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1. List five (5) ‘roles and functions’ performed by supervisors and managers:

Motivator, researcher, mediator, defender, speaker person

2. Explain each of the following leadership styles:

‘Authoritarian or autocratic leadership’

Exerts high levels of power over employees or team

‘Participative or democratic’

Makes final decision, invites team to contribute to the decision making


‘Laissez-faire style’

Leaves his or her colleagues to get on with their work

‘Transactional leadership’

The premise that team agrees to obey their leader totally

‘Transformational leadership’

Effectively inspires team with a shared vision of the future

‘Situational leadership’

Switch instinctively between styles according to people and work team is

dealing with; referred to as situational leadership

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Leadership and Management: Cluster (BSBDIV501, SITXCOM005 & SITXHRM003) Page 1 of 9
3. List four (4) important skills (or characteristics) of members of an effective

Communication, sharing/caring, leadership, participation

4. List the three (3) individual job roles of members in YOUR current work
team, and describe what each role does.

1. Food & Beverage manager - control costs and budget

2. Executive chef - control waste and making menu
3. Dishwasher – wash dishes and cleaning dining areas

5. List four (4) common problems teams may encounter.

1. Trust
2. Conflict
3. Poor participation
4. Lack Communication

6. What does ‘Group Dynamics’ mean?

Group dynamics is the way people behave differently when they are alone vs
when they are participating group or team.

7. List six (6) advantages of working as a team, as opposed to working


1. Diversity of skills 2. Better quality of services 3. Learning from each other 4.

Less workload 5. Better results 6. Promotes a wider sense of ownership

8. As a leader, the most important part of being a leader is setting a good

example. Why is this?

Because people look at you as mentor and model.

9. List three (3) ways you can act to send a positive message to your team
as a leader

Keep on observation
Remain neutral
Conduct it

10. What is a manager’s role in achieving company goals?

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Understanding company goals will help how your work and let your team
achieve it.

11. Why must you show your staff that you support the business goals?

If managers show staff this, they will inspire their employees to fully leverage
their talents and all available opportunities in order to achieve them.
Furthermore, employees must be able to see how a specific goal is relevant to
them and the work they perform every day.

12. List four (4) reasons why treating people with integrity, respect and
empathy will help you manage your team.

1. Confidence
2. Job satisfaction
3. Better quality and productive results
4. Good teamwork

13. If you don’t treat people with respect (for example use fear and threats)
this can have a negative effect on your team. List four (4) examples of how
lack of respect can negatively impact on a team

1. Not give 100% attendance

2. Not interested in work
3. Less performance
4. Effect others’ moods

14. There are three (3) types of goals you need to set, they are;

Short term
Mid term
Long term

15. List three (3) methods you could use to help your team to monitor the
progress of meeting goals:

5. Check lists
6. Create daily tasks
7. Review

16. Setting KPIs helps to keep the organisational goals, in line with the plans
and objectives of your team

Increase profit, sales and productivity

17. List three (3) good KPIs that might help your team achieve the
organisational goals.

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1. Time frame
2. Make sure is on the right track
3. Make sure your KPI is clear and achievable

18. What type of communication methods can you use to help a team become
more independent (and take responsibility for their own work)?

Encouraging discussion and exchanging ideas

Open communication

19. You must inform staff of what is expected in their individual role or
activities they undertake. One example is making sure you have told them
expected outcomes – list four (4) other aspects you must clearly
communicate to them:

1. Productivity
2. Service standard
3. Time allegation
4. Quality of work
20. How can encouraging open communication and innovative thinking help
your team meet goals?

Provide guidance
Finding new way for doing things

21. List three (3) innovations in the travel, tourism and hospitality industry, that
you may discuss with your team

1. Virtual Reality
2. Mobile Integration
3. Social marketing

22. Why is ‘encouraging’ and ‘rewarding staff important’?

Neutral respect
Make them feel appreciated

23. List three (3) ways to reward individual or team performance.

Movie tickets

24. List three (3) benefits of communicating with your staff and involving them
in making decisions.

Being part of team

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Receiving information
Understanding expectations

25. List three (3) ways to show your employees that you support and value
open communication within the team

Participating giving decisions and comments

Receiving or giving feedback

26. As a manager or team leader you need to communicate the important

ideas, plans and objectives. List three (3) pieces of data or information the
team may need full access to.

Marketing report
Sales report
Setting the KPI

27. How does having your team fully informed about business objectives and
goals help the business?

More productive and successful

28. When someone has a criticism of your team’s performance why does this
reflect badly on you?

It will reflect you as a bad leader as well

29. What does using ‘feedback’ provide team members with?

Indication their progress and current performance

30. List three (3) benefits of ‘delegation’

1. Helping manager to save time to do more important things

2. Improving staffs’ motivation
3. Training their professional skills

31. How does increasing an employee’s level of responsibility gradually help

the employee overcome some barriers to delegation?

Gradually give them tasks or responsibilities, and build their confidence

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32. Why is it important to make an effort to develop individuals within your

Helping them to grow with the company and telling them we are happy to
have them top part in the team

33. List three (3) ways you can help individuals develop within a team

1. Coach
2. Responsibility
3. Internal training

34. You can use KPIs which can help you monitor team performance, to make
sure your team is progressing towards achieving goals. What does ‘KPI’
stand for?

KPI is Key performance indicators

35. KPIs should conform to the SMART principle. What does S.M.A.R.T. stand


36. How often should you provide coaching or mentoring to your team?

Whenever is required

37. List two (2) aspects which can affect how much coaching or mentoring a
person may need.

1. Experiences or skills
2. When new staff who join in the team

38. Why is recognising and rewarding good performance important?

helping encourage and keeping motivation

39. List three (3) methods to reward good performance of team members:

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Movie tickets

40. What are ‘motivational theories’? List three (3) examples of motivational

1. Maslow’s hierarchy
2. Herzberg’s two factor theory
3. Inerests Theory

41. Briefly explain in your own words the meaning of ‘culture’ and

Multiculturalism means a society where many different people from many

different countries and cultural backgrounds live together.

42. How does multiculturalism impact on your workplace and social interests?

1. Having diversity friendships and understanding different languages

2. Sharing different ideas and perspectives
3. Becoming more open-minded

43. Of what value is there in understanding the various cultural differences of

our colleagues and customers?

Helping us to understand individual needs of customers and team members

44. Australia’s indigenous population already contributes to the tourism

industry. How else do you see Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
involvement contributing to tourism?

Art work, painting, music, instruments

Culture and religion
Building style
Food and clothing

45. How does aboriginal ‘attachment’ to the land impact on tourism? Provide
one (1) example

Tourism has a positive effect on Uluru's economy. Because it creates a

surge of business for local shops, restaurants, and hotels. However, there
are the environmental impacts that come with the thousands of visitors all
over the place, such as rubbish, erosion and so on.

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1. The spoken word is the only way we can cause conflict.


2. In a team, only the manager needs good interpersonal skills.


3. Communication may be a barrier that causes conflict.


4. A team player will recognise potential conflict and make an effort to avoid


5. If someone is frowning, crossing their arms, shaking their head and

tapping their foot they may have an issue that needs to be addressed.


6. Stressed, impatient, grumpy and flustered people need to be treated as

though they have an issue that may cause conflict.


7. If you see a guest that matches any of these descriptions in #6, you should
let someone else serve them.


8. Winning the argument is the most important thing in a discussion.

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9. Non-verbal communication is irrelevant (doesn’t matter) if the conversation

can be understood.


10. When dealing with a complainant (customer with a problem) it is advisable

to smile politely and be respectful when opening the conversation.



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