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Venky’s Exam Oriented Physiology

Dr. Venky’s
Exam Oriented Physiology

Paper I

Dr. R. Venkatesan M.D

Associate Professor,
Department of Physiology,
Government Medical College,
Pudukkottai, Tamil Nadu, India.

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Dr. Venky’s Exam Oriented Physiology

Sample Five or 4 Mark answers: Agglutination and hemolysis of the fetal RBCs
cause anemia;
1. Hemolytic disease of the newborn or Rh 
incompatibility: The hematopoietic tissue of the infant tries to
When an Rh-ve mother carries an Rh+ve fetus, the replace the hemolysed RBCs rapidly
first child usually escapes from hemolytic disease 
because the mixing of the mother’s and fetal blood Many early nucleated forms of red blood cells
normally occurs only during the time of delivery (erythroblasts), are released from the baby’s bone
and only after this mixing the mother would marrow into blood,
produce anti Rh antibodies against the fetal Rh 
antigen, so the first child escapes. Anti-Rh Erythroblastosis foetalis
antibodies develop slowly after mixing, reaching
The severe anemia caused by hemolysis is
the maximum concentration in about 2 to 4
usually the cause of death.
months. Mixing of 0.5 ml of Rh+ve blood with
Rh-ve blood is enough to stimulate antibody 2. Hydrops foetalis: (Hydrops=>water)
Hydrops foetalis is nothing but accumulation of
Now once again if the same mother (sensitized fluid or edema, in at least two fetal compartments.
mother) becomes pregnant with another Rh+ve It can occur in any of pleural space, pericardial
fetus, anti Rh antibodies (IgG) which were already space, peritoneal space, scalp and subcutaneous
formed in the mother after the birth of the first tissue.
child would cross the placenta and attack the
Rh+ve fetal RBCs causing agglutination and Severe anemia due to hemolysis leads to poor
hemolysis. This disease is called hemolytic disease oxygen delivery to tissues. So to improve oxygen
of the newborn. delivery heart would pump excessively, finally
leading to heart failure and edema. Edema is one
Severity of the disease increases with each of the features of heart failure.
subsequent pregnancy.
3. Icterus gravis Neonatorum (Icterus=> Jaundice;
Let us suppose that an Rh-ve mother was gravis=>during pregnancy;
transfused with an Rh+ve blood before she became Neonatorum=>neonate)
pregnant, i.e. she is already sensitized. Now even
the first fetus would be affected by hemolysis if Lysis of red blood cells releases hemoglobin into
that fetus is Rh+ve because mother’s blood would the blood, fetal macrophages convert the
already have formed anti Rh antibodies against hemoglobin into bilirubin, which causes jaundice
those transfused Rh+ve RBCs. So an Rh–ve seen at birth. If jaundice is not present at birth, it
woman must never be transfused with an Rh+ve develops very quickly within 24 hours
blood if she wants to have children in the future.
4. Kernicterus:
Clinical features:
Many children who escape death exhibit
The antigen antibody reaction and subsequent permanent mental impairment or damage to motor
hemolysis is responsible for various manifestations areas of the brain, particularly basal ganglia,
of Rh incompatibility. because of precipitation of bilirubin in the
neuronal cells and their subsequent destruction, a
1. Erythroblastosis foetalis: condition called kernicterus.

Anti Rh antibodies attack Rh positive Fetal Red

Blood Cells

Dr. Venky’s Exam Oriented Physiology

Management: Treatment & Prevention 2. Physiology of vomiting

Treatment: Definition:

Exchange transfusion: Vomiting is a process by which the upper

gastrointestinal tract removes its contents when
Mother’s anti Rh antibodies continue to be present
any part of the upper GI tract becomes excessively
in the neonate for upto 1 to 2 months after birth, so
irritated, over distended, or even over excitable.
they will keep on destroying neonate’s Rh positive
This happens by means of reverse peristalsis.
RBCs during that time, so replacing the neonate’s
Rh positive blood with Rh negative blood prevents Antiperistalsis, the Prelude to Vomiting:
agglutination. This replacement is called Exchange
Antiperistalsis means peristalsis toward oral
direction. Excessive gastrointestinal irritation or
About 400 milliliters of Rh-negative blood is overdistention provide an especially strong
infused over a period of 90 minutes or more, while stimulus for vomiting and stimulates
at the same time the neonate’s own Rh-positive antiperistalsis many minutes before vomiting
blood is being removed. appears.

This procedure may need to be repeated several This begins in the ileum and pushes small
times during the first few weeks of life, mainly to intestinal contents all the way back to the
prevent hemolysis and to keep the bilirubin level duodenum and stomach within 3 to 5 minutes at a
low, thereby preventing kernicterus. rate of 2 to 3 cm/sec. Then, as these upper portions
of the gastrointestinal tract, especially the
By the time these transfused Rh-negative cells are
duodenum, become overly distended, this
replaced with the infant’s own Rh-positive cells
distention becomes the exciting factor that initiates
from its bone marrow, a process that requires 6 or
the actual vomiting act.
more weeks, the anti- Rh antibodies that had come
from the mother will have been destroyed. Vomiting centers:

Prevention: The vomiting center consists of various scattered

groups of neurons in the reticular formation of
An anti-D antibody is administered to the
the medulla that controls the different components
expectant Rh-ve mother, starting at 28 to 30 weeks
of the vomiting act.
of gestation.
The anti-D antibody is also administered to Rh-
negative women who deliver Rh-positive babies Impulses are relayed from the mucosa of upper
within 72 hours after delivery to prevent GIT to the medulla through visceral afferent
sensitization of the mothers to the D antigen. pathways in the sympathetic nerves and vagi.

