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Theory and practices of management

1. Which management function involves setting goals and objectives and creating specific plans for completing them?

A) Planning
B) organizing
C) controlling
D) leading

2. Which management principle states that each individual should report to only one boss in order to avoid conflict and/ or confusion?

A) division of command
B) chain of command
C) unity of direction
D) unity of command

3. Economic uncertainty, regulatory requirements, and new competitors are examples of what type of factors that affect managers?

A) intrapersonal factors
B) internal factors
C) interpersonal factors
D) external factors

4. Which management principle states that work should be divided so that each person will perform a specialized portion?

A) Division of work

B) Chain of command

C) Unity of direction

Theory and practices of management

D) Unity of command

5. Which type of managers are responsible for reporting to middle managers?

A) Employees

B) Managers

C) Executive managers

D) Second level managers

6. The process of monitoring activities are called

A. Staffing

B. Empowerment

C. Controlling

D. Management

7. Organizational structure can be:

A. Productive

B. Efficient

C. Transparent

D. Unity Of command

Theory and practices of management

8. Scope of job design:

A. Technically feasible jobs

B. Economically feasible jobs

C. Behaviorally desirable jobs

D. All of above

9. Decision making steps involved except:

A. Frame the problem

B. cognitive Biases

C. Alternatives

D. Learn from feedback

10. Elements of planning involved are:

A. Results

B. objectives

C. time value

D. productivity

2. What are the basic steps involved in the process of controlling? (5 Marks)

1. measuring actual performance


Theory and practices of management

2. comparing actual performance against the standards
3. taking action to correct deviation or inadequate standards

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