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Undergraduate Curriculum of Materials Science & Engineering

Nationally Harmonized Modular Undergraduate (BSc) Curriculum

Materials Science and Engineering

Prepared by
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Jimma University-Jimma Institute of Technology

March 2014

BSc Curriculum for MS&E

Table of Contents
1. Background of the Program 5
2. Rationale for the Harmonized Materials Science & Engineering Curriculum 6
3. Professional Profile 8
4. Objective of the Study Program 10
4.1. Vision 10
4.2. Mission 10
4.3. Specific Objectives 10
5. Graduate Profile 12
6. Program Profile 14
6.1. Admission requirement 14
6.2. Graduation requirements 14
6.3. Degree nomenclature 14
6.4. Duration of the study program 15
6.5. Mode of Delivery 15
6.6. Grading system 15
6.7. Teaching, learning and assessment methods 15
6.7.1. Lectures 15
Homework Exercises/Assignments 16
Tutorials 16
Laboratory Practice 16
Educational Visits 16
Project Work 16
6.8. Quality assurance mechanism 17
7. Modules (Clustered Courses) 18
8. Semester Course Breakdown 21
9. Descriptions of Modules and Courses 29
Humanity and Communication 29
Communicative Skill 30
Basic Writing Skills 32
Civics and Ethical Education 34
Reasoning Skills (Logic) 36
Applied Engineering Mathematics 38
Applied Mathematics I 39
Applied Mathematics II 41
Engineering Mechanics 43
Engineering Mechanics I (Statics) 44
Engineering Mechanics II (Dynamics) 46
Basic Engineering Skills 47
Engineering Drawing 48
Introduction to Engineering Profession 50
Technical Report Writing 52
Advanced Mathematics and Computational Methods 54
Introduction to Computer and Programming 55
Applied Mathematics III 57
Economics 59
Introduction to Economics 60
General Chemistry 62

Undergraduate Curriculum of Materials Science & Engineering

General Chemistry I 63
General Chemistry II 65
General Chemistry Lab I 66
General Chemistry Lab II 68
Advanced Physics 70
Electricity and Magnetism 71
Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering 73
Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering 74
Introduction to Nanotechnology 76
Introduction to Nanomaterials 78
Introduction to Biomaterials 80
Materials Laboratory I 82
Materials Laboratory II 84
Materials in Energy Systems 85
Introduction to electrochemical engineering 86
Electrochemical and Materials for Energy systems 88
Solar cells 90
Mechanics and Transformation of Materials 92
Mechanics of Materials 93
Phase Transformation and Kinetics 95
Material processing 97
Strength of Materials Laboratory 99
Thermodynamics and Transport Phenomena 101
Introduction to Chemical Physics and Thermodynamics 102
Thermodynamics of Materials 104
Application of Materials Science 106
MSE of Ceramic and Polymers 107
Optical Materials 109
Magnetic Materials 111
Electronic Materials 113
Metallurgy and Properties of Materials in MS&E 115
Materials Design 116
Metallurgy 118
Composite Materials 120
Manufacturing Process 122
Material properties and Characterization 124
Crystallography 125
Materials Characterization 127
Materials Science Economy 129
Economic and Environmental Material Selection 130
Internship 132
Internship 133
Material Structure 135
Solid State Science 136
Organic and biomaterials chemistry 138
Material structure 140
Advanced Characterization 142
Spectroscopy in Materials science 143
Imaging of Materials 145

BSc Curriculum for MS&E

Research Project 147

Research Project 148
Synthesis of Materials 150
Advanced Design and Simulation of Materials 151
Advanced Methods in MSE 153
Synthesis of Materials Lab 155
Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Materials 157
Advanced Biomaterials 158
Pharmaceutical Applications 159
Biotechnology Laboratory 161
Energy Materials 163
Catalysis 164
Industrial Materials 166
Combustion Lab 168
Materials in Hi-Tech 170
Smart Materials 171
Semiconductor Technology 173
Materials Simulation Laboratory 175
Community Based Education 177
CBTP-Phase I 178
CBTP-Phase II 180
CBTP-Phase III 182
CBTP-Phase IV 184
10. Resource requirement 186
10.1. Teaching and Learning Facilities Required (Laboratories, libraries) 186
10.2. Human Resource Requirements 186

Undergraduate Curriculum of Materials Science & Engineering

1. Background of the Program

Materials Science Engineering is the essential branch of engineering which enables the creation and
application of materials in society, gives better conditions of life, provide the transmission of technical
advancement to the society, a result of novel fabrication techniques and also modify the environment
surrounding us.
The Materials Science Engineering profession is one of the youngest discipline that emerged recently,
but it has been used by the humanity since the prehistoric age. In Ethiopia, it will be an important program
offered only in Jimma University, being the pioneers, Jimma University will generate the professionals who will
enhance the country’s wealth and also the socio-economic conditions.
It is expected that this discipline becomes one of the most innovative science, which will help the
Ethiopian industries to grow proportioning with new materials that match their necessity. This country is
currently in the development stage (growing and expanding) and the industrial developments are the prime need,
but there exists a higher absence of technical professionals with sufficient knowledge or skill to apply the novel
solutions and techniques to the country problems. This new bachelor program is expected to cover this current
need and also the needs that arise in the future for different sector like energy, infrastructures, food industry,
medical science, etc.

BSc Curriculum for MS&E

2. Rationale for the Harmonized Materials Science & Engineering


The harmonized Materials Science and Engineering curriculum is conceived to give some guidelines
about the future mobility of students among local and internationals universities, institutions and companies.
This curriculum will also serve as a reference guide for the universities, which would adapt this general
curriculum to their needs, and we expect most of the universities in this country will launch the program for the
first time in the near future.
Materials Science & Engineering is the profession that deals with the creation, modification and
optimization of almost all the materials needed by an industries, governments, institutions or societies. The list
of products that Materials Science Engineers can develop and improve include (but not restricted to) several
medical diagnostic equipments/techniques, new chemicals products like graphene, new conceptions in
pharmaceuticals design and dosage, development of composite for construction, environmental prevention or
remediation, energy production/storage and new electronic devices. Materials Science Engineers will lead the
change in essential concepts as design of materials, conceive new chemical products, optimize and modernize
the industrial installations existing in Ethiopia and develop any material that the industrial or society requires for
achieving the best standards in the country.
The profession of Materials Science Engineering is incomparable. The reason for this affirmation can
be found by the comparison of the knowledge gained by a Materials Science Engineers to develop his/her
profession and the fields in which he/she is working to that of other Engineers. A Materials Science Engineer
will have a deep knowledge in mathematics, physics, chemistry and engineering and knows how to solve and
tackle the technical problems.
Materials Science Engineer have broader scope in their profession amongst all other engineers. This
goes by the definition of material science itself. We are surrounded by Materials anywhere and everywhere in
our life and are not limited to a unique field of application possessed by other engineering or science
professionals. At this moment there is no practice of Materials Science Engineering in Ethiopia, which is the
very fundamental tool required for the development of this country.
By promoting Materials Science Engineering, the professionals emerging from this discipline can break
the hurdles of important Ethiopian problems which stop the economic and social development. Better food
conservation techniques, environmental remediation, energy storage and production, better roads and novel
medical treatments are only few examples (but not limited to) of the large capacity that a Material Science
Engineer will possess to change the country. Even now, the industries efficiency, whatever the scale it be, can be
upgraded preferentially with the use of novel materials. With few economical investments, Ethiopian industries
can obtain large, valuable and high quality products. The need for Materials Science Engineering and its
professionals, will equip the country with the knowledge required to lead the industrial change.
Materials Science is a branch of science that is in continuous evolution. From textile industry to novel
catalytic compounds or reactors. This fact makes that Materials Science Engineering graduates are not only
restricted to the acquisition of technical knowledge, but also the tools for continuous upgrading of their

Undergraduate Curriculum of Materials Science & Engineering

knowledge even after the graduation.

In the current scenario, Ethiopia cannot afford for more time not having such resourceful Materials
Science professionals for the Nations development. At this moment, there are no professionals of Materials
Science Engineers into the different sectors of industry, hence all the Ethiopian efforts are currently inefficient.
Materials Science Engineers will certainly improve and develop significant advances in industries like textiles,
food processing, chemistry, construction, energy and in general any imaginable actual or future industries.

BSc Curriculum for MS&E

3. Professional Profile

Materials Science Engineering professionals are the prime need for any industrial development.
Examples of these (but not limited to) can be found in the development of new chemical catalyst with the use of
combinatorial chemistry, advances in electronics manufacturing or novel semiconductor materials, composite
materials for construction, more efficient agrochemicals with a controlled dosage rate, new beverage for the
food industries, and many others. Materials Science Engineers are responsible of these advances, as it is his/her
unique profession that has a solid background in all the scientific and technical fields.
Materials Science Engineering is a branch of engineering that enables the creation and application of all
kind of materials in and for the society. Materials Science profession demands a deep knowledge in fundamental
science and particularly formation in any industrial and/or governmental project development. The professionals
are also compelled to acquire economical knowledge and basics on industrial management to study, assist and
advice about the availability of the materials and execution of the proposed projects.
The new character of the professionals developed by the Materials Science and Engineering
Department, needs recognition from the agencies of government, academics, Industry and the society. This kind
of profession is completely novel to Ethiopia and hence institutional support will be highly appreciated.
Materials Science professionals should be expert in:
 Improving new techniques, technologies or methods that the industry and/or society demands.
 Develop the industrial sector and novel materials for the national and international demand.
 Possess and exhibit an expert knowledge in mathematics, chemistry, physics and engineering (all
needed for producing new materials).
 Be up to date in the new trends to face the changes in the upcoming scientific fields (biotechnology,
semiconductor and electronic devices, chemical industry, food industry, pharmaceuticals,
environmental remediation techniques, biomedicine, etc).
The opportunity that opens Materials Science Engineering to Ethiopia is not new in the rest of the
world. Material Science Engineers have proved their abilities in all kind of industries and have succeed in
various projects. The most markedly advances can be seen in food and drink industries by the development of
new beverage that gives to the consumer longer products life, in the chemical industry by the use of computer
methods to design and develop new catalyst, in the energy field by the development of new conductive materials
and methods for energy storage and the list of advances can continue in all scientific fields.
The key features of the Materials Science Engineers are their interrelationship and the exposure to new
technologies. Below are the general tasks that, as engineers, can be developed by a Materials Science Engineer:
 Elaborate a detailed program of availability and technical feasibility of any technical project (with
special interest in the areas of biomedicine, chemistry, food, pharmaceutical or any related field to
Materials Science).
 Prepare, certify, guarantee and assure that the most recent international standards are been developed in
their working area.
 Upgrade, purchase, bid, and suggest the purchasing of any additional equipment needed to the

Undergraduate Curriculum of Materials Science & Engineering

successful development of any scientific project.

