test results if performed by a
distributor instead of a manufacturer. Ensure that the DCTR certifies that the
MCTR are in conformance with this specification and the appropriate ASTM
709. Shipping
709. Marking
1 Permanently mark on the side of the each container the Rotational-
Capacity lot number such that identification is possible at any stage before
709. Documentation
1 Supply the appropriate MTR, MCTR, or DCTR to the RCE or OMR.
709.2.5 Low Carbon Unfinished Turned and Ribbed Bolts
709.2.5.1 General
1 The requirements of this subsection do not pertain to high-strength bolts.

2 For other than high strength bolts, provide bolts, nuts, and washers meeting
the requirements of ASTM A 307, Grade A. Provide bolts with single self-
locking nuts or double nuts unless otherwise shown on the Plans or in the
Special Provisions. Use beveled washers where bearing faces have a slope
of more than 1:20 with respect to a plane normal to the bolt axis.
709.2.5.2 Unfinished Bolts
1 Provide unfinished bolts unless other types are specified.

709.2.6.3 709.2.7

709.2.5.3 Turned Bolts
1 Ensure that the surface of the body of turned bolts meets the ANSI rough-
ness rating value of 125. Furnish bolts with hexagonal heads and nuts with
standard dimensions of the nominal size specified or the next larger nominal
size. Ensure that the diameter of threads is equal to the body of the bolt or
the nominal diameter of the bolt specified.
709.2.5.4 Ribbed Bolts

1 Provide ribbed bolts with a body of an approved form with continuous longi-
tudinal ribs and with the diameter of the body measured on a circle through
the points of the ribs that is 5/64 inch greater than the nominal diameter speci-
fied for the bolts.
2 Furnish ribbed bolts with round heads conforming to ANSI B 18.5 unless
otherwise specified. Provide nuts that are hexagonal, either recessed or with
a washer of suitable thickness. Ensure ribbed bolts make a driving fit with the
holes. Ensure that the hardness of the ribs is such that the ribs do not deform
to permit the bolts to turn in the holes during tightening.
709.2.6 Miscellaneous Metals
1 Provide steel forgings meeting the requirements of AASHTO M 102(ASTM
A 668), Class C, D, F, and G).
2 Furnish steel castings meeting the requirements of AASHTO M 103 (ASTM
A 27) as designated on the Plans.
3 Provide iron castings meeting the requirements of AASHTO M 105, Class
No. 30B. Ensure test bars are Type B and are made and tested in accor-
dance with AASHTO M 105.
4 Furnish malleable castings meeting the requirements of ASTM A 668. Fur-
nish Grade No. 35018 unless otherwise specified.
5 Provide bronze castings meeting the requirements of AASHTO M 107
(ASTM B 22), Alloy 913 or 911.
6 Unless otherwise specified, furnish other miscellaneous metals conforming
to the requirements of the current edition of the AASHTO LRFD Bridge De-
sign Specifications.
7 Furnish 5 copies of a certification for the above listed metals stating that
they meet all SCDOT specifications. Ensure that the certification indicates
the project SC File No. and the number of pieces being furnished.
709.2.7 Elastomeric Bearing Pads
Furnish elastomeric bearing pads meeting the requirements of Section
724, and of the size and thickness of elastomeric material and laminae indi-
cated on the Plans.

709.2.8 709.4.1.4

709.2.8 Stainless Steel Bearings
1 Provide stainless steel bearing and expansion plates meeting the require-
ments of ASTM A 167 for Type 301 or Type 302, No. 1 Finish.
709.2.9 Paint
1 Unless otherwise specified, provide the paint and paint system specified on
the Plans or in the Special Provisions and in conformance with requirements
of Section 710.
709.3 Equipment
1 Ensure that the equipment necessary for the proper construction of the
work is on site, in acceptable working condition, and approved by the RCE as
to both type and condition before the start of work under this section. Provide
sufficient equipment to enable prosecution of the work in accordance with the
project schedule and completion of the work in the specified time.
709.4 Construction
709.4.1 Shop Fabrication
709.4.1.1 General
1 Generally, shop weld structural members and field bolt structural members.

2 Provide the falsework and all tools, machinery, and appliances including
drift pins and fitting-up bolts, necessary for the expeditious handling of the
709.4.1.2 Notice of Beginning of Work
1 Provide the OMR ample notice (14 calendar days minimum) before begin-
ning of work at the fabrication shop and in the rolling mill or foundry when
specified so that inspection may be provided. Do not perform any work be-
fore the OMR has been notified and inspection is provided.
709.4.1.3 Quality of Workmanship
1 Provide workmanship and finish equal to the best general practice in mod-
ern bridge shops. Neatly finish portions of the work exposed to view. Per-
form shearing, flame cutting, and chipping carefully and accurately.
2 Ensure that all structural steel fabrication is performed by a fabricator certi-
fied in accordance with the American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC)
Quality Certification Program for the category of work required.
709.4.1.4 Storage of Materials
1 Store structural materials, both plain and fabricated, at the fabricating shop
above the ground upon platforms, skids, or other supports. Keep materials
free of dirt, grease, and other foreign matter and protect as far as practicable
from corrosion.

709.4.1.5 709.4.1.10

709.4.1.5 Facilities for Inspection
1 Furnish facilities for the inspection of material and workmanship in the mill
and shop and allow the Department's inspectors free access to all parts of the
709.4.1.6 Inspector’s Authority
1 The Department's inspectors have the authority to reject any materials or
work that does not meet the requirements of the Contract. In case of dispute,
the Contractor may appeal to BCE. The acceptance of any material or fin-
ished members by the Department’s representative does not preclude their
subsequent rejection, if found defective. Materials and workmanship whether
previously inspected or not, will be inspected after its delivery to the site of the
work or after being erected in the structure. Promptly replace or make satis-
factory rejected material or workmanship.
709.4.1.7 Mill Test Reports and Shipping Statements
1 Furnish the OMR with complete certified mill test reports showing chemical
analysis and the physical tests for each heat of steel for all members. Also,
furnish the OMR with 5 certified copies of mill test reports and 5 copies of
shipping statements.
709.4.1.8 Identification of Steel During Fabrication
1 Properly identify each piece of steel to be fabricated to the Department’s
inspector. Before cutting pieces of steel into smaller pieces, legibly mark
each smaller piece with the heat number and piece mark. Individually marked
pieces of steel, which are used in furnished size, or are reduced from fur-
nished size only by end or edge trim may be used without additional identifi-
cation as long as the original heat number is legible.
2 The Contractor may furnish from stock, material that can be identified by
heat number and mill test report. When separated from the full size piece
furnished by the supplier, mark any excess materials placed in stock for later
use with the project SCDOT File No., the MTR number, and the AASHTO/
ASTM specification identification.
709.4.1.9 Straightening Material
1 Before being laid off or worked, straighten rolled material if necessary. If
straightening is required, use Department approved methods that do not in-
jure the metal. If heat is applied, do not allow the maximum temperature of
the steel to exceed 1125ºF. Sharp kinks and bends are cause for rejection of
the material.
709.4.1.10 Flame Cutting
1 Ensure that flame cutting of structural steel conforms to the requirements of
the current edition of the ANSI/AASHTO/AWS D1.5, Bridge Welding Code.

709.4.1.11 709.4.1.17

709.4.1.11 Edge Planing
1 Plane, mill, grind, or thermal cut to a depth of ¼ inch the sheared edges of
plates more than ⅝ inch in thickness and which carry calculated stress.
709.4.1.12 Fit of Stiffeners
1 Ensure that end stiffeners of girders and stiffeners intended as supports for
concentrated loads have full bearing on the flanges to which they transmit
load or from which they receive load. Obtain full bearing obtained by milling,
grinding, or welding as shown on the Plans. Ensure that stiffeners not in-
tended to transfer load, unless shown or specified otherwise, fit sufficiently
tight to exclude water after being painted.
709.4.1.13 Flange Bearing Area
1 Ensure that flange surfaces bearing on sole plates conform to the toler-
ances specified in the latest edition of the ANSI/AASHTO/AWS D1.5, Bridge
Welding Code. In addition, do not allow the remaining contact area between
the flange and sole plate to deviate more than 1/16 of an inch from a plane
measured perpendicular to the web. Ensure that the field fit-up of the flange
to the sole plate does not produce a gap exceeding ⅛ inch. Correct gaps ex-
ceeding ⅛ inch in fit-up by a method approved by the BCE before welding the
flange to the sole plate.
709.4.1.14 Abutting Joints
1 Face and bring to even bearing abutting joints in compression members
designed to transfer stress. Where joints are not required elsewhere to be
faced or brought to even bearing, do not allow the opening to exceed ¼ inch.
709.4.1.15 End Connection Angles
1 Build floor beams, stringers and girders having end connection angles to
exact length back to back of connection angles. If end connections are faced,
do not allow the finished thickness of the angles to be less than that shown on
the detail drawings.
709.4.1.16 Web Splices
1 At bolted web splices, cut the ends of the beams or girders and grind
smooth. During shop assembly, do not allow the clearance between the ends
of the members (web and flanges) to exceed ¼ inch.
709.4.1.17 Bent Plates
1 Obtain unwelded, cold-bent, load-carrying, rolled-steel plates from the stock
plates such that the bend line is at right angles to the direction of rolling.
2 Use sufficient care that bending does not cause cracking of the plate. Do
not use less than the minimum bend radii, measured to the concave face of
the metal, given in the following table.

709.4.1.17 709.


Minimum Bending Radius for All Grades Of Structural Steel

Up to Over ½ Over 1 Over 1½ Over 2½

Thickness of Plate
½ to 1 to 1½ to 2½ to 4

Minimum Bending Radius

2t 2½ t 3t 3½ t 4t
for Thickness, t, in Inches
3 For break press forming, ensure that the lower die span is at least 16 times
the plate thickness. Multiple hits are advisable.
4 If a shorter radius is essential, hot bend the plates at a temperature not
greater than 1125ºF. Reject plates from all ASTM or AASHTO designations
inadvertently heated above 1125ºF or re-quench and re-temper the plates
using correct ASTM procedures.
5 Before bending, round the corners of the plate to a radius of 1/16 inch
throughout the portion of the plate at which the bending is to occur.
709.4.1.18 Camber
1 Furnish to the OMR a camber diagram prepared by the fabricator, showing
the camber at each panel point in the cases of trusses or arch ribs, and at the
location of field splices and fractions of span length (1/4 points minimum, 1/10
points maximum) in the cases of continuous beam and girders or rigid frames.
When the shop assembly is Full Truss or Girder Assembly or Special Com-
plete Structure Assembly, ensure that the camber diagram shows the camber
measured in the assembly. When any of the other methods of shop assembly
is used, have the camber diagram show calculated camber.
2 Camber girders before heat curving. Camber for rolled beams may be ob-
tained by heat-cambering methods approved by the OMR. Camber girders
and rolled beams in accordance with the camber diagram as shown in the
Plans. Camber for rolled beams may be obtained by heat cambering meth-
ods or by cold bending with hydraulic rams. Moderate deviations from the
specified camber may be corrected by a carefully supervised application of
heat when approved by the OMR. Ensure that horizontal heat curving does
not change vertical camber. This effect may be more pronounced when the
top and bottom flanges are of unequal width on a given transverse cross-
709.4.1.19 Shop Assembly
709. General
1 Clean metal contact surfaces before assembling. Assemble the field con-
nections of main members of trusses, arches, continuous beam spans, bents,
towers (each face), plate girders, and rigid frames in the shop with milled
ends of compression members in full bearing and have their sub-size holes
reamed to specified size while the connections are assembled.
2 Check assemblies with N/C drilled or punched field connections and tem-
plate drilled field connections of rolled beam stringers continuous over floor-

709. 709.

beams or cross frames in accordance with Subsection 709.

3 Have each assembly, including camber, alignment, accuracy of holes, and
fit of milled joints, approved by the Department's inspector before commenc-
ing reaming or before an N/C drilled check assembly is dismantled.
709. Full Truss or Girder Assembly
1 When Full Truss or Girder Assembly is required, assemble all members of
each truss, arch rib, bent, tower face, continuous beam line, plate girder, or
rigid frame at one time.
709. Progressive Truss or Girder Assembly
1 When Progressive Girder Assembly is required, initially assemble each
arch rib, continuous beam line, or plate girder for at least three contiguous
shop sections. When Progressive Truss Assembly is required for truss, bent,
tower face, or rigid frame, initially assemble all members in at least three con-
tiguous panels, but not less than the number of panels associated with three
contiguous chord lengths. Have successive assemblies consist of not less
than two sections or panels of the previous assembly (repositioned if neces-
sary and adequately pinned to assure accurate alignment) plus one or more
sections or panels added at the advancing end. In the case of structures
longer than 150 feet, ensure that each assembly is not less than 150 feet long
regardless of the length of individual continuous panels or sections. At the
option of the fabricator, sequence of assembly may start from any location in
the structure provided the preceding requirements are satisfied.
2 Have assemblies consisting of less than three shop sections or panels ap-
proved by the OMR.
709. Full Chord Assembly
1 When Full Chord Assembly is required, using geometric angles at the
joints, assemble the truss the full length of each chord of each truss or open
spandrel arch or each leg of each bent or tower. Ream their field connection
holes while the members are assembled and ream the web member connec-
tions to steel templates set at geometric (not cambered) angular relation to
the chord lines.
2 Ream field connection holes in web members using steel templates. Mill at
least one end of each web member or scribe normal to the longitudinal axis of
the member and accurately locate the templates at both ends of the member
from one of the milled ends or scribed lines.
709. Progressive Chord Assembly
1 When Progressive Chord Assembly is required, assemble contiguous chord
members in the manner specified for Full Chord Assembly and in the number
and length specified for Progressive Truss or Girder Assembly.

709. 709.4.1.22

709. Special Complete Structure Assembly
1 When Special Complete Structure Assembly is required, assemble the en-
tire structure including the floor system. This procedure is ordinarily needed
only for complicated structures such as those having curved girders or ex-
treme skew in combination with severe grade or camber.
709. Check Assemblies with Numerically Controlled (N/C)
Drilled Field Connections
1 Produce a check assembly for each major structural type of each project,
unless otherwise designated on the Plans or in the Special Provisions. Have
the check assembly consist of at least three contiguous shop sections or in a
truss, all members in at least three contiguous panels, but not less than the
number of panels associated with three contiguous chord lengths (i.e., length
between field splices). Base check assemblies on the proposed order of
erection, joints in bearings, special complex points, and similar considera-
tions. Such special points could be the portals if skewed trusses, etc.
2 Use either geometric angles (giving theoretically zero secondary stresses
under dead-load conditions after erection) or cambered angles (giving theo-
retically zero secondary stresses under no-load conditions) as designated on
the Plans or in the Special Provisions.
3 For each major structural type, fabricate the check assembles first.

4 No match-marking and no shop assemblies other than the check assem-

blies are required.
5 If the check assembly fails, in some specific manner, to demonstrate that
the required accuracy is being obtained, further check assemblies may be
required by the Department’s shop inspector for which there is no additional
709.4.1.20 Match-Marking
1 Match-mark connecting parts assembled in the shop for reaming holes in
field connections and furnish a diagram showing such marks to the Depart-
ment’s shop inspector.
709.4.1.21 Finished Members at Fabrication Shop
1 Ensure finished members are true to line, free from twists, bends, and open
709.4.1.22 Weighing Members
1 When specified that any part of the material is paid for by actual weight,
weigh finished work in the presence of the Department's inspector. In such
case, supply satisfactory scales and perform all work involved in handling and
weighing the various parts.

709.4.1.23 709.4.2.2

709.4.1.23 Marking and Shipping
1 Paint or mark each member with an erection mark for identification and fur-
nish an erection diagram with erection marks shown thereon.
2 Furnish as many copies of material orders, shipping statements and erec-
tion diagrams as requested by the OMR. Show the weights of the individual
members on the statements. Mark weight on members weighing more than 3
3 Load structural members on trucks or cars in such a manner that they may
be transported and unloaded at their destination without being excessively
stressed, deformed, or otherwise damaged.
4 Pack bolts of one length and diameter and loose nuts or washers of each
size separately. Ship pins, small parts and packages of bolts, washers and
nuts in boxes, crates, kegs, or barrels, but do not allow the gross weight of
any package to exceed 300 pounds. Post a plainly marked list and descrip-
tion of the contained material on the outside of each shipping container.
709.4.2 Painting
709.4.2.1 General
1 Unless otherwise provided in the Contract, perform the following items of
work when painting metal structures:
A. Proper preparation of the metal surfaces;
B. Application, protection and curing of the paint coatings;
C. Protection of pedestrians, vehicular or other traffic upon, near, or un-
derneath the bridge structure;
D. Protection of all portions of the structure (superstructure and sub-
structure) against disfigurement by spatter, splashes and smirches of
paint or of paint material; and
E. Supplying of all tools, tackle, scaffolding, labor, workmanship, and
materials necessary to complete the work.
2 Have available at each bridge the name, telephone number, and address of
the person(s) responsible for processing all claims resulting from the painting
work. Process claims in an expedient manner.

709.4.2.2 Painting of Welded, Bolted, Concrete Contact, and Inaccessi-
ble Surfaces
1 Paint surfaces to be bolted together in the shop or the field. Provide a
prime coat of paint on surfaces to be in contact with concrete (exclusive of top
surfaces of beam flanges where shear connectors are welded). Paint those
surfaces before assembly or erection that will be inaccessible after assembly
or erection. Do not paint surfaces to be welded together in the shop or the
field. Do not paint surfaces on which welding is performed.

709.4.2.2 709.4.3.1

2 Where the application of inorganic zinc primer on new structural steel is

specified, paint the entire surface area of the steel member after the specified
3 During the painting of steel beams/girders, paint the top surface area of the
top flange. However, a full 3.5 mils of paint thickness is not required on the
top surface area where concrete will be placed. Provide a light spray to pre-
vent any potential rust stains from running down the edges of the flange prior
to concrete placement.
709.4.2.3 Slip Critical Surfaces
1 For friction type connections designated on the Plans as Class B Slip Criti-
cal, blast clean as defined in the Steel Structures Painting Council System-
SP-10 and coat the contact surfaces with an inorganic zinc-rich paint.
709.4.2.4 Painting of Corrosion Resistant (Weathering) Steel
709. Paint Zones
1 Paint all corrosion resistant steel in accordance with the requirements of
Paint Zone A and B as defined as follows:
• Paint Zone A: Beaufort, Berkeley, Charleston, Colleton, Dorchester,
Georgetown, Horry, and Jasper Counties.
• Paint Zone B: All counties not included Paint Zone A.
709. Painting Requirements for Paint Zone A
1 Paint weathering steel with the NS1 Paint System. Use galvanized ASTM
A 325, Type 1 bolts, nuts, washers, and direct tension indicators.
709. Painting Requirements for Paint Zone B
1 Paint weathering steel with the NS2 Paint System unless noted otherwise
in the Plans. Use galvanized ASTM A 325, Type 1 bolts, nuts, washers, and
direct tension indicators when the Plans do not specify partial painting of the
weathering steel. When the Plans specify partial painting of weathering steel,
use non-galvanized ASTM A 325, Type 3 weathering bolts, nuts, washers,
and direct tension indicators and do not field paint unless otherwise noted in
the Plans. When the Plans specify field painting of non-galvanized ASTM A
325, Type 3 weathering bolts, nuts, washers, and direct tension indicators,
coat the hardware with one primer coat (5 mils minimum dry film thickness) of
Aluminum Epoxy Mastic Paint, one intermediate coat (5 mils minimum dry film
thickness) of Aluminum Epoxy Mastic Paint and one finish coat (2 mils mini-
mum dry film thickness) of water reducible 100% Acrylic Paint in accordance
with Section 710.
709.4.3 Structural Welding
709.4.3.1 General
1 Ensure welding of steel structures and all subsequent references to welding
conform to the latest edition of ANSI/AASHTO/AWS D1.5, Bridge Welding
Code, the Plans, and the Special Provisions. In addition, adhere to the provi-

709.4.3.2 709.

sions of Subsection 709.4.3.2 through 709.4.3.6.

709.4.3.2 Preheat and Interpass Temperatures
1 Obtain the pre-heat and interpass temperatures required for welding struc-
tural steel as specified in the latest edition of the ANSI/AASHTO/AWS D1.5,
Bridge Welding Code.
709.4.3.3 Restricted Welded Processes
1 Do not use gas metal arc and flux cored arc welding without written ap-
proval of the OMR. If authorization is granted, perform the procedure and
provide operator qualifications in accordance with the latest edition of the
ANSI/AASHTO/AWS D1.5, Bridge Welding Code. In any case, do not use
electro-slag and electro-gas.
709.4.3.4 Welding Shear Studs
1 Weld shear connector studs in conformance with the latest edition of the
ANSI/AASHTO/AWS D1.5, Bridge Welding Code.
2 Do not allow longitudinal and lateral spacing of studs with respect to each
other and to edges of beam or girder flanges to vary by more than ½ inch
from the dimensions shown on the Plans. Spacing may vary by up to 1 inch
to avoid conflicts with other attachments on the flange or where a new stud is
being welded to replace a defective one.
3 After welding, ensure that the studs are free from any defect or substance
that may interfere with their function as shear connectors.
709.4.3.5 Field Welding
709. General
1 Consider all field welding as structural welding, except for welding of rein-
forced pile tips, temporary falsework (unless specified), SIP formwork, armor
plate at bridge ends, and armor plate at expansion joints. Ensure that per-
sonnel performing structural welding of structural steel, steel reinforcement,
steel pile splices, and other types of field structural welds are SCDOT-certified
welders and are qualified to perform structural welding in accordance with the
qualification procedure of the latest edition of the ANSI/AASHTO/AWS D1.5,
Bridge Welding Code modified as follows:
A. A welder or tacker (hereafter known as “welder”) may be qualified by
preparing test specimens in the 2G position (horizontal groove) for
limited thickness groove welding and in the 2F position (horizontal fil-
let) for fillet welding as a minimum.
B. The above testing is a minimum and will qualify the welder for field
welding at the job site. The welder may choose to qualify for addi-
tional positions and unlimited metal thickness as part of the above
testing. Specialized welding and welding positions at the job site
may require additional welder qualification testing if required by the

709. 709.

C. Ensure that testing is administered by an independent laboratory

listed on SCDOT Qualified Product List 26. Prepare the test speci-
mens in the presence of and have tested and evaluated by an OMR
authorized independent laboratory person qualified as a Welding In-
spector. Perform radiographic, non-destructive testing by an ASNT
Level II or III technician. Have the independent laboratory furnish a
welder qualification test report on company letterhead stationery stat-
ing the type welding approved, name of the welder, the welder’s so-
cial security number along with a statement that the welder is duly
qualified as a field welder in accordance with the SCDOT require-
ments. Ensure that the report shows the name of the independent
laboratory technician(s) making the evaluation and it is signed by the
independent laboratory manager. Submit a copy of the report to the
D. The welder will be given a SCDOT certification good for 2 years and
renewable every 2 years provided the welder has been engaged in
welding procedures during the preceding 2-year period.
709. Submittals and Notification
1 Notify the RCE and the SME at least 14 calendar days before performing
any field welding including, but not limited to, the welding of reinforced pile
tips, armor plates at bridge joints, temporary falsework, SIP forms, and any
other items that are incorporated into the structure. Document this notification
by completing the form entitled SCDOT Welding Procedure Specification
(Form 700.16) and forwarding one copy each to the RCE and the SME.
Submit this completed form a minimum of 10 days prior to performing any
field welding. The Department will accept this form via e-mail and/or fax pro-
vided the original copy is sent by mail. The Department may or may not re-
view and provide comments on the submittal. If the Department has not re-
sponded within the 10 days of the submittal date, the Contractor may proceed
with the welding.
2 Submit for review and acceptance, a Structural Field Welding Quality Con-
trol (QC) Plan for all structural field welding to the RCE and OMR a minimum
of 30 calendar days before performing any field welding. Ensure that the
Structural Field Welding QC Plan conforms to the requirements set forth in
the latest edition of the ANSI/AASHTO/AWS D1.5, Bridge Welding Code. Do
not perform any structural field welding before the Department’s review and
acceptance of the Structural Field Welding QC Plan.
3 Within 14 calendar days after receipt of the plan, the Contractor will be noti-
fied of plan acceptance or any additional information required and/or changes
that may be necessary to meet the requirements of the Plans and Specifica-
tion. If any parts of the plan are unacceptable and rejected, resubmit changes
for re-evaluation. The Contractor will be notified of their acceptance or rejec-
tion within 7 days after receipt of proposed changes.

709. 709.

4 Coordinate and schedule structural field welding with the Department’s in-
spector or Department authorized inspection agency's inspector a minimum of
14 calendar days before welding. The inspector may be present any time the
Contractor performs structural field welding. The inspector will perform the
Department’s Quality Assurance (QA) nondestructive testing.
709.4.3.6 Inspection of Welds
709. General
1 Ensure that the structural steel fabrication and construction assembly, in-
cluding all shop and field welding, is performed in accordance with the latest
edition of ANSI/AASHTO/AWS D1.5, Bridge Welding Code except as noted
herein. Fabrication and welding quality assurance (QA) inspection in the fab-
ricating shops will be done by the Department's representative, either an
OMR inspector or an inspector from a commercial testing laboratory acting for
the Department.
709. Nondestructive Testing of Welds and Metals
1 Perform radiographic, ultrasonic, magnetic particle, and dye penetrant test-
ing of welds in conformance with the requirements of the latest edition of the
ANSI/AASHTO/AWS D1.5, Bridge Welding Code with the following excep-
A. Test all girder flange butt welds radiographically, whether in tension
or compression.
B. Interpret Quality Assurance (QA) and Quality Control (QC) nonde-
structive testing as referenced in AASHTO and AWS as follows:
Quality Assurance (QA) nondestructive testing required by the
contract documents will be performed by the Department's in-
spector or authorized inspection agency's inspector acting for
the Department. At the discretion of the Department's inspec-
tor or authorized representative, Quality Control (QC) nonde-
structive testing performed by the Contractor in the presence
of the Department's inspector may be used to satisfy like non-
destructive testing requirement(s) specified for QA. The ob-
serving inspector will maintain test result records of the work
2 The cost of the QC nondestructive testing is borne by the Contractor re-
gardless of the Department's acceptance for QA testing. The cost of Depart-
ment performed QA testing will be borne by the Department.
3 The cost of re-testing repaired welds is borne by the Contractor.
709. Inspection of Welded Studs
1 After welding the first 2 studs on the flange and the material is allowed to
cool, strike with a hammer and bend to 45 degrees off the vertical. If failure
occurs in the weld of either stud, correct the welding procedure, then weld
and successfully test 2 successive studs before any more studs are welded to

709. 709.

the beam or girder. Promptly inform the OMR of any changes in the welding
2 When the temperature of the base metal is below 32ºF, test 1 stud in each
100 studs welded in addition to the first 2 specified above.
3 If visual inspection reveals a stud which does not show a full 360-degree
weld, or has been repaired by welding, or has had a reduction in height (due
to welding) less than normal, test the stud by striking with a hammer and
bending 15 degrees off the vertical. For studs showing less than 360-degree
weld, bend in the direction opposite to the lack of weld. Replace studs that
crack in either the weld or the shank.
4 After welding, select 10 studs at random along each beam or girder or 10%
of the studs along other structural members. Hammer these studs 30 de-
grees out of line. Ensure that none of these test studs shows any signs of
5 If any of the studs fail, then hammer all studs on the member (but not nec-
essarily bent the full 30 degrees) and replace all that fail. Before replacing the
stud, grind the area free of any metal left from the old weld, or in the case of a
pocket, fill with E-7018 weld metal, and grind flush.
6 In addition to the above test, if any of the studs in any group of studs
checked show the need for additional all-around welding due to faulty opera-
tion of the welding gun, remove all the studs in the group as required in the
paragraph above and replace.
7 The studs tested that show no sign of failure may be left in the bent posi-
8 If during the progress of the work, inspection and testing indicates in the
judgment of the Department’s representative that the shear connections being
obtained are not satisfactory, make required changes in welding procedure,
welding equipment, and the type of shear connector as necessary to secure
satisfactory results at no expense to the Department.
709.4.4 Bolted Connections
709.4.4.1 Bolt Holes
709. Bolt Holes for High-Strength Bolts
1 Unless otherwise specified, punch or drill holes for high strength bolts.
Unless sub-punching and reaming are required under Subsection 709.4.4.7,
material forming parts of a member composed of not more than five pieces of
metal may be punched 1/16 inch larger than the nominal diameter of the bolts
whenever the thickness of any of the pieces is not greater than ¾ inch for
structural steel, ⅝ inch for high-strength steel or ½ inch for quenched and
tempered alloy steel.
2 When there are more than 5 pieces of metal or when any of the main mate-
rial is thicker than ¾ inch for structural steel, ⅝ inch for high-strength steel, or
½ inch for quenched and tempered alloy steel, either sub-drill or drill full-size

709. 709.4.4.4

When required under Subsection 709.4.4.7, sub-punch or sub-drill (sub-
drilled if thickness limitation governs) all holes 3/16 inch smaller and, after as-
sembling, reamed 1/16 inch larger or drilled full size to 1/16 inch larger than the
nominal diameter of the bolts.
4 When permitted by the BCE, enlarged or slotted holes are allowed with
high-strength bolts.
709. Holes for Ribbed Bolts, Turned Bolts, or Other Approved
Bearing Type Bolts
1 For holes for ribbed bolts, turned bolts, or other approved bearing-type
bolts, sub-punch or sub-drill 3/16 inch smaller than the nominal diameter of
the bolt and ream. Assemble or drill with a steel template, or after assem-
bling, drill from the solid at the option of the fabricator. In any case, provide a
driving fit in the finished holes specified on the Plans or in the Special Provi-
709.4.4.2 Punched Holes
Do not use a die with a diameter more than 1/16 inch greater than the di-
ameter of the punch. Ream any holes that must be enlarged to admit the
bolts. Clean out holes and ensure that there are no torn or ragged edges.
Poor matching of holes is cause for rejection.
709.4.4.3 Reamed or Drilled Holes
1 Ensure reamed or drilled holes are cylindrical, perpendicular to the mem-
ber, and comply with the requirements of Subsection 709.4.4.1 as to size.
Where practicable, direct reamers by mechanical means. Poor matching of
holes will be cause for rejection. Perform reaming and drilling with twist drills.
2 Assemble and securely hold connecting parts requiring reamed or drilled
holes while being reamed or drilled and match-mark before disassembling.
3 Remove burrs on the outside surfaces. If required by the Department’s
shop inspector, take apart assembled parts for removal of burrs caused by
709.4.4.4 Accuracy of Punched, Sub-punched, or Sub-drilled Holes
1 Ensure that holes punched full-size, sub-punched, or sub-drilled are accu-
rately punched, so that after assembling (before any reaming is done) a cylin-
drical pin, ⅛ inch smaller in diameter than the nominal size of the punched
hole, can be entered perpendicular to the face of the member, without drifting,
in at least 75% of the contiguous holes in the same plane. If this requirement
is not fulfilled, inaccurately punched pieces will be rejected. If any hole will
not pass a pin, 3/16 inch smaller in diameter than the nominal size of the
punched hole, this will be cause for rejection.

709.4.4.5 709.4.4.6

709.4.4.5 Accuracy of Reamed and Drilled Holes
1 When holes are reamed or drilled, ensure that after reaming or drilling, 85%
of the holes in any contiguous group show no offset greater than 1/32 inch
between adjacent thicknesses of metal.
2 Ensure that steel templates have hardened steel bushings in holes accu-
rately dimensioned from the centerlines of the connection as inscribed on the
template. Use the centerlines to accurately locate the template from the
milled or scribed ends of the members.
709.4.4.6 Preparation of Field Connections
1 Unless otherwise specified in the Special Provisions or on the Plans, sub-
punch holes (or sub-drill if sub-drilling is required according to Subsection
709.4.4.2) in field connections and field splices of main members of trusses,
arches, continuous beam spans, bents, towers (each face), plate girders and
rigid frames, and subsequently ream while assembled onto a steel template,
as required by Subsection 709.4.1.19. Holes for field splices of rolled beam
stringers continuous over floor beams or cross frames may be drilled full size
unassembled to a steel template. Sub-punch and ream holes for floor beams
and stringer field end connections to a steel template or ream while assem-
bled. Perform reaming or drilling full size field connection holes through a
steel template after the template has been located with utmost care as to po-
sition and angle and firmly bolted in place. Ensure that templates used for
reaming matching members, or the opposite faces of a single member, are
exact duplicates. Ensure that templates used for connections on like parts or
members are so accurately located that the parts or members are duplicates
and require no match-marking.
2 Unless otherwise authorized by the Department’s shop inspector, assemble
the adjacent panels or sections of each individual truss, arch, continuous
beam or girder in the shop before reaming or full drilling is commenced.
Block up and set the parts that make up the joint to be reamed or drilled to the
exact relative position and grade that such parts will later assume in the com-
pleted bridge; and fasten such parts securely in position before and during the
reaming or drilling of the holes in the joint.
3 For any connection, instead of sub-punching and reaming or sub-drilling
and reaming, the fabricator may drill holes full size with all thickness or mate-
rial assembled in proper position.
4 Perform additional sub-punching and reaming specified in the Special Pro-
visions or on the Plans.
5 For any connection or splice designated above, in lieu of sub-sized holes
and reaming while assembled or drilling holes full-size while assembled, the
fabricator may drill or punch holes full-size in unassembled pieces and/or
connections including templates for use with matching sub-sized and reamed
holes by means of suitable Numerically Controlled (N/C) drilling or punching
equipment subject to the specific provisions contained in this section. Ensure

709.4.4.6 709.4.4.8

that full-size punched holes meet the requirements of Subsection 709.4.4.1.

6 Unless otherwise specified in the Special Provisions or on the Plans, when
N/C drilling or punching equipment is used, the OMR may require the Con-
tractor, by means of check assemblies, to demonstrate that this drilling or
punching procedure consistently produces holes and connections meeting the
requirements of Subsections 709.4.4.5 and 709.4.1.19.
7 Submit to the OMR for approval a detailed outline of the procedure to ac-
complish the work from initial drilling or punching through check assembly, if
required. Include in the outline, the specific members of the structure that will
be N/C drilled or punched, the sizes of the holes, the location of common in-
dex and other reference points, composition of check assemblies, and all
other pertinent information.
8 Drill or punch holes with N/C equipment to appropriate size through individ-
ual pieces or through any combination of pieces held tightly together.
709.4.4.7 Fitting for Bolting
1 Clean contact surfaces of metal before assembling. Ensure that the parts
of a member are assembled, well pinned, and firmly drawn together before
drilling, reaming or bolting is commenced. Take apart assembled pieces, if
necessary, for the removal of burrs and shavings produced by the operation.
Ensure that the members are free from twists, bends, and other deformations.
2 Perform drifting during assembling only to bring the parts into position with-
out causing holes to enlarge or metal to distort.
709.4.4.8 Installation of High Strength Bolts
1 The following requirements in this subsection apply to the installation of
high strength bolts installed in the shop or field.
2 Install bolt, nut, and washer combinations from a lot represented by an ac-
cepted Rotational-Capacity test as certified by the manufacturer or distributor.
Install structural bolts with a DTI on each assembly to verify proper tension-
3 Assemble fastener components of appropriately assigned Rotational-
Capacity test lot numbers together. Store assembled fasteners in buildings or
similar enclosures to protect them from dirt and moisture at the job site. Take
only as many fasteners as are anticipated to be installed and tightened during
a work shift from protected storage. Protect fasteners not used and return
them to storage at the end of the shift. Do not remove lubricant from fasten-
ers that is required to be present in as-delivered condition. Clean, re-lubricate
and retest prior to installing fasteners for slip-critical connections that accumu-
late rust or dirt resulting from job site conditions.
Perform the Rotational-Capacity test as required in Subsection 709.4.4.10
or 709.4.4.11 on each Rotational-Capacity lot before the start of bolt installa-
tion. Perform the Rotational-Capacity tests in the shop or field on the lots as
shipped to the job site with certifications by the manufacturer or distributor.

709.4.4.8 709.

Test 2 assemblies consisting of a nut, bolt, and washer from each lot. Pro-
vide hardened steel washers as part of the test. Reject fastener assemblies
that fail any part of the Rotational-Capacity test.
5 Provide a Tension Measuring Device (TMD) and a dial type torque wrench
of suitable range at each job site during erection of structural steel.
6 Conduct periodic re-testing as directed by the RCE to confirm that storage
has not reduced the effectiveness of the lubricant on material.
7 Provide the galvanized nuts with a lubricant containing a visible dye. When
the bolt head is the turned element in the assembly, apply a manufacturer
recommended lubricant to the washer face of the bolt or to the washer. Use
lubricant waxes such as bee’s wax or stick waxes for use on metal. Wa-
ter/wax emulsions for use on fasteners may also be used. Apply the waxes
by dipping the nuts, or when necessary, the washers in the water/wax emul-
sion or warmed bee’s wax or stick wax. Remove the nuts and washers from
the wax, allow the excess wax to drain and cool as necessary and place them
back in protected storage until they are needed for installation.
8 Perform Installation Verification tests for each possible Rotational-Capacity
lot in combination with each lot of Direct Tension Indicators. Perform the In-
stallation Verification test in accordance with the procedures in this subsec-
9 During installation, regardless of the tightening method used, exercise par-
ticular care so that the snug tight condition is achieved. Snug tight is defined
as the tightness that exists when the plies of the joint are in firm contact. Pro-
vide hardened washers under the turned element for all installation methods.
10 Conduct periodic re-testing as directed by the RCE to confirm that storage
has not reduced the effectiveness of the lubricant. Have re-testing witnessed
by the Department’s representative. Reject any lot with failing assemblies.
11 Check galvanized nuts to verify that a visible lubricant is on the threads.
When the bolt head is the turned element in assembly, add a lubricant ap-
proved by the Department to the washer face under the bolt head or to the
12 Reject bolts or nuts not satisfying the requirements above and bolts, nuts or
washers that are weathered, rusty, or dirty. Submit for approval a procedure
for cleaning and re-lubricating rejected fastener lots. Retest re-cleaned or re-
lubricated bolt, nut, and washer assemblies before installation.
709.4.4.9 Procedures for Verification and Installation of High Strength
Bolt DTI
709. Verification of DTI Performance
Verify DTI performance in accordance with SC-T-152 before installation of
bolts in the work. In bridgework, the manufacturers typically specify smaller
gaps in the space between the protrusions on the washer than is normally
used in other construction or than is specified for testing in the product speci-

709. 709.

fication ASTM F 959. The basic principle used in this verification test is to
make sure that there is a DTI gap when the test tension is 1.05 times greater
than the job installation tension requirement. Test 3 bolts from each Rota-
tional-Capacity lot and position of DTI.
709. Test Equipment
Use equipment for DTI verification and testing as outlined in SC-T-152.
709. Verification Test Procedure
Perform the DTI verification test procedure in accordance with SC-T-152.
2 The DTI fails the verification test if the 0.005-inch feeler gauge is refused in
half or more of the gaps during the test procedure.
3 The DTI and assembly pass the test if the nut on the bolt assembly is un-
able to go the full length of the threads of the bolt at the completion of SC-T-
152, and the load at the minimum DTI gap is less than 95% of the bolt tension
recorded at the nut rotation required in SC-T-150 for the Rotational-Capacity
test. If the nut cannot be run the full thread length, but the load at the small-
est gap condition is greater than the 95% of the bolt tension recorded at the
nut rotation required for the Rotational-Capacity test, the load required for the
smallest gap is too large. Reject the lot if this occurs.
4 Test bolts from Rotational-Capacity lots that are too short to fit in the ten-
sion measuring device in accordance with SC-T-151 by tightening to the
minimum DTI gap measured and checked in accordance with paragraph 3
above. Do not use the 95% alternative since short bolts are not tested in the
tension-measuring device for Rotational Capacity. Check the DTI used with
the short bolt in accordance with SC-T-152 using a longer bolt in the tension
measuring device.
709. Installation of DTI
1 The use of a DTI under the unturned bolt head requires that the element
bearing against the DTI does not turn. Use two workers to install the DTI: one
to operate the wrench and the other to prevent turning of the element with the
DTI and monitor the gap. If the DTI is used under the turned element, provide
an additional hardened washer between the turning element and the protru-
sion on the DTI.
2 Tighten the bolts systematically to the inspection gap. Ensure that the
number of spaces in which the 0.005-inch thickness gauge is refused is equal
to or greater than the number shown in the following table. Do not tighten
beyond the smallest gap. Replace bolts that have a DTI with a smaller gap or
no gap with a new DTI.

709. 709.4.4.11



Number of spaces in washer 4 5 6 7 8 9

Min. spaces gauge is refused * 2 3 3 4 4 5

*Refuse the gauge in all spaces when a coated DTI is used under the turned ele-
709.4.4.10 Procedure for Performing Rotational-Capacity Test (Long
Bolts In TMD)
1 Perform the Rotational-Capacity (R/C) test on the long bolts meeting ASTM
A 325 in accordance with the testing procedure SC-T-150.
2 Ensure that the measured bolt tension is equal to or greater than the values
shown in the following table. Assemblies that do not meet this tension fail the
test (Value is 115% of Minimum Installation Tension).

Turn Test Bolt Tension

Bolt Diameter
½ ⅝ ¾ ⅞ 1 1⅛ 1¼ 1⅜ 1½

Tension (kips) 14 22 32 45 59 64 82 98 118

3 Assemblies that have evidence of stripping fail the test.

4 Ensure that the measured torque does not exceed 0.25 x tension in pounds
x bolt diameter in feet. Assemblies with torque values exceeding this calcu-
lated value fail the test.
709.4.4.11 Procedure for Performing Rotational-Capacity Test on Bolts
Too Short to Fit TMD
1 Perform the R/C test on bolts too short to fit a Tension Measuring Device
(TMD) in accordance with the testing procedure SC-T-151.
2 Ensure that the measured torque does not exceed the values listed in the
following table. Assemblies that exceed the listed torque fail the test.

Bolt diameter
1/2 5/8 3/4 7/8 1 1⅛ 1¼ 1⅜ 1½

Torque (ft- 150 290 500 820 1230 1500 2140 2810 3690

*Torque ≤ 25% x P x D, where P is Turn Test, and D is bolt diameter.

3 Assemblies that fail prior to required rotation either by stripping or by frac-
ture, fail the test.

709.4.4.12 709.4.5.4

709.4.4.12 Installation of Turned and Ribbed Bolts
709. General
1 This subsection does not pertain to the use of high-strength bolts.
709. Turned Bolts
1 Carefully ream holes for turned bolts to provide for a light driving fit. Ensure
threads are entirely outside of the holes. Provide a washer under the nut.
709. Ribbed Bolts
1 Install ribbed bolts with a driving fit in the holes. Ensure that the ribs do not
deform to permit the bolts to turn in the holes during tightening. If for any rea-
son, the bolt twists before drawing tight, carefully ream the hole and replace
with an oversized bolt.
709.4.5 Bridge Bearing Assemblies
709.4.5.1 General
1 Unless otherwise specified, use rolled steel conforming to the requirements
of AASHTO M 270 (ASTM A 709), Grade 36, for all steel bearing plates.
709.4.5.2 Facing of Bearing Surfaces
1 Ensure that the surface finish of bearing and base plates and other bearing
surfaces that come in contact with each other or with concrete meets the
ANSI surface roughness requirements as defined in ANSI B46.1, Surface
Roughness, Waviness, and Lay, Part I indicated in the following table.

Surfaces in Contact Roughness

Steel slabs ANSI 2000
Heavy plates in contact in shoes to be welded ANSI 1000
Milled ends of compression members, milled or ground ends
of stiffeners and fillers ANSI 500

Bridge rollers and rockers ANSI 125

Pins and pin holes ANSI 125
Sliding bearings ANSI 125
709.4.5.3 Sole Plates Embedded Concrete Beams or Girders
1 Ensure that the exposed face of the sole plate embedded in the concrete is
straight and truly perpendicular to the vertical axis of the concrete girder. Do
not exceed a variation of more than 1/16 inch from a plane perpendicular to
the vertical axis.
709.4.5.4 Rocker and Masonry Plates
1 Machine sliding surfaces of both the rocker and the plate flat to an ANSI
125 finish in direction of movement. If machined in a direction other than the

709.4.5.5 709.4.6.4

expansion, machine to a flat ANSI 63 finish. When the fabricator is ready for
inspection, give sufficient notice to allow for inspection by the Department.
Do not paint machined surfaces until after inspection. Plates may be cut to
size by torch; and holes and slots may be cut by torch provided the ends of
slots are drilled before cutting is done. Remove burrs from torch cuts. Ma-
chine bridge bearing components, including bridge rollers, rockers, and sliding
bearings that are hot dipped galvanized, to a surface roughness requirement
of ANSI 250 or better regardless of expansion direction.
709.4.5.5 Elastomeric Bearing Pads
Ensure that elastomeric bearing pads meet the requirements of Section
724. Provide elastomeric material and laminae to the size and thickness indi-
cated on the Plans.
709.4.6 Field Erection
709.4.6.1 Delivery of Materials
1 If the Contract is for erection only, receive the materials entering into the
finished structure free of charge at the place designated, loaded, or unloaded
as specified. Upon delivery, promptly unload any material delivered to the
site designated; otherwise, the Contractor is responsible for demurrage
709.4.6.2 Handling and Storing Materials
1 Place material stored on skids above the ground. Keep area clean and
properly drained. Place polyethylene or other acceptable material under the
storage skids to minimize mud splatter damage. Place, support, and store
girders and beams in an upright position. Support long members, such as
columns and truss chords, on skids placed near enough together to prevent
injury from deflection. If the Contract is for erection only, check the material
being accepted against the shipping list and promptly report in writing any
shortage or injury discovered. The Contractor is responsible for the loss of
any accepted material or for any damage caused to it after being received.
709.4.6.3 Falsework
1 Ensure that the falsework is properly designed, substantially constructed,
and properly maintained for the loads it is intended to support. If requested
by the BCE, prepare and submit for review and acceptance, Working Draw-
ings for falsework or for changes in an existing structure necessary for main-
taining traffic. Review and acceptance of the Working Drawings will not re-
lieve the Contractor of any responsibility. Submit Working Drawings for fal-
sework as specified in Section 725.
709.4.6.4 Methods, Equipment, and Erection
1 Before starting erection work, submit to the BCE for acceptance an Erec-
tion Plan that fully details the method of erection proposed and the amount
and type of equipment to be used. Include in the Erection Plan any neces-
sary temporary bracing to adequately prevent overturning of the member(s)

709.4.6.5 709.4.6.7

until all permanent bracing is in place and secured. The acceptance by the
Department does not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility for the safety
of methods or equipment utilized or from carrying out the work in full accor-
dance with the Plans and the Specifications. Do not start work until obtaining
such acceptance from the Department.
709.4.6.5 Bearings and Anchorages
1 Finish masonry/concrete buildups level unless indicated otherwise in the
Plans. Verify that all masonry/concrete buildups are level prior to placing any
bridge bearings or elastomeric bearing pads and furnish the RCE written
documentation of the verification. Set bridge bearings level, in exact position,
and ensure that they have full and even bearing on the girder bottom and the
masonry/concrete buildup.
2 Set elastomeric bearing pads, if used, directly on the concrete masonry.

3 Drill holes for anchor bolts and set them in Portland cement grout or preset
them as shown on the Plans or as specified.
4 When setting the location of anchors, rockers, or rollers, take into account
any variation from mean temperature at time of setting and anticipated
lengthening of bottom chord or bottom flange due to dead load after setting.
The intention being that at mean temperature and under dead load, the rock-
ers and rollers are vertical and anchor bolts at expansion bearings are cen-
tered in their slots as near as practicable. Ensure that there is full and free
movement of the superstructure at the movable bearings without being re-
stricted by improper setting or adjustment of bearings or anchor bolt and nuts.
5 Do not place bridge bearings on masonry/concrete bearing areas that are
irregular or improperly formed.
709.4.6.6 Erection of Structure
1 Erect the metal work, remove the temporary construction, and do all the
work required to complete the bridge or bridges as covered by the Contract,
including the removal of the old structure or structures, if stipulated, all in ac-
cordance with the Plans and contract specifications.
709.4.6.7 Assembling Steel
1 Accurately assemble the parts shown on the Plans and follow the fabrica-
tor's match-marks. Handle the material carefully and ensure that no parts are
bent, broken, or otherwise damaged. Do not allow hammering that injures or
distorts the members. Clean bearing surfaces and surfaces in permanent
contact before the members are assembled.
2 Unless erected by the cantilever method, erect truss spans on blocking to
give the trusses proper camber. Leave the blocking in place until the tension
chord splices are fully bolted and all other truss connections are pinned and
bolted. Do not tighten permanent bolts in splices of butt joints of compressing
members or permanent bolts in railings until the span has been swung.

