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Journal 1 : Code Switching in Television Advertisment

1. In this journal the study use of the qualitative as the methode because it using to survey’s
system where the technique that using is to recorded during the prime time which is at
08:00 pm-10:00 pm whic it said to be the moment where in most people are concentrated in
watching their awaited prime time shows,base on the state above explain is the authors
should be surveyed does the 08:00pm-10:00pm as the prime time shows for most of
2. Firstly he were classified into 4 types a.)food b.)medicine c.)household supply and d.)drink in
the other hand,the types of conventional code switching are categorized into three there
are: tag switching,intrasentetial,intersentetial swtiching,after the categorized Filipino and
English as a language expert were tapped to help intranslation of the code switching. This is
the ensure that meaning in the original tv ads remain even in the translated version.
3. In my opinion i can use this methode for my study because the methode is good enough,in
this term we can minimize the time in collecting the participant,base on what i read in the
journal the author also provide many references to strengt the data was find by the
researches and also need more data to make a compaison into a good result after.

Journal 2 : Surpevised but not mentored: A survey of experience of ESL begining teachers in

1. In this journal the study use quantitative as the methode because it using the participant
where there are 73 participant who will answered the survey questionare. And the
technique for this methode is purposively choosen full-time ESL junior and senior high
school teacher who were on their first year or second year of teaching,they come from 8
private and 10 public shool in Cotabato city.
2. While the technique is gethered from the survey were procssed using SPSS version 23. The
interview transcripts and data will be collected then,the were checkced by intercoder who is
an english language education graduated students.
3. In my opinion i can’t use this methode for my study because the number of the participants
is too big and where the classification of the participant is too highest it’s also takes the
difficulties for the research to find it.

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