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Green @ Apple A Midsummer Night's Dream William Shakespeare Most people think that William Shakespeare is the greatest writer in the English language, but we don’t know much about his life. He was born in the town of Stratford-upon-Avon in central England, probably on 23 April 1564. His father was a glove-maker and his mother was the daughter of a rich farmer. William had seven brothers and sisters. He went to school and studied Greek and Latin and the works of many famous poets. When he was eighteen, he married Anne Hathaway, who was eight years older than him. They had three children. Susanna was born in 1582 and Hamnet and Judith, who were twins, were born in 1585. William went to live in London a few years later, but Anne and the children stayed in Stratford-upon-Avon. In London, Shakespeare became an actor, and later he became a writer. He wrote forty plays and many poems between 1592 and 1613. Some of his most famous plays were Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet and King Lear. He wrote A Midsummer Night's Dream in 1595. Shakespeare’s plays were popular, and he became rich. He bought a good house in Stratford-upon-Avon for his family. But there were sad times as well. His son Hamnet died in 1596 when he was only eleven years old, Some people also think that Shakespeare and Anne Hathaway were not happy together. Near the end of his life Shakespeare moved back to his home in Stratford-upon-Avon. He died there on 23 April 1616, on his birthday. Now people read and study Shakespeare's plays and poems everywhere. People still perform his plays all over the world, and there are also hundreds of films of Shakespeare's plays. COMPREHENSION CHECK Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? Correct the false ones. 7 2 Shakespeare's parents were both farmers. Shakespeare's wife was older than him. Shakespeare lived away from his family for several years. Everyone agrees that Shakespeare loved his wife very much. Bona a Shakespeare died in London. Shakespeare's plays are still very popular. BEFORE YOU READ — THE CHARACTERS’ NAMES Some of the characters’ names may be difficult to say. Look at the pictures and letters. Each one shows how to say a character’s name. Write the name of the character next to each group. The green border shows the stress. Now listen and check. Practise saying each of the names. @ WHERE AND WHEN A This story happens a long time ago in the city of Athens in Greece. What did the buildings in the city look like? Choose the best picture. B Many of the scenes in the story happen in a wood near Athens. Which one of these pictures shows a wood? CHAPTER ONE Trouble in Athens veryone in the city of Athens was getting Jt ready for a wonderful celebration. ! In a few days, their duke, Theseus, was going to marry? the beautiful Hippolyta. Theseus and Hippolyta walked through the city streets together, hand in hand. ‘Four days!’ said Theseus, ‘It's a long time. I want to marry you now!’ Hippolyta smiled at him. Just then they saw Theseus’s friend, Egeus. He was walking quickly towards them, and he looked very angry. He was holding his daughter, Hermia, by her arm. She didn’t want to go with him. Hermia was quite short with blonde hair. She was small and very pretty, but she was a strong person inside. 1. celebration ;: a party or special occasion. 2. marry: ry 10 Nave A Midsummer oa Rae Dream Two young men followed Hermia and her father. They were Lysander and Demetrius, and they both loved Hermia. Lysander didn’t have much money, but he was very handsome * and kind. Demetrius was also handsome, and he was rich, but sometimes he was unkind and he often got angry easily. ‘Duke Theseus, you must help me!’ said Egeus. ‘It’s my daughter, Hermia! | chose this man, Demetrius, for her. He wants to marry her, but she won't do it!’ ‘Why, Hermia?’ asked Theseus. ‘Demetrius is a good man.’ ‘Lysander is a good man, too,’ said Hermia, ‘and I love him. I don’t love Demetrius and I will never marry him.’ ‘I agree,’ said Lysander. ‘Hermia’s father likes Demetrius. That's fine. He can marry him. I'll take Hermia.’ ‘Tl fight you for that!’ said Demetrius. ‘Demetrius, you're forgetting about Helena!’ said Hermia. Helena was Hermia’s best friend. A few months before, Helena and Demetrius were in love. Then Demetrius suddenly fell in love with Hermia instead. Now Demetrius never talked to Helena. ‘Helena still loves you very much,’ said Hermia. ‘You broke her heart.’ ‘That was a long time ago,’ said Demetrius. ‘It was a mistake. You're going to marry me, Hermia! Your father wants it and I want it.’ Egeus turned to Theseus. ‘Duke, please help me.’ ‘I’m sorry, Hermia. You must listen to your father,’ said Theseus. Later, Hermia and Lysander were alone together on a quiet street. Hermia felt afraid and sad. She began to cry. ‘Lysander, I can’t marry that man! I want to be with you.’ 3. handsome : good looking. We describe women as ‘beautiful’ and men as ‘handsome’. 12 mmer Night's Dear Lysander put his arms around her. He had a plan. ‘We can run away together,’ he told Hermia. ‘I have an aunt who lives far away. We can go there. We'll be safe with her. Then, I can marry you. Meet me tomorrow night. We'll leave this city and we'll never come back!’ ‘OF course I'll be there!’ said Hermia. ‘I'll go anywhere with you!” Just then they saw Helena. Helena was a tall, pretty girl with red hair. She often looked sad, because she thought about Demetrius day and night. ‘You’re so lucky, Hermia,’ Helena said. ‘Demetrius loves you, and he doesn’t even want to look at me. And now he’s going to marry you.’ ‘Don’t worry,’ said Lysander. “That will never happen.’ They told Helena about their plan. ‘T'll miss you, Helena,’ Hermia said. ‘But think of it! I'll be far away. Demetrius will forget about me. He'll love you again!’ But Helena was not so sure. Hermia and Lysander walked away, hand in hand. They were smiling and talking about their new life together. Helena sat alone and watched them. She thought about Demetrius for a long time. Then, she had an idea. ‘Tl tell Demetrius about Hermia’s plan. He'll go to her, but he'll thank me. He'll talk to me. He'll smile at me. I'll tell him now!’ Helena ran to Demetrius’s house. 14 UNDERSTANDING THE TEXT Ker El. COMPREHENSION CHECK Read the sentences about Chapter One and choose the correct answer (A, B or C). There is an example at the beginning (0). 0 Theseus will marry Hippolyta A tomorrow night. B || in four days. c today. 1 Egeus is angry because A Hermia will not listen to him. B Hermia doesn’t want to go with him. c Helena loves Demetrius. 2 Hermia doesn’t want to marry Demetrius because a she doesn’t want to marry anyone. B Demetrius is not handsome. © |, she loves someone else. 3 Lysander plans to A live in the wood with Hermia. 8 [J goto his aunt's house with Hermia. © [J fight Demetrius. 4 Helena is unhappy because A LJ she loves a man who doesn't love her. 8 [J Hermia is going to marry Lysander. c [| her family has no money. 5 Helena decides to tell Demetrius about Hermia’s plan because 4 [J he will not love Hermia anymore. 8 [he will fight Lysander. C [he will thank her for it. LISTENING Listen to the sentences. Who is talking? Write the number of the sentence next to the right character. There is an example at the beginning (0). A ...2... Theseus B Di vesssee Lysander .. Egeus © wee. Hermia .. Demetrius D cconsis Helena m THE CHARACTERS - LOVE STORIES Look at the names of the characters below. Match each character to the person they love. Berne Lysander 3 ....... Helena 5 | eee Hermia D ewan Theseus 6 .. Demetrius .. Hippolyta VOCABULARY - LOVE AND MARRIAGE What do you know about love and marriage? Read this summary of a traditional example and complete the spaces with the words from the box. You may want to use a dictionary. rings bride wedding falHrrtove groom get married husband —_wife First, two people meet and (0) ..fall.! . Then they may decide to (1)... . This means they promise to be together for life. On the day they get ‘married, they will have a (2) .. . . Usually family members and friends will come. The man nand the woman wear special clothes on this day. Usually the woman wears a white, or almost white, dress. On this day, the woman is called the (3) ..................... and the man is called the (4) .. . They give each other (5) After this day, the man is called the woman's (6) . and the woman is called the man’s (7) .. 16 er @ CONVERSATIONS Complete the conversation between Helena and Hermia. What does Hermia say to Helena? Choose from A-H. There is an example at the beginning (0). Helena: Are you really going to Of course | am! run away with Lysander? We're planningto go When are you going to tomorrow night. go? lll be safe. Lysander will be Hermia: 0....2...... wiliarres Helena: Where are you going to i:won't missmy tether: meet him? I feel the same way. Write to Hermia: 1 ..... : me! Don't forget me. Helena: Are you sure about this? Fin going to meat hin inthe Hermia: 2 wood. Helena: The wood is dangerous! Because | won't marry Please be careful! Demetrius. Hermia: 3........ We'll go his aunt's house. Helena: Where will you go after that? 4 ees Pil miss you. BEFORE YOU READ VOCABULARY Look at the pictures below. Match a word from the box to each picture. You can use your dictionary to help you. servant fairy argue magic —_—juice | 417 . 4 CHAPTER TWO La xy Trouble in the Wood n the wood, two other people were unhappy because of love, but they weren't real people. They were the King and Queen of the fairies, beautiful Titania and dark, handsome Oberon. They loved each other very much, but today they were arguing. Titania had a new servant, a beautiful Indian boy. Oberon needed a servant and he wanted the Indian boy for himself. Titania did not agree. In the evening, they saw each other in the wood. Titania was walking with her fairies. They were dancing all around her. ‘My aid Oberon. Queen,’ Titania saw Oberon, and turned away. ‘I won't speak to you!" she said. ‘Why are we fighting? Just give me the boy!” said Oberon. 18 ‘I will never give him to you. Goodbye,’ said Titania, The Queen and her fairies walked away. Oberon felt very angry. ‘Why won't she give me the boy?’ he said to himself. ‘Why is she so cold to me? She'll be sorry for this!’ Then he remembered a special place in the wood. A small purple flower grew there. This flower was magic. Oberon had an idea. He called his servant, Puck. Puck was a goblin. ' He was a very mischievous? goblin and loved making trouble. Oberon told Puck about the flower. ‘If you put the juice of this flower on someone’s eyes, they will fall in love with anyone. Or anything! Find it for me, Puck!’ said Oberon. ‘Tl bring you that flower immediately!’ said Puck. ‘I can fly around the world in forty minutes!’ Puck flew off. Oberon waited for Puck. Then suddenly a young man ran past him. He couldn't see Oberon because of his magic. A pretty young woman with red hair followed the man. She looked sad and tired. The two young people were Demetrius and Helena, Demetrius was looking for Hermia and Lysander. He wanted to stop them. Helena only wanted to be with Demetrius. ‘Don’t follow me!’ Demetrius shouted. ‘Go home, Helena!’ ‘Please, Demetrius!’ said Helena. ‘I want to come with you.’ ‘Where are Lysander and Hermia?’ said Demetrius. ‘I'll kill * Lysander! And I'll bring Hermia back to Athens. She'll be my wife, not his! Where are they?’ 1. goblin ; a small, magical creature. 2. mischievous : playful; enjoys playing jokes and tricks on other people. 3. Kill; hurt someone so badly that they die. ight's Dieam {| don’t know,’ said Helena. ‘I only know that they are in this wood, Please, I only want to be near you.’ ‘{ don’t love you!’ said Demetrius. ‘I don't even want to look at you!” Helena began to cry. ‘I love you, Demetrius,’ she said. Demetrius pushed Helena and she fell. ‘Don’t follow me,’ he said. ‘Please. Don't come near me!’ He ran away. Helena slowly stood up. ‘I need to be near him,’ she thought. She followed Demetrius into the wood. Oberon watched Helena. ‘That poor sweet lady!’ he said to himself. He wanted to help her. Just then Puck returned. He had the magic flower. Oberon smiled. ‘Excellent!’ he said. ‘Titania will go to sleep soon. I'll find her and put the juice of this flower on her eyes. She'll wake up, and she'll fall in love... with anything! Perhaps a bear, or a bird, or even a monkey! It doesn’t matter. When she sees it, she will love it!’ He laughed. Then he remembered Helena. ‘| saw a young man and a young woman here,’ he said to Puck. ‘They're from Athens. The woman loves the man, but he hates her. Put the juice of this flower on the man’s eyes. He'll fall in love with her. Can you do this?’ ‘Of course!’ said Puck. ‘It’s easy! I'll look for the two young people from Athens.’ He flew away. Later, Oberon found Titania. She was sleeping on a bed of flowers near the river. Oberon put the juice of the flower on Titania’s eyes. ‘Soon you'll fall in love,’ he said to her. ‘I hope that you will love something horrible!’ UNDERSTANDING THE TEXT er —] COMPREHENSION CHECK Are these sentences ‘Right’ (A) or ‘Wrong’ (B)? If there is not enough information to answer ‘Right’ (A) or ‘Wrong’ (B), choose ‘Doesn't say’ (C). There is an example at the beginning (0). © Titania and Oberon don’t like each other. A Right @® wrong © Doesn't say 1 Oberon wants Titania’s servant. A Right B Wrong © Doesn't say 2. Titania decides to give her new servant to Oberon. A Right 8 Wrong © Doesn't say 3 A magic flower grows in the wood. A Right 8 Wrong © Doesn't say 4 Demetrius is happy because Helena is with him. A Right B Wrong © Doesn't say 5 Demetrius’s house is very close to the wood. A Right 8 Wrong © Doesn't say 6 Helena asks Oberon for help. A Right B Wrong © Doesn't say 7 Helena decides to go home. A Right ® Wrong © Doesn't say 8 Oberon feels sorry for Helena. A Right 8 Wrong © Doesn't say SPEAKING - ARGUING Titania and Oberon love each other, but they are arguing and feeling very angry. Do you think they are arguing about something important, or something unimportant? Do you ever argue with your friends or your family? Think about the last time you argued with someone. Read the questions, and choose your answers. Then ask three friends the same questions and write down their answers. Who did you argue with? Why did you argue? How long did the argument last? Who won the argument? Ons 1 WRITING - ASK HIPPOLYTA! A People who have problems often write to Hippolyta for help. She always has a good answer for them. Complete this letter to Hippolyta. Write ONE word in each space. There is an example at the beginning (0). Dear Hippolyta, tlove a man, but (0) ...Ne........ doesn't Love me. (1) very happy together a few months (2) Bn. lave-with my best friend. Now he bs (A) marry her! 1 can't belicve it! She doesnt even like (5) «. . . She loves someone else. Now he doesn't want (6) talk to me. 1 still Love him (7) csssseeseseeee much. T only want to be close to him. Dear tilppolyta, (8) ... we can 1 do? Please help. to yours truly, sad girt tn Athens Someone in this story wrote the letter. Who was it? B_ Hippolyta wrote two answers to ‘Sad girl in Athens’. She can’t decide which to send. Read the two answers. Which is the best? Why do you think so? Answer these questions yourself, and then ask three friends. Dear Sad Girl im Athens 2 Dear Sad girl im Athens Dont give up! In time, he ‘Forget this was! He broke your heart. may forget this new girl. You dont need him. Stay near Wait for him. True love people wha love, yous your fianily will wie auid friends. Tn time you will pours truly fad someone better. Sippolyta Yours truly, egpalitee SAAC U tS mel eee enti mig (22 Countries all over the world have stories about fairies, and some of s looked like people, but they could fly and use magic. Sometimes they were bigger than people, sometimes they were smaller, and they had no these stories are very, very old. In these stories, fairie: wings. ' People believed that fairies could do good things and bad things, that they could sometimes hurt people or animals. They also believed that people lost their way in woods because of fairies. People even thought that fairies sometimes stole babies and children and kept them. In A Midsummer Night's Dream, Titania and Oberon have a child with them from India who is not a fairy. Sometimes people did strange things because they wanted to be safe from fairy magic. They often kept some cold iron? in their houses because they thought that fairies were afraid of it. When they were in a wood, they sometimes carried bread with them. People with houses on a ‘fairy road’ kept their doors open all night. Old stories all agree that only animals can see fairies. People usually can't sce them, But if fairies want to appear, they can use their magic and people can see them. In A Midsummer Night's Dream, no one can see Oberon and Puck except other fai ies. Later you will read that one person, Bottom, can see Titania and her fairies. This is because she wants to appear to him. ‘Through the years, people’s ideas about fairies slowly changed. In stories, fairies bec me smaller and prettier, and they usually had wings. They were good and never hurt people. This is our idea of fairies today. Do you believe in fairies? Be careful if you are in a wood, and take some bread and cold iron with you! 2. iron : a strong metal a“ , Pa —— —l COMPREHENSION CHECK Are the following sentences true (T) or false (F)? Correct the false ones. A person who lived long ago probably believed... TF 1 fairies were usually good. fairies were always very small. if you got lost in a forest, it was often because of fairies. fairies could take your children away with them. fairies loved to be near cold iron. 6 your pets could see fairies, but usually people couldn't see them. anon A person who lives now probably thinks... 7 fairies are very small and pretty, and they have wings. 8 fairies can hurt people and animals. PROJECT ON THE WEB Flower Fairies Connect to the Internet and go to Insert the title or part of the title of the book into our search engine. Open the page for A Midsummer Night's Dream (Green Apple). Click on the correct internet project link. An artist named Cicely Mary Barker painted pictures of ‘flower fairies’ from 1923-48. These pictures became very popular. 1 Look at some of the flower fairy pictures. Do you like them? If you do, which picture is your favourite? 2 Do you think these fairies are like the fairies in A Midsummer Night's Dream? Or do you think the fairies in A Midsummer Night's Dream are closer to the older stories about fairies? BEFORE YOU READ fl THE STORY SO FAR Write the correct names in the spaces. Hermia Theseus Lysander Demetrius Oberon Puck Titania. Helena who is the Duke of Athens, will marry Hippolyta in a few days. = loves Lysander, but she has to marry (3) . loves Demetrius, but he doesn’t love her. (5) .. away together. They want to find Lysander’s aunt. (7) ....---:..0-1 tells Demetrius about their plan. (8) . follows Lysander and Hermia. @).. ... follows Demetrius. At the same time, (10) the King of the fairies, and Queen (11) .............. are arguing. (12) and he decides to use magic. He puts the juice of a magic flower on Titania's eyes. She will fall in love with anyone or anything. Oberon also wants to help Helena. (13) who is Oberon’s servant, lo0kS for (14) .......0. «HE wants to put the juice of the flower on his eyes, so he will love (15) ... i vocaBULARY . The words below all appear in Chapter Three. Match each one to the correct definition. 1 rest A not normal, unusual. 2 (J indanger 8 if you do this, you say or do something to make someone laugh. 3 joke © aloud sound you make if you are afraid of something. a scream D sit or lie down to relax, and possibly go to sleep. 5 (] strange E a situation where a person may be hurt or killed } WHAT WILL HAPPEN NEXT? Guess the answers! Choose a character’s name for each space. Look again when you finish the chapter. Were you right? 1 will run away from ... will find .... a .. will fall in love with will leave .. will run after . CHAPTER THREE Puck's Mistake and Hermia were lost. They walked together for hours through the trees, but they couldn't find a way out of the wood. They both felt very tired, Their feet hurt. They wanted to sleep, but they continued walking. Finally they stopped at a quiet place near a river. Y\ ‘Let’s rest here, Hermia,’ said Lysander. ‘We can start again tomorrow.’ ‘That’s a good idea,’ said Hermia. She lay down on the soft grass by the side of the river. ‘Goodnight, Lysander,’ she said, and she fell asleep immediately. Lysander looked at her for a moment. ‘I'll always love her,’ he thought. Soon he was asleep, too, not far from Hermia. n another part of the wood, Lysander Mt A Midsummer N At the same time, Puck was flying through the trees with the magic flower in his hand. He was looking for a young man and a young woman from Athens, but he couldn't see anyone. ‘Where are they?’ he thought, ‘Oberon will be angry if 1 don’t find them!’ ‘Then he saw Lysander and Hermia. ‘At last!’ he said. ‘A young man and young woman from Athens!’ He flew down and looked at Lysander. ‘Now what did Oberon say?’ he asked himself. ‘She loves him, but he hates her. Well, that will change!’ Puck put the juice of the magic flower on Lysander’s eyes. ‘There!’ he said. ‘He'll wake up, he'll see her, and he'll fall in love!’ He flew away. Demetrius was still looking for Hermia and Lysander. Poor Helena was still following Demetrius. Sometimes Demetrius ran too quickly and sometimes he shouted at her, but she still followed him. They came to the place by the river where Hermia and Lysander were sleeping. It was very dark, and so Demetrius and Helena didn’t see them. ‘Please wait for me, Demetrius,’ Helena said. ‘For the last time, Helena, go home!’ Demetrius shouted. He ran away quickly. This time Helena didn’t follow him. She was too tired. She sat down on a rock! and looked at the river. ‘He’s running away from me!’ she thought, ‘And he’s running to her! Lucky Hermia.’ Then she saw Lysander. He was sleeping on the grass. She was very surprised. ‘Lysander, what are you doing here? Are you alright?’ she asked. Lysander opened his eyes slowly. The most beautiful woman in the world was looking at him, It was Helena! ‘She's so lovely. She's wonderfull’ he thought, ‘Why didn’t I see it before?” He remembered that Helena loved Demetrius. Suddenly he got very angry. 1, rock : Ga 30 SUTIN Night's Dream ‘Wake up, Lysander!’ said Helena. Lysander stood up quickly. ‘Anything for you, Helena! Where is Demetrius? Vl kill him!’ Helena didn’t understand Lysander’s strange words, or the strange look in his eyes. ‘No, Lysander, don’t be angry with Demetrius,’ she said. ‘I know he loves Hermia, but she only wants you.’ ‘Hermia?’ said Lysander. ‘I’m not interested in Hermia! I love you, not her!’ “That's not funny, Lysander! Don’t joke about that,’ said Helena. ‘It’s not a joke! I love you!’ said Lysander. Helena got very angry. “This is too much! First Demetrius ran away from me. Now you're laughing at me!’ Helena turned and ran. ‘No, wait!’ said Lysander. Then he remembered Hermia. She was still asleep on the grass. Lysander looked at her. ‘Did I really love this girl? She’s nothing!” he thought. He followed Helena into the wood. Later, Hermia woke up with a scream. ‘Lysander, I had a bad dream,’ she said, ‘Lysander, where are you?” Lysander didn’t answer her. She couldn’t see him or hear him anywhere. He was gone. She suddenly felt afraid. ‘What happened to him? Is he in danger? Where is he?’ she thought. ‘I have to find him!’ UNDERSTANDING THE TEXT er Hl. COMPREHENSION CHECK Are these sentences ‘Right’ (A) or ‘Wrong’ (B)? If there is not enough information to answer ‘Right’ (A) or ‘Wrong’ (B), choose ‘Doesn’t say’ (C). There is an example at the beginning (0). © Lysander and Hermia are tired and lost. @ Right B Wrong © Doesn't say 1 Lysander’s aunt lives far away from the wood. A Right B Wrong © Doesn't say 2 Puck thinks that Lysander is Demetrius. A Right B Wrong © Doesn't say 3 Demetrius sees Hermia and Lysander asleep on the grass. A Right B Wrong © Doesn't say 4 Helena is tired and so she can’t follow Demetrius. A Right B Wrong © Doesn't say 5 Helena falls in love with Lysander. A Right B Wrong © Doesn't say 6 Lysander leaves Hermia and follows Helena. A Right B Wrong © Doesn't say 7 Hermia dreams about Lysander in danger. A Right B Wrong © Doesn't say 8 Hermia is angry with Lysander because he isn't there. A Right B Wrong © Doesn't say SPEAKING — GETTING LOST Lysander and Hermia are lost. Think about the last time you got lost. In Pairs ask and answer these questions. Where did you get lost? When did this happen? How long were you lost for? Were you alone? Were you afraid? Did someone help you? Onrona VERBS AND PREPOSITIONS Some verbs often work with one or two prepositions. Write the correct preposition and verb from the box below in the spaces. looked ran (x2) woke up dewn (x2) day" sat wait away from for (x2) _ after Lysander and Hermia were tired, so they (0) . by the river and fell asleep. Puck put the juice of the flower on Lysander’s eyes. Demetrius (1) ... .. Lysander and Hermia. Helena followed Demetrius, but Demetrius didn’t (2) ....... her. Helena stopped and (3) .. on a rock. Lysander (4) .. .. and he saw Helena. He fell in love. Helena (5) .. Lysander because she thought he was joking. Lysander (6) .. .. Helena. MAKE A LOVE POTION A love potion is a magic drink. If someone drinks it, he or she will fall in low mediately. In pairs, complete the spaces with some of the words in the box below to make your own love potion. Be careful to make sure the sentences make sense. Compare your potions with other pairs. Who has the strangest potion? magic flower sugar water onion lemonade egg apple banana tomato butter carrot chicken soup fish chocolate orange grape cheese salt soap shampoo milk tea pepper cream icecream = jam . First, take 2 cups rf ei i | : iff Put them in a large glass. | 4 Add one cup of .. f t Then add. some .... < And add one . ee! oda the quia of one oe Finally, put some .. ra And then add a small . | haa if lo someone special! Good luck! 3 in 4 | = YOU READ The words in the box below all appear in Chapter Four. Match each one to a picture. donkey monster actor lion tailor ~—_ carpenter A Who will Titania fall in love with? Guess the answer from the choices below. Lysander * Demetrius ‘ * Puck Oberon an animal or bird a monster other j B_ Look at the list of characters on pages 6-7. There will be anew character in Chapter Four. Who will it be? Describe him. What do you think will happen to him in this story? CHAPTER FOUR The Actors y the river, on her bed of flowers, Queen Titania was sleeping. The juice of the magic flower was on her eyes. Puck watched her. ‘Soon she'll wake up, and she'll fall in love,’ he thought. ‘Will it be a bear? Or a dog? Or a bird? When it ~ happens, I must tell Oberon!’ Suddenly he heard voices. ' A group of men from Athens were talking, very close to the place where Titania was sleeping. Puck decided to listen to them. The men were practising a play. They wanted to show this play at Theseus and Hippolyta’s wedding. These men weren't really actors; this was just their hobby. They all had different jobs. One of the men was a tailor, one was a carpenter, one had a shop, 1. voices : people speaking (you use your voice when you speak). 37 others built walls and houses. They were not the best actors in the world — in fact they were very bad! But they loved acting and they always tried their best. One of the actors, Bottom, loved acting the most. He was a large kind man with a round face who always smiled. ‘Bottom, you will be the hero? of this play,’ said his friend, Peter Quince. “There is also a lady, and a lion.’ ‘I can be all of them!’ said Bottom. ‘I'll be a handsome hero, and a pretty lady, and a dangerous lion! Theseus will love it!’ ‘You'll be the hero, Bottom,’ said Peter. ‘Only the hero. Now go behind that tree and practise. I’ll call you when we need you.’ Bottom went behind a large tree. Puck was watching. ‘Is this the hero?’ he thought. He laughed. ‘I have a wonderful ideal’ Puck used his magic. Bottom suddenly felt very strange. His ears began to grow. His nose got bigger and bigger. His teeth got larger and hair began to grow all over his face. ‘What's happening?’ he said, and his voice was very strange. Soon poor Bottom had a large ugly donkey's head! Puck smiled. ‘Where's the hero?’ called Peter Quince. ‘Bottom, we need you!’ Bottom came out from behind the tree. ‘Here I am!’ he said in his strange voice. ‘I’m the hero! Where's my lady?’ His friends screamed. ‘He’s a monster!’ they said. They ran away quickly. ‘Bottom, look at yourself!’ said Peter Quince, and then he followed the others. Bottom couldn't see himself. ‘Why are they running?’ he thought. ‘Are they playing a joke?’ ‘T know that you're joking!’ Bottom shouted. ‘I'm not afraid! Do 2. hero : (here) the main character in a play, he is always good. Au etrntstt Night Dream you hear me? I feel fine. I'll sing!’ And Bottom began to sing loudly. It was a terrible noise. He walked up and down and sang. Soon he came to the place where Titania was asleep. Her eyes opened. ‘That song!’ she thought. “That voice! It’s beautiful!’ Then she saw Bottom. She looked at Bottom’s ugly long ears and his long nose and his big teeth. She thought that he was the most beautiful person in the world. Titania stood up quickly. ‘Sing again!’ she said. ‘Please sing again. Your song is so lovely, and you are so handsome. I don't know you, but I love you!’ Bottom was very surprised. ‘Me? Do you think I’m handsome? Do you love me? he said. He smiled, and showed his big yellow teeth. ‘This is a dream,’ he thought, ‘and it’s a very good dream!’ "Yes, of course I love you!’ Titania said. ‘Please, stay here in the wood with me. I am the Queen of the fairies. My servants will bring you anything.’ Titania called her fairy servants. Suddenly there were fairies everywhere. They flew and danced around ‘Titania. ‘This is my love,’ she said to them. ‘Bring him food and flowers.’ Bottom couldn’t believe his luck. He walked through the wood, hand in hand with beautiful Titania. Puck laughed and laughed. He flew through the trees. Then he found Oberon, and he told him the whole story. ‘This is wonderful,’ said Oberon. He laughed. ‘The Queen of the fairies is in love with an ugly monster! Good work, Puck!’ 40 UNDERSTANDING THE TEXT er fl COMPREHENSION CHECK Read the sentences about Chapter Four, and choose the correct answer (A, B or C). There is an example at the beginning (0). © When Titania wakes up A she will be angry. B IV] she will fall in love. c she will tell Oberon. 1 The men from Athens are in the wood because A they are playing a game. 8 [J they all have different jobs. c ( they are preparing something for Theseus’s wedding. 2 Puck uses his magic and A Bottom becomes a hero. ¢ 8 [_] Bottom’s face changes. c Bottom runs away. ’ 3 Bottoms friends see him and A they are very afraid. B they try to scare Bottom. c they play a joke. 4 Titania falls in love with Bottom because A Bottom is very beautiful. B Oberon used magic on her. c Bottom sings very well. 5 Bottom believes that } « [J he is dreaming. 4 B he is unlucky. c [J Titania is joking. VOCABULARY - JOBS Bottom and his friends all have different jobs. How many different jobs do you know? In pairs or small groups try to think of a job for each letter of the alphabet. You may have to use a dictionary. At the end compare your answers with the other groups. For example: A = actor, B = businessman, etc. T: GRADE 3 SPEAKING - JOBS Talk about jobs. Use these questions to help you. What job would you like to do? Why do you like this job? Can you make a lot of money doing this job? What subjects in school/university do you need for this job? aeons BRC 'S ORDERS Titania’s fairy servants will do anything for Bottom. What will he ask for? Match the sentence beginnings to the correct endings. 1 Please make A LJ amistake. 2 Then bring me B [] the dishes. 3 Please wash c me to sleep, please. 4 Don't make D some ice-cream, please. 5 Last, you can sing — me some dinner. B What are your own orders for the fairies? Write your own endings for these sentences. If you can’t think of anything, you can choose from the groups of words in the box. my room myhomework acakeforme the house the shopping dinner __lots of money Please do ... Please make . Please bring Me «sees Then, please Clean .......:..0 bona MAGIC Puck and Oberon can use magic. What other characters in books, movies, computer games or TV shows can use magic? Complete the table. Write the title of the book, movie, game or TV show, and the name of the character. Title Charac! r What do they do? Which character from your list is your favourite? Circle the character’s name. Look at three other students’ lists. Are they the same as yours? BEFORE YOU READ Bi wuat’s HAPPENING? Now you know all the characters. At this part of the story, what are they all doing? Complete the spaces with the right character’s name. I'm looking for Hermia and Lysander. I'm in love with Bottom. We're laughing at Titania. I'm following Helena. I'm in the wood looking for Lysander. I'm running away from Lysander. We're getting ready for our wedding in Athens. _...... c NO@OOSBhoONH LISTENING isten to the first part of Chapter Five. For questions 1-5 choose the f correct answer A, B or C. : 4 How is Hermia feeling when she’s looking for Lysander? A She's scared. B She's angry. e She's happy. 