709.4.6.7 709.4.7

3 Fill half of the holes in splices and field connections with fitting bolts and
cylindrical erection pins (half bolts and half pins) before bolting with high-
strength bolts. In splices and connections carrying traffic during erection, fill
three-quarters of the holes with fitting bolts and cylindrical erection pins (half
bolts and half pins) before bolting with high-strength bolts. Ensure that fitting
bolts are of the same nominal diameter as the high-strength bolts and cylin-
drical erection pins are 1/32 inch larger.
709.4.6.8 Misfits
1 The correction of minor misfits involving harmless amounts of reaming, cut-
ting and chipping are considered a legitimate part of the erection. However,
immediately report any error in the shop fabrication or deformation resulting
from handling and transportation that prevents the proper assembling and
fitting up of parts by the moderate use of pins or by a moderate amount of
reaming and slight chipping or cutting, to the RCE and along with a proposed
method of correction. When approved, make the correction in the presence
of the RCE.
2 If the Contract provides for complete fabrication and erection, the Contrac-
tor is responsible for all misfits, errors, and injuries. Make the necessary cor-
rections and replacements. If the Contract is for erection only, the RCE with
the cooperation of the Contractor will keep an accurate record of labor and
materials used. Within 30 days, render an itemized bill for the approval of the
709.4.6.9 Straightening Bent Material
1 When permitted by the BCE, straighten plates, angles, other shapes, and
built-up members, by methods that do not produce fracture or other injury.
Straighten distorted members by mechanical means, or if approved by the
BCE, by carefully planned procedures and supervised application of a limited
amount of localized heat. Do not allow the maximum temperature of ASTM or
AASHTO designated metals to exceed 1125ºF and do not allow the tempera-
ture to exceed 950ºF within 6 inches of weld metal. Do not apply heat directly
on weld metal. Monitor the metal temperature by means of temperature indi-
cating crayons, liquids, or bimetal thermometers. Reject all metal inadver-
tently heated above 1125ºF or re-quench and re-temper the metal using cor-
rect ASTM procedures.
2 Ensure that parts to be heat straightened are substantially free of stress
and from external forces, except stresses resulting from mechanical means
used in conjunction with the application of heat.
3 Following the straightening of a bend or buckle, carefully inspect the sur-
face of the metal for evidence of fracture.
709.4.7 Removal of Existing Structure and Falsework
Remove existing structures in accordance with the requirements of Section
202. If the existing structure is designated to be removed and remain the
property of the Department, carefully dismantle and store the material in the

709.4.7 709.5

immediate vicinity of the bridge site as directed by the RCE. If the existing
structure is to be re-erected, dismantle without unnecessary damage, match-
mark the parts, and carefully stockpile in an area determined by the RCE.
2 Upon completion of the erection and before final acceptance, remove fal-
sework, excavated or useless materials, rubbish, and temporary buildings.
Replace or renew any fences damaged and restore in an acceptable manner
all property, both public and private, that may have been damaged during the
prosecution of this work and leave the bridge site and adjacent highway in a
neat and presentable condition as satisfactory to the RCE. Remove exca-
vated material or falsework placed in the stream channel during construction
before final acceptance.
709.5 Measurement
1 The quantity for the pay item Structural Steel is measured for payment by
the pound (LB) or is paid on a lump sum (LS) basis, as specified in the Con-
2 When the Contract specifies payment on a contract unit bid price per pound
basis, the quantity is the weight in pounds of all structural steel actually
erected and is a permanent part of the structure, completed and accepted by
the RCE. The structural steel weight is the computed weight assuming the
unit weight of steel is 490 pounds per cubic foot and the unit weight of cast
iron at 450 pounds per cubic foot.
3 The weight of rolled shapes, bars, and plates is computed on the basis of
the nominal weight as given in the manufacturers’ handbooks, without plus
tolerances for rolled plates, using the dimensions shown on the approved
Shop Plans. Deduction is made for all copes, cuts, and open holes. No al-
lowance is made for overrun in weight.
4 The weight of high-strength bolts, nuts, and washers is established by scale
weight. No separate measurement or payment is made for ordinary fasteners
since they are considered incidental to the contract price bid for Structural
5 The weight of castings is computed from the dimensions shown on the ap-
proved Shop Plans with an addition of 5% for fillets and overrun.
6 The right is expressly reserved to weigh a portion or all of the material used
in the work, and if the weight of any member is more than 2% less than the
computed weight, the member may be rejected. This applies to both the price
per pound and lump sum basis.
7 If the Contract specifies payment on a contract lump sum bid price basis,
no measurements are taken.

709.6 709.6.3

709.6 Payment
709.6.1 General
1 Payment for the accepted quantity of Structural Steel is determined using
either the contract unit bid price per pound or contract lump sum bid price as
stated in the Contract. Partial payments are made as indicated in
Subsections 109.7 and 109.8.
2 Payment for each item includes all direct and indirect costs and expenses
required to complete the work.
709.6.2 Price Per Pound Basis
1 If a price per pound basis is stipulated in the Contract, payment for Struc-
tural Steel, measured in accordance with Subsection 709.5, is determined
using the contract unit bid price for the pay item. Payment is full compensa-
tion for furnishing, fabricating, and installing structural steel as specified or
directed by the BCE or RCE and includes preparation of Shop Plans, Working
Drawing, and Erection Plan; providing, erecting, and removing falsework or
temporary bracing (if necessary); testing, welding, bolting, shop assembly and
disassembly, field erecting, surface finishing, and painting structural steel; and
all other materials, labor, equipment, tools, supplies, transportation, and inci-
dentals necessary to fulfill the requirements of the pay item in accordance
with the Plans, the Specifications, and other terms of the Contract.
2 The Department’s computed weights are final unless such weights are
found in error by more than 1½%.
709.6.3 Lump Sum Basis
1 If payment on a lump sum basis is stipulated in the Contract, payment for
Structural Steel, measured in accordance with Subsection 709.5, is deter-
mined using the contract lump sum bid price for the pay item. Payment is full
compensation for furnishing, fabricating, and installing structural steel as
specified or directed by the BCE or RCE and includes preparation of Shop
Plans, Working Drawing, and Erection Plan; providing, erecting, and removing
falsework or temporary bracing (if necessary); testing, welding, bolting, shop
assembly and disassembly, field erecting, surface finishing, and painting
structural steel; and all other materials, labor, equipment, tools, supplies,
transportation, and incidentals necessary to fulfill the requirements of the pay
item in accordance with the Plans, the Specifications, and other terms of the
2 The average price per pound obtained by dividing the lump sum price by
the estimated weight of structural steel is used in adjusting changes in struc-
tural steel from that required by the original Contract.

709.6.4 709.6.4

709.6.4 Pay Items
1 Pay items under this section include the following:

Item No. Pay Item Unit

709110X Structural Steel LS

7091120 Structural Steel LB

709120X Structural Steel (Weathering Type) LS

710.1 710.2.1.1



710.1 Description
1 This section contains specifications for the materials, construction, meas-
urement, and payment for furnishing paint and paint materials and applying
these paints as indicated on the Plans and in accordance with the provisions
and requirements of the Special Provisions, applicable Supplemental Specifi-
cations, these specifications, and as directed by the RCE.
710.2 Materials
710.2.1 General
1 Furnish paint that is thoroughly ground, and neither settles excessively, nor
cakes in the container. Ensure that the paint mixes readily with a paddle to a
smooth, uniform consistency. Small amounts of anti-skinning agents and
anti-settling agents may be added during manufacture. If kept in storage, en-
sure that the paint retains the original paint characteristics for a period not
less than the stated shelf life. Maintain containers of paint unopened until
required for use. Use containers first that have been recently opened and
premixed or blended together. Do not use paint that has livered, gelled, or
otherwise deteriorated during storage or is beyond the stated shelf life. En-
sure that wet paint is protected against damage from dust, sand, blast debris,
or other detrimental foreign matter. Comply with the manufacturer’s recom-
mendations for health and safety (Safety Data Sheets) when handling, stor-
ing, and applying paint.
2 During the painting operation, use precautionary measures to protect any
surfaces that are not to be painted or that have already been painted. Repair
and spot-paint any areas of paint film damaged by the Contractor's operations
at no additional cost to the Department. Remove to the satisfaction of the
RCE all spillage, drippings, spattering, or inadvertent applications caused by
the Contractor's operations.
3 Ensure that paint is applied by individuals with a minimum of 2 years of ex-
perience in the application of the paint system being applied. Use paint sub-
contractors that have a minimum of 2 years experience in the application of
the specified paint system on structural steel bridges.
710.2.1.1 Inspection, Sampling, and Acceptance
1 The Department reserves the right to sample all ingredients at the point of
origin and to sample finished paint either at the point of origin or at the desti-
nation and to withhold acceptance of the paint until analysis of such samples
are made.
2 Inspection and/or sampling will be done at the point of manufacture when-
ever practicable. When inspection and/or sampling are performed at the point
of manufacture, ensure that all necessary assistance is furnished by the

710.2.1.1 710.2.6

manufacturer so that the inspector can inspect and/or sample all the ingredi-
ents and the finished paint. Submit samples to the OMR for testing. The
manufacturer may proceed with making the paint prior to receiving test results
on the ingredient samples; however, should any of the ingredient materials fail
to meet the specified test requirements, paint made with the failing material
will be rejected. For finished paint that is sampled at the point of destination,
furnish a manufacturer certification to the RCE and OMR that the ingredient
materials meet all applicable SCDOT specifications.
3 Furnish paint in compliance with the current EPA, SCDHEC, and local City
or County requirements for Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC). Use material
from the Department’s most recent edition of SCDOT Qualified Product List
710.2.1.2 Packing and Marking
1 Ensure that each shipment of paint is accompanied by written certification
from the manufacturer stating that the material furnished complies with the
Department’s paint specifications. Have paint shipped in new, strong con-
tainers that are properly sealed. Have each container plainly marked with the
type and color of paint, number of gallons, lot or batch number, the date of
manufacture, and the name and address of the manufacturer.
710.2.2 Inorganic Zinc Silicate Primer Paint
1 Provide an Inorganic Zinc Silicate primer paint that is a two-component,
self-curing paint that cures without the use of a separate curing solution. Use
the Inorganic Zinc Silicate paints appearing on the most recent edition of the
SCDOT Qualified Product List 19. Ensure that the prime coat is produced by
the same manufacturer as the intermediate and the finish coats.
710.2.3 Aluminum Epoxy Mastic Paint
1 Furnish Aluminum Epoxy Mastic paint that is a two-component, modified
epoxy bitumen primer, intermediate coat, or finish coat paint. Provide leafed
aluminum color. Use Aluminum Epoxy Mastic paints appearing on the most
recent edition of the SCDOT Qualified Product List 19.
710.2.4 High Build Aliphatic Polyurethane Paint
1 Provide a High Build Aliphatic Polyurethane paint that is a two-component
finish coat paint. Use High Build Aliphatic Polyurethane paints appearing on
the most recent edition of the SCDOT Qualified Product List 19.
710.2.5 Acrylic Paint
1 Furnish Acrylic paint that is a single component, water reducible, and 100%
acrylic intermediate or finish coat paint. Use the Acrylic paints appearing on
the most recent edition of the SCDOT Qualified Product List 19.
710.2.6 Paint Zones
1 Paint Zone A consists of Beaufort, Berkeley, Charleston, Colleton, Dor-
chester, Georgetown, Horry, and Jasper Counties.

710.2.6 710.2.7.2

2 Paint Zone B consists of all counties not included Paint Zone A above.
710.2.7 Paint Systems
710.2.7.1 Paint System NS1
1 When Paint System NS1 is called for in Paint Zone A on new structural
steel, including all grades of weathering steel, apply the following paints in
accordance with these specifications, the Plans, and the Special Provisions:
• One primer coat of Inorganic Zinc Silicate paint (3.5 mils minimum
dry film thickness),
• One intermediate coat of Aluminum Epoxy Mastic paint (5 mils mini-
mum dry film thickness), and
• One finish coat of High Build Aliphatic Polyurethane paint (3.5 mils
minimum dry film thickness).
Furnish a light gray color (Federal Shade No. 26622) finish coat unless speci-
fied otherwise in the Special Provisions or in writing by the BCE.
2 Ensure that the primer coat, the intermediate coat, and finish coat of paint
are produced by the same manufacturer.
710.2.7.2 Paint System NS2
1 When Paint System NS2 is called for in Paint Zone B on new structural
steel, including all grades of weathering steel, apply the following paints in
accordance with these specifications, the Plans, and the Special Provisions:
• One primer coat of Inorganic Zinc Silicate paint (3.5 mils minimum
dry film thickness),
• One intermediate coat of water reducible 100% Acrylic paint (2 mils
minimum dry film thickness), and
• One finish coat of water reducible 100% Acrylic Paint (2 mils mini-
mum dry film thickness).
Furnish a light gray color (Federal Shade No. 26622) finish coat unless speci-
fied otherwise in the Special Provisions or in writing by the BCE. Ensure that
the intermediate coat of Acrylic paint is of a different color than the finish coat
of Acrylic paint.
2 If the Plans do not specify only partial painting of any grade of weathering
steel, field paint the galvanized bolts, nuts, washers, and DTIs with Paint Sys-
tem NS2 as specified above.
3 When the Plans specify partial painting of any grade of weathering struc-
tural steel, paint with paint system NS2 as specified above, except furnish the
a brown color (Federal Shade No. 30045) finish coat to match the long-term
color of the weathering steel, unless specified otherwise in the Special Provi-
sions or in writing by the BCE.
4 When the Plans specify partial painting of weathering steel in Paint Zone B,
and non-galvanized weathering steel bolts, nuts, washers, and DTIs are used,

710.2.7.2 710.2.7.4

do not field paint hardware unless noted otherwise in the Plans.

5 When the Plans specify field painting of non-galvanized weathering steel
bolts, nuts, washers, and DTI's, coat hardware with the following paints in ac-
cordance with these specifications, the Plans, and the Special Provisions:
• One primer coat of Aluminum Epoxy Mastic paint (5 mils minimum
dry film thickness),
• One intermediate coat of Aluminum Epoxy Mastic paint (5 mils mini-
mum dry film thickness), and
• One finish coat of water reducible 100% Acrylic paint (2 mils mini-
mum dry film thickness).
Furnish a brown color (Federal Shade No. 30045) finish coat to match the
long-term color of the weathering steel.
6 Ensure that the primer coat, the intermediate coat, and finish coat of paint
are produced by the same manufacturer.
710.2.7.3 Paint System NS3
1 When Paint System NS3 is called for on exposed new steel H-bearing pil-
ing, sway bracing, and casing left in place, apply the following paints in accor-
dance with these specifications, the Plans, and the Special Provisions:
• One primer coat of Aluminum Epoxy Mastic primer (5 mils minimum
dry film thickness) and
• One finish coat of Aluminum Epoxy Mastic paint (5 mils minimum dry
film thickness).
Ensure that the primer coat and finish coat of paint are produced by the same
710.2.7.4 Paint System ES1
1 When Paint System ES1 is called for on exposed areas of the existing
structural steel, bearing assemblies (including exposed portions of anchor
bolts), steel railing and any other previously painted steel surfaces of the ex-
isting structure, apply the following paints in accordance with these specifica-
tions, the Plans, or the Special Provisions:
• One primer coat of Aluminum Epoxy Mastic paint (5 mils minimum
dry film thickness),
• One intermediate coat of Aluminum Epoxy Mastic paint (5 mils mini-
mum dry film thickness), and
• One finish coat of High Build Aliphatic Polyurethane paint (3.5 mils
minimum dry film thickness).
2 Furnish a light gray color (Federal Shade No. 26622) finish coat unless
specified otherwise by the Department in the Special Provisions or in writing
by the BCE. Tint the intermediate coat of Aluminum Epoxy Mastic paint to be
clearly distinguishable from the primer coat of Aluminum Epoxy Mastic paint.

710.2.7.4 710.

3 Ensure that the primer coat, the intermediate coat, and finish coat of paint
are produced by the same manufacturer.
710.2.7.5 Determination of Paint System
1 Unless specified otherwise on the Plans or in the Special Provisions, use
the table below to determine the Paint System for use on projects for the type
of material located in the specified Paint Zones.

Material Paint Zone Paint System

New Structural Steel A NS1

(For Any Grade of New Weathering Structural Steel, B NS2
see Note 1 below) A and B NS1

Existing Structural Steel A or B ES1

Exposed Portions of New Steel H Bearing, Piling

A or B NS3
& Sway Braces, Casing left in place

Note 1: For NS2 paint system, painting is required for all grades of any weathering structural
steel surfaces unless the Plans specify partial painting.
710.3 Equipment
1 Ensure that the equipment necessary for the proper construction of the
work is on site, in acceptable working condition, and approved by the RCE as
to both type and condition before the start of work under this section. Provide
sufficient equipment to enable prosecution of the work in accordance with the
project schedule and completion of the work in the specified time.
710.4 Construction
710.4.1 Primer Application
710.4.1.1 Inorganic Zinc Silicate Primer
710. Surface Preparation
1 Clean structural steel (including all grades of weathering steel in Paint Zone
A and in Paint Zone B unless noted otherwise in the Plans) to the require-
ments of SSPC SP-10, Near White Blast Cleaning. Ensure the quality of the
blast cleaning is such that the prime coat of Inorganic Zinc Silicate paint
specified adheres tightly to the steel in all cases. Ensure that the blast clean-
ing operation produces a surface (anchor) profile between 1.5 mils and 3 mils.
2 Clean surfaces to be in contact with concrete, areas adjacent to bolted con-
nections and splices, including bolt holes, as stated above.
710. Application of Paint
1 Shop apply Inorganic Zinc Silicate primer unless otherwise specified on the
Plans and/or in the Special Provisions. Mix inorganic zinc silicate primer and
apply within 12 hours after cleaning and before rusting occurs. Apply paint in
accordance with the manufacturer’s written recommendations and by people

710. 710.

skilled in this type of work.

2 Apply the Inorganic Zinc Silicate primer only when the paint, the surround-
ing air, and the steel surface temperatures are above 25ºF or the minimum
temperature recommended by the paint manufacturer, whichever is higher.
Do not apply paint on damp surfaces. Do not apply paint when in the opinion
of the OMR representative conditions are otherwise unsatisfactory for the
work. Do not apply paint when the steel surface temperature is less than 5ºF
above the dew point.
710. Thickness Requirements
1 Obtain a smooth uniform coating with a minimum dry film thickness of 3.5
mils without film cracking, sagging, or loss of adhesion.
2 Before the steel is moved out of the shop paint bay to shop storage, and
within 6 hours of original painting, correct areas of each component found to
have dry film thickness less than 3.5 mils. Correct by adding touch-up coats
of the inorganic zinc primer, which has been thinned according to the manu-
facturer’s recommendations for touch-up. Correct areas with flaws such as
mud cracking or sags before moving steel to shop storage. Re-clean as de-
scribed in Subsection 710. and repaint components with severe defi-
ciencies (i.e., areas with readings less than 2.5 mils dry film thickness, exces-
sive mud-cracking or sagging) that in the opinion of the OMR representative
cannot be easily corrected by the touch-up method.
3 Allow the Inorganic Zinc Silicate primer to cure a minimum of 60 calendar
days (no maximum) before the aluminum epoxy mastic touch-up (see
Subsection 710. or the intermediate coat (i.e. Aluminum Epoxy Mas-
tic paint or Acrylic paint) or the finish coat is applied.
710. Method of Application
1 Apply the Inorganic Zinc Silicate primer by spray application. Ensure that
the equipment used is suitable for the intended purpose. Control the painting
by appropriate pressure regulators and gauges. Use air caps, nozzles, and
needles recommended by the manufacturer of the paint being sprayed. Ad-
just the pressure on the paint in the pot and the air at the gun when necessary
for changes in elevation of the gun above the pot.
2 Keep the equipment in satisfactory condition to permit proper application.
Keep spray equipment sufficiently clean so that dirt, dried paint, and other
foreign materials are not deposited in the paint film. Completely remove any
solvents left in the equipment before applying paint to the steel surface being
painted. Use solvents approved by the paint manufacturer.
710. Shop Applied Touch-up of Damaged or Deficient Areas
1 When the steel is removed from shop storage for shipment to the project,
correct damaged surface areas and areas deficient in dry film thickness (less
than 3.5 mils) by applying 1 coat (5 mils minimum dry film thickness) of an
approved Aluminum Epoxy Mastic paint produced by the same manufacturer

710.4.1.2 710.

as the Inorganic Zinc Silicate primer.

710.4.1.2 Aluminum Epoxy Mastic Primer
710. Surface Preparation
1 Clean new or existing structural steel to the requirements of SSPC SP-6,
Commercial Blast Cleaning unless otherwise directed by the BCE or specified
on the Plans or in the Special Provisions. Ensure that the quality of the blast
cleaning is such that the prime coat of Aluminum Epoxy Mastic paint adheres
tightly to the steel in all cases. Ensure that the surface (anchor) profile is in
the range specified by the paint manufacturer of the Aluminum Epoxy Mastic
2 Ensure that the steel surface meets the requirements of SSPC SP-6 just
before the application of the Aluminum Epoxy Mastic primer coat and all steel
surfaces are dust free. Apply the Aluminum Epoxy Mastic primer coat within
8 hours of blast cleaning, unless specified otherwise by the BCE.
3 When Aluminum Epoxy Mastic paint is specified for existing structural steel,
clean surfaces to be in contact with new concrete and areas adjacent to
bolted connections and splices, including bolt holes, as stated in paragraph 1
of this subsection. Furthermore, ensure that this blast cleaning operation re-
moves all existing paint and any layered rust. Perform abrasive blasting with
recyclable steel grit abrasive. Wire brush primed surfaces damaged by blast-
ing. If visibly rusted, re-blast to cleaned condition specified.
4 Immediately prior to the application of any specified intermediate coat or
finish coat of paint, clean steel surfaces of all contaminants present on the
coated surface in accordance with the paint manufacturer’s written instruc-
tions unless approved otherwise by the BCE.
710. Application of Paint
1 Apply Aluminum Epoxy Mastic primer within 8 hours after cleaning and be-
fore any rusting occurs. Mix paint and apply in accordance with the paint
manufacturer’s written recommendations using people skilled in this type of
2 Apply Aluminum Epoxy Mastic primer only when the paint, surrounding air,
and steel surface temperatures are above 40ºF. Do not apply paint on damp
surfaces. Do not apply paint when, in the opinion of the OMR representative,
conditions are otherwise unsatisfactory for the work. Do not apply paint when
the surface temperature is less than 5ºF above the dew point.
3 Make required touch-up of thin areas of the applied Aluminum Epoxy Mas-
tic primer coat within 72 hours after application of paint. Allow cure time, as
recommended by the manufacturer, between the application of the Aluminum
Epoxy Mastic primer and any specified intermediate and/or finish coat.

710. 710.

710. Thickness Requirements
1 Mix the primer paint and apply according to the manufacturer’s application
instructions. Obtain a smooth uniform coating with a minimum dry film thick-
ness of 5 mils without film cracking, sagging, or loss of adhesion.
710. Methods of Application
710. General
1 Apply the Aluminum Epoxy Mastic paint by spray, brush, and /or roller ap-
plication as specified herein. Do not apply the Aluminum Epoxy Mastic paint
by spray if the structure is over existing traffic or in an urban area. Apply
Aluminum Epoxy Mastic paint to structures over existing traffic or in urban
areas by brushes and/or rollers unless an alternate method is approved by
the BCE. However, spray application may be used any time the structure is
within a closed containment system.
710. Brush and/or Roller Application
1 Apply a minimum of two coats, with each obtaining a required minimum dry
film thickness of 5 mils, when utilizing brush and /or roller application. Use
brushes and rollers of such quality that foreign materials are not deposited in
the paint film. Only use solvents approved by the paint manufacturer.
710. Spray Application
1 Use spray equipment suitable for the intended purpose. Control painting by
appropriate pressure regulators and gauges. Use air caps, nozzles, and nee-
dles recommended by the manufacturer of the paint being sprayed. Adjust
the pressure on the paint in the pot and the air at the gun when necessary for
changes in elevation of the gun above the pot.
2 Maintain the spray equipment in satisfactory condition to permit proper ap-
plication. Keep the spray equipment sufficiently clean so that dirt, dried paint,
and other foreign materials are not deposited in the paint film. Completely
remove cleaning solvents left in the equipment before applying paint to the
steel surface. Only use solvents approved by the paint manufacturer.
710.4.2 Field Painting
710.4.2.1 New Superstructure Steel
710. General
1 Immediately prior to the application of any specified intermediate coat or
finish coat of paint, clean steel surfaces of all rust, dirt, inorganic zinc primer
dry spray, grout and/or concrete spillage, or any other contaminants present
on the surface in accordance with the paint manufacturer’s written instructions
unless otherwise approved by the BCE. Do not allow that the maximum time
between application of the intermediate coat of paint and the finish coat of
paint to exceed 30 calendar days. Apply field coats of paint only when the
surrounding air, the steel surface, and the paint temperatures are above 40ºF.
Do not apply paint on damp surfaces. Do not apply paint when the air is misty

710. 710.

or, in the opinion of the BCE, is otherwise unsatisfactory for work. Do not ap-
ply paint when the surface temperature is less than 5ºF above the dew point.
710. Surface Preparation
1 Clean surface areas and all high strength bolts, washers, and nuts (except
galvanized bolts, washers, and nuts) as described in Subsection 710.
using wire brushes or other suitable tools of all objectionable material as listed
above to the satisfaction of the BCE. Clean galvanized bolts, washers, and
nuts of all oil, lubricant, dirt, or objectionable material using a solvent that is
recommended by the paint manufacturer and approved by the OMR. In addi-
tion to the specified cleaning and just prior to the application of the intermedi-
ate coat of paint, pressure wash (1500 psi minimum water pressure) all sur-
face areas of the structural steel and all high strength bolts, washers, and
nuts (plain or galvanized), and then, immediately blow dry with oil free and
moisture free compressed air.
710. Field Touch-up Coat
1 Apply a field touch-up coat of paint to all surface areas of structural steel
with damaged primer paint and/or deficient (thin dry film thickness) primer
paint. Immediately after field cleaning as specified above and before any
rusting occurs (within 8 hours), apply a touch-up coat (5 mils minimum dry film
thickness) of approved Aluminum Epoxy Mastic paint produced by the same
manufacturer as the Inorganic Zinc Silicate primer to the above noted steel
2 Allow the Inorganic Zinc Silicate primer paint to cure a minimum of 60 cal-
endar days (no maximum) before application of the touch-up coat of paint.
Allow the touch-up coat of Aluminum Epoxy Mastic paint to cure as recom-
mended by the paint manufacturer before application of the intermediate coat
of paint.
710. Field Coats
710. Paint System NS1
1 Apply field coats of paint to all new structural steel including all grades of
weathering steel in Paint Zone A as specified in Subsection 710.2.7.1.
710. Paint System NS2
1 Apply field coats of paint to all structural steel including all grades of weath-
ering steel in Paint Zone B as specified in Subsection 710.2.7.2 unless noted
otherwise in the Plans.
710. Contractor Proposed Plan
1 The Contractor may elect to apply the specified field coats of paint before
casting the concrete bridge deck provided the following conditions are satis-
A. The proposed plan (including site location and applicator) for apply-
ing the required field coats of paint is submitted to the BCE for re-
view and approval a minimum of 30 calendar days prior to beginning

710. 710.

the painting work.

B. The contact surfaces (including surfaces in contact with the nuts and
bolt heads) of all bolted or welded steelwork is masked and does not
receive the specified field coats of paint until after all steelwork is to-
tally erected and all bolted or weld connections are complete.
C. Any required cleaning and touch-up of the primer coat of paint is per-
formed as noted in Subsections 710. and 710. before
applying any specified field coat of paint, and the Inorganic Zinc Sili-
cate primer paint’s cure time is a minimum of 60 calendar days be-
fore application of any specified field coat of paint.
D. Any damage to the painted steelwork is corrected before the final in-
spection of the project.
E. The painted steelwork is pressure washed (1200 psi maximum)
within 6 hours after casting the deck to remove any drippings or runs
of concrete from the painted steelwork. Any objectionable material
on the steelwork not removed by pressure washing is removed to the
satisfaction of the RCE by other suitable means recommended by
the paint manufacturer.
F. Special handling procedures are furnished for proposed handling,
transporting, and placing the structural steel to minimize damage to
the painted steelwork. The paint manufacturer’s data is furnished
with the minimum time before handling steelwork after paint has
been applied on the steel surface.
G. The specified finish coat of field paint cures a minimum of 2 weeks
prior to casting the deck concrete.
710. Application of Paint
710. General
1 Allow the Inorganic Zinc Silicate primer paint applied as specified in
Subsection 710.4.1 to cure a minimum of 60 calendar days (no maximum)
before application of either intermediate coat of paint.
710. High Build Aliphatic Polyurethane Paint
1 Apply a single finish coat of High Build Aliphatic Polyurethane paint on
steelwork that has been coated with the intermediate coat of Aluminum Epoxy
Mastic paint. Make required touch-up of thin areas of the applied coating
within 48 hours after application of the paint. Allow a cure time as recom-
mended by the paint manufacturer between the application of the Aluminum
Epoxy Mastic paint and the finish coat of High Build Aliphatic Polyurethane
710. Acrylic Paint
1 Apply a single finish coat of the Acrylic paint to steelwork which has been
coated with the intermediate coat of Acrylic paint as specified in Subsection
710.2.7.2. Allow a cure time between the intermediate coat and the finish
coat of Acrylic paint as recommended by the paint manufacturer unless ap-

710. 710.

proved otherwise by the BCE.

710. Thickness Requirements
1 Apply paint coat with a minimum dry film thickness as specified in
Subsection 710.2.7.2. Apply a smooth uniform coating without film cracking,
sagging, or loss of adhesion.
710. Methods of Application
710. Brush and/or Roller Application
1 Use brushes and rollers that are of such quality that foreign materials are
not deposited in the paint film. Apply a minimum of two coats of Aluminum
Epoxy Mastic paint with each obtaining a required dry film thickness of 5 mils
when utilizing the brush and/or roller method of application. For all other ap-
plied coatings, apply with brush and/or roller application as specified by the
paint manufacturer.
710. Spray Application
1 Use equipment suitable for the intended purpose. Control painting by ap-
propriate pressure regulators and gauges. Use air caps, nozzles, and nee-
dles recommended by the manufacturer of the paint being sprayed. Adjust
the pressure on the paint in the pot and the air at the gun when necessary for
changes in elevation of the gun above the pot.
2 Maintain the spray equipment in satisfactory condition to permit proper ap-
plication. Keep the spray equipment sufficiently clean so that dirt, dried paint,
and other foreign materials are not deposited in the paint film. Completely
remove solvents left in the equipment before applying paint to the steel sur-
face. Use only solvents approved by the manufacturer.
710. Aluminum Epoxy Mastic Paint
1 The Aluminum Epoxy Mastic paint may be applied by spray, brush and/or
roller application, except if structure is over existing traffic or in an urban area,
in which case, apply paint by brushes and/or rollers unless an alternate
method is approved by the BCE. Spray application may be used any time the
structure is within a closed containment system.
710. High Build Aliphatic Polyurethane Paint
1 Apply High Build Aliphatic Polyurethane paint by spray application unless
approved otherwise by the BCE. If the structure is over existing traffic or in an
urban area, use a closed containment system unless otherwise permitted by
the BCE.
710. Acrylic Paint
1 Apply the intermediate coat of Acrylic paint by spray application. If the
structure is over existing traffic or in an urban area, use a closed containment
system unless otherwise permitted by the BCE.
2 Apply the finish coat of Acrylic paint by either spray, brush and/or roller ap-

710.4.2.2 710.

plication, except if structure is over existing traffic or in an urban area, in

which case, apply paint by brushes and/or rollers unless an alternate method
is approved by the BCE. Spray application may be used any time the struc-
ture is within a closed containment system.
710.4.2.2 New Steel H-Bearing Piling and Sway Braces
710. General
1 Steel piling that is entirely below ground need not be painted. Paint ex-
posed portions of steel piling from the bottom of bent cap down to an eleva-
tion 1 foot below the 100-year scour line as shown on the Plans. When the
100-year scour line is not shown on the Plans, paint the piling to a depth of 5
feet below the ground line or streambed elevation whichever depth is greater.
Paint exposed steel angle sway bracing welded to steel piles. Paint piles
driven through water either before driving or before the portion of the pile on
which paint is required reaches the water level.
710. Surface Preparation
1 Clean the portions of the piles and sway braces that require paint with wire
brushes or other suitable tools to remove all rust, dirt, oil, grease, concrete
spillage, and other objectionable materials to the satisfaction of the RCE.
710. Field Coats
1 Paint the portions of the piles and sway braces that require paint in accor-
dance with Paint System NS3 as specified in Subsection 710.2.7.3.
710. Application of Paint
1 Apply Aluminum Epoxy Mastic primer within 12 hours after cleaning and
before any rusting occurs. Apply paint in accordance with the paint manufac-
turer’s written recommendations using people skilled in this type of work.
2 Touch-up of thin areas of the applied Aluminum Epoxy Mastic primer coat
within 72 hours after application of paint. Allow a cure time between the ap-
plication of the Aluminum Epoxy Mastic primer and the Aluminum Epoxy Mas-
tic finish as recommended by the paint manufacturer. Do not allow the maxi-
mum time between the application of the Aluminum Epoxy Mastic primer and
the Aluminum Epoxy Mastic finish coat to exceed 30 calendar days.
710. Thickness Requirements
1 Mix and apply the intermediate coat and finish coat of paint according to the
paint manufacturer’s application instructions. Ensure that the applied coat
obtains a minimum dry film thickness as specified in Subsection 710.2.7.3.
Apply a smooth uniform coating without film cracking, sagging, or loss of ad-

710. 710.

710. Methods of Application
1 Apply the Aluminum Epoxy Mastic paint by either spray, brush and/or roller
application in accordance with Subsection 710.
710.4.2.3 Existing Structural Steel
710. Surface Preparation
1 Prior to the application of the intermediate coat and finish coat of paint,
clean surface areas of dirt, oil, grease, rust, grout, concrete spillage, and
other contaminants present on the coated surface in accordance with the
paint manufacturer’s written instructions unless approved otherwise by the
710. Field Touch-up Coat
1 Re-coat surface areas that have been damaged by the cleaning operation
and surface areas deficient in primer dry film thickness in accordance with
Subsection 710.
710. Field Coats
Paint all structural steel as specified in Subsection 710.2.7.
710. Application of Paint
710. Aluminum Epoxy Mastic Paint
1 Cure Aluminum Epoxy Mastic primer paint as recommended by the paint
manufacturer before the application of the intermediate coat of Aluminum Ep-
oxy Mastic paint. Do not allow the maximum time between the application of
the Aluminum Epoxy Mastic primer and the Aluminum Epoxy Mastic finish
coat to exceed 30 calendar days.
710. High Build Aliphatic Polyurethane Paint
1 Touch-up thin areas of the applied coating within 48 hours after application
of the paint. Ensure that the cure time between the application of the Alumi-
num Epoxy Mastic Paint and the finish coat of High Build Aliphatic Polyure-
thane is as recommended by the paint manufacturer. Do not allow the maxi-
mum time between the application of the Aluminum Epoxy Mastic Paint and
the finish coat of High Build Aliphatic Polyurethane to exceed 30 calendar
710. Thickness Requirements
1 Mix and apply the intermediate coat and finish coat of paint according to the
manufacturer’s application instructions. Ensure that the applied coat has a
minimum dry film thickness as specified in Subsection 710.2.7. Ensure that
a smooth uniform coating is applied without any film cracking, sagging, or loss
of adhesion.

710. 710.6

710. Methods of Application
710. Aluminum Epoxy Mastic Paint
1 Apply the Aluminum Epoxy Mastic paint either by spray, brush, and/or roller
application as specified in Subsection 710.
710. High Build Aliphatic Polyurethane Paint
1 Apply the High Build Aliphatic Polyurethane Paint by spray application as
specified in Subsection 710.
710.4.3 Measurement of Dry Film Paint Thickness
1 Perform measurement of dry film paint thickness in accordance with the
SSPC PA-2, Paint Application Specification No. 2 unless specified otherwise
by the BCE.
710.5 Measurement
1 Painting of new structural steel is not measured for direct payment, and is
considered included in the various items of construction on which paint is ap-
2 The quantity for the pay item Cleaning and Painting Existing Structural
Steel is measured for payment as a lump sum (LS) unit; therefore, no specific
measurement is made.
710.6 Payment
1 The work and materials required, described, and specified in the cleaning
and painting of new structural steel in accordance with these specifications,
the Plans, the Special Provisions, or as directed is not paid for directly, and is
considered as part of the work pertaining to the various items of construction
on which paint is applied, and the cost is included in the contract bid price for
each such item.
2 Include all costs of materials, labor, equipment, tools, supplies, transporta-
tion, and incidentals necessary to clean and paint the sway braces and steel
piling in accordance with these specifications in the contract unit bid price for
the item Steel H-Bearing Piling, as specified in Subsection 711.6.
3 Payment for Cleaning and Painting Existing Structural Steel is determined
using the contract lump sum bid price for the pay item. Payment is full com-
pensation for cleaning and painting existing structural steel in accordance with
these specifications, the Plans and/or the Special Provisions or as directed
and includes surface preparation; furnishing and applying paint systems of
the color, type, and thickness specified; scaffolding, platforms, and falsework;
brushes, rollers, sprayers, and other painting equipment; cleaning up and dis-
posing of paint materials; protection of people and property; safety equipment;
and all other materials, labor, equipment, tools, supplies, transportation, and
incidentals necessary to fulfill the requirements of the pay item in accordance
with the Plans, the Specifications, and other terms of the Contract.
4 Payment for each item includes all direct and indirect costs and expenses

710.6 710.6

required to complete the work.
5 Pay items under this section include the following:

Item No. Pay Item Unit

7101000 Cleaning and Painting Existing Structural Steel LS

710100X Cleaning and Painting Existing Structural Steel LS

- Bridge #X

711.1 711.2.1.4



711.1 Description
1 This section contains specifications for materials, equipment, construction,
measurement, and payment for furnishing and installing prestressed concrete
piling, steel H-piling, steel pipe piling, and treated timber piling of the kind,
dimensions, at the locations, and to the bearing values, lines and elevations
shown in the Plans or as directed by the BCE, RCE, or BDGE, and in confor-
mance with the Plans and the Special Provisions.
This section supplements Section 704 for the manufacture and handling of
prestressed concrete piling. Prestressed pilings are those made using high
ultimate strength reinforcement and are subjected to a prestressing force to
place the concrete in compression.
3 Ensure that the steel pile points for prestressed concrete piling meet the
requirements for steel piling, except for payment.
711.2 Materials
711.2.1 Prestressed Concrete Piling
711.2.1.1 Concrete
1 Unless otherwise specified, use Class 5000 concrete to produce
prestressed concrete. Ensure that materials, equipment, construction meth-
ods, etc conform to the applicable requirements of Sections 701, 702, 703,
and 704 unless otherwise specified in this section.
711.2.1.2 Formwork
1 Ensure that forms for concrete piling conform to the general requirements
for concrete formwork as provided in Sections 702 and 704.
711.2.1.3 Reinforcement
1 Unless otherwise shown on the Plans, provide steel reinforcement consist-
ing of longitudinal bars or strands in combination with spiral reinforcement in
the form. Use reinforcement meeting the requirements of Section 703 or
Section 704, whichever is applicable. Ensure that the reinforcing system is
rigidly wired or fastened and held to true position in the forms by means of
approved devices. Install splices in reinforcing steel as detailed on the Plans
or approved in writing by the BCE.
711.2.1.4 Casting
1 Cast piling in a horizontal position. Vibrate and tamp the concrete around
the reinforcement, especially at the pile head, and avoid the formation of
stone pockets, honeycomb, or other such defects that may require rejection of
the piling. During the placing of the concrete, the forms may be vibrated with
a hammer or wooden maul. Place concrete continuously in each pile and

711.2.1.5 711.2.3.1

carefully spade, vibrate with an approved type of internal vibrator, and tamp.
Avoid horizontal or diagonal cleavage planes. Properly embed the reinforce-
ment in the concrete. Overfill the form, screed off the surplus concrete after a
suitable period of time, and finish the top surface to a uniform, even texture
similar to that produced by the forms.
711.2.1.5 Curing and Pointing
1 Cure prestressed concrete piling in accordance with the provisions of
Section 704. When concrete has cured sufficiently, remove the side forms
and carefully inspect the piling. Point cavities and irregularities with 1:2 mor-
tar. After removing the side forms, the curing blankets may be turned back for
a short time at the immediate location of pointing work. Conduct the work to
keep this interference with the curing to a minimum. Prestressed piling may
be transported and driven after the concrete is at least 3 days old and has
attained the minimum design compressive strength.
711.2.1.6 Surface Finish
1 Provide a surface finish for prestressed piling in accordance with the provi-
sions of Section 702 that govern the surface finish of concrete.
711.2.1.7 Prestressed Concrete Piling in Tidal Water
1 Construct piling for use in tidal water as provided for in this specification,
except as otherwise specified in Subsection 702.4.2.7.
711.2.2 Steel Piling
711.2.2.1 Structural Steel H-Piling and Steel Pipe Piling
1 Provide structural steel H-piling conforming to the requirements of AASHTO
M 160 (ASTM A 6) and AASHTO M 270 (ASTM A 709), Grade 36 unless oth-
erwise noted on the Plans. Provide steel pipe conforming to the requirements
of ASTM A 252, Grade 2 either seamless or spiral welded. Ensure that
chemical properties conform to the requirements of ASTM A 53, Grade B.
711.2.2.2 Concrete for Pipe Pile Anchors
1 Unless otherwise specified on the Plans or in the Special Provisions, use
Class 5000 concrete for pile anchors for steel pipe piling.
711.2.2.3 Reinforcing Steel
1 Use reinforcing steel for pipe pile anchors conforming to the requirements
of Section 703.
711.2.3 Timber Piling
711.2.3.1 General
1 Unless otherwise specified on the Plans or in the Special Provisions, use
treated timber for timber piling.

711.2.3.2 711.2.5.1

711.2.3.2 Timber
1 Use treated Southern Yellow Pine conforming to the requirements of
Section 706, unless otherwise specified.
711.2.3.3 Preservative Treatment
Treat timber piling for preservation in accordance with Section 707. Dual
treatment of marine piling is not required unless specified on the Plans or in
the Special Provisions.
711.2.4 Length of Piling
711.2.4.1 Length of Prestressed Concrete Piling
1 Cast concrete piling to the length specified on the Plans or in the Special
Provisions except in cases where index piling or load test piling is required. In
such cases, the BCE will determine piling length after evaluating the data
from the index piles and any required load tests. Any piling ordered before
the piling length is determined by the BCE is the sole responsibility of the
Contractor. For piling with pile points, ensure that the correct length of the
concrete portion and steel portion of the piling is ordered. The BCE reserves
the right to vary the casting length if, in the opinion of the BCE, the driving
conditions warrant such change.
711.2.4.2 Length of Steel Piling
1 The lengths of steel piling shown on the Plans are approximate and are
used solely for the comparison of bids.
2 When index piling is specified, the BCE will determine piling length after
evaluating the data from the index piles and any required load tests. Any pil-
ing ordered before the piling length is determined by the BCE is the sole re-
sponsibility of the Contractor.
3 Provide length of steel piling utilized as prestressed pile points as shown on
the Plans or as directed by the BCE.
711.2.4.3 Length of Timber Piling
1 The lengths of timber piling shown on the Plans are approximate and are
used solely for comparison of bids. For treated piling, submit the length thus
determined, together with any other data used in determining such length, to
the BCE for review before such piling is ordered. Do not construe such re-
view in any way as relief of the responsibility for obtaining piling of proper
2 Use full-length piling. Do not splice timber piling. Retain possession of pile
cut-offs and dispose of cut-offs away from the site.
711.2.5 Transporting, Storage, and Handling of Piling
711.2.5.1 Concrete Piling
1 Use only methods of transporting, storing, and handling concrete piling that
eliminates the danger of cracking. Lift concrete piling by suitable devices at-

711.2.5.2 711.3.2

tached to the pile at sufficient points to prevent cracking. Avoid damage to

the surface of the pile. Reject all piling that is cracked or broken unless a re-
pair procedure is approved in writing by the BCE, and the procedure is com-
pleted to the satisfaction of the RCE.
711.2.5.2 Steel Piling
1 Ensure that the method of transporting, storage, and handling steel piling is
such as to avoid injury to the piling. Store piling material on skids above the
ground. Keep material clean and properly drained. Support long members
on skids spaced near enough together to prevent injury from deflection.
2 For steel H-piling, one handling hole, 1½ inches in diameter, may be placed
in the web of the pile at either or both ends. For steel pipe piling, two han-
dling holes, 1½ inches in diameter, may be placed in the wall at one end.
711.2.5.3 Timber Piling
1 Ensure that the method of transporting, storage, and handling timber piling
avoids injury to the piling. Avoid breaking the surface of treated piling. Do not
use cant-dogs, hooks, or pike-poles for handling piling. Field treat unavoid-
able cuts or breaks made in the surface of treated piling in accordance with
AWPA M4, which requires that the repair material be the same as the original
treatment or may be copper naphtenate regardless of original treatment.
2 Store piling to be air-seasoned by segregating according to size and length,
and each layer separated by 2-inch strips so that there is an air space of 2
inches or more underneath and between each layer. Reverse the ends of
piling in alternate layers in order to keep the stack level. Leave alleys at least
3 feet wide between rows of stacks. Keep the space under and between the
stacks free at all times of rotting wood, weeds, or rubbish. Ensure that the
yard is drained so that no water will stand under the stacks or in their immedi-
ate vicinity.
711.3 Equipment
711.3.1 Pile Hammers for Prestressed Concrete and Steel Piling
1 Drive prestressed concrete and steel piling by means of a single acting air,
steam or diesel hammer or double acting diesel hammer. Hydraulic hammers
may be used if authorized in writing by the BCE. Maintain hammers in good
operating condition and operate at the manufacturer's rated number of blows
per minute when driving piling. Fit the hammer with an anvil base or bonnet
that is built especially for holding the pile under the center of the hammer dur-
ing the entire driving operation.
711.3.2 Pile Hammers for Timber Piling
1 Drive timber piling by means of a gravity, single-acting air, steam, diesel
hammer or double-acting diesel hammer.