This greatly reduces the risk of developing large Efferents:

amounts of antibodies against D antigen during
Motor impulses that cause the actual vomiting are
the second pregnancy.
transmitted from the vomiting center through 5th,
The anti-D antibody destroys the Rh positive fetal 7th, 9th, 10th, and 12th cranial nerves to the upper
RBCs which enter the mother during delivery and gastrointestinal tract, through vagal and
thereby inhibits antigen-induced B lymphocyte sympathetic nerves to the lower gastrointestinal
antibody production in the mother. tract, and through spinal nerves to the diaphragm
and abdominal muscles.
Dr. Venky’s Exam Oriented Physiology

Chemoreceptor trigger zone: impulses into the cerebellum.CTZ then receives

information from the cerebellum and finally sends
Chemoreceptor trigger zone is a small area made
it to the vomiting center to cause vomiting.
up of chemoreceptors, located bilaterally on the
floor of the fourth ventricle. This area lies in area Pathway:
postrema, a V-shaped band of tissue on the lateral
Vestibular labyrinth → Brain stem vestibular
walls of the fourth ventricle near the obex. This
nuclei→ Cerebellum→ CTZ→ Vomiting centers.
structure is one of the circumventricular organs
and is not protected by the blood–brain barrier. 3. Energy source for muscle contraction

Electrical stimulation of this area and ATP is the immediate source of energy for skeletal
administration of certain drugs, including muscle contraction. ATP is hydrolyzed to ADP &
apomorphine, morphine, and some digitalis inorganic phosphate with release of about 7.3 kcal
derivatives, can directly stimulate this of energy.
chemoreceptor trigger zone and initiate vomiting.
Functions of ATP:
Act of Vomiting:
a). Most of the ATP is required for cross-bridge
Once the vomiting center has been sufficiently movement during muscle contractions.
stimulated and the vomiting act has started, the
following sequence of events takes place: b). Binding of ATP to myosin breaks the actin-
myosin interactions and allows cross-bridge cycle
A deep breath to continue.

c). ATP provides energy to SERCA to transport
Raising of the hyoid bone, larynx pulls and opens
calcium ions back into sarcoplasmic reticulum &
the upper esophageal sphincter
also provides energy to Calcium ATPase pump

which pumps Ca2+ back into ECF and thereby
Closing of the glottis occurs to prevent vomitus to
initiates relaxation.
flow into the lungs
 d). Small amounts of ATP are required for
Lifting of the soft palate closes the posterior nares pumping sodium and potassium ions through the
 muscle fiber membrane to maintain appropriate
Strong downward contraction of the diaphragm ionic environment for propagation of muscle fiber
along with contraction of abdominal wall muscles action potentials.
squeezes stomach and increases intragastric Sources of ATP:
There is very little storage of ATP in muscle-about
 4 millimolar, this amount can support contraction
The lower esophageal sphincter relaxes for only 1 to 2 seconds at most. When contraction
completely, allowing expulsion of the gastric begins, energy is provided by the following three
contents upward through the esophagus. sources depending upon the duration of muscular
Mechanism of motion sickness:
a). Phosphocreatine
Rapidly changing direction or changing rhythm of b). Glycolysis
motion of the body stimulate receptors in the c). Oxidative phosphorylation
vestibular labyrinth of the inner ear, and from here a). Phosphocreatine:
impulses are transmitted mainly to the brain stem
vestibular nuclei which in turn transmits the
Dr. Venky’s Exam Oriented Physiology

Phosphocreatine is the first source of energy that is So many end products of glycolysis accumulate in
used to from ATP. It carries a high-energy muscle cells, therefore glycolysis loses its
phosphate bond similar to the bonds of ATP but capability to sustain maximum muscle contraction
the phosphate bond of phosphocreatine has a after about 1minute.
slightly higher amount of free energy than that of
c). Oxidative metabolism:
each ATP bond.
The third and final source of energy is oxidative
The combined energy of both the stored ATP and
metabolism. This means combining oxygen with
the phosphocreatine in the muscle is capable of
the end products of glycolysis and with various
causing maximal muscle contraction for only 5 to 8
other cellular foodstuffs to liberate ATP. More
seconds. Ex. activities like 100m sprint, jumping,
than 95 percent of all energy used by the muscles
weight lifting, diving etc.
for sustained, long term contraction is derived
Lohmann reaction: from this source. Ex. marathon

Energy released during this reaction is used for For extremely long-term maximal muscle
ATP synthesis. activity—over a period of many hours—by far the
greatest proportion of energy comes from fats, but
for periods of 2 to 4 hours, as much as one half of
During recovery period concentration of creatine the energy can come from stored carbohydrates.
phosphate is restored back to normal level by the
4. Vasa recta / Countercurrent exchanger
reversal reaction. ATP is used to immediately form
mechanism in kidney
ADP and CP
The capillaries draining the tubules of the cortical
Resynthesis of creatine phosphate:
nephrons form a peritubular network, whereas the
ATP+C CP+ADP efferent arterioles from the juxtamedullary
nephrons drain not only into a peritubular
b). Glycolysis: network, but also into vessels that form hairpin
The second important source of energy, which is shaped loops called the vasa recta.
used to reconstitute both ATP and These vessels descend into the medulla in parallel
phosphocreatine, is “glycogenolysis” of glycogen with the loops of Henle and then loop back along
previously stored in the muscle cells. Rapid with the loops of Henle and return to the cortex
enzymatic breakdown of the glycogen to pyruvic before emptying into the venous system.
acid and lactic acid liberates energy that is used to
convert ADP to ATP and also to re-form the stores The descending vasa recta have a non-fenestrated
of phosphocreatine. This provides energy for endothelium that contains a facilitated transporter
activities like 400m running, 100m swimming, etc. for urea, and the ascending vasa recta have a
fenestrated endothelium, consistent with their
Advantages of glycolysis: function in conserving solutes.
1. The glycolytic reactions can occur even in the Function:
absence of oxygen, so that muscle contraction can
occur even when oxygen delivery from the blood is Countercurrent multiplier (Loop of Henle) traps
not available. solutes in the renal medulla and creates
hyperosmolarity in the renal medulla. This is
2. The rate of formation of ATP by glycolysis is necessary for the production of concentrated urine.
about 2.5 times as rapid as ATP formation in
oxidative metabolism. Vasa recta preserves the hyperosmolarity of the
renal medullary interstitium, therefore it also
Limitation of glycolysis:
Dr. Venky’s Exam Oriented Physiology

plays an important role in allowing the kidneys to 1). Solutes enter the vasa recta from the renal
form concentrated urine. medullary interstitium and

Without vasa recta, the solutes trapped into the 2). Water leaves from the vasa recta and enters the
renal medulla by the countercurrent multiplier interstitium.
system would be rapidly dissipated.
By the time the blood reaches the tips of the vasa
Two special features of the renal medullary blood
recta, it has a concentration of about 1200
flow contribute to the preservation of the high
mOsm/L, the same as that of the medullary
solute concentrations:
1. Low medullary blood flow:
Ascending limb of vasa recta:
The medullary blood flow is low, accounting for
less than 5 per cent of the total renal blood flow. As blood ascends back in the ascending limb
This sluggish blood flow is sufficient to supply the toward the cortex, it becomes progressively less
metabolic needs of the tissues but helps to concentrated due to two events:
minimize solute washout from the medullary
interstitium. 1). Solutes diffuse back out into the medullary
interstitium from vasa recta and
2. The vasa recta serve as countercurrent
exchangers: 2). Water moves from the interstitium into the vasa
The vasa recta serve as countercurrent exchangers,
by doing so they minimize washout of solutes
This sequence of events maintains the
from the medullary interstitium
hyperosmolarity of the renal medullary
Mechanism of operation of vasa recta as interstitium constant, thereby helping the kidney
countercurrent exchangers: to produce concentrated urine.