2 When Demetrius sees Hermia, he is A angry. B afraid. c [ happy. 3 Hermia thinks that A Demetrius hurt Lysander. B Lysander loves Helena. c Lysander hurt Demetrius. 4 Oberon and Puck laugh because A (J Lysander loves Helena. B |_| Titania loves Bottom. c Demetrius loves Hermia. 5 Hermia argues with Demetrius A but she agrees to marry him. B and she goes away. c and Demetrius decides to follow her. CHAPTER FIVE Helena’s Two Loves ermia was looking for Lysander. It was afraid. She called his name many times. There was very dark and she wa no answer. After a few hours she saw someone and she began to feel happy. But it wasn’t Lysander. It was Demetrius. Demetrius saw her and he smiled. ‘Hermia, my al) love! I found youl!’ he said. ‘Come with me. We need to go back to Athens. We need to get married.’ Hermia wanted to cry. ‘Where is Lysander?’ she asked. ‘Lysander?’ said Demetrius. ‘I don’t know! Forget about Lysander! You're going to be my wife, not h She suddenly felt afraid. ‘Demetrius, did you hurt Lysander?” she said. ‘Did you kill him?’ 45 etree Ge ee Deere ‘Me? No!’ said Demetrius. Oberon and Puck were near Hermia and Demetrius. They were still laughing about poor Titania. ‘Yes, good work, Puck!’ said Oberon. ‘And did you help the young lady from Athens? Did you put the juice of the flower on the man’s eyes?’ ‘Yes, of course! It was easy!’ said Puck. Oberon looked through the trees. He saw Demetrius and Hermia. ‘That's strange.’ he said, ‘There’s the young man, but he's not with the right woman.’ They listened to Demetrius and Hermia. ‘Listen to me, Demetrius,’ Hermia was saying, ‘I don’t love you. Tl never love you.’ ‘Don’t say that, Hermia!’ said Demetrius. ‘I don’t want to see you ever again,’ said Hermia. She walked away into the wood. She’s too angry!’ he thought. Demetrius watched her. ‘I can’t follow her. Demetrius sat down on the grass. He put his head in his hands. ‘It’s true,’ he thought. ‘She doesn’t love me at all!’ Demetrius felt very sad and very tired. In a few minutes, he was asleep. s&s Oberon was starting to feel angry. ‘Puck, you chose the wrong man!’ he said. ‘Did I?’ said Puck. ‘Go and find Helena!’ said Oberon. ‘She’s a tall girl with red hair. Find her and bring her to this place! Go now!’ Puck flew away quickly. He was afraid of Oberon. Oberon looked at Demetrius. He put the juice of the magic flower on his eyes. ‘Now you will love Helena,’ he said. ‘You will only love Helena.’ A Midsummer N eas beret In a few minutes, Puck came back. He was laughing. ‘Here she is, my King! Helena is coming!’ he said. ‘But she’s not alone!’ It was true. Lysander was following Helena. ‘My love, wait for me!’ said Lysander. ‘I need to be near you!’ Helena was very angry now. ‘For the last time, this isn’t funny! Stop joking and leave me alone!’ she shouted. Just then Demetrius opened his eyes. He saw a very beautiful young woman. Was it a fairy or a princess? No, it was Helena! ‘Did I really run away from her?’ Demetrius thought. ‘I was very wrong! She’s wonderfull’ He stood up suddenly. ‘Helena!’ he shouted. ‘My love! My Queen! I want to kiss you!” Helena screamed. ‘Oh, no!’ she said. ‘Not you too! Now you're both laughing at me!’ She began to cry. ‘Yes, Demetrius,’ said Lysander. ‘Don’t joke! Everyone knows that you love Hermia. Well, I have good news for you. She’s yours. I only love Helena.’ Lysander took Helena’s hand. ‘Keep your Hermia,’ said Demetrius. ‘This is my true love.’ He took Helena’s other hand. They both pulled on Helena’s arms. ‘Stop it!’ shouted Helena. At that moment, Hermia was walking somewhere near the wood. She heard voices. ‘Is it Lysander?’ she thought. ‘Yes, it's him! He's safe!’ She ran towards the voices of her friends. fe # i SS 48 a UNDERSTANDING THE TEXT COMPREHENSION CHECK Find the correct ending for each sentence (A-l). Write the letter of the right sentence ending next to the number. There is an example at the beginning (0). © [D] Hermia is looking for Lysander, A and runs toward them. 1 Oberon understands that B in love with Helena. 2 Hermia walks away from Demetrius, CG on Demetrius’s eyes. 3 Oberon puts the magic juice D but she finds Demetrius. 4 Puck brings © Puck made a mistake. 5 Lysander is following Helena F itis a big joke. 6 Demetrius wakes up and falls G Helena to Demetrius. 7 Helena thinks that H and he falls asleep. 8 Hermia hears her friends | because he loves her. THE CHARACTERS - LOVE STORIES Go back to the activities on page 16 and look again at activity 3. Now, because of the magic flower, everything is different. Who does each person love now? 1 Lysander 4 ....... Helena 6 i Hermia Beene Oberon Teese Bottom . Titania WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THESE CHARACTERS? A ish these sentences. Then, look at three other people’s answers. Are their answers different? © | think Bottom is . funn: 1 | think Helena is 2 | think Hermia is ... 3 I think Lysander is . | think Demetrius is .. I think Puck is .. | think Oberon is | think Titania is Noe B_ Now complete the sentences with a character's name, and then compare your answers again. VTIKE eects the most. 2 Idon'tlike .. at all. 3 [feel sorry for 4 Id like to meet .. 5S | could be friends with Look at ten people’s answers. Did anyone have exactly the same : answers as you? CONVERSATIONS Lysander and Demetrius both love Helena now. They are having an argument about her. Complete the conversation between Lysander and Demetrius. What does Demetrius say to Lysander? Choose from A-H. There is an example at the beginning (0). Lysander: Give up, Demetrius. Good idea! Let's do this now! I love Helena! Well, | love her more! Demetrius: 0 8 Hermia knows about that. | told you, | don't want her! Yes, | was wrong to do that. | Lysander: No, you love Hermia. Everyone knows that. Demetrius: 1 .... o7m™mooupr Lysander: You can have Hermia. Yes, you do! Demetrius: 2. . I do not. Once | did, but now Lysander: You broke Helena’s heart. thatie‘over: Demetrius: 3 .... ‘ H Abetter man? You? Lysander: Well, she'll be with a better man now. Demetrius: 4 Lysander: 'l fight you for her! Demetrius: 5 . Midsummer's Eve is the celebration of the night before the longest day of the year. People celebrate it on 23 June, but the real longest day of the year comes a few days earlier. Countries all over the world celebrate this night. In some countries people make fires and sit around them on Midsummer's Eve. In the past, people sometimes jumped over the fires. This brought good luck. Long ago, people believed that magic was very strong on Midsummer’s Eve. They believed that some plants had special magic, and on Midsummer's Eve this magic was stronger than any other night. This means the magic of the flower in A Midsummer | Night’s Dream was very, very strong. A long time ago, people in some countries also believed that this night was lucky for girls who wanted to find true love. So, Midsummer's Eve is the perfect night for a story about love and magic. ildren dancing a midsummer dance around a maypolc MIDSUMMER’S EVE Read the article about Midsummer’s Eve on page 52. Are the sentences ‘Right’ (A) or ‘Wrong’ (B)? If there is not enough information to answer ‘Right’ (A) or ‘Wrong’ (B), choose ‘Doesn't say’ (C). 1 Midsummer's Eve is the longest day of the year. A Right B Wrong © Doesn't say 2 The longest day of the year is really 21 June. A Right 8 Wrong © Doesn't say 3 Midsummer's Eve is celebrated in a lot of different countries. A Right 8 Wrong © Doesn't say 4 Inthe past, people jumped into fires for good luck on this night. A Right 8 Wrong © Doesn't say 5 William Shakespeare believed that plants had magic powers on Midsummer's Eve. A Right 8 Wrong © Doesn't say 6 Long ago, people believed it was a good night for girls to find love. 1 A Right B Wrong © Doesn't say , Do you celebrate Midsummer’s Eve in your country? If so, what do you do? BEFORE YOU READ fs wuat wilt HAPPEN NEXT? What will happen when Hermia finds her friends? Guess or choose an ending for each sentence from the box. Say why you think this. When you finish Chapter Six, look back at your answers and see if you were right. fight Oberon fall in love with Hermia _falll in love with Titania 4 fight Helena fight Lysander _fight Demetrius go back to Athens fall in love with Puck run away get angry with Puck fall in love with Helena Hermia will .. Lysander will Helena will Demetrius will Oberon will ..... aeons be CHAPTER SIX Fighting ermia ran towards Lysander and she put her J arms around him. ‘Lysander! You're safe!’ she said. ‘But why di all alone. 1 thought something terrible you leave me? I was happened to you,’ Lysander’s eyes were cold. He turned away from her. ‘I left because of love,’ he said. Hermia didn’t understand. ‘What do you mean? You love me,’ she said. ‘You?’ Lysander laughed. ‘No, I don’t love you. I love Helena!’ Helena was watching them. She felt very hurt and angry. ‘Oh, now I see!’ Helena said. ‘She’s part of this joke too! Was this your idea, Hermia?’ “What are you talking about? What joke?’ asked Hermia. ‘You know very well!’ said Helena. ‘I know Demetrius doesn't Maen Deer love me. Do you really think it’s funny? You're my best friend! Why are you doing this to me?’ ‘No, Helena, you’re wrong,’ said Hermia. ‘I don’t know anything about a joke. Lysander, stop this. Don’t laugh at Helena.’ "Yes, don’t even talk to her, Lysander!’ said Demetrius. ‘I'll fight you now. Helena’s mine!” ‘Yes, I'll fight you! Right now!’ said Lysander. But Hermia stopped him. She held his arms. ‘Don't do it, Lysander!’ she said. ‘He'll hurt you! Stay here with me!’ Lysander tried to get away from her. Demetrius laughed. Helena thought it was all part of the joke. ‘Let go of me!” Lysander shouted at Hermia, ‘Why are you here? I don't want you!’ ‘Lysander? I don’t understand this,’ said Hermia. ‘Are you joking?’ "Yes, he is, and you're joking too!’ said Helena angrily. ‘Joking?’ said Lysander. ‘No! Why can’t you understand? I don’t love you. I’m starting to hate you! And I love Helena!’ Hermia let go of Lysander. She felt sad and very surprised. ‘It's true,’ she thought, ‘he doesn’t love me at all.” Then she turned to Helena. ‘You!’ she said, in a loud, angry voice. ‘Why does he love you now? What did you do to him?’ ‘| didn’t do anything!’ said Helena. She was starting to feel afraid of her friend. ‘You stole him from me! I'll fight you!’ said Hermia. She ran towards Helena. ‘Help!’ said Helena. She hid behind Demetrius and Lysander. ‘I know her! She's small, but she’s dangerous!’ A Mi Brernte i ne \ ream ‘Small? You think I'm short?’ said Hermia. ‘I’m not short! You’re too tall! Come here! Fight me!” Lysander stood between Hermia and Helena. ‘Leave her alone, you little cat!’ he said to Hermia. ‘Stay away from my beautiful Helena!’ “She's not yours!’ said Demetrius. ‘Come and fight me! Let's go over there. The prize will be beautiful Helena!’ Yes, let's go!’ said Lysander. He turned and followed Demetrius into the wood. Hermia did not try to stop him this time. Helena and Hermia were alone together for a moment. Helena looked at Hermia’s angry face. Then she quickly ran away into the wood. Now Hermia was alone. ‘I don’t understand this!’ she thought. ‘What's happening to us?’ ‘At the same time, Oberon and Puck were watching everything. Oberon was very angry. ‘Did you do this, Puck?’ he said. ‘T think it’s funny!’ said Puck. ‘Well, you must make everything right again,’ said Oberon, ‘Rind the two men. Keep them away from each other. They must not fight.’ Oberon gave Puck some small green leaves. They were leaves from a magic plant. This plant could change the magic of the purple flower. ‘When they fall asleep, put the juice of this plant on Lysander’s eyes. The magic will leave him. Go!” ‘Yes, my King!’ said Puck. He flew away into the night. UNDERSTANDING THE TEXT COMPREHENSION CHECK Read the summary of Chapter Six. Complete the spaces with the words in the box below. You will need to use one of the words twice. There is an example at the beginning (0). fight Helena idea _inlove angry _ runs away joking happy Lysander right Hermia finds Lysander and the others. She's (0) . ... at first, but then Lysander says that he loves (1) . At first Hermia doesn't understand that this is true. At the same time, Helena thinks Lysander and Demetrius are not really (2) ... . with her. She thinks that they are (3) .. .. . Then she thinks that the joke was Hermia’s (4) and she’s very angry. Hermia understands that (5) loves Helena and she becomes very angry as well. She wants to (6) . Helena. Lysander and Demetrius leave because they want to (7) ... in another place in the wood. Helena (8) .. .. from Hermia. Oberon is very (9) with Puck. But ‘ Oberon has a plan, and he will make everything (10) . again. HOW TO BE NICE The four friends from Athens are all angry with each other. This isn’t a nice situation. How can you stay away from an argument? Read the statements below and choose the best answer - A, B or C. 0 That wasn't very nice! I’m really angry with you now! A Thank you B Ofcourse it was. (©) It won't happen very much. again. 1 Could you move, please? A That's OK. B Canthelp you? ~— I'm sorry. Of course. 2 Oh, I'm sorry. Did | push you? { A No, thank you. 8 That's OK. © | excuse you. 3 Would you like more soup? A No, thank you. B Of course not. © No, I don't want it. 4 You're on my foot! A Really? B I'msorry. © Yes, that's true. Does it hurt? Please excuse me. 5 Thank you very much for your help. A Notat all. B Yes, ofcourse. © No, I didn't. b BEST FRIENDS Helena and Hermia are best friends, but they are very angry with each other now. Read the article and choose the best word (A, B or C) for each space. Circle the letter of the right word. ¢BEST FRIENDS Your best friend is an important part of (0) ...veur.... life. You a everything together. You talk (2) ........ hours, you walk to school together, you watch TV together and you study together. Your best friend’s family is like your (3) .......--... family. But sometimes you may fight. It could be (4) ....-...--. something important, or it could be about something unimportant Your fight could be a (5) .......----. minutes long, or it could go on for weeks. | very angry with each other and say often, you may Sometimes you may (6) .. terrible things. If you fight with your friend (7) lose your friend. Most friends fight sometimes, but real friends (8) .. ... forget their arguments and be friends again. 0 @your B you © yours 1 A are B do © does 2 A for 8 while cin 3 A another B two © second 4 A about ® around © among 5 A some B few © many 6 A get B got © are 7 Ato B two © too 8 Aare B can © could Do you agree or disagree with this article? What parts do you agree or disagree with? T: GRADE 3 SPEAKING - FREE TIME Talk about what you and your best friend do during your free time. Use the questions below to help you. When do you have free time? Where do you usually go in your free time? What do you do with your best friend? What do you do with a lot of people? Onaon— What do you do by yourself? LISTENING - WHEN FRIENDS FIGHT Listen to Allie talking to her father about her friends. She is angry with each of her friends. Why? For questions 1-5 write a letter (A-H) next to each person. © [DB Susan People: Allie says this person: 1 David A. laughs too much. 2 Mike 8 doesn't like anyone. 3 Laura © is always late. 4 Claire D doesn't call or email. 5 Eleanor E steals money. F won't return something. G talks too much. says bad things about others. Do you think that Allie is angry about important things or unimportant things? Why? BEFORE YOU READ WHAT WILL HAPPEN NEXT? Read the sentences. Three of these things will happen in Chapter Seven. Which ones? Guess, then read the chapter. Were you right? Bottom will become the new King of the fairies. Lysander and Demetrius will fall asleep in the same place. Lysander and Demetrius will fight. Helena and Hermia will fight. Titania and Oberon will go to Athens. Bottom will sing for everyone. Titania will love Oberon again. Noun one- LISTENING {= Listen to the first part of Chapter Seven. For questions 1-5 choose the correct answer A, B or C. 4 Lysander is looking for E A Demetrius. B Puck. c Helena. 2 The voice Lysander can hear is really A [] Oberon's. B [_] Demetrius’s. c CO Puck's. 3 After some time, Lysander is A Datraid. 8 D tired ; c sad. 4 Lysander falls asleep A by a river. B [under a tree. c [1 beside a road. 5 Demetrius falls asleep «(i far away from Lysander. 6 [J near Lysander. c between Lysander and Helena. pe CHAPTER SEVEN y ysander ran through the wood. He was very angry and he wanted to fight Demetrius. But where was he? He could hear Demetrius’s voice, but he couldn't see him. Lysander didn’t know it, but the . > voice was not really the voice of wa a Demetrius. It was Puck’s voice. He wv \/ was using magic to speak in Demetrius’s Y voice. Lysander couldn’t see him, but he followed him everywhere. ‘Come on!’ Puck said in Demetrius’s voice, ‘Fight me! Are you afraid?’ ‘T'm not afraid!’ s; d Lysander. ‘Where are you?’ The voice was always in front of him. He ran and ran. He followed the voice all over the wood. After several hours, Lysander was very tired. He 63 AN NV Faett Gan eee Dn couldn't run. He couldn’t even walk. He lay down on the grass near a river and fell asleep. Then Puck did the same thing to Demetrius. He flew in front of Demetrius and spoke in Lysander’s voice. Demetrius ran for hours, but of course, he never found Lysander. He followed Puck to the same place where Lysander was sleeping. It was dark and so he didn’t see him. By then Demetrius was also very, very tired. He lay down on the grass and fell asleep, not far from Lysander. ES Next, Puck looked for Helena and Hermia. They were both walking in different parts of the wood by themselves, and they were both very tired and sad. Puck used his magic, and they followed him to the place where Lysander and Demetrius were sleeping. First Helena arrived and went to sleep, and then Hermia did the same. Puck looked at the four friends and he laughed. Then he put the juice of the magic leaves on Lysander’s eyes. ‘The magic will leave you,’ said Puck. ‘You'll think that this night was just a dream.’ Then Puck flew away. He wanted to tell Oberon the good news. Soon he found Oberon, not far from the place where the four friends were sleeping. Oberon had a new servant with him, It was the beautiful Indian boy. “Titania gave you the boy!” Puck said. ‘You won!’ But Oberon did not look happy. ‘Yes. She gave me the boy very easily. She forgot that we were arguing. She forgot about me! She can only think about that monster!’ He pointed at Titania and Bottom. They were sitting under a large tree. Titania was looking at Bottom’s horrible face and smiling. ‘What do you want, my dear?’ she said in her soft voice. ‘Some music? Flowers?’ Titania's fairy servants came. They sang and played beautiful music for Bottom. Some fairies brought flowers, and Titania put them around Bottom’s big ears. ‘And what would you like to eat?’ asked Titania. ‘T'd like some grass, please. Some nice, tall grass. Or I could eat these flowers.’ said Bottom in his strange donkey's voice. ‘Anything!’ said Titania. She looked at Bottom and smiled. ‘You're so beautiful, Your eyes, your voice, your wonderful ears! I love you so much!’ Bottom ate a good meal of grass and flowers, and then he and Titania fell asleep under the tree. The fairies sang to them. Oberon looked at Titania and Bottom. ‘I thought it was funny at fi magic.’ He put the magic leaves on Titania’s eyes, and the magic of the flower left her. ’ he said to Puck, ‘but now I'm sorry. It’s time to stop the 67 ‘Wake up, my Queen,’ Oberon said softly. Titania woke up and smiled. ‘Oberon! I had such a strange dream. In my dream, I loved a monster!’ she said. Then she saw Bottom and she screamed. ‘Oh, he’s horrible!’ She jumped up and hid her face. Oberon put his arms around her. ‘The bad dreams are over, my love,’ he said. ‘It’s almost time for Theseus and Hippolyta’s wedding. We must go to Athens, We'll bring good luck to Theseus and Hippolyta at their wedding tomorrow.’ Oberon called Puck and spoke to him. Puck used his magic and he took the donkey's head away from Bottom. Then Oberon and Titania walked through the wood together. Titania saw Lysander, Demetrius, Helena and Hermia on the grass, and she laughed. ‘Who are they?’ she asked. "They are four friends who had a very bad night and they need to sleep,’ said Oberon. Titania called her servants. ‘Sing to them, fairies,’ she said, ‘They must sleep until the morning.’ The fairies sang and played music and the four friends slept all night. a UNDERSTANDING THE TEXT El. COMPREHENSION CHECK ‘Add the correct question word from the box to each question and then choose the correct answer below (A-K). You will need to use some question words more than once. There is an example at the beginning. Why Where How Who What When Answer: is Lysander running after Puck? T do Lysander and Demetrius fall asleep? does no one see Puck? do Helena and Hermia fall asleep? _ wins the argument between Oberon and Titania? does Oberon do to Titania? does Titania feel about Bottom at the end of the chapter? :. does Puck do to Bottom at the end of the chapter? is Theseus and Hippolyta’s wedding? do Titania's fairy servants do for the four friends? are Titania and Oberon going at the end of the chapter? Onaonao o~ Ol 10 Because only Oberon and the other fairies can see him. He gives him back his real head. They fall asleep at the same place, by the river. She thinks he is very ugly. They're going to Athens. He takes the magic away from her. It’s tomorrow. Oberon, but he’s not happy about i Because he thinks that he is Demetrius. They fall asleep at the same place where the men are sleeping They sing to them and play music. Aer rommooa> VOCABULARY - FOOD Titania’s fairies will bring any kind of food to Bottom. Read the descriptions of some different foods and complete the puzzle. Then complete the sentence below with the word going down. 1am a hot drink and | help some people wake up. | am a cold sweet drink for a hot day lam round, and when you cut me you may cry. You can make me with two pieces of bread. lam very cold and sweet. You don't usually eat me, but Bottom likes eating me very much. OnNRWONs | e J LL 40 Puck puts the magic juice from a purple eyes. . on Lysander’s T:GRADE 4 SPEAKING - FOOD Talk about your favourite foods and restaurants. Use the questions below to help you. What is your favourite kind of food? How often do you eat it? What is your favourite restaurant? How often do you eat there? When are you going to go there again? aProns Ker EJ LISTENING - BOOKING A RESTURANT [z= In some restaurants, you can see a play during your meal. It’s called a ‘dinner theatre’. You will hear a woman calling a dinner theatre for information. Listen and complete questions 1-5. Place: Caller's Name: Number of people: Play begins a Finishes at: Tickets: PROJECT ON THE WEB Soon the characters will to go back to Athens. This story takes place a long, long time ago. What do you know about Athens in those days? It was one of the most important places in the world. Why? Connect to the Internet and go to Insert the title or part of the title of the book into our search engine. Open the page for A Midsummer Night's Dream (Green Apple). Click on the right internet project link. Look at the information on Athens. Find out three interesting facts about Athens, and write them down. Then tell the class your facts. You can learn about 1 the buildings, especially the Parthenon 2 democracy in Athens 3 law in Athens 4 women in Athens 5 city life in Athens You can also draw or print some pictures of Athens and write your facts on the same paper. Then you may want to put your drawings and facts on the walls of your classroom. Seaside Dinner Theatre Me ce. MB | | pnsaeente sch +. o'clock 4 . o'clock Sf . each [DOO ___—Ancant Greece — The Bish Museum i LU al MUSEUM PN eles) ees at eo Four hundred years ago, during Shakespeare's life, theatres and acting were very different. First, there were no actresses. Boys acted as the young women in Shakespeare's plays, and old men acted as the old women. This is why in A Midsummer Night's Dream, Bottom and the other actors are all men, but one of them will be a lady in their play. The first people who acted as Hermia, Helena and Titania were boys. Sometimes actors performed plays at the homes of people who were very rich or important, like the Queen. At the end of A Midsummer Night's Dream, Duke Theseus watches a play at his home. Theatres were also very different. The theatres wer ge. Almost three thousand people could see a play at the same time. If these people didn't like the play, they usually made a lot of noise. The theatres also usually had And no roofs. When it rained, the people who watched the pl: got we "3 un er [PT aS ei @ ra this was in England, where it often rains! Many people had to stand up for the whole play. People who paid more for a ticket could sit down. All of the plays started in the afternoon. There were no special lights. Most of the story in A Midsummer Night's Dream happens at night, but the actors of Shakespe ' times probably performed in the afternoon sun. Shakespeare's favourite theatre was The Globe, which burned down in 1613. In 1996, some people in London built a copy of this theatre. They built this copy at the same place where the old Globe stood, and it is just like the old theatre. Go and sce a play there when you are in London! 1 2 COMPREHENSION CHECK Are the following sentences true (T) or false (F)? Correct the false ones. Te 1 There were many actresses in Shakespeare's time. 2 Arich or important person could see a play in his or her house. 3 People paid a lot for tickets because the theatres were very small. 4 If the play was bad, the theatres could become very noisy. 5 People sometimes got wet because of holes in the theatre roofs. 6 Everyone always had to stand up for the whole play. 7 You could only see a play at night 8 You can see a copy of one of the old theatres in London. PROJECT ON THE WEB The Globe Theatre Connect to the Internet and go to Insert the title or part of the title of the book into our search engine. Open the page for A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Green Apple). Click on the correct internet project link. Take a ‘virtual tour’ of The Globe theatre in London. You can see the stage and the places where people watch the plays. What plays will be at the Globe this week? Would you like to see any of them? Which one? @ Suleriiivtiin | Ee, ‘|, VE : Priulm Versions Or \ \f: ] AN Al AT? .. Fa Aviary e pbk oe: Dilys Viidsummer LVight 8 L/re 6 Shakespeare wrote A Midsummer Night's Dream as a play, but there are over twenty films versions of this story. The first one was made in 1909, more than one hundred years ago. This film was only twelve minutes long and it was in black and white with no sound, A young girl acted as Puck. Oberon wasn’t in the story, extra chara but there wa: ter called Penelope. It is Penelope who sends Puck to perform magic on Titania and the four friends. Many more films of this story appeared over the years. The last one was in 1999. In this film, the time and place of the story changed to Italy in the 19th century. The characters wore clothes from that time, and they travelled around the wood on bicycles. Perhaps it will be time for another film of A Midsummer Night's Dream soon. Think about it. Who should play the characters? What time and place should the story be in? EFORE YOU READ Look at the pictures. Match a word from the box to each picture. You can use your dictionary to help you. hunting horn ~—sgold-_—snoon . HAPPE EXT? In this chapter the story ends. What do you think will happen to all the characters? Work with a partner. Complete the sentences with your guesses. After you read Chapter Eight, look at your answers again. Were you right? Theseus and Hippolyta will ..... 2 Hermia will . 3 Lysander will 4 Helena will .. Demetrius will . Bottom will... 7 Titania and Oberon will ... CHAPTER EIGHT Three Weddings ermia, Helena, Lysander, and Demetrius continued to sleep. The morning came, and then it was noon. The wood was quiet. Then suddenly there was the noise UP) of horses and people. It was Theseus and Ye Hippolyta, with their servants and some of their ( friends, Egeus, Hermia’s father, was with them. They were hunting in the wood. They all stopped when they saw the four young people on the grass. ‘That's my daughter!’ said Egeus. ‘What is she doing here? And Lysander! And Demetrius!’ ‘Wake them!’ said Theseus, and his servants blew their horns. The four young people woke up and looked around. They were very surprised. ‘What are you all doing here?’ said Theseus. Lysander stood up. ‘I came here with Hermia. We wanted to run away together. I love her very much and I want to marry her.’ he said. ‘It was all a dream!’ 77 Hermia smiled. ‘So, he doesn’t love Helena!’ she thought, ’ But Egeus was very angry. ‘Never!’ he said, ‘Hermia, you're going to marry Demetrius! Isn’t that right, Demetrius?’ Demetrius stood up. He spoke to Egeus, but he looked only at Helena. ‘I’m sorry, sir, but it’s not true. I did love Hermia, but that love is gone. Now I love Helena, and I will always love her.’ Finally, Helena understood that Demetrius was not joking. She wanted to cry with happiness. She put her arms around Demetrius. ‘Well!’ said Theseus. ‘Then there will be three weddings today and not just one. Come back to Athens and we will all celebrate together!” They all went back to the city. On the way, the four friends talked about their strange dream. At the same time, Bottom was still asleep under the tree. He woke up suddenly and looked around. ‘What a dream!’ he thought. ‘Strange and wonderful!’ He remembered the donkey's head, and the beautiful fairy Queen. ‘I'll tell Peter Quince about my dream. He can write a song about it. I can sing it for Theseus...’ Then he remembered the wedding. ‘Theseus’s wedding!’ he shouted, ‘The play! I have to find my friends!’ Bottom ran towards the city. The three weddings were full of music and dancing and flowers. Even Egeus was happy. After the weddings, there was another party at Theseus’s beautiful house. Theseus decided to watch the play. Bottom’s friends were at Peter Quince’s house. They were trying to practise, but the play needed a hero. Then someone 73 4 aU esrertss Night’s erecta came to the door. It was Theseus’s servant, and he had a letter for them. Peter Quince read the letter. Then he sat down with his head in his hands. ‘This is terrible news!’ he said. ‘The Duke wants to see our play. But we can't do the play without Bottom! Who'll be our hero?” ‘I will!’ said a voice at the door. They all turned to look. It was Bottom! ‘Bottom! You're safe! You're not a monster!’ his friends said, and they all put their arms around him. Bottom smiled. ‘Does Theseus really want to see our play?’ he said. ‘Then we don’t have much time! Let's get ready!’ Theseus, Hippolyta, Lysander, Hermia, Helena and Demetrius all watched the play together. Bottom and his friends made a lot of mistakes, and sometimes Lysander or Demetrius laughed. But the actors tried very hard. Afterwards, Theseus gave them a large bag of gold. They were all very happy, but the happiest was Bottom. Soon it was time to go to bed. The moon was high in the sky. Everyone fell asleep. Then Titania, Oberon, Puck, and all the fairies arrived. They danced through all the rooms of the house. They danced until morning. They brought good luck to the house, and good luck to everyone who slept there. UNDERSTANDING THE TEXT er COMPREHENSION CHECK Are these sentences ‘Right’ (A) or ‘Wrong’ (B)? If there is not enough information to answer ‘Right’ (A) or ‘Wrong’ (B), choose ‘Doesn’t say’ (C). There is an example at the beginning (0). 