 Find out, suggest or recommend any additional action conducted to the optimization of the production
or research in their working area.
 Be aware and elaborate, if needed, safety manuals conducted to create a safe work environment.
 Select the appropriate methodology (synthesis route, equipment, etc.) to achieve the success of the
 Be able to adapt the novel trends to the project development.
 Advice, inquire and find the most feasible ways to optimize the production in any industrial
 Be able to transmit their knowledge to the society by research activities, conferences, etc.
 Develop any software, routine or computer based model that the scientific project demands.
 Be able to communicate in a precise and clear way with the staff of a scientific multidisciplinary
 Be up to date of the new technologies.
 Develop, test and process materials for the manufacturing, communications and engineering industries.

And also a MS&E Engineer could be able to develop the specific tasks:
 Develop composite materials
 Study the atomic structure of materials in order to discover new applications
 Study the mechanical, electrical or chemical properties of any material.
 Appropriate use power tools to process materials
 Advanced use of lab equipment and computer technology to process materials.
 Be able to make discritetization process.
 Think and perform in any scale with independence of the problem.

BSc Curriculum for MS&E

4. Objective of the Study Program

The graduates are expected to be equipped with the tools necessary to develop a wide variety of
positions. Materials Science Engineers are expected to make relevant contributions in any field of engineering
and/or fundamental science. The program is intended to promote the students for continued learning and
professional development. The general program is focused in the basic Materials Science and Engineering along
with other key engineering and scientific topics with optional modules that will bring the opportunity to the
students to obtain deeper knowledge in topics like Synthesis of Materials, Biomedical and pharmaceutical,
Energy Materials, Materials in Hi-Tech, etc.

4.1. Vision

To proportionate useful graduates and professionals for long time needed in the development of the
country and also for the development of the whole world. Special attention will be paid to the solve local
problems (Community Based Education), by exploring new energy sources, synthesizing new materials,
assessing any collective, institution or person in the development of any kind of scientific project.

4.2. Mission

The mission of the MS&E Department is proportionate the best professional in the branch of materials
science in the whole country. To be successful in this task, the department will apply the best quality
international standards of education, with a perfect mix of practical teaching and professional staff. The
intention is create an international work environment which will enable the generation of the best qualified
Materials Science and Engineering graduates in all the continent. These professionals will impart most
important success to industry, research, education and other sectors.
Also, the MS&E Department will generate engineers who will assist and become leaders in the
Ethiopian technological, industrial, governmental and social transformation.

4.3. Specific Objectives

 Formation of students into the scientific method thinking, which will give them the tools to adapt to the
constant changing scientific environment.
 Generate highly qualified professionals with strong ethics and sense which will be recognized in any
industrial, academic or social field. Develop students instructed under the modern production and
quality guarantee techniques for the wealth of the society.
 Proportionate Materials Science Engineers with high level of expertise in the technical development of
various scientific project, from the development of new industrial chemical process to the solution of

Undergraduate Curriculum of Materials Science & Engineering

natural environmental problems that concerns to the population and the governmental authorities.
 Produce team leaders and pioneers to develop and solve technical, economic or social difficulty as part
of their career.
 To produce technically and practically competent engineers according to the global standards.
 Generate graduates with a high level of critical thinking, to make them flexible to any work
environment condition and solve challenges.
 Address social needs and solve community related problems.

BSc Curriculum for MS&E

5. Graduate Profile

Talented professionals, international teams or prestigious institutions are supported by the action,
research and development realized by Materials Science Engineers. From new conducting materials, as
graphene, to the simplest design of new films employed in the food industry, Materials Science Engineers play a
key role in our common life. The Materials Science Engineers should be able to manage any unexpected
situation that industries, government, institution or the society requires in any given instance. To make this
possible the Materials Science and Engineer students must learn how to auto-upgrade their own knowledge,
must apply the scientific reasoning and thinking to any situation and must acquire a solid background in every
discipline of Science.
It is expected that a B.Sc. in Materials Science & Engineering graduate acquire and develop the
following abilities:
 Design and create new materials.
 Design and create the processing technology necessary to develop new materials.
 Be able to understand and elaborate bidding proposals, balances and economic studies.
 Develop new methods of testing.
 Be able to create, upgrade, modify and handle any modeling that can help in the design, properties
simulation or predictions in Materials Science.
 Be able to communicate with other professionals belonging to a multidisciplinary and international
 Be able to lead, advice and/or propose new methodologies, protocols or solutions in their day to
day work.
 Be able to elaborate, prepare and execute any labor conduct to certify and guarantee the quality of
the system in industry, government or institution in accordance with the state of art international
 Be able to transmit their knowledge in any situation, e.g. conferences, teaching Materials Science
& Engineering courses or scientific seminars.
 Be able to use any media to continuously upgrade their knowledge in Materials Science and other
related field.
 Be able to adapt, face and solve any technical, scientific or social difficulty to achieve the success
of their work.
 Be able to cooperate and advise about the top trending topics to industries, governments or
institutions, e.g. energy technology, environmental remediation, etc.
 Be able to apply the scientific reasoning and thinking to their common life.
 Be able to apply critical thinking to their own work, in order to improve their professional
 Be able to transmit (to any level of qualified audience) their ideas, proposals or knowledge in an
efficient, fluent and clear way.

Undergraduate Curriculum of Materials Science & Engineering

 Be able to work, think and develop any material with independence of the scale (nanoscale or
macroscopic scale)
 Be able to apply the physical's and chemical's laws taking in consideration the scale where the
material is going to be used and how these laws are going to modify the macroscopic properties.
 Be able to work as engineer as well as scientist in function of the project/work requirements.

BSc Curriculum for MS&E

6. Program Profile

6.1. Admission requirement

Upon admission to the Universities/ Institute of Technologies, students will join the department of
Materials Science and Engineering (MS&E) based on Universities/Institute of Technologies normative and the
students' interest for the discipline after completing the orientation semester.

6.2. Graduation requirements

Students must take and pass all the required courses to satisfy the Universities/ Institute of
Technologies requirements for graduation. The total number of credits required for graduation with the Degree
of Bachelor of Science in Materials Science and Engineering is 300 ECTS including the 30 ECTS of mandatory
internship and the Research Project. Further graduation requirements may vary and will be set by the Nationally
Harmonized Higher Education Policy.
Special mention must be done in the case of Jimma University. The student before graduating, must
complete the module Community Based Education. This module is composed by four different courses, with a
teaching load of 16 ECTS credits (4 ECTS each course) and is approval it's mandatory.

6.3. Degree nomenclature

Upon successful completion of all the previous requirements mentioned above, a student graduating
from the Materials Science and Engineering department will be entitled to earn a degree with the following

Case I: (3 to 4 focus area courses): Bachelor of Science Degree in Materials Science and Engineering

(የባችለር ድግሪ በ ማቴርያል ሳይንስ እና ምህንዲስና)

N.B: All universities having the Materials Science and Engineering B.Sc. program can add focus areas other
than Synthesis of Materials, Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Materials, Energy Materials and Materials in Hi-
Tech with 3 to 4 courses and the same load.
Case II: 7 to 9 focus area courses: the degree nomenclature should include the stream name Bachelor
of Science Degree in Materials Science and Engineering (Focus area name)

6.4. Duration of the study program

The program is a 5 year (10 equal semesters) program of which one semester will be dedicated to

Undergraduate Curriculum of Materials Science & Engineering


6.5. Mode of Delivery

The mode of delivery of the program is specified in each module and course.

6.6. Grading system

The grading system is as per the nationally harmonized academic policy:

Letter Mark Scored (100%)

A+ 100-95
A 94.9-85
A- 84.9-80
B+ 79.9-75
B 74.9-70
B- 69.9-65
C+ 64.9-60
C 59.9-50
F 49.9-0
I Incomplete
NG No Grading

6.7. Teaching, learning and assessment methods

The assessment and evaluation shall compromise of: continuous assessment accounting for a minimum
of 50% and final exam accounting for a maximum of 50%. However, the nature of some courses may encourage
100% continuous assessment and such cases are explained in the respective module and course. The continuous
assessment requires a minimum of 5 assessment activities. But the delivery system and assessment modalities
that can be used in evaluation and assessment are described as follows:


Lectures shall be conducted in the way of that students interact with teachers with the help of LCD
projectors. The students are expected to attend class regularly. Students are also expected to take their own notes
and have with them a calculator as well as other supporting materials which are needed for the course. A
question-answer session and provocative class exercises in between and/or end of each lecture is recommended.
Students’ participation in the classroom activities must be duly recorded by the teacher in the form of
attendance, ability to express his/her idea on the question raised in the class, and in the form of the progress

BSc Curriculum for MS&E

made by the students in solving problems.

Homework Exercises/Assignments

At end of a chapter or a sub-chapter, exercises and problems shall be prepared and given to the students
for which the students are expected to prepare solutions based on previous chapters or sub-chapters they have
learned and submit it to instructor or tutor.


A tutor assigned for the course shall help the students by giving hints to do or solve the homework
exercises/problems, correct their solution and give them possible solutions for the exercises.

Laboratory Practice

Some courses shall be supported by laboratory demonstration and/or exercise so that students will have
better grasp of the theoretical and practical aspect of the course.

Educational Visits

Educational visit shall be arranged to industries, institutions or governmental organizations to enhance

the student comprehension about the direct and real application of some courses. The students are also expected
to present a report of the activities developed. If possible, short term internship and exchanges will be arranged
with other Ethiopian and/or international educational institutes/centers. All these activities are competitive and
will be arranged by the Department of Materials Science & Engineering.

Project Work

The objective of developing the research project is to proportionate the student with the skills, abilities
and resources necessary for successful completing any give scientific project. The students will acquire
expertise in searching the relevant reference works and will make a professional presentation of the concerned
bibliography in accordance with the international standards. The Project work will also compel the student to
acquire, manipulate and summarize the scientific data obtained, which would be an excellent training to test
their ability to work.

Undergraduate Curriculum of Materials Science & Engineering

6.8. Quality assurance mechanism

Highly qualified international staff will perform continuous teaching, monitoring and guiding from
different perspectives with the state of art international standards of quality of the Materials Science and
Engineering undergraduate Program. They will use and develop the modern concepts and audiovisual media to
achieve the acquisition of solid knowledge to any undergraduate student. As preliminary approach, the
following objectives will be develop:
 Prepare individual course description/syllabus and make accessible to the whole academic staff of the
Materials Science & Engineering Department.
 Prepare active, interactive and dynamic classes, seminars, practices and/or tutorials to keep the
student’s motivation and interest in Materials Science.
 Student’s feedback about the teaching staff. The objective is take consideration about students’ opinion
in the teaching method, how it can be improved or any additional suggestion focused in the
improvement of teaching quality.
 Final examinations and grading will be discussed and, if necessary, evaluated by the whole Materials
Science Department staff in order to guarantee uniform and high standards criteria.
 Cordial Inter-Departmental relations and collaboration with Jimma University Staff and with other
Universities with the country as well as internationally, evaluating the possibility of staff mobility
and/or students’ mobility.
 Project development with Ethiopian industrial/governmental sector and/or international companies and
institutions in order to upgrade the bachelor skills.
 Students’ will graduate if they achieve the highest standards of knowledge and communication.
 Possibility of tuition and scholarships for the top students to continue their formation prior their
incorporation to the Department staff.
 Participation of talented students (under the supervision of the staff) in research projects with the
objective of obtain scientific publications and/or patents.
 Strict international quality standard of the teaching resources prior the University availability.
 Participation in nationals and international seminars, conferences or symposiums conducted to improve
the quality of the teaching given by the Materials Science Department.
 The Materials Science & Engineering keep open to adopt any additional measure conducted to improve
or upgrade the quality of the education given.