The vasa recta, like other capillaries, are highly 5. Leptin

permeable to solutes in the blood, except for the
Several hormones are known to be derived from
plasma proteins.
the adipose tissue, since they are cytokines they are
commonly termed as adipokines. Known
adipokines include leptin, adiponectin, and
resistin. The trophoblast cells and amnion cells also
secrete leptin and moderate amounts of this satiety
hormone enter the maternal circulation. Some also
enter the amniotic fluid. Its function in pregnancy
is not known.

Functions of Leptin:

Leptin has a variety of roles ranging from food

intake to puberty. Effects of leptin include:

Descending limb of vasa recta: 1). Leptin and regulation of food intake:

As blood descends in the descending limb toward Leptin and ghrelin are peripheral factors that are
the papillae, it becomes progressively more critical regulators of food intake, they act in a
concentrated, due to two events: reciprocal manner to each other. Both activate their
receptors in the hypothalamus that initate
Dr. Venky’s Exam Oriented Physiology

signaling pathways leading to changes in food Experimental evidence:

sa). Obese ob/ob mice that cannot make leptin are
Leptin is a satiety-producing hormone secreted by infertile, and their fertility is restored by injections
fat cells. Leptin produced by the adipose tissue of leptin.
signals the status of the fat stores in the body. As
adipocytes increase in size, they release greater b). Leptin treatment also induces precocious
quantities of leptin and this tends to decrease food puberty in immature female mice.
intake, partly by increasing the expression of other
5). Leptin and Bone mass:
anorexigenic factors in the hypothalamus such as
pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC), cocaine- and Intracerebroventricular administration of leptin
amphetamine regulated transcript (CART), has been shown to decrease bone formation. This
neurotensin, and corticotrophin releasing hormone finding is consistent with observations that obesity
(CRH). protects against bone loss and that most obese
humans are resistant to the effects of leptin on
2). Leptin and diabetes:
appetite. Thus, there may be neuroendocrine
Deficient sensing of leptin in the cells of the regulation of bone mass via leptin.
hypothalamus that regulate satiety is one of the
6). Metabolic rate:
causes of hyperphagia in diabetes. The feeding
area of the hypothalamus is not inhibited and thus Leptin also stimulates the metabolic rate.
satiety is not sensed, so food intake is increased.
Leptin also decreases insulin resistance.

3). Leptin and body weight:

Body weight generally increases at a slow but

steady rate throughout adult life. Decreased
physical activity is undoubtedly a factor in this
increase, but decreased sensitivity to leptin may
also play a role.

4). Leptin and puberty:

A critical body weight must normally be reached

for puberty to occur. Thus, for example, young
women who engage in strenuous athletics lose
weight and stop menstruating, as do girls with
anorexia nervosa. If these girls start to eat and gain
weight, they menstruate again, that is, they “go
back through puberty.”

Leptin appears to be the link between body weight

and puberty. However, the way that leptin fits into
the overall control of puberty remains to be
Dr. Venky’s Exam Oriented Physiology

Two Mark Or 3 Mark Answers: A tremendous amount of apoptosis occurs in

tissues that are being remodeled during
1. Apoptosis/Cell suicide development. Even in adult humans, billions of
cells die each hour in tissues such as the intestine
Apoptosis is nothing but programmed cell death. and bone marrow and are replaced by new cells
There are 100 trillion cells in the body. The total 2. Clot Retraction
number of cells is regulated not only by controlling
the rate of cell division but also by controlling the Once a fibrin clot is formed, within another 5- 30
rate of cell death. When cells are no longer needed minutes the clot retracts to 40% of its original
or become a threat to the organism, they undergo a volume releasing a fluid in the process. This fluid
suicidal programmed cell death called apoptosis. expressed is called serum. It lacks fibrinogen and
other clotting factors because they are consumed
Mechanism: during clot formation, in this way, serum differs
Apoptosis is initiated by activation of a family of from plasma. Therefore, serum cannot clot because
proteases called caspases. These enzymes are it lacks these factors.
synthesized and stored in the cell as inactive Role of platelets:
Platelets are necessary for clot retraction to occur.
The mechanisms of activation of caspases are This is due to the contraction of thrombosthenin
complex, but once activated, the enzymes cleave protein, actin, and myosin molecules present in
and activate other procaspases, triggering a the platelets which finally shortens the fibrin
cascade that rapidly breaks down proteins within threads. The contraction is activated and
the cell. accelerated by thrombin as well as by calcium ions
released from calcium stores in the mitochondria,
Activation of procaspases → Formation of active
endoplasmic reticulum, and Golgi apparatus of the
caspases → Activates more Procaspases
platelets. So if platelet count decreases clot
Once specific proteolytic cascade is activated, retraction becomes poor.
caspases cause the cell to shrink and condense,
disassemble the cytoskeleton, and alter the cell As the clot retracts, the edges of the broken blood
surface. After these changes happen, a neighboring vessel are pulled together, thus contributing still
phagocytic cell, such as a macrophage, can attach further to the ultimate state of hemostasis.
to the cell membrane and digest the cell.
Significance of clot retraction:
The significance of clot retraction is that the
In contrast to programmed death, cells that die as a
retracted clot is more solid, elastic and stronger
result of an acute injury usually swell and burst
and it plugs the hole in the vessel much better than
due to loss of cell membrane integrity, a process
a non-retracted clot.
called cell necrosis.

