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Berikut daftar Jurnal Nasional terakreditasi untuk Program Studi Teknik Sipil

No Judul p-ISSN Tahun Penerbit Akreditor

1 Journal of the Civil Engineering Forum 25495925 2019 UGM DIKTI

2 Civil Engineering Dimension 1979570x 2019 Universitas Kristen Petra DIKTI

3 JCEBT (Journal of Civil Engineering, Building and 25496379 2018 Universitas Medan Area DIKTI

Berikut daftar Jurnal Internasional terindeks Ebscohost, Springerlink, Sciencedirect, Proquest, Scopus,
Elsevier, DOAJ (Directory Open Access Journal) untuk Program Studi Teknik Sipil

Program No Jurnal Tahun ISSN Subyek Penerbit Sumber Referensi

1 ACI Materials 2018 Engineering--Civil Engineering ; American Concrete
Journal; Building And Construction Institute 37076/citation/69EF8BD0D09B4FA7PQ
Farmington Hills /1?accountid=38628

2 Advances in 2018 1751-2549 Offers information on the environmental Earthscan / Books
Building Energy science and performance of buildings, linking ault.aspx
Research new technologies and methodologies with the
latest research on systems, simulations and
3 Selected 2018 1336-9024 Architectural design, building construction, Sciendo
Scientific Papers: construction management, civil engineering, sspjce-overview.xml
Journal of Civil road construction technology
4 Asian Journal of 2019 1563-0854 The main objective of the Asian Journal of Civil Springer International https://e-
Civil Engineering: Engineering (Building and Housing) is to Publishing
Building and provide a background for scientific and
Housing technical progressive achievements in the field
of civil engineering with an emphasis on
building and housing disciplines

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