BSc Curriculum for MS&E

7. Modules (Clustered Courses)

1. Module Category is divided into three types as recommended by the organizers: core, elective and general.
They are given numbers as follows:

Core = 1; Materials Science and Engineering courses offered and taught by the Materials Science
department personal. These courses are the main, basic and specific knowledge that any Materials Science must
posse and will be given under the International standard criteria of quality.
Elective = 2; these courses are intended to go beyond from the basic knowledge in Materials Science,
giving to the students the opportunity to concentrate in a specific area of Materials Science.
General = 3; these are general engineering courses, Humanity and Communication courses which are
expected to proportionate a solid background and understanding in the engineering and social area.

2. Module numbering and coding. Modules are numbered using 2 digits, e.g. 01, 02, 03 etc. Module code
MScE-M2071 means:

MScE Represents home base (Department of Materials Science and Engineering )

M Represents module
2 Represents the level of student in years, i.e. 2nd year
07 Represents module number
1 Represents the module category (Core=1)

3. Course numbering and coding. The course numbering and coding is explained below taking an example:

Course code ----MScE2071:

MScE Represents home base (Department of Materials Science and Engineering )

M Represents module
2 Represents the level of student in years, i.e. 2nd year
07 Represents module number
1 Represents sequence/ order in the module

Table: Harmonized modules and/or courses with category, code and number

Undergraduate Curriculum of Materials Science & Engineering

Module Module Course

Category Module Course
No. Name Code Code No.
CESt 1012 1 Civics and Ethical Education
Humanity and 2022 2 Reasoning Skills (Logic)
01 MScE-M1013
Communication EnLa 1011 3 Basic Communication Skills
EnLa 1012 4 Basic Writing Skills
Introduction to
17 MScE-M4173 ECON 1022 1 Introduction to Economics
Applied Engineering MATH 1011 1 Applied Mathematics I
General 02 MScE-M1023
Mathematics MATH 1012 2 Applied Mathematics II
(3) Engineering CENG1011 1 Engineering Mechanics I-Statics
03 MScE-M1033
Mechanics MENG1062 2 Engineering Mechanics II-Dynamics
Basic Engineering ENLa409 1 Technical Report writing
04 MScE-M1043 MENG1033 2 Engineering Drawing
Skills ENGG1001 3 Introduction to Engineering Profession
05 MScE-M2053 Math2063 1 Applied Mathematics III
Core (1) MScE1061 1 General Chemistry I
Materials Science MScE2062 2 General Chemistry II
06 MScE-M2061
Chemistry MScE2063 3 General Chemistry Lab I
MScE2064 4 General Chemistry Lab II
Materials Science Electricity and Magnetism in
07 MScE-M2071 MScE2071 1
Physics Macroscopic and Microscopic systems.
Introduction to Materials Science and
MS&E1081 1
Introduction to
MScE3084 4 Introduction to Biomaterials
08 Materials Science and MScE-M3081 MScE1082 2 Introduction to Nanotechnology
Engineering MScE2083 3 Introduction to Nanomaterials
MScE2085 5 Materials Laboratory I
MScE3086 6 Materials Laboratory II
Introduction to electrochemical
MScE2091 1
Materials in Energy engineering
09 MScE-M4091 Electrochemical-materials for energy
systems MScE4092 2
MScE4093 3 Solar cells
Mechanics and MScE3101 1 Mechanics of Materials
MScE3102 2 Phase Transformation and Kinetics
10 Transformation of MScE-M4101
MScE3103 3 Material Processing
Materials MScE4104 4 Strength of Materials Laboratory
Thermodynamics and MScE3112 2 Thermodynamics of Materials
11 Transport Phenomena MScE-M3111 Introduction to Chemical Physics and
MScE2111 1
in MS&E Thermodynamics
MScE4124 2 Optical Materials
Application of MScE3122 3 Magnetic Materials
12 MScE-M4121
Materials Science MScE3123 4 Electronic Materials
MScE2121 1 Ceramic and Polymeric materials
Metallurgy and MScE3132 2 Metallurgy
MScE3131 1 Material Design
13 Properties of MScE-M4131
MScE4133 3 Composite Materials
Materials MScE4134 4 Manufacturing processes
Materials properties MScE2141 1 Crystallography
14 MScE-M3141
and characterization MScE3142 2 Materials Characterization
18 Materials Science 1 Economic and Environmental Material
MScE-M5181 MScE5183
Economy Selection

BSc Curriculum for MS&E

15 Internship MScE-M5151 MScE5151 1 Internship

MScE4161 1 Solid State Science
16 Material Structure MScE-M4161 MScE4162 2 Organic and Biomaterials Chemistry
MScE4163 3 Structure of Materials
23 Research Project MScE-M5231 MScE5231 1 Research Project
MScE4241 1 Spectroscopy
24 Adv. Characterization MScE-M4241
MScE4242 2 Imaging of Materials
TCBTP1002 1 CBTP-Phase I
Community Based TCBTP2004 2 CBTP-Phase II
25 MScE-M4251
Education TCBTP3006 3 CBTP-Phase III
TCBTP4007 4 CBTP-Phase IV
Advanced design and simulation of
Synthesis of MScE5191 1
19 MScE-M5192
Materials MScE5192 2 Advanced methods in MS
MScE5193 3 Synthesis of Materials Lab
Biomedical and MScE5201 1 Advanced Biomaterials
20 Pharmaceutical MScE-M5202 MScE5202 2 Pharmaceutical applications
Materials MScE5203 3 Biotechnology laboratory
MScE5211 1 Catalysis
21 Energy Materials MScE-M5212 MScE5212 2 Industrial materials
MScE5213 3 Combustion Lab
MScE5221 1 Smart materials
22 Materials in Hi-Tech MScE-M5222 MScE5222 2 Semiconductor technology
MScE5223 3 Materials simulation laboratory

Undergraduate Curriculum of Materials Science & Engineering

8. Semester Course Breakdown

Year I Semester I
Lec Tut Lab HS Prerequisites
# Course Code Course Title ECTS
[Hr] [Hr] [Hr] [Hr]
1 CESt 1012 Civic and Ethical Education 5 3 3 0 3 None
2 EnLa 1011 Basic Communication Skills 5 2 4 0 3 None
3 MATH 1011 Applied Mathematics I 6 3 4 0 4 None
4 MENG 1033 Engineering Drawing 5 2 4 0 3 None
Introduction to Engineering
5 ENGG 1001 2 1 1 0 2 None
Engineering Mechanics I-
6 CENG 1011 5 2 4 0 3 None
Total 28 13 20 0 18

Year I Semester II
Lec Tut Lab HS Prerequisites
# Course Code Course Title ECTS
[Hr] [Hr] [Hr] [Hr]
1 Phil1012 Reasoning Skill (Logic) 5 3 3 0 3 None
2 EnLa 1012 Basic writing Skills 5 3 3 0 3 None
3 MATH 1012 Applied Mathematics II 6 3 4 0 4 Math1011
Engineering Mechanics II-
4 MENG 1062 5 3 3 0 3 CENG1011
5 MScE1061 General Chemistry I 4 3 2 0 2 None
6 MScE1081 Introduction to MSE 4 3 2 0 2 None
Introduction to
7 MScE1082 4 3 2 0 2 None
8 TCBTP1002 CBTP-Phase I 4 1 3 2 2
Total 36 22 22 2 21

Modules completed by the end of 1st year

Humanities and communication
Basic Engineering Mechanics
Basic Engineering mathematics

BSc Curriculum for MS&E

Year II Semester I
Course Lec Tut Lab HS Prerequisites
# Course Title ECTS
Code [Hr] [Hr] [Hr] [Hr]
Introduction to Computer and
1 COMP2054 5 3 0 3 3 None
2 MATH 2063 Applied Mathematics III 6 3 4 0 4
3 MScE2062 General Chemistry II 6 4 3 0 4 MScE1061
4 MScE2121 MS&E of Ceramics and Polymers 6 4 2 1 4 None
5 MScE2063 General Chemistry Lab I 2 0 0 2 2
6 EnLa 409 Technical Report writing 4 3 2 0 2 None
Total 29 17 11 6 19

Year II Semester II
Course Lec Tut Lab HS Prerequisites
# Course Title ECTS
Code [Hr] [Hr] [Hr] [Hr]
Introduction to Chemical Physics
1 MScE2111 6 4 2 1 4 None
and Thermodynamics
2 MScE2083 Introduction to Nanomaterials 6 4 2 1 4 MScE1081
Electricity and Magnetism in
3 MScE2071 microscopic and macroscopic 6 4 3 0 4 None
4 MScE2064 General Chemistry Lab II 2 0 0 2 2 MScE2062
5 MScE2141 Crystallography 5 4 1 1 3 None
Introduction to electrochemical
6 MScE2091 6 4 2 1 4 None
TCBTP2004 CBTP-Phase II 4 1 3 2 2 None
Total 35 20 13 7 23

Modules completed by the end of 2nd year

Advanced mathematics
Materials Science Chemistry
Basic Engineering Skills
Materials Science Physics

Undergraduate Curriculum of Materials Science & Engineering

Year III Semester I

Course Lec Tut Lab HS Prerequisites
# Course Title ECTS
Code [Hr] [Hr] [Hr] [Hr]
1 MScE3122 Magnetic Materials 5 4 1 1 3 MScE2121
2 MScE3123 Electronic Materials 5 4 1 1 3 MScE2121
Introduction to
3 MScE3084 6 4 2 1 4 MScE2082
Thermodynamics of
4 MScE3112 5 4 1 1 3 MScE2111
5 MScE3131 Material Design 6 4 2 1 4 None
6 MScE3085 Materials Lab I 2 0 0 2 2
Total 29 20 7 7 19

Year III Semester II

Course Lec Tut Lab HS Prerequisites
# Course Title ECTS
Code [Hr] [Hr] [Hr] [Hr]
1 MScE3132 Metallurgy 5 4 1 1 3 None
Phase transformation and
2 MScE3102 6 4 2 1 4 MScE3101
3 MScE3103 Materials Processing 6 4 2 1 4 None
4 MScE3101 Mechanics of Materials 6 4 2 1 4 None
5 MScE3141 Materials characterization 6 4 2 1 4 MScE2141
6 MScE3086 Materials Lab II 2 0 0 2 2 MScE3085
TCBTP3006 CBTP-Phase III 4 1 3 2 2 None
Total 35 21 12 11 23

Modules completed by the end of 3rd year

Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering
Application of Materials Science
Thermodynamics and Transport Phenomena
Material Properties and characterization