Balance between apoptosis and new cell Furthermore, platelets entrapped in the clot
formation: continue to release procoagulant substances, one of
the most important of which is fibrin-stabilizing
Programmed cell death, is precisely balanced with factor, which causes more and more cross-linking
the formation of new cells in healthy adults. If bonds between adjacent fibrin fibers and stabilizes
apoptosis is excessive the body’s tissues would the clot further.
shrink, if is decreased the body’s tissues grow
Dr. Venky’s Exam Oriented Physiology

3. Why can’t cardiac muscle be tetanized and 4. Role of ATP in muscle contraction and
fatigued? relaxation

Cardiac muscle cannot be tetanized because: ATP is the immediate source of energy for skeletal
muscle contraction. ATP is hydrolyzed to ADP &
The normal refractory period of the ventricle is
inorganic phosphate with release of energy - 7.3
0.25 to 0.30 second, the refractory period of atrial
kcal. This energy is used to carry out various
muscle is about 0.15 second.
processes during muscle contraction and
Compared to skeletal muscles, cardiac muscle has relaxation.
a prolonged refractory period. Therefore, more
Role of ATP in muscle contraction:
than half of the contractile response is over during
absolute refractory period itself. This makes Before contraction begins, the heads of the cross
summation impossible in cardiac muscle, hence bridges bind with ATP. The ATPase activity of the
cardiac muscle cannot be tetanized. myosin head immediately cleaves the ATP but
leaves the cleavage products, ADP plus phosphate
Cardiac muscle does not become fatigued
ion, bound to the head.
because of the following factors:
This energy released is used to alter the position of
1. The build-up of lactic acid plays a major role in
mysoin head in such a way that it becomes
the development of muscle fatigue. This happens
perpendicular to the actin filament, but is not yet
during anaerobic metabolism. Heart normally
attached to the actin.
works almost under complete aerobic
metabolism with no accumulation of lactic acid. Power stroke:

However, under ischemic conditions, cardiac When a myosin heads binds to the active site of
muscle can also use anaerobic glycolysis for energy actin, this attachment simultaneously causes
which accounts for about a meagre 1% of profound changes in the intramolecular forces
metabolism. between the head and arm of its cross-bridge. The
new alignment of forces causes the head to tilt
2. Rich blood supply of about 250 ml/min provides
toward the arm and to drag the actin filament
heart with plentiful of nutrients and oxygen. So
along with it. This tilt of the head is called the
cardiac muscle need not switch to anaerobic
power stroke.
metabolism to produce ATP.
The energy that activates the power stroke is the
3. Cardiac myocytes have plenty of mitochondria
energy already stored, like a “cocked” spring, by
when compared to skeletal muscle which
the conformational change that occurred in the
continuously produce ATP to supply energy for
head when the ATP molecule was cleaved earlier.
Thus the ATP provides energy to perform power
4. Under resting conditions, cardiac muscle
stroke during muscle contraction.
normally consumes fatty acids to supply most of
its energy instead of carbohydrates. About 70 per Role of ATP in relaxation:
cent of the energy is derived from fatty acids.
Once the head of the cross-bridge tilts, this allows
5. Cardiac myocytes have a large amount of release of the ADP and phosphate ion that were
myoglobin which stores oxygen. previously attached to the head. At the site of
release of the ADP, a new molecule of ATP binds.
All these factors prevent the cardiac muscle from
This binding of new ATP causes detachment of the
becoming fatigued throughout its entire life time.
head from the actin.

Restoring calcium level in sarcoplasm:

Dr. Venky’s Exam Oriented Physiology

After contraction is over, ATP is required to pump 1 liter of food. The food often becomes putridly
the calcium ions from the sarcoplasm into the infected during long periods of esophageal stasis.
sarcoplasmic reticulum via SERCA. The infection may also cause ulceration of the
esophageal mucosa, sometimes leading to severe
ATP is also used by calcium ATPase present in the
substernal pain or even rupture and death.
sarcolemma to pump calcium ions from
sarcoplasm to ECF so that the calcium level in Treatment:
sarcoplasm is brought back to precontraction state.
1. It can be treated by pneumatic dilation of the
5. Achalasia cardia sphincter by means of a balloon inflated at the end
of a swallowed esophageal tube.
Achalasia means failure to relax. Cardia refers to
2. Antispasmodic drugs which relax smooth
opening of the lower end of the esophagus into
muscles can also be helpful.
stomach. Achalasia Cardia is a pathological
3. Incision of the esophageal muscle (myotomy) is
condition in which food fails to pass from
also useful.
esophagus into stomach, therefore it accumulates
4. Inhibition of acetylcholine release by injection of
in the lower end of the esophagus resulting in
botulinum toxin into the LES is also effective and
massive dilatation.
this gives relief that lasts for several months.

Achalasia Cardia is due to increased resting tone of

the smooth muscles of the lower esophageal
sphincter (LES) leading to their incomplete
relaxation during swallowing.

The basic underlying pathology is that the

myenteric plexus of the esophagus is deficient in
the lower two thirds of the esophagus and the
release of nitric oxide and vasoactive intestinal
peptide is defective. These are normally required
for relaxation of GI smooth muscle, hence their
deficiency leads to increased tone.

In other words, the myenteric plexus has lost its

ability to transmit a signal to cause “receptive
relaxation” of the lower esophageal sphincter as
food approaches this sphincter during swallowing.

Over months and years, the esophagus becomes

tremendously enlarged that it can hold as much as
Dr. Venky’s Exam Oriented Physiology

VIVA Answers: 5. Catch up growth

In children, following illness or starvation, a period

1. Define Homeostasis of increased growth takes place during which the
growth rate is greater than normal. This
Maintenance of nearly constant conditions in the accelerated growth usually continues until the
internal environment of our body is called previous growth curve is reached, then slows to
homeostasis. The term homeostasis was coined by normal. This period of accelerated growth is called
American physiologist W.B. Cannon. as catchup growth. The mechanisms that bring
about and control catch-up growth are unknown.
Essentially all organs and tissues of the body
perform various physiological functions to
maintain this internal environment. For example,
the lungs provide oxygen to the extracellular fluid
to replenish the oxygen used by the cells, the
kidneys maintain constant ion concentrations, and
the gastrointestinal system provides nutrients etc.

2. How does a person with “A blood group” have

“antibodies against B antigens” and vice versa?.

Antigens very similar to A and B are common in

intestinal bacteria and possibly in foods to which
all newborn individuals are exposed. Therefore,
infants rapidly develop antibodies against those
antigens which are not present in their own red
blood cells.

