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4 A Did you ___take any photos? B o, l didn't.

5 A Where did you ___ stay ? B In a small hotel.
Q a , b , or c. 6 book your fl ights o nline?
Did you ___
I ___ an y brothers or sisters? 7 invite yourpa rent tod inner. B Good idea.
A Let's ___
a Have you b Do you c Do you have 8 drive there?
A A re you goin g to ___
2 ___ last night? B o, we're going to get the tra in.
a Where you went 9 A Go o n! Ask the OJ to play
_ _ o ur song! B OK.
b Where did you go 10 A What time do we need to leave home tomorrow?
c Where you did go B About 7.00. Our flight is at 9.00.
3 My brother ___ foo tball.
a doesn't like b do n't like c doesn't likes b Complete with at, in, or OIL
4 H er parents ___ a small business. 1 The meeting is on March 13th.
a bas b haves c have 2 A Where's Mum ? B She's in the kitchen.
5 I ___ to music when I'm working. in
3 He was born _ __ 1989.
a never listen b don't never listen c listen never 4 A Where's the dictionary?
6 In the picture the woman ___ a blue dress. B It's ___
on the shelf in my room.
a wears b wearing c is wea ring 5 Mark 's no t back yet - he's still ___ school.
7 A What ___? B I'm looki ng for my keys. 6 It's a very quiet rown, especia lly ___
at ni ght.
a you are doing b do you do c are you doing 7 We went on ho lid ay to Malta last yea r.
8 She's at university. S he ___ history. c Q the wo rd that is different.
a 's studing b 's studying c studying
I straight lo ng blo nde beard
9 We ___ to Malta last August.
2 clever lazy generous funny
a were b went c did go
3 friendly mean stupid unkind
10 I saw the film, but I ___ it.
4 dress skirt tights tie
a didn't liked b don't liked c didn't like
5 socks gloves trainers sandals
11 When I got home my parents ___ on the sofa.
6 necklace bracelet ring scarf
a were sitting b was sitting c were siting
7 wi ndy foggy dirty sunny
12 What ___ at 11 p.m.? You didn't answe r my ca ll.
8 basic dirty un com fortable luxurious
a you were doing b you was doing c were you doing
13 She couldn't see him because she ___ her glasses.
a wasn't wea ring b didn't wear c didn't weari ng PRONUNCIATION
14 We went to the cinema. ___ we decided to go for a wa lk. a Q the word with a different sound.
a After b Then c When
I 5 We had a great time, ___ the weather wasn't very good. 1
Cit E G ____ v
a so b because c although 2 shirt sho rts wo r k curly

3 I Z. chooses language lives glasses

a Complete the phrases with a verb from the lis t.
~ weight height kind night

book do drive invite leave

look play stay take wear
~ painter trainers university trousers

b Underline the stressed syllable.

1 A Whatdo you _ do__ ? B l'm adoctor. 1 tal ka rive 3 pre fer 5 comfor ta ble
2 A Whatdoesshe _ look
__ like? B She'stall and slim . 2 moustache 4 dis gu sting
3 She doesn't usua11y ___ jewellery, only her wedding

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