BSc Curriculum for MS&E

Year IV Semester I
Course Lec Tut Lab HS Prerequisites
# Course Title ECTS
Code [Hr] [Hr] [Hr] [Hr]
1 MScE4161 Solid State Science 6 4 2 1 4 None
2 MScE4133 Composite Materials 5 4 1 1 3 MScE3132
Organic and Biomaterials
3 MScE4162 5 4 1 1 3 None
4 MScE4171 Spectroscopy in MS&E 6 4 2 1 4 None
5 MScE4172 Imaging of materials 6 4 2 1 4 None
6 MScE4104 Strength of materials laboratory 2 0 0 2 2
Total 30 20 8 7 20

Year IV Semester II
Course Lec Tut Lab HS Prerequisites
# Course Title ECTS
Code [Hr] [Hr] [Hr] [Hr]
1 ECON1022 Introduction to Economics 4 3 2 0 2 None
Electrochemical-materials for
2 MScE4092 6 4 2 1 4 MScE2091
energy systems
3 MScE4163 Structure of materials 5 4 1 1 3 MScE4162
4 MScE4134 Manufacturing Process 5 4 1 1 3 MScE4133
5 MScE4124 Optical Materials 4 3 1 1 2 MScE3122
6 MScE4093 Solar cells 6 4 2 1 4 MScE2091
7 TCBTP4007 CBTP-Phase IV 4 1 3 2 2 None
Total 34 23 12 7 20

Modules completed by the end of 4th year

Mechanics and Transformation of Materials in MS&E
Introduction to Economics
Materials in Energy systems
Metallurgy and Properties of materials
Materials Structure
Advanced Characterization

Undergraduate Curriculum of Materials Science & Engineering

Year V Semester I
Course ECT Lec Tut Lab Prerequisites
# Course Title HS [Hr]
Code S [Hr] [Hr] [Hr]
completion of
1 MScE5151 Internship 30 0 10 0 50
4 years of
Total 30 0 10 0 50

Year V Semester II (Synthesis of Materials)

Course ECT Lec Tut Lab HS Prerequisites
# Course Title
Code S [Hr] [Hr] [Hr] [Hr]
completion of
1 MScE5231 Research project 12 0 12 0 12
all MS&E
Economic and environmental
2 MScE5183 5 4 1 1 3 None
materials selection
3 MScE5191 Advanced design of materials 5 4 1 1 3 None
4 MScE5192 Advanced methods in MS 5 4 1 1 3 None
5 MScE5193 Synthesis of Materials Lab 3 0 0 3 3 None
Total 30 12 15 6 24

Modules completed by the end of 5th year

Materials Science Economy
Research Project
Synthesis of Materials

BSc Curriculum for MS&E

Year V Semester I
Course ECT Lec Tut Lab Prerequisites
# Course Title HS [Hr]
Code S [Hr] [Hr] [Hr]
1 MScE5151 Internship 30 0 10 0 50 completion of 4
years of studies
Total 30 0 10 0 50

Year V Semester II (Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Materials)

Course ECT Lec Tut Lab HS Prerequisites
# Course Title
Code S [Hr] [Hr] [Hr] [Hr]
completion of
1 MScE5231 Research project 12 0 12 0 12
all MS&E
Economic and environmental
2 MScE5183 5 4 1 1 3 None
materials selection
3 MScE5201 Advanced Biomaterials 5 4 1 1 3 None
4 MScE5202 Pharmaceutical applications 5 4 1 1 3 None
5 MScE5203 Biotechnology laboratory 3 0 0 3 3 None
Total 30 12 15 6 24

Modules completed by the end of 5th year

Materials Science Economy
Research Project
Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Materials

Undergraduate Curriculum of Materials Science & Engineering

Year V Semester I
Course ECT Lec Tut Lab Prerequisites
# Course Title HS [Hr]
Code S [Hr] [Hr] [Hr]
completion of
1 MScE5151 Internship 30 0 10 0 50
4 years of
Total 30 0 10 0 50

Year V Semester II (Energy Materials)

Course ECT Lec Tut Lab HS Prerequisites
# Course Title
Code S [Hr] [Hr] [Hr] [Hr]
completion of
1 MScE5231 Research project 12 0 12 0 12
all MS&E
Economic and environmental
2 MScE5183 5 4 1 1 3 None
materials selection
3 MScE5211 Catalysis 5 4 1 1 3 None
4 MScE5212 Industrial materials 5 4 1 1 3 None
5 MScE5213 Combustion lab 3 0 0 3 3 None
Total 30 12 15 6 24

Modules completed by the end of 5th year

Materials Science Economy
Research Project
Energy Materials

BSc Curriculum for MS&E

Year V Semester I
Course ECT Lec Tut Lab Prerequisites
# Course Title HS [Hr]
Code S [Hr] [Hr] [Hr]
completion of
1 MScE5151 Internship 30 0 10 0 50
4 years of
Total 30 0 10 0 50

Year V Semester II (Materials in Hi-Tech)

Course ECT Lec Tut Lab HS
# Course Title s
Code S [Hr] [Hr] [Hr] [Hr]
1 MScE5231 Research project 12 0 12 0 12
of all MS&E
Economic and environmental
2 MScE5183 5 4 1 1 3 None
materials selection
3 MScE5221 Smart materials 5 4 1 1 3 None
4 MScE5222 Semiconductor technology 5 4 1 1 3 None
5 MScE5223 Materials simulation laboratory 3 0 0 3 3 None
Total 30 12 15 6 24

Modules completed by the end of 5th year

Materials Science Economy
Research Project
Materials in Hi-Tech

Undergraduate Curriculum of Materials Science & Engineering

9. Descriptions of Modules and Courses

Humanity and Communication

01 Humanity and Communication

Module Category General
Module Code MScE-M1043
Module Number 01
Module Weight
This module is built by general category courses. It covers courses like civic and ethical
Module Description
education, reasoning skill (logic), basic communicative skills, and basic writing skills.
Rationale and To upgrade students communication skill
Objective of the To equip students with efficient reasoning skills and,
Module Help students to develop democratic and ethical behaviors
Write purposeful, meaningful and effective sentences and paragraphs
Module competency Lay the foundation to develop important values with respect to the professional ethics
Draw sound arguments in convincing others as well as to be convinced by others
Mode of delivery Parallel
Learning teaching
Lecture, tutor, home study
Assessment technique Assignment, quiz, final exam
Courses of the module
Course code Course Name ECTS
EnLa1011 Basic Communication Skill 5
EnLa1012 Basic Writing Skill 5
CESt1012 Civics and Ethical Education 5
Phil1022 Reasoning Skill (Logic) 5

BSc Curriculum for MS&E

Basic Communication Skills

Course Number Enla1011

Course Title Basic Communication Skills
Degree Program B. Sc. in Materials Science and Engineering
Module Humanity and Communication
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
Instructor's Contact
Student workload Lecture Tutorials Laboratory or Practice Home study
Weekly basis 2 4 0 3
Semester basis (Total) 32 64 0 48
Mode of delivery Parallel
Upon completing the course, students will be able to:
Express their ideas in various communicative contexts (in group/ pair discussion, in public
Course objectives and
speaking settings)
competences to be
Present oral reports, write short reports, read various materials and make their own notes,
identify the structure of oral and written discourses, attend their academic work at ease and
with clarity.
Course This course is intended to develop and improve students' language competence. This course
description/contents is aimed at developing trainees’ communicative abilities in English which will help students
to develop their communicative skills and overall language competence in English.
Generally, this course will cover the specific language aspects described below. Developing
basic functions of English language skills:
reading (scanning, skimming, reading for details, summarizing, understanding the structure
of a text);
listening (listening for the gist, listening for details, recognizing discourse markers, noticing
the structure of a
lecture, understanding speaker intentions, recognizing signposting, attending and following
writing (summarizing a text, synthesizing choppy sentences, writing argumentative texts,
writing research report, writing a project report);
speaking (introducing oneself and others, interviewing, discussions, stating and supporting
propositions, stating one’s opinions, organizing and taking part in a debate, making a
persuasive speech, questioning);
vocabulary (working out meanings from context, synonyms, antonyms, collocations

Undergraduate Curriculum of Materials Science & Engineering

Grammar (relative clauses, modals, voice, conditionals, tense, reported speech).

Pre-requisites None
Semester Year I, Semester I
Status of course Compulsory
Teaching and learning Classroom contact/Lecture, group work, interactive tutorial sessions (group and pair
methods work/discussions) and individual work (independent learning).
Continuous Assessment 50%
Assignments 10%
Quizzes 10%
Tests 30%
and grading system
End term exam 50%
Attendance: As per harmonized academic policy
Assessments: students are supposed to handle all assessments on time.
Cheating/plagiarism: it is strictly forbidden and any misconduct is accountable per the
Course policy students’ code of conduct.
Also, please do not chew gum, eat, listen to recorders or CD players, wear sunglasses, or talk
about personal problems. Please be sure to turn off pagers and cell phones before class and
exam sessions
Literature Reference Books
Dean, M.1988. Write it; Writing Skills for intermediate learners of English. Cambridge
University Press
DEFLL, 1996. College English: volume I and II.AAU.AAU Printing Press
Gregory.1999. Public speaking for college and career (Fifth Ed).New York: McGraw Hill
Hewings, M. 1999 Advanced Grammar in use: self-study Reference Practice Book for
Advanced Learners of English. Cambridge: CUP.
MOE, 2005. Improve Your English: A Course for Ethiopian Teachers (Grade 1-4)-Face to
Face Learner's Books 1&2.Addis Ababa: EMPDE
Mohammed Tahir and Tibebe Kasahun, 2005. Communicative English Skills II
(unpublished). Jimma University Press
Strong, W.1991. Writer's Choice: Grammar and Composition. Illinois: McGraw Hall
Approval section

BSc Curriculum for MS&E

Basic Writing Skills

Course Number EnLa1012

Course Title Basic Writing Skills
Degree Program B. Sc. in Materials Science and Engineering
Module Humanity and Communication
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
Instructor's Contact
Student workload Lecture Tutorials Laboratory or Practice Home study
Weekly basis 3 3 0 3
Semester basis (Total) 48 48 0 48
Mode of delivery Parallel
Upon completing the course, students will be able to:
- Construct meaningful sentences in English;
- Learn to compose a paragraph that has a clearly stated topic sentence and details ;
- Use appropriate coordination and subordination skills to relate ideas;
Course objectives and
- Identify and correct common sentence problems: fragments, comma, splices, and run-on
competences to be
sentences, dangling modifiers and agreement errors.
- Compose paragraphs that have clearly stated topic sentences and
Supporting details.
- Write a well-structured essay of different types ( descriptive, narrative, expository and
Sentence level writing: sentence structure, sentence types, functional and structural category,
common sentence errors (fragments, comma splices, run-on sentences, dangling modifiers
and agreement errors); Paragraph level writing : paragraph, topic sentence and supporting
details, structure, essentials of a paragraph, basic types of paragraphs( expository, narrative,
descriptive and argumentative ) and techniques of paragraph development; essay level
writing : structure of an essay, thesis statement and supporting paragraphs, types of essays
and techniques of essay development
Pre-requisites Communicative skill
Semester Year I, Semester II
Status of course Compulsory
Teaching and learning Classroom contact/Lecture, group work, interactive tutorial sessions (group and pair
methods work/discussions) and individual work (independent learning).
Assessment/Evaluation Continuous Assessment 50%