Thus, type A blood group individuals develop

anti-B antibodies, type B individuals develop anti-
A antibodies, type O individuals develop both, and
type AB individuals develop no antibodies.

3. Fenn effect

When a muscle contracts, work is performed and

energy is required. Large amounts of ATP are
cleaved to release energy during the contraction
process; the greater the amount of work performed
by the muscle, the greater the amount of ATP that
is cleaved. This is called as the Fenn effect.

4. Wolff –Chaikoff effect

In normal individuals, administration of large

doses of iodide has an inhibitory effect on hormone
production. Iodide act directly on the thyroid
gland to produce a mild and transient inhibition of
organic binding of iodide, eventually resulting in
inhibition of thyroid hormone synthesis. This
inhibition is known as the Wolff –Chaikoff effect.
Dr. Venky’s Exam Oriented Physiology

Essay Answers: a single type of membrane receptor. The second

messenger does the rest.
1. Second messenger system

Second messengers are molecules that relay signals

received at receptors on the cell surface or cytosol
or nucleus - such as the arrival of protein
hormones, growth factors, etc. - to target molecules
inside the cell. These are intracellular mediators.
This is one of the means by which hormones exert
their intracellular actions.

Many ligands in the ECF bind to receptors on the

surface of cells and trigger the release of
intracellular mediators such as cAMP, IP3, and
DAG which initiate changes in cell function.
Consequently, the extracellular ligands are called
“first messengers” and the intracellular mediators
are called “second messengers.”

Second messengers bring about many short-term

changes in cell function by altering enzyme
Stimulatory G protein (Gs):
function, triggering exocytosis, and so on, but they
also can lead to the alteration of transcription of Binding of the hormones with the receptor allows
various genes. coupling of the receptor to a G protein. If the G
protein stimulates the adenylyl cyclase–cAMP
There are four major second messenger systems:
system, it is called a Gs protein, denoting a
• Adenylyl Cyclase–cAMP Second stimulatory G protein.
Messenger System
Stimulation of membrane bound enzyme adenylyl
• The Cell Membrane Phospholipid cyclase, by the Gs protein then catalyzes the
Second Messenger System conversion of a small amount of cytoplasmic
adenosine triphosphate (ATP) into cAMP inside
• Calcium-Calmodulin Second Messenger the cell. This then activates cAMP-dependent
protein kinase, which phosphorylates specific
• Guanylyl Cyclase–cGMP Second proteins in the cell, triggering biochemical
Messenger System reactions that ultimately lead to the cell’s response
to the hormone.
Adenylyl Cyclase–cAMP Second Messenger
System: Inhibitory G protein (Gi):

One of the means by which hormones exert If binding of the hormone to its receptors is
intracellular actions is to stimulate formation of the coupled to an inhibitory G protein (denoted Gi
second messenger cyclic Adenosine Mono protein), adenylyl cyclase will be inhibited,
Phosphate (cAMP) inside the cell membrane. reducing the formation of cAMP and ultimately
leading to an inhibitory action in the cell.
The cAMP then causes subsequent intracellular
effects of the hormone. Therefore, the only direct Thus, depending on the coupling of the hormone
effect that the hormone has on the cell is to activate receptor to an inhibitory or a stimulatory G
protein, a hormone can either increase or decrease
Dr. Venky’s Exam Oriented Physiology

the concentration of cAMP and phosphorylation of

key proteins inside the cell

Cascading effect:

Once cAMP is formed inside the cell, it usually

activates a cascade of enzymes.

First one enzyme is activated, which activates a

second enzyme, which activates a third, and so
forth. The importance of this mechanism is that
only a few molecules of activated adenylyl cyclase
immediately inside the cell membrane can cause
many more molecules of the next enzyme to be
activated, which can cause still more molecules of
the third enzyme to be activated, and so forth. Inositol triphosphate - IP3:
In this way, even the slightest amount of hormone The IP3 mobilizes calcium ions from mitochondria
acting on the cell surface can initiate a powerful and the endoplasmic reticulum, and the calcium
cascading amplifying effect on the entire cell. ions then have their own second messenger effects,
Diversity of functions: such as smooth muscle contraction and changes in
cell secretion.
Increases or decreases in cAMP produce different
functions in different target cells. This is due to the Diacylglycerol:
presence of different set of enzyme systems in DAG, the other lipid second messenger, activates
different cells. the enzyme protein kinase C (PKC), which then
Ex. A thyroid cell stimulated by cAMP forms the phosphorylates a large number of proteins, leading
metabolic hormones thyroxine and to the cell’s response.
triiodothyronine, whereas the same cAMP in an Further, the lipid portion of DAG is arachidonic
adrenocortical cell causes secretion of the acid which is the precursor for the prostaglandins
adrenocortical steroid hormones. In epithelial cells and other local hormones that cause multiple
of the renal tubules, cAMP increases their effects in tissues throughout the body.
permeability to water.
Calcium-Calmodulin second messenger system:
The cell membrane phospholipid second
messenger system: This second messenger system operates in
response to the entry of calcium into the cells.
Some hormones activate transmembrane receptors
that activate the enzyme phospholipase C attached Calcium entry may be initiated by:
to the inside projections of the receptors.
(1) Changes in membrane potential that open
This enzyme catalyzes the breakdown of some calcium channels (voltage gated channels) or
phospholipids in the cell membrane, especially (2) A hormone interacting with membrane
phosphatidyl inositol biphosphate (PIP2), into receptors that open calcium channels (ligand gated
two different second messenger products: inositol channels) or
triphosphate (IP3) and diacylglycerol (DAG). (3). Stretch sensitive calcium channels
Dr. Venky’s Exam Oriented Physiology

Guanylyl Cyclase–cGMP Second Messenger


Guanylyl cyclases are a family of enzymes that

catalyze the formation of cyclic guanosine
monophosphate (cyclic GMP or cGMP). They
exist in two forms:

One form has an extracellular amino terminal

domain that is a receptor, a single transmembrane
domain, and a cytoplasmic portion with guanylyl
cyclase catalytic activity. Several such guanylyl
cyclases have been characterized.

