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Nationa Structural Code of the Philippines

(Activity 3)

CE409: Building System Design

Euframia H. Amul

Pangilinan, Abel Francis A.


CE 3103

September 09,2020
USING THE NSCP PROVISIONS ,kindly check your plans if it is compliant.
A. column footing
1. rebars
Section Provison
414.1.4 Plain concrete shall be permitted for a stmcturc assigned to seismic zone 4, only
in cases (a) and (b):
a. Footings supporting cast-in-place reinforced concrete or reinforced
masonry walls provided the footings arc reinforced longitudinally with
at least two continuous reinforcing bars. Bars shall be at least 12 mm
and have a total area of not less than 0.002 times the gross cross-
sectional area of the footing. Continuity of reinforcement shall be
provided at comers and intersections;
b. Foundation clements (i) through (iii) for detached one- and two-family
dwellings not exceeding three storeys and constructed with stud bearing
I. Footings supporting walls;
II. Isolated footings supporting columns or pedestals;
III. foundation or basement walls not less than 190 mm. thick
and retaining no more than 1.2 m. of unbalanced fill.
2. Dimension
Section Provison
305.1 Footings of concrete and masonry shall be of solid material. Foundations
supporting wood shall extend at least 150 mm above the adjacent finish grade.
Footings shall have a minimum depth as indicated in Table 305-1, unless
another depth is warranted, as established by a foundation investigation.
The provisions of this section do not apply to building and foundation systems
in those areas subject to scour and water pressure by wind and wave action.
Buildings and foundations subject to such loads shall be designed in accordance
with approved national standard
414.3.2.1 Footing thickness shall be at least 200 mm.
3. depth from ngl
Section Provison
305.5.5 Foundation Elevation On graded sites, the top of any exterior foundation shall
extend above the elevation of the street gutter al point of discharge or the inlet
of an approved drainage device a minimum of 300 mm plus 2 percent. The
building otlicial may permit alternate elevations, provided it can be
demonstrated that required drainage lo the point of discharge and away from the
structure is provided at all locations on the site.
305.1 Footings and foundations shall be constrncted of masonry, concrete or treated
wood in conformance with Chapters 4, 6 and 7. Footings of concrete and
masonry shall be of solid material. Foundations supporting wood shall extend
at least 150 mm above the adjacent finish grade. Footings shall have a minimum
depth as indicated in Table 305-1, unless another depth is warranted, as
established by a foundation investigation.
The minimum depth required for two storey building must be atleast 1.5 meters below the Ngl
Design Plan:
✓ The Building Doen’t meet the standards of the Code - The two storey building do not
meet the standard of the 1500mm depth from the NGL the maximum depth thats been
excavate was only 1200mm for the main footing that carried almost the load
✓ No Detailed Footing Plan included (missing Sheet ☹ due to Foremans carelessness)
✓ Theres is no footing section details
B. wall footing
1. size of chb
Section Provison
411.3.1.1 Minimum wall thicknesses shall he in accordance with Tahle 411.3.1. l. Thinner
walls arc permitted if adeguate strength and stability can be demonstrated by
structural analysis

Design plan:
✓ The Building is Compliant to Section 411.3.1.1 - According to the wall footing plan.
A 100mm thick CHB is included on the plan which which is the minimum thickness
for load bearing and non load bearing walls.

A. columns
1. dimension
Section Provison
708.2.3.9 Dimensions shall be in accordance with the following:
1. Columns
1.1. The nominal width of a column shall not be less than 300
1.2. The distance between lateral supports of a column shall not
exceed 30 times the nominal width of the column.
1.3. The nominal length of a column shall not be less than 300
mm and not greater than three times the nominal width of
the column.

5.08 According to the National Building Code of the Philippines:

Minimum Size. Columns constituting the principal support of a
floor shall have a diameter of at least 25 centimeters (10 inches), or in
the case of rectangular columns, a thickness of at least 20 centimeters (8
inches), and a gross area not less than 600 square centimeters (96 square

2. Rebars
Section Provison
410.7.3.1 The minimum number of longiludinal bars shall be (a), (b), or (c): b.Four within
rectangular or circul ar ties;
425. 7.2. l Ties shall consist of a closed loop of deformed bar or deformed wire with
425.7.2.2 Diameter of tie bar or wire shall be al least (a) or (b): a. IO mm diameter,
enclosing 32 mm diameter, or smaller longitudinal bars
425.7.2.5 Ties to resist torsion shall be perpendicular to the axis of the member anchored
by either (a) or (b): a. Ends shall terminate with 135-degree standard hooks or
seismic hooks around a longitudinal bar;
425.7.1.3 Anchorage of deformed bar For 16 mm diameter bar and MD200 wire, and
smaller, and for 20 mm diameter through 25 mm Diameter bars, a standard
hook around longitudinal reinforcement;
The standard diameter used in longitudinal rebars is 16mm and 10mm for ties
Design plan:

✓ The building is compliant to Section 410.7.3.1 – it exceeds the minimun numbers of
longitudinal bars
✓ The building is compliant to Section 508 of NBCP : the Columns meet the minimun
size that was provided by the code having the size of 200mm x 400mm for the main
load bearing columns and for a 150mm x 300mm only having roof loads.
✓ The Buidling is compliant to section 425. 7.2. l ; 425.7.2.2; 425.7.1.3 – a 10mm ties
closed a loop at the 16mm longitudinal bars and it meet the minimimun size of the ties
required which is 10mm
✓ The Building is compliant to section 425.7.2.5 – to resist tortional the end of the ties is
terminated with 135 degree seismic hook or standard hook.
✓ The Building was not Compliant to section 708.2.3.9 – it didn’t meet the required 300
mm for the nominal width.