Undergraduate Curriculum of Materials Science & Engineering

Assignments 10%
Quizzes 10%
and grading system
Tests 30%
End term exam 50%
Attendance: As per harmonized academic policy
Assessments: students are supposed to handle all assessments on time.
Cheating/plagiarism: it is strictly forbidden and any misconduct is accountable per the
Course policy students’ code of conduct.
Also, please do not chew gum, eat, listen to recorders or CD players, wear sunglasses, or talk
about personal problems. Please be sure to turn off pagers and cell phones before class and
exam sessions
Literature Writer’s Choice: Grammar and Composition Rorabacher ,L A Concise Guide to Composition
(3rd Ed). London Harper and Row publishers (1976).
A Guided Writing to Composition Langan, J College Writing Skills. Sixth Edition. Boston:
McGraw-Hill (2005).
Savage, A. and M. Shafiei, Effective Academic Writing 1. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Savage, A. and P. Mayer Effective Academic Writing 2 M Davis, J and R, Liss Effective
Academic Writing 3 The Essay. Oxford University Press. (2005cgraw-Hill (2005). Oxford
University Press. (2005)
Approval section

BSc Curriculum for MS&E

Civics and Ethical Education

Course Number CESt1012

Course Title Civics and Ethical Education
Degree Program B. Sc. in Materials Science and Engineering
Module Humanity and Communication
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
Instructor's Contact
Student workload Lecture Tutorials Laboratory or Practice Home study
Weekly basis 3 3 0 3
Semester basis (Total) 48 48 0 48
Mode of delivery Parallel
At the end of the course, students will be able to:
· know key concepts like civics, ethics and profession;
Course objectives and · explain government institutions, policies, strategies and legal provisions of your country;
competences to be · analyze the dynamics of socio-economic and political transformations of your country;
acquired · comprehend the foundations of democracy and good governance and tools of
democratization process;
· gain an increased awareness of the opportunities and challenges of globalization
This course introduces students the basic concepts of Civics and Ethics at higher education
Course level. It deals with concepts like citizenship, morality, profession and professional ethics. The
description/contents course also acquaints students with fundamental concepts of professional ethics, society and
state, development issues, environmental, democracy, good governance and globalization.
Pre-requisites None
Semester Year I, Semester I
Status of course Compulsory
Teaching and learning Classroom contact/Lecture, group work, interactive tutorial sessions (group and pair
methods work/discussions) and individual work (independent learning).
Continuous Assessment 50%
Assignments 10%
Quizzes 10%
and grading system
Tests 30%
Final exam 50%
Course policy Attendance: As per harmonized academic policy
Assessments: students are supposed to handle all assessments on time.
Cheating/plagiarism: it is strictly forbidden and any misconduct is accountable per the

Undergraduate Curriculum of Materials Science & Engineering

students’ code of conduct.

Also, please do not chew gum, eat, listen to recorders or CD players, wear sunglasses, or talk
about personal problems. Please be sure to turn off pagers and cell phones before class and
exam sessions
Literature 1. Assefa Fiseha (2005) Federalism and the Accommodation of Diversity in Ethiopia: A
Comparative Study, Netherlands, Wolf Legal Publishers.
2. Bayles, Michael (1989). Professional Ethics.2d ed. Belmont, Calif: Wadsworth.
3. Bahru Zewde, (1991), A History of Modern Ethiopia: 1855-1974. Addis Ababa: AUU
4. Clapham, C., Haile-Sellasie`s Government, (London: Longman, 1969).
5. Fasil Nahum (1997), Constitution for a Nation of Nations: The Ethiopian Prospect.
Asmara: The Red Sea press.
6. Johari, J.C (1987) Contemporary Political Theory: Now Dimensions, Basic Concepts and
major Trends. New Delhi: Sterling publishers Put. Ltd.
7. Kassahun Berhanu (1998) 'Democracy, State-Building and Nations in Ethiopia: 1974-
1995.' In Gros, Jean- Germain (ed.) Democratization in Late Twentieth- Century Africa
coping with Uncertainity.
8. Merera Gudina, (2003) Ethiopia: Competing Ethnic Nationalities and the Quest for
Democracy, 1960-2000. Chamber printing house: Addis Ababa
9. Tesfaye Molla (2010) Civics and Ethics Distance Learning Material, Hawassa University,
Department of Governance and Development Studies.
10. Tsegaye Regassa, (2001). Ethnic Federalism and The Right to Self-Determination As A
Constitutional Legal Solution to the Problem of Multi-Ethnic Societies: The Case of Ethiopia
(LLM Thesis, Ethiopian Civil Service College, Law Library, Unpublished) Policy/legal
The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Constitution of 1995 Proclamation No. 1/1995,
21st August, 1995, adopted on 8th of December
Approval section

BSc Curriculum for MS&E

Reasoning Skills (Logic)

Course Number Phil1022

Course Title Reasoning Skills (Logic)
Degree Program B. Sc. in Materials Science and Engineering
Module Humanity and Communication
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
Instructor's Contact
Student workload Lecture Tutorials Laboratory or Practice Home study
Weekly basis 3 3 0 3
Semester basis (Total) 48 48 0 48
Mode of delivery Parallel
After successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
Familiarize themselves with the fundamental concepts of logic;
Analytically introduce themselves with the fundamental methods of logical reasoning;
Course objectives and
Develop the skills required to construct sound arguments of their own;
competences to be
Develop the ability to critically evaluate the arguments of others;
Cultivate the habits of critical thinking;
Develop sensitivity to the clear and accurate use of language in constructing and evaluating
The course attempts to introduce students with the fundamental concepts of logic and
methods of logical reasoning. The purpose of the course is to enable students to develop the
Course skills required to construct sound arguments of their own and the ability to critically evaluate
description/contents the arguments of others. Moreover, the course enables students to cultivate the habits of
critical thinking and develop sensitivity to the clear and accurate use of language to construct
valid/sound arguments in their day to day life.
Pre-requisites None
Semester Year I, Semester II
Status of course compulsory
Teaching and learning Classroom contact/Lecture, group work, interactive tutorial sessions (group and pair
methods work/discussions) and individual work (independent learning).
Continuous Assessment 50%
Assignments 10%
Quizzes 10%
and grading system
Tests 30%
End term exam 50%

Undergraduate Curriculum of Materials Science & Engineering

Attendance: As per harmonized academic policy

Assessments: students are supposed to handle all assessments on time.
Cheating/plagiarism: it is strictly forbidden and any misconduct is accountable per the
Course policy students’ code of conduct.
Also, please do not chew gum, eat, listen to recorders or CD players, wear sunglasses, or talk
about personal problems. Please be sure to turn off pagers and cell phones before class and
exam sessions
Literature 1. Fogelin, Robert, J, (1987) Understanding Arguments: An Introduction to Informal Logic
New York: Harcourt Brace Jvanovich Publisher.
2. Guttenplan, Samuel: (1991) The Language of Logic Oxford: Blackwell Publishers
Stephen, C
3. Hurley, Patrick J. (1994) A Concise Introduction to Logic (5th ed.) USA: Wadsworth.
4. Layman, C. Stephen (1999) The Power of Logic USA: Mayfield, Inc. (2005). Oxford
University Press. (2005)
5. Davis, J and R, Liss Effective Academic Writing 3 The Essay. Oxford University Press.
Approval section

BSc Curriculum for MS&E

02. Applied Engineering Mathematics

02 Applied Engineering Mathematics
Module Category General
Module Code MScE-M1023
Module Number 02
Module Weight
Module Description This module contains Applied mathematics courses
Rationale and
The primary objective of the module is to equip the student with a number of fundamental
Objective of the
theories and techniques of mathematical science useful in engineering.
Module competency N/A
Mode of delivery Parallel
Learning teaching
Lectures, Tutorial, Home study
Continuous Assessment 50%
Assignments 10%
Assessment technique Quizzes 10%
Tests 30%
End term exam 50%
Courses of the module
Course code Course Name ECTS
MATH1011 Applied mathematics I 6
MATH1012 Applied mathematics II 6

Undergraduate Curriculum of Materials Science & Engineering

Applied Mathematics I

Course Number MATH1011

Course Title Applied Mathematics I
Degree Program B. Sc. in Materials Science and Engineering
Module Applied Engineering Mathematics
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer Service course Mathematics Department
Instructor's Contact
Student workload Lecture Tutorials Laboratory or Practice Home study
Weekly basis 3 4 0 4
Semester basis (Total) 48 64 0 64
Mode of delivery Parallel
Course objectives and
The student will learn the basics of vectors, matrices, integrals and, sequences and series and
competences to be
solve problems within technical and scientific problems.
Vector algebra;
· Different operations on vectors.
· Apply vectors for practical problems.
Matrices and Determinates;
· Operations on matrices and their applications,
· Represent physical problems into mathematical symbols and solve them.
Course Transcendental functions & their inverses;
description/contents · Different transcendental functions.
Derivative & its application
Integrals & their application;
· Basic techniques of intergradations and their application.
Real sequences and Series
· Test for convergence/ divergence of sequences and series.
· Expand some functions in power series.
Pre-requisites None
Semester Year I, Semester I
Status of course compulsory
Teaching and learning
Lecture, tutorials
Assessment/Evaluation Continuous Assessment 50%
and grading system Assignments 10%

BSc Curriculum for MS&E

Quizzes 10%
Tests 30%
End term exam 50%
Attendance: As per harmonized academic policy 100% during industrial visits
Assessments: students are supposed to handle all assessments on time.
Cheating/plagiarism: it is strictly forbidden and any misconduct is accountable as per the
Course policy students’ code of conduct.
Note: do not chew gum, eat, listen to recorders or CD players, wear sunglasses, or talk about
personal problems. Please be sure to turn off pagers and cell phones before class and exam
Literature 1. Larson, R., Hostetler, R. P., and Edwards, B. H. (2005), Calculus with Analytical
Geometry, 8th edition, Houghton Miffin Company
2. S. Lang (2004), Linear Algebra, 3rd edition, Springer
3. Stewart, J. (2002), Calculus, 5th edition, Brooks Cole
Approval section

Undergraduate Curriculum of Materials Science & Engineering

Applied Mathematics II

Course Number MATH1012

Course Title Applied Mathematics II
Degree Program B. Sc. in Materials Science and Engineering
Module Applied Engineering Mathematics
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer Service course Mathematics Department
Instructor's Contact
Student workload Lecture Tutorials Laboratory or Practice Home study
Weekly basis 3 4 0 4
Semester basis (Total) 48 64 0 64
Mode of delivery Parallel
Course objectives and
The student knows how to use the derivative and integration in modeling and solving
competences to be
Differential calculus of functions of several variables;
· Functions of several variables,
· partial differentiation and their applications,
Multiple integrals;
· Evaluate multiple integrals in different coordinate system and their applications Ordinary
differential equations
Real sequences and Series, Power series, Fourier series,
Pre-requisites Applied mathematics I
Semester Year I, Semester II
Status of course Compulsory
Teaching and learning
Lectures, tutorials
Continuous Assessment 50%
Assignments 10%
Quizzes 10%
and grading system
Tests 30%
End term exam 50%
Course policy A student must attend at least 90% of the classes
Literature 1. Ellis, R. and Gulick, D. (1998). Calculus with Analytic Geometry, 5th edition. Horcourt
2. Larson, R. (2002), Calculus with Analytical Geometry, 7th edition, Houghton Mifflin
College Division