One form of guanylyl cyclase is soluble, contains

heme, and is not bound to the membrane. There
On entering a cell, calcium ions bind with the appear to be several isoforms of the intracellular
protein calmodulin. This protein has four calcium enzyme. They are activated by nitric oxide (NO)
sites, and when three or four of these sites have and NO-containing compounds.
bound with calcium, the calmodulin changes its
shape and initiates multiple effects inside the cell,
including activation or inhibition of protein

Activation of calmodulin-dependent protein

kinases causes, via phosphorylation, activation or
inhibition of proteins involved in the cell’s
response to the hormone. For example, one specific
function of calmodulin is to activate myosin
kinase, which acts directly on the myosin of
smooth muscle to cause smooth muscle

Calcium concentration:

The normal calcium ion concentration in most cells

of the body is 10-8 to 10-7 mol/L, which is not
enough to activate the calmodulin system. But
when the calcium ion concentration rises to 10-6 to Physiological significance:
10-5 mol/L, enough binding occurs to cause all the 1. cGMP is important in vision in both rod and
intracellular actions of calmodulin. cone cells.
This is almost exactly the same amount of change 2. cGMP-regulates ion channels, and
in calcium ion concentration that is required in 3. cGMP activates cGMP-dependent kinase,
skeletal muscle to activate troponin C, which producing a number of physiologic effects like
causes skeletal muscle contraction. Troponin C is smooth muscle relaxation which brings about
similar to calmodulin in both function and protein penile erection.
structure. 4. Two forms of guanylyl cyclases acts as receptors
for atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP), and a third
form binds an Escherichia coli enterotoxin and the
gastrointestinal polypeptide guanylin.
Dr. Venky’s Exam Oriented Physiology

2. Define anemia. Describe in detail the functioning bone marrow. Aplastic anemia and
classification and signs and symptoms. Elaborate anemia of chronic diseases are also due to
on iron deficiency anemia. hypoproliferative bone marrow.

Anemia is defined as a reduction in the oxygen 3. Hemolytic anemias:

carrying capacity of blood resulting in inadequate
Hemolytic anemias are due to destruction of RBCs.
O2 supply to tissues. This can be either due to
decreased red blood cells or deficient hemoglobin. They are of two causes, intracorpuscular and
More accurately it is defined as a reduction in the
red cell mass. Intracorpuscular causes: They can be either
congenital or acquired.
i) Congenital Abnormalities:
Functional or Etiological or Whitby’s
classification: a. Membrane defects:
Etiologically anemias can be classified into: * Hereditary spherocytosis
1. Hemorrhagic anemias * Hereditary elliptocytosis
2. Anemia due to decreased red cell production:
a. Dyshaemopoietic anemias b. Haemoglobinopathies:
b. Hypoproliferative anemias * Sickle cell anaemia
3. Hemolytic anemias * Thalaseemia
4. Dilutional anemia: Pregnancy, Oliguric renal c. Enzymopathies
failure and volume-overload. 1) Abnormal aerobic glycolysis e.g. G6PD
1. Hemorrhagic anemias: deficiency
2) Abnormal anerobic glycolysis e.g pyruvate
Acute loss of blood: Ex. Road traffic accident and kinase deficiency
Chronic loss of blood: Hook worm infestation, ii) Acquired Abnormalities
excessive menstrual blood loss, hemorrhoids, 1). Paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria
bleeding peptic ulcer. 2). Vitamin E deficiency

2. Anemia due to decreased red cell production: Extracorpuscular causes: The pathology lies
outside the RBC.
a. Dyshaemopoietic anaemia: There is decreased
Antigen antibody reactions
maturation of red blood cells due to deficiency of
Infection ex. malaria
maturation factors essential for erythropoiesis.
Drugs –quinine, aspirin
i). Mineral deficiency: Iron, zinc, Ni, Mn, copper, Poison – snake venom
Cobalt Hypersplenism
ii). Vitamin deficiency: B12, folic acid, vitamin C& Incompatible blood transfusion
pyridoxine Hemolytic disease of the newborn
iii). Hormonal deficiency: Anemia of renal
4. Dilutional anemia:
diseases, pituitary, thyroid or suprarenal
deficiency. In conditions such as pregnancy, oliguric renal
iv). Protein deficiency failure and volume-overload, plasma volume
increases compared to cellular components of
b. Hypoproliferative anaemia:
blood thereby diluting RBCs.
Hypoproliferative anemia is due to failure of bone
Morphological or Wintrobe’s classification:
marrow. Gamma rays, drugs such as cytotoxic and
sulpha drugs and X rays all damage the bone
marrow. Bone marrow aplasia means lack of
Dr. Venky’s Exam Oriented Physiology

Anemias can be classified morphologically based Signs:

on the average size of the cells and the
Pallor of the skin and mucous membranes:
hemoglobin concentration into:
Mucous membranes, palms and nail beds look
1. Macrocytic anemia: Seen in deficiency of
pale. The colour of the skin is unreliable because it
Vitamin B12 and folic acid and pernicious anemia.
depends upon the degree of skin pigmentation and
2. Normochromic, normocytic anemia: Seen in
the amount of fluid in the subcutaneous tissues.
acute blood loss, aplastic anemia and all hemolytic
anemias except thalassemia Peripheral edema:
3. Hypochromic, microcytic anemia: Iron
deficiency anemia and thalaseemia Slight edema of the legs can be seen probably due
to increase in the capillary permeability secondary
Severity: to hypoxia. It is clearly evident in heart failure.

The severity of anemia depends upon the amount The cardiovascular system:
of decrease in hemoglobin.
There is an increased velocity of blood flow with
Mild anemia – Fall in Hb up to 8 gm/dL decreased viscosity of the blood in addition to
Moderate – 8 to 5 gm/dL capillary dilation.
Severe – below 5 gm/dL
If the rate of blood loss is more rapid, the Pulse: Tachycardia, bounding pulse
symptoms are also severe, especially in elderly. If Cardiac examination:
the hemoglobin falls slowly, then this allows time
for haemopoietic compensation with less In severe cases, loud heart sounds, S3 over mitral
symptoms. or tricuspid area, haemic murmur which is an
ejection systolic murmur can all be heard. Haemic
Clinical features: Symptoms: murmur is heard all over the precordium. Jugular
1. Musculo skeletal: Easy fatigability, tiredness venous pressure is raised.
and lassitude. Fundal changes:
2. Cardiovascular System: Flame shaped retinal hemorrhages, exudates and
Angina, dyspnoea, palpitation and intermittent rarely papilloedema can be seen.
claudication on exertion are seen. Heart failure Kidney:
occurs in severe cases and when anemia is present
along with other organic cardiac diseases. Severe Proteinuria and impairment of the concentrating
anemia results in high output cardiac failure. power of kidneys occur due to anoxia of renal
3. Neurological:
Dizziness, fainting, lack of concentration
Blurred or diminished vision Mild fever may occur in severe anemia but other
Headache, tinnitus causes should be excluded.
Paraesthesia in fingers and toes
Iron deficiency anemia:
Insomnia and
Irritability. Iron is the most important component of
hemoglobin, hence lack of iron leads to anemia.
4. GIT: Dyspepsia and anorexia
Both RBC count and hemoglobin are lowered.
5. Genital: Loss of libido & impotence, menstrual
Iron deficiency anemia is the commonest cause of
abnormalities such as amenorrhea.
anemia in India. This occurs when amount of iron
Dr. Venky’s Exam Oriented Physiology

loss or physiological requirements exceed Sources of iron:

Jaggery is rich in iron, other sources include green
Causes of Iron deficiency anemia: leafy vegetables, liver, pulses and cereals.

Decreased intake: Poor socioeconomic status, Management:

infants on exclusive milk feed can get anemia
because milk is a poor source of iron.
Plasma ferritin is a measure of iron stores in
Increased demand: During pregnancy mother has
tissues and is the single best test to confirm iron
to additionally support the fetus, particularly
deficiency. It is a very specific test; a subnormal
during the third trimester. Iron is also diverted to
level is seen in iron deficiency.
the placenta and the increased maternal red cell
mass. It is also lost with bleeding during child Serum iron and total iron binding capacity
birth. In infants and adolescents, rapid growth may (TIBC) are measures of iron availability. Serum
overwhelm dietary intake, and result in deficiency. iron level decreases while total iron binding
capacity increases.
Increased loss from the body:
Acute loss of blood: Ex. Road traffic accident and
Chronic loss of RBCs: Hook worm infestation, Treatment is based on the severity of anemia. Mild
prolonged menstrual period or excessive loss of anemia is treated with oral iron supplements.
blood during menstruation, hemorrhoids, occult Ferrous sulphate 200 mg 3 times daily provides
blood loss from esophagitis, bleeding peptic ulcer 195 mg of elemental iron per day. This is adequate
and colorectal malignancy. and should be continued for 3–6 months to restore
Defective utilization: Malabsorption syndromes iron stores.

Characteristic features of iron deficiency: Non-complaint patients and patients with

malabsorption or chronic gut disease may need
Peripheral smear shows microcytic, hypochromic
parenteral iron therapy. Previously, iron dextran or
iron sucrose was used, but new preparations of
All the RBC indices namely, MCH, MVC and
iron isomaltose and iron carboxymaltose have
MCHC are decreased below normal values. It also
fewer allergic effects and are preferred. Dosage is
shows poikilocytosis (variation in shape)
and anisocytosis (variation in size).
Bone marrow shows normoblastic hyperplasia Severe anemia needs blood transfusion.
Other blood cells are normal.
Nails: Nails become, soft, brittle and spoon shaped Reticulocyte response:
with longitudinal striations called koilonychia. Reticulocyte response is nothing but an increase in
Tongue becomes inflamed. the reticulocyte count of a person who is treated
Dietary requirement: for anemia with iron or other supplements. This is
the first response to treatment to be noted in the
Daily requirement of iron for an adult Indian is 20 blood following nutritional supplements.
mg, out of which only about 1-2 mg is absorbed.
Maximum iron absorption is 3.5 mg/day. Reticulocytes increase by about 25 to 35 % above
normal in peripheral circulation due to excessive
Children between 13-15 years need 20-30 mg/day. proliferation and release of reticulocytes.
Pregnant women need 40 mg/day.
The response occurs within 4- 5 days after starting
Only Fe2+ (ferrous) form (reduced form) is treatment with iron. The peak response is seen
absorbed, Fe3+ (ferric) form is not absorbed. between days 7 to 10. It is a measure of the body’s
Dr. Venky’s Exam Oriented Physiology

response to treatment. Reticulocyte response is partly caused by passive exchange of bicarbonate

absent or minimal in aplastic anemia. for chloride ions, and partly from an active
secretory process.
1. Describe in detail the mechanism of salivary
secretion. Elaborate on its composition, Under resting conditions, the net result of these
regulation of secretion and functions. transport processes is as follows:

The first secretion encountered when food is *Concentrations of sodium ions in the saliva - 15
ingested is saliva. Saliva is produced by three pairs mEq/ L. [1/7th of concentration in plasma],
of salivary glands - the parotid, submandibular, *Concentrations of chloride ions -15mEq/L [1/10th
and sublingual glands - that drain into the oral of concentration in plasma],
cavity. *Concentration of potassium ions - 30 mEq/L. [7
times as great as plasma],
Salivary secretion is a two-stage process: the first
*Concentration of bicarbonate ions - 50 to 70
stage involves the acini, and the second stage
mEq/L. [2 to 3 times as great as plasma].
involves the salivary ducts.

The acini secrete a primary secretion that contains

ptyalin and/or mucin and ions. This secretion does
not greatly differ from typical extracellular fluid
i.e. it is isotonic with plasma. As the primary
secretion flows through the ducts, two major active
transport processes take place that markedly
modify the ionic composition of the fluid in the

a). Change in Na+, K+, Cl- ion concentrations :

Sodium ions are actively reabsorbed and

potassium ions are actively secreted in exchange
for the sodium in all the salivary ducts. Therefore,
the sodium ion concentration of the saliva becomes During maximal salivation, the salivary ionic
greatly reduced, whereas the potassium ion concentrations change considerably because the
concentration becomes increased. However, there rate of formation of primary secretion by the acini
is more sodium reabsorption compared to can increase as much as 20-fold. This salivary
potassium secretion, and this creates electrical secretion then flows through the ducts so rapidly
negativity of about -70 millivolts in the salivary that the ductal reconditioning of the secretion is
ducts; this in turn causes chloride ions to be considerably reduced because of availability of less
reabsorbed passively. time for movement of solutes. Therefore, when
Therefore, the chloride ion concentration in the copious quantities of saliva are being secreted, the
salivary fluid falls to a very low level, matching the sodium chloride concentration rises only slightly
ductal decrease in sodium ion concentration. The [1/2 or 2/3 that of plasma], and the potassium
ducts are relatively impermeable to water, so the concentration rises to only four times that of
loss of NaCl renders the saliva hypotonic, plasma.
particularly at low secretion rates.
As mentioned earlier, as the rate of secretion
b). Change in Bicarbonate ion concentration: increases, there is less time for NaCl to be extracted
and the tonicity of the saliva rises, but it always
Bicarbonate ions are secreted by the ductal
stays somewhat hypotonic with respect to
epithelium into the lumen of the duct. This is
Dr. Venky’s Exam Oriented Physiology