0 Theseus and the others were in the wood because they were looking for Hermia, Lysander, Demetrius and Helena. A Right @® Wrong © Doesn't say 14 Lysander loves Hermia again because the magic left him. A Right 8 Wrong © Doesn't say 2 Helena believes that Demetrius really loves her. A Right B Wrong © Doesn't say 3 Lysander and Hermia and Helena and Demetrius will get married on the same day as Theseus and Hippolyta. A Right B Wrong © Doesn't say 4 Bottom’s friends have to perform their play without him. A Right B Wrong © Doesn't say 5 Bottom’s play has a very sad ending. A Right B Wrong © Doesn't say 6 Bottom is happy, but he still misses Titania very much. A Right B Wrong © Doesn't say 7 After the play, everyone sees the fairies in the house. A Right B Wrong © Doesn't say 8 The fairies leave immediately after the wedding A Right B Wrong © Doesn't say THE CHARACTERS - LOVE STORIES Go back to the activities on page 16 and page 50 and then look at the characters below. Who does each person love? A MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM - A SOUNDTRACK A Put the parts of the story in the box below in the correct order in the table. The first one and the last one are done for you. Titania falls in love with Bottom Helena follows Demetrius Lysander falls in love with Helena There is a wedding The four friends argue Everyone falls asleep Hermia looks for Lysander B A soundtrack is the music that goes with a film. In small groups think of some songs for A Midsummer Night’s Dream. What part of the story will they go with? Compare your choices with other groups and say why you chose them. Part of the story Name of the song 1 Hermic and Lysander run away together ala] nr a nl o 9 The fairies dance in Theseus's house WRITING - BOTTOM’S PLAY What do you think Bottom’s play was about? We know that there is a hero, a lady and a lion in this play. What do you think happened in it? Work in pairs or in small groups. Choose one of the task below. 1 Write the story of Bottoms’ play as a story in a few sentences. 2 Write and draw the story of Bottom’s play as a short comic strip. AFTER READING — PicTURE SUMMARY Look at the pictures from A Midsummer Night’s Dream below. They are not in the right order. Put them in the order in which they appear in the story. Bl A GRAPHIC NOVEL Photocopy these two pages, cut out the pictures and stick them on paper in the right order. Think of words to put in speech or thought bubbles to show what the characters are saying or thinking. Do not use the words that were used in this book! Then write at least one sentence under each picture to narrate what is happening. E] PERFORM THE PLAY Use the playscript on the following pages to perform your own version of the play. A Midsummer N ight’s Dream Playscript PART ONE A street scene in Athens. Enter Theseus and Hipployta, walking hand in hand. ‘our days! It’s a long time. I want to marry you now!” miprowyTa: Four days will pass quickly, my dear. Enter Egeus, Hermia, Lysander and Demetrius. Egeus is holding Hermia by the arm and Lysander and Demetrius are following. EGEUS: Duke Theseus, you must help me! It’s my daughter, Hermia! I chose this man, Demetrius, for her. He wants to marry her, but she won't do it! ‘THESEUS: Why, Hermia? Demetrius is a good man. HERMIA: Lysander is a good man, too, and I love him. I don't love Demetrius and I will never marry him! LYSANDER: Tagree. Hermia’s father likes Demetrius. That's fine. He can marry him. I'll take Hermia. DEMETRIUS: I’ll fight you for that! HERMIA: Demetrius, you're forgetting about Helena! Helena still loves you very much. You broke her heart. DEMETRIUS: That was a long time ago, It was a mistake. You're going to marry me, Hermia! Your father wants it and I want it EGEUs: Duke, please help me. ‘THESEUS: I'm sorry, Hermia. You must listen to your father. You will marry Demetrius in four days. Exit Theseus, Hippoltya, Egeus and Demetrius. Hermia and Lysander are now alone. Hermia starts crying. HERMIA: Lysander, I can’t marry that man! I want to be with you. LYSANDER: We can run away together, | have an aunt who lives far away. We can go there. We'll be safe with her. Then, I can marry you. Meet me tomorrow night. We'll leave this city and we'll never come back!’ HERMIA: OF course I'll be there! I'll go anywhere with you! Enter Helena. HELENA: You're so lucky, Hermia, Demetrius loves you, and he doesn’t even want to look at me. And now he’s going to marry you. LYSANDER: Don't worry, that will never happen. We have a plan. HERMIA: Yes, Lysander and I are going to run away. We are going to live with Lysander’s aunt who lives far away. Then we will get married, We are going to leave the city tomorrow night. I'll miss you, Helena, But think of it! I'll be far away. Demetrius will forget about me. He'll love you again! Exit Lysander and Hermia holding hands, Helena is now alone. HELENA: T'll tell Demetrius about Hermia’s plan. He'll go to her, but he'll thank me. He'll talk to me. He'll smile at me. I'll tell him now! PART TWO In a wood near Athens. Enter Oberon and Titania and her servants. Oberon and Titania are fighting because Oberon wants one of Titania's servants, OBERON: My Queen. Tr1ANIa: I won't speak to you. OBERON: Why are we fighting? Just give me the boy! TITANIA: I will never give him to you. Goodbye. Titania and her servants leave. OBERON: Why won't she give me the boy? Why is she so cold to me? She'll be sorry for this! Wait, I have an idea. Puck, Puck. Where are you? Come here, please! Come here immediately. Enter Puck, who flies to Oberon as quickly as possible. OBERON: Puck, in a special place in the wood you can find a small purple flower. This flower has magic powers. If you put the juice of this flower on someone's eyes, they will fall in love with anyone. Or anything! Find it for me, Puck! Puck: I'll bring you that flower immediately! I can fly around the world in forty minutes! Puck flies away. Enter Helena and Demetrius. Oberon watches them, but they cannot see him, Demetrius is running and Helena is running after him. DEMETRIUS: Don't follow me! Go home, Helena! HELENA: Please, Demetrius! I want to come with you. DEMETRIUS: Where are Lysander and Hermia? I'll kill Lysander! And I'll bring Hermia back to Athens. She'll be my wife, not his! Where are they? HELENA: I don't know, I only know that they are in this wood. Please, I only want to be near you. DEMETRIUS; I don't love you! I don’t even want to look at you!” HELENA (crying): I love you, Demetrius. Demetrius pushes Helena and she falls. DEMETRIUS: Don't follow me! Please. Don't come near me! Exit Demetrius, who runs away from Helena. Oberon continues to watch Helena. HELENA: I need to be near him. 87 Helena runs after Demetrius. Oberon is alone. OBERON: That poor sweet lady! Enter Puck with the magic flower. OBERON: Excellent! Titania will go to sleep soon. I'll find her and put the juice of this flower on her eyes. She'll wake up, and she'll fall in love... with anything! Perhaps a bear, or a bird, or even a monkey! It doesn’t matter. When she sees it, she will love it! Puck: A wonderful plan, my King! OBERON; And I have another job for you, Puck. I saw a young man and a young woman here. They're from Athens. The woman loves the man, but he hates her. Put the juice of this flower on the man’s eyes. He'll fall in love with her. PUCK: Of course! It’s easy! I'll look for two young people from Athens. Puck flies away, Oberon is alone. Later he finds Titania, She is asleep. He puts some juice from the magic flower on her eyes. OBERON: Soon you'll fall in love, I hope that you will love something horrible! PART THREE In another part of the wood. Enter Lysander and Hermia. LYSANDER: Let's rest here, Hermia. We can start again tomorrow. HERMIA: That's a good idea. Goodnight, Lysander. Hermia lies down and falls asleep immediately. Lysander watches her. LYSANDER: I'll always love you. Lysander lies down and falls asleep, too. Enter Puck. puck: Where are they? Oberon will be angry if I don’t find them! Puck suddenly sees Lysander and Hermia asleep on the grass. puck: At last! A young man and young woman from Athens! Now what did Oberon say? She loves him, but he hates her, Well, that will change! Puck puts the juice of the magic flower on Lysander’s eyes. puck: There! He'll wake up, he'll see her, and he'll fall in love! Puck flies away. Enter Helena and Demetrius. Helena continues to run after Demetrius. It is very dark so they don't see Lysander and Hermia asleep on the grass. HELENA: Please wait for me, Demetrius. DEMETRIUS: For the last time, Helena, go home! Demetrius run away. Helena is too tired to follow him and sits down on a rock. HELENA: He’s running away from me! And he’s running to her! Lucky Hermia. Helena suddenly sees Lysander. HELENA: Lysander, what are you doing here? Are you alright? Lysander slowly opens his eyes slowly and looks at Helena. LSANDER: She’s so lovely: She's wonderful! Why didn’t I see it before? HELENA: Wake up, Lysander! Lysander stands up quickly. LYSANDER: Anything for you, Helena! Where is Demetrius? I'll kill him! HELENA: No, Lysander, don’t be angry with Demetrius. I know he loves Hermia, but she only wants you. LYSANDER: Hermia? I’m not interested in Hermia! I love you, not her! HELENA: That's not funny, Lysander! Don't joke about that, LYSANDER: It’s not a joke! I love you! HELENA (angrily): This is too much! First Demetrius ran away from me. Now you're laughing at me! Helena runs away. Lysander looks at Hermia. LYSANDER: Did I really love this girl? She's nothing! Lysander runs after Hermia, Hermia is now alone, She wakes up and screams. HERMIA: Lysander, I had a bad dream. Lysander, where are you? Hermia is afraid because Lysander is not there. HERMIA: What happened to him? Is he in danger? Where is he? I have to find him! PART FOUR In another part of the wood Titania is still sleeping. Enter Puck. PUCK: Soon she'll wake up, and she'll fall in love. Will it be a bear? Or a dog? Or a bird? When it happens, I must tell Oberon! Enter Bottom, Peter Quince and the group of actors, The men are practising a play. QUINCE: Bottom, you will be the hero of this play. There is also a lady, and a lion. borrom: I can be all of them! I'll be a handsome hero, and a pretty lady, and a dangerous lion! Theseus will love it! QUINCE: You'll be the hero, Bottom, only the hero. Now go behind that tree and practise. I'l call you when we need you. Bottom goes behind a large tree. Puck has an idea. PuCK (laughing): Is this the hero? I have a wonderful idea! Puck uses his magic on Bottom. Bottom suddenly feels very strange. His ears hegin to grow. His nose gets bigger and bigger. His teeth get larger and hair begins to grow all over his face. BorTom: What's happening? é é ro rt o> ‘ 4 Bottom now has a large donkey's head, but he cannot see himself. QUINCE: Where's the hero? Bottom, we need you! Bottom comes out from behind the tree. Bottom: Here | am! I’m the hero! Where's my lady? actor : He's a monster! QUINCE: Bottom, look at yourself! Peter Quince and the other actors run away. Bottom still doesn't understand. bottom: Why are you running? I know that you're joking! I'm not afraid! Do you hear me? I feel fine. I'll sing! Bottom starts singing loudly. He has a terrible voice. His singing wakes Titania up. TITANIA: That song! That voice! It’s beautiful! ‘Titania sees Bottom and immediately falls in love with him. TITANIA: Sing again! Please sing again. Your song is so lovely, and you are so handsome. I don’t know you, but I love you! porrom (surprised): Me? Do you think I'm handsome? Do you love me? This is a dream! And it’s a very good dream! ‘TIANIA: Yes,“of course I love you! Please, stay here in the wood with me. I am the Queen of the fairies. My servants will bring you anything, Fairies, please come here. This is my love. Bring him food and flowers. Lots of little fairies suddenly fly around Titania and Bottom. Bottom and Titania walk away holding hands, Enter Oberon and Puck. OnERON (laughing): This is wonderful. The Queen of the fairies is in love with an ugly monster! Good work, Puck! PART FIVE In the wood. Enter Hermia. She is looking for Lysander. HERMIA: Lysander, Lysander, where are you? Please come to me. Enter Demetrius. Hermia at first thinks he is Lysander. DEMETRIUS: Hermia, my love! I found you! Come with me. We need to go back to Athens. We need to get married. wWeRMIA: Where is Lysander? pemerrtus: Lysander? I don’t know! Forget about Lysander! You're going to be my wife, not his! HeRMIA (afraid): Demetrius, did you hurt Lysander? Did you kill him? DEMETRIUS: Me? No! Enter Oberon and Puck. They are both laughing about Titania and Bottom. OBERON: Yes, good work, Puck! And did you help the young lady from Athens? Did you put the juice of the flower on the man’s eyes? 90 ohare PUCK: Yes, of course! It was easy!” Oberon looks over and sees Demetrius and Hermia. OBERON: That's strange. There’s the young man, but he's not with the right woman. Oberon and Puck listen to Demetrius and Hermia. HERML: Listen to me, Demetrius. I don't love you. I'll never love you. DEMETRIUS: Don't say that, Hermia!’ HERMIA: I don’t want to see you ever again! Hermia walks away into the wood. Demetrius watches her. DEMETRIUS: T can’t follow her. She's too angry! It’s true, she doesn't love me at all! Demetrius lies down and falls asleep. OBERON: Puck, you chose the wrong man! PUCK: Did I? OBERON: Go and find Helena! She's a tall girl with red hair. Find her and bring her to this place! Go now! Puck flies away quickly. He puts the juice of the magic flower on his eyes. OBERON: Now you will love Helena. You will only love Helena. Enter Puck laughing. PUCK: Here she is, my King! Helena is coming! But she’s not alone! Enter Helena and Lysander, LYSANDER: My love, wait for me! I need to be near you! HELENA: For the last time, this isn’t funny! Stop joking and leave me alone! Demetrius opens his eyes. He sees a very beautiful young woman. DEMETRIUS: Is it a fairy or a princess? No, it’s Helena! Did I really run away from her? I was very wrong! She's wonderful! Helena! My love! My Queen! HELENA: Oh, no! Not you too! Now you're both laughing at me! LYSANDER: Yes, Demetrius. Don’t joke. Everyone knows that you love Hermia. ‘Well, I have good news for you. She's yours. I only love Helena. Lysander takes Helena's hand. DEMETRIUS: Keep your Hermia. This is my true love. Demetrius takes Helena’s other hand. Lysander and Demetrius both pull on each hand. HELENA: Stop it! Enter Hermia. HERMIA: Is it Lysander? Yes, it’s him! He's safe! Hermia puts her arms around Lysander. HeRMIA: Lysander! You're safe! But why did you leave me? I was all alone. I thought something terrible happened to you. LYSANDER: I left because of love. HERMIA: What do you mean? You love me. LYSANDER: You? No, I don't love you. I love Helena! HELENA: Oh, now I see! She’s part of this joke too! Was this your idea, Hermia?” HenMua: What are you talking about? What joke? HELENA: You know very well! I know Demetrius doesn’t love me. Do you really think it’s funny? You're my best friend! Why are you doing this to me? HERMIA: No, Helena, you're wrong. I don’t know anything about a joke. Lysander, stop this, Don't laugh at Helena. DEMETRIUS: Yes, don't even talk to her, Lysander! I'll fight you now. Helena’s mine! LYSANDER: Yes, I'll fight you! Right now! HERMIA: Don't do it, Lysander! He'll hurt you! Stay here with me! Hermia holds onto Lysander's arm. LYSANDER: Let go of me! Why are you here? I don’t want you! HERMIA: Lysander? I don't understand this. Are you joking? HELENA (angrily): Yes, he is, and you're joking too! LYSANDER: Joking? No! Why can’t you understand? I don't love you. I'm starting to hate you! And I love Helena! Hermia lets go of Lysander. HERMIA: It’s true, he doesn’t love me at all. Hermia is very angry and she turns to look at Helena HERMIA: You! Why does he love you now? What did you do to him?” HELENA: I didn’t do anything! HeRMIA: You stole him from me! I'll fight you! Hermia runs towards Helena. Helena hides behind Demetrius and Lysander. HELENA: Help! I know her! She’s small, but she’s dangerous! HERMIA: Small? You think I'm short? I’m not short! You're too tall! Come here! Fight me! Lysander stands between Hermia and Helena. He looks angrily at Hermia. LYSANDER: Leave her alone, you little cat! Stay away from my beautiful Helena! DEMETRIUS: She's not yours! Come and fight me! Let's go over there. The prize will be beautiful Helena! LYSANDER: Yes, let’s go! Lysander and Demetrius go away. Hermia does not try to stop Lysander this time. Helena looks at Hermia's angry face. Then she quickly runs away. HERMIA: I don’t understand this! What's happening to us? Oberon and Puck are watching everything. Oberon is very angry: OBERON (angrily): Did you do this, Puck? puck (laughing): I think it’s funny! OBERON: Well, you must make everything right again. Find the two men. Keep them away from each other. They must not fight. Oberon gives Puck some small green leaves. OBERON: These are leaves from a magic plant. They can change the magic of the purple flower. When the young men fall asleep, put the juice of this plant on Lysander's eyes. The magic will leave him. Gol PUCK: Yes, my King! PART SIX Enter Lysander who is running through the wood. He is very angry and he wants to fight Demetrius. He can hear Demetrius's voice, but he can't see him. Lysander doesn't know it, but the voice is Puck's. Puck is taking Lysander all over the wood. PUCK (in Demetrius’s voice): Come on! Fight me! Are you afraid? LYSANDER: I'm not afraid! Where are you? Lysander runs and runs. The voice is always in front of him. He gets very tired and can't run anymore. He lies down on the grass near the river and falls asleep. PUCK (in Lysander's voice): Come and find me, Demetrius. Enter Demetrius who runs for a long time, but never finds Lysander. When he is tired, Puck takes him to the same place where Lysander is sleeping. Demetrius lies down and falls asleep. Puck: Now I must find Helena and Hermia. Puck flies away and quickly finds both Helena and Hermia. He uses his magic and they follow him to the place where Lysander and Demetrius are sleeping. Helena arrives first and goes to sleep. Then Hermia arrives and also falls asleep. PUCK: Now you are here and I can do my magic. Puck puts the juice of the magic leaves on Lysander's eyes. Puck: The magic will leave you. You'll think that this night was just a dream. Puck flies away. The four young people continue sleeping. Puck finds Oberon who has the new servant with him. PUCK: Titania gave you the boy! You won! OBERON (sadly): Yes. She gave me the boy very easily. She forgot that we were arguing. She forgot about me! She can only think about that monster! Oberon points at Titania and Bottom, who are sitting, under a large tree. Titania is looking at Bottom’s horrible face and smiling. BOTTOM: What do you want, my dear? Some music? Flowers? Titania's fairy servants come. They sing and play beautiful music for Bottom. Some fairies bring flowers, and Titania puts them around Bottoms big ears. TITANIA: And what would you like to eat? BorroM: I'd like some grass, please. Some nice tall grass. Or I could eat these flowers. TITANIA: Anything! You are so beautiful. Your eyes, your voice, your wonderful ears! I love you so much! Bottom eats then he and Titania fall asleep under the tree. The fairies sing to them. OBERON: I thought it was funny at first, but now I'm sorry. It’s time to stop the magic. Oberon puts the magic juice on Titania's eyes, and the magic of the flower leaves her. OBERON: Wake up, my Queen. Titania wakes up and smiles, TITANIA: Oberon! I had such a strange dream. In my dream, I loved a monster! Titania sees Bottom and she screams. TITANIA: Oh, he's horrible! OBERON: The bad dreams are over, my love. It's almost time for Theseus and Hippolyta’s wedding. We must go to Athens. We'll bring good luck to Theseus and Hippolyta at their wedding tomorrow. Oberon calls Puck and Puck uses his magic to take off Bottom's donkey's head. Oberon and Titania walk away through the wood together. Titania sees Lysander, Demetrius, Helena and Hermia asleep on the grass. THrANIA: Who are they? OBERON: They are four friends who had a very bad night and they need to sleep. Titania calls her servants. ‘TITANIA: Sing to them, fairies. They must sleep until the morning, The fairies sing and play music. PART SEVEN Morning in the wood. The young people are still sleeping. Enter Theseus, Hippolyta, Egeus and some servants, They are all riding horses. They stop when they see the young people asleep on the grass. BGEUS: That's my daughter! What is she doing here? And Lysander! And Demetrius! THESEUS: Wake them! Some servants blow their horns, The four young people wake up. ‘THESEUS: What are you all doing here? LYSANDER: I came here with Hermia, We wanted to run away together. I love her very much and I want to marry her. HERMIA (speaking to herself): So, he doesn't love Helena! It was all a dream! EGeus: Never! Hermia, you're going to marry Demetrius! Isn’t that right, Demetrius? DEMETRIUS: I'm sorry, sir, but it’s not true. I did love Hermia, but that love is gone. Now I love Helena, and I will always love her. Helena now understands that Demetrius is not joking. She puts her arms around Demetrius, and he kisses her. THESEUS: Well! Then there will be three weddings today, and not just one. Come back to Athens and we will all celebrate together! Everyone leaves the stage. In another part of the wood Bottom wakes up. BOTTOM: What a dream! Strange and wonderfull I'l tell Peter Quince about my dream. He can write a song about it, Then, I can sing it for Theseus... Oh, ‘Theseus's wedding! The play! I have to find my friends! Bottom runs away from the wood to go back to Athens. PART EIGHT Theseus marries Hippolyta, Lysander marries Hermia and Demetrius marries Helena. Everyone goes to watch the play at Theseus's house. The actors are getting ready, but they don't have a hero. A servant brings a letter from Theseus. QUINCE: This is terrible news! The Duke wants to see our play. But we can’t do the play without Bottom! Who'll be our hero? notTom: I will! Bottom is now standing at the door. QUINCE: Bottom! You're safe! You're not a monster! BOTTOM: Does Theseus really want to see our play? Then we don't have much time! Let's get ready! Theseus, Hippolyta, Lysander, Hermia, Helena and Demetrius all watch the play together. After a long party everyone falls asleep. Titania, Oberon, Puck and all the fairies arrive. They dance around the house and use their magic to bring good luck a vy 95

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