BSc Curriculum for MS&E

3. Erwin Kreyszig (2005). Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 9th edition, Wiley

Approval section

Undergraduate Curriculum of Materials Science & Engineering

03. Engineering Mechanics

03 Engineering Mechanics
Module Category General
Module Code MScE-M1033
Module Number 03
Module Weight
Module Description This module contains Engineering Mechanics courses
This module helps students determine and analyze of forces and their influence in
components and systems under static and dynamic conditions. It covers physical body
interaction with their surrounding and the attainment of a state of rest. The main objectives of
this module is:
Rationale and · To apply the principles of force systems for analyzing structures, understand the nature of
Objective of the friction and quantify it,
Module · To Understand and apply basic principles that govern the motion of objects,
· To Develop appropriate mathematical models that represent physical systems,
· To Select appropriate coordinate systems for physical systems and analyze motion variables
such as position, velocity, and acceleration.
· Derive equations of motion that relate forces acting on systems and the resulting motion.
At the end of this module students will able to draw free body diagrams of complex static
Module competency and dynamical systems for characterizing the forces involved understand the properties of
areas, solve different engineering problems where the internal forces are to be determine
Mode of delivery Parallel (Semester)
Learning teaching
Lecture, tutorial , Home study
Assessment technique Test, Assignments, Quizzes, Final Exam
Courses of the module
Course code Course Name ECTS
CENG1011 Engineering Mechanics I (Statics) 5
MENG1062 Engineering Mechanics II (Dynamics) 5

BSc Curriculum for MS&E

Engineering Mechanics I (Statics)

Course Number CENG1011

Course Title Engineering Mechanics I (Statics)
Degree Program B. Sc. in Materials Science and Engineering
Module Engineering Mechanics
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer Service course by Civil Engineering Department
Instructor's Contact
Student workload Lecture Tutorials Laboratory or Practice Home study
Weekly basis 3 3 0 3
Semester basis (Total) 48 48 0 48
Mode of delivery Parallel
After the completion of the course students should be able to:
· Appreciate how physical bodies interact with their surrounding and attain a state of rest.
Course objectives and · Know to isolate a structure or part of it and show the forces acting on it.
competences to be · Apply the principles of force systems for analyzing structures.
acquired · Interpret the concept of e.g. center of mass and centroid as applied to distributed forces.
· Know section properties of members of a structure, which are measures of stiffness.
· Understand the nature of friction and quantify it
Course Description
This course includes:
Resultants of coplanar and non - coplanar force systems, Equations of equilibrium for
coplanar and non – coplanar force systems, Equilibrium of simple structures: trusses, beams,
frames and machines. Axial force, shear force and bending moment diagrams for beams and
simple frames. Properties of surfaces: centroid, moment and product of inertia of bodies and
areas. Static friction
Course Outline
- Resultants of coplanar and non- coplanar force systems
- Equations of equilibrium for coplanar and non – coplanar force systems,
- Equilibrium of simple structures: trusses, beams, frames and machines.
- Axial force, shear force and bending moment diagrams for beams and simple frames
- Properties of surfaces: centroid, moment and product of inertia of bodies and areas
- Static friction
Pre-requisites None
Semester Year I, Semester I

Undergraduate Curriculum of Materials Science & Engineering

Status of course compulsory

Teaching and learning
Lecture, tutorials
Continuous Assessment 50%
Assignments 10%
Quizzes 10%
and grading system
Tests 30%
End term exam 50%
Attendance: As per the harmonized academic policy
Assessments: Students are supposed to handle all the assessments on time.
Course policy
Cheating/ Plagiarism: It is strictly forbidden and any miss conduct is accountable as per the
students’ code of conduct.
Literature Textbook: Engineering Mechanics (Statics) J.C. Meriam
1. Vector Mechanics for Engineers, by P. Beer
2. Engineering Mechanics, by S. Timoshenko
3. Meriam, J.L. and Kraige, L.G., Engineering Mechanics.
4. Engineering Mechanics: Statics & Dynamics by Anthony M. Bedford, Wallace Fowler,
Prentice Hall; 5 edition (July 2007)
5. Engineering Mechanics: Statics by Russell C. Hibbeler, Prentice Hall; 12 edition (January
7, 2009)
6. Schaum's Outline of Engineering Mechanics by E. W. Nelson, Charles L. Best, William G.
McLean, McGraw-Hill; 5
edition (May 1997)
7. Engineering Mechanics - Statics and Dynamics by Anthony M Bedford, Wallace Fowler,
Prentice Hall; 4 edition (August 2004)
Approval section

BSc Curriculum for MS&E

Engineering Mechanics II (Dynamics)

Course Number MENG1062

Course Title Engineering Mechanics II (Dynamics)
Degree Program B. Sc. in Materials Science and Engineering
Module Engineering Mechanics
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer Service course by Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Department
Instructor's Contact
Student workload Lecture Tutorials Laboratory or Practice Home study
Weekly basis 3 3 0 3
Semester basis (Total) 48 48 0 48
Mode of delivery Parallel
Course objectives and Students shall understand basic principles governing motion of objects, appropriate physical
competences to be models representing physical systems, appropriate coordinate system & analysis of motion
acquired variables, and deriving equation of motion relating forces acting and resulting motion.
· Kinematics and kinetics of particles and rigid bodies,
Course · kinetics of rigid bodies in three dimension,
description/contents · Newton’s laws, work and energy, impulse and momentum.
· Solution of problems using vector approach.
Pre-requisites Engineering Mechanics I (Statics)
Semester Year I, Semester II
Status of course compulsory
Teaching and learning
Lectures, tutorials, Home study
Continuous Assessment 50%
Assignments 10%
Quizzes 10%
and grading system
Tests 30%
End term exam 50%
Course policy A student must attend at least 90% of the classes
Literature 1. Meriam, J.L. and Kraige, L.G., Engineering Mechanics, 6th Ed.
2. Hibbler R.C., Engineering Mechanics.
3. Beer, P. Mechanics for engineers.
4. Best, C.L., Analytical mechanics for engineers
Approval section

Undergraduate Curriculum of Materials Science & Engineering

04. Basic Engineering Skills

04 Basic Engineering Skills
Module Category General
Module Code MScE-M1043
Module Number 04
Module Weight
The students should be well equipped with knowledge of general engineering sciences
Module Description technical drawing, basic engineering skills: technical skills and which serves as foundation
for discipline oriented modules.
Rationale and
The module introduces the students with engineering profession in general and fundamental
Objective of the
engineering science and skills; hand-on experience in workshop practices
At the end of the module students
· will be able to sketch two dimensional and three dimensional views of different objects
· will be able to identify all engineering disciplines and be able to easily communicate with
Module competency others on interdisciplinary professions
· will be able to use different tools and machines of basic workshop
· will be able to easily compile data and report for clear present
will be able to understand and identify the unitary operations used in engineering
Mode of delivery Parallel
Learning teaching
Lectures, Tutorial, Practical
Continuous Assessment 50%
Assignments 10%
Assessment technique Quizzes 10%
Tests 30%
End term exam 50%
Courses of the module
Course code Course Name ECTS
MENG1033 Engineering Drawing 5
ENGG1001 Introduction to Engineering Profession 2
EnLa 409 Technical Report writing 4

BSc Curriculum for MS&E

Engineering Drawing

Course Number MENG1033

Course Title Engineering Drawing
Degree Program B. Sc. in Materials Science and Engineering
Module Basic Engineering Skills
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
Instructor's Contact
Student workload Lecture Tutorials Laboratory or Practice Home study
Weekly basis 2 0 4 3
Semester basis (Total) 32 0 64 48
Mode of delivery Parallel
At the end of the course, students shall master:
· Different types of projection techniques.
Course objectives and
· Sketching multi-view drawings.
competences to be
· Pictorial drawings of given multi-view drawings.
· Sketching auxiliary and sectional views.
· Finding intersection lines of different geometries & development of surfaces.
Introduction to descriptive geometry part: Geometrical construction, tangency construction,
conic sections, Special curves and theory of projection.
Course Introduction to multi-view representation: Techniques in pencil drawing, Pictorial drawing
description/contents (isometric and oblique), Auxiliary views, sectional view, section of solids such as cylinders,
cones and prisms, symbols used in for materials in section drawing, Development of
intersections of simple objects and transition piece.
Pre-requisites None
Semester Year I, Semester I
Status of course compulsory
Teaching and learning
Lectures, tutorials and practices
Assessment/Evaluation · Continuous Assessments (plus Studio work) …………..50%
and grading system · Final examination….………………….50%
Course policy Attendance: As per harmonized academic policy
Assessments: students are supposed to handle all assessments on time.
Cheating/plagiarism: it is strictly forbidden and any misconduct is accountable per the
students’ code of conduct.
Also, please do not chew gum, eat, listen to recorders or CD players, wear sunglasses, or talk

Undergraduate Curriculum of Materials Science & Engineering

about personal problems. Please be sure to turn off pagers and cell phones before class and
exam sessions
Literature Reference Books
1. Giesecke, Frederick .E., Technical Drawing
2. French, etal., Mechanical Drawing.
3. Giesecke, etal., Technical drawing.
4. Frank Zozzora, Engineering Drawing.
Approval section

BSc Curriculum for MS&E

Introduction to Engineering Profession

Course Number ENGG1001

Course Title Introduction to Engineering Profession
Degree Program B. Sc. in Materials Science and Engineering
Module Basic Engineering Skills
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
Instructor's Contact
Student workload Lecture Tutorials Laboratory or Practice Home study
Weekly basis 1 1 0 2
Semester basis (Total) 16 16 0 32
Mode of delivery Parallel
Course Objectives & Competences to be Acquired;
It is designed to help pre engineering students to decide which major within the engineering
Course objectives and discipline is best for them (to know and choose what they will be in the future). In addition
competences to be they acquire important skills including: teamwork, and communicating to diverse audiences.
acquired At the end of the course the student will; gain an awareness of the connections between
engineering and the wider world know accepted standards of academic ethics and can list
important academic values
Course Description;
Introduces students to the profession of all the disciplines of engineering. Prepares students
for success through the integration of the following important skills: technical problem
solving and engineering design, ethical decision-making, teamwork, and communicating to
diverse audiences.
Course Contents;
1. General introduction: familiarizing students with the various departments within the
faculty, and various student
resources on campus
2. Introduction to engineering disciplines – electrical, civil, mechanical, chemical, etc.
3. Introduction to different engineering workshop safety rules, visiting and being
acquainted with workshop atmosphere.
4. Introduction to hand tools and instruments
5. Measuring basic engineering quantities, (mechanical, electrical, civil, chemical, --- )
6. Introduction to basic and specific topics in different engineering fields, E.g.
Introduction to basic electrical quantities, Some experiments in building construction