711.3.2 711.3.5

2 Use gravity hammers weighing neither less than 2000 pounds nor more
than 2800 pounds. Regulate the fall of the hammer to avoid injury to the pile.
Do not allow fall to exceed 14 feet for 2000-pound hammers or 10 feet for
2800-pound hammers. Proportionally adjust the maximum permissible fall for
hammer weights between 2000 and 2800 pounds.
3 Use steam, air, or diesel hammers that develop an energy per blow at each
full stroke of the piston of not less than 7200 foot-pounds nor more than
16,000 foot-pounds or sized as determined in Subsection 711.4.2.3. The
BCE reserves the right to reduce the maximum size of hammer where hard
material is encountered that will likely cause injury of the pile. Maintain ham-
mers in good operating condition and operate at the manufacturer's rated
number of blows per minute when driving piling. Fit the hammer with an anvil
base or bonnet that is built especially for holding the pile under the center of
the hammer during the entire driving operation.
711.3.3 Hammer Cushions
1 Use pile-driving equipment with a suitable thickness of hammer cushion
material to prevent damage to the hammer or pile and to ensure uniform driv-
ing behavior. Use hammer cushions made of durable manufactured materi-
als, provided in accordance with the hammer manufacturer's guidelines. Do
not use wood, wire rope, and asbestos hammer cushions. Place a striker
plate as recommended by the hammer manufacturer on the hammer cushion
to ensure uniform compression of the cushion material. Inspect the hammer
cushion in the presence of the RCE when beginning pile driving and after
each 100 hours of pile driving. When the reduction in thickness of hammer
cushion exceeds 25% of the original thickness, replace the hammer cushion
before driving is continued.
711.3.4 Pile Cushions for Prestressed Concrete Piling
1 Protect the head of concrete piling by a pile cushion made of plywood. Use
a minimum plywood thickness placed on the pile heads prior to driving of not
less than 4 inches. Provide a new pile cushion for each pile. Replace the pile
cushion if during the driving of any pile the cushion either is compressed more
than 1/2 of the original thickness or begins to burn. Ensure that the pile cush-
ion dimensions match the cross-sectional area of the pile head.
711.3.5 Caps and Collars for Timber Piling
1 Drive timber piling with the aid of a metal casting that securely holds the
pile in position during driving and distributes the load on the head of the pile to
prevent splitting or brooming.
2 For treated timber piling, use a flexible and adjustable metal collar, ac-
cepted by the BCE, tightly strapped around the head of the pile below the cap
casting to further prevent splitting of the pile during driving.

711.3.6 711.3.8

711.3.6 Leads
1 Use pile driver leads for driving piling that afford freedom of movement of
the hammer. Support leads at sufficient points to maintain position and pro-
vides support of the pile during driving. Ensure that the vertical axis of the
leads and hammer coincide with the vertical axis of the pile.
2 Except where piling is driven through water, use leads of sufficient length
that make the use of a follower unnecessary.
711.3.7 Templates
1 Provide an adequately fixed template to maintain the pile in proper position
and alignment during driving with swinging leads or with semi-fixed leads.
Provide detailed drawings of templates for review and acceptance as part of
the Pile Installation Plan in accordance with Subsection 711.4.1.
2 For piles on land, locate the template within 5 feet of cut-off or within 5 feet
of ground line whichever is lower, except as otherwise indicated in this sub-
section or approved by the BCE. For piles in water, locate the template within
5 feet of cut-off or within 5 feet of the waterline whichever is lower. Do not
use floating templates attached to a barge. Where practical, place the tem-
plate so that the pile can be driven to cut-off elevation before the template is
3 When driving piles in water with a follower using floating equipment, pro-
vide a double template, or other approved equipment to maintain alignment of
the hammer, follower, and pile. Provide a double template consisting of a pile
template within 5 feet of cut-off elevation and a second upper support above
the water surface for the leads. Ensure that the individual pile positions of the
second upper template are adjustable in size to serve as a guide for both the
pile and follower. Where practical, place the template so that the pile can be
driven to the cut-off elevation before the template is removed. Ensure that
templates do not restrict the vertical movement of the pile.
4 For piling driven on land at interior bents, use a double template consisting
of a lower template within 2 feet of the ground and an upper template a mini-
mum of 8 feet above the lower template. For double templates on land, pro-
vide a minimum of 4 spuds, one on each of the 4 corners. Place additional
spuds, if deemed necessary in the opinion of the RCE and/or BCE in order to
keep the pile within the plan alignment tolerances.
5 If at any time during pile installation, the template does not maintain the pile
alignment within the specified alignment tolerances, resubmit revised tem-
plate details to the RCE and BCE for review and acceptance. Include in the
revised template details such items as the change in the size, length, and
number of spuds that help maintain the template in the desired location.
1 Unless specifically allowed on the Plans, in the Special Provisions, or ap-
proved in writing by the BCE, do not use followers in the driving of piling, ex-

711.3.8 711.4.1

cept when pile placement is required through water. Do not use followers
during driving of index or test piling unless approved in writing by the BCE. If
the use of a follower is desired, make the hammer selection with considera-
tion that a follower can greatly reduce the energy transferred to the pile. Any
hammer and follower combination must be capable of driving the piling to the
required tip elevations and ultimate bearing values, without damaging the
2 Include details of any proposed follower in the information provided to the
Department so that the proposed follower can be modeled into the pile analy-
711.3.9 Water Jets
1 Do not use water jets unless approved by the BCE or specified in the Spe-
cial Provisions or on the Plans. If approved, ensure that the number of jets
and the volume and pressure of water at the jet nozzles are sufficient to freely
erode the material adjacent to the pile. Ensure that the pump has sufficient
capacity to deliver at least 100psi pressure at 2 jet nozzles of ¾-inch diameter
at all times. Before the desired penetration is reached, withdraw the jets and
drive the piling with a hammer to secure the final penetration and bearing.
711.4 Construction
711.4.1 Pile Installation Plan
1 Within 30 calendar days of award of Contract or no later than 30 days be-
fore driving the first pile, submit a Pile Installation Plan to the BDGE, with a
copy to the BCE, and the RCE. Include in this plan the following detailed in-
• List and size of proposed equipment including cranes, driving
equipment, jetting equipment, compressors and predrilling equip-
ment, including manufacturer’s data sheets on hammers.
• Pile and Driving Equipment Data form.
• Methods to determine hammer energy or stroke in the field for de-
termination of pile capacity. Include in the submittal, the necessary
charts, and recent calibrations for any pressure measuring equip-
ment, as well as the method for monitoring pile advancement.
• Detailed drawings of any proposed followers.
• Detailed drawings of templates. As a minimum include an elevation
view and either a plan view or end view. Also, include the spud loca-
tions and the dimensions of the openings for the production piles.
• Details of proposed load test equipment and procedures including
recent calibrations of jacks and required load cells. See Pile Load
Test specifications for additional requirements.
• Sequence of driving footing piles for each different configuration of
pile layout.
• Proposed schedule for index pile program and production pile driv-

711.4.1 711.4.1

• Details of proposed items and procedures used to protect the integ-
rity of existing structures.
• Required Shop Plans for piles, cofferdams, etc.
• Methods and equipment proposed to prevent displacement of piles
during placement and compaction of fill, including MSE Wall backfill
placement, within 15 feet of the piles. Include detailed procedures
with sketches for maintaining the piling within the plan alignment.
• Other information required by the Plans or Special Provisions or oth-
erwise requested by the Department.
2 The Pile Installation Plan will be evaluated for conformance with the Plans
and the Special Provisions. Within 21 days after receipt of the plan, the Con-
tractor will be notified of plan acceptance or any additional information re-
quired and/or changes that may be necessary to meet the Plans and specifi-
cations requirements. If any part of the plan is found to be unacceptable,
agree upon changes and resubmit changes for re-evaluation. The Contractor
will be notified within 7 days after receipt of proposed changes of their accep-
tance or rejection. All accepted plans are subject to trial and satisfactory per-
formance in the field. Make any required changes that may result from unsat-
isfactory field performance. Do not make changes in the driving system after
the final acceptance without the written consent of the BCE.
3 No extension of contract time will be granted for delays due to failure of the
Contractor to observe these time requirements. Any claim by the Contractor
for the delay based on the Department’s failure to comply with the 21-day or
7-day requirements will be limited to an extension of contract time as the only
possible compensation. The Department will evaluate only one pile driving
system at a time for each pile type. It is strongly advised to submit only the
pile driving system intended for use for each pile type. If more than one sys-
tem is submitted per pile type, delays in acceptance of the plan should be ex-
pected and no additional compensation or extension of contract time will be
4 The criteria, which will be used to evaluate the driving equipment from the
wave equation results, will consist of both the required number of blows per
foot and the pile stresses throughout the entire driving process. The required
number of hammer blows indicated by the wave equation or dynamic pile
analyzer (PDA) at the ultimate pile resistance must be between 36 and 180
per foot for the driving equipment to be acceptable. In addition, for the driving
equipment to be acceptable, the compressive stress in the pile due to driving
as indicated by the wave equation or dynamic pile analyzer (PDA) must not
exceed the allowable installation stresses as indicated in Subsection
711.4.7. When PDA testing is performed, perform the testing in accordance
with ASTM D 4945.
5 Acceptance of the pile driving equipment does not relieve the Contractor of
the responsibility to properly install the piling. The hammer acceptance and
driving criteria will be based on commonly accepted hammer efficiencies,

711.4.2 711.4.3

component properties, and soil parameters. Local soil conditions and the ac-
tual driving system will affect the driving. If in the opinion of the BCE, the ac-
cepted driving system fails to perform satisfactorily during actual driving, the
Department reserves the right to revise the driving criteria.
711.4.2 Allowable Installation Stresses in Piling
711.4.2.1 Prestressed Concrete Piling
1 Do not allow the tensile stresses in the concrete pile to exceed 3 multiplied
by the square root of the concrete compressive strength (f'c in psi) plus the
effective prestress value shown as follows:
Tensile Stresses < 3 x SQRT(f'c) + prestress
2 Do not allow the compressive stress to exceed 85% of the compressive
strength of the concrete minus the effective prestress shown as follows:
Compressive Stress < 0.85f'c – prestress
3 Determine the stresses by Wave Equation Analysis or Dynamic Pile Ana-
lyzer (ASTM D 4945), whichever is appropriate.
711.4.2.2 Steel Piling
1 Do not allow the compressive stresses in the steel pile due to driving to
exceed 90% of the yield stress. Determine stresses by Wave Equation
Analysis or Dynamic Pile Analyzer (ASTM D 4945), whichever is appropriate.
711.4.2.3 Timber Piling
1 Do not allow the compressive stress in the timber pile due to driving as in-
dicated by the Wave Equation Analysis or Dynamic Pile Analyzer (ASTM D
4945), to exceed three times the Allowable Unit Working Stress Compression
Parallel to Grain for Normal Duration of Loading - σa. For Southern Pine, σa
is 1200 psi, which then computes to a maximum driving stress of 3600 psi.
711.4.3 Index Piling
1 When index piling is required, drive index piling of the type specified and of
the length stipulated at the location designated in the Plans, subject to the
approval of the BCE. Drive index piling to practical refusal as defined in
Subsection 711.4.6. Incorporate index piling into the final structure unless
otherwise directed by the BCE. Unless otherwise approved in writing by the
BCE, drive index piling with the same equipment used in driving the produc-
tion piling. Provide driving data to the BDGE for determining the proper
length of production piling. Do not use a follower for driving index piles unless
approved in writing by the BCE. Drive index piling as soon as practical to
minimize delay in determining length of production piling. The estimated pro-
duction pile lengths shown on the Plans are for bid estimation purposes only.
Unless approved in writing by the BCE, do not order production piling until all
index piling have been driven, the data evaluated, and the piling length ap-
proved by the BCE. The Contractor will be notified by the BCE of the ap-
proved pile lengths within 7 working days after receipt of the Index Pile and/or
Load Test data. Any claim by the Contractor for delay based on the Depart-

711.4.3 711.4.5.3

ment’s failure to comply with the 7 working day requirement is limited to an

extension of contract time as the only possible compensation.
2 The Department reserves the rights to add, delete, or shift index piling. Any
additional index piling will be paid for at the unit price bid for the specified in-
dex piling. The Department also reserves the right to revise the length of any
additional index piling after evaluating driving records from earlier index piling.
711.4.4 Pile Load Test
1 In special cases, it will be desirable to load test certain piling in order to
determine the relationship between the driving resistance of the pile and the
actual load bearing capacity of the driven pile as determined by actual test
loading of the pile, taking into consideration the assumed safety factor of the
pile. In this case, the Plans and the Special Provisions will outline the work to
be done and the method of payment for the portion of work to be done.
711.4.5 Driving of Piling
711.4.5.1 Preparation for Driving
1 Do not drive piling until after the excavation is complete.
711.4.5.2 Methods of Driving
1 Drive piling in accordance with an accepted Pile Installation Plan as speci-
fied in Subsection 711.4.1 and with equipment meeting the requirements of
Subsection 711.3.
2 Do not pre-drill for piling, except where specifically noted in the Plans or
approved in writing by the BCE. When pre-drilled holes are allowed, drive the
piling by the hammer to its final position and to the required ultimate bearing.
If pre-drilled holes are larger than the pile, backfill the space between the pile
and the pre-drilled hole with sand, pea-gravel, or an approved material and
tamp in an approved manner.
3 Do not use spudding to facilitate pile installation unless specifically ap-
proved in writing by the BCE.
4 Build-up prestressed concrete piling driven below grade where necessary
as shown in the Plans or directed by the RCE and/or BCE and in accordance
with Subsection 711.4.9.
Splice steel piling driven below grade in accordance with Subsection
6 Remove any material forced up between the piling to the correct elevation
before concrete for the foundation is placed.
711.4.5.3 Allowable Variation in Driving
1 Drive piling with a variation of not more than ¼ inch per foot from the verti-
cal or from the batter indicated and a maximum pile head variation of not
more than 3 inches from the position shown on the Plans. Drive piling with
the head in the proper location without inducing excessive stresses in the pil-

711.4.5.3 711.4.7

2 When approved by the BCE, withdraw piling not within the maximum toler-
ances stated above, and re-drive within such tolerances, or replace by an ad-
ditional pile without compensation. If impracticable to replace, piling not
within the above tolerances will be subject to an appropriate reduction in
payment for unsatisfactory workmanship.
3 Drive piling such that the cap may be placed in its proper location without
inducing objectionable stresses in the piling in the opinion of the RCE. Do not
apply lateral pressure to any pile during installation or to the pile after installa-
711.4.6 Minimum Penetration
1 Drive piling to a minimum penetration equal to 10 feet excluding any
prestressed pile point, the minimum tip elevation shown in the Plans, or the
depth at which the required ultimate bearing has been achieved, whichever is
greater unless directed otherwise by the BCE. Do not consider penetration
through fill material as acceptable penetration.
2 If the required ultimate bearing value, the minimum tip elevation, and the
minimum penetration are obtained before the top of pile is to grade, continue
driving prestressed concrete piles and steel piles for 2 feet or until the pile
reaches grade, whichever is less.
3 To avoid cutting off a prestressed pile, the Contractor may elect, at his/her
risk, to continue driving the pile until it reaches the required elevation.
4 After the minimum penetration and minimum bearing value requirements
have been obtained and if the RCE so directs and the length of pile in the
leads will permit, continue driving timber piling to 125% of the minimum bear-
ing specified where a gravity hammer is used and to 150% where a mechani-
cal hammer is used.
5 Immediately stop any extended driving beyond the required ultimate bear-
ing value and minimum penetration as specified above if damage to the pile
occurs or if the RCE determines that further driving would damage the pile.
Also, stop such extended driving if the recommendations on the driving crite-
ria are exceeded or if the pile reaches practical refusal. Practical refusal is
defined as 5 blows in ¼ inch at full stroke or equivalent multiples thereof.
6 If practical refusal or pile damage is encountered before reaching the mini-
mum penetration or the minimum tip elevation, stop pile driving and notify the
711.4.7 Determination of Bearing Values
1 Pile bearing will be determined by the BDGE and/or BCE based on the
wave equation analysis or Dynamic Pile Analyzer Test (ASTM D 4945). If a
pay item for Dynamic Pile Analyzer Test Set-up is provided, then use the Dy-
namic Pile Analyzer. If conditions warrant, the Department reserves the right
to require Dynamic Pile Analyzer Tests even if not provided for in the Plans.

711.4.7.1 711.4.7.3

Unless otherwise specified on the Plans or in the Special Provisions, deter-

mine the allowable pile bearing for timber piles by the Dynamic Formula in
Subsection 711.4.7.3.
711.4.7.1 Wave Equation Analysis
1 Drive piling to the required ultimate bearing shown in the Plans. The actual
ultimate pile bearing obtained during driving will be determined by the De-
partment based on a Wave Equation Analysis.
711.4.7.2 Dynamic Pile Analyzer
1 Drive piling to the required ultimate bearing shown in the Plans as deter-
mined by the Department using the Dynamic Pile Analyzer in accordance with
ASTM D 4945.
2 The Department will utilize a Dynamic Pile Analyzer to monitor the driving
of the index piling and a selected number of production piling, to be deter-
mined by the Department, for determining actual ultimate bearing. Before
placement in the leads, make each designated pile available for wave speed
measurements and for pre-drilling the required instrument attachment holes.
The Department will furnish the equipment, materials, and labor necessary for
the attachment of the instruments. Provide a responsible person to attach the
instruments to the pile after the pile is in the leads. Provide a minimum 4 feet
x 4 feet platform to be raised to the top of the pile while the pile is located in
the leads. Anticipate short delays to allow for the attachment of the dynamic
test instruments. Furnish electrical power for the dynamic test equipment.
Ensure that the power supply at the outlet is 10 amp, 115 volt, 55-60 cycle,
AC only. Equip field generators used as a power source with functioning me-
ters for monitoring voltage and frequency levels.
711.4.7.3 Dynamic Formula
1 Ensure that timber piling has the minimum bearing value required by the
Plans or in the Special Provisions. In the absence of requirements on the
Plans or in the Special Provisions, use a minimum bearing value of 35 tons.
Determine the bearing value by the following formulas based on English units
of measure:
For gravity hammers,
P= 2 WH
S + 1.0

For single acting steam, air, diesel hammers,
P= 2 WH
S + 0.1

For double acting steam hammers,
P = 2 H(W + A x p)
S + 0.1

711.4.7.3 711.4.8

P = Bearing value in pounds.
S = The average penetration in inches per blow for the
last 3 to 10 blows for gravity hammers, and the last
10 or more blows for steam, air or diesel hammers.
W = Weight, in pounds, of falling parts of hammer.
H = Height of fall in feet. Use a fall of 14 feet in testing
the capacity of pile using a gravity hammer
A = Area of piston in square inches.
p = Mean effective steam pressure in pounds per
square inch at the hammer.
2 The above formulas are applicable only when

• Hammer has a free fall,

• Head of the pile is free from broomed or crushed wood fiber,
• Penetration is at a reasonably quick and uniform rate, and
• There is no sensible bounce after the blow.
3 In case water jets are used in connection with the driving, determine the
bearing value by the above formulae from the results after driving the pile
without the aid of jets.
4 Do not use water jets, predrilling, etc. to obtain penetration if considered
unnecessary by the BCE.
5 Replace piling that does not meet all of the requirements of these specifica-
tions with piling that complies with the requirements of these specifications at
no additional compensation.
711.4.8 Restriking Piling
1 The Contractor may be required to restrike a number of index piling or se-
lected production piling after initial driving. If a Dynamic Pile Analyzer is being
utilized, a restrike may be required after the dynamic test instruments are at-
tached. The length of time required between initial driving and restriking will
be determined by the BDGE and/or BCE. The time limit for a requested re-
strike will not be greater than 14 days, unless specified otherwise on the
Plans or in the Special Provisions. Warm-up the hammer before re-driving
begins by applying at least 20 blows to another pile. Ensure that the maxi-
mum distance of re-driving required to determine bearing is 6 inches or a
maximum of 50 blows, whichever occurs first. If the pile has not reached the
required ultimate bearing, continue driving until the required ultimate bearing
is obtained.
2 Measurement and payment for restriking of piling is as specified in
Subsections 711.5 and 711.6, respectively.

711.4.9 711.4.10.1

711.4.9 Build-Ups for Prestressed Concrete Piling
1 When build-ups are necessary, provide concrete in build-ups of the same
quality and strength as required in the original pile. Just before placing the
concrete, coat the pile tops with a moisture insensitive bonding epoxy accept-
able to the RCE. Leave forms in place for at least 6 days. This period may
be reduced to 3 days if high-early-strength cement is used or if an approved
admixture is used to obtain high-early strength. No payment is made for
build-ups where made necessary by damage to the pile during driving.
Where build-ups are necessary, provide the reinforcement as shown on the
711.4.10 Splices for Steel Piling
711.4.10.1 Steel H-Piling
1 If splices are necessary for steel H-piling, make splices as follows:

1. If bent during the driving process, straighten the top portion of the
lower pile or, if it cannot be satisfactorily straightened, cut off below
the bent portion.
2. Bevel the bottom surface of the upper pile on the outside edge of the
flanges and along one edge of the web. Make the bevel at an angle
of approximately 45 degrees with the horizontal. A surface of ⅛ inch
may be left un-beveled. Guide plates may be temporarily attached to
the web or flanges to properly align the pile sections before welding.
3. Set the upper pile on the lower pile and temporarily clamp thereto.
Separate the beveled edges of the upper pile about ⅛ inch from the
un-beveled edges of the lower pile. Make the axes of the two piling
coincide by adjusting the clamps.
4. Butt weld the entire periphery of the pile joint with a shielded metal
arc low hydrogen electrode of proper size and with sufficient generat-
ing amperage to fuse the root of the weld. Make the weld with suffi-
cient passes to completely fill the joint, removing the slag of each
pass before beginning the next pass. Make the butt weld designated
as B-U4b as specified in the ANSI/AASHTO/AWS D1.5, Bridge
Welding Code.
2 Pre-fabricated splicers may be used with the written approval of the BCE
and at no additional cost to the Department. Install in accordance with the
manufacturer’s installation recommendations. Ensure that each splice has
the moment, shear, and axial capacity of the pile. Ensure that as a minimum,
each flange has full penetration butt welds, and the total amount of weld pro-
vided on the web is at least equal to the length of weld if a splicer was not
utilized. Use pre-fabricated splicers with equal strength and thickness as the
3 Remove all paint and/or coating from the metal at the welds before welding
begins. After all welding is completed, remove the slag and paint the welds
as prescribed in Subsection 711.4.15.

711.4.10.2 711.4.13

711.4.10.2 Steel Pipe Piling
1 If splices are necessary for steel pipe piling, make them as follows:

1. Bevel the surface of one of the piling on the outside edge of the wall
at an angle of approximately 45 degrees with the horizontal. A sur-
face of ⅛ inch may be left un-beveled. Guide bars may be temporar-
ily attached to the pipe wall to properly align the pile sections before
2. Butt the beveled pile to other pile and temporarily clamp thereto.
Separate the beveled edge of the pile about ⅛ inch from the squared
edge of the other pile. Make the axes of the two piling coincide by
adjusting the clamps.
3. Butt weld the entire periphery of the pile joint with a shielded metal
arc low hydrogen electrode of proper size and with sufficient generat-
ing amperage to fuse the root of the weld. Make the weld with suffi-
cient passes to fill the join completely t, removing the slag of each
pass before beginning the next pass. Make the butt-weld designated
as B-U4b as specified in the ANSI/AASHTO/AWS D1.5, Bridge
Welding Code.
2 Remove all paint and/or coating from the metal at the welds before welding
begins. After all welding is completed, remove the slag, and paint the welds
as prescribed in Subsection 711.4.15.
711.4.11 Splices and Cut-offs at Cap for Steel Piling
1 Position the tops of steel piling to the elevation indicated on the Plans or in
the Special Provisions or as approved by the BCE. Splices at concrete caps
will not be required if the head of the pile, after removing pile material de-
formed during driving, is less than 6 inches below its plan position and ex-
tends not less than 12 inches, or the required minimum shown on the Plans,
into the concrete cap. Make cut-offs at right angles to the axis of the pile.
711.4.12 Elevation of Cut-Off for Timber Piling
1 Saw-off the tops of all timber piling to a true plane at the elevation indicated
on the Plans or as approved by the RCE. Saw piling that support timber caps
to the exact plane of the superimposed structure and fit it exactly. Before the
roofing pitch and galvanized metal or aluminum sheet are applied on such pile
heads, temporarily set the timber cap and correct all misfits in an approved
manner. Withdraw broken, split, or misplaced piling and properly replace.
Withdraw piling driven below the cut-off grade and replace with new, and if
necessary, longer piling at no additional expense to the Department. Drive
down piling raised by heaving during the process of driving adjacent piling
unless this requirement is waived in writing by the BCE.
711.4.13 Treatment of Timber Piling Heads
1 After a timber piling head has been cut-off, field treat the sawn surface by
heavy applications of preservative treatment as recommended by the latest
edition of AWPA M4. Apply the preservative until there is visible evidence

711.4.14 711.4.17.2

that penetration has ceased. Cover the pile head with a heavy application of
coal-tar roofing cement meeting ASTM D 4022 specifications. Next, place a
covering of 20-gauge galvanized metal or aluminum sheet. Bend the metal or
sheet down neatly over the sides of the pile and firmly secure thereto with
large-headed galvanized nails or a galvanized wire band. Pile heads that are
to be encased in concrete do not require the galvanized metal or aluminum
711.4.14 Welding of Steel Piling
1 Weld steel piling, including bracing, caps, splices, etc., in accordance with
the requirements of Section 709 of these specifications unless otherwise in-
dicated on the Plans and in the Special Provisions or directed by the BCE or
711.4.15 Painting of Steel Piling
Paint steel piling in accordance with the requirements of Subsection
710.4.2.2 unless otherwise indicated on the Plans and in the Special Provi-
sions or directed by the BCE or RCE.
711.4.16 Encasement of Steel Piling
1 Where steel piling is to be encased in concrete, provide the encasement in
accordance with the Plans or the Special Provisions.
711.4.17 Prestressed Pile Points and Reinforced Pile Tips
711.4.17.1 Prestressed Pile Points
1 When indicated on the Plans, provide the prestressed concrete piling with
pile points of the size and shape as required. Ensure that pile points conform
to the requirements for steel piling as required in this section of the specifica-
tions, and as amended by the Special Provisions. The Department reserves
the right to require the extension of pile points by field welding an additional
length of pile point, or the shortening of the pile point by cutting off a portion of
the pile point. If reinforced pile tips are required, do not weld any reinforced
pile tips onto the pile point until directed by the RCE, which normally occurs
just prior to driving. If in the opinion of the RCE and/or BCE splices are nec-
essary, provide slices as indicated in Subsection 711.4.10.
711.4.17.2 Reinforced Pile Tips
1 When specified in the Contract, provide reinforced steel piling with manu-
factured cast steel pile tips conforming to the requirements of AASHTO M 103
(ASTM A 27). Install the steel pile tips in accordance with the manufacturer's
recommendations, except that as a minimum, extend the welds across the full
width of each flange or the full circumference of steel pipe piles. Ensure that
the steel pile tips are approved by the RCE before installation and the welds
are visually inspected by the RCE in the field.

711.5 711.5.4

711.5 Measurement
711.5.1 Dynamic Pile Analyzer Test Set-Up and Restrikes
1 The quantity of Dynamic Pile Analyzer Test Set-Ups shown in the Plans is
estimated and for bid purposes only. The quantity for the pay item Dynamic
Pile Analyzer Test Set-Ups is measured for payment by each (EA) of index or
production pilings to which Dynamic Pile Analyzer test equipment is attached
for testing, complete, and accepted.
2 Dynamic Pile Analyzer Test Set-Ups required due to Contractor errors or
inadequate pile driving procedures or equipment are not measured for pay-
3 A restrike of piling is not directly measured for payment. If a Dynamic Pile
Analyzer Test is performed on the pile, any restrike is considered part of the
Dynamic Pile Analyzer Test Set-Up item.
4 If a pay item for Dynamic Pile Analyzer Test Set-Up is not included in the
Contract or test equipment is not attached to the pile, an allowance of 3 linear
feet is added to the piling measurement of each piling on which a restrike is
ordered by the BCE.
711.5.2 Prestressed Concrete Piling
1 The quantity for the pay item Prestressed Concrete Piling (of each size and
shape) is the length of prestressed concrete piling, approved by the BCE, cast
and driven regardless of cut-off plus the length of build-up and is measured by
the linear foot (LF), complete, and accepted. The length of build-up is the
length above the original pile head in addition to the length chipped back on
the original pile for proper installation of the build-up. Measurement does not
include length of piling cut-off due to damage during driving or due to the un-
necessary driving past the designated top of pile elevation.
711.5.3 Pile Build-Up Preparation
1 The quantity of Pile Build-Up Preparations included in the Plans is esti-
mated for bid purposes only. The quantity for the pay item Pile Build-Up
Preparation (of each size and shape) is measured by each (EA) of
prestressed concrete piles receiving a reinforced concrete build-up. Meas-
urement does not include build-ups required because of driving damage or
due to unnecessarily driving past the designated top of pile elevation.
711.5.4 Prestressed Pile Points
1 The quantity for the pay item Prestressed Pile Points (of each type) is of
steel pile point cast into the concrete piling plus any length spliced on at the
direction of the BCE measured by the linear foot (LF), complete, and ac-
cepted. A splice to extend the pile point is eligible for payment only when di-
rected by the BCE. An allowance of 4 feet of pile point is made for each steel
H-pile splice eligible for payment and installed as per Subsection 711.4.10.1.
An allowance of 6 feet of pile point is made for each pipe pile splice eligible
for payment and installed as per Subsection 711.4.10.2. Pile points not in

711.5.5 711.5.10

conformance with these specifications or not accepted by the RCE and/or

BCE are not included in this measurement.
711.5.5 Reinforced Pile Tips
1 The quantity for the pay item Reinforced Pile Tips (of each type) is meas-
ured for payment by each (EA) reinforced pile tip installed in the finished
structure, complete, and accepted.
711.5.6 Pile Load Tests
1 The quantity for pay item Pile Load Test (of each type) is measured by
each (EA) Pile Load Test performed, complete, and accepted.
711.5.7 Index Piling
1 The quantity for the pay item Index Piling (of each type) is the length of pil-
ing, including allowance for splices, driven and removed if specified and is
measured for payment by the linear foot (LF), complete, and accepted.
711.5.8 Steel Piling
1 The quantity for the pay item Steel Piling (of each type) is the length of
steel H-pile of pipe furnished and driven with allowances for splices and is
measured for payment by the linear foot (LF), complete and accepted: A
splice is eligible for payment only when it is directed by the BCE, and it ex-
tends the pile beyond plan length or the length initially established by the
BCE. An allowance of 4 feet of steel H-pile is added for each steel H-pile
splice eligible for payment and installed as per Subsection 711.4.10.1. An
allowance of 6 feet of steel pipe pile is added for each pipe pile splice eligible
for payment and installed as per Subsection 711.4.10.2. These measure-
ments do not include piling that is not in conformance with these specifica-
tions or not accepted by the RCE and/or BCE.
711.5.9 Reinforced Concrete Encasement
1 Reinforced concrete encasement in the finished structure, placed in accor-
dance with the Plans and the Special Provisions, is measured for payment by
the cubic yard (CY) of concrete and pound (LB) of steel reinforcement meas-
ure in Sections 701 and 703, respectively.
711.5.10 Treated Timber Piling
1 The quantity for the pay item Treated Timber Piling is the length of piling
furnished and driven in the finished structure and is measured by the linear
foot (LF), complete, and accepted. A cut-off of less than 3 feet is not included
in the measurement. An allowance of 0.4 linear foot per linear foot of cut-off
in excess of 3 feet is included in the measurement. These measurements do
not include piling that is not installed in accordance with the Plans and speci-
fications, piling driven for falsework, or piling used in bracing.

711.5.11 711.6.4

711.5.11 Pile Driving Set-Up
1 The quantity for the pay item Pile Driving Set-Up is measured for payment
by each (EA) pile to be driven as shown in the Plans.
711.6 Payment
711.6.1 Dynamic Pile Analyzer Test Set-Up and Restrikes
1 Payment for the accepted quantity of Dynamic Pile Analyzer Test Set-Ups,
measured in accordance with Subsection 711.5.1, is determined using the
contract unit bid price for the pay item. Payment is full compensation for pre-
paring and assisting in Dynamic Pile Analyzer tests as specified or directed
and includes mobilization and attaching testing equipment to the pile; work
platform; supplying AC power; piling restrikes; monitoring and assisting the
Department in interpreting test results; and all other materials, labor, equip-
ment, tools, supplies, transportation, and incidentals necessary to fulfill the
requirements of the pay item in accordance with the Plans, the Specifications,
and other terms of the Contract.
1 If the item for Dynamic Pile Analyzer Test Set-Up is not included in the
Contract or test equipment is not attached to the pile, restrikes ordered by the
BCE are included as a 3 linear foot allowance in the appropriate piling quan-
tity and paid for as of piling.
711.6.2 Prestressed Concrete Piling
1 Payment for the accepted quantity of Prestressed Concrete Piling (of each
type), measured in accordance with Subsection 711.5.2, is determined using
the contract unit bid price for the applicable pay item. Payment is full com-
pensation for furnishing and installing prestressed concrete piling as specified
or directed and includes prestressing, casting, curing, protecting, transporting,
driving, and cutting off piling, and all other materials, labor, equipment, tools,
supplies, transportation, and incidentals necessary to fulfill the requirements
of the pay item in accordance with the Plans, the Specifications, and other
terms of the Contract. The fixed pile driving costs are included in the pay item
Pile Driving Set-Up.
711.6.3 Pile Build-Up Preparation
1 Payment for the accepted quantity of Pile Build-Up Preparation (of each
type), measured in accordance with Subsection 711.5.3, is determined using
the contract unit bid price for the applicable pay item. Payment is full com-
pensation for preparing the pile head to receive the build-up as specified or
directed and includes the necessary drilling, chipping, welding, and grouting,
and all other materials, labor, equipment, tools, supplies, transportation, and
incidentals necessary to fulfill the requirements of the pay item in accordance
with the Plans, the Specifications, and other terms of the Contract.
711.6.4 Prestressed Pile Points
1 Payment for the accepted quantity of Prestressed Pile Points (of each
type), measured in accordance with Subsection 711.5.4, is determined using

711.6.5 711.6.7

the contract unit bid price for the applicable pay item. Payment is full com-
pensation for furnishing and installing prestressed pile points as specified or
directed and includes all other materials, labor, equipment, tools, supplies,
transportation, and incidentals necessary to fulfill the requirements of the pay
item in accordance with the Plans, the Specifications, and other terms of the
711.6.5 Reinforced Pile Tips
1 Payment for the accepted quantity of Reinforced Pile Tips (of each type),
measured in accordance with Subsection 711.5.5, is determined using the
contract unit bid price for the applicable pay item. Payment is full compensa-
tion for furnishing and installing reinforced pile tips as specified or directed
and includes welding tip to the piling and all other materials, labor, equipment,
tools, supplies, transportation, and incidentals necessary to fulfill the require-
ments of the pay item in accordance with the Plans, the Specifications, and
other terms of the Contract.
711.6.6 Pile Load Tests
1 Payment for the accepted quantity of Pile Load Test (of the applicable pile),
measured in accordance with Subsection 711.5.6, is determined using the
contract unit bid price for the applicable pay item. Payment is full compensa-
tion for setting-up and conducting a pile load tests as specified or directed and
includes all materials, labor, and equipment to perform the required test moni-
toring; assisting the Department in interpreting test results; and all other mate-
rials, labor, equipment, tools, supplies, transportation, and incidentals neces-
sary to fulfill the requirements of the pay item in accordance with the Plans,
the Specifications, and other terms of the Contract. In the absence of a pay
item for Pile Load Test, perform the work under the direction of the BCE with
payment by a Change Order.
711.6.7 Index Piling
1 Payment for the accepted quantity of Index Piling (of each type), measured
in accordance with Subsection 711.5.7, is determined using the contract unit
bid price for the applicable pay item. Payment is full compensation for fur-
nishing and installing index piling as specified or directed and includes provid-
ing, driving, splicing, welding, cutting off, painting (if specified or directed), and
removing piling (if specified), and all other materials, labor, equipment, tools,
supplies, transportation, and incidentals necessary to fulfill the requirements
of the pay item in accordance with the Plans, the Specifications, and other
terms of the Contract. The payment also includes the furnishing and placing
of any temporary bracing necessary to hold the piling in alignment and the
removal of any obstructions in order to complete the work as required.
2 Any length of concrete pile build-ups and number of pile build-up prepara-
tions necessary in conjunction with index piling are paid for at the contract unit
price for Prestressed Index Piling and Pile Build-Up Preparation respectively.

711.6.8 711.6.11

711.6.8 Steel Piling
1 Payment for the accepted quantity of Steel H-Bearing Piling or Steel Pipe
Piling (of each type), measured in accordance with Subsection 711.5.8, is
determined using the contract unit bid price for the applicable pay item. Pay-
ment is full compensation for furnishing and installing the steel piling as speci-
fied or directed and includes providing, driving, cutting off, splicing, welding,
and painting (if specified) of piling exclusive of encasement, and all other ma-
terials, labor, equipment, tools, supplies, transportation, and incidentals nec-
essary to fulfill the requirements of the pay item in accordance with the Plans,
the Specifications, and other terms of the Contract. The fixed pile driving
costs are included in the pay item Pile Driving Set-Up.
711.6.9 Reinforced Concrete Encasement
1 Payment for concrete and reinforcing steel used in pile encasement is paid
as prescribed in Sections 701 and 703.
711.6.10 Treated Timber Piling
1 Payment for the accepted quantity of Timber Piling, measured in accor-
dance with Subsection 711.5.10, is determined using the contract unit bid
price for the pay item. Payment is full compensation for furnishing and install-
ing treated timber piling as specified or directed and includes providing the
necessary length, driving, and cutting-off treated timber piling (exclusive of
hardware), and all other materials, labor, equipment, tools, supplies, transpor-
tation, and incidentals necessary to fulfill the requirements of the pay item in
accordance with the Plans, the Specifications, and other terms of the Con-
tract. The fixed pile driving costs are included in the pay item Pile Driving Set-
2 The payment for the necessary hardware is in accordance with the re-
quirements in Section 708.
3 The cost of furnishing metal shoes for timber piling when directed by the
BCE is paid for in a Change Order, but the placing thereof is included in the
contract price for Treated Timber Piling.
711.6.11 Pile Driving Set-Up
1 Payment for the accepted quantity of Pile Driving Set-Up, measured in ac-
cordance with Subsection 711.5.11, is determined using the contract unit bid
price for the pay item. Payment is full compensation for the fixed costs of the
preparation for pile driving including site preparation; removing obstructions
relating to the set-up for pile driving; furnishing mats, barges, templates, pile
driving heads, hammer cushions, leads, and followers; and all other materials,
labor, equipment, tools, supplies, transportation, and incidentals necessary to
fulfill the requirements of the pay item in accordance with the Plans, the
Specifications, and other terms of the Contract. The payment also includes
the furnishing and placing of any temporary bracing necessary to hold the
piling within plan alignment during all adjacent construction operations that
affect the pile alignment such as placement of MSE Wall fills and approach

711.6.12 711.6.12

711.6.12 Pay Items
1 Payment for each item includes all direct and indirect costs and expenses
necessary to complete the work.
2 Pay items under this section include the following:

Item No. Pay Item Unit

7110001 Dynamic Pile Analyzer Test Set-Up EA

7110010 Pile Driving Set-Up EA

7110XX0 Prestressed Concrete Piling - ((size)" Sq.) LF

7110XX1 Pile Build-Up Preparation ((size)" Sq.) EA

7110XX2 Pile Load Test - Prestressed Concrete Piling ((size)" Sq.) EA

7110XX5 Prestressed Index Piling ((size)" (shape)) LF

71104X0 Prestressed Concrete Octagonal Piling - (size)" LF

71104X1 Prestressed Concrete Octagonal Pile EA

Build-Up Preparation - ((size)")

71104X2 Pile Load Test - Prestressed Concrete EA

Octagonal Pile - (size)"

71111XX Prestressed Pile Point - ((HP size)) LF

71113XX Prestressed Pile Point - ((pipe diameter)” (Extra Strong or LF

Double Extra Strong pipe))

71115XX Reinforced Pile Tips - ((size)) EA

71117XX Reinforced Pile Tips - ((pipe diameter)” (Extra Strong or EA

Double Extra Strong))

7112XXX Steel H-Bearing Piling - (HP(size)x(weight)) LF

7112XX1 Pile Load Test - Steel H-Piling (HP(size)x(weight)) EA

7112XX2 Steel H-Bearing Index Piling - (HP(size)x(weight)) LF

7113XX0 Steel Pipe Piling ((diameter)" Diameter) LF

7113XX1 Pile Load Test - Steel Pipe Piling ((dia.)" Diameter) EA

7113XX2 Steel Pipe Index Piling - ((dia.)" Diameter) LF

7119100 Treated Timber Piling LF

7119101 Pile Load Test - Treated Timber Piling EA

712.1 712.2



712.1 Description
1 This section contains specifications for materials, equipment, construction,
measurement, and payment for the construction of Portland cement concrete
foundations consisting of fully cast-in-place shaft foundations and pile founda-
tions within drilled excavations of the size and locations as shown on the
Plans and performed in strict accordance with this section, the Plans, and the
Special Provisions, and complying with the applicable requirements of
Sections 701, 702, 703, and 711 of these specifications.
2 For the purposes of this specification:

• Drilled Foundations refers to both Drilled Shafts and Drilled Pile

• Drilled Shafts are cast-in-place shafts with reinforcing steel.
• Drilled Pile Foundations consist of a drilled excavation of the proper
size, with a pile section concreted or grouted in place. Reinforcing
steel may or may not be required in a Drilled Pile Foundation.
• Construction casing refers to casing that remains in-place. Tempo-
rary casings are removed during the concreting process.
712.1.1 Site Information
1 Data on subsurface conditions are not intended as representations or war-
ranties of continuity of such conditions. It is expressly understood that the
Department will not be responsible for interpretations or conclusions drawn by
the Contractor. Data is made available for convenience of the Contractor and
is not guaranteed to represent conditions that may be encountered.
2 Available soil borings are plotted on the Plans, and a copy of the boring
logs is included in the proposal for the project.
3 Additional test borings and other exploratory operations may be made at
the Contractor's option at no additional cost to the Department.
712.2 Materials
1 When cast-in-place concrete is required, provide Class 4000DS as speci-
fied in Section 701. Adjustments to the mix design may be requested, when
characteristics of materials, job condition, weather, test results, or other cir-
cumstances warrant. All adjustments are subject to acceptance by the OMR.
Make accepted adjustments at no additional cost to the Department.
2 Furnish reinforcing steel conforming to the requirements of ASTM A 706,
Grade 60.
3 Ensure that piling used in a Drilled Pile Foundation conforms to the appli-
cable requirements of Section 711.