B. beams
1. dimension
Section Provison
708.2.3.9 Dimensions shall be in accordance with the following:
1. Beams
1.1. The nominal width of a beam shall not be less than 150mm.
1.2. The clear distance between locations of lateral bracing of the
compression side of the beam shall not exceed 32 times the
least width of the compression area.
1.3. The nominal depth of a beam shall not be less than 200 mm.

6.07 According to the National Building Code of the Philippines:

Standard Minimum Requirements for Beams
• The minimum depth shall be 20 centimeters (8 inches) and the
minimum width shall be 15 centimeters (6 inches)

2. Rebars
Section Provison
409. 7.6.4.l Transverse reinforcement shall be provided throughout the distance where
longitudinal compression reinforcement is required. Lateral Support of
longitudinal compression reinforcement shall be provided by closed stirrups or
409. Size of transverse reinforcement shall be at least 1O mm diameter for
longitudinal bars 32 diameter and smaller;
409.7 .5.2 Longitudinal torsional reinforcement shall have a diameter at least 0.042 times
the transverse reinforcement spacing, but not less than 10 mm.
425.7.1.1 Stirrups shall extend as close to the compression and tension surfaces of the
member as cover requirements and proximity of other reinforcement permits
and shall be anchored at both ends.
425.7.1.2 Between anchored ends, each bend in the continuous portion of a single or
multiple U-stirrup and each bend in a closed stirrup shall enclose a longitudinal
bar or strand.
425. 7.1.6 Stirrups used for torsion or integrity reinforcement shall be closed stirnips
perpendicular to the axis of the member Such stirrups shall be anchored at Ends
shall terminate with 135-degree standard hooks around a longitudinal bar
425.7.1.3 Anchorage of deformed bar For 16 mm diameter bar and MD200 wire, and
smaller, and for 20 mm diameter through 25 mm Diameter bars, a standard
hook around longitudinal reinforcement;
Design Plan:
✓ The building is Compliant to section 409. 7.6.4.l ; 425.7.1.1 – a stirup is exisiting to
enclosed the 16mm longitudinal Bars of the floor tie beam
✓ The Building is Compliant to section 425. 7.1.6, 425.7.1.3 – a standard hook around
the strirups around the longitudinal bars ending it with a 135 degree seismis hook
✓ The Building is Compliant to Section 409. ; 409.7 .5.2 – the building uses the
size of the 10mm stirrups traverese reinforcement which is the minimun size and still
meet the standard of the Code.
✓ The Building was Compliant to the Section 708.2.3.9- having a dimension of 200mm
for the width and 200mm minimun depth for the floor tie beam.


1. Dimension
708.2.3.9 Dimensions shall be in accordance with the following:
1. Beams
1.1. The nominal width of a beam shall not be less than 150mm.
1.2. The clear distance between locations of lateral bracing of the
compression side of the beam shall not exceed 32 times the
least width of the compression area.
1.3. The nominal depth of a beam shall not be less than 200 mm.

6.07 According to the National Building Code of the Philippines:

Standard Minimum Requirements for Beams
• The minimum depth shall be 20 centimeters (8 inches) and the
minimum width shall be 15 centimeters (6 inches)
2. Rebars
Section Provison
409. 7.6.4.l Transverse reinforcement shall be provided throughout the distance where
longitudinal compression reinforcement is required. Lateral Support of
longitudinal compression reinforcement shall be provided by closed stirrups or
409. Size of transverse reinforcement shall be at least 1O mm diameter for
longitudinal bars 32 diameter and smaller;
409.7 .5.2 Longitudinal torsional reinforcement shall have a diameter at least 0.042 times
the transverse reinforcement spacing, but not less than 10 mm.
425.7.1.1 Stirrups shall extend as close to the compression and tension surfaces of the
member as cover requirements and proximity of other reinforcement permits
and shall be anchored at both ends.
425.7.1.2 Between anchored ends, each bend in the continuous portion of a single or
multiple U-stirrup and each bend in a closed stirrup shall enclose a longitudinal
bar or strand.
425. 7.1.6 Stirrups used for torsion or integrity reinforcement shall be closed stirnips
perpendicular to the axis of the member Such stirrups shall be anchored at Ends
shall terminate with 135-degree standard hooks around a longitudinal bar
425.7.1.3 Anchorage of deformed bar For 16 mm diameter bar and MD200 wire, and
smaller, and for 20 mm diameter through 25 mm Diameter bars, a standard
hook around longitudinal reinforcement;
Design Plan:
✓ The building is Compliant to section 409. 7.6.4.l ; 425.7.1.1 – a stirup is exisiting to
enclosed the 16mm longitudinal Bars of the Second floor beam
✓ The Building is Compliant to section 425. 7.1.6, 425.7.1.3 – a standard hook in the
strirups around the longitudinal bars ending it with a 135 degree seismis hook
✓ The Building is Compliant to Section 409. ; 409.7 .5.2 – the building uses the
size of the 10mm stirrups traverese reinforcement which is the minimun size and still
meet the standard of the Code.
✓ The Building was Compliant to the Section 708.2.3.9- Second Floor Beam having a
dimension of 200mm for the width and 300mm minimun depth for the Second Floor

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