Undergraduate Curriculum of Materials Science & Engineering

Pre-requisites None
Semester Year I, Semester I
Status of course compulsory
Teaching and learning
Lectures, laboratory and workshops visit and field visit project work.
Continuous Assessment 50%
Assignments 10%
Quizzes 10%
and grading system
Tests 30%
End term exam 50%
Attendance: As per harmonized academic policy
Assessments: students are supposed to handle all assessments on time.
Cheating/plagiarism: it is strictly forbidden and any misconduct is accountable per the
Course policy students’ code of conduct.
Also, please do not chew gum, eat, listen to recorders or CD players, wear sunglasses, or talk
about personal problems. Please be sure to turn off pagers and cell phones before class and
exam sessions
Literature Different engineering and technology magazines and journals
Approval section

BSc Curriculum for MS&E

Technical Report Writing

Course Number EnLa 409

Course Title Technical Report Writing
Degree Program B. Sc. in Materials Science and Engineering
Module Basic Engineering Skills
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
Instructor's Contact
Student workload Lecture Tutorials Laboratory or Practice Home study
Weekly basis 3 2 0 2
Semester basis (Total) 48 32 0 32
Mode of delivery Parallel
The course aims to introduce technical report writing characteristics that are in engineering
discipline like laboratory reports and field experiment data reporting skills. The students will
Course objectives and
be in a position to author professional works and handle effective communication skills with
competences to be
different bodies. Upon the completion of the course: students will be able to write a report on
laboratories and filed Works students will be familiar with various reporting techniques And
will have ability on writing-submittal to technical as well as non-technical audience.
Introduces students to the profession of all the disciplines of engineering. Prepares students
for success through the integration of the following important skills: technical problem
solving and engineering design, ethical decision-making, teamwork, and communicating to
diverse audiences.
1. The writing process
2. Technical writing documents and presentations
3. Formal reports
3.1 Laboratory report
3.2 Field visit report
3.3 Project report
4. Correspondence
5. Style and clarity
Pre-requisites None
Semester Year II, Semester I
Status of course compulsory
Teaching and learning
Lectures, Project, Home study

Undergraduate Curriculum of Materials Science & Engineering

Continuous Assessment 70%

Assignment 25%
Project 30%
and grading system
Presentation 15%
Final examination 30%
Attendance: As per harmonized academic policy
Assessments: students are supposed to handle all assessments on time.
Cheating/plagiarism: it is strictly forbidden and any misconduct is accountable per the
Course policy students’ code of conduct.
Also, please do not chew gum, eat, listen to recorders or CD players, wear sunglasses, or talk
about personal problems. Please be sure to turn off pagers and cell phones before class and
exam sessions
Literature Alred, Gerald J., Brusaw, Charles T., and Oliu, Walter E., “The Technical Writer’s
companion”, 3rd ed. Bedford/St. Martin’s, Boston, MA, 2002 (ISBN:0-312-25978-6);
Different manuals and magazines and Journals
Approval section

BSc Curriculum for MS&E

05. Advanced Mathematics and Computational Methods

05 Advanced Mathematics and Computational Methods
Module Category General
Module Code MScE-M2053
Module Number 05
Module Weight
The students should be well equipped with knowledge of mathematical modeling of
multivariable and fundamentals of hardware and software, program language and data
Module Description
manipulation and the basic computational & numerical methods to solve analytical and
numerical engineering equations problems both analytically and using computers.
Rationale and
The module aims to capacitate students to handle complex equation at the engineering
Objective of the
problems and to equip with basic computer skills and different programming languages
At the end of the module students
• will be able to use computers for data management and processing
• will be able to solve analytical problems and complex equations both analytically and using
Module competency
computer programs
• Will be able to solve and or simulate mathematical model of chemical presses or results of
material and energy balance from a certain processes.
Mode of delivery Parallel
Learning teaching
Lectures, tutorials and practical
Assessment technique Test ,assignments, quiz, presentation, final exam ,practice
Courses of the module
Course code Course Name ECTS
MATH2054 Applied Mathematics III 6
COMP2054 Introduction to Computer Programming 5

Undergraduate Curriculum of Materials Science & Engineering

Introduction to Computer and Programming

Course Number COMP 2054
Course Title Introduction to Computer and Programming
Degree Program B. Sc. in Materials Science and Engineering
Module Advanced Mathematics and Computational Methods
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
Instructor's Contact
Student workload Lecture Tutorials Laboratory or Practice Home study
Weekly basis 3 0 3 3
Semester basis (Total) 48 0 48 48
Mode of delivery Parallel
The course aims to provide the students with fundamental on the hardware and software,
program language and data manipulation using computers, students will attain the basic
Course objectives and
computer skills. The students will understand algorithmic foundations of computing science
competences to be
and develop algorithms. The students will be able to gain perspective on computer system
architecture. The students will be able to program in any machine language and a high-level
program language using (MATLAB)
Course Description/Course Contents:
Introduction to Computer
Course Representation, manipulation and storage of information in computers
description/contents Introduction to MATLAB
Basic operations in MATLAB
Input output of data from MATLAB command window
Pre-requisites None
Semester Year II, Semester I
Status of course Compulsory
Teaching and learning
Lectures and Practice
Continuous Assessment 50%
Assessment/Evaluation • Assignment 30%
and grading system • quiz 20%
Final Exam 50%
Course policy Attendance: As per nationally harmonized academic policy
Assessments: students are supposed to handle all assessments on time.
Cheating/plagiarism: it is strictly forbidden and any misconduct is accountable per the

BSc Curriculum for MS&E

students’ code of conduct

Literature Text Book/Reference Books
Approval section

Undergraduate Curriculum of Materials Science & Engineering

Applied Mathematics III

Course Number MATH 2063

Course Title Applied Mathematics III
Degree Program B. Sc. in Materials Science and Engineering
Module Advanced Mathematics and Computational Methods
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer Service course by School of Mathematics and Statistics
Instructor's Contact
Student workload Lecture Tutorials Laboratory or Practice Home study
Weekly basis 3 4 0 4
Semester basis (Total) 48 64 0 64
Mode of delivery Parallel
Course objectives and
After the completion of this course students will be able model and solve common advanced
competences to be
mathematical problems that arise in MS engineering applications.
Ordinary differential equations;
Laplace Transform;
Vector calculus;
Calculus of complex variables;
Analytics, contour integration,
Series expansion,
Calculus of residue and their application.
Pre-requisites Applied mathematics-I and Applied mathematics –II
Semester Year II, Semester I
Status of course compulsory
Teaching and learning
Lectures, tutorials
• Continuous Assessment 50%
Assessment/Evaluation • Assignments (2x10)20%
and grading system • Quizzes (3x10)30%
• Final examination 50%
Attendance: As per nationally harmonized academic policy
Assessments: students are supposed to handle all assessments on time.
Course policy
Cheating/plagiarism: it is strictly forbidden and any misconduct is accountable per the
students’ code of conduct.
Literature • Erwin Kreyszing, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 9th ed., 2005.

BSc Curriculum for MS&E

• Dennis G. Zill and Michael R. Cullen Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 3rd ed. 2006
Approval section

Undergraduate Curriculum of Materials Science & Engineering

17. Economics
17 Economics
Module Category General
Module Code MScE-M4173
Module Number 17
Module Weight
Module Description This module contains Introduction to Economics course.
Rationale and
Objective of the To introduce students to the basic principles and concepts of economics.
Up on completion of this course students enabled to Understand the basic principles of
Module competency
economics and easily communicate in common economic terms.
Mode of delivery Parallel (Semester wide)
Learning teaching
Continuous assessment (50%)
Test / Quiz 20%
Assessment technique Assignment 20%
Presentation 10%
Final Exam (50%)
Courses of the module
Course code Course Name ECTS
ECON 1022 Introduction to economics 4

BSc Curriculum for MS&E

Introduction to Economics

Course Number ECON1022

Course Title Introduction to Economics
Degree Program B. Sc. in Materials Science and Engineering
Module Economics
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer Service course by Economics department
Instructor's Contact
Student workload Lecture Tutorials Laboratory or Practice Home study
Weekly basis 3 2 0 2
Semester basis (Total) 48 32 0 32
Mode of delivery Parallel
Course objectives and To introduce students to the basic principles and concepts of economics. Up on completion
competences to be of this course students enabled to Understand the basic principles of economics and easily
acquired communicate in common economic terms.
1. An introduction to economics and economy,
2. National income, employment and fiscal policy,
3. Money, banking and monetary policy.
4. Introduction to Macroeconomics,
5. Introduction to micro economics and product markets
Pre-requisites None
Semester Year IV, Semester II
Status of course compulsory
Teaching and learning
Lecture, home study
Continuous assessment (50%)
Test / Quiz 20%
Assignment 20%
and grading system
Presentation 10%
Final Exam (50%)
Attendance: A student must attend at least 90% of the classes
Assessments: Students are supposed to handle all the assessments on time.
Course policy
Cheating/ Plagiarism: It is strictly forbidden and any misconduct is accountable as per the
students’ code of conduct.
Literature Text Book
Approval section

Undergraduate Curriculum of Materials Science & Engineering

06. Materials Science Chemistry

06 General Chemistry
Module Category Core
Module Code MScE-M2061
Module Number 06
Module Weight
This module contains the necessary knowledge in Chemistry from the point of view of a
Module Description Materials Science Engineer. This module contains General Chemistry I, General Chemistry
II, General Chemistry Lab I and General Chemistry lab II
It will introduce students with the basic practical knowledge on chemistry and the
Rationale and
relationships between the atomic scale and the properties of the materials. This module will
Objective of the
help them latter to understand and quantify the chemistry operations needed in MS
Upon the completion of the module, the students will be :
• Able to perform synthesis of inorganic compounds and materials by integrating all the
structure-properties aspects.
Module competency • Able to understand how the existing chemical processes works
• Be able to identify property materials made of different inorganic elements
• Able to understand the methods of analytical chemistry and able to identify and determine
the concentration of chemicals in solution and from natural materials.
Mode of delivery Parallel
Learning teaching
Lecturing, tutorial, laboratory, home study,
Assessment technique Quiz, Assignment, Presentation, Lab report, and Project
Courses of the module
Course code Course Name ECTS
MScE1061 General Chemistry I 4
MScE2062 General Chemistry II 6
MScE2063 General Chemistry lab I 2
MScE2064 General Chemistry lab II 2

BSc Curriculum for MS&E

General Chemistry I

Course Number MScE1061

Course Title General Chemistry I
Degree Program B. Sc. in Materials Science and Engineering
Module Materials Science Chemistry
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer Service course MS&E Department
Instructor's Contact
Student workload Lecture Tutorials Laboratory or Practice Home study
Weekly basis 3 2 0 2
Semester basis (Total) 48 32 0 32
Mode of delivery Parallel
The course is aimed to equip the students with the basic knowledge in chemistry from the
Materials Science point of view.
• It will also enables the students to know about atomic structure, gas phase, liquid phase,
Course objectives and
solid phase, stoichiometry, balance of equations, sampling technique, curve fitting,
competences to be
measurements of errors and basic in thermodynamics and how it is interrelated and
connected to MS&E.
• The student will be able to discuss about molecular bonding and spectroscopy,
potentiometry and different analytical techniques.
Introduction to General Chemistry
Matter and radiation
Atoms, ions, molecules and chemical bonding
Course Gas phase
description/contents Liquid and solid phase
Stoichiometry and balance of reactions
Acid, base and buffers
Introduction to thermodynamics
Pre-requisites None
Semester Year I, Semester II
Status of course compulsory
Teaching and learning
Lectures, home work, home study
Assessment/Evaluation • Continuous Assessment 50%
and grading system • Assignments 30%
• Quizzes 20%