712.3 712.4.1

712.3 Equipment
1 Use excavation and drilling equipment with adequate capacity including
power, torque, and down thrust to excavate a hole of both the maximum di-
ameter and to a depth 10 feet beyond the depth shown on the Plans.
2 Ensure that the excavation and over-reaming tools are of adequate design,
size, and strength to perform the work shown in the Plans or described
herein. Keep equipment well maintained and in good working condition. The
BCE will be the sole judge of whether the drilling equipment is appropriate
and in good working condition. Provide sufficient equipment to enable prose-
cution of the work in accordance with the project schedule and completion of
the work in the specified time.
3 When the material encountered cannot be drilled using conventional earth
augers with soil or rock teeth, drill buckets, and/or under-reaming tools, pro-
vide special drilling equipment including, but not limited to, rock core barrels,
rock tools, air tools, blasting materials, and other equipment as necessary to
construct the excavation to the size and depth required. Obtain written con-
currence of the RCE and BCE before performing excavation by blasting. Due
to variations in rock strength, provide equipment capable of drilling rock up to
25% stronger than maximum rock shear strength shown on the Plans or in the
Special Provisions at no additional time or cost to the Department. If rock
core specimens are required, use NQ or NX coring equipment unless other-
wise approved by the BDGE.
712.4 Construction
712.4.1 Qualifications of the Contractor
1 Ensure that the installation of drilled foundations is performed by personnel
who specialize in drilled foundation construction. Ensure that the supervisory
personnel in charge of daily operations or the subcontractor's personnel in
charge of daily operations have a minimum of 3 years of work experience in
the installation of drilled foundations. Provide a drilled shaft supervisor with at
least this minimum experience on site during the entire construction process
of all drilled foundations (i.e. drilling, coring, placing of reinforcement, concret-
ing, etc.) to troubleshoot any problems that may arise during the construction
process. Complete and sign the drilled shaft documentation as specified in
Subsection 712.4.2.
2 After award of the Contract, but before the start of drilled foundation con-
struction, or along with the Drilled Foundation Installation Plan submittal,
submit for BCE review and approval, the work experience records of the per-
sonnel, or those of the subcontractor, proposed for use to install drilled foun-
dations. The BCE will be the sole judge of the Contractor's and/or the sub-
contractor's qualifications and experience to perform the drilled foundation
3 Failure to comply with the above requirements will result in the suspension
of all work related to the drilled foundations. Do not begin work on the drilled

712.4.1 712.4.2

foundations until the required personnel qualifications and experience is pro-

vided. The Department is not be liable for any damages or costs of any type
related in any way to the suspension of this work, nor will the project comple-
tion date be postponed for delays in furnishing the qualifications.
4 The BCE may waive the minimum experience requirements for drilled pile
foundations if the Contractor or subcontractor installing the drilled pile founda-
tions is knowledgeable in this type of construction.
712.4.2 Drilled Foundation Installation Plan
1 Submit a Drilled Foundation Installation Plan and transmittal letter to the
BDGE for review and acceptance. Also, submit a copy of the submittal to the
RCE and BCE. Submit the Drilled Foundation Installation Plan a minimum of
30 days before the proposed date to begin drilled shaft or drilled pile work.
2 Ensure that the plan addresses and includes, but is not limited to, the fol-
lowing information:
• List and size of proposed equipment to be used on the project such
as cranes, drills, augers, bailing buckets, final cleaning equipment,
de-sanding equipment, tremies, concrete pumps, casings, templates,
• Details of sequence of construction operations and sequence of
shaft or pile construction in bents or in shaft or pile groups. Anytime
the Contractor anticipates and submits the dry method of construc-
tion, also submit the wet method of construction to minimize con-
struction delay in the event the wet method of construction criteria
• Details of the method of determining the elevation of the top and bot-
tom of any construction casing.
• Details of excavation methods.
• Details of proposed methods to clean the excavation after initial drill-
• When slurry is required, details of methods to mix, circulate, de-
sand, and dispose of slurry.
• Details of the steel reinforcing cage, such as method of placement,
spacers, concrete feet, supports, method of centering the cage in the
shaft or pile, handling, lateral stability, prevention of buckling, etc.
• Details of concrete placement, such as proposed procedures for
concrete tremie or pumping, initial placement, lifts during placement,
and overfilling of the concrete. Indicate the intervals (minimum of 1
after each truckload) at which the top of concrete will be measured
for plotting the Theoretical vs. Actual Concrete Volume graph (Drilled
Shafts only). Indicate the total length of time (time from when first
load of concrete is batched until all concrete is in the drilled shaft)
necessary to pour the shaft based on availability of materials,
equipment, and construction techniques being utilized, concrete
trucks available, haul distance, etc. If a wet excavation is required,

712.4.2 712.4.2

equip the tremie or pump line with a flat metal plate or a foam plug of
sufficient size to ensure separation between the water in the tremie
or pump line and the concrete being placed. Basketballs, trash bags
filled with hay or other materials are not acceptable for use. Either
remove the device from the excavation, or ensure that it is of a mate-
rial accepted by the BCE that will not cause a defect in the shaft if
not removed.
• Required submittals such as shop drawings and concrete design
mixes with slump loss tests (if concrete batching, mixing and place-
ment exceed 2 hours).
• Means of disposing of excavated materials.
• The type and frequency of tests performed, including but not limited
to chemical and specific gravity tests for slurry. Also, supply the
name(s) of personnel who are qualified to perform these tests.
• The proposed method to check the dimensions, depth of the shaft or
pile. Indicate the method for determining horizontal and vertical
alignment, vertical position of the top of shaft or pile and potential
movement of the reinforcing cage.
• Construction and/or temporary casing details with sketch and dimen-
sions, elevations, including splice details, painting, and/or casing re-
moval details if applicable.
• Details of fixed template, adequate to maintain shaft position and
alignment during all excavation and concreting operations, when
drilling from a barge. Do not use floating templates (attached to a
• Details of the proposed method of protecting the integrity of adjacent
structure(s) during installation of the shafts or piles.
• Other information required by the Plans or requested by the Depart-
3 The BDGE and BCE will evaluate the Drilled Foundation Installation Plan
for conformance to requirements of these specifications, the Plans, and the
Special Provisions. The BCE will notify the Contractor within 21 days of re-
ceipt of the plan of any additional information required and/or if changes are
necessary for acceptance of the plan. If any part of the plan is unacceptable,
the entire plan will be rejected. If that is the case, submit a revised Drilled
Foundation Installation Plan for re-evaluation. The BCE will notify the Con-
tractor within 7 days after receipt of the revised plan of its acceptance or re-
jection. Acceptance given by the BCE is subject to satisfactory performance
in the field. Any claim for delay based on the Department’s failure to comply
with the above notification time provisions will be limited to an extension of
contract time as the only possible compensation.
4 Do not commence installation of drilled shafts or drilled pile foundations
until the Drilled Foundation Installation Plan is accepted by the BCE.
5 Acceptance of the Drilled Foundation Installation Plan does not relieve the

712.4.2 712.4.3

Contractor of the responsibility to provide sound and adequate foundations

that conform to these specifications, the Plans, and the Special Provisions.
Do not make changes in methods or equipment after acceptance of the
Drilled Foundation Installation Plan without the written consent of the BCE.
6 With the assistance of the inspector, provide the RCE with the following
documentation, as appropriate, complete and signed, for each drilled shaft or
drilled pile foundation before excavation is initiated on subsequent drilled
shafts or drilled piles:
• Drilled Shaft Log,
• Drilled Shaft Excavation Log,
• Slurry Inspection Log,
• Drilled Shaft Inspection Log,
• Drilled Shaft Concrete Placement Log, and
• Drilled Shaft Concrete Volumes Log (waived for drilled piles).
7 Ensure that the documentation indicates the theoretical versus actual con-
crete volume (drilled shafts only). Provide the elevation of the top of concrete
after placement of each truckload of concrete or at intervals as specified by
the RCE. Provide a qualified and competent person to make the necessary
8 Submit the documentation for one shaft or pile before the beginning of con-
struction on other shafts or piles. This sequence requirement may be waived
if more than one shaft or pile is completed in 1 day. In that case, submit
completed and signed documentation by the drilled shaft/drilled pile supervi-
sor prior to beginning construction the next working day. Provide the RCE
with the above documentation for each drilled shaft or drilled pile foundation
no later than 72 hours after the completion of each drilled shaft or drilled pile
foundation. Submit only those forms applicable to a specific shaft or drilled
pile (i.e. Slurry Inspection Logs will not be required for shafts utilizing dry con-
crete placement methods).
9 If soil conditions warrant, the BDGE and/or BCE may direct that the shafts
or piles to be extended below the estimated bottom elevations shown on the
Plans. Any additional compensation will be at the contract unit price for re-
spective items as described in Subsection 712.6.
712.4.3 General Methods and Equipment
1 Perform the excavations required for the drilled shaft and drilled pile foun-
dations through whatever materials encountered, to the dimensions and ele-
vations shown on the Plans or otherwise required by the Special Provisions.
Use methods and equipment for the intended purpose and the materials en-

712.4.4 712.4.6

712.4.4 Dry Construction Method
1 Use the dry construction method only when approved by the RCE at sites
where the groundwater level and soil conditions are suitable to permit con-
struction of the drilled shaft or drilled pile foundation in a relatively dry excava-
tion, and where the sides and bottom of the excavation may be visually in-
spected by the RCE before placing the concrete.
2 The dry construction method will be allowed by the RCE only when the ex-
cavation demonstrates the following:
A. Less than 6 inches of water accumulates in the bottom of the exca-
vation over a one-hour period with no pumping permitted. For dry
excavations, do not allow the depth of water to exceed 3 inches im-
mediately before concrete placement in the excavated hole. Record
in the Drilled Shaft Report the actual depth of water in the excavated
hole just prior to concrete placement.
B. The sides and bottom of the excavation remain stable without detri-
mental caving, sloughing, or swelling. If immediately following the
completion of the excavation, the stability of the hole is questionable,
the RCE may order up to a 4-hour observation period prior to setting
rebar cage and placing concrete.
C. Loose material and water can be satisfactorily removed before in-
spection and before concrete placement.
3 If the RCE and/or BCE deems that the excavation meets all the criteria for
the dry construction method, drill the excavation by removing accumulated
water and loose material from the excavation, set the reinforcing cage, and
concrete the shaft or pile in a relatively dry excavation. Casing may be used
to facilitate dry construction if shown on the Plans or authorized in writing by
the BCE.
4 Begin the setting of the rebar cage and concreting immediately after com-
pletion of the excavation, cleaning, inspection, and acceptance of the hole.
5 Use the wet construction method for excavations that do not meet the
above requirements for the dry construction method.
712.4.5 Wet Construction Method
1 Use the wet construction method at sites where a dry excavation cannot be
maintained for placement of the drilled shaft or drilled pile foundation con-
crete. Use water, mineral slurry, or a casing to maintain stability of the exca-
vation perimeter while advancing the excavation to its final depth, placing the
reinforcing cage, and concreting the shaft or pile foundation. Conform to the
requirements in Subsection 712.4.9.
712.4.6 Casing Method of Construction
1 Casing may be used to stabilize the excavation with either wet construction
methods or dry construction methods when shown on the Plans or authorized
in writing by the BCE. Where drilled shafts or drilled pile foundations are lo-

712.4.7 712.4.7.2

cated in detrimental wet subsurface conditions as determined by the RCE or

in open water areas, extend construction casings down from above the water
elevation to protect the shaft or drilled pile concrete from water action during
placement and curing of the concrete. Install the construction casing in a
manner that produces an effective seal at the bottom of the casing. Ensure
that casings left in place conform to the requirements for construction casing
in Subsection 712.4.8.3.
712.4.7 Excavation
712.4.7.1 General
1 Unless otherwise specified or accepted by the BDGE and/or BCE, install
casing before beginning excavation. The Plans will indicate the expected
length of shaft or drilled pile, the elevation of the top of the shaft or drilled pile
foundation, and the estimated elevation of the bottom of drilled shaft or drilled
pile foundation. The BCE reserves the right to alter the elevations of the
drilled shaft or drilled pile foundations based on the top of rock and/or the re-
sults of a Load Test, if performed. Where drilled shaft or drilled pile founda-
tion lengths are altered, adjustment in price will be made by applying original
contract unit prices to the change in quantity with no additional expense per
2 Perform the drilling process for each individual excavation as a continuous
operation. With written acceptance by the BCE, the drilling for an individual
excavation may be discontinued if the walls can remain stable until drilling is
resumed within 12 hours. See Subsection 712.4.13 for additional require-
3 Haul off waste material removed from excavations, concrete spillage, and
other debris and dispose of offsite at location(s) provided and obtained by the
Contractor. Assume responsibility for all fees or permits required for disposal
of waste material. Submit copies of all agreements and/or licenses for the
disposal site(s) to the RCE. Ensure that the disposal is in strict accordance
with local, state and federal environmental pollution laws and ordinances.
4 The Contractor may be allowed to dispose of the waste material on the pro-
ject site if the RCE and/or DCE determine that the waste material can be in-
corporated into the project.
5 Do not permit workers to enter the excavation for any reason unless both a
suitable casing has been installed and the water level has been lowered and
stabilized below the level to be occupied. Ensure that the proper OSHA
safety equipment and procedures are used by the workers entering the con-
fined space excavation.
712.4.7.2 Obstructions
1 Remove surface and subsurface obstructions located no more than 10 feet
below the elevation of the original ground at drilled shaft or drilled pile founda-
tion locations at no cost to the Department. Notify the RCE of any unforeseen
obstruction deeper than 10 feet below the elevation of the original ground.

712.4.7.2 712.4.7.5

Such obstructions may include man-made materials such as old concrete and
timber foundations. Use special procedures and/or tools if excavation cannot
be advanced using conventional augers fitted with soil or rock teeth, drilling
buckets, and/or under-reaming tools. Such special procedures/tools may in-
clude, but not be limited to, chisels, boulder breakers, core barrels, air tools,
hand excavation, temporary casing, and increasing the excavation diameter.
Do not perform blasting unless specifically accepted in writing by the RCE
and BCE. All reasonable costs for removing unforeseen obstructions are paid
by the Department as extra work.
2 Drilling tools that are lost in the excavation are not considered obstructions.
Promptly remove them without compensation. Assume all costs due to lost
tool removal including, but not limited to, costs associated with excavation
degradation due to removal operations for the time the excavation remains
712.4.7.3 Drilled Shafts with Wet and Dry Excavation
1 All excavation for drilled shafts is considered Wet and Dry Excavation
unless a pay item is included for Rock Excavation. If rock is encountered,
and there is a Rock Excavation pay item, Wet and Dry Excavation is meas-
ured from the top of shaft to the top of rock elevation in each individual shaft.
Top of rock elevation is determined as indicated in Subsection 712.4.7.5.
2 Do not use salt water and/or tidal water in the drilled shaft excavation
or drilled shaft construction. Do not use salt water and/or tidal water to hy-
drate mineral slurry.
712.4.7.4 Soil Excavation for Drilled Pile Foundations
1 Consider all excavation for drilled pile foundations as Soil Excavation
unless a pay item is included for Rock Excavation. If rock is encountered,
and there is a Rock Excavation pay item, Soil Excavation is measured from
the actual top of ground to the top of rock elevation for each individual pile.
Top of rock elevation is determined as indicated in Subsection 712.4.7.5.
712.4.7.5 Elevation of Rock
1 If rock is encountered more than 2 feet higher or lower than the elevation
shown on the Plans, immediately notify the RCE. The RCE will then immedi-
ately notify the BDGE and/or BCE for further instructions.
2 Rock is defined as any material that cannot be drilled with rock augers and
under-reaming tools and requires the use of core barrels, rotary percussion
drills, and/or blasting. Notify the RCE when rock is encountered during drilling
for verification of the rock elevation. Provide the RCE with samples of the
excavated material to verify that rock has been encountered. For pay pur-
poses, all earth seams, rock fragments, and voids included in the rock exca-
vation area are considered rock for the full volume of the excavation from the
initial contact with rock.
3 Use drilling equipment appropriate for the purpose and depths to determine
the top of rock. Due to variations in rock strength, drill rock up to 25%

712.4.8 712.4.8.2

stronger than the maximum rock shear strength shown on the Plans or noted
in the Special Provisions at no additional time or cost to the Department. If
additional cost is requested due to rock strengths exceeding 125% of the
maximum strengths provided by the Department, provide rock strength testing
performed by an OMR approved AASHTO accredited testing firm. Obtain
rock core specimens using NQ or NX coring equipment unless otherwise ap-
proved by the BDGE. Determine rock shear strengths using SC-T-39.
712.4.8 Steel Casings
712.4.8.1 General
1 Use steel casings that are smooth, clean, watertight, and have ample
strength to withstand both handling and driving stresses and the pressure of
both concrete and the surrounding earth materials. Ensure that the outside
diameter of casing is not less than the specified size of shaft or pile founda-
tion. Unless otherwise authorized in writing by the BCE, insert casings near
existing foundations or structures to the full required depth prior to any drilling.
2 Pre-drilling with slurry and/or over-reaming to beyond the outside of the
casing may require installation of casing, but do not utilize unless accepted in
writing by the BDGE and/or BCE. Even when the use of an oversized casing
or excavation is allowed, it will be at no extra cost and the extra concrete used
to fill the oversized casing or excavation will not be considered for payment.
When removing a casing to substitute a longer or larger diameter casing
through caving soils, stabilize the excavation with slurry or backfill before re-
moving the old casing. Other methods may be used to control the stability of
the excavation and protect the integrity of the foundation soils. All methods
must be accepted by the BDGE and/or BCE prior to use. Such removal and
stabilization operations are at the Contractor’s expense.
712.4.8.2 Temporary Casing
1 Unless a pay item for Construction Casing is included in the pay quantities,
all subsurface casing are considered Temporary Casing. Withdraw casings
from excavations before the completion of the concrete placement.
2 Use temporary casing consisting of spiral welded steel pipe or straight
seam welded steel pipe. Do not use "Zipper Cans" as temporary casing.
3 If the Contractor intends to use telescoping casing, it must be requested in
the Drilled Foundation Installation Plan. Provide details indicating adequate
support for the reinforcing cage. The use of telescoping casing will be at the
discretion of the BDGE and/or BCE. If allowed, use telescoping casing with
spacers of adequate dimension arranged within the required intervals or
stiffen the reinforcing cage with additional steel to eliminate the potential of
buckling. Space the reinforcing cage concentrically inside the excavation with
adequate support.
4 Do not extend oversized casings larger than the specified construction cas-
ing below the scour elevation. Where potential scour is not specified, do not
extend oversized casings larger than the specified construction casing lower

712.4.8.2 712.4.8.3

than 10 feet below the top of ground elevation.

5 Do not use temporary casing where the design calls for a smaller diameter
reinforcement cage for the column to be inserted into a larger diameter drilled
shaft reinforcement cage. Use only construction casing for this type of detail.
6 Do not withdraw the casing until the level of fresh concrete in the casing is
a minimum of 5 feet above the hydrostatic water level. As the casing is with-
drawn, exercise care to maintain an adequate level of concrete within the cas-
ing so that fluid trapped behind the casing is displaced upward and dis-
charged at the ground surface without contaminating or displacing the con-
7 Temporary casing that becomes bound or fouled during concreting and
cannot be practically removed constitutes a defect in the foundation. Improve
the defective work to the satisfaction of the BCE. Such improvement may
consist of, but is not limited to, removing the concrete and extending the shaft
or pile deeper to compensate for loss of frictional capacity in the cased zone,
providing straddle shafts or piles to compensate for capacity loss, or providing
a replacement shaft or pile. Complete all corrective measures including re-
moval or re-design of structural members to the satisfaction of the BCE with-
out compensation or extension of contract time. In addition, no compensation
will be paid for any abandoned casing remaining in place.
712.4.8.3 Construction Casing
1 Use construction casing that is specified in the Plans to facilitate construc-
tion through water or other material that is not normally conducive to the use
of temporary casing. Do not use construction casing unless it is specified in
the Plans, or approved in writing by the BCE.
2 Use construction casing of the size specified in the Plans or by the BDGE
and/or BCE. Assume responsibility for determining the wall thickness of the
casing. Unless otherwise directed by the BDGE and/or BCE, use new steel
casing conforming to AASHTO M 183, (ASTM A 36 or ASTM A 252, Grade 2)
spiral welded steel pipe, or straight seam welded steel pipe. Do not use "Zip-
per Cans" as construction casing. Additional stiffening may be required to
withstand handling and driving stresses and the pressure of concrete and of
the surrounding earth and/or fluid pressures. Increase the casing wall thick-
ness as necessary to allow for installation within the subsurface conditions
anticipated on the project. Ensure that the casing is smooth and watertight.
3 When construction casing is installed to the top of rock elevation, establish
an effective seal before excavating to prevent overburden material from cav-
ing into the proposed excavation. Unless a seal into rock is required, do not
extend the bottom of the construction casing below the elevation shown on
the Plans without approval of the BDGE and/or BCE. Review the water ele-
vations indicated on the Plans and determine the appropriate top of casing
elevations based on this information and the field conditions encountered at
the time of construction. Support the top of the casing to maintain construc-
tion tolerances and stability during construction. Determine the elevation of

712.4.8.3 712.4.8.4

the top and bottom of the construction casing in accordance with the method
accepted in the Drilled Foundation Installation Plan.
4 If the Contractor intends to use telescoping casing, it must be requested in
the Drilled Foundation Installation Plan. Provide details indicating adequate
support for the reinforcing cage. The use of telescoping casing will be al-
lowed at the discretion of the BDGE and/or BCE. If allowed, use telescoping
casing with spacers, of adequate dimension, arranged within the required in-
tervals or stiffen the reinforcing cage with additional steel to eliminate the po-
tential of buckling. Space the reinforcing cage concentrically inside the exca-
vation with adequate support.
5 Paint construction casing before installation to an elevation 5 feet below the
mean low water elevation in lakes and tidal environments or 5 feet below the
mud line/ground elevation. Paint the casing in conformance with the require-
ments of Subsection 710.2.7.3. Install casing in a continuous unit. Each unit
may be fabricated from 1 or more sections. Use section as long as feasible
and spliced as described below. Grind exposed edges of construction casing
smooth, remove attached steel, and apply touch-up painting.
6 Thoroughly clean wall surfaces of construction casings of any organics and
other materials detrimental to soundness of the shaft or drilled pile concrete
and reinforcing steel.
712.4.8.4 Welded Splices
1 Do not use splices in construction casing unless authorized in writing by the
BDGE and/or BCE. If splices in casings are necessary and are authorized,
make welds as follows:
1. Bevel the surface of only one section of casing on the outside edge
of the wall at an angle of approximately 45 degrees with the horizon-
tal. A surface of ⅛ inch may be left unbeveled. Guide bars may be
temporarily attached to the casing wall in order to align the sections
before welding.
2. Butt the beveled section to the unbeveled section and temporarily
clamp thereto. Separate the beveled edge about ⅛ inch from the
edge of the other section and make the axes of the two sections co-
incide by adjusting the clamps.
3. Butt weld the entire periphery of the joint with a shielded metal arc
low hydrogen electrode of proper size and with sufficient generating
amperage to fuse the root of the weld. Make the weld with sufficient
passes to completely fill the joint, removing the slag of each pass be-
fore beginning the next pass. The weld specified here is the butt
weld designated as B-U4b in the latest edition of the
ANSI/AASHTO/AWS D1.5, Bridge Welding Code.
2 Remove all coatings from the metal at the welds before welding is begun
and remove the slag after all welding is complete.

712.4.8.4 712.4.9

3 Splices in temporary casing are considered incidental work and no addi-

tional compensation is allowed for this work.
4 Ensure that the welding of steel casing, including bracing, caps, splices,
etc, conforms to the requirements of the latest edition of the
ANSI/AASHTO/AWS D1.5, Bridge Welding Code.
712.4.9 Slurry
1 If the wet construction method is utilized, use mineral slurry as a drilling
fluid. Test mineral slurries at the time intervals and maintain within the toler-
ances indicated in this subsection. Do not use salt water, high yield mineral
slurry, and/or polymers. Use water as the drilling fluid only when specified on
the Plans or in the Special Provisions. Use only potable when water is al-
lowed to be used as the drilling fluid, install temporary casing or construction
casing to the estimated tip elevation shown on the Plans or as otherwise
specified by the BDGE prior to any drilled shaft excavation.
2 Use mineral slurries with a mineral grain size that will remain in suspension
and possess sufficient viscosity and gel characteristics to transport excavated
material to a suitable screening system. Ensure that the percentage and spe-
cific gravity of the material used to make the suspension is sufficient to main-
tain the stability of the excavation and allows proper concrete placement.
During construction, maintain the level of the slurry at a height sufficient to
prevent caving of the excavation. In case of a sudden significant loss of slurry
to the excavation, stop the construction of the foundation until a method to
stop the slurry loss or an alternate construction procedure is accepted by the
BDGE and/or BCE.
3 Thoroughly premix the mineral slurry with potable water. The RCE and/or
BDGE may allow the use of on site/off site fresh water from a creek, river or
lake provided the water is not muddy, dingy, and is free from oil, acid, alkali,
organic matter, sewage or other substances injurious to the hydrated slurry
mix or slurry (water only). Place the water into a holding tank for a minimum
of 24 hours prior to mixing with the mineral slurry or use in the shaft unless
otherwise directed by the BDGE. Ensure that the pH value of the water
meets the values shown in this subsection. All costs for testing of the water
quality are borne by the Contractor. The BDGE is the sole judge of whether
water is acceptable for hydrating the mineral slurry.
4 Allow an adequate time (as prescribed by the mineral manufacturer) for
hydration of the slurry in the storage tank before introduction into the shaft
excavation. Provide slurry tanks of adequate capacity for slurry circulation,
storage, and treatment. Do not use excavated slurry pits without the written
permission of the BCE. Provide desanding equipment as necessary to con-
trol slurry sand content to less than 4% by volume at any point in the excava-
tion. Desanding is not required for setting casing, signpost, lighting mast
foundations, or during the actual drilling operation in the drilled shaft and
drilled pile construction unless specified on the Plans or in the Special Provi-
sions. Sand content requirements of the slurry remain in effect before and

712.4.9 712.4.9

after the drilling process for shafts and drilled piles. Take all steps necessary
to prevent the slurry from "setting up" in the shaft. Such methods may in-
clude, but are not limited to, agitation, circulation, and/or adjusting the proper-
ties of the slurry. Dispose of all slurry offsite in suitable areas.
5 Carry out control tests on the mineral slurry using suitable apparatus to de-
termine density, viscosity, and pH. Adhere to the acceptable range of values
for those physical properties shown in the following table.
MINERAL SLURRY (Sodium Bentonite )
Acceptable Range of Values

Range of Values Range of Values In

At Time of Slurry Excavation at Time Test Method
Introduction of Concreting

Density Balance
Density (pcf) 64.3 - 69.1 64.3 - 75.0 API 13B-1,
Section 1

Marsh Cone
28 – 45 28 – 45 API 13B-1,
Section 2.2

pH paper,
pH 8 – 11 8 – 11
pH meter

1. Perform tests when the slurry temperature is above 40 F.
2. If desanding is required, do not allow sand content to exceed 4% (by volume)
at any point in the borehole as determined by the American Petroleum Institute
Sand Content Test (API 13B-1, Section 5).
6 Obtain a test sample of the slurry from the storage tank, and ensure that it
meets the requirements shown in above table for density, viscosity, pH value,
and sand content before introduction into the shaft and during shaft construc-
tion to establish and maintain a consistent working pattern. Make a minimum
of 4 sets of tests during the first 8 hours of slurry use. Slurry sampling and
testing will be observed by the RCE. When the results show consistent be-
havior, the testing frequency may be decreased to one set every 4 hours of
slurry use.
7 Ensure that heavily contaminated slurry suspension, which could impair the
free flow of concrete, has not accumulated in the bottom of the shaft. Before
placing concrete in any shaft excavation, take slurry samples using a slurry-
sampling tool. Extract slurry samples from the base of the shaft at intervals
not exceeding 10 feet up the shaft, until two consecutive samples produce
acceptable values for density, viscosity, pH, and sand content. Do not cast
any concrete before the RCE accepts the slurry.

712.4.9 712.4.10.3

8 When any slurry samples are unacceptable, take whatever action is neces-
sary to bring the mineral slurry within specification requirements. Do not pour
concrete until re-sampling and testing yield acceptable values.
9 Have reports of all the tests required above completed and signed by the
Drilled Shaft Supervisor and furnished to the RCE on completion of each
drilled shaft.
10 During construction, maintain the level of mineral slurry in the shaft excava-
tion at a level not less than 4 feet above the highest expected piezometric
pressure head along the depth of the shaft. If at any time, in the opinion of
the RCE, the slurry construction method fails to produce the desired results,
discontinue this method and propose an alternate method for acceptance by
the BDGE and/or BCE.
712.4.10 Inspection of Excavations
712.4.10.1 Dimensions and Alignment
1 Provide equipment for checking the dimensions and alignment of each ex-
cavation. Determine the dimensions and alignment of the drilled shaft or
drilled pile foundation excavation under the observation and direction of the
RCE. Check the alignment and dimensions during and after excavation by
the following methods as necessary:
A. Insertion into the shaft excavation of a rigid rod or pipe assembly
with several 90-degree offsets equal to the shaft diameter for align-
ment and dimension checks.
B. Other proposed methods provided to and accepted by the BDGE
and/or BCE.
2 Ensure that any rod or pipe assembly, or other device used to check di-
mensions and alignment can be inserted into the excavation to the full-depth
of the foundation.
712.4.10.2 Depth
1 Reference the depth of the excavation during drilling to appropriate marks
on the Kelly bar or other suitable methods. Measure final excavation depths
after final cleaning with a suitable weighted tape or other accepted methods.
712.4.10.3 Excavation Inspection
1 The RCE will verify each excavation for acceptance before placement of
the reinforcing cage and concrete. Provide necessary equipment and quali-
fied personnel for inspecting the excavation. Ensure that the inspection
equipment is compatible with the construction methods. The Contractor is
responsible for providing all necessary safety precautions, equipment, and
procedures required for confined space entry and fall protection by current
OSHA standards for these inspections. Perform any corrective work found
necessary because of the inspections. Allow the necessary time for perform-
ance of these inspections.

712.4.10.4 712.

712.4.10.4 Excavation Cleanliness
1 Provide a cleaning operation so that a minimum of 50% of the base of each
excavation has less than ½ inch of sediment at the time of placement of the
concrete. Ensure that the maximum depth of sedimentary deposits or any
other debris any place on the base of the excavation does not exceed 1½
inches. Inspect the excavation for cleanliness. Cleanliness will be verified by
the RCE. In addition, for dry excavations, ensure that the maximum depth of
water does not exceed 3 inches immediately before concrete placement.
Have the Drilled Shaft Foreman record in the Drilled Shaft Report the actual
depth (in inches) of water present in the shaft at start of concreting.
2 Check the bottom of the excavation before setting the reinforcement cage
and immediately before concreting the excavation. If the cleanliness of the
excavation does not meet the requirements indicated above before concret-
ing, remove the reinforcement cage and clean the excavation until the re-
quirements are satisfied.
712.4.10.5 Construction Tolerances
712. Drilled Shafts
1 Ensure that the following construction tolerances for drilled shafts are met
unless otherwise stated on the Plans or in the Special Provisions:
A. The drilled shaft is within 3 inches of plan position in the horizontal
plane at the plan elevation for the top of the shaft.
B. The top elevation of the shaft has a tolerance of plus 1 inch to minus
3 inches from the plan elevation.
C. The vertical alignment of a vertical shaft excavation does not vary
from the plan alignment by more than ¼ inch per foot of depth. The
alignment of a battered shaft excavation does not vary by more than
½ inch per foot of depth from the prescribed batter.
D. After all the concrete has been placed, the top of the reinforcing cage
is no more than 6 inches above and no more than 3 inches below the
plan position.
E. All casing diameters shown on the Plans refer to OD (outside diame-
ter) dimensions. The dimensions of casings are subject to American
Pipe Institute tolerances applicable to regular steel pipe. When al-
lowed by the BCE, a casing larger in diameter than shown on the
Plans may be used. However, take steps to ensure that the reinforc-
ing cage does not move when temporary casing is extracted. It may
be necessary to increase the size of the spacers.
F. Excavation equipment and methods are designed so that the com-
pleted shaft excavation has a planar bottom. Ensure that the cutting
edges of excavation equipment are normal to the vertical axis of the
equipment within a tolerance of ± ⅜ inch per foot of diameter.

712. 712.4.12.2

2 Drilled shaft/drilled pile excavations and completed shafts/drilled piles not

constructed within the required tolerances are unacceptable. The Contractor
is responsible for correcting all unacceptable shaft/drilled pile excavations and
completed shafts/drilled piles to the satisfaction of the BCE. Ensure that the
materials and work necessary, including engineering analysis and re-design
to complete corrections for out of tolerance drilled shaft/drilled pile excava-
tions are furnished without cost to the Department or an extension of contract
time. On shafts that are within all tolerances, but are slightly off plan location,
construct columns plumb and concentric around the rebar cage extending out
of the drilled shaft.
712. Drilled Pile Foundations
1 Construction tolerances are the same as tolerances mandated for the ap-
plicable piling as shown in Section 711 of these specifications.
712.4.10.6 Shaft Load Test
2 Material, equipment, and procedures for a Shaft Load Test are specified in
the Special Provisions for the project. Measurement and payment are also
included in the Special Provisions.
712.4.11 Construction of Drilled Foundations Using Cofferdams
1 Cofferdams for the construction of drilled foundations in open water or other
areas may be used where such a method of construction is advantageous.
The Contractor is responsible for obtaining of any required permits.
If cofferdams are used, comply with the requirements of Subsections
204.4.3 and 702.4.1 for design, installation, and inspection of cofferdams.
712.4.12 Reinforcing Cage
712.4.12.1 Fabrication and Placement
1 Do not begin any drilling before the cage of reinforcing steel, consisting of
longitudinal bars, ties, spirals, any necessary cage stiffener bars, and spacers
is completely assembled and ready to be placed in the excavation. Place the
reinforcing cage immediately after the excavation is inspected and accepted.
Do not allow the maximum time between completion of excavation and con-
crete placement to exceed 12 hours unless otherwise approved in writing by
the BCE.
2 Provide the necessary temporary or permanent stiffening against distortion
during assembly, lifting, and placement of reinforcing cage. Ensure that stiff-
ening of the cage is sufficient to prevent rupturing or buckling of Crosshole
Sonic Logging (CSL) tubes. Place the CSL tubes halfway between the longi-
tudinal bars. For more information about CSL tubes, see Section 727.
712.4.12.2 Splicing of the Reinforcing Cage
1 If the bottom of the constructed shaft or pile elevation is lower than the bot-
tom of shaft or pile elevation shown on the Plans, extend all longitudinal bars
the additional length. Continue hoops for the extra depth and extend the stiff-

712.4.12.3 712.4.13.1

ener bars to the final depth. Splice these bars by mechanical couplers, or use
unspliced bars of the proper length. Splice cage due to additional depth of
excavation at the bottom of cage unless otherwise shown on the Plans or ap-
proved in writing by the BCE. Do not weld reinforcing steel unless called for
on the Plans or in the Special Provisions.
712.4.12.3 Support, Alignment, and Tolerance
1 Tie and support the reinforcing steel in the shaft so that the location of the
reinforcing steel remains within allowable tolerances. Use concrete spacers
or other approved non-corrosive spacing devices at sufficient intervals (near
the bottom, the top, and at intervals not exceeding 10 feet vertically) to ensure
concentric spacing for the entire cage length. Provide 1 spacer for each foot
of excavation diameter, with a minimum of 4 spacers at each level.
2 Construct spacers of approved material equal in quality and durability to the
concrete specified for the shaft. Ensure that the spacers are of adequate di-
mension to provide an annular space between the outside of the reinforcing
cage and the side of the excavation along the entire length of the shaft as
shown in the Plans. Contact between the concrete spacer and the wall of the
excavation is required to assure the cage is concentrically supported along
the entire length of the excavation. Provide acceptable concrete feet (bottom
supports) to ensure that the bottom of the cage is maintained the proper dis-
tance above the base of the excavation. If an oversize casing or excavation
is used, adjust spacer sizes to ensure concentric spacing.
3 Check the elevation of the top of the reinforcing cage before and after the
concrete is placed. If the rebar cage is not maintained within the specified
tolerances, make corrections to the satisfaction of the BCE. Do not construct
additional shafts until the reinforcing cage support is modified in a manner
satisfactory to the BCE.
712.4.13 Concrete Placement
712.4.13.1 Drilled Shafts
1 Place concrete as soon as possible after placing the reinforcing steel cage.
Place concrete continuously from the bottom to the top elevation of the shaft.
Continue concrete placement until good quality concrete is evident at the top
of shaft. Place concrete by either a tremie or concrete pump. Free fall
placement of concrete from the end of the tremie or pump line is not permit-
ted. Free fall from the top may be allowed in a dry hole with conditions out-
lined in Subsection 712.4.13.5.
2 Do not allow the elapsed time from the beginning of concrete placement
(time first concrete is batched) to the completion of the placement (time all
concrete is placed in the shaft) to exceed 2 hours. Adjust admixtures, if ac-
cepted for use, for the conditions encountered on the job such that the con-
crete remains in a workable plastic state throughout the 2-hour limit. Before
concrete placement, provide test results of both a trial mix and a slump loss
test conducted by an approved testing laboratory using approved methods to
demonstrate that the concrete meets the 2-hour workable plastic state re-

712.4.13.1 712.4.13.2

3 A longer placement time may be requested provided the concrete mix sup-
plied maintains a slump of 4 inches or greater over the longer placement time
as demonstrated by trial mix and slump loss tests. Conduct the trial mix and
slump loss tests using concrete and ambient temperatures appropriate for site
conditions. Provide the slump loss test data in a form acceptable to the RCE.
The Department may conduct random slump loss tests on production shafts.
4 Once concrete starts to set, wait a minimum of 12 hours as determined by
the RCE or BCE before drilling adjacent shafts within a 20-foot radius of the
cast concrete. Multiple shafts may be drilled prior to placing concrete if the
drilled holes remain in a stable condition. For non-cased drilled shafts, wait
until the cast concrete attains a minimum of 75% of the design compressive
strength, as verified by testing test cylinders, before placement of a construc-
tion vehicles or equipment are allowed within the 20-foot radius of the con-
crete item cast.
712.4.13.2 Drilled Pile Foundation
1 Place the piles in the excavation and, if shown on the plans, drive to the
required ultimate bearing at the design tip elevation. Practical refusal of the
pile is defined as 5 blows per 0.25 inch. Pile driving bearing criteria will be
waived if the bottom of the hole is sound rock as determined by the RCE.
2 Place concrete as soon as possible after placing the steel H-pile. The con-
crete may be placed before placement of steel H-pile provided that a suitable
set retarding agent is used to ensure the ability to place steel H-pile to the
specified tip elevation and verify bearing, if required, before hardening of the
3 Maintain continuous concrete placement from the specified tip elevation of
the excavation to the final elevation specified on the Plans. Place concrete by
either a tremie or concrete pump. Free fall from the top may be allowed in a
dry construction excavation with conditions outlined in Subsection
4 Multiple drilled piles may be drilled prior to placing concrete if the drilled
holes remain in a stable condition. Multiple drilled piles may be concreted
and driven provided the concrete remains in a workable plastic state through-
out. A longer concrete placement time than the specified 2 hour limit may be
requested provided the concrete mix supplied maintains a slump of 4 inches
or greater over the longer placement time as demonstrated by trial mix and
slump loss tests. Provide the slump loss test data in a form acceptable to the
RCE. Conduct the trial mix and slump loss tests using concrete and ambient
temperatures appropriate for site conditions.
5 Once concrete starts to set, wait a minimum of 12 hours as determined by
the RCE or BCE before installing adjacent piling or drilling adjacent
shaft/drilled pile within a 20-foot radius of the concrete item cast.
6 After installation of the pile and concreting is complete, backfill the space

712.4.13.3 712.4.13.3

between the pile and the excavation with clean sand and tamp in an approved
manner. Do not backfill above the top of concrete until at least 24 hours after
concrete placement. Remove any accumulation of water from the excavation
by pumping before concreting and backfilling. If water cannot be removed,
concreting using the wet construction method may be required.
712.4.13.3 Tremies
1 Tremies may be used for concrete placement in either wet or dry construc-
tion excavations. Use tremies to place concrete that consist of a rigid pipe or
tube of sufficient length, weight, and diameter to discharge concrete at the
bottom of the excavation. Ensure that the tremie does not contain aluminum
parts that have contact with the concrete. Make certain that the inside diame-
ter of the tremie is at least 6 times the maximum size of aggregate used in the
concrete mix, but not less than 10 inches. Ensure that the inside and outside
surfaces of the tremie are clean and smooth to permit both flow of concrete
and allow unimpeded withdrawal during concreting. Make sure the wall thick-
ness of the tremie is adequate to prevent crimping or sharp bends that may
restrict concrete placement.
2 Ensure that the tremie used for wet excavation concrete placement is wa-
tertight. Do not begin underwater placement until the tremie reaches the bot-
tom of the excavation. Discharge of concrete may begin at one tremie diame-
ter above the bottom of the excavation. If a wet excavation is required, make
sure the tremie is equipped with a flat metal plate or a foam plug of sufficient
size to ensure separation between the water in the tremie and the concrete
being placed. Remove the device from the excavation, or ensure that it is of a
material accepted by the BCE and will not cause a defect in the shaft if not
removed. Construct the discharge end of the tremie to permit the free radial
flow of concrete during placement operations.
3 Immerse the tremie discharge end at least 10 feet in concrete at all times
after starting the flow of concrete. Maintain a continuous flow of the concrete.
Ensure that the concrete in the tremie maintains a positive pressure differen-
tial at all times to prevent water or slurry intrusion into the concrete column.
4 If at any time during the concrete placement, the tremie line orifice is posi-
tioned above the concrete-slurry interface, the shaft is considered defective.
In such a case, remove the reinforcing cage and concrete, complete any nec-
essary sidewall repairs directed by the BCE, and re-pour the shaft. The Con-
tractor is responsible for all costs of the replacement of defective shafts.
5 If at any time during the concrete placement the tremie line orifice is less
than 10 feet below the concrete slurry interface, the BCE has the right to or-
der a CSL test of the shaft to determine if the shaft concrete has been con-
taminated because of this occurrence.
6 If a CSL test indicates an anomaly is present within a shaft and concrete
coring or other testing methods confirm the presence of the anomaly, the
Contractor bears the cost of all testing and remedial measures required to
satisfy the BCE of the integrity of the shaft. If the testing cannot confirm the

712.4.13.4 712.4.13.5

presence of the anomaly and the shaft is found to be acceptable, the reason-
able cost for all testing will be paid for by the Department.
712.4.13.4 Pumping Concrete
1 Concrete pumps and lines may be used for concrete placement in either
wet or dry excavations. Ensure that pump lines are a minimum of 5 inches in
diameter and are constructed with watertight joints. Do not begin concrete
placement until the pump line discharge orifice is at the bottom of the excava-
2 If a wet excavation is required, equip the pump line with a flat metal plate or
a foam plug of sufficient size to ensure separation between the fluid in the
pump line and the concrete being placed. Remove the device from the exca-
vation, or ensure that the device is of a material accepted by the BCE and will
not cause a defect in the shaft if not removed.
3 Ensure that the discharge orifice remains at least 10 feet below the surface
of the fluid concrete for wet excavation concrete placement. When lifting the
pump line during concreting, temporarily reduce the line pressure until the
orifice has been repositioned at a higher level in the excavation. If at any time
during the concrete placement, the pump line orifice is removed from the fluid
concrete and discharges concrete above the rising concrete level, the shaft is
considered defective. In such case, remove the reinforcing cage and con-
crete, complete any necessary sidewall repairs directed by the BCE, and re-
pour the shaft. The Contractor is responsible for all costs of replacement of
defective shafts.
712.4.13.5 Free-Fall of Concrete
1 With the written acceptance of the BCE, the free-fall of concrete may be
allowed under the following conditions:
A. The excavation is a dry construction method excavation as defined
under Subsection 712.4.4.
B. The inspector can see the top of the rising concrete during the pour
and can determine if the concrete is striking the reinforcing cage.
C. The concrete is placed in a chute with a rigid pipe to direct the con-
crete straight down.
D. The concrete fall is less than 75 feet.
E. The maximum size of aggregate is ¾ inch; the slump is in the 7 inch
to 9-inch range; and there are no strength problems.
F. A tremie or pump is on site and is prepared for use if it becomes
G. It is expressly understood that permission to use the free-fall method
is conditional and the Department reserves the right to require a tre-
mie or pump on any shaft if, for any reason, the RCE, BDGE and/or
BCE determines that the free-fall method is not producing satisfac-
tory results.

707 712.5.2
712.4.13.6 Forms
1 When the top of shaft or pile elevation is above ground and not formed by
construction casing, form the portion of the structure above ground to the di-
mensions shown on the Plans with removable forms or another accepted
2 When required, remove casing used as form in a manner that will not dam-
age the underlying concrete. Remove the casing in accordance with the fol-
lowing requirements:
A. The concrete has attained a compressive strength of 3000 psi as de-
termined from test cylinder breaks.
B. After removal of the casing, continue curing the concrete for the full
curing period in accordance with Subsection 702.4.4.2.
C. The concrete is not exposed to moving water or tidal water for at
least 7 days after removal of the casing.
712.5 Measurement
712.5.1 Drilled Shafts with Wet and Dry Excavation
1 The quantity for the pay item Drilled Shafts with Wet and Dry Excavation (of
the specified diameter) is length of the reinforced concrete drilled shaft deter-
mined below and is measured by the linear foot (LF), complete, and accepted.
2 If a pay item for Drilled Shaft with Rock Excavation is not included in the
Contract, then the length for Drilled Shafts with Wet and Dry Excavation is the
difference between the top of shaft elevation shown on the Plans and the final
bottom of shaft elevation authorized by the RCE, BDGE, and/or BCE or the
actual bottom of shaft elevation, whichever produces the lesser length. No
measurement is made for overdrilling beyond the elevation authorized by the
RCE, BDGE, and/or BCE.
3 If a pay item for Drilled Shaft with Rock Excavation is included in the Con-
tract, the length for Drilled Shafts with Wet and Dry Excavation is the differ-
ence between the top of shaft elevation shown in the Plans and the top of
rock elevation determined in accordance with Subsection 712.4.7.5.
712.5.2 Drilled Shafts with Rock Excavation
1 The quantity for the pay item Drilled Shaft with Rock Excavation is the leng-
th of the reinforced concrete drilled shaft determined below and is measured
by the linear foot (LF), complete, and accepted.
2 The length of Drilled Shaft with Rock Excavation is the difference between
the elevation of the top of rock determined in accordance with Subsection
712.4.7.5 and the elevation of the final bottom of shaft authorized by the RCE,
BDGE, and/or BCE or the actual bottom of shaft elevation, whichever pro-
duces the lesser length. No measurement is made for overdrilling beyond the
elevation authorized by the RCE, BDGE, and/or BCE.

712.5.2 712.5.6

3 If a pay item for Drilled Shaft with Rock Excavation is not included in the
Contract, then all excavation for the drilled shaft is included in the item Drilled
Shafts with Wet and Dry Excavation.
712.5.3 Soil Excavation for Drilled Pile Foundation
1 The quantity for the pay item Soil Excavation for Drilled Pile Foundations is
the length of the soil excavation required to place the reinforced or non-
reinforced concrete portion of the drilled pile foundation determined below and
is measured by the linear foot (LF), complete, and accepted.
2 If a pay item for Rock Excavation for Drilled Pile Foundation is not included
in the Contract, the length for Soil Excavation for Drilled Pile Foundations is
the difference between the elevation of the top of ground determined by field
measurement and the elevation of the final bottom of the drilled pile founda-
tion authorized by the RCE, BDGE, and/or BCE or the actual elevation of the
bottom of the concrete pile, whichever produces the lesser length. No meas-
urement is made for overdrilling beyond the elevation authorized by the RCE,
BDGE, and/or BCE.
3 If a pay item for Rock Excavation for Drilled Pile Foundation is included in
the Contract, the length for Soil Excavation for Drilled Pile Foundation is the
difference between the elevation of the top ground determined by field meas-
urement and the authorized elevation of the top of rock determined in accor-
dance with Subsection 712.4.7.5.
712.5.4 Rock Excavation for Drilled Pile Foundation
1 The quantity for the pay item Rock Excavation Drilled Pile Foundation is the
length of the rock excavation required to place the reinforced or non-
reinforced concrete portion of the drilled pile foundation and is measured by
the linear foot (LF), complete, and accepted.
2 The length of the rock excavation is the difference between the top of rock
excavation determined in accordance with Subsection 712.4.7.5 and the final
bottom of the concrete pile elevation authorized by the RCE, BDGE, and/or
BCE or the actual bottom of drilled pile elevation, whichever produces the
lesser length. No measurement is made for overdrilling beyond the elevation
authorized by the RCE, BDGE, and/or BCE.
3 If a pay item for Rock Excavation for Drilled Pile Foundation is not included
in the Contract, then all excavation for the drilled pile foundation is included in
the price bid for Soil Excavation for Drilled Pile Foundation.
712.5.5 Reinforcing Steel
1 The quantity for the reinforcing steel in drilled shafts and drilled pile founda-
tions is the theoretical number of pounds (LBS) of reinforcing steel required to
construct the drilled shafts or drilled pile foundations to the dimensions and
elevations shown on the Plans unless revised by the authority of the BCE and
is measured in accordance with Subsection 703.5.
712.5.6 Concrete for Drilled Shafts

712.5.6 712.5.11

1 Concrete in drilled shafts is not measured for separate payment. All work
for concrete in drilled shafts is included in the contract unit bid price for Drilled
712.5.7 Drilled Pile Foundation Concrete
1 The quantity for the pay item Drilled Pile Foundation Concrete (Class
4000DS) is the volume of Class 4000DS concrete in the drilled pile founda-
tions calculated using the dimensions and elevations shown on the Plans
unless revised by the BCE and the unit of payment is cubic yard (CY) of con-
crete, complete, and accepted.
712.5.8 Construction Casing
1 The quantity for the pay item Construction Casing is the length of the con-
struction casing determined below and is measured by the linear foot (LF),
complete, and accepted.
2 Unless otherwise directed by the BCE, the length construction casing is the
difference between authorized top of casing elevation and the final authorized
bottom of casing elevation. Portions of the unpaid length of construction cas-
ing removed become the property of the Contractor for disposal away from
the site.
3 An allowance of 5 feet of construction casing is added to the total meas-
urement for cost of the work to provide an approved splice eligible for pay-
ment. There is not an allowance for any splice made for the convenience of
the Contractor.
4 Measurements do not include casing that is not provided or installed in ac-
cordance with these specifications or directed and accepted by the BCE.
5 Installation and removal of temporary casing is not measured for payment,
and is included in the cost of the drilled shaft or drilled pile foundation item.
712.5.9 Steel H-Piling
1 Steel H-piling for drilled pile foundations is measured in accordance with
Subsection 711.5.
712.5.10 Drilled Pile Set-up
1 The quantity for the pay item Drilled Pile Set-Up is measured for payment
by each (EA) drilled pile set-up, complete, and accepted.
712.5.11 Drilled Shaft Set-up
1 The quantity for the pay item Drilled Shaft Set-Up is measured for payment
by each (EA) drilled shaft set-up, complete, and accepted.

712.6 712.6.4

712.6 Payment
712.6.1 Drilled Shafts with Wet and Dry Excavation
1 Payment for the accepted quantity of Drilled Shafts with Wet and Dry Exca-
vation, measured in accordance with Subsection 712.5.1, is determined us-
ing the contract unit bid price for the applicable pay item. Pay is full compen-
sation for constructing drilled shafts as specified or directed and includes dis-
posal of excavated materials; installing and removing temporary casings;
slurry; removing of unforeseen obstructions; de-watering and cleaning exca-
vation; furnishing and placing concrete; painting casings left in place; and all
other materials, labor, equipment, tools, supplies, transportation, and inciden-
tals necessary to fulfill the requirements of the pay item in accordance with
the Plans, the Specifications, and other terms of the Contract. Fixed drilled
shaft costs are included in the pay item Drilled Shaft Set-Up as specified in
Subsection 712.6.11.
712.6.2 Drilled Shafts with Rock Excavation
1 Payment for the accepted quantity of Drilled Shafts with Rock Excavation,
measured in accordance with Subsection 712.5.2, is determined using the
contract unit bid price for the applicable pay item. Payment is full compensa-
tion for constructing drilled shafts as specified or directed and includes dis-
posal of excavated materials; installing and removing of temporary casings;
removing of unforeseen obstructions; de-watering and cleaning excavation;
furnishing and placing concrete; painting casings left in place; and all other
materials, labor, equipment, tools, supplies, transportation, and incidentals
necessary to fulfill the requirements of the pay item in accordance with the
Plans, the Specifications, and other terms of the Contract. Fixed drilled shaft
costs are included in the item Drilled Shaft Set-Up as specified in Subsection
712.6.3 Soil Excavation for Drilled Pile Foundation
1 Payment for the accepted quantity of Soil Excavation for Drilled Pile Foun-
dations, measured in accordance with Subsection 712.5.3, is paid for at the
contract unit bid price for the pay item. Payment is full compensation for ex-
cavating soil for placement of drilled pile foundations as specified or directed
and includes disposing of excavated materials; installing and removing of
temporary casings; removing unforeseen obstructions; de-watering and clean-
ing excavation; painting casings left in place; and all other materials, labor,
equipment, tools, supplies, transportation, and incidentals necessary to fulfill
the requirements of the pay item in accordance with the Plans, the Specifica-
tions, and other terms of the Contract.
712.6.4 Rock Excavation for Drilled Pile Foundation
1 Payment for the accepted quantity of Rock Excavation for Drilled Pile
Foundations, measured in accordance with Subsection 712.5.4, is deter-
mined using the contract unit bid price for the pay item. Payment is full com-
pensation for excavating rock for placement of drilled pile foundations as

712.6.5 712.6.8

specified or directed and includes disposing of excavated materials; installing

and removing temporary casings; removing of unforeseen obstructions; de-
watering and cleaning excavation; painting casings left in place; and all other
materials, labor, equipment, tools, supplies, transportation, and incidentals
necessary to fulfill the requirements of the pay item in accordance with the
Plans, the Specifications, and other terms of the Contract.
712.6.5 Reinforcing Steel
The quantity of reinforcing steel measured as specified in Subsections
712.5.5 and 703.5 is paid for as Reinforcing Steel for Structures (Bridge) in
accordance with Subsection 703.6, and payment is full compensation for
furnishing rebar, tying, assembling, stiffening, and placing reinforcing steel
cages. It also includes furnishing and attaching spacers on cages, and all
other materials, labor, equipment, tools, supplies, transportation, and inciden-
tals necessary to fulfill the requirements of the pay item in accordance with
the Plans, the Specifications, and other terms of the Contract.
712.6.6 Concrete for Drilled Shafts
1 Concrete for drilled shaft foundations including mix designs, trial batches,
testing, concrete, forms, placing, and curing concrete is not paid for directly
and is included in the contract unit bid price for Drill Shaft items.
712.6.7 Drilled Pile Foundation Concrete
1 Payment for the accepted quantity of Drilled Foundation Concrete (Class
4000DS), measured in accordance with Subsection 712.5.7 is determined
using the contract unit bid price for the pay item. Payment is full compensa-
tion for furnishing and placing concrete as specified or directed and includes
all costs of mix designs; trial batches; testing; backfilling foundations; forms;
and all other materials, labor, equipment, tools, supplies, transportation, and
incidentals necessary to fulfill the requirements of the pay item in accordance
with the Plans, the Specifications, and other terms of the Contract.
712.6.8 Construction Casing
1 Payment of the accepted quantity of Construction Casing, measured in ac-
cordance with Subsection 712.5.8, is determined using the contract unit bid
price for the applicable pay item. Payment is full compensation for furnishing
and installing the construction casing as specified or directed and includes
removing casing (when specified or directed); cleaning and painting casing
left in-place (if necessary); disposing of removed portions of casing; splicing
and welding as required; casing stiffening materials; and all other materials,
labor, equipment, tools, supplies, transportation, and incidentals necessary to
fulfill the requirements of the pay item in accordance with the Plans, the
Specifications, and other terms of the Contract. It also includes any tempo-
rary bracing necessary to hold the casing in alignment and the removal of any
obstructions to satisfactorily complete the work as specified.

712.6.9 712.6.12

712.6.9 Steel H-Piling
1 Steel H-piling for drilled pile foundations is paid for in accordance with
Subsection 711.6.
712.6.10 Drilled Pile Set-Up
Payment for the accepted quantity of Drilled Pile Set-Up, measured in ac-
cordance with Subsection 712.5.10, is determined using the contract unit bid
price for the pay item. Payment is full compensation for the fixed costs in the
preparation for installation of drilled piles as specified or directed and includes
mobilization of drilling equipment; site preparation; removing foreseeable ob-
structions; templates; and all other materials, labor, equipment, tools, sup-
plies, transportation, and incidentals necessary to fulfill the requirements of
the pay item in accordance with the Plans, the Specifications, and other terms
of the Contract.
712.6.11 Drilled Shaft Set-Up
1 Payment for the accepted quantity of Drilled Shaft Set-Up, measured in
accordance with Subsection 712.5.11, is determined using the contract unit
bid price for the pay item. Payment is full compensation for the fixed costs in
the preparation for installation of drilled shafts as specified or directed and
includes mobilization of drilling equipment; site preparation; removing fore-
seeable obstructions; and all other materials, labor, equipment, tools, sup-
plies, transportation, and incidentals necessary to fulfill the requirements of
the pay item in accordance with the Plans, the Specifications, and other terms
of the Contract.
712.6.12 Pay Items
1 Payment for each item includes all direct and indirect costs and expenses
necessary to complete the work.
2 Pay items under this section include the following:

Item No. Pay Item Unit

7120006 Drilled Shaft Set-Up EA

7120008 Drilled Pile Set-Up EA

Soil Excavation for Drilled Pile Foundations

712002X LF
- (diameter)" Diameter

Rock Excavation for Drilled Pile Foundations

712006X LF
- (diameter)" Diameter

Drilled Shafts with Wet & Dry Excavation

7120XX1 LF
- (diameter)" Diameter

(table continued on the next page)

712.6.12 712.6.12

(table continued from the previous page)

Item No. Pay Item Unit

Drilled Shafts with Rock Excavation

7120XX2 LF
- (diameter)" Diameter

7120XX5 Construction Casing - (diameter)" Diameter LF

7120500 Drilled Pile Foundation Concrete (Class 4000DS) CY

713.1 713.1.1



713.1 Description
1 This section contains specifications for materials, equipment, construction,
measurement, and payment for designing, furnishing materials, and con-
structing temporary or permanent Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) walls
in accordance with these specifications and the MSE wall system supplier’s
recommendations, and in conformance with the lines, grades, designs, and
dimensions shown on the Plans or established by the RCE.
2 MSE wall exposed facings are precast concrete panels, modular concrete
blocks, or other facings specified in the Plans. Design details for MSE wall
structures such as type of wall facing (i.e. precast concrete panel, modular
concrete block facing, etc.); loading conditions; leveling pad requirements;
temporary surcharge retaining walls; and details for appurtenances are shown
on the Plans or specified herein. MSE wall design includes supplying engi-
neering calculations and drawings (Shop Plans/Working Drawings). Furnish-
ing materials includes all MSE wall components such as facing elements, lev-
eling pad, soil reinforcement and attachment devices, MSE wall backfill, wall
coping, and any other project specific requirements such as structural frames
or other methods to design around obstructions in walls, drainage features,
etc. MSE wall construction includes structural excavation for the MSE wall,
constructing the concrete leveling pad, erecting the wall facing, placing and
compacting reinforced backfill, installing soil reinforcements, installing a
drainage system, installing coping, and installing other project specific items
required in the Plans or as directed by the BDGE or RCE.
3 Use those MSE wall systems that are listed in the Plans and listed on the
most recent edition of SCDOT Qualified Product List 64.
713.1.1 MSE Wall Submittals, Review, and Acceptance
1 Submit 4 sets of design calculations and 8 sets of Shop Plans/Working
Drawings to the BDGE for review in accordance with the requirements pro-
vided herein. Allow 30 calendar days from the day the submittals are re-
ceived by the BDGE for review and acceptance.
2 Acceptance of the MSE wall design will be based on a review of the design
calculations and the Shop Plans/Working Drawings for conformance with the
Plans, specifications, and SCDOT standard design practices. Ensure that all
calculations and Shop Plans/Working Drawings bear the legible seal, date,
and signature of the responsible civil engineer registered as a Professional
Engineer in the State of South Carolina. The Contractor's Designer is solely
responsible for the accuracy, completeness, and constructability of the sub-
mitted design before and after review. Do not begin fabrication of the MSE
wall components until written acceptance of the design and Shop
Plans/Working Drawings is provided. The BDGE will notify the Contractor in

713.1.1 713.1.2.1

writing when the review process is complete and will transmit the reviewed
and accepted Shop Plans/Working Drawings.
3 If the Contractor or the wall supplier is required to supplement or revise the
design submittal in order to obtain acceptance of the MSE wall design, the
time allowances for acceptance may increase. No additional contract time will
be given for any subsequent loss of construction time due to time delays
caused by revisions, modifications, clarifications, or re-submittal of calcula-
tions or Shop Plans/Working Drawings that is not in conformance with the
Plans and specifications.
4 Payment for MSE wall construction will not begin until the MSE wall mate-
rial certifications and MSE wall reinforced backfill material tests have been
reviewed and accepted by the OMR.
713.1.2 MSE Wall Design
713.1.2.1 Scope of Design
1 Consider MSE wall structures as gravity walls. Design for external and in-
ternal stability of the reinforced soil mass. The Department will be responsi-
ble for the external stability of temporary and permanent MSE wall structures,
which consists of checking the global stability for deep-seated failures, sliding
stability, overturning, settlement analysis, and bearing capacity. The external
stability of the MSE wall structure, with appropriate safety factors, is satisfied
with the minimum base width required, BReq, that is specified in the Plans.
2 The Contractor and the MSE wall system supplier are responsible for the
internal stability design of temporary and permanent MSE wall structures.
Determine the required soil reinforcement length and strength, facing/soil rein-
forcement connection strength, and facing stability in accordance with the
Plans and this specification. The Contractor and the MSE wall system sup-
plier are responsible for the design of any temporary MSE wall facings re-
quired during staging, or other project specific requirements (such as wall
drainage systems, designs that allow obstructions within the reinforced soil
mass, etc.) that are required to build the MSE wall structure. Ensure that the
project specific design criteria provided in the Plans are used in developing
the MSE wall design. If design criteria are not shown in the Plans, use the
minimum design criteria listed in the SCDOT retaining wall design guidelines.
Do not allow the MSE wall bearing pressures to exceed the allowable bearing
pressures provided in the Plans. Prepare the Shop Plans/Working Drawings
using the MSE wall details provided in the Plans and the SCDOT standard
design practice as a guide for the design. Ensure that the design specifies
the minimum required wall face batter to limit the amount of horizontal move-
ments resulting from the outward rotation of the wall as a result of the devel-
opment of internal equilibrium between the loads applied to the wall and the
internal structure of the wall.

713.1.2.2 713.1.2.4

713.1.2.2 Design Methodology
1 Design temporary and permanent MSE walls and miscellaneous structures
or systems associated with the MSE walls (i.e. structural frames for obstruc-
tions, wall drainage, joints, etc.) in accordance with the SCDOT retaining wall
design guidelines, the current edition of the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design
Specifications (including interims), these specifications, the Supplemental
Specifications, the Special Provisions, and SCDOT standard practices. In
instances of conflict between specifications, the design requirements in the
SCDOT retaining wall design guidelines and the SCDOT specifications su-
persede the AASHTO design specifications. The Department will not accept
designs based on methodology other than required by this specification. Use
the MSE wall design criteria shown in the Plans. If the design criteria in the
Plans are incomplete, use the design criteria shown in the SCDOT retaining
wall design guidelines.
713.1.2.3 Design Calculations
1 Submit to the RCE four complete sets of the MSE wall system supplier's
design calculations in accordance with this specification. Fully document the
determination of all loading conditions and assumptions. Include in the calcu-
lations (including computer runs) load cases that exist during construction and
at the end of construction for surcharges, hydraulic conditions, live loads,
combinations, and obstructions within the reinforced backfill.
2 If computer generated designs are used, furnish verification that the com-
puter program's design methodology meets the requirements specified herein.
This can be accomplished by providing either of the following:
• Complete, legible, calculations that show the design procedure step-
by-step for the most critical geometry and loading condition that will
govern each design section of the MSE wall structure. Calculations
may be computer generated provided that all input, equations, and
assumptions used are clearly shown, or
• A diskette with the input files and the full computer output of the
FHWA's MSEW computer program (latest version) for the governing
loading condition for each design section of the MSE wall structure.
This software may be obtained at:
ADAMA Engineering, Inc.
33 The Horseshoe, Covered Bridge Farms
Newark, Delaware 19711, USA
Tel. (302) 368-3197, Fax (302) 731-1001
3 Special designs where computer runs do not adequately model the struc-
ture will require hand calculations. Provide a summary of the design compu-
tations that include design section identification, location, wall geometry
(height, backslope, etc.), loadings (traffic loading, hydrostatic, seismic, traffic
barrier, etc), governing design safety factors and level where they occur, and
any other pertinent information in the design calculations.
713.1.2.4 Shop Plans/Working Drawings

713.1.2.4 713.1.2.4

1 Include on the Shop Plans/Working Drawings, the horizontal and vertical

alignment of the walls as well as the existing and proposed ground lines
shown in the contract Plans. Clearly show the vertical bearing pressure ex-
erted by the MSE wall structure relative to changes in wall height and soil re-
inforcement length. Furnish the Shop Plans/Working Drawings on size A plan
sheets in accordance with Subsection 725.1.1. Include the following infor-
mation needed to fabricate and erect the walls on the Shop Plans/Working
• Elevation sheet or sheets for each wall;
• Existing ground elevations that have been verified by the Contractor
for each location;
• MSE wall profile elevation showing top of the leveling pad elevations,
maximum bearing loads, top of wall elevation at a minimum interval
of 50 feet, etc.;
• Typical cross-section or cross-sections showing the elevation rela-
tionship between ground conditions and proposed grades;
• General notes pertaining to design criteria and wall construction;
• Details of slip joints if required to prevent stresses due to anticipated
settlement shown on the Plans or at interfaces with other walls;
• Details of all joints indicating type, size, and manufacturer;
• Details of wall batter;
• Shape, dimensions, and any structural design details of the MSE
wall facings;
• Details of the architectural or finish treatment supplied;
• Details of facing/reinforcement connections;
• The number, size, type, length, and details of the soil reinforcing
elements in each design section;
• Details showing location and installation of geotextile fabric;
• Details of the leveling pad showing dimensions;
• Finishing details at the top of wall (i.e. cap block, panel coping, bar-
rier, pavements);
• Details at miscellaneous obstructions (i.e. drainage structures, utility
conduits, pipes) located within the reinforced backfill;
• Details at bridge foundation obstructions (including foundations to be
installed with the current project);
• Dimensions of reinforced backfill required; and
• Any additional details pertaining to coping, railing, temporary facing,
and internal drainage, as required by the Plans.

713. 713.

713. Shop Plans/Working Drawing Notes
1 Ensure that notes shown in the Shop Plans/Working Drawings do not con-
flict with SCDOT specifications and standard practice unless the notes are
more stringent.
713. Top of Wall Elevation
1 Obtain written approval by the BDGE to lower the top of wall elevation from
that shown on the Plans. When the top of the MSE wall with modular con-
crete block facing is stepped and covered with cap blocks, the top of wall ele-
vation may be adjusted by increasing the top of the wall by a maximum of 8
inches. Make these adjustments in wall heights at stepped locations of MSE
wall with modular concrete block facing without increases in wall quantity or
additional compensation. Ensure that the top of the wall elevations allow for
proper interfacing with barriers, copings, surface ditches, bridge abutments,
etc. as shown in the Plans.
713. Leveling Pad
1 Written approval by the BDGE must be obtained to raise the leveling pad
elevation from that shown on the Plans. However, leveling pad embedment
dimensions shown in the Plans may be increased a maximum of 20 inches of
embedment without written approval if no obstructions are encountered. En-
sure that the leveling pad elevations allow for the transverse and longitudinal
drainage structures shown on the Plans. Unless otherwise indicated on the
Plans, embed all MSE walls a minimum of 2 feet below the finished grade at
the wall face, or 2 feet below the design scour elevation for streams adjacent
to the wall face, or 2 feet below the bottom of any drainage features adjacent
to the wall face. If scour potential is mitigated, place the leveling pad a mini-
mum of 2 feet below the finished grade at the wall face. If utilities, ditches, or
other structures are located adjacent to the wall, embed the leveling pad a
minimum of 1 foot below the bottom of these structures.
713. Wall Interface and Vertical Joint Details
1 Should conditions arise within the project where an MSE wall interfaces
with another wall (e.g. MSE wall, concrete barrier wall, wing wall, etc.), ensure
that the Shop Plans/Working Drawings contain slip joints details, special fac-
ing element details; and details on how to end this wall or walls; and how to
compact the embankment at these locations. Do not place the wall ends over
foundations. Consider all vertical joint lines to be slip joints and detail them so
that the vertical joint is not wider than 1 inch and the vertical joint remains
covered for the life of the structure to ensure that the reinforced backfill does
not migrate outside of the MSE wall system. At locations where an MSE wall
makes a 90-degree turn, use corner panels or corner blocks to make the turns
and cover the vertical joints at these locations. Show a detailed soil rein-
forcement layout where walls intersect (i.e. permanent MSE wall intersects a
temporary MSE wall at 90 degrees or less).

713. 713.

713. Earth Surcharges
1 If the Plans indicate an earth surcharge is to be placed over the reinforced
zone, the surcharge may be retained by using a temporary MSE wall struc-
713. Precast Concrete Panel Facing Layout
1 For MSE walls with precast concrete panel facing, provide a numbered
panel layout drawing for fabrication and erection purposes.
713.2 Materials
713.2.1 MSE Wall Facings
1 Purchase or manufacture all applicable materials such as facing panel, fac-
ing block, connectors, facing aggregate, block fill, wire baskets, and all other
necessary components. Obtain written approval from the Director of Con-
struction (DOC) to use materials or sources of materials not conforming to the
specifications or not listed in the contract documents.
713.2.2 MSE Wall With Precast Concrete Panel Facings
713.2.2.1 Precast Concrete Panel Facing
1 Fabricate the precast concrete panels in accordance with requirements of
the current edition of the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications with
the following exceptions and additions in the following Subsections
713. through 713.
713. Size
1 Provide precast concrete panels a maximum width (w) to height (h) ratio,
(w/h) ≤ 1.20 and a maximum height (h) to width (w) ratio, (h/w) ≤ 1.20. En-
sure that the panels have a maximum surface area of 30 square feet.
713. Reinforcing Steel
1 Unless otherwise noted in the Plans, provide reinforcing steel meeting the
applicable requirements of ASTM A 706, Grade 60, and Section 703. Ensure
that fabrication and placement of reinforcing steel conforms to the applicable
requirements of Section 703.
713. Concrete
1 Make certain concrete and admixtures meet the requirements of applicable
subsections of Section 701, except that a certified plant is not required. Pro-
vide concrete conforming to the requirements of Class 4000P with a minimum
28-day compressive strength of 4000 psi.
713. Casting
1 Notify the SME at least 14 days before the production of precast concrete
panels. Cast the panels on a flat surface, with the front face of the panel fac-
ing downward and the back face of the panel facing upward. Do not allow the
tie strip guide or other galvanized devices to be in contact with or attached to

713. 713.

the face panel reinforcement steel.

2 Place the concrete in each panel without interruption and consolidate by
the use of an approved vibrator, supplemented by such hand tamping as may
be necessary to force the concrete into the corners of the form. Fully support
the units until the concrete reaches a minimum compressive strength of 1000
psi. Cure the panels with burlap blankets for 36 hours or steam cure. Keep
forms in place until they can be removed without damage to the panel. The
panels may be shipped 3 days after casting and attainment of the required
concrete strength of 4,000 psi.
713. Compressive Strength
1 Acceptance of the precast concrete panels with respect to compressive
strength will be determined on a lot basis. A lot is defined as either 40 panels
or a single day’s production, whichever is less. The lot will be randomly sam-
pled for compressive strength testing in accordance with ASTM C 172 and
tested in accordance with ASTM C 39. Strength testing and acceptance will
be in accordance with applicable subsections of Section 701. Panels repre-
sented by test cylinders that do not reach the above requirements will be re-
713. Markings
1 Clearly scribe the date of manufacture, the production lot number, and the
panel identification number on the rear face of each panel.
713. Finish
1 Unless otherwise indicated on the Plans or directed by the RCE, ensure
that the concrete surfacing for the front face has a natural gray stone block
(Ashlar) wall finish. Make certain all concrete finishes conform to the re-
quirements of applicable subsections of Section 702. Provide the rear face
with a uniform surface finish. Ensure that the rear face of the panel is roughly
screeded to eliminate open pockets of aggregate and surface distortions in
excess of ¼ inch.
713. Tolerances
1 Manufacture precast concrete panels within the following tolerances:

• Panel Dimensions: position panel connection devices to within 1 inch

of the specified dimension; all other dimensions to within 3/16 inch of
the specified dimension.
• Panel Squareness: as determined by the difference between the two
diagonals not to exceed ½ inch.
• Panel Surface Finish: surface defects on smooth formed surfaces
measured over a length of 5 feet not to exceed ⅛ inch. Surface de-
fects on the textured-finish surfaces measured over a length of 5 feet
not to exceed 5/16 inch.

713. 713.

713. Rejection
1 Panels will be rejected because of failure to meet any of the requirements
specified above. Any or all of the following defects are sufficient cause for
• Defects that indicate imperfect molding.
• Defects indicating honeycomb or open texture concrete.
• Cracked or severely chipped panels.
• Color variation on front face of panel due to excess form oil or other
• Defective or damaged reinforcement connection devices.
713. Handling, Storage and Shipping
1 Handle, store, and ship panels in such a manner as to eliminate the dan-
gers of chipping, discoloration, cracks, fractures, and excessive bending
stresses. Support panels in storage on firm blocking located immediately ad-
jacent to tie strips to avoid bending the tie strips.
713.2.3 MSE Wall With Modular Concrete Block Facings
713.2.3.1 Modular Concrete Block Facing
1 Submit a manufacturer’s certification to the RCE that the modular concrete
blocks for each lot shipped are in conformance with the following specifica-
tions. Ensure that the certification for each shipment lists for each particular
lot shipped, the date manufactured, type of block, the average compressive
strength, and the water absorption.
713. Concrete
1 Use Portland cement concrete with a minimum 28-day compressive
strength of 4000 psi. Maximum water absorption limit shall be 6% in accor-
dance with ASTM C 140. Ensure that admixtures conform to the require-
ments in applicable subsections of Section 701.
713. Casting
1 Cast the modular concrete blocks in steel molds and in a manner that will
ensure the production of uniform modular concrete blocks. Place the con-
crete in each block without interruption and consolidate. Steam cure the
blocks for a minimum of 24 hours. Make certain the blocks reach a minimum
compressive strength of 4,000 psi before being shipped.
713. Compressive Strength
1 Acceptance of the modular concrete blocks with respect to compressive
strength is determined on a per lot basis. The maximum number of blocks in
each lot is 10,000. Clearly mark the lots until acceptance of testing results.
Randomly sample the lot in accordance with ASTM C 140. Have the manu-
facturer perform compressive strength tests on test specimens prepared by
the manufacturer. Ensure that the compressive strength test specimens con-

713. 713.2.3.2

form to the saw-cut coupon provisions of Section 5.2.4 of ASTM C 140. Ap-
prove block lots when the average compressive strength is 4000 psi of 3 test
coupons and with no individual test having a compressive strength less than
3500 psi. Reject block lots not meeting these requirements.
713. Markings
1 Clearly mark the date of manufacture, lot number, and type of block in ac-
cordance with the approved MSE wall design drawings on each lot.
713. Finish
1 Unless otherwise indicated on the Plans, provide a natural gray with
tri-planar fractured rock face finish on the front face of the block.
713. Tolerances
1 Provide modular concrete blocks manufactured within the following toler-
• Length and width of each individual block is within ⅛ inch of the
specified dimension. Hollow units have a minimum wall thickness of
1¼ inch.
• Height of each individual block is within 1/16 inch of the specified di-
• When a broken or fractured face is required, the dimension of the
front face is within 1 inch of the theoretical dimension shown on the
713. Rejection
1 Reject modular concrete blocks because of failure to meet any of the re-
quirements specified in Subsection 713. In addition, any or all of the
following defects is sufficient cause for rejection:
• Defects that indicate imperfect molding.
• Defects indicating honeycomb or open texture concrete.
• Cracks greater than 0.02 inches in width and longer than 25% of the
height of the block.
• Severely chipped or broken blocks.
• Color variation on front face of block due to excess form oil or other
• Defective or damaged reinforcement connection devices built into
the modular concrete block.
713. Handling, Storage and Shipping
1 Handle, store, and ship modular concrete blocks in such a manner as to
eliminate the dangers of chipping, discoloration, cracks, or fractures.
713.2.3.2 Block Fill
1 Furnish block fill when modular concrete blocks require a block fill for con-
nection strength or when vertical void spaces exist within the modular con-

713.2.3.3 713.2.5

crete block.
713.2.3.3 Free Draining Aggregate
1 Provide a 12-inch thick free draining aggregate layer with a geotextile fabric
when a granular backfill is used with modular concrete block facings. In addi-
tion to the 12-inch aggregate layer, fill any void spaces along the backside of
the modular concrete blocks with the aggregate.
713.2.3.4 Cap Blocks
1 Provide cap blocks unless otherwise shown in the Plans. Place precast
concrete cap block over the uppermost level of blocks. Secure the cap blocks
with mortar that meets the requirements of Subsections 718.2.5 and 718.4.1.
713.2.3.5 Cast-In-Place Concrete Coping
1 If required in the Plans, place a cast-in-place concrete coping over the up-
per most level of modular concrete blocks as indicated in the Plans or as
shown on the accepted Shop Plans/Working Drawings. Use Class 4000 con-
crete conforming to applicable subsections of Section 701 for the cast-in-
place concrete coping. If precast concrete coping is used, use Class 4000P
concrete conforming to applicable subsections of Section 701. Unless noted
otherwise in the Plans, use ASTM A 706, Grade 60 reinforcing steel meeting
the requirements of Section 703. Ensure that fabrication and placement of
reinforcing steel conforms to the requirements of applicable subsections of
Section 703.
713.2.4 Temporary MSE Wall Facing
713.2.4.1 Welded Wire Mesh Facing
1 Furnish reinforcing mesh that is shop-fabricated of cold drawn steel wire.
Supply a manufacturer’s certification that the material conforms to the mini-
mum requirements of AASHTO M 55 and galvanization (when required) con-
forms to the minimum requirements of AASHTO M 111. Apply galvanization
after the mesh is fabricated.
713.2.4.2 Temporary Facing Aggregate
1 Provide the temporary facing aggregate of crushed stone or crushed gravel
with the same gradation as the stone backfill referenced in Subsection
713.2.5 Vertical and Horizontal Joint Materials
1 Provide the type and grade of bearing pads approved by the MSE wall sup-
2 Provide a polyester filter fabric cover, as shown on the Plans and approved
by the supplier, for horizontal and vertical joints between panels. Use an ad-
hesive approved by the manufacturer to attach the fabric material to the back
of the facing panels.

713.2.6 713.2.7.3

713.2.6 Panel Coping
1 Provide panel coping unless otherwise shown on the Plans. Place the
panel cast-in-place concrete coping over the upper most level of the precast
concrete panels as detailed on the Plans. Use Class 4000 concrete conform-
ing to the requirements of Section 701. If necessary, place concrete to level
up the top row of MSE wall precast concrete panel facings prior to placing
panel coping. Ensure that the stepped joint line between the leveling con-
crete and the top row of blocks is not exposed. Construct a lip to produce a
joint line parallel to the finished grade. Unless otherwise noted on the Plans,
use ASTM A 706, Grade 60 reinforcing steel meeting the requirements of ap-
plicable subsections of Section 703. Ensure that the fabrication and place-
ment of reinforcing steel conforms to applicable subsections of Section 703.
713.2.7 Reinforced Backfill Material
713.2.7.1 General
1 Unless otherwise indicated on the Plans or in the specifications provide
either granular or stone backfill for the reinforced backfill material for perma-
nent MSE walls. Ensure that the granular and stone backfills conform to ap-
plicable subsections of Section 205 with the engineering properties and ma-
terial requirements in Subsections 713.2.7.2 through 713.2.7.8.
713.2.7.2 Granular Backfill
1 Ensure that the internal friction angle (φ) for the reinforced granular backfill
is not less than 32 degrees. Use a total unit weight of 120 pcf and a friction
angle of 32 degrees for design purposes, unless otherwise indicated in the
MSE wall design criteria shown on the Plans. Use a maximum of 34 degrees
for internal friction angle for design of the MSE wall regardless of project spe-
cific testing. Use a granular backfill material with a gradation in accordance
with the following table.

Reinforced Granular Backfill Gradation

Sieve Size (AASHTO T 27) Percent Passing

Extensible Reinforcement (geosynthetic) = ¾”,

Inextensible Reinforcement (steel) = 1½”

No. 40 0 – 60

No. 100 0 – 30

No. 200 0 – 15
713.2.7.3 Stone Backfill
1 Ensure that the internal friction angle (φ) for the reinforced stone backfill is
not less than 36 degrees. Use a total unit weight of 110 pcf and a friction an-
gle of 36 degrees for design purposes, unless otherwise indicated in the MSE
wall design criteria shown on the Plans. Use a maximum of 38 degrees for
the internal friction angle for design of the MSE wall regardless of project spe-

713.2.7.3 713.2.7.6

cific testing. Use stone backfill material with a coarse aggregate in accor-
dance with the following table and obtained from a source listed on SCDOT
Qualified Product List 2.

Reinforced Stone Backfill

Soil Reinforcement Type Coarse Aggregate No.

Extensible Reinforcement (geosynthetic) 67, 6M

Inextensible Reinforcement (steel) 5, 57, 67, 6M

713.2.7.4 Block Fill
1 Use Coarse Aggregate No. 67 or No. 6M obtained from a source listed on
SCDOT Qualified Product List 2.
713.2.7.5 Free Draining Aggregate
1 Use Coarse Aggregate No. 67 or No. 6M obtained from a source listed on
SCDOT Qualified Product List 2.
713.2.7.6 Soil Property Requirements For Backfill
1 Ensure that all reinforced backfill, block fill, and free draining aggregate
have the following soil properties:
• pH value between 3.5 and 9.0 (granular) (AASHTO T 289) and be-
tween 4.5 and 10.0 (stone) (SC-T-143).
• Organic content not to exceed 1.0 percent (weight of organic mate-
rial to weight of total sample) as determined by AASHTO T 267 for
material finer than the No. 10 sieve.
• Internal friction angle not less than the values specified in
Subsections 713.2.7.2 and 713.2.7.3 as determined by the standard
direct shear test (AASHTO T 236) or the triaxial test (AASHTO T
234) on the portion passing the No. 10 sieve. Compact material test
samples to 95% (AASHTO T 99, Method C or D) of maximum den-
sity at optimum moisture content. Internal frictional angle testing of
backfills is not required where 80% or more of the particles sizes are
¾ inch or larger.
• Coefficient of uniformity, Cu, of 4 or greater (granular only). Compute
the coefficient of uniformity, Cu, as follows:
Cu =
Where D60 is the particle diameter at 60% passing and
D10 is the particle diameter at 10% passing.
Obtain written approval from the DOC to use soils with a coefficient
of uniformity less than 4.

• Plasticity Index (PI) less than or equal to 6 and the Liquid Limit (LL)

713.2.7.6 713.2.8.1

less than or equal to 30 as determined by AASHTO T 90.

2 Make certain the reinforced backfill and modular concrete block fill have the
following electrochemical properties if steel soil reinforcements are used:
• The resistivity is greater than 3000 ohm-cm (AASHTO T 288).
• The chloride content is less than 100 ppm (AASHTO T 291).
• The sulfate content is less than 200 ppm (AASHTO T 290).
3 Use SC T-143 for testing stone resistivity.

4 The chloride and sulfate testing is waived if the resistivity is greater than or
equal to 5000 ohm-cm.
713.2.7.7 Temporary MSE Wall Reinforced Backfill
1 Borrow materials or on-site soils may be used if the plasticity index, PI, is
less than or equal to 15 (AASHTO T 90) and the liquid limit, LL, is less than or
equal to 30 (AASHTO T 90).
2 Typically, these soils are classified as A-1-a, A-1-b, A-3, or A-2-4. Ensure
that the internal friction angle (φ) for these soils is not less than 28 degrees.
3 Use a total unit weight of 115 pcf and a friction angle of 28 degrees for de-
sign purposes, unless otherwise indicated on the Plans. Use a maximum of
30 degrees for the internal friction angle for the design of the MSE wall re-
gardless of project specific testing.
4 For a temporary MSE wall that interfaces with the reinforced backfill of a
permanent MSE wall, use the same type of reinforced backfill that is used in
the permanent MSE wall.
713.2.7.8 Testing Frequency
1 Test soil property during initial source evaluation or if a change in source is
requested. Sample reinforced backfill material once for every 15,000 cubic
yards and test for gradation, PI, and pH. Sample reinforced backfill material
once every for 15,000 cubic yards and test for internal friction angle, Cu, or-
ganic content, resistivity, chloride content, and sulfate content. If the coeffi-
cient of uniformity, Cu, of the reinforced backfill for permanent MSE walls is
less than 4, then test the internal friction angle for every 5,000 cubic yards. A
variation in testing frequency may be required if a variation in material grada-
tion or composition is observed.
713.2.8 Soil Reinforcements and Attachment Devices
713.2.8.1 General
1 Make arrangements to purchase or manufacture all applicable materials
such as soil reinforcements, attachment devices, and all other necessary
components. Obtain written approval from the DOC to use materials or
sources of materials not conforming to the specifications or not listed in the
contract documents.

713.2.8.2 713.

713.2.8.2 Inextensible Soil Reinforcement
713. General
1 Make certain inextensible soil reinforcement conforms to the required
shape and dimensions and is free of defects that may impair its strength and
durability. Provide a mill test report to the RCE with each shipment. Sample
and test reinforcement from each heat number.
713. Reinforcing Steel Strips
1 Provide galvanized reinforcing strips that are hot rolled from bars to the
required shape and dimensions. Ensure that their physical and mechanical
properties conform to ASTM A 572, Grade 65 or equal. Make certain galvani-
zation conforms to the minimum requirements of AASHTO M 111.
713. Reinforcing Mesh
1 Ensure that galvanized reinforcing mesh is shop-fabricated of cold drawn
steel wire conforming to the minimum requirements of AASHTO M 55. Apply
galvanization after the mesh is fabricated, and ensure that it conforms to the
minimum requirements of AASHTO M 111.
713. Bar Mats
1 Fabricate bar mats from ASTM A 709, Grade 36 reinforcing steel as shown
on the Plans. Ensure that galvanization conforms to AASHTO M 111. Apply
galvanization after the bar mats and connector pins have been welded as
shown on the Plans. Ensure that galvanization conforms to the minimum re-
quirements of AASHTO M 111.
713. Galvanization Damage
1 Repair damage done to the galvanization prior to the installation of soil rein-
forcement with a cold galvanizing repair compound to provide a galvanized
coating comparable to that provided by AASHTO M 111.
713.2.8.3 Extensible Soil Reinforcement
713. General
1 Ensure that reinforcing conforms to the required shape and dimensions and
is free of defects that may impair its strength and durability.
713. Geosynthetic Soil Reinforcement
1 Make certain that geosynthetic soil reinforcement used in MSE walls is
listed on the most recent edition of SCDOT Qualified Product List 63. Use
geosynthetic soil reinforcement design requirements shown on the Plans and
specified in the Shop Plans/Working Drawings.
713. Delivery, Storage, and Handling of Geosynthetic Materials
1 Check the geosynthetic soil reinforcement upon delivery to ensure that the
proper material has been received. Make certain geosynthetic rolls are la-
beled per ASTM D 4873. During all periods of shipment and storage, protect

713. 713.

the geosynthetic materials from temperatures greater than 140ºF, mud, dirt,
dust, and debris. Follow the manufacturer's recommendations regarding pro-
tection from direct sunlight.
2 At the time of installation, reject the geosynthetic materials if it has defects,
tears, punctures, flaws, deterioration, or damage that incurred during manu-
facture, transportation, or storage. At no additional cost to the Department,
replace any geotextile fabric or geosynthetic reinforcement damaged during
storage or installation.
713. Manufacturing Quality Control
1 Provide to the RCE a manufacturing quality control certificate and confor-
mance testing results for all geosynthetic soil reinforcement delivered to the
site. Perform sampling and conformance testing in accordance with ASTM D
4354. Base geosynthetic product acceptance on conformance with the re-
quirements of ASTM D 4759. Ensure that the quality control certificate in-
cludes roll numbers and identification, sampling procedures, and results of the
conformance testing with a description of test methods used.
713.2.8.4 Reinforcement Attachment Devices
713. General
1 Make certain all reinforcing and attachment devices conform to the required
shape and dimensions and are free of defects that may impair their strength,
durability, functionality, and design. Supply a manufacturer’s certification to
the RCE that the materials are in conformance with this specification.
713. Tie Strips
1 Have the tie strips shop-fabricated of a hot rolled steel conforming to the
minimum requirements of ASTM A 1011, Grade 50, or equal. Ensure that
galvanization conforms to the minimum requirements of AASHTO M 111.
713. Fasteners
1 Provide fasteners consisting of galvanized hexagonal cap screw bolts and
nuts conforming to the requirements of ASTM A 325 or equal. Galvanize in
accordance with AASHTO M 232.
713. Connector Pins
1 Fabricate connector pins from AASHTO M 270, Grade 36, steel and weld to
the soil reinforcement mats as shown on the Plans. Galvanize in accordance
with AASHTO M 111. Fabricate connector bars from cold drawn steel wire
conforming to the requirements of ASTM A 82 (AASHTO M 32) and galvanize
in accordance with ASTM A 123 (AASHTO M 111).
713. Clevis Connector
1 Fabricate clevis connector bar from cold drawn steel wire conforming to the
requirements of AASHTO M 32 and weld in accordance with AASHTO M 55.
Galvanize loops in accordance with AASHTO M 111.

713.2.9 713.2.9.3

713.2.9 Miscellaneous Construction Materials
713.2.9.1 Leveling Pad
1 Construct an unreinforced concrete leveling pad as shown in the design
drawings using Class 3000 concrete conforming to the requirements of appli-
cable subsections of Section 701.
713.2.9.2 Geotextile
1 Provide a fabric that is resistant to chemical, biological, and insect attack.
Make certain the geotextile meets the requirements shown in the following
table. Supply to the RCE a manufacturer’s certification that the materials are
in conformance with the following table.

Geotextile Properties

Minimum Average Roll

Value (MARV), except for
Property Test Method
AOS for which it is the aver-
age maximum roll value

0.300 maximum opening

AOS (Sieve Opening, mm) ASTM D 4751
average roll value

Permittivity sec-1 ASTM D 4991 1.0

Grab Tensile Strength, lbs. ASTM D 4632 80

Grab Tensile Elongation (%) ASTM D 4632 50

Trapezoidal Tear Strength, lbs. ASTM D 4533 40

Puncture Strength, lbs. ASTM D 4833 50

Burst Strength, psi ASTM D 3786 150

Ultraviolet Stability (%)

(Retained strength after ASTM D 4355 70
500 hours of exposure)
713.2.9.3 Geomembrane
1 If indicated on the Plans, place a single-layer continuous polymeric sheet
as specified on the Plans. Use a geomembrane manufactured from a virgin
polymeric resin. Make certain that the geomembrane conforms to the re-
quirements shown in the table below. Supply to the RCE a manufacturer’s
certification that the materials are in conformance with the following table.

713.2.9.3 713.4.3


Geomembrane Properties
Minimum Average
Property Test Method Roll Value (MARV)

Thickness, mills ASTM D 5199 40

Tensile, lb/in. ASTM D 882, 1 inch strip 70

Tear, lb. ASTM D 1004, Die C 20

Puncture, lb. ASTM D 4833 40

Impact, ft.-lbs. ASTM D 1424 25

713.3 Equipment
1 Ensure that the equipment necessary for the proper construction of the
work is on site, in acceptable working condition, and approved by the RCE as
to both type and condition before the start of work under this section. Provide
sufficient equipment to enable prosecution of the work in accordance with the
project schedule and completion of the work in the specified time.
713.4 Construction
713.4.1 Wall Excavation and Foundation Preparation
Prepare wall excavation and foundation in accordance with Section 204.
In addition to the requirements of Section 204, proof roll the area where the
MSE wall is constructed with a minimum of 5 passes by pneumatic tire
equipment weighing a minimum of 8 tons.
713.4.2 Leveling Pad Construction
1 At each MSE wall foundation level, provide a precast reinforced or cast-in-
place unreinforced concrete leveling pad of the type shown on the Plans.
Cure the leveling pad a minimum of 12 hours before placement of wall blocks.
If the permanent MSE wall facing is to be installed in front of a temporary
MSE wall facing, install the leveling pad just prior to construction of the per-
manent MSE wall facing.
713.4.3 MSE Wall System Supplier's Assistance and Samples
1 Have the MSE wall system supplier/designer provide qualified and experi-
enced advisory personnel at the start of the wall construction and until such
time that the RCE feels the SCDOT inspectors and the Contractor's personnel
are adequately acquainted with the MSE wall construction procedures and no
longer require technical assistance. Ensure that the representative is also
available on an as needed basis, as requested by the RCE, during construc-
tion of the MSE wall structures.
2 Provide the RCE with three MSE wall field installation manuals, specific to
the MSE wall type being constructed. If the MSE wall is reinforced with geo-
synthetics, provide the RCE with two sets of samples (approx. 1 square foot
each) of each geosynthetic soil reinforcements that will be used. Ensure that

713.4.4 713.4.6

each sample has a durable tag attached to it, stating the geosynthetic manu-
facturer and type/model.
713.4.4 Internal Drainage System
1 If indicated on the Plans, install an internal drainage system behind the wall
as specified on the Plans or as shown on the approved Shop Plans/Working
Drawings. Place outlet pipes at sags in the flow line, at the low end of the
collector pipe, and at other locations as shown or specified. Determine the
location and elevation of the internal drainage system and submit it to the
RCE for review.
713.4.5 Location of Geotextile Fabric
1 For MSE wall with precast concrete panel facings, provide a geotextile fab-
ric covering all joints between panels on the backside of the wall. Make cer-
tain the geotextile fabric has a minimum width of 12 inches and overlaps ad-
jacent geotextile fabrics a minimum of 4 inches. Adhere the geotextile fabric
to panels by applying adhesive to the back of the panel on each side of the
joint. Do not apply adhesive directly on the geotextile fabric or within 2 inches
of the panel joint edge.
2 For MSE walls with modular concrete block facings and granular reinforced
backfill, place a geotextile between the free draining aggregate and the rein-
forced backfill. If a stone-reinforced backfill is used, place the geotextile be-
tween the reinforced backfill and the retained backfill as shown in the Plans.
3 If required on the Plans, place geotextile fabric between the natural ground
and the reinforced backfill. Ensure that the subgrade to receive the geotextile
fabric is free of loose or extraneous material and sharp objects that may dam-
age the geotextile fabric during installation. Stretch, align, and place the geo-
textile fabric in a wrinkle-free manner and ensure that it has intimate contact
with the soil. Overlap adjacent geotextile fabric edges a minimum of 1.5 feet.
4 At the direction of the RCE, repair or replace torn or punctured sections of
the geotextile fabric. Cut out geotextile fabric damaged during installation by
tearing or puncturing and completely replace or repair by placing a piece of
fabric that is large enough to cover the damaged area. Provide a sufficient
overlap, 1.5 feet minimum, on all sides to secure the damaged geotextile fab-
ric area.
713.4.6 Wall Erection
1 Place precast concrete panels and modular concrete block facings so that
their final position is vertical or battered as shown on the Plans. Place pre-
cast concrete panels and modular concrete block facings in successive hori-
zontal lifts. Construct the MSE wall structure using a pre-determined back-
ward batter corresponding to the anticipated outward wall deflection due to
the active soil pressures. Have MSE wall system supplier determine the
backward batter and adjust batter during construction as needed to build the
wall to the required construction tolerances.
2 Handle MSE wall precast concrete panels by a lifting device set into the

713.4.6 713.4.8

upper edge of the panels or as indicated in the Shop Plans/Working Draw-
ings. Place the first level of precast concrete panels directly on the concrete
leveling pad. Do not use horizontal joint material or wooden shims between
the first course of panels and the leveling pad. As backfill material is placed
behind a panel, maintain the panel in position by means of temporary wooden
wedges or bracing in accordance with the MSE wall system supplier's rec-
ommendations. Remove the wooden wedges as soon as the panel above the
wedged panel is completely erected and backfilled. Provide external bracing
for the first lift of precast concrete panels.
713.4.7 Joint Material
1 Install joint material to the dimensions and thickness shown on the Plans,
or the approved Shop Plans/Working Drawings.
713.4.8 Reinforced Backfill Placement
1 Closely follow the erection of each lift of facing elements with the backfill
placement. At each level of soil reinforcement, roughly level the backfill mate-
rial to an elevation approximately 1 inch above the level of the connection at
the facing before placing the soil reinforcement. Place backfill in such a man-
ner as to avoid any damage or disturbance of the wall materials. Remove
and replace, at the Contractor's expense, all wall materials that become dam-
aged during backfill placement. Make certain that backfill placement methods
near the facing do not create voids directly beneath the reinforcing elements.
2 Construct the reinforced embankment in accordance with applicable sub-
sections of Section 205. Compact reinforced backfill to not less than 95.0%
of the maximum dry density in accordance with AASHTO T 99. Perform com-
paction control testing of the reinforced backfill with a minimum frequency of 1
density test per every 2 lifts for every 25 feet of wall at bridge abutments (in-
cluding the first 100 feet of wall parallel to the roadway) and every 100 feet of
wall along roadways (more than 100 feet away from bridge abutments).
3 Compact stone backfill material with a minimum of 4 passes with a smooth
heavy roller (approximately 6 to 8 tons). Compaction testing will not be re-
quired for stone backfill material. Do not use sheepsfoot or grid-type rollers
for compacting backfill within the reinforced backfill.
4 Achieve compaction within 3 feet of the back face of the wall by at least 3
passes of a lightweight walk-behind vibratory plate or roller. In order to de-
termine the number of passes needed to compact the area within 3 feet of the
back face of the wall to 95% of the maximum dry density, establish a test strip
area measuring a minimum of 3 feet by 5 feet within the reinforced backfill
and compact it with a lightweight walk behind vibratory plate or roller. Ensure
that the moisture content of the backfill material prior to and during compac-
tion is uniformly distributed throughout each layer. Place stone backfill in 6
inch lifts within 3 feet of the back face of the wall and compact by at least 4
passes of a lightweight walk behind vibratory plate or roller.
5 Ensure that the backfill materials have a placement moisture content not
more than 2 percentage points below the optimum moisture content and not

713.4.8 713.4.9.2

more than the optimum moisture content. Remove and rework backfill mate-
rial with placement moisture content in excess of the optimum moisture con-
tent until the moisture content is uniformly acceptable throughout the entire
6 Make certain the maximum soil lift thickness (loose) is 8 inches and closely
follows the MSE wall facing erection. Place stone backfill in 6 inch to 12 inch
lift thickness (loose). Decrease this lift thickness if necessary to obtain the
density. Accomplish backfill compaction without disturbance or distortion of
the reinforcement. Maintain a minimum of 6 inches of backfill material at all
times between the compaction equipment and the soil reinforcement.
7 At the end of each day's operations, shape the last level of backfill to permit
runoff of rainwater away from the wall face. In addition, do not allow surface
runoff from adjacent areas to enter the wall reinforcement zone until this zone
is protected from infiltration. Repair any damage or movement caused by
erosion, sloughing, or saturation of the reinforced backfill or retained backfill
at no expense to the Department.
713.4.9 Placement of Soil Reinforcement
713.4.9.1 General
1 Install the soil reinforcement in accordance with the manufacturer's recom-
mendations and these specifications. Place the soil reinforcement within the
layers of the compacted backfill material at the locations shown on the Plans.
Only place that amount of soil reinforcement required for immediately impend-
ing work to prevent undue damage. Place soil reinforcement with the strong-
est direction of soil reinforcement perpendicular to the wall face, unless oth-
erwise shown on the Plans. Connect the soil reinforcement to the MSE wall
facing in accordance with the MSE wall system supplier's recommendations.
Next, lay the soil reinforcement flat and uniformly tension it to remove any
slack in the connection or soil reinforcement material.
713.4.9.2 Construction Tolerances
1 Make certain the vertical alignment construction tolerance for temporary
and permanent MSE walls does not exceed ¾ inch when measured along a
10 feet straight edge.
2 Do not allow the horizontal alignment construction tolerance for temporary
and permanent MSE walls to exceed ¾ inch when measured along a 10 foot
straight edge for straight wall sections and along a 3 foot straight edge for
curved wall sections.
3 Ensure that the wall tolerance for plumbness from top to bottom for tempo-
rary and permanent MSE walls does not exceed ½ inch per 10 feet of wall
height. Determine the wall tolerance from the net measurements after allow-
ance is given for the offset batter of the MSE wall facing. A negative slope or
batter (sloping outward from the face) is not acceptable regardless of the wall
tolerance achieved.
4 Make certain the maximum offset between panels at the joint does not ex-

713.4.9.2 713.4.11

ceed ¾ inches. Ensure that the horizontal and vertical joints widths between
panels are within ½ inch of the joint width specified in the Shop Plans/Working
5 Ensure that temporary MSE wall facing constructed with welded wire form
and geosynthetic wrap or other approved temporary facing method do not
bulge in excess of 2 inches when backfill behind the facing elements is com-
pressed due to compaction stresses or weight of the backfill. Measure bulg-
ing as the maximum displacement from the theoretical vertical or sloped face
of the temporary MSE wall that extends over a section of 1 foot or more along
the theoretical wall face.
713.4.10 Surcharge
1 Should the Contract indicate an earth surcharge to be placed over the rein-
forced zone, retain the surcharge using a temporary wall. The temporary wall
may be built with a temporary MSE wall or other approved method. Place the
face of the temporary surcharge wall approximately 1 foot from the permanent
wall face. Ensure that the top surface of the surcharge allows the surface
water to drain away from the wall. Place a plastic membrane over the rein-
forced zone prior to placing the surcharge material. Include the materials and
the placement and removal of the temporary wall in the cost of the temporary
MSE wall unless otherwise indicated on the Plans.
713.4.11 Abutment Piling
1 If abutments piles are placed within the reinforced zone, and the Plans or
Contractor’s Pile Installation Plan indicate piles are cased through the rein-
forced backfill, adhere to the following requirements and sequence unless
otherwise indicated on the Plans.
1. Drive all piles within the reinforced zone prior to installation.
2. Encase each pile in a Smooth Wall or Corrugated Galvanized Steel
(SWCGS) pipe of sufficient thickness to prevent buckling or distortion
during placement and compaction of wall backfill. Include cost of
encasement in the cost of the MSE wall.
3. Stabilize the SWCGS pipe to prevent the pipe from coming in contact
with the pile during backfilling of the wall.
4. Extend the SWCGS pipe from the bottom of the backfill to the bottom
of the bridge abutment cap.
5. After positioning, seal the top of the SWCGS pipe to prevent debris
accumulation during placement of wall backfill, and keep the pipe
sealed until filled with granular material.
6. Fill the SWCGS pipe loosely with granular material after completion
of wall construction to the satisfaction of the RCE.