Composition of saliva is as follows: whereas rough objects cause less salivation and
occasionally even inhibit salivation.
Daily secretion: 800 and 1500 milliliters.
pH – 6.8 – 8.0 Control of salivation from higher centers:
Salivary amylase or ptyalin- begins digestion of Salivation can also be stimulated or inhibited by
carbohydrates nervous signals arriving to the salivatory nuclei
Lingual lipase- Secreted by Ebner’s gland present from higher centers of the central nervous system.
on the dorsum of tongue. It becomes active in the For instance,
stomach and digests about 10% of neutral fats.
Smell or thought or taste or sound of favourite
Lysozymes – They are bactericidal in nature
Kallikrein- It is a proteolytic enzyme which is

secreted by activated salivary cells, which in turn
Stimulation of taste and smell areas of the cerebral
acts as an enzyme to split one of the blood
cortex and amygdala
proteins, an alpha 2-globulin, to form bradykinin

which is a strong vasodilator.
Stimulation of appetite center
Mucin is a glycoprotein substance which helps
provide lubrication. 
Cations: Na+, K+ and Ca2+ ions Stimulation of salivatory nuclei
Anions: Cl-, HCO3-, phosphates and bromides 
IgA – provides local mucosal immunity. Impulses reach salivary glands via otic and
Organic material: Urea, creatinine, uric acid and submandibular ganglia
amino acids. 
Increased secretion of saliva
Regulation of salivary secretion
When a person smells or eats favorite foods,
The secretion of saliva is controlled by both salivation is greater than when disliked food is
sympathetic and parasympathetic neurons. Unlike smelled or eaten. The appetite area of the brain
their antagonistic activity in most organs, both plays a role in regulation of these effects and is
systems stimulate salivary secretion, with the located close to the parasympathetic centers of the
parasympathetic system producing the greater anterior hypothalamus.
response. There is no hormonal regulation of
salivary secretion. b). Sympathetic control:

a). Parasympathetic control: Sympathetic stimulation can also increase

salivation but only a slight amount, and much less
The salivary glands are controlled mainly by so than parasympathetic stimulation. The
parasympathetic nervous signals from the superior sympathetic nerves originate from the superior
and inferior salivatory nuclei in the brain stem. cervical ganglia and travel along the surfaces of
the blood vessel walls to the salivary glands.
The salivatory nuclei are located approximately at
the juncture of the medulla and pons and are c). Blood supply to the glands:
excited by both taste and tactile stimuli from the
tongue and other areas of the mouth and pharynx. Blood supply to the glands is a secondary factor
that also affects salivary secretion, because,
Many taste stimuli, especially the sour taste, elicit secretion always requires adequate nutrients from
copious secretion of saliva—often 8 to 20 times the the blood. So, decrease in blood supply leads to
basal rate of secretion. Also, certain tactile stimuli, less secretion. Salivation itself directly dilates the
such as the presence of smooth objects in the blood vessels. This vasodilator effect is caused by
mouth (ex. pebble), cause marked salivation, kallikrein secreted by the activated salivary cells,
Dr. Venky’s Exam Oriented Physiology

which in turn acts as an enzyme to split one of the First, the flow of saliva itself washes away some of
blood proteins, an alpha2-globulin, to form pathogenic bacteria as well as food particles that
bradykinin which is a strong vasodilator. provide their metabolic support.

The parasympathetic nerve signals that induce Second, saliva contains several factors that destroy
copious salivation also moderately dilate the blood bacteria. One of these is thiocyanate ions and
vessels. another is several proteolytic enzymes—most
important being lysozyme.
Functions of saliva:
1). Digestive function:
(a). Attacks the bacteria,
Carbohydrate digestion by salivary amylase:
(b). Aids the thiocyanate ions in entering the
The digestive enzyme ptyalin which is an α- bacteria where these ions in turn become
amylase secreted mainly by the parotid glands bactericidal, and
hydrolyzes starch into the disaccharide maltose (c). Digests food particles, thereby helping further
and other small polymers of glucose that contain 3 to remove the bacterial metabolic support.
to 9 glucose molecules. However, because the food
Third, saliva often contains significant amounts of
remains in the mouth only a short time, usually not
antibodies mainly IgA that can destroy oral
more than 5 per cent of all the starches is
bacteria, including some bacteria that cause dental
hydrolyzed by the time the food is swallowed.
caries. In the absence of salivation, oral tissues
Fat digestion: often become ulcerated and infected, and caries are
frequently present.
About 10 percent of triglycerides is digested in the
stomach by lingual lipase that is secreted by Lactoferrin present in saliva binds iron and stops
lingual glands in the mouth and swallowed with the multiplication of bacteria.
the saliva.
Saliva contains buffers and proline-rich proteins.
2). Aiding Speech: Buffers help relieve heart burns during
regurgitation of gastric juice into esophagus.
Mucus secreted in the saliva lubricates the oral
mucosa and allows for free movement of tongue Proline-rich proteins bind with toxic substances
and lips, thus saliva helps in pronouncing the such as tannins which are present in many food
words. substances such as fruits and render them non-
toxic. Further, they maintain oral pH at 7 at which
3). Maintenance of Oral Hygiene:
saliva is saturated with calcium and therefore teeth
Under basal awake conditions, about 0.5 milliliter don’t lose calcium, thus proline rich proteins
of saliva is secreted each minute. This secretion is maintain tooth enamel.
almost entirely made of the mucous type and plays
4). Appreciation of taste:
an important role for maintaining healthy oral
tissues. Saliva serves as a solvent for the food particles
which stimulate taste buds after getting dissolved
Protective function:
in it.
The mouth is loaded with pathogenic bacteria that
5). Excretory function:
can easily destroy tissues and cause dental caries.
Saliva helps prevent the deteriorative processes in Saliva excretes many organic and inorganic
several ways. substances like iodine, thiocyanate ions, drugs,
alcohol etc.

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