Undergraduate Curriculum of Materials Science & Engineering

• Final examination 50%

Attendance: A student must attend at least 90% of the classes
Assessments: students are supposed to handle all assessments on time.
Cheating/plagiarism: it is strictly forbidden and any misconduct is accountable per the
Course policy students’ code of conduct.
Also, please do not chew gum, eat, listen to recorders or CD players, wear sunglasses, or talk
about personal problems. Please be sure to turn off pagers and cell phones before class and
exam sessions
Literature General Chemistry: The Essential Concepts, Raymond Chang, Kenneth Goldsby Ed.7,
McGraw-Hill Education, 2013, ISBN:125906042X, 9781259060427
General Chemistry Darrell D Ebbing, Steven D. Gammon, Editor Cengage Learning, 2009,
ISBN:0618934693, 9780618934690
Different general and analytical magazines, books and journals
Approval section

BSc Curriculum for MS&E

General Chemistry II

Course Number MScE2062

Course Title General Chemistry II
Degree Program B. Sc. in Materials Science and Engineering
Module Materials Science Chemistry
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer Service course MS&E Department
Instructor's Contact
Student workload Lecture Tutorials Laboratory or Practice Home study
Weekly basis 4 3 0 4
Semester basis (Total) 64 48 0 48
Mode of delivery Parallel
The objective of this course is to enable students:
Course objectives and • Understand the physical and chemical properties of different molecules into the MS&E and
competences to be how these reaction affect the macromolecular structures.
acquired • Give nomenclature of different chemical molecules
• To understand the production of different substances into MS&E field.
Bonding theories: LCAO, MOT.
Basicidity, Acidity, Nucleophile, Electrophile
Organic and Inorganic Molecules
Characteristic of Functional Groups
Organometallic Chemistry
Pre-requisites General Chemistry I
Semester Year II, Semester II
Status of course Compulsory
Teaching and learning
Lectures, home work.
• Continuous Assessment 50%
Assessment/Evaluation • Assignments 30%
and grading system • Quizzes 20%
• Final examination 50%
Course policy Attendance: A student must attend at least 90% of the classes
Assessments: students are supposed to handle all assessments on time.
Cheating/plagiarism: it is strictly forbidden and any misconduct is accountable per the

Undergraduate Curriculum of Materials Science & Engineering

students’ code of conduct.

Also, please do not chew gum, eat, listen to recorders or CD players, wear sunglasses, or talk
about personal problems. Please be sure to turn off pagers and cell phones before class and
exam sessions
Literature Inorganic chemistry F.A Cotton and G. Wilkinson 1989
Volhardt K. Peter C. “Organic Chemistry” W.H. Freeman and Company
Concise inorganic chemistry. J.D. Lee. 1984
Approval section

BSc Curriculum for MS&E

General Chemistry Lab I

Course Number MScE2063

Course Title General Chemistry Lab I
Degree Program B. Sc. in Materials Science and Engineering
Module Materials Science Chemistry
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer Service course MS&E Department
Instructor's Contact
Student workload Lecture Tutorials Laboratory or Practice Home study
Weekly basis 0 0 2 2
Semester basis (Total) 0 0 32 32
Mode of delivery Parallel
Course objectives and Students shall learn detailed laboratory practice and skills in the field of MS&E and shall be
competences to be able to measure the errors inherent to the measuring process. To achieve this objective they
acquired will conduct several experiences in the MS&E laboratories.
Course Acid-base Reactions
description/contents Errors
Data treatment
Source of error in chemical analysis
Pre-requisites General Chemistry I, General Chemistry II (Pro-requisite)
Semester Year II, Semester I
Status of course compulsory
Teaching and learning
Lectures, lab exercises
Assessment/Evaluation Practice 50%
and grading system Exam 50%
Attendance: Obligatory
Assessments: students are supposed to handle all assessments on time.
Cheating/plagiarism: it is strictly forbidden and any misconduct is accountable per the
Course policy students’ code of conduct.
Also, please do not chew gum, eat, listen to recorders or CD players, wear sunglasses, or talk
about personal problems. Please be sure to turn off pagers and cell phones before class and
exam sessions
Literature Experiments in General Chemistry: Featuring Measurement, Bobby Stanton, Lin Zhu,

Undergraduate Curriculum of Materials Science & Engineering

Charles Atwood, 2Ed. Editor Cengage Learning, 2009, ISBN:0495561797, 9780495561798

Laboratory Manual for Principles of General Chemistry, Jo Allan Beran, Ed.9th ,John Wiley
& Sons, 2010, ISBN:0470647892, 9780470647899
Approval section

BSc Curriculum for MS&E

General Chemistry Lab II

Course Number MScE2064

Course Title General Chemistry Lab II
Degree Program B. Sc. in Materials Science and Engineering
Module Materials Science Chemistry
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer Service course MS&E Department
Instructor's Contact
Student workload Lecture Tutorials Laboratory or Practice Home study
Weekly basis 0 0 2 2
Semester basis (Total) 0 0 32 32
Mode of delivery Parallel
Course objectives and Students shall learn detailed laboratory practice and skills in the field of chemical reactions
competences to be applied to MS&E, acquire advance knowledge of laboratory safety and be able to synthesize
acquired some organic and inorganic materials.
Safety and how to act in an emergency situation
Synthesis of some inorganic compounds
Course Inorganic methods to purify the reaction products
description/contents Synthesis of some organic compounds
Organic methods to purify the reaction products
Analysis and quantification
Pre-requisites General Chemistry I, General Chemistry II, General Chemistry lab I
Semester Year II, Semester II
Status of course compulsory
Teaching and learning
Lectures, lab exercises
Assessment/Evaluation Practice........50%
and grading system Exam 50%
Attendance: Obligatory
Assessments: students are supposed to handle all assessments on time.
Cheating/plagiarism: it is strictly forbidden and any misconduct is accountable per the
Course policy students’ code of conduct.
Also, please do not chew gum, eat, listen to recorders or CD players, wear sunglasses, or talk
about personal problems. Please be sure to turn off pagers and cell phones before class and
exam sessions
Literature Experiments in General Chemistry: Featuring Measurement, Bobby Stanton, Lin Zhu,

Undergraduate Curriculum of Materials Science & Engineering

Charles Atwood, 2Ed. Editor Cengage Learning, 2009, ISBN:0495561797, 9780495561798

Laboratory Manual for Principles of General Chemistry, Jo Allan Beran, Ed.9th ,John Wiley
& Sons, 2010, ISBN:0470647892, 9780470647899
Approval section

BSc Curriculum for MS&E

07. Materials Science Physics

07 Materials Science Physics
Module Category Core
Module Code MScE-M2071
Module Number 07
Module Weight
This module contains topics in electricity and magnetism as well as quantum physics from
Module Description
the MS&E point of view.
After completing this module, students will know all about current, charge, voltage,
resistance and power in microscopic and macroscopic systems. You will understand the
Rationale and
different types of circuits and the way to construct and select the appropriate materials. They
Objective of the
will be able to make calculations with series and parallel circuits, and to convert AC to DC.
You will know how to use capacitors, transducers, magnets, sound and wave equations,
sound diffraction and how it is implemented in MS&E.
Module competency N/A
Mode of delivery Parallel
Learning teaching
Lectures, Tutorial, Home study
Assessment technique Quizzes, Assignments, Tests, Exams
Courses of the module
Course code Course Name ECTS
MScE-M2071 Electricity and Magnetism in Microscopic and Macroscopic systems 6

Undergraduate Curriculum of Materials Science & Engineering

Electricity and Magnetism in Microscopic and Macroscopic


Course Number MScE2071

Course Title Electricity and Magnetism in Microscopic and Macroscopic systems
Degree Program B. Sc. in Materials Science and Engineering
Module Materials Science Physics
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer Service course MS&E Department
Instructor's Contact
Student workload Lecture Tutorials Laboratory or Practice Home study
Weekly basis 4 3 0 4
Semester basis (Total) 64 48 0 64
Mode of delivery Parallel
Course objectives and To know about electric fields, magnetic fields, electromagnetic forces, conductors and
competences to be dielectrics, electromagnetic waves, and the nature of light. As well as the application in
acquired different materials from macroscopic systems to microscopic systems.
This class discusses the origin of electrical, magnetic and optical properties of materials, with
a focus on the acquisition of quantum mechanical tools. It begins with an analysis of the
properties of materials, presentation of the postulates of quantum mechanics, and close
examination of the hydrogen atom, simple molecules and bonds, and the behavior of
Course electrons in solids and energy bands. Introducing the variation principle as a method for the
description/contents calculation of wave functions, the course continues with investigation of how and why
materials respond to different electrical, magnetic and electromagnetic fields and probes and
study of the conductivity, dielectric function, and magnetic permeability in metals,
semiconductors, and insulators. A survey of common devices such as transistors, magnetic
storage media, and optical fibers concludes the semester.
Pre-requisites None
Semester Year II, Semester II
Status of course compulsory
Teaching and learning
Lecture, tutorials, interactive media
Continuous Assessment 50%
Assignments (at least three) 15%
Quizzes (at least three) 15%
and grading system
Tests (at least two) 20%
Final examination 50%

BSc Curriculum for MS&E

Attendance: A student must attend at least 90% of the classes.

Assessments: students are supposed to handle all assessments on time.
Cheating/plagiarism: it is strictly forbidden and any misconduct is accountable as per the
Course policy students’ code of conduct.
Note: do not chew gum, eat, listen to recorders or CD players, wear sunglasses, or talk about
personal problems. Please be sure to turn off pagers and cell phones before class and exam
Literature Electricity and Magnetism, Edward M. Purcell David J. Morin Cambridge University Press,
2013, ISBN:1107014026, 978110701402
Electricity and Magnetism, W.N. Cottingham, D.A. Greenwood, Cambridge University
Press, 1991, ISBN:0521368030, 9780521368032
Approval section

Undergraduate Curriculum of Materials Science & Engineering

08. Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering

08 Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering
Module Category Core
Module Code MScE-M1081
Module Number 08
Module Weight (ECTS) 24
This module contains introduction to Materials Science and engineering, Introduction to
Module Description nanotechnology, Introduction to nanomaterials, Introduction to biomaterials as well as
material labs I and II
Rationale and The primary objective of the module is to equip the student with a number of fundamental
Objective of the materials theories as well as some area of application. The student will learn the basics en
Module general knowledge about Materials Science en Engineering.
Module competency N/A
Mode of delivery Parallel
Learning teaching
Lectures, Tutorial, Home study
Assessment technique Quizzes, Assignments, Tests, Exams
Courses of the module
Course code Course Name ECTS
MScE1081 Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering 4
MScE1082 Introduction to Nanotechnology 4
MScE2