713.5 713.6.1

713.5 Measurement
713.5.1 MSE Wall
1 The quantity for the pay item MSE Retaining Wall (of the type specified) is
area of the face of MSE wall constructed and is measured by the square foot
(SF) and is measured vertically from the top of the leveling pad (or bottom of
temporary MSE wall) to the top of the wall as shown on Plans for the MSE
wall profile, complete, and accepted. There will be no separate measure-
ments for precast concrete panels or modular concrete blocks, galvanized
steel reinforcing and tie strips or galvanized steel mesh and mesh connectors
or geosynthetic reinforcement, geotextile fabric, leveling pad, perforated pipe,
drain pipe, or other incidental items required for construction of the MSE wall.
If no field revisions are made to the length and/or height of the MSE wall from
the specified dimensions on the Plans, field measurement is not required and
the quantity is the Plan quantity.
713.5.2 MSE Wall Backfill
1 The quantity for the pay item MSE Retaining Wall Backfill (of the specified
material) is the volume of the material specified for temporary or permanent
MSE walls and is measured by the cubic yard (CY) in-place, complete, and
accepted. The volume is measured as follows:
The depth is measured between the finished grade and the eleva-
tion of the top of the leveling pad. The width is measured between the
vertical planes located along the back of the MSE wall facing and 1 foot
outside and parallel to the back end of the soil reinforcement as shown
on the accepted Shop Plans/Working Drawings. The length is meas-
ured from beginning to end of wall along the MSE wall stationing.
713.5.3 Coping
1 The quantity for the item Coping for MSE Retaining Wall (Roadway or Bridge)
is the length of the cast-in-place coping and is measured by the linear foot
(LF) along the length of the top of the wall in-place, complete, and accepted.
There is no separate measurement for leveling concrete, dowels, grout, con-
crete, steel reinforcement, or other incidental items required for construction
of the coping. If no revisions are made to the length of the MSE wall from the
specified dimensions on the Plans, field measurement of the coping is not
required and the quantity is the Plan quantity.
713.6 Payment
713.6.1 MSE Wall
1 Payment for the accepted quantity of MSE Retaining Wall (of the type
specified), measured in accordance with Subsection 713.5.1, is determined
using the contract unit bid price for the applicable pay item. Payment is full
compensation for constructing MSE retaining walls as specified or directed
and includes, but is not limited to, furnishing and installing precast concrete
panels or modular concrete blocks, galvanized steel reinforcing and tie strips
or galvanized steel mesh and mesh connectors or geosynthetic reinforce-

713.6.2 713.6.4

ment, geotextile fabric, leveling pad, and drainage systems (even when not
shown on the Plans); material testing; and all other materials, labor, equip-
ment, tools, supplies, transportation, and incidentals necessary to fulfill the
requirements of the pay item in accordance with the Plans, the Specifications,
and other terms of the Contract. When changes in the work are ordered by
the RCE, which vary the square foot MSA retaining wall quantity shown on
the Plans, is adjusted to reflect the field changes.
713.6.2 Backfill Material
1 Payment for the accepted quantity of MSE Retaining Wall Backfill (of the
specified material), measured in accordance with Subsection 713.5.2, is de-
termined using the contract unit bid price for the applicable pay item. Pay-
ment is full compensation for furnishing, placing, and compacting the speci-
fied backfill material as specified or directed and includes all other materials,
labor, equipment, tools, supplies, transportation, and incidentals necessary to
fulfill the requirements of the pay item in accordance with the Plans, the
Specifications, and other terms of the Contract.
713.6.3 Coping
1 Payment for the accepted quantity of Coping for MSE Retaining Wall
(Roadway or Bridge), measured in accordance with Subsection 713.5.3, is de-
termined using the contract unit bid price for the applicable pay item. Pay-
ment is full compensation for constructing cast-in-place coping on top of the
MSE retaining wall as specified or directed and includes furnishing and install-
ing leveling concrete, dowels, grout, concrete, and steel reinforcement, and all
other materials, labor, equipment, tools, supplies, transportation, and inciden-
tals necessary to fulfill the requirements of the pay item in accordance with
the Plans, the Specifications, and other terms of the Contract.
713.6.4 Pay Items
1 Payment for each item includes all direct and indirect costs and expenses
necessary to complete the work.
2 Pay items under this section include the following:

Item No. Pay Item Pay

7137005 MSE Retaining Wall Backfill CY

7137006 MSE Retaining Wall Backfill (Granular) CY

7137007 MSE Retaining Wall Backfill (Stone) CY

7137008 MSE Retaining Wall Backfill (Temporary) CY

7137010 MSE Retaining Wall (Roadway) SF

7137050 MSE Retaining Wall (Bridge) SF

(table continued on the next page)

713.6.4 713.6.4

(table continued from the previous page)

Item No. Pay Item Pay

7137105 MSE Retaining Wall (Temporary) Roadway SF

7137120 MSE Retaining Wall (Block Facing) Roadway SF

7137130 MSE Retaining Wall (Panel Facing) Roadway SF

7137190 Coping for MSE Retaining Wall (Roadway) LF

7137205 MSE Retaining Wall (Temporary) Bridge SF

7137220 MSE Retaining Wall (Block Facing) Bridge SF

7137230 MSE Retaining Wall (Panel Facing) Bridge SF

7137290 Coping for MSE Retaining Wall (Bridge) LF

714.1 714.1



714.1 General
1 Ensure that all types and sizes of permanent and temporary pipe culverts to
conform to the requirements of the Special Provisions and the latest edition of
applicable SCDOT Supplemental Specifications, OMR Standard Method of
Tests, and the Supplemental Technical Specification SC-M-714 in effect at
the time the bid proposal for the project was advertised.

715.1 715.2.4



715.1 Description
1 This section contains specifications for the materials, equipment, construc-
tion, measurement, and payment for temporary pipe or pipe arches installed
only during the construction work for a project.
715.2 Materials
715.2.1 General
Use materials specified for permanent installations in SC-M-714 or the
items listed herein for temporary pipe installations unless specified in the
Plans or by the RCE. For materials and installation methods not detailed or
described in SC-M-714 or SCDOT Standard Drawings, provide a copy of pipe
manufacturer’s fill height tables, and installation specification to the RCE be-
fore installing temporary pipe. Note that fill height tables shown on SCDOT
Standard Drawings are only appropriate for installation procedures described
in SC-M-714. For pipe that will not be structurally loaded, fill height table and
installation specifications are not required.
715.2.2 Permanent Pipe used as Temporary Pipe
Pipe meeting the requirements of SC-M-714 may be installed for temporary
use. Once the pipe has been use in a temporary application, the pipe may
not be used in a subsequent permanent installation.
715.2.3 Galvanized Corrugated Steel Pipe & Pipe Arch (CSP)
1 Provide corrugated steel pipe (CSP) meeting the requirements of AASHTO
M 36 and corrugated steel pipe arch (CSPA) meeting the requirements of
AASHTO M 36, Type II. Where elliptical pipe is called for on the Plans or in
the Special Provisions, furnish pipe that is distorted from a true circle to pro-
vide an increase in the vertical diameter of approximately 5%. Perform distor-
tion at the fabricating shop. Make certain that the thickness of the pipe is in
accordance with the Plans.
2 Ensure that the dimensions of the pipe arch are in accordance with Table 4
of AASHTO M 36, Type II as measured from the inside crest of the corruga-
tions. Make certain metal thickness of the pipe arch is in accordance with the
3 Fabricate end sections from materials conforming to the applicable re-
quirements of AASHTO M 218. Make certain metal thickness of the end sec-
tion is in accordance with the Plans.
715.2.4 Corrugated High Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Type C
1 Provide corrugated high density polyethylene pipe conforming to the re-
quirements of AASHTO M 294 Type C or Type S.

715.2.4 715.5

2 For Type C pipe, provide pipe with corrugated high density surface both
inside and outside.
715.3 Equipment
1 Ensure that the equipment necessary for the proper construction of the
work is on site, in acceptable working condition, and approved by the RCE as
to both type and condition before the start of work under this section. Provide
sufficient equipment to enable prosecution of the work in accordance with the
project schedule and completion of the work in the specified time.
715.4 Construction
715.4.1 Installation of Temporary Pipes and Pipe Arches
1 Install temporary pipe or pipe arch in accordance with submitted manufac-
turer’s recommendations for loading conditions and installation procedures for
the temporary pipe or pipe arch.
715.4.2 Abandoning Pipe
1 At locations on the Plans where drainage pipe is to be abandoned, plug the
existing pipe using brick and mortar or use the Taylor Made Plastics, Inc.
“Pipe Plug” or equal. No additional payment will be made for this work re-
gardless of the method chosen. Fill the entire abandoned pipe with CLSM
that meets the minimum strength requirements of the embankment and can
be excavated. Measurement and payment for CLSM in abandoned pipe will
be in accordance with Section 210.
715.4.3 Removal of Temporary Pipes and Pipe Arches
1 Remove temporary pipe or pipe arch installations if required by the RCE or
as an alternate to abandoning pipe or pipe -arch. Remove temporary pipe or
pipe arch without damaging or disturbing permanent structures, environmen-
tally sensitive items, embankments, utilities, or other items noted on the Plans
or discovered during construction.
2 Salvaged temporary pipe or pipe arch may be used for temporary installa-
tion only. No additional payment will be made for handling, transportation,
and storage of salvaged pipe or pipe arch.
715.5 Measurement
1 Measurement will be made only for temporary pipe or pipe arch that is
shown on the Plans.
2 The quantity for the pay item Corrugated High Density Polyethylene
(HDPE) Pipe Type (C or S) - Temporary, Corrugated Steel Pipe (CSP) – Tem-
porary, or Corrugated Steel Pipe Arch - Temporary (of the size specified) is
the length of temporary pipe or pipe arch shown on the Plans and is meas-
ured by the linear foot (LF) of the net length of temporary pipe pr pipe arch,
complete-in place, and accepted.

715.5 715.6

3 The net length of temporary pipe or pipe arch is obtained by adding the
centerline length of each run of temporary pipe.
4 When used in conjunction with temporary pipe or pipe arch shown on the
Plans, beveled or flared ends, pipe end structures, wingwall/apron system,
tees, wyes, elbows, bends, reducers, and increasers are not measured and
are consider incidental materials for the temporary pipe or pipe arch item.
5 Excavation of unyielding, unstable, or otherwise unsuitable material neces-
sary to obtain a satisfactory foundation in accordance with manufacturer’s
installation requirements for temporary pipe or pipe arch is not measured and
is consider incidental materials for the temporary pipe or pipe arch item. Dis-
pose of the unstable material in the manner outlined in Subsection
715.6 Payment
1 Payment will be made only for temporary pipe or pipe arch that is shown in
the Plans.
2 Payment for the accepted quantity of Corrugated High Density Polyethyl-
ene (HDPE) Pipe Type (C or S) - Temporary, Corrugated Steel Pipe (CSP) –
Temporary, or Corrugated Steel Pipe Arch - Temporary (of the size specified),
measured in accordance with Subsection 715.5, is determined using the
contract unit bid price for the applicable pay item. Payment is full compensa-
tion for installing temporary pipe or pipe arches as specified or directed and
includes furnishing, hauling, and laying temporary pipe or pipe arch sections,
beveled or flared ends, pipe end structures, wingwall/apron system, tees,
wyes, elbows, bends, reducers, and increasers; excavating, bedding, and
backfilling the new or existing trench; constructing pipe or pipe arch joints;
removing or abandoning temporary pipe or pipe arches; disposing of surplus
materials; and all other materials, labor, equipment , tools, supplies, transpor-
tation, and incidentals necessary to fulfill the requirements of the pay item in
accordance with the Plans, the Specifications, and other terms of the Con-
3 Payment for each item includes all direct and indirect costs and expenses
necessary to complete the work.
4 Pay items under this section include the following:

Item No. Pay Item Unit

71580XX XX" Corrugated Steel Pipe (CSP) - Temporary LF

7158005 Corrugated Steel Pipe Arch - Temporary LF

XX" Corrugated High Density Polyethylene (HDPE)

71590XX LF
Pipe Type (C or S) - Temporary

716 716




717 717




718.1 718.2.4



718.1 Description
1 This section contains specifications for the materials, construction, meas-
urement, and payment for the construction of brick, rubble, or concrete block
masonry laid in full beds of mortar in accordance with these specifications and
conforming to the Plans and the shapes, lines and grades shown on the Plans
or set by the RCE. This work includes the placing of reinforcing steel when
shown on the Plans or specified in the Special Provisions.
718.2 Materials
718.2.1 Clay or Shale Brick
1 Provide clay or shale brick used in the construction of manholes, catch ba-
sins, and other drainage related structures conforming to the requirements of
AASHTO M 91, Grade MM. Ensure that clay or shale brick used in the con-
struction of buildings, retaining walls, steps, and other above the ground
structures conforms to the requirements of AASHTO M 114, Grade SW.
Back-up brick for buildings above ground may be Grade MW.
718.2.2 Concrete Brick
1 Furnish concrete brick and similar solid units conforming to the require-
ments of ASTM C 55, Grade S.
718.2.3 Stone Rubble
1 Provide stone for rubble masonry of an approved quality, sound, durable,
and free from seams, cracks, and other structural defects or imperfections
tending to reduce its resistance to weathering. Make certain it is free from
rounded, worn, or weathered surfaces.
2 In general, provide stones with thickness of not less than 6 inches, a width
of not less than 1½ times their thickness, and a length of not less than 1½
times their width.
3 In walls 18 inches or less thick, provide stone for headers of sufficient
length to extend entirely through the wall.
718.2.4 Concrete Block
1 Unless otherwise indicated on the Plans or in the Special Provisions, fur-
nish concrete block that are hollow or solid load-bearing concrete masonry
units made from Portland cement and suitable aggregates such as sand,
gravel, crushed stone, bituminous or anthracite cinders, or blast-furnace slag
and conforms to the requirements of ASTM C 90.

718.2.5 718.4.1

718.2.5 Mortar
718.2.5.1 Portland Cement
1 Provide Portland cement that complies with the provisions set forth in
Subsection 701.2.1.
718.2.5.2 Masonry Cement
1 Provide masonry cement conforming to the requirements of ASTM C 91 for
the type necessary to make the type of mortar specified in ASTM C 270.
718.2.5.3 Hydrated Lime
1 Furnish hydrated lime conforming to the requirements of ASTM C 207,
Type S.
718.2.5.4 Aggregate
1 Ensure that aggregate is fine aggregate conforming to the requirements in
Subsection 701.2.9.
718.2.5.5 Reinforcing Steel
1 Provide reinforcing Steel conforming to the requirements of ASTM A 706,
Grade 60, and meeting the requirements of applicable subsections of Section
718.3 Equipment
1 Ensure that the equipment necessary for the proper construction of the
work is on site, in acceptable working condition, and approved by the RCE as
to both type and condition before the start of work under this section. Provide
sufficient equipment to enable prosecution of the work in accordance with the
project schedule and completion of the work in the specified time.
718.4 Construction
718.4.1 Proportioning and Mixing Mortar
1 Prepare mortar in accordance with the required proportioning specified in
ASTM C 270 by blending the required materials to produce Type M, Type S,
or Type N mortar. Use proportioning shown in the table on the following

718.4.1 718.4.2

Proportions By Volume
(Cementitious Materials)

Aggregate Ratio
Cement Hydrated
Masonry (Measured in
Mortar Type Or Lime or
Cement Damp Loose
Blended Lime Putty

Not less than

M 1 --- ¼
Cement- 2¼ and
S 1 --- ¼ to ½
Lime not more than
N 1 --- ¼ to 1¼
3 times the sum
of the
M 1 1 ---
Masonry separate volumes
S 1/2 1 ---
Cement of cementitious
N --- 1 ---
2 Ensure that the minimum 28-day strength of the mortar types are as fol-
Type M: 2500 psi
Type S: 1800 psi
Type N: 750 psi
3 For general construction, use Type N mortar or better. Use Type S or Type
M mortar in constructing masonry retaining walls. Use Type S or Type M
mortar in constructing masonry in contact with water.
4 Dry mix the material in a mixer or in a clean tight box until a uniform mixture
is produced. Add the appropriate amount of clean water and mix continuously
until the desired consistency is obtained. Discard mortar that is not used
within 60 minutes after water is added. Do not re-temper mortar.
718.4.2 Brickwork
1 Lay brick to line in courses of full and close joints of mortar that are not less
than ¼ inch nor more than ½ inch thick. Ensure that the thickness of the mor-
tar joint is uniform throughout. Pre-wet brick and ensure that brick is moist
when being laid. Break joints in adjoining courses at half a brick as nearly as
practicable. Make courses level except where otherwise necessary. Make at
least one course in seven composed entirely of headers. Finish joints prop-
erly as the work progresses and neatly struck on exposed faces. Broken or
chipped brick is not allowed in the face of the structure. In making closures,
do not use pieces of brick less than the width of a whole brick. Lay whole
brick with the long side at right angles to the face of the structure wherever
practicable in making such closures. Thoroughly clean the exposed surface
of the masonry structure of mortar stains and point satisfactorily.
2 When Brick Masonry (Reinforced) is specified, place the reinforcing steel

718.4.2 718.4.6

as specified on the Plans.
718.4.3 Shaping Stone
1 Shape and dress stone before the stone is laid. When laying stone, do not
dress or hammer stone that could loosen the stone already set.
718.4.4 Stonework
718.4.4.1 General
1 Lay stones in full mortar beds and bond firmly in all directions. Lay strati-
fied stone on their natural beds and not on their edges. Lay stones to form
substantial masonry of neat and finished appearance on the face. Make the
spaces between the stones flush with mortar and pack with spalls. Do not
place spalls in the mortar bed. Rake the joints on exposed faces clear of
loose mortar and point neatly with the mortar specified. Keep the masonry
wet while pointing and protect the pointed masonry from the sun. Keep ma-
sonry wet for a period of 3 days after completion in hot or dry weather. Do not
point masonry in freezing weather. Remove and replace work that is dam-
aged by frost.
718.4.4.2 Stonework for Walls
1 Compose the wall foundations and bottom courses of larger stones. Use
stones of decreasing thickness from the bottom to the top of wall. Ensure that
at least a quarter of the stone area of the face of the wall is composed of
headers, which extend for a distance of twice their thickness into the backing.
For walls up to 18 inches thick, ensure that the headers extend through the
wall. Make certain that the cross-section area of the header in the heart of
the wall is approximately the same area as visible in the face of the wall. Use
selected stones roughly squared and pitched to line at all angles and ends of
walls. Break joints at least 4 inches on the face of the wall and have no joints
in the face more than 2 inches thick.
2 Use large well shaped stones for backing and lay to break joints. Do not
allow voids in any part of the wall. Ensure that the rear face of wall is an ap-
proximately plane surface. Provide walls with weep holes where called for on
the Plans or directed by the RCE.
718.4.5 Blockwork
Adhere to the provisions of Subsection 718.4.2, when laying concrete
718.4.6 Backfilling
1 Backfill the excavated areas that are not occupied by masonry to the re-
quired elevation with suitable material and tamp in layers of not more than 8
inches of loose material until firm and solid.

718.5 718.6

718.5 Measurement
1 The quantity for the pay item Brick Masonry, Brick Masonry (Reinforced),
Rubble Masonry, Rubble Masonry Tree-Well, or Concrete Block Masonry is
the volume of brick, rubble, or concrete block masonry constructed as speci-
fied and is measured by the cubic yard (CY), complete, and accepted.
2 Brick masonry used in manholes, catch basins, drop inlets, and similar
items is not measured for payment. Masonry in those drainage structures is
not measure for pay and is included in the contract unit bid price of each
drainage item.
3 Excavation for masonry, except for catch basins, manholes, drop inlets and
similar items, is measured as prescribed in Subsection 204.5.
4 Reinforcing steel is not measured for direct payment. The cost of the rein-
forcing steel is included in the unit price of Brick Masonry (Reinforced).
718.6 Payment
1 Payment for the accepted quantity of Brick Masonry, Brick Masonry (Rein-
forced), Rubble Masonry, Rubble Masonry Tree-Well, or Concrete Block Ma-
sonry, measured as specified in Subsection 718.5, is determined using the
contract unit bid price for the applicable pay item. Payment is full compensa-
tion for constructing brick, block, or rubble masonry as specified or directed
and includes mixing, placing, and pointing mortar; shaping stones; drainage
openings; backfilling; and disposing of surplus materials; and all other materi-
als, labor, equipment, tools, supplies, transportation, and incidentals neces-
sary to fulfill the requirements of the pay item in accordance with the Plans,
the Specifications, and other terms of the Contract.
Excavation, measured as provided in Subsection 718.5, is paid for as Un-
classified Excavation as prescribed in Subsection 204.6.
3 Masonry used in constructing catch basins, drop inlets, manholes, spring
boxes, junction boxes, and similar items is paid for in accordance with the
provisions of Section 719.
4 Payment for each item includes all direct and indirect costs and expenses
necessary to complete the work.
5 Pay items under this section include the following:

Item No. Pay Item Unit

7181000 Brick Masonry CY

7182000 Brick Masonry (Reinforced) CY

7183000 Rubble Masonry CY

7184000 Concrete Block Masonry CY

7185000 Rubble Masonry Tree-Well CY

719.1 719.2.5



719.1 Description
1 This section contains specifications for the materials, equipment, construc-
tion, measurement, and payment for the construction or adjustment to grade
of catch basins, drop inlets, manholes, junction boxes, and spring boxes at
the location shown on the Plans or as directed by the RCE, in accordance
with these specifications, and in conformity with the lines and grades shown
on the Plans or established by the RCE.
719.2 Materials
719.2.1 Cast-In-Place Concrete
1 Unless otherwise specified on the Plans or in the Special Provisions, pro-
vide Class 4000 for cast-in-place concrete conforming to the requirements of
applicable subsections of Section 701
719.2.2 Clay or Shale Brick
Provide clay or shale brick conforming to the requirements of Subsection
719.2.3 Concrete Brick
1 Provide concrete brick and similar solid units conforming to the require-
ments of Subsection 718.2.2.
719.2.4 Mortar Materials
Provide mortar materials conforming to the requirements of Subsection
719.2.5 Castings
1 Provide iron castings for frames, grates, covers, etc., conforming to the re-
quirements of AASHTO M 105, Class 35B, and the alternate load test con-
forming to the requirements of AASHTO M 306.
2 Produce castings in closed molds and boldly filleted at angles. Ensure that
the arises are sharp and perfect and make certain that they are true to pattern
in form and dimensions, free from pouring defects, sponginess, cracks, blow
holes, and other defects affecting their strength and value for the service in-
tended. Ensure that the castings are clean and neatly finished. Make certain
gratings and covers fit firmly into their respective frames.
3 Steel grates and frame may be used instead of cast iron as long as the
loading and hydraulic requirements are met and they conform to the following:
A. Hot dip zinc coat steel grates and frame in accordance with AASHTO
M 111.

719.2.5 719.2.9.1

B. Dimension steel grates and frame to be interchangeable with each

piece of the cast iron grate and frame shown on the Plans.
C. Provide steel grates and frames of sufficient strength to meet or ex-
ceed the loading requirements of Federal Specification RR-F-621
(latest edition).
4 Ensure that the manufacturer has a testing program to verify that the cast-
ings comply with the strength requirements of AASHTO M 105. Make certain
test bars are Type B and are made and tested in accordance with the re-
quirements of AASHTO M 105.
719.2.6 Reinforcing Steel
1 Furnish reinforcing steel conforming to the requirements of ASTM A 706,
Grade 60, and meeting the applicable requirements of Section 703.
719.2.7 Structural Steel
1 Provide structural steel conforming to the requirements of AASHTO M 270,
Grade 36.
719.2.8 Steel Tubular Sections
1 Provide steel tubular sections conforming to the requirements of ASTM A
53, Schedule 80.
719.2.9 Precast Reinforced Concrete Drainage Structures
719.2.9.1 General
1 Subject to the approval of the RCE, precast reinforced concrete drainage
structures may be substituted for constructed-in-place structures shown on
the Plans. If precast structures are specified on the project, or if permission is
given to substitute precast alternates, ensure that they conform to the details
shown on the Plans and the applicable provisions of this specification. De-
sign precast concrete drainage structures for HS-25 loading. Use Class
4000P Portland cement concrete conforming to the applicable requirements
of Section 701. Use reinforcing steel that conforms to ASTM A 706, Grade
60, and is from a source listed on the most recent edition of SCDOT Qualified
Product List 60. Use wire mesh that conforms to the requirements of
AASHTO M 55 and AASHTO M 221.
2 Supply components of precast concrete drainage structures from a single
source precast manufacturer. Have the manufacturer inform the OMR of the
planned concrete placement and curing schedule in advance of the start of
any fabrication work to afford time for the testing of materials, the inspection
of equipment, and the review of the procedures for casting the units. Allow
the OMR inspector free access to the fabrication plant at all times for the pur-
pose of inspecting materials, plant facilities, and fabrication and curing proce-

719.2.9.2 719.4.3

719.2.9.2 Precast Drainage Base
1 Have drainage bases manufactured to the sizes shown on the Plans and in
accordance with the applicable requirements of AASHTO M 199. Ensure that
drainage bases are manufactured with all required openings to accept all pre-
scribed inlet and outlet pipes.
719.2.9.3 Precast Concrete Transition Section
1 A precast concrete transition section may be used to transition from a lar-
ger diameter riser to a smaller diameter riser. Use transition sections that are
either a cone shape or a flat slab as specified on the Plans. Ensure that they
are manufactured in accordance with the requirements of AASHTO M 199.
719.2.9.4 Precast Concrete Risers
1 Have risers manufactured to the diameters and lengths shown on the Plans
and in accordance with the requirements of AASHTO M 199. Place risers
plum and backfill in a manner that preserves their alignment.
719.2.9.5 Flat Slab Adapter
1 Use flat slab adapters to change round precast concrete risers to rectangu-
lar openings to facilitate construction of the prescribed catch basins or drop
inlets to grade. Use the flat slab adapters as foundations for the necessary
courses of brick. Flat slab adapters are not required for manholes. Use a flat
slab top with an eccentric 24-inch diameter hole on top of the manhole riser
when the casting is placed directly thereon, and as shown on the Plans. Do
not allow the distance from the top of the adapter to the top of the cover or
casting to be more than 6 feet.
719.3 Equipment
1 Ensure that the equipment necessary for the proper construction of the
work is on site, in acceptable working condition, and approved by the RCE as
to both type and condition before the start of work under this section. Provide
sufficient equipment to enable prosecution of the work in accordance with the
project schedule and completion of the work in the specified time.
719.4 Construction
719.4.1 Excavation
1 Excavate to the required depth and compact the material on which the ma-
sonry is constructed to a firm even surface.
719.4.2 Brick Masonry
1 Construct brick masonry in accordance with the applicable requirements of
Section 718.
719.4.3 Reinforced Concrete
1 Construct reinforced concrete in accordance with applicable requirements
of Sections 701, 702, and 703. Provide and place reinforcing steel, if re-

719.4.4 719.4.7

quired, in position as shown on the Plans and hold securely in place.

719.4.4 Placing Pipe
1 Incorporate inlet and outlet pipes into the structure at the elevation, direc-
tion, and grade required. Neatly and substantially hold these pipe connec-
tions in the masonry. Place the ends of the pipe flush with the inner faces of
the walls unless the RCE directs otherwise. Place grout up to the lowest flow
elevation in the structure to maintain continuous flow. For grout, use Type M
mortar material in accordance with applicable requirements of Section 718.
719.4.5 Placing Castings
1 Set the castings in a full mortar bed composed of 1 part Portland cement to
2 parts of fine aggregate, meeting the requirements of Subsection 718.2.5
and 718.4.1.
719.4.6 Precast Concrete Drainage Structures
1 Fabricate and install precast concrete drainage structures in accordance
with these specifications and applicable AASHTO specifications. Have the
manufacturer of precast components provide recommendations for all field
connections of precast sections and piping.
2 Provide the proper bedding for precast concrete drainage structures to en-
sure proper installation and elimination of point bearing. Provide bedding of
sand, gravel, or crushed stone. Include cost of bedding in the cost of the re-
spective drainage items.
3 Seal joints with a butyl rubber joint sealant meeting the requirements of
Section 714 and AASHTO M 198, Type B. Apply the sealant in accordance
with the manufacturer’s recommendations. Supply a copy of the recommen-
dations to the RCE.
719.4.7 Grade Adjustment of Existing Structure
1 When grade adjustment of existing structure is required, remove the
frames, covers, and gratings and reconstruct the walls as required. Perform
the work using salvaged materials when practicable. Furnish new materials
as necessary to complete the adjustment.
2 Adjust the existing structures to the required grade and elevation by care-
fully removing the grating, removing or adding masonry below or above the
existing masonry, and replacing the casting on a full mortar bed to the new
3 Where the pavement consists of an asphaltic mix or mixes and unless oth-
erwise permitted or directed, adjust the casting to grade after the last base or
binder course has been laid and before placing the surface course. Where
the pavement, base, or subgrade is removed from around the structure to
make the adjustment, fill the area with concrete before placing the surface

719.4.8 719.6

719.4.8 Backfilling
1 Backfill the excavated areas not occupied by the structure with suitable ma-
terial placed and thoroughly compacted in layers not more than 8 inches.
719.5 Measurement
1 The quantity for new or adjusted cast-in-place, brick, or block masonry
drainage structure is measured by each (EA) unit complete in place and ac-
cepted, and includes all frames, covers, gratings, and fittings necessary to
complete the unit.
2 When the depth of a catch basin, drop inlet, manhole, junction box, or
spring box is greater than 6 feet, the quantity for the pay item Extra Depth of
Box is the depth of excavation for the drainage structure in excess of 6 feet
and is measured by the linear foot (LF), complete, and accepted. The depth
of the drainage structure is measured from the top of manhole cover, concrete
masonry, hood, or grate and, in the case of drop inlets, from the top of the
bottom slab.
3 The quantity for precast drainage structure components is measured by the
linear foot (LF) or each (EA) unit in place, complete and accepted and in-
cludes all frames, covers, gratings, and fittings necessary to complete the
unit. Extra Depth of Box is not measured for precast drainage structures.
The lay length of a precast transition section is not included in the measure-
ment for the precast concrete drainage structure to which it is connected.
4 The excavation required for the installation of drainage structures includes
the removal of all obstructions and the removal and replacement of unstable
materials as necessary for a proper foundation, but such excavation is not
measured nor paid for as a separate item. The cost of excavation is included
in the contract unit bid price for the associated drainage structure.
719.6 Payment
1 Payment for the accepted quantity for a new or adjusted drainage struc-
tures, measured in accordance with Subsection 719.5, is determined using
the contract unit bid price for such items as Catch Basin, Drop Inlet, Manhole,
Junction Box, Spring Box, or Adjust Catch Basin, Drop Inlet, Manhole, Junc-
tion Box, Utility Box of the size and type specified, or the respective precast
concrete drainage structures, Precast Concrete Riser, PC Drainage Base, PC
Transition Section (Flat Slab) PC Transition Section (Cone) of the size speci-
fied. Payment is full compensation for constructing drainage structures as
specified or directed and includes furnishing and placing precast and cast-in-
place drainage structure; furnishing and placing reinforcing steel, bricks,
blocks, and mortar for masonry structures; providing inlet and outlet openings
and joint sealant; excavating (6 foot maximum depth); providing and placing
bedding material and backfilling; disposing of surplus material; and all other
materials, labor, equipment, tools, supplies, transportation, and incidentals
necessary to fulfill the requirements of the pay item in accordance with the
Plans, the Specifications, and other terms of the Contract

719.6 719.6

2 Payment for drainage structures is made in accordance with the following


Drainage Structure Pay Schedule

Structure Brickwork Throat/Pad Lid/Grate

Complete Complete Complete

Type 1 90% --- 10%

Type 9 90% --- 10%

Type 9 Manhole 90% --- 10%

Type 12 80% 10% 10%

Manhole 90% --- 10%

Type 14 and 14 MG 80% 10% 10%

Type 15 90% --- 10%

Drop Inlet 90% --- 10%

Spring Box 90% --- 10%

Type 16 70% 10% 20%

Type 17 70% 10% 20%

Type 18 70% 10% 20%

3 Payment for the accepted quantity of Extra Depth of Box, measured in ac-
cordance with Subsection 719.5, is determined using the contract unit bid
price for the pay item. Payment is full compensation for excavating for drain-
age structures beyond the 6 feet included in the structure pay item as speci-
fied or directed and includes backfilling and all other materials, labor, equip-
ment, tools, supplies, transportation, and incidentals necessary to fulfill the
requirements of the pay item in accordance with the Plans, the Specifications,
and other terms of the Contract. Extra Depth of Box is not applicable to pre-
cast drainage structures.
4 Making connection with an existing culvert or drain including joint sealant,
drainage openings, excavation, bedding material, backfilling, disposal of sur-
plus material, replacing pavement, reinforcing steel, bricks, mortar and other
miscellaneous items needed to complete the work is not paid for separately,
and the cost thereof is included in the contract unit bid price for the pay item
that requires the work.
5 Payment for each item includes all direct and indirect costs and expenses
necessary to complete the work.

719.6 719.6

6 Pay items under this section include the following:


Item No. Pay Item Unit

7191XXX Catch Basin (type) EA

71920XX Drop Inlet (size) EA

7192105 Manhole EA

71922XX (size) Junction Box EA

7192300 Spring Box EA

71930XX Precast Concrete Riser - (size)" Diameter LF

71931XX PC Drainage Base - (size)" Diameter EA

71931XX PC Transition Section (Flat Slab) - (size)" to (size)" EA

719317X PC Transition Section (Cone) - (size)" to (size)" EA

7196000 Extra Depth of Box LF

7197110 Adjust Catch Basin EA

7197120 Adjust Manhole EA

7197130 Adjust Drop Inlet EA

7197140 Adjust Utility Box EA

7197150 Adjust Junction Box EA

720.1 720.4.1



720.1 Description
1 This section contains specifications for the materials, construction, equip-
ment, measurement, and payment for the construction of Portland cement
concrete curb, Portland cement concrete gutter, Portland cement concrete
curb and gutter, Portland cement concrete sidewalk, Portland cement con-
crete driveway, and Portland cement concrete median in one course on a
prepared subgrade in accordance with these specifications, conforming to the
dimensions, typical cross-section, and notes shown on the Plans, and to the
lines and grades shown on the Plans or established by the RCE.
2 This work includes the placing of reinforcing steel in the concrete when in-
dicated on the Plans.
720.2 Materials
720.2.1 Portland Cement Concrete
1 Provide Class 2500 Portland cement concrete conforming to the applicable
requirements of Section 701.
720.2.2 Expansion Joint Material
Provide expansion joint materials meeting the requirements of Subsection
720.2.3 Reinforcing Steel
1 Provide reinforcing steel conforming to the requirements of ASTM A 706,
Grade 60, and meeting the applicable requirements of Section 703.
720.3 Equipment
1 Ensure that the equipment necessary for the proper construction of the
work is on site, in acceptable working condition, and approved by the RCE as
to both type and condition before the start of work under this section. Provide
sufficient equipment to enable prosecution of the work in accordance with the
project schedule and completion of the work in the specified time.
720.4 Construction
720.4.1 Subgrade
1 Thoroughly compact the subgrade and finish to a smooth, firmly compacted
surface, which is moist at the time the concrete is placed. In areas where it is
impractical to use standard type rollers, accomplish compaction by vibratory
hand compactors. Remove and replace concrete that settles and/or cracks
after placement as directed by the RCE without additional compensation.

720.4.2 720.4.5

720.4.2 Forms
1 Use wood or metal forms of a depth equal to the thickness of the concrete
course. Make certain they are free from warp and are of sufficient strength
when staked, to hold the alignment during the concrete placing and finishing
operations. Before concrete is placed against them, clean and oil the forms.
Use flexible or curved forms on curves as necessary in order to prevent a
chord effect in the alignment of the finished work.
720.4.3 Existing Sidewalks and Driveways
1 Where a portion of an existing sidewalk or driveway is reconstructed, cut
the existing section to a minimum depth of 2 inches with a suitable saw at the
location designated by the RCE and remove the entire section to be recon-
structed. Join the new sidewalk or driveway with the old work at this line.
720.4.4 Mixing and Placing Concrete
1 Batch and mix the concrete in accordance with the applicable requirements
of Section 701.
2 Unless otherwise indicated on the Plans, construct concrete curbs, con-
crete gutters, and concrete curb and gutters in uniform 10-foot sections, ex-
cept where shorter sections are necessary for closures; but ensure that no
section is less than 4 feet in length. Separate the sections by sheet steel
templates or dividing plates set normal to the face and top of the curb. Care-
fully set the plates during the placing of the concrete and keep in place until
the concrete has set sufficiently to hold its shape. Remove the plates while
the forms are still in place.
3 Deposit concrete in the forms so that the forms do not displace out of grade
or alignment. During the placing operations, spade or vibrate the concrete
throughout the entire mass and especially against the forms and joints.
Tamp, float, trowel, broom, edge, and finish the surface of the concrete to the
typical section, lines, and grades as soon as practicable after the placing of
the concrete. Leave the forms in place until the concrete has set sufficiently
and their removal does not injure the concrete.
720.4.5 Extruded or Slip-Formed Curb or Curb and Gutter Construction
1 Unless otherwise specified and except on structures, concrete curb may be
placed by an extrusion machine acceptable to the RCE. An accepted slip-
form machine may be used to construct concrete curb or curb and gutter if
satisfactory results are obtained. When, in the opinion of the RCE, satisfac-
tory results are not being obtained, discontinue the extrusion or slip-form work
and use the stationary form type of construction with no adjustment in com-
pensation. Remove and replace unsatisfactory work without any additional
2 Construct expansion and weakened joints at the same locations as re-
quired when form construction is being used. Make weakened joints, spaced
at 10 foot intervals, by cutting the plastic concrete with a trowel or by other

720.4.6 720.4.7.1

acceptable methods. Ensure that the manner of construction of joints meets

the approval of the RCE and has a workmanlike finish after edging.
720.4.6 Joints
720.4.6.1 Expansion Joints
1 Ensure that preformed expansion joints are ¾ inch thick and extend the full-
depth of the concrete. Construct joints at the locations indicated on the Plans
and at the following locations:
• Wherever a sidewalk is constructed between an adjoining substantial
structure on one side and curbing on the other side, form an expan-
sion joint adjacent to the curbing.
• Place an expansion joint between the sidewalk and the radius curb-
ing at street intersections.
• Where concrete sidewalks or medians are constructed adjacent to
existing or new concrete pavement or structures, place a transverse
expansion joints in the sidewalk or median opposite such joints in the
concrete pavement or structure.
• Where existing structures such as light standards, poles, fire hy-
drants, etc., are within the limits of the sidewalk or median area, sur-
round them with an expansion joint.
• Place transverse expansion joints at intervals of not more than 100
feet in all concrete shapes.
720.4.6.2 Contraction Joints
1 Divide the concrete slabs in sidewalks between expansion joints into blocks
10 feet in length, by scoring transversely after floating operations are com-
pleted. Where the sidewalk slabs are more than 10 feet in width, score them
longitudinally in the center. Extend transverse and longitudinal scoring for a
depth of 1 inch and not less than ¼ inch or more than ½ inch in width. Edge
and finish joints smooth and true to line.
2 In concrete medians, locate transverse contraction joints, formed as de-
scribed above, at intervals of not more than 25 feet and extend not less than a
quarter of the median depth.
720.4.7 Final Finish
720.4.7.1 Curbs and Curb and Gutters
1 As soon as the concrete has set sufficiently, remove the forms from the
exposed surfaces. Float and trowel the concrete on the curb face and top as
necessary to provide a smooth uniform finish. Leave joint templates in place
a minimal length of time to prevent bonding or distortion at the joint.
2 After the surface of the gutter has been properly shaped and prepared and
the water sheen has disappeared, produce the final finish by brooming. Apply
brooming transverse to the line of traffic. Ensure that joints are in a vertical
plane perpendicular to the curb face. Make certain that joints are clean and

720.4.7.2 720.5

corners well rounded. Edge corners and conform to the typical cross-section.
Eliminate all tool marks in final finish.
720.4.7.2 Sidewalks, Gutters, Medians, and Driveways
1 Apply the final finish for sidewalks, gutters, medians, and driveways by
brooming as specified in Subsection 720.4.7.1, unless otherwise directed.
As soon as the forms are removed from concrete median, rub down the sides
to a smooth and uniform finish. Remove mortar or aggregate particles that
spill onto the pavement.
720.4.7.3 Repair of Defects
1 As soon as the forms are removed from all concrete shapes, fill honey-
combed places and other minor defects with a mortar composed of one part
Portland cement and two parts sand. Plastering is not allowed. Replace sec-
tions with visible cracks at no expense to the Department.
720.4.8 Protection and Curing
Protect the concrete as specified in Subsection 702.4.6 and cure with liq-
uid membrane-forming compounds meeting the requirements of Subsection
702.2.2.11. Ensure that methods and rates of application of curing com-
pounds are in accordance with Subsection 702.4.4.2.
720.4.9 Backfilling
1 After the concrete has set sufficiently and the forms have been removed,
backfill the spaces on both sides to the required elevation with suitable mate-
rial that is firmly compacted and neatly graded. Backfill concrete gutter so
that the earth materials are a minimum of 1 inch above the concrete. Main-
tain an earth roll on each side as necessary to prevent undermining of curb
and gutter.
720.5 Measurement
1 The quantity for the pay item Concrete Curb, Concrete Gutter, or Concrete
Curb and Gutter (of the type and size specified) is the length of the cast-in-
place curb and/or gutter and is measured by the linear foot (LF), complete,
and accepted. Concrete Curb and Gutter is measured along the roadway
face of the curb at the gutter line. Concrete Curb and Concrete Gutter are
both measured along the roadway at the finished grade elevation.
2 The quantity for the pay items Concrete Sidewalk, Concrete Driveway, and
Concrete Median is the finished surface area of the top of the cast-in-place
sidewalk, driveway, or median and is measured by the square yard (SY),
complete, and accepted. Deductions for drainage structures such as catch
basins, drop inlets, etc., are in accordance with the Plans, the Specifications,
and SCDOT Standard Drawings.
3 Excavation, when applicable and approved, is measured for in accordance
with Subsection 203.5

720.6 720.6

720.6 Payment
1 Payment for the accepted quantity, measured in accordance with
Subsection 720.5, is determined using the contract unit bid price for the ap-
plicable pay item. Payment is full compensation for constructing curb and/or
gutter as specified or directed and includes fine grading; compacting the sub-
grade; formwork; concrete, reinforcing steel; joint templates; joint materials;
curing concrete; backfilling; and all other materials, labor, equipment, tools,
supplies, transportation, and incidentals necessary to fulfill the requirements
of the pay item in accordance with the Plans, the Specifications, and other
terms of the Contract.
2 Excavation, when applicable and approved, is paid for in accordance with
Subsection 203.6.
3 Payment for each item includes all direct and indirect costs and expenses
necessary to complete the work.
4 Pay items under this section include the following:

Item No. Pay Item Unit

7201000 Concrete Curb (9" X 15") LF

7201010 Concrete Bridge Curb (6") LF

7201100 Concrete Transition Curb LF

72020X0 Concrete Gutter Type (X) LF

7203110 Concrete Curb and Gutter (1'-6") LF

7203210 Concrete Curb and Gutter (2'-0") LF

7203240 Concrete Curb and Gutter (2'-6") LF

7203310 Concrete Curb and Gutter (3'-0") LF

7204100 Concrete Sidewalk (4” Uniform) SY

7205000 Concrete Driveway (6" Uniform) SY

7205100 Concrete Driveway (8" Uniform) SY

7206000 Concrete Median SY

721.1 721.4.2.1


721.1 Description
1 This section contains specifications for the materials, equipment, construc-
tion, measurement, and payment for construction of an asphalt curb on a pre-
pared subgrade or other surface conforming to the configuration shown on the
Plans, in accordance with these specifications, and to the lines and grades
furnished by the RCE.
721.2 Materials
Provide the materials conforming to the requirements in Section 403. Con-
form to the requirements pertaining to the manufacture and hauling of the as-
phalt mixture specified in Sections 401 and 403.
721.3 Equipment
1 Construct asphalt curb by use of a self-propelled automatic curb machine
or a paver with curbing attachments.
2 Ensure that the automatic curb machine meets the following requirements
and is accepted by the RCE prior to use:
A. The automatic curb machine is constructed and is operated to con-
solidate the mixture to produce a dense mass free of voids.
B. The machine forms the curb true to line and grade and to a uniform
shape and texture.
3 The RCE may permit the construction of curb by means other than the
automatic curb machine when short sections or sections with short radii are
required or for other reasons deemed warranted by the RCE. Ensure that the
resulting curb conforms in all respects to the required curb.
4 Ensure that the equipment necessary for the proper construction of the
work is on site, in acceptable working condition, and approved by the RCE as
to both type and condition before the start of work under this section. Provide
sufficient equipment to enable prosecution of the work in accordance with the
project schedule and completion of the work in the specified time.
721.4 Construction
721.4.1 Weather and Surface Temperature Restrictions
1 Do not construct asphalt curb when the pavement or base is wet or frozen.
721.4.2 Preparation of Bed
721.4.2.1 Subgrade
1 When the curb is to be placed directly on the subgrade, prepare the sub-
grade in accordance with the requirements set forth in Section 208.

721.4.2.2 721.6

721.4.2.2 Existing Pavement or Base
1 When curb is to be placed on a Portland cement concrete base, asphalt
pavement, or other base, thoroughly sweep and clean using compressed air
and/or other cleaning methods as necessary to provide a clean surface.
Make certain the surface is thoroughly dry and when directed by the RCE,
apply a tack coat of asphalt material as specified in Subsection 401.4.18.
During application, prevent the spread of the tack coat to areas outside of the
area occupied by the curb.
721.4.3 Backfilling
1 When required, backfill after the curb has reached ambient temperature
and do so promptly to afford support and protection. Accomplish backfilling
using such methods, equipment, and compaction to prevent damage to the
curb and to obtain satisfactory results.
721.4.4 Painting and Sealing
1 When sealing or painting is required, perform on a curb that is clean and
dry and that has reached the ambient temperature.
721.5 Measurement
1 The quantity for the pay item Asphalt Curb is the length of asphalt curb in-
place and is measured by the linear foot (LF) along the front face of the sec-
tion at the finished grade elevation, complete, and accepted. No deduction in
length is made for drainage structures installed in the curb such as intake
spillway assemblies, catch basins, etc., unless otherwise noted on the Plans
or the Specifications.
2 Excavation, when applicable and approved, is measured for in accordance
with Subsection 203.5.
721.6 Payment
1 Payment for the accepted quantity of Asphalt Curb, measured in accor-
dance with Subsection 721.5, is determined using the contract unit bid price
for the pay item. Payment is full compensation for constructing asphalt curb
as specified or directed and includes furnishing, mixing, hauling and placing
materials, including the asphalt binder in the mix; fine grading; compacting the
subgrade; tack coat; backfilling; and all other materials, labor, equipment,
tools, supplies, transportation, and incidentals necessary to fulfill the require-
ments of the pay item in accordance with the Plans, the Specifications, and
other terms of the Contract, except for excavation.
2 Excavation, when applicable and approved, is paid for in accordance with
Subsection 203.6.
3 Payment includes all direct and indirect costs and expenses necessary to
complete the work.

721.6 721.4

4 Pay items under this section include the following:


Item No. Pay Item Unit

7212000 Asphalt Curb LF

722.1 722.2.3



722.1 Description
1 This section contains specifications for the materials, equipment, construc-
tion, measurement, and payment for production, transportation, and storage
of precast concrete box culverts of the size and dimensions indicated on the
Plans, installed in conformity with the Plans, the SCDOT Standard Drawings,
the Special Provisions, and these specifications, and true to the line and
grades established by the RCE. This section includes specifications for the
proper fabrication at the precast plant, finishing, marking, joining, and other
incidental items of work. See SCDOT Standard Drawing 722-1 for details and
additional installation requirements.
722.2 Materials
722.2.1 Precast Concrete Sections
1 Ensure that precast concrete box culvert sections conform to the require-
ments of either AASHTO M 259 for depths of cover 2 feet and greater or
AASHTO M 273 for depths of cover less than 2 feet with the exception of
modifications as stated herein. Conform precast concrete box culverts to the
requirements of ASTM C 1433 or ASTM C 1577 for manufacturing proce-
dures, tolerance, and designs meeting or exceeding ASTM C 1433, Table 2
or ASTM C 1577, Table 1.
2 Manufacture the sections in accordance with the appropriate AASHTO or
ASTM designation based on the size (span (W) and rise (H) dimensions),
loading (minimum earth dead load and Interstate Live Load to be used in all
applications unless otherwise indicated), and earth cover as specified on the
Plans and in the Special Provisions. Box sections that exceed the minimum
specified requirements may be substituted for the Plan designated box sec-
tions at no extra cost to the Department and with prior written approval of the
OMR. Ensure that box culvert is obtained from a source listed on the most
recent edition of SCDOT Qualified Product List 14.
722.2.2 Site Cast Concrete
1 Except for the aggregate gradation, provide concrete for the precast sec-
tions meeting the applicable requirements of Sections 701 and 714. Ensure
that concrete for components cast at the site (wingwalls, headwalls, aprons,
cut-off walls, etc.) meet the applicable requirements of Section 701 for Class
4000P concrete (minimum).
722.2.3 Reinforcing Steel
1 Provide reinforcing steel conforming to the requirements of ASTM A 706,
Grade 60, AASHTO M 259, AASHTO M 32, AASHTO M 55, AASHTO M 221,
or AASHTO M 225 as applicable. Ensure that ASTM A 706 steel is obtained
from a source listed on the most recent edition of SCDOT Qualified Product

722.2.4 722.4.1.1

List 60.
722.2.4 Joint Material
1 Use a joint seal material that is a preformed flexible joint sealant conform-
ing to the requirements of AASHTO M 198 and is manufactured by a supplier
listed on the most recent edition of SCDOT Qualified Product List 13.
722.2.5 Liquid Membrane-Forming Compounds
1 Use liquid curing compounds conforming to the requirements of
Subsection 702.2.2.11.
722.3 Equipment
1 Ensure that the equipment necessary for the proper construction of the
work is on site, in acceptable working condition, and approved by the RCE as
to both type and condition before the start of work under this section. Provide
sufficient equipment to enable prosecution of the work in accordance with the
project schedule and completion of the work in the specified time.
722.4 Construction
722.4.1 Fabrication
722.4.1.1 General
1 The precast concrete box sections may be precast by either the dry cast
(machine) or wet cast method. Use steel forms for both, and ensure that
forms are mortar-tight and of sufficient strength to prevent bulging and the
misalignment of adjacent boxes when placed in the field. Ensure that the
forms permit removal without damage to the concrete.
2 Do not allow offsets at form joints to exceed ⅛ inch. Make certain forms
are clean and have a light coating of a bond-breaking material applied before
concrete placement.
3 Provide a maximum of four lifting holes, 2 inches in diameter or 2 inches
square or lifting lugs, as required, in each section to properly complete fabri-
cation and installation. Form the holes in-place, cut them into the fresh con-
crete, or core them into the hardened concrete.
4 Provide precast sections with a minimum length of 4 feet. Use positive
methods acceptable to the OMR to support reinforcing steel and prevent dis-
placement during the casting operation. Weld reinforcing steel only as shown
on the Plans.
5 Cast precast boxes by a process that provides for uniform placement of the
concrete in the forms and compaction by mechanical devices that ensures
dense, well-compacted concrete. Mix concrete in a central batch plant or
other approved batching facilities.
6 Construct all formed openings between the precast sections and adjacent
structures (including pipes, inlet structures, manholes, connecting culverts,
etc.) to accommodate a soil tight seal. Provide additional reinforcement

722.4.1.1 722.4.1.3

around all formed openings as shown in the SCDOT Standard Drawings for
culvert openings or as directed by the RCE.
7 Install 3-inch diameter weep holes at intervals of approximately 8.0 feet at
an elevation of about 1.0 foot above the normal water surface in accordance
with Subsection 702.4.19.2.
722.4.1.2 Finishing and Marking
1 Finish and mark precast sections in accordance with the applicable re-
quirements of AASHTO M 259, AASHTO M 273, ASTM C 1433, or ASTM C
1577 with the addition of the SCDOT project number.
722.4.1.3 Fabrication Tolerances
1 Make certain that the precast sections do not exceed the geometric toler-
ances allowed in the applicable sections of AASHTO M 259, AASHTO M 273,
ASTM C 1433, or ASTM C 1577.
2 Cast the slab thickness and the tongue and groove joint configuration to
provide a continuous line of box sections with interior offsets at the joints less
than 1% of the dimensions of the rise and span. Fabricate end sections with
exposed end flat in lieu of tongue or groove joint. Fabricate end sections with
holes for resin anchors or inserts for mechanical anchors to connect headwall,
wingwalls, and apron unless these connections are specifically omitted by
directions in the Plans.
3 To ensure the proper fit of contiguous sections, check the squareness tol-
erance of the boxes by measuring the distance between opposite interior cor-
ners at the ends of the sections. Make certain the diagonal measurements do
not vary by more than ½ inch.
4 Deviations from the above tolerance are acceptable if the sections can be
fitted at the plant and it is determined that an acceptable joint can be made. A
joint is considered acceptable if the sections can be fitted together on a flat
surface in the position in which they will be installed and the joint opening at
any point does not exceed ¾ inch.
5 Match-mark sections pre-fitted at the precast plant.

6 Repair small damaged or honeycombed areas that are purely cosmetic.

Excessive damage, honeycomb, or cracking is subject to structural review.
Make repairs to the satisfaction of the OMR. Ensure that such repairs are
sound, properly finished, and cured in accordance with Subsection
722.4.1.5. When fine cracks or hair-checks on the surface indicate poor cur-
ing practices, discontinue further production of precast boxes until corrections
are made and proper curing is provided.
7 Store precast boxes on level blocking in a manner acceptable to the OMR.
Do not place load upon sections until design strength is reached and curing
completed. Ship boxes when the design strength has been met and the
boxes have been inspected and stamped by the Department’s inspector.

722.4.1.4 722.4.3

722.4.1.4 Samples and Tests
1 Provide concrete compressive strength test cylinders in accordance with
the requirements of AASHTO M 259, AASHTO M 273, ASTM C 1433, or
ASTM C 1577, except that when a wet cast method is used, provide a mini-
mum of 4 test cylinders for each day’s production of each size and design of
box. Strength tests for each production lot are based on the average strength
of 2 cylinders that are tested any time after the curing period. When design
strength is attained on the initial test, further tests on that lot are not required.
2 Should the initial test fail to meet the design strength, perform a subsequent
test at 28 days unless additional cylinders were made for intermediate breaks.
Check low cylinder strengths by compression strength of cores. Obtain cores
for testing and repair the core holes at no cost to the Department.
722.4.1.5 Curing
1 Cure precast concrete box culverts made in a precast plant in accordance
with the requirements of AASHTO M 259, AASHTO M 273, ASTM C 1433, or
ASTM C 1577.
2 Protect the boxes from freezing during the curing period.

3 Cure test cylinders at the same time and in the same manner as the boxes.

4 Cure concrete placed at the job site during construction in accordance with
Subsection 702.4.4.2.
722.4.2 Bedding
1 Ensure that excavation for foundations of precast concrete box culverts
conform to the requirements of Section 204 and the details shown on the
Plans. Exercise special care in leveling the foundation area to ensure uniform
support throughout the entire width and length of the structure. Make certain
bedding material is minimum fine aggregate, and no larger than coarse ag-
gregate (No. 57 stone) in conformance with the requirements in Section 701.
Erect shoring, bracing, or other devices necessary to achieve safe working
conditions without additional compensation. Ensure that culvert bedding is
protected from scour during the installation of culvert sections.
2 When a firm foundation is not encountered at the required grade, remove
all such unstable material and backfill the resulting excavation with suitable
material (no larger than Aggregate No. 57) in accordance with Section 203,
the Plans, or the contract documents. For culverts on shallow rock, cast-in-
place construction is recommended. If placing precast culvert sections on
rock is required, provide a minimum of 3 inches of bedding material between
the rock surface and the bottom of the bottom slab.
722.4.3 Laying Sections
1 Place sections beginning at the outlet end of the conduit with the groove
end being laid upgrade (and the flat end toward the outlet) unless otherwise
approved by the RCE. Install successive tongue ends into each adjoining

722.4.4 722.4.6

groove. Provide positive means to pull or push each section firmly into the
previously placed section so that the joints are tightly meshed. Install final
section with flat end toward inlet. Repair and fill lift holes with mortar or con-
crete and cure as directed after the sections have been installed. Install
French Drain in accordance with the requirements of Subsection 702.4.19.2.
Completely wrap French drain with geotextile for drainage filtration to prevent
migration of site soils into aggregate.
722.4.4 Joints
1 Make joints between the precast box sections using preformed flexible joint
sealant in accordance with AASHTO M 198. Do not use mortar. Install joint
sealant in conformance with the details on SCDOT Standard Drawing 722-1,
and in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendation and as specified
2 Clean and dry all surfaces of the joint to remove all debris and contami-
nants. Lubricate joint surfaces with a lubricant that does not cause damage to
or deteriorate joint sealant material. Use continuous sealant of the minimum
size to produce a soil-tight joint in the annular space of the joint. The joint
sealant size may be varied by the RCE to provide enough sealant material to
properly fill the annular space or to prevent waste of the sealant material.
When the culvert is in place, ensure that the joint sealant is visible on the in-
side or the outside of the joint. Give special attention placing the joint sealant
on the tongue to prevent excess seal from squeezing out of the culvert joints.
If excess seal is observed squeezing out on the inside and outside, check the
placement of the joint sealant or reduce the joint sealant size if required to
prevent waste of seal material.
3 Ensure that the culvert trench is free of standing water and mud when a
section is placed. Press culvert sections together to form a durable soil tight
and structurally sound joint. Install the joint sealant material without stretching
722.4.5 Backfilling
1 Conform backfilling materials and construction methods to the requirements
on the Plans and Subsection 205.4.2.
2 When multiple barrel structures are specified, place the barrels a minimum
of 3.5 inches apart. Place the material between culvert barrels in accordance
with the Plans and the SCDOT Standard Drawings. When not specified in the
Plans, use flowable fill or continuous concrete for gap material. Provide a
minimum 6-inch cast-in-place concrete plug along the length of the barrels at
the exposed ends of the barrel to prevent erosion of the gap material.
722.4.6 Connections
1 Make connections with other structures including headwalls, wingwalls,
aprons, inlets, structures, or manholes in accordance with the Plans.

722.4.6 722.6

2 Construct wingwalls, cut-off walls, headwalls, parapet walls, and aprons

using cast-in-place reinforced concrete consisting of Class 4000 (minimum)
Portland cement concrete conforming to the applicable requirements of
Sections 701 and 702 unless directed by the RCE. Use reinforcing steel
conforming to the requirements of ASTM A 706, Grade 60 and applicable re-
quirements of Section 703.
3 Place a minimum of ½ inch grout layer between culvert top slab and bottom
of drainage structure. Do not install risers directly on top slab of culvert
unless directed by the RCE.
4 Ensure that all inlet structures and pipe openings are soil tight. Consult the
Design Engineer and the box culvert manufacturer before field cutting any
opening in the culvert.
5 Install resin anchors in accordance with the Plans and SCDOT Standard
Drawings for Road Construction.
722.5 Measurement
1 The quantity of the precast concrete box culvert is the length of the box
culvert and is measured by the linear foot (LF) in-place, complete, and ac-
cepted. The length is obtained by measuring the centerline length of each
barrel between the end treatments.
Structure excavation is measured in accordance with Subsection 204.5
and includes unstable material removed as specified in Subsection 203.4.
3 The quantity of cast-in-place Class 4000 concrete used in wingwalls, cut-off
walls, parapet walls, and aprons is measured for payment by the cubic yard
(CY) of Concrete for Structure Class 4000 (Culvert) in accordance with
Subsection 701.5.
4 Reinforcing steel used in the cast-in-place portion of the culvert is meas-
ured for payment by the pound (LB) of Reinforcing Steel for Structures (Road-
way) in accordance with Subsection 703.5. Reinforcing steel in the precast
portion of the culvert, including resin anchors, is not measured for payment,
but is included in the contract unit bid price of the precast culvert.
722.6 Payment
1 Payment for the accepted quantities of PC Box Culverts (of the size, type,
and fill height specified), measured in accordance with Subsection 722.5, is
determined using the contract unit price for the applicable pay item. Payment
is full compensation for constructing precast concrete box culverts as speci-
fied or directed and includes bedding; fabricating, transporting, and laying cul-
vert sections; furnishing and installing joint material; connections to headwalls
and other drainage structures; French drains and weepholes; backfilling; and
all other materials, labor, equipment, tools, supplies, transportation, and inci-
dentals necessary to fulfill the requirements of the pay item in accordance
with the Plans, the Specifications, and other terms of the Contract.

722.6 722.6

2 Structure excavation is paid for as Structure Excavation for Culverts in ac-

cordance with Subsection 204.6.
3 The quantity of cast-in-place Class 4000 concrete is paid for in accordance
with Subsection 701.6.
4 The quantity of reinforcing steel other than that in precast box sections is
paid for as Reinforcing Steel for Structures in accordance with Subsection
5 Payment includes all direct and indirect costs and expenses necessary to
complete the work.
6 Pay items under this section include the following:

Item No. Pay Item Unit

722XXXX (size) P C Box Culvert (type) Fill Height < (fill height)'' LF

723.1 723.2



723.1 Description
1 This section contains specifications for the materials, construction, meas-
urement, and payment for furnishing and installing expansion joints consisting
of elastomeric strip seal gland with extruded steel anchoring elements on
concrete bridge decks in accordance with these specifications and as shown
on the Plans.
2 Install the complete expansion joint including steel extrusions and strip seal
Ensure that the joint manufacturer has a history of successful product
manufacture and has AISC shop certification specific to the type work being
4 Make certain that the deck joints are of sufficient strength to support, in all
positions, a HS-25 highway truck loading and impact as defined in the current
edition of the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications or alternate mili-
tary loading of 2 axles 4 feet apart with each axle weighing 24,000 pounds,
whichever produces greater stress, and can accommodate the movements
shown on the Plans.
5 Before fabricating any joints, submit Shop Plans to the bridge designer for
review. Make certain that the Shop Plans meet the requirements of Section
725 and include, but not limited to, the items listed in Subsection 723.4.1.
6 Prior to final acceptance of an expansion joint, submit manufacturer certifi-
cations attesting that the materials and fabrication of the entire expansion joint
assembly including all accessories meeting the requirements of the Plans,
specifications, and the reviewed Shop Plans.
723.2 Materials
1 Provide the joint material consisting of a continuous elastomeric strip seal
gland with extruded steel anchoring elements.
2 Ensure that the seal gland material for bridge deck joint is a vulcanized elas-
tomeric compound using polymerized chloroprene as the basic elastomer.
Install the seal gland in 1 continuous strip. Field splicing of the gland material
is not permitted.
3 Make certain that the physical properties of the strip seal gland are in ac-
cordance with the following table and have the manufacturer provide certified
test results to the OMR.

723.2 723.3


Physical Property Requirements Test Method

Tensile strength, min., psi 2000 ASTM D 412

Elongation @ break, min., % 250 ASTM D 412

Hardness, Type A durometer,

55 ± 5 ASTM D 2240

Oven aging, 70h @ 212°F

Tensile strength, max. % Loss 20
Elongation, max. % Loss 20 ASTM D 573
Hardness, Type A durometer, 0 to +10
points change

Oil Swell, ASTM Oil No. 3, 70h @

45 ASTM D 471
212ºF, Weight change, max., %

Ozone resistance, 20% strain, 300

no cracks ASTM D 1149
pphm in air 70h @ 104°F

Low temperature stiffening, 7 days

@ 14°F.
0 to +15 ASTM D 2240
Hardness, Type A durometer,
points change

Compression Set, ASTM D 395,

70h @ 212ºF. max., % Method B
4 Provide one-piece extruded steel anchoring elements from AASHTO M
270, Grade 50W Steel. The use of exposed aluminum is not allowed. Weld-
ing pieces together in any manner to gain the final shape of the steel anchor-
ing elements is not allowed. Ensure that the configuration has a minimum
backwall thickness of ½ inch.
5 Provide a lubricant/adhesive for bonding the seal to the steel elements.
Use a lubricant/adhesive that is a 1-part moisture curing polyurethane and
hydrocarbon solvent mixture meeting the requirements of ASTM D 4070.
6 Ensure that studs utilized in anchorage system meet the requirements of
Subsection 709.2.2. Use straps for erection purposes conforming to the re-
quirements of AASHTO M 270, Grade 36.
723.3 Equipment
1 Ensure that the equipment necessary for the proper construction of the
work is on site, in acceptable working condition, and approved by the RCE as
to both type and condition before the start of work under this section. Provide
sufficient equipment to enable prosecution of the work in accordance with the
project schedule and completion of the work in the specified time.

723.4 723.6

723.4 Construction
723.4.1 Shop Plans
1 Provide Shop Plans for review and approval of the joint proposed for use.
Ensure that the Shop Plans submittals are in accordance with Section 725
and include the following items:
• Manufacturer's brochures concerning the joint proposed which
should include all physical dimensions of components, installation
procedures, material certifications, and a table of variable tempera-
tures and dimensions.
• Plans detailing the installation of the joint indicating length of compo-
nent members, treatment of any directional changes, field splicing of
steel anchoring elements (the gland component is not field spliced),
fabrication of metal components at barriers, curbs and parapets.
2 The Department assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of the Shop
Plans. The Contractor is responsible for conformity with the Special Provi-
sions and the Plans.
723.4.2 Installation
1 Recess the joint ¼ inch below the finished grade of the bridge deck when
2 Mechanically lock the gland component into place. Make certain the joint is
installed such that it is watertight.
3 Do not start installing the joint seal on the project until a trained factory rep-
resentative is on the job site to provide direction and assistance throughout
the installation work. Notify the joint manufacturer of the scheduled installa-
tion a minimum of 2 weeks in advance. The factory representative must be
present for the installation of the first joint seal and succeeding joint seals until
the Contractor becomes proficient in the work.
4 Clean the surfaces of joint cover plates and the exposed surfaces of the
steel extrusions in accordance with the requirements of SSPC SP-10 as
specified in Subsection 710. Paint all surfaces of any joint cover
plates and the exposed surfaces of the steel extrusions, except for the areas
that are in contact with the seal gland, with an inorganic zinc primer in accor-
dance with Subsection 710.4.1. Anchor studs or straps need not be painted.
723.5 Measurement
1 The quantity for the pay item Deck Joint Strip Seal is the length of the strip
seal expansion joint in-place and is measured by the linear foot (LF), com-
plete, and accepted. The length of expansion joint length is measured from
gutterline to gutterline along the centerline of joint.
723.6 Payment
1 Payment for the accepted quantity of Deck Joint Strip Seal, measured in
accordance with Subsection 723.5,is determined using the contract unit bid

723.6 723.6

price for the item pay item. Payment is full compensation for furnishing and
installing strip seals as specified or directed and includes preparing Shop
Plans; providing and installing elastomeric sealing gland and steel compo-
nents including welded studs and straps, extruded steel anchoring elements,
and additional extruded anchor extension required to terminate the joint at the
face of parapet, curb, or sidewalk parapet; cleaning and painting of steel
components; having manufacturer's technical representative on-site; and all
other materials, labor, equipment, tools, supplies, transportation, and inciden-
tals necessary to fulfill the requirements of the pay item in accordance with
the Plans, the Specifications, and other terms of the Contract.
2 Payment includes all direct and indirect costs and expenses necessary to
complete the work.
3 Pay items under this section include the following:

Item No. Pay Item Unit

7232310 Deck Joint Strip Seal LF

724.1 724.4.1


724.1 Description
1 This section contains specifications for materials, equipment, construction,
measurement, and payment for furnishing and installing elastomeric bearings,
either “plain” (consisting of elastomer only) or “laminated” (consisting of alter-
nating individual layers of elastomer and internal steel laminates) as shown
on Plans.
724.2 Materials
1 Provide elastomer materials consisting of Polychloroprene (Neoprene)
Grade 2 elastomer as shown in AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications,
Table, Temperature Zone B and for Low Temperature Brittleness.
In accordance with the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, Section
18, Grade 2 material does not require a brittleness test. Make certain that the
physical properties of the cured elastomer comply with the requirements
shown in Table I of AASHTO M 251. Provide reinforced pads with 50 or 60
Durometer Hardness as specifically designated on the Plans.
2 Obtain elastomeric bearings that are fabricated by a manufacturer listed on
the most recent edition of SCDOT Qualified Product List 24. Submit pre-
qualification test samples, certifications, and elastomer formulation to the
OMR for approval prior to its first use on Department projects. Submit the
materials well in advance of anticipated use and ensure that the submission
contains certified test results showing the actual test values obtained when
the physical properties of the elastomer to be furnished were tested for com-
pliance with the pertinent specification requirement. Pre-qualification test
samples consist of at least two bearings typical of the formulations and work-
manship intended for use on Department projects. Provide sample size no
larger than 11 inches x 17 inches.
724.3 Equipment
1 Ensure that the equipment necessary for the proper construction of the
work is on site, in acceptable working condition, and approved by the RCE as
to both type and condition before the start of work under this section. Provide
sufficient equipment to enable prosecution of the work in accordance with the
project schedule and completion of the work in the specified time.
724.4 Construction
724.4.1 Fabrication
1 Fabricate the bearing pad in conformance with the AASHTO M 251 and in
conformance with details shown in the Plans, or the requirements of the cur-
rent edition of the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications where refer-
2 Fill pin grooves in laminated bearings with a vulcanized neoprene or a sili-

724.4.1 724.4.4

cone material capable of bonding and maintaining integrity with the pad.
3 Adhere to tolerance in dimensions of completed pads as listed in Table 2 of
AASHTO M 251 unless other tolerances are shown on the design drawings.
724.4.2 Acceptance Testing
724.4.2.1 General
1 Acceptance is based on either Level I or Level II testing. Level I testing is
applied to all bearings and Level II is, at the discretion of the OMR, applied to
the more critical or unusual bearings. It is also used to resolve differences
over acceptance of bearings under Level I. Have the fabricator notify the
OMR a minimum of 14 calendar days prior to the start of fabrication so that
the OMR inspector can be present during fabrication and testing.
724.4.2.2 Level I Testing
1 Perform Level I testing as stated in Section 8 of AASHTO M 251 except
that only 10% of the bearings are required to undergo the compressive test.
Submit the results of the compressive stress-strain curve to the RCE.
724.4.2.3 Level II Testing
1 Perform Level II testing as specified in Section 8 of AASHTO M 251. Level
II certification requires that all Level I conditions are satisfied except that indi-
vidual conditions are waived by the OMR if Level II certification is used as an
arbitration of disputes.
724.4.3 Certifications
1 Have the bearing manufacturer certify that all of the pre-qualification sam-
ples submitted are of the same elastomer formulation and of equivalent cure
to that used in the finished products to be furnished on Department projects.
2 Require the manufacturer to perform the complete pre-qualification testing
procedure again during later production should the OMR feel such action ap-
propriate based on performance of the pad in service.
3 After pre-qualification approval, have the manufacturer perform inspection,
sampling, and testing of actual bearing production with certified laboratory test
results of the following:
• Elastomer properties on each batch or lot of elastomer used in the
manufacture of the bearings, as contained in Table 1 of AASHTO M
• One Bond Strength test per lot of reinforced bearings.
• Compressive load results required by Level I testing which requires
each bearing to be load tested at 150% of maximum design load.
724.4.4 Installation
1 Plane bearing surfaces under the elastomer to within 0.062 inch and hori-
zontal to within 0.01 radians in accordance with Plans and the Special Provi-
sions. Ensure that the elastomeric bearings bear directly on the concrete sur-

724.4.4 724.6

Tighten nuts for anchor bolts finger tight then back off 1/16 inch, then peen
the threads or burr with a sharp pointed tool.
3 When the sole plates are attached to the beam flange, place the plates to
be aligned with the anchor bolts after the dead load deflection has occurred if
the dead load deflection and slope produce a change in length of more than
¼ inch.
4 Exercise caution where field weld or shop weld is made while elastomeric
bearing pad is in contact with the metal. Do not expose the elastomer or elas-
tomer bond to instantaneous temperatures greater than 400ºF. Any damage
to elastomeric bearing due to welding is cause for rejection. Monitor tempera-
ture by use of heat crayons.
724.5 Measurement
1 The quantity for the pay item Elastomeric Bearing is measured by each
(EA) elastomeric bearing pad conforming to the size and dimensions specified
on the Plans installed, complete, and accepted.
2 The steel sole plate welded to the bottom flange of the beam or girder is not
measured for payment under the Elastomeric Bearing item, but is included in
the item for structural steel or prestressed concrete beams depending on the
type of beam to which it is welded.
724.6 Payment
1 Payment for accepted quantity of Elastomeric Bearing, measured in accor-
dance with Subsection 724.5, is determined using the contract unit bid price
for the pay item. Payment is full compensation for furnishing and installing
elastomeric bearing pads as specified or directed and includes sampling, test-
ing, and certification of bearing pads; welding sole plates; burring or peening
anchor bolt threads; and all other materials, labor, equipment, tools, supplies,
transportation, and incidentals necessary to fulfill the requirements of the pay
item in accordance with the Plans, the Specifications, and other terms of the
2 Payment for the steel sole plate is included in the contract unit bid price for
structural steel or prestressed concrete beams as applicable.
3 Anchor bolts, washers, and nuts are not included in this item, but are paid
for under the appropriate substructure item.
4 Payment includes all direct and indirect costs and expenses necessary to
complete the work.
5 Pay items under this section include the following:

Item No. Pay Item Unit

7243100 Elastomeric Bearing EA

725.1 725.1.1



725.1 Description
1 This section contains specifications for submitting Shop Plans and Working
Drawings for structures. Failure to follow the procedures herein may cause
delay in processing of submittals. Any subsequence loss of construction time
due to failure to follow these procedures will not be accepted by the Depart-
ment as a valid reason to change the project’s completion date.
725.1.1 Shop Plans
1 Provide Shop Plans for fabricated items that will remain a permanent part
of structures. No later than 30 days before fabrication, submit 7 sets of Shop
Plans to the bridge designer or as otherwise specified. No extension of con-
tract time is granted for delays due to failure to observe this time require-
ments. Have the fabricator of the material component of the structure notify
the OMR a minimum of 14 calendar days prior to the start of fabrication.
2 Send Shop Plans for projects designed in-house to the BDE.

3 Send Shop Plans for projects designed for the Department by a design
consultant directly to the consultant. Obtain the necessary mailing informa-
tion at the Preconstruction Conference.
4 For Shop Plans sent to the BDE, send a copy of the transmittal letter to the
BCE, the OMR, and the RCE. For Shop Plans sent directly to a design con-
sultant, send a copy of the transmittal letter to the BDE, the BCE, the OMR,
and the RCE.
5 Clearly mark Shop Plans submission as containing "SHOP PLANS."

6 Ensure that Shop Plans contain 7 white print sets of drawings of one of the
following plan sizes:
Size A 22 inches x 36 inches (ISO A1 metric size 841.0 mm x 594.0 mm) is
acceptable, or
Size B 11 inches x 17 inches (ISO A3 metric size 420.0 mm x 297.0 mm) is
7 Submit Shop Plans for the items in the following table on plan size A or B
as indicated:
Items Requiring Submittal Plan Size

Structural Steel Members A

Structural Steel Parts of Expansion Joint A

Structural Steel Parts of Bearings A

(table continued on the next page)

725.1.1 725.1.2

(table continued from the previous page)

Items Requiring Submittal Plan Size

Miscellaneous Steel Members except Piling and Sway Bracing A

SIP Bridge Deck Forms A

Prestressed Concrete Beam or Girder A or B

Post-tensioned Concrete Beam or Girder A

Prestressed Concrete Piling B

Miscellaneous Prestressed and Post-tensioned Concrete Members A or B

Other items as may be required as specified in the Plans or in the A or B

Special Provisions
8 Ensure that Shop Plans bear the seal and signature of a South Carolina
registered Professional Engineer with the exception of the following items fab-
ricated in accordance with details shown in Plans:
• Armor plates,
• Prestressed concrete piling,
• Bearing or sole plates, shims, and booster plates, and
• Anchor bolt assemblies and tie rod assemblies.
9 Temporary FAX submittals are only accepted when approved in advance
by the Designer of Record and are followed by submittal of the proper number
and size of Shop Plans.
10 Have the fabricator electronically submit "As-Fabricated" drawings to the
BDE for the Department's project records. Submit the "As-Fabricated" draw-
ings for all items requiring Shop Plans required items, except for SIP Bridge
Deck Forms.
725.1.2 Working Drawings and Design Calculations
1 Ensure that the Working Drawings (or Design Drawings for Contractor de-
signed items such as MSE Walls) are fully detailed, showing layout of ele-
ments, sizes, material specifications, and manufacturer’s recommendations
for installation. State the allowable stresses used for design, working loads,
the load capacity of all support elements and the design specifications on the
2 Submit 7 sets of the required Working Drawings and design calculations for
construction falsework/form systems and temporary structures to the BCE for
review a minimum of 21 calendar days before erection or installation. Send a
copy of the transmittal letter to the RCE.
3 For falsework/form systems over or adjacent to railroad tracks, submit all
Working Drawings and design calculations required by the Railroad to the
designated railroad representative for acceptance a minimum of 30 calendar

725.1.2 725.6

days before erection or installation. Furnish 3 sets of the railroad accepted

falsework/form system to the BCE for final review and acceptance a minimum
of 7 calendar days before erection or installation with copy to the RCE.
4 No extension of contract time is granted for delays due to failure to observe
these time requirements.
725.2 Materials
1 None specified.
725.3 Equipment
1 None specified.
725.4 Construction
1 Do not begin fabrication of items that require Shop Plan until the reviewed
Shop Plans have been stamped and distributed by the Department. When
Working Drawings are required, do not begin installation of such items until
the accepted drawings have been received from the Department or from the
Designer of Record on Value Engineering and Design-Build projects.
725.5 Measurement
1 This work is not measured for payment.
725.6 Payment
1 No separate payment is made for compliance with this specification. All
costs of the above work are considered incidental to the project and included
in other items of work.

726.1 726.2.5



726.1 Description
1 This section contains specifications for installing a low slump or latex modi-
fied Portland cement concrete overlay over an existing Portland cement con-
crete bridge deck. The work includes removing deteriorated concrete for the
full or partial depth of the deck, preparing the area for the new concrete, plac-
ing, curing, and finishing the overlay area.
726.2 Materials
726.2.1 General
1 Obtain BCE approval for overlay materials prior to use. Control the mois-
ture contents of the overlay aggregates, especially the fine aggregate, so that
at the time of mixing, the moisture content of each aggregate is relatively uni-
form. Feed the material uniformly when continuous type mixers are used; and
the moisture content of the aggregate is not so great that the water-cement
ratio or slump requirement for the concrete mixture is violated. Replace con-
crete, which is not properly proportioned or is not in conformity with the speci-
fied slump and/or water-cement ratio and is rejected by the RCE, with con-
crete meeting the requirements at no cost to the Department. When the wa-
ter-cement ratio or slump requirements are violated, correct this condition at
no additional expense to the Department before mixing operations are contin-
ued. Stockpile the aggregates a minimum of 48 hours prior to placement of
the overlay. Cover the stockpiles with white burlene or equivalent to assist in
maintaining uniformity of temperature and moisture content.
726.2.2 Cement
Provide Portland cement conforming to the requirements of Subsection
701.2.1. Store the cement in a manner to prevent excessive temperature
build-up that is detrimental to the concrete mix.
726.2.3 Water
Provide water conforming to the requirements of Subsection 701.2.11.
726.2.4 Fine Aggregates
1 Provide fine aggregate for the concrete mixture that is natural sand con-
forming to the requirements of Subsection 701.2.9.2. Determine the mois-
ture content of the sand in order to calculate its free water content and the
resulting water-cement ratio of the concrete mixture.
726.2.5 Coarse Aggregate
1 Provide Coarse Aggregate No. 8M or No. 789 conforming to the require-
ments of Subsection 701.2.10.4. Determine the moisture content of the
coarse aggregate in order to calculate its free water content and the resulting

726.2.6 726.2.9

water-cement ratio of the concrete mixture.

726.2.6 Air-Entraining Admixture
Use air-entraining admixture conforming to the requirements of Subsection
726.2.7 Water-Reducing Admixture
1 Use water-reducing admixture conforming to the requirements of
Subsection 701.2.6. Furnish the OMR a copy of the manufacturer's recom-
mendations for use.
726.2.8 Epoxy Cement
726.2.8.1 General
1 Use epoxy cement that is a moisture insensitive, two-component system
meeting the requirements of ASTM C 881, Type III. Supply the two compo-
nents in separate containers that are non-reactive with the materials con-
tained therein. Identify the containers as "Component A - Contains Epoxy
Resin" and "Component B - Contains Hardener" and show the type, mixing
directions and usable temperature range. Clearly mark each container with
the name of the manufacturer, the lot or batch number, the date of packaging,
the type of pigmentation, and the quantity contained therein in pounds and
gallons. Mix and apply the epoxy in accordance with the manufacturer's rec-
ommendations. State the potential hazards on the package in accordance
with the Federal Hazardous Products Labeling Act.
726.2.8.2 Basis for Acceptance
1 Present to the OMR a letter of certification from the manufacturer indicating
that the epoxy cement complies with the product specifications.
726.2.8.3 Sampling and Testing
1 Provide to the RCE separate unopened, 1-quart samples of each compo-
nent from each lot or shipment and have them forwarded along with the certi-
fication to the OMR. Failure of samples to conform to the applicable specifi-
cation requirements is cause for the epoxy cement to be rejected and re-
moved from the job site.
726.2.9 Sand for Epoxy-Sand Slurry Mixture
1 Provide the fine aggregate for slurry mixtures that is white silica sand con-
taining no less than 90% insolubles and is rounded to subangular in shape,
clean, dry, and non-friable. Test the fine aggregate in accordance with
AASHTO T 21. Ensure that the gradation is as shown in the table below.

726.2.9 726.2.12


Sieve Percent Passing

No. 8 100

No. 50 0-40

No. 100 0-5

2 Material not meeting this gradation is allowed, provided it produces a
workable mixture and an acceptable slurry seal as approved by the RCE.
726.2.10 Sand for Grout-Bond Coat
1 Use sand in the grout-bond coat that is mortar sand conforming to the re-
quirements of Subsection 701.2.9 with the exception that the gradation re-
quirements do not apply.
726.2.11 Latex
1 Select the latex admixture from the list of acceptable products on the most
recent edition of SCDOT Qualified Product List 12. Ensure that the latex ad-
mixture is a material that is produced in the United States.
2 Submit a certified test report from the independent laboratory, a 1-gallon
sample of the latex admixture, and a material safety data sheet to the OMR
prior to beginning work. Approval of the latex admixture is based upon the
submitted information.
3 Ensure that the latex admixture does not contain any chlorides. Furnish
with each shipment a report of tests performed in accordance with the certifi-
cation program contained in Report No. FHWA-RD-78-35. In addition to ac-
tual test results, ensure that the report includes the date of manufacture,
batch or lot number(s), quantity represented, manufacturer's name, place of
manufacture, a statement that all test results are satisfactory, and the date on
which the 1-year certification period expires.
4 Package and store the latex admixture in containers and storage facilities
that protects the material from freezing and from temperatures above 85ºF.
Additionally, do not store the material in direct sunlight, and shade when
stored outside of building during moderate temperatures. Do not use latex
admixture that has been exposed to freezing or elevated temperatures (i.e.
above 85ºF) to be used without approval from the OMR.
5 When latex is used, have the manufacturer of the latex material furnish a
representative who is available for technical assistance as needed during the
placement of the latex overlay.
726.2.12 Grout-Bond Coat for Portland Cement Overlay
1 Use a grout-bond coat consisting of a one-to-one (1:1) mixture by weight of
Type I Portland cement and mortar sand plus sufficient water to produce
slurry of uniform spreading consistency.

726.2.13 726.3.2.1

726.2.13 Concrete for Full-Depth Patching
1 Ensure that concrete for full-depth patching is Class 4000 concrete con-
forming to the requirements of applicable subsections of Section 701.
726.2.14 Epoxy-Sand Slurry
1 Provide an epoxy-sand slurry mixture composed as follows:

1 gallon of Component A
1 gallon of Component B
2 gallons of dry, white, silica sand
2 The above quantities are considered as one standard batch for the purpose
of measurement and payment. If approved in writing by the OMR, minor ad-
justments may be made in the quantity of sand in order to produce a more
workable mixture.
726.3 Equipment
726.3.1 Existing Deck Preparation Equipment
1 Use mechanical scarifiers or grinders designed specifically for scarifying
bridge decks subject to approval of the RCE. Hydro-demolition equipment
instead of mechanical scarifiers and/or hammers is allowed, subject to the
approval of the RCE, and compliance with all South Carolina and Federal
Laws pertaining to air, water pollution, safety, and health regulations.
2 When cleaning the entire machine-prepared area with compressed air sup-
plied by an air compressor having suitable separators and traps, ensure that
the compressed air is free of detrimental quantities of water, oil, grease, or
any other injurious substances. Do not allow leakage of oil, grease, gasoline,
or other substances from the compressor(s) or other equipment on to the
deck. Place protective sheeting (plastic, tarpaulins, etc.) under any equip-
ment that leaks.
3 Blast clean the machine-prepared area with equipment using wet sand-
blasting, high pressure water blasting, blasting grits, shrouded dry sandblast-
ing, dry sandblasting with dust collectors, or other methods approved by the
726.3.2 Concrete Mixing Equipment
726.3.2.1 General
1 Mix concrete for concrete overlays at the work site by two batch or two con-
tinuous mixers approved by the OMR. Do not use drum-type transit truck
mixers or rotating drum batch-type mixers for Portland cement concrete over-
lays. Ensure that batch mixers are equipped with rotating blades or paddles.
2 Ensure that the latex admixture supply lines and the water supply line are
separate lines and are connected immediately before discharge into the hop-
per. Do not use connected latex admixture and water lines discharging
through a single valve even if check valves are incorporated in the supply

726.3.2.1 726.3.3

3 Maintain calibration valves as manufactured. Ensure that gauges and dials
are accessible, clear, and legible. Make certain the mixer consistently pro-
duces a uniform, thoroughly blended mixture within the specified air content
and slump limits. Repair malfunctioning mixers immediately or replace with
acceptable units.
726.3.2.2 Batch Mixers
1 Ensure that batch-type mixers are equipped with or accompanied by suit-
able devices for accurately measuring the weight of the cement, fine aggre-
gate, and coarse aggregate for each batch. Make certain they are also able
to accurately determine the volume or the weight of the water, the water re-
ducing and air entraining admixtures, and latex admixture, as applicable, for
each batch. Provide approved methods for adding the air-entraining admix-
ture and the water reducing admixture. Keep the admixtures separated, and
add them separately to the mixture. Do not use batch-type mixers that entrap
unacceptable volumes of air in the mixture.
726.3.2.3 Continuous Type Mixers
1 Use continuous type mixers so equipped such that the proportions of the
latex admixture (when required), cement, fine aggregate, and coarse aggre-
gate can be fixed by calibration of the mixer; and thereafter, do not change
proportions without approval by the OMR. Equip the latex admixture supply
part and the water supply part of the mixer with a flow meter or other suitable
device for calibrating the water supply, and a cumulative type water meter that
can be read to the nearest 0.1 gallon or 1 pound. Ensure that the latex and
water meters are readily accessible, accurate to within ±1%, and easy to
read. Provide approved methods for adding the air-entraining admixture and
the water-reducing admixture. Add the admixtures separately as far as prac-
ticable. Calibrate the continuous type mixer in accordance with Department
procedures before starting the work. Re-calibrate it thereafter at least once
during each 50 cubic yards production if yield checks indicate re-calibration is
necessary, and at any other time the RCE deems necessary to ensure proper
proportioning of the ingredients. Do not use continuous type mixers that en-
trap unacceptable volumes of air in the mixture.
726.3.3 Finishing Machine for Portland Cement Concrete Overlay
1 Use a finishing machine capable of forward and reverse motion under posi-
tive control. Ensure that the finishing machine is equipped with a strike off to
provide a uniform thickness of concrete in front of the screeds and with 2 os-
cillating screeds set accurately to the crown specified. Make certain the
screeds of the finishing machine are metal. Ensure that the front oscillating
screed is designed to thoroughly consolidate the concrete by vibration to the
specified density for Portland cement concrete. Be sure a sufficient number
of identical vibrators are effectively installed on the screed so that at least 1
vibrator is provided for each 5 feet of screed length. Ensure that the bottom
face of this screed is at least 5 inches wide with a turned up or rounded lead-

726.3.4 726.4.1

ing edge to minimize tearing of the surface of the plastic concrete. Make cer-
tain each screed has an effective weight of at least 75 pounds for each
square yard of bottom face area. Provide each screed with positive control of
the vertical position, the angle of tilt and the slope of the crown. Ensure that
the final screed oscillates and finishes without vibration. Be sure the design
of the finishing machine together with appurtenant equipment is such that
positive machine screeding of the plastic concrete is obtained within 1 inch of
the face of the curbs or construction joint. Ensure that the vibrating screed is
of sufficient length to extend at least 6 inches beyond an intended longitudinal
joint, and to extend at least 6 inches beyond the longitudinal edge of a previ-
ously placed section of overlay.
726.3.4 Finishing Machine for Latex Concrete Overlay
1 Use a finishing machine capable of forward and reverse motion under posi-
tive control. Ensure that the finishing machine is equipped with a strike off to
provide a uniform thickness of concrete in front of the screeds and with 2 os-
cillating rollers set accurately to the crown specified. Make certain that the
screeds of the finishing machine are metal. Make certain that the design of
the finishing machine together with appurtenant equipment is such that posi-
tive machine screeding of the plastic concrete is obtained. Be sure that the
vibrating screed is of sufficient length to extend at least 6 inches beyond an
intended longitudinal joint, and to extend at least 6 inches beyond the longitu-
dinal edge of a previously placed section of overlay.
726.3.5 Equipment On Site
1 Ensure that the equipment necessary for the proper construction of the
work is on site, in acceptable working condition, and approved by the RCE as
to both type and condition before the start of work under this section. Provide
sufficient equipment to enable prosecution of the work in accordance with the
project schedule and completion of the work in the specified time.
726.4 Construction
726.4.1 General

Adhere to the following sequence of operations when patching existing con-
crete decks:
1. Machine prepare existing deck and remove unsound concrete, and
restore reinforcement.
2. Rehabilitate joints.
3. Blast clean the machine prepared deck.
4. Apply a grout-bond coat.
5. Mix, place, and consolidate the concrete overlay mixture.
6. Finish, texture, and cure overlay.
7. Seal joints and cracks.
8. Apply the epoxy-sand slurry.
9. Saw textured grooves if specified.

726.4.1 726.4.4

2 When longitudinal construction joints are necessary, cure each section of

overlay in accordance with the requirements of Subsections 726.4.17.5 and
726.4.18.6 before the adjacent overlay is placed.
726.4.2 Scheduling
1 Perform the work on placing the concrete overlay between the hours of
7:00 P.M. and 9:30 A.M. Notify the RCE at least 12 hours in advance of the
date and time intended to begin placing concrete overlay. When placing of
concrete is not started within 2 hours after the scheduled time, then all engi-
neering costs from the scheduled time until the time placing actually begins or
is canceled are deducted from monies due or become due to the Contractor.
No engineering costs are deducted when placing is delayed for reasons be-
yond the control of the Contractor, such as inclement weather or equipment
failure after placing begins. No time extensions are granted for delay in plac-
ing concrete resulting from the RCE receiving less than 12 hours notice speci-
fied above.
726.4.3 Weather Limitations
1 Perform placement of overlay when the deck and weather conditions are
such that the rate of evaporation does not exceed 0.2 pounds per square foot
per hour for Portland cement concrete overlay or 0.15 pounds per square foot
per hour for latex concrete overlay. Use the Nomograph For Determining
Rate Of Evaporation located in the Appendix of these specifications in deter-
mining the rate of evaporation. Do not place the concrete overlay when the
air temperature is above 85ºF or the air temperature away from artificial heat
is less than 45ºF. In all instances, place and keep the concrete at a tempera-
ture above 50ºF for at least 96 hours. This requires approved housing and
heating or insulation methods during cold weather. Do not place the concrete
when raining or drizzling. If during the process of placing concrete, it begins
to rain or drizzle, stop the placement and protect and finish the concrete al-
ready in place.
726.4.4 Machine Preparation of Existing Deck, Removal of Concrete,
and Restoration of Reinforcement
1 Perform machine preparation of the entire area of the deck between the
parapets and the ends of the structure (i.e. 100% of the deck area) consisting
of removal of the concrete to a depth of at least ¼ inch below the existing
concrete surface. The RCE may require removal of concrete to depths
greater than ¼ inch for designated portions of the deck in order to provide a
uniform surface profile upon which to place the overlay. Unless authorized
otherwise by the RCE, accomplish the machine preparation of the deck by
alternate passes of the mechanical scarifiers. Ensure that the scarifier or
grinder produces a surface matching the existing slab cross-section and each
pass of the machine matches the adjacent edge of the previous pass. If satis-
factory results are not achieved, the RCE may direct that the work be per-
formed with other equipment.
2 End walls do not require the machine preparation unless otherwise noted.

726.4.4 726.4.5

Remove epoxy, asphalt, foreign surfaces, and patches in a manner accept-
able to the RCE. Do not use hammers exceeding 40 pounds in weight or any
other equipment that may cause damage to the underlying concrete.
3 Remove all other concrete deemed unsound by the RCE. Perform removal
of concrete within areas where the depth of removal exceeds ¼ inch by use of
hammers not exceeding 40 pounds in weight or other such small equipment
approved by the RCE. Ensure that the periphery of routed areas is as nearly
vertical as possible. Should removal of unsound concrete extend through 1/2
of the depth of the concrete slab or more, remove the remaining sound con-
crete and replace as outlined herein for full-depth patching.
4 Avoid damage to any existing deck steel reinforcement. Remove concrete
to a depth of ¾ inch below any reinforcement bar that is more than 1/2 ex-
posed or any others that appear not to be bonded to the existing concrete.
Exercise caution to protect any underlying sound concrete and steel rein-
forcement. Tie exposed steel reinforcement that is not tied. Replace rebar
damaged by the concrete removal operations at no expense to the Depart-
5 Remove unsound concrete in the deteriorated or spalled areas near the
joints, and remove the joint filler material. Reform the joints to exact width
specified and true alignment by the installation of a template made of styro-
foam, or timber covered with polyethylene sheeting, or of other suitable mate-
rial or as otherwise specified in the Plans. Remove concrete within the area
of the joint rehabilitation by use of jackhammers not exceeding 60 pounds in
weight or other such small equipment down to the mid-depth of the deck.
6 Blast clean exposed steel reinforcement and structural steel to remove
scale, rust, grease, oil, etc. Before placing concrete, replace deteriorated or
damaged reinforcement or supplement as directed by the RCE. Dispose of
dust, chips of asphalt materials, concrete, or other debris in a manner ap-
proved by the RCE. Clean the entire machine prepared area with com-
pressed air supplied by an air compressor that meets the requirements of
Subsection 726.3.1.
726.4.5 Blast Cleaning
1 Blast clean the entire area of the deck surface to a clean appearance that is
free from curing compound, laitance, dust, dirt, oil, grease, asphalt material,
paint, and foreign matter. Perform the blast cleaning of an area of the deck
within the 24-hour period preceding placement of the overlay on the area.
However, if any portion of the bridge is open to traffic, blast clean the area to
be overlaid within 12 hours before placing the overlay.
2 Blast clean the prepared area by methods and equipment designated in
Subsection 726.3.1. Perform the method used in conformance to air and
water pollution regulations applicable to the county or city where the work site
is located and to any state (SCDHEC) and federal (EPA) regulations. Ensure
that the blast cleaning conforms to applicable safety and health regulations
(OSHA). Immediately discontinue using a method that does not consistently

726.4.5 726.4.6

provide satisfactory results and does not conform to the above requirements
and replace by an acceptable method. Reasonably confine debris, including
dirty water, resulting from the blast cleaning operation during the performance
of the blast cleaning work and immediately and thoroughly remove from the
blast cleaned surfaces and other area where escaped debris may have ac-
3 Apply water or other approved materials to effectively prevent dust from
becoming an air pollutant, safety hazard, or other type of nuisance during the
blast cleaning operation. Failure to perform this item of work satisfactorily is
cause for deferring the processing of pay estimates due the Contractor for the
4 When water or other material is used to control dust, no separate payment
is made as all costs for furnishing and applying the materials are considered
incidental to the pay items in the Contract.
5 Protect the blast-cleaned areas against contamination before placement of
the overlay. Blast clean contaminated areas and areas exposed more than
24 hours (12 hours when under traffic) again as directed by the RCE at no
additional expense.
723.4.6 Full-Depth Patching
1 The area of removal of the concrete to full-depth is from center of girder to
center of girder. In the event that the full-depth holes are small (less than 6
square feet), the RCE will consult with a representative of the BCE for the
method in which the areas are to be repaired. Otherwise, fill full-depth holes
with Class 4000 concrete.
2 Immediately before placement of concrete, dampen the contact surface and
allow to dry. Then apply a grout-bond coat by vigorously scrubbing or brush-
ing it into the contact surfaces of full-depth patch areas.
3 Carefully place the Class 4000 Concrete and tamp or vibrate into place.
Rough finish full-depth patched areas to an elevation corresponding to the top
of the scarified deck and wet cure for a period of not less than 7 calendar
days, or until the overlay is placed, by means of a double layer of wetted bur-
lap or similar material. If the concrete surrounding a full-depth concrete patch
requires partial depth removal, then finish the full-depth concrete patch to an
elevation corresponding to the bottom of the partial depth patch areas instead
of the elevation of the original deck.
4 After the concrete has hardened sufficiently to maintain the proper shape,
remove joint templates in a manner to avoid chipping or breaking down the
edges of the repaired joint. Remove forming material prior to the completion
of the project unless otherwise specified.
5 Blast clean the surfaces of patched areas to remove all laitance and all
sand before the overlay is placed. Complete all full-depth patching in each
lane before beginning operations on another lane, unless otherwise permitted
or directed.

726.4.6 726.4.10

6 Do not place the concrete overlay or any equipment on the full-depth

patches until the patches are at least 7 days old, or have developed a com-
pressive strength of 3600 psi.
726.4.7 Partial Depth Patching
1 When a Portland cement concrete is used for the overlay, fill areas of par-
tial depth patches with overlay material to the level of the existing deck. Cure
these areas until the overlay is placed over the patch or the cure time expires.
When latex concrete is used for the overlay, place partial depth patches
monolithically with the overlay.
726.4.8 Prohibited Field Welding
1 Except as approved on the Plans, do not allow welding of any nature with-
out the written consent of the BCE, and then only in the manner and at the
locations designated.
726.4.9 Mixing and Placing Concrete Overlay
1 Use either batch or continuous mixers in accordance with the requirements
of Subsection 726.3.2. Keep the mixer, whether batch or continuous type
clean and free of partially dried or hardened materials at all times. Do not
allow the maximum time between completion of mixing and placement to ex-
ceed 20 minutes.
2 Hold the formation of longitudinal joints and transverse construction joints
to the minimum number necessary. Blast clean both types of joints thor-
oughly and coat with grout-bond coat material before fresh concrete is placed
against the hardened sides of the joints. When longitudinal joints are neces-
sary, form them by use of a longitudinal header secured to the deck. Ensure
that the longitudinal header thickness is ¼ inch less than the overlay. Locate
longitudinal joints along lane lines unless otherwise permitted. After removal
of the header, saw the overlay longitudinally 3 inches or more inside the
formed edge and then remove the overlay outside the sawcut. The volume of
the overlay removed is deducted from the volume measured for payment.
Alternate methods of constructing longitudinal joints may be used on latex
concrete overlays if approved by the RCE.
726.4.10 Placing and Finishing
1 Use sufficient hand tools for placement of stiff, plastic Portland cement con-
crete or latex concrete and for working it down to approximately the correct
elevation for striking off with a screed.
2 Place supporting rails upon which the finishing machine travels outside the
area to be surfaced, and extend beyond each end of the deck a sufficient dis-
tance to accommodate the finishing machine. Ensure that the anchorage for
the supporting rails is substantial enough to provide for rigid horizontal and
vertical stability of the rails. Submit the method proposed for anchoring the
supporting rails to the deck to the BCE for approval before beginning the

726.4.10 726.4.14

3 Make provision for raising the screeds to clear the screeded surface for
traveling in reverse.
4 Ensure that the top surface of the overlay is uniform, smooth, and even
textured after finishing by an approved finishing machine. Ensure that the
latex concrete is thoroughly consolidated by vibration during the finishing op-
5 Closely following the final pass of the screed, texture the surface by use of
a drag composed of 2 layers of wet burlap on a transverse screed.
726.4.11 Epoxy-Sand Slurry
1 After the overlay has been completed and cured, apply a thin coat (ap-
proximately 1/16 inch) of epoxy-sand slurry to the 12 inches of the overlay ad-
jacent to the curbs, concrete barrier walls, or other vertical walls. Unless oth-
erwise indicated on the Plans, extend the epoxy-sand slurry mixture up the
faces of the curbs and walls for 3 inches above the overlay. Thoroughly blast
clean the areas to a clean, bright appearance before the slurry is applied.
Ensure that the deck is dry when the epoxy-sand slurry is started, and the
deck has not been subjected to rain within 12 hours preceding the application
of the slurry. Before applying the slurry, protect joints in the area receiving
the application by placing strips of masking along the joints in a manner to
exclude the slurry from the joints. Place masking on the deck to ensure a
straight line for applying the epoxy-sand slurry.
Thoroughly mix the ingredient materials as indicated in Subsection
726.2.14 in 3 to 5 minutes. Spread the slurry as smoothly and uniformly as
possible to completely fill the blast cleaned pitted areas, cracks, and rough
surfaces. Ensure that the finished thickness of slurry is no more than 1/16
inch. Sprinkle silica sand very lightly over the slurry to prevent a slippery
726.4.12 Cleaning and Sealing Joints
1 Rework joints as shown on the Plans and specified in the Special Provi-
726.4.13 Approach Roadway Sections
1 When the rigid type (concrete) approach roadway sections at the bridge
ends are indicated on the Plans to receive an overlay, place a latex or Port-
land cement concrete overlay as indicated on the Plans. Remove the existing
concrete approach roadway as necessary to maintain the minimum specifica-
tion thickness of the overlay.
726.4.14 Material Hauling
1 Do not allow trucks with continuous mixers hauling materials for latex con-
crete or Portland cement concrete overlays or any other type of vehicles to
exceed the regulation for either the legal axle weights or axle spacing con-
tained in the appropriate sections of the most current publication of the South
Carolina Laws Covering Size, Weight, Load, and Truck Operations. Before

726.4.15 726.4.17.2

doing any overlay work on a structure, furnish to the BCE a certified state-
ment listing the empty weight of each hauling vehicle, the axle weights when
empty, axle weights when fully loaded, the gross weight of each vehicle when
loaded with a specified number of cubic yards, and the spacing of the axles.
This information is used by the Department for limiting the quantity of materi-
als the Contractor is permitted to haul. This limitation is based on the capac-
ity and condition of the bridge after unsound concrete has been removed and
prior to placement of the overlay. Under no circumstances are loads that ex-
ceed legal gross or axle gross or axle load limits permitted.
726.4.15 Damage to Structures
1 The Contractor is responsible for all damage to the structure during con-
struction until the work is complete, even to the replacement of entire spans at
no additional expense, should they fail because of the construction opera-
726.4.16 Unacceptable Work
1 The Department determines the overlay thickness with coring done in ac-
cordance with Department procedures. Fill any core holes in the overlay us-
ing concrete overlay materials, at no additional cost to the Department. Areas
found to be deficient in thickness not more than ½ inch are paid for as speci-
fied in Subsection 726.6.8. Remove and replace areas found deficient by
more than ½ inch with concrete overlay of the specified thickness at no cost
to the Department.
2 Remove and replace any areas of the overlay displaying a significant num-
ber of cracks, or are not intimately bonded to the underlying deck, with ac-
ceptable concrete at no additional expense. Thoroughly seal small cracks
that exist, but are not significant enough to require removal of the overlay,
using a low viscosity polymer sealant approved by the RCE.
726.4.17 Special Requirements for Latex Concrete Overlays
726.4.17.1 General
In addition to the requirements in Subsections 726.4.1 through 726.4.16,
ensure that the latex concrete overlay conforms to the requirements of
Subsections 726.4.17.2 through 726.4.17.5.
726.4.17.2 Pre-wetting and Grout-Bond Coat
1 Thoroughly and continuously wet with water the blast cleaned areas to re-
ceive the overlay at least 1 hour before placement of the overlay is to start.
Keep the areas wet and cooled with the water until the overlay is placed.
Disperse and/or remove accumulations of water before applying the grout-
bond coat. Immediately before placing the overlay mixture, thoroughly brush
and scrub onto the wet surface a thin coating of the latex concrete mixture to
be used for the overlay as a grout-bond coat. Remove accumulations of
coarser particles of the mixture that cannot be scrubbed into intimate contact
with the surface.

726.4.17.2 726.4.17.3

2 Apply the grout-bond coat only for a short distance in advance of the
placement of the overlay and do not allow it to show any signs of drying be-
fore being covered with the overlay.
726.4.17.3 Proportioning
1 Ensure that an OMR representative is present during the mixing of the latex
concrete overlay to verify the properties and proportioning of the mix.
2 Make certain the latex concrete overlay contains not less than 7 bags of
cement and not less than 24.5 gallons of latex admixture per cubic yard. Ac-
curately proportion the latex concrete as shown in the following table:

Mix Proportions for Latex Concrete Overlay

Type I Portland Cement 94 pounds

Latex Admixture 3.5 gallons

Fine Aggregate 210 to 250 pounds*

Coarse Aggregate 140 to 180 pounds*

Water (including free moisture on the fine and 22 pounds max.**

coarse aggregates)

*The OMR will design the mixture, and will determine the actual quantity of this
ingredient used.
**The actual quantity of water to be used within this limit is determined by the Con-
tractor and is subject to the approval of the OMR.
3 Have a certified ACI Concrete Field Testing Technician test the properties
of the mix and have the OMR on site verify the testing and results.
4 Provide latex concrete with the properties in the following table.

Property Value

Slump (Measured 4 to 5 minutes after discharged

4 to 6 inches
from the mixer) ASTM C 143

Air Content ASTM C 231 3 to 6½%

Water-Cementitious Ratio (Considering all the non-

No more than 0.40
solids in the Latex Admixture as part of the total water)

Minimum Compressive strength at 28 calendar days

4000 psi

Maximum Mix Temperature ASTM C 1064 85ºF

726.4.17.3 726.4.18.2

1 Ensure that the technician verifying the properties of the mix is a certified
ACI Concrete Field Testing Technician.
726.4.17.4 Placing, Consolidating, and Finishing Overlays
1 Pass the finishing machine over the existing deck before placing the over-
lay and take measurements to ensure that the proper cross slope and thick-
ness are achieved. Place the latex concrete overlay on the blast cleaned and
pre-wetted deck immediately after the grout-bond coat is applied.
726.4.17.5 Curing
1 Immediately following the finishing operation and as soon as the overlay
cannot be deformed by the added weight, cover the overlay with a curing
blanket and leave in place for at least 24 hours. Re-wet if any signs of drying
2 After the 24-hour period has ended, remove the curing blankets, and allow
the overlay to air cure for at least 72 hours.
3 After curing of the overlay is complete, give the tops of all longitudinal and
transverse construction joints a thorough coating of an RCE approved low
viscosity polymer sealant. Ensure that the coating is at least 2 inches wide
and is neatly and uniformly applied. This coating is intended to seal any min-
ute cracks that have developed at these locations. Do not use epoxy-sand
slurry instead of the RCE approved low viscosity polymer sealant. The over-
lay may be opened to traffic as soon as all curing is completed and a com-
pressive strength of 3000 psi is obtained, all joints and cracks are sealed as
specified above, and the bridge deck is grooved in accordance with these
726.4.18 Special Requirements for Portland Cement Concrete Overlays
726.4.18.1 General
In addition to the requirements in Subsections 726.4.1 through 726.4.16,
ensure that the Portland cement concrete overlay conforms to the require-
ments of Subsections 726.4.18.2 through 726.4.18.6.
726.4.18.2 Grout-Bond Coat
1 After the concrete surface is blast cleaned and accepted, and immediately
before placing the concrete overlay mixture on the deck, vigorously scrub a
thin coating of bonding grout into the dry, clean surface areas. Do not wet the
surface areas before applying the grout. When the bridge deck is exposed to
rain before application of the grout, delay the application until the bridge deck
has dried sufficiently to proceed. The length of the delay will be determined
by the RCE, but a minimum drying time of 4 hours is required. Make certain
the grout consists of equal parts, by weight, of Portland cement and mortar
sand, mixed with sufficient water to form wet slurry. Ensure that the consis-
tency of the grout is such that it can be applied with a stiff brush or broom in a
thin, even coating that does not run or puddle in low spots. Ensure that all
areas of the blast-cleaned deck receive a thorough even coating of the grout

726.4.18.3 726.4.18.4

and that no excess grout is permitted to collect in any areas. Apply the grout
only for a short distance in advance of the placement of the overlay and en-
sure that it does not show any signs of drying prior to being covered with the
overlay. Thoroughly re-coat with fresh grout any areas that show any signs of
726.4.18.3 Proportioning the Overlay Mix
1 Ensure that an OMR representative is present during the mixing of the Port-
land cement concrete overlay to verify the properties and proportioning of the
2 Accurately proportion the concrete for the overlay to contain 8.75 bags of
cement per cubic yard and no more than 35 gallons of water per cubic yard,
including free moisture on the aggregates. Determine the amount of water to
be added to the mixture to maintain the proper slump, but do not exceed the
limit of 35 gallons per cubic yard.
3 Determine the amount of fine aggregate and coarse aggregate for the con-
crete subject to the review of the OMR on an approximately 1:1 proportion by
volume and incorporate into the concrete mixture.
4 Add the water-reducing admixture to the concrete in accordance with the
manufacturer's recommendations.
5 Provide concrete overlay with the properties in the following table.

Property Value

Slump (Measured 4 to 5 minutes after discharged from the mixer),

½ to 1 inch
(ASTM C 143)

Air Content,
3 to 6%
(ASTM C 231)

Minimum Compressive strength at 28 calendar days,

4000 psi
(ASTM C 39)
6 Ensure that the technician verifying the properties of the mix is a certified
ACI Concrete Field Testing Technician.
726.4.18.4 Placing, Consolidating and Finishing the Overlay
1 Pass the finishing machine over the existing deck before placing the con-
crete overlay in order to make measurements to ensure that proper cross
slope and thickness is achieved. After the grout-bond coat has been applied,
promptly deposit the concrete on the deck, strike-off, and consolidate with the
finishing machine.
2 Consolidation using hand-held vibrators is required when placing the mix-
ture around steel reinforcement or structural steel members.
3 First strike off the concrete at ¼ inch or more above the specified final
thickness, and then consolidate by vigorous mechanical vibration. Determine

726.4.18.4 726.4.18.6

the in-place density of the consolidated mixture by use of a nuclear gauge

immediately following the screeding operation.
4 Immediately correct areas of concrete with deficient density by additional
passes of the finishing machine. When any concrete cannot be consolidated
to the specified density, remove and replace it with acceptable concrete at no
additional expense. Hand finishing of the consolidated concrete with a float
may be required in order to produce a tight uniform surface.
5 Ensure that the top surface of the consolidated and finished concrete over-
lay is smooth, uniform, and tight. Provide a surface smoothness and rideabil-
ity in conformance with SC-M-702 and Subsection 702.4.14.
726.4.18.5 Use of Nuclear Gauge In Determining Overlay Density
1 Determine the in-place density of the consolidated Portland cement con-
crete overlay mixture by use of a nuclear gauge immediately following the
screeding operation.
2 Ensure that operations of the nuclear gauge are carried out by personnel
certified in the use of a nuclear gauge.
3 Make certain that the procedure that is provided in the instrument's instruc-
tion manual for determining the density of an overlay is followed along with
appropriate nomographs or formulas for the nuclear gauges used by the De-
partment. Take readings of the existing concrete and the overlay, and then
calculate the density of the overlay based on a nomograph or appropriate for-
4 Prepare sections of the existing deck for density measurements. Prepara-
tions include cutting and removing steel reinforcing bars in the vicinity of the
density determination area. Preparations may also include adequate leveling
of rough areas after the milling operation to allow density determinations to be
carried out.
5 Adjust the density of the overlay as determined by use of the nuclear gauge
according to the hardened concrete density by use of a nomograph or appro-
priate formula as supplied by nuclear gauge manufacture/supplier.
6 Ensure that this adjusted density equals or exceeds the target density,
where the target density is 100% of the maximum theoretical density calcu-
lated assuming an entrained air content of 4.5%. Immediately correct areas
of deficient density by additional passes of the finishing machine. When any
concrete cannot be consolidated to the specified density, remove and replace
it with acceptable overlay material at no additional expense. Hand finishing of
the consolidated concrete with a float may be required to produce a tight uni-
form surface.
726.4.18.6 Curing
1 Initiate curing of the overlay immediately after texturing. Cure by use of a
curing blanket that is continuously and thoroughly wetted by automatic fog-
ging or sprinkling equipment for at least 96 hours after the curing is started.

726.5 726.5.5

Improper curing is a basis for rejection of the concrete and non-payment for
the total cost of the rejected concrete. A curing compound is not permitted on
the overlay. After the curing of the overlay is completed, give the tops of all
longitudinal and transverse construction joints a thorough coating of a low
viscosity polymer sealant approved by the RCE. Apply the coating neatly and
uniformly. This coating is intended to seal any minute cracks that developed
at these locations. Do not use epoxy-sand slurry instead of an approved low
viscosity polymer sealant. The overlay may be opened to traffic as soon as
all curing is completed, a compressive strength of 3000 psi is obtained, all
cracks and joints are sealed with a low viscosity polymer sealant, and the
specified surface texture treatment is applied.
726.5 Measurement
726.5.1 General
1 The quantities for payment are measured in units for complete in-place and
accepted work as hereinafter specified. In computing quantities, all dimen-
sions used are measured by the RCE.
726.5.2 Removal and Disposal of Existing Overlays
1 The quantity for the pay item Removal of Epoxy, Asphalt, and Foreign
Overlay is the horizontal surface area of foreign overlay removed as specified
and is measured by the square yard (SY), complete, and accepted. When
this item is not included in the Contract, no measurement is made and the
cost of this work is considered incidental to the installation of the new overlay.
726.5.3 Machine Preparation of Existing Surface
1 The quantity for the pay item Machine Preparation of Existing Surface is the
horizontal surface area of the deck prepared as specified and is measured by
the square yard (SY), complete, and accepted. No deductions in area is
made for existing deck drains, castings, expansion dams, patches of foreign
material, etc.
726.5.4 Partial-Depth Removal of Unsound Concrete
1 The quantity for the pay item Partial-Depth Removal of Unsound Concrete
is horizontal surface area of the deck under which the partial depth of con-
crete is removed as specified and is measured by the square yard (SY), com-
plete, and accepted. The limit of the range of the depth of removal is to the
mid-depth of the slab. This item includes the removal of sound concrete be-
low the mid-point of rebar in order to provide adequate concrete coverage
around the reinforcing steel exposed below the mid-point.
726.5.5 Concrete Class 4000 for Full-depth Patching
1 The quantity for the pay item Concrete Class 4000 for Full-Depth Deck
Patching is volume of concrete removed to make the patch and is measured
by the cubic yard (CY) calculated from the dimensions of the areas patched
as measured by the RCE. This item also includes the removal of concrete in
the patched areas.

726.5.6 726.6.1

726.5.6 Reinforcing Steel
1 The quantity of reinforcing steel required to replace existing deteriorated
reinforcing steel is measured in accordance with Subsection 703.5.
726.5.7 Blast Cleaning
1 The quantity for the pay item Blast Cleaning is the horizontal surface area
of deck blast-cleaned including the 12 inches adjacent to the curb and the 3
inches of the vertical face of the curb to receive the epoxy-sand slurry and is
measured by the square yard (SY), complete and accepted,. The blast clean-
ing of any longitudinal and transverse construction joints is not measured for
726.5.8 Concrete Overlay (Latex or Portland Cement)
1 The quantity the pay item Concrete Overlay (Latex) or Concrete Overlay
(Portland Cement) is the computed volume of concrete overlay and is meas-
ured by the cubic yard (CY), complete in-place, and accepted. In computing
the volume, the dimensions used are those shown on the Plans or as ordered
by the RCE. The volume of patches cast monolithically with the overlay is
included in this quantity and is based on measurements of the patched area
taken by the RCE. The volume of material wasted or not incorporated in the
finished work is not included in the measured quantity. Grout used for the
bond coat and crack sealing is considered incidental to the latex concrete
overlay, and it is not measured for separate payment.
726.5.9 Epoxy-Sand Slurry
1 The quantity for the pay item Epoxy-Sand Slurry is the horizontal surface
area covered by a 1/16-inch coating of the epoxy-sand slurry and is measured
by the square foot (SF), complete in-place, and accepted.
726.5.10 Repair or Rehabilitation of Expansion Joints and Bridge Ends
1 Unless otherwise stated, the rehabilitation or repair of expansion joints and
bridge ends is considered incidental to the work of providing the overlay, and
it is not measured for payment.
726.5.11 Dust Control
1 All drilling, grinding, and sawing of rock, shale, concrete, and other similar
dust-producing materials performed by equipment provided with water sprays,
fabric filtered collection systems, or other suitable devices to prevent exces-
sive dust from becoming airborne is not measured for separate payment.
Dust control is considered incidental to the other items of work.
726.6 Payment
726.6.1 Compensation for Excess Underrun and Overrun of Overlay
As provided in Subsections 104.2 and 109.4, the following formulas in
paragraph 3 of this subsection are used for determining adjusted unit prices
for concrete overlay when either an underrun of more than 25%, or an over-

726.6.1 726.6.2

run of more than 25%, occurs in the quantity of this item. Underruns and
overruns exceeding these percentages are deemed to be excessive and are
defined as follows:
• An Excessive Underrun (EU) of overlay is 75% of the original con-
tract quantity minus the final quantity
• An Excessive Overrun (EO) of overlay is the final quantity minus
125% of the original contract quantity.
2 When there is more than one bridge in the Contract, the compensation for
excessive quantity is determined based on the total contract quantity.
3 After the RCE has determined that either an actual excessive underrun or
excessive overrun has occurred in the overlay quantity, the unit price for all
the placed and accepted quantity is adjusted in all subsequent pay estimates
in accordance with the appropriate following formula:
Excessive Underrun Formula: NP = OP + (EU)(0.25)(OP)
Excessive Overrun Formula: NP = OP - (EO)(0.25)(OP)
NP = New Unit Price
OP = Original Unit Price by Contractor
EU = Excessive Underrun Quantity
EO = Excessive Overrun Quantity
FQ = Final Quantity of Contract Item
4 By the act of submitting a completed bid proposal for Contract which con-
tains this provision of "Compensation for Excess Underrun or Overrun of
Overlay Quantity," the Contractor agrees to accept payment for this pay item
involving either excessive underrun or excessive overrun of the overlay quan-
tity in accordance with the appropriate formula. The Contractor further agrees
that no claim will be submitted, nor will any allowance be made for any in-
creased expenses, any loss of expected reimbursement, or the loss of antici-
pated profits which may occur as the results of the excessive underrun and
excessive overrun.
5 However, when the final quantity of the item is less than 20% of the original
Contract quantity of the item, the Excessive Underrun Formula is not applied,
but instead a Change Order with a mutually accepted unit price is prepared as
provided in Subsections 104.2, 109.4, and 109.5.
726.6.2 Removal and Disposal of Existing Overlays
1 Payment for the accepted quantity for Removal of Epoxy, Asphalt, and For-
eign Overlay, measured in accordance with Subsection 726.5.2, is deter-
mined using the contract unit bid price for the pay item, Payment is full com-
pensation for the complete removal and disposal of the overlay as specified or
directed and includes all other materials, labor, equipment, tools, supplies,

726.6.2 726.6.5

transportation, and incidentals necessary to fulfill the requirements of the pay

item in accordance with the Plans, the Specifications, and other terms of the
2 When a pay item for this work is not included in the Contract, the satisfac-
tory removal and disposal of existing overlay is considered incidental to the
overlay item.
726.6.3 Machine Preparation of Existing Surface
1 Payment for the accepted quantity for Machine Preparation of Existing
Deck, measured in accordance with Subsection 726.5.3, is determined using
the contract unit bid price for the pay item. Payment is full compensation for
the machine preparation operation as specified or directed and includes re-
moval and disposal of debris; dust control; and all other materials, labor,
equipment, tools, supplies, transportation, and incidentals necessary to fulfill
the requirements of the pay item in accordance with the Plans, the Specifica-
tions, and other terms of the Contract.
726.6.4 Partial-Depth Removal of Unsound Concrete
1 Payment for the accepted quantity for Partial-Depth Removal of Unsound
Concrete, measured in accordance with Subsection 726.5.4, is determined
using the contract unit bid price for the pay item. Payment is full compensa-
tion for removing unsound concrete for the partial depth of the deck slab as
specified or directed and includes removing sound concrete below a rebar
exposed below its mid-point due to the removal of unsound concrete; remov-
ing and disposing of debris; dust control; and all other materials, labor, equip-
ment, tools, supplies, transportation, and incidentals necessary to fulfill the
requirements of the pay item in accordance with the Plans, the Specifications,
and other terms of the Contract.
2 The estimated quantities shown in the proposal for Partial-Depth Removal
of Unsound Concrete is for bid purposes only. The actual amount of quanti-
ties is determined in the field by the RCE after completing the removal of con-
726.6.5 Concrete Class 4000 for Full-Depth Patching
1 Payment for the accepted quantity for Concrete Class 4000 for Full-Depth
Patching, measured in accordance with Subsection 726.5.5, is determined
using the contract unit bid price for the pay item. Payment is full compensa-
tion for furnishing and placing concrete for full depth patching of the deck as
specified or directed and includes forming; providing and placing the specified
concrete mix; and all other materials, labor, equipment, tools, supplies, trans-
portation, and incidentals necessary to fulfill the requirements of the pay item
in accordance with the Plans, the Specifications, and other terms of the Con-

726.1 726.6.8

726.6.6 Reinforcing Steel
1 Payment for providing and placing reinforcing steel in patched areas is in
accordance with Subsection 703.6.
726.6.7 Blast Cleaning
1 Payment for the accepted quantity for Blast Cleaning, measured in accor-
dance with Subsection 726.5.7, is determined using the contract unit bid
price for the pay item. Payment is full compensation for the blast cleaning
operation as specified or directed and includes removing and disposing of
debris; dust control; and all other materials, labor, equipment, tools, supplies,
transportation, and incidentals necessary to fulfill the requirements of the pay
item in accordance with the Plans, the Specifications, and other terms of the
726.6.8 Concrete Overlay (Latex) or (Portland Cement)
1 Payment for the accepted quantity for Concrete Overlay (Latex) or Con-
crete Overlay (Portland Cement), measured in accordance Subsection
726.5.8, is determined using the contract unit bid price for the applicable pay
item. Payment is full compensation for installing the overlay as specified or
directed and includes cleaning the deck surface; providing overlay materials;
proportioning, mixing, placing, testing, curing, and texturing of the overlay;
and all other materials, labor, equipment, tools, supplies, transportation, and
incidentals necessary to fulfill the requirements of the pay item in accordance
with the Plans, the Specifications, and other terms of the Contract.
2 Areas of concrete overlay found to be deficient in the attaining the minimum
required compressive strength (4000 psi) by not more than 1000 psi are paid
at an adjusted unit price determined as follows:
AP = CP x (ACS / RCS)2
AP = Adjusted Unit Price
CP = Contract Unit Price
ACS = Actual Compressive Strength
RCS = Required Compressive Strength
3 The adjusted unit price as determined above is used as the contract unit
price for further price adjustments due to deficiencies.
4 Areas of concrete overlay found to be deficient in attaining the minimum
required compressive strength by more than 1000 psi are not eligible for
payment and are removed at the Contractor's expense.
5 If the average thickness of the concrete overlay is deficient in the required
thickness by not more than ½ inch, the overlay is paid for at an adjusted unit
price determined by the following table:

726.6.8 726.6.8


Average Deficiency In Thickness Adjusted Unit Price:

(inches) Percent of Contract Unit Price

0 100.0

1/16 95.0

1/8 90.0

3/16 80.0

1/4 70.0

5/16 57.5

3/8 45.0

7/16 25.0

1/2 0.0
6 The adjusted unit price as determined above will be used as the contract
unit price for further price adjustments due to deficiencies.
7 In determining the average thickness, thicknesses greater than the required
thickness are entered as the required thickness, and thicknesses ½ inch less
than the required thickness are not used, because those areas are removed
by the Contractor at no additional expense. Areas of overlay that are mono-
lithic with partial depth patches are used in calculation of the average thick-
8 At the Contractor's option, areas with a deficient compressive strength of
less than 1000 psi or in average thickness of not more than ½ inch may be
removed and replaced with concrete overlay conforming to the specifications
at no cost to the Department. Payment at the contract unit bid price is made
for areas where the deficient overlay is removed and replaced with overlay
meeting all requirements specified herein.
9 No additional payment is made for concrete overlay in excess of the speci-
fied thickness except as required to fill areas where partial depth removal of
unsound concrete has been performed.
10 When it is determined by analysis that the proportion of latex in the overlay
mix when discharged from the mixer is less than the specified amount, pay-
ment for the batch is made at an adjusted unit price determined by the follow-
ing formula:
AP = CP x (100 - 2 x LD)/100
AP = Final Adjusted Price
CP = Contract Unit Price
LD = Latex Deficiency (percentage)

726.6.8 726.6.10

11 If the proportion of latex in the overlay mix when discharged from the mixer
is less than the specified amount by more than 20%, the batch is rejected for
use. These provisions for a reduction in the unit price apply regardless of the
readings of gauges or monitoring devices on the supply lines. No adjustment
in the unit price is made for latex in excess of the minimum specified.
12 Payment for the accepted quantity at the contract unit price, adjusted as
required, is full compensation for all materials, labor, equipment, tools, sup-
plies, transportation, and incidentals necessary to fulfill the requirements of
the pay item in accordance with the Plans, the Specifications, and other terms
of the Contract.
726.6.9 Epoxy-Sand Slurry
1 Payment for the accepted quantity of Epoxy-Sand Slurry, measured in ac-
cordance with Subsection 726.5.9, is determined using the contract unit bid
price for pay item. Payment is full compensation for providing placing epoxy-
sand slurry as specified or directed and includes all materials, labor, equip-
ment, tools, supplies, transportation, and incidentals necessary to fulfill the
requirements of the pay item in accordance with the Plans, the Specifications,
and other terms of the Contract.
726.6.10 Pay Items
1 Payment for each item includes all direct and indirect costs and expenses
necessary to complete the work.
2 Pay items under this section include the following:

Item No. Pay Item Unit

7260100 Removal of Epoxy, Asphalt, and Foreign Overlay SY

7260200 Machine Preparation of Existing Surface SY

7260300 Blast Cleaning SY

7260400 Partial-Depth Removal of Unsound Concrete SY

7260500 Concrete Overlay (Latex) CY

7260600 Concrete Overlay (Portland Cement) CY

7260700 Epoxy-Sand Slurry SF

7260800 Concrete Class 4000 for Full-Depth Deck Patching CY

727.1 727.4.1



727.1 Description
1 This section contains specifications for Crosshole Sonic Logging (CSL),
which entails sending ultrasonic waves through a concrete drilled shaft foun-
dation to inspect concrete quality. Department personnel or a Department
designated representative will perform the CSL accordance with ASTM D
727.2 Materials
1 Provide Schedule 40 steel pipe for CSL testing access tubes.
727.3 Equipment
1 Use equipment furnished by the Department or a Department designated
firm for CSL preparation and testing as outlined in ASTM D 6760.
2 Ensure that the equipment necessary for the proper construction of the
work is on site, in acceptable working condition, and approved by the RCE as
to both type and condition before the start of work under this section. Provide
sufficient equipment to enable prosecution of the work in accordance with the
project schedule and completion of the work in the specified time.
727.4 Construction
727.4.1 Preparation
1 Perform CSL preparation in accordance with ASTM D 6760.

2 If the drilled shafts are constructed without access tubes or if the tubes are
rendered unserviceable during shaft construction, core additional hole(s) at no
additional expense to the Department.
3 The number of tubes to be installed depends on the shaft diameter. Gen-
erally, the distance between adjacent tubes is less than 30 inches. A mini-
mum of 4 access tubes per shaft is required. Use the following table to de-
termine the number of tubes:

Configuration around
Number of Tubes Re-
Shaft Diameter the inside of a Circular
Reinforcement Cage

36 to 48 inches 4 90 degrees apart

Greater than 48 inches 1 tube per 12 inches of (360 degrees / No. of

shaft OD tubes)
4 Inspect the access tubes prior to concreting to verify that water is not leak-
ing from the joints or the bottom cap. If the access tubes are leaking, repair
the leaking area prior to concreting and inform the RCE in writing of the loca-

727.4.1 727.4.3

tion of the problem area.

5 Provide an access platform for the Department's personnel to safely and
adequately perform the CSL Testing.
727.4.2 Test Procedure
1 Department personnel will perform the CSL logging in accordance with
ASTM D 6760 between 72 hours and 15 calendar days after shaft concrete
placement contingent on the concrete having obtained a compressive
strength of at least 3000 psi before any CSL logging is performed. Furnish
information regarding the shaft, tube lengths and depths, construction dates,
and other pertinent shaft installation observations or details to the RCE or the
Department’s designated testing representative at the time of testing. Prior to
any scheduling of CSL tests, verify access tube lengths and their condition in
the presence of the Department's personnel. If the access tubes do not pro-
vide access over the full length of the shaft, the Contractor may be required to
repair the existing tube(s) or core additional hole(s) at no additional cost to the
Department. The RCE will schedule the CSL test based on the timeframe in
which the shaft meets the prerequisite requirements and the Contractor’s
2 When shafts contain 4 tubes, the Department will test every possible tube
combination. For shafts with 5 or more tubes, the Department will test all
pairs of adjacent tubes around the perimeter and a limited number of tube
pairs involving tubes that are not immediately adjacent to each other. During
CSL testing, the RCE or the Department’s designated testing representative
will observe the results to obtain a preliminary evaluation of the shaft and to
verify proper equipment function.
727.4.3 Evaluation of CSL Test Results
1 The BCE will evaluate the CSL test results, drilled shaft reports, and other
field records to determine whether the drilled shaft construction is acceptable.
2 If the BCE determines that the drilled shaft is unacceptable based on the
CSL tests, drilled shaft reports and other field records, core the shaft in ac-
cordance with Subsection 727.4.4 to allow further evaluation of the shaft.
Perform strength testing by an OMR approved AASHTO accredited laboratory
on portions of the cores that exhibit questionable concrete or that were ob-
tained from a questionable area of the shaft as determined by the BCE. The
Contractor may request that additional CSL tests be performed or other test-
ing methods used in place of or prior to coring subject to the written accep-
tance of the BCE. If the drilled shaft is proven defective, coring, strength test-
ing, additional CSL testing, and/or other testing at the direction of the BCE is
at no additional cost to the Department and no additional contract time is al-
lowed. If no defect is found, the BCE will consider all reasonable costs for
core drilling and testing, and an extension of contract time is considered if this
work is proven critical to the work schedule.

727.4.4 727.6

727.4.4 Core Drilling of Drilled Shaft Concrete
1 At the direction of the BCE, take one or more cores from each unaccept-
able shaft for the full-depth of the shaft or to the depth directed by the BCE.
The number and location of the cores will be determined by the BCE. Deter-
mine the diameter of the cores based on the core strength testing equipment
of the lab used, but in no case allow the cores to exceed 4 inches.
2 The RCE will observe the coring operation and note all areas of question-
able concrete in the extracted core. Keep an accurate log of cores and place
the cores in a crate. Properly mark the shaft depth at each interval of core
recovery. The RCE in consultation with the BCE will determine if the shaft is
unacceptable based on the observations of the extracted core. If no signifi-
cant visual defects are observed, sawcut strength test cores from the main
core for testing. Cut the strength test cores at the locations directed by the
RCE and transport the test cores to the independent lab for testing. Deliver
the main cores in the crate, along with 5 copies of the coring log to the RCE.
3 If the drilled shaft CSL tests and corings indicate that the shaft is defective,
the Contractor is responsible to improve such defective shafts to the satisfac-
tion of the BCE. Such improvement may consist of, but is not limited to cor-
recting defective portions of the shaft, providing straddle shafts to compen-
sate for capacity loss or providing a replacement shaft.
4 Perform all corrective measures including re-design of bent caps caused by
defective shafts to the satisfaction of the BCE with no additional time or cost
to the Department.
5 After acceptance of production shafts by the BCE, remove all water from
the test pipes or core holes and fill the pipes or core holes with a structural
non-shrink grout approved by the BCE.
727.5 Measurement
1 The is no separate measurement for providing and installing CSL pipes,
filling and removing the potable water from the CSL pipes, and grouting the
CSL pipes for each drilled shaft and taking cores as directed by the RCE or
BCE. The cost of this work is included in the contract unit bid price for the
drilled shaft in which it they are placed.
2 The quantity for the item Crosshole Sonic Logging Set-Up is measured by
each (EA) platform set-up, complete, and accepted.
726.6 Payment
1 Payment for the accepted quantity for Crosshole Sonic Logging Set-Up,
measured in accordance with Subsection 727.5, is determined using the
contract unit bid price for the pay item. Payment is full compensation for pro-
viding an access platform for the Department personnel to safely and ade-
quately perform the CSL testing and preparation of the CSL conduits required
to conduct the testing on a drilled shaft as specified or directed and includes
all other materials, labor, equipment, tools, supplies, transportation, and inci-

727.6 727.6

dentals necessary to fulfill the requirements of the pay item in accordance

with the Plans, the Specifications, and other terms of the Contract.
2 Payment includes all direct and indirect costs and expenses necessary to
complete the work.
3 Pay items under this section include the following:

Item No. Pay Item Unit

7270010 Crosshole Sonic Logging Set-Up EA

728.1 728.1.1



728.1 Description
1 This section contains specifications for construction of temporary detour
bridges, which includes providing design calculations and Working Drawings
and furnishing all necessary members and materials required to construct,
maintain, and remove them. Approaches to temporary detour bridge(s) are
not a part of this work.
728.1.1 Design Requirements
1 Design the temporary detour bridge(s) for live load in accordance with the
requirements of the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications. Unless
others required by the Plans or the Special provisions, a detailed seismic
analysis is not required. Ensure that all design calculations and drawings are
signed and sealed by a South Carolina registered Professional Engineer.
2 The use of timber floors or timber mat floors for final riding surface is not
3 Do not reuse high strength bolts, nuts, and washers that have been previ-
ously used and removed.
4 Design the bridge rails in accordance with the requirements of the current
edition of the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications and construct the
Thrie beam bridge connectors so that they can be bolted to the ends of the
bridge rails.
5 Make certain the foundation design includes, but is not limited to: pile bear-
ing calculations, stress analysis of the pile as a structural member, dynamic
pile driving analysis (GRL WEAP© output, etc.), and axial and lateral stability
analysis of the pile bents. Also, utilize the existing soil borings for the new
bridge(s) in the foundation design of the temporary detour bridge(s) if applica-
6 Develop and provide to the BDGE pile driving criteria that as a minimum,
includes an ultimate bearing graph. It is the Designer’s responsibility to ap-
prove the pile driving system and pile lengths for the detour bridge(s) and to
provide the BDGE with documentation of the approval.
7 For stream crossings, determine the pile stability assuming a scour depth
equal to 250% of the pile diameter or width below the existing bed elevation.
Furnish a more detailed analysis of scour depth to the BDGE for pile bents
containing more than a single row of piles. Design piles assuming a minimum
geotechnical factor of safety equal to 2.0.
8 Design and install the span over the mainstream channel to match at least
the span length of the existing bridge. Design and install a bridge with a
length at least equal to the existing bridge length unless otherwise specified

728.1.1 728.2.1.3

on the bridge Plans.

9 Ensure that the detailed Working Drawings of the structure include material
specifications for all new and used materials. In addition make certain the
drawings show the location and a detailed sketch of the used materials indi-
cating condition of the material, the location and geometry of existing but un-
used holes, attachments left over from previous use and any other irregulari-
ties in the material.
10 Ensure that the design calculations reflect the condition of any used mate-
rials. Prior to assembly, provide access to used materials for inspection by
the RCE.
11 Submit 3 sets of design calculations and 7 sets of Working Drawings to the
BDE or Design Consultant as appropriate, and as a minimum, include stress
calculations for the following structural components: railings, rail post, rail post
connections, deck or flooring, main girders or floor beam system, bent cap,
and foundation design as defined above. Ensure that design calculations and
Working Drawings comply with Subsection 725.1.2.
12 Consider additional impact loads on the end of the bridge due to potential
settlement of the approaches.
728.2 Materials
728.2.1 Piling
728.2.1.1 General
1 The Contractor may elect to use timber piling, prestressed concrete piling,
steel H-piling, or steel pipe piling in conformance with these specifications.
728.2.1.2 Timber Piling
1 Ensure that timber piling is new and conforms to the requirements of ASTM
D 25 and Sections 706 and 707 of these specifications except as hereinafter
specified. When timber piling are utilized, use treated timber piling in Zone A.
Treated or untreated timber piling may be utilized in Zone B. Zone A consists
of Beaufort, Berkeley, Charleston, Colleton, Dorchester, Georgetown, Horry,
and Jasper Counties. Zone B consists of all counties not included in Zone A.
2 Use timber piling with an average rate of growth measured in the outer 50%
of the radius at the pile tip of not less than 6 rings per inch and have an aver-
age summerwood content of not less than 33.3% in the outer 50% of the tip
radius. Exception: piles with less than 6 rings per inch are acceptable if the
average is 50% or more summerwood present in the outer 50% of the tip ra-
dius. Ensure that timber piling complies with the design requirements of
Subsection 728.1.1.
728.2.1.3 Prestressed Concrete Piling
1 Prestressed concrete piling may be new or used piling. Ensure that new
prestressed concrete piling complies with Section 704. Make certain previ-
ously used prestressed concrete piling is in good condition, structurally sound

728.2.1.4 728.5

and suitable for the intended use. Ensure that the prestressed concrete piling
complies with the design requirements of Subsection 728.1.1.
728.2.1.4 Steel Piling
1 Steel H piling and steel pipe piling may be new or used piling. Ensure that
new steel piling complies with Subsection 711.2. Make certain previously
used steel piling is in good condition, structurally sound and suitable for the
intended use. Ensure that the steel piling complies with the design require-
ments of Subsection 728.1.1.
728.2.2 Other Construction Materials
1 Ensure that all other new materials used in the construction of the tempo-
rary detour bridge(s) comply with the applicable sections of these specifica-
tions. Make certain all other previously used materials are in good condition,
structurally sound and suitable for the intended use. Ensure that the materi-
als comply with the design requirements of Subsection 728.1.1.
728.3 Equipment
1 Ensure that the equipment necessary for the proper construction of the
work is on site, in acceptable working condition, and approved by the RCE as
to both type and condition before the start of work under this section. Provide
sufficient equipment to enable prosecution of the work in accordance with the
project schedule and completion of the work in the specified time.
728.4 Construction
728.4.1 General
1 Construct temporary detour bridge(s) according to the width, length, and at
the location shown on the Plans. The bridge width is the clear distance be-
tween curbs. Determine and provide the additional width necessary to con-
struct barrier rails, sidewalk, or other items shown on the Plans or required by
specifications. Construct the bridge to the alignment and grade indicated on
the Roadway Plans. Do not allow the low chord elevation of the detour
bridge(s) to encroach below the low chord elevation of the corresponding ex-
isting bridge(s) or as shown in the Plans or as approved by the BCE.
728.4.2 Bridge Deck Finishing and Rideability
1 Ensure that bridge deck finishing and rideability comply with the require-
ments of Subsections 702.4.12 and 702.4.14.
728.4.3 Bridge Removal
Remove the temporary detour bridge(s) in accordance with Subsection
202.4.2 as applicable. After removal, the temporary detour bridge(s) become
the property of the Contractor.
728.5 Measurement
1 The work for Temporary Detour Bridge is paid on a lump sum (LS) basis;
and therefore, there is not a specific measurement of quantities.

728.5 728.6

2 The approach fills are not a part of work under this section and are meas-
ured and paid for in other items of work.
728.6 Payment
1 Payment for Temporary Detour Bridge is determined using the contract
lump sum bid price for the pay item. Payment is full compensation for con-
structing temporary detour bridges as specified or directed and includes all
costs for design, drawings, submittals, construction, maintenance, and com-
plete removal and disposal of the detour bridge, and all other materials, labor,
equipment, tools, supplies, transportation, and incidentals necessary to fulfill
the requirements of the pay item in accordance with the Plans, the Specifica-
tions, and other terms of the Contract.
2 Payment for this item includes all direct and indirect costs and expenses
necessary to complete the work.
3 Pay items under this section include the following:

Item No. Pay Item Unit

7280010 Temporary Detour Bridge No. (XX) LS


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