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Resources & Evidence of

Inquiry Question: Related TQS Strategies Timeline
Support Required Success
How can I work with -Engaging in -Observe TA -TA -Questions are 4 weeks
my Teacher Associate Career-Long when -University asked
(TA) to expand the Learning (2a, b) assessing Consultant (UC) -Feedback is
techniques included in students given regarding
my assessment -Ask TA current
toolbox? questions assessment
about how techniques
Goal: their
To become more assessment is
comfortable with recorded
assessment -Demonstrating a -Observe TA -TA -Assessment 4 weeks
techniques in young Professional Body when -UC seems less
elementary of Knowledge (3c) assessing overwhelming
classrooms students -Confidence in
-Ask TA assessment
questions recording
about how
assessment is

Resources & Evidence of

Inquiry Question: Related TQS Strategies Timeline
Support Required Success

How can I best -Fostering Effective -Learn -Students -Confidence in 3 weeks

embrace the diversity Relationships (1c, student -TA calling on
of students in my f) names -UC students
classroom? -Observe TA -Knowledge
interaction gained about
Goal: with all students
To ensure that all students but -Questions asked
students including specifically about student
English Language with ELL backgrounds
Learner (ELL) students students
feel included in the -Establishing -Learn -Students -Knowledge 4 weeks
classroom Inclusive Learning student -TA gained about
environment Environments (4g, strengths and -UC students
h) weaknesses -Plan to include
strengths in
activities and
-Confidence in
students in
Inquiry Question: How can I work with my Teacher Associate to expand the techniques included in my
assessment toolbox?
Reflection at Midway Point
Achievements In Progress Future Considerations
 Assessment is being done  Assessment tracking – how  Create a system for tracking
frequently can I demonstrate that assessment – important to
 Formative assessment is students are actually have records to share with
accomplished in every lesson learning? students, parents, and other
school staff
Reflection at End of Term
 Being comfortable checking in with students frequently was helpful in establishing assessment routines to
start off with. Although observations and participation are the biggest weighting for assessment in my
assessment plan, it was important to stop and think about other forms. As we got going, students completed
various worksheets to help demonstrate their learning. Going through these worksheets was easy but
knowing how to keep track of it was the harder part. I created a tracking system with each student’s name,
and a place for comments (a few students each day so that they each get a recorded comment each week).
This seemed practical and efficient in keeping track of what students were learning and how confident they
were with the material.
 I will continue to work on building my assessment toolbox as I learn more and adapt to the ever-changing
realities and expectations of the teaching job.

Inquiry Question: How can I best embrace the diversity of students in my classroom?
Reflection at Midway Point
Achievements In Progress Future Considerations
 Knew student names when  Understanding which  Encourage students to read
they entered the classroom students are not speaking to their parents what they
 Started forming more lots of English at home are doing at school – their
personal relationships with  Providing extra support to reading and writing will
each student the students who do not improve from just a little
have it at home extra practice
Reflection at End of Term
 Knowing each student’s name as they entered back into the classroom for in-person learning made me feel
confident and ready to form stronger relationships with each student. Name learning is one of the biggest
things a teacher can do for student learning – they are more likely to feel welcomed and cared for when their
name is known.
 Part of embracing the diversity of the students in my classroom is knowing which students are learning
English as their second language (ESL) – who may not speak English at home. After identifying who my ESL
students were, I made sure to affirm and recognize that they can speak more than one language and that is
just fine (and actually pretty cool!). Incorporating their knowledge of other languages is important and has
prepared one of the students to share with us about Chinese New Year. Incorporating these other languages
and traditions into the learning experience is special for these ESL students but also benefits and teaches the
people around them – students and teachers – as well as celebrates the diversity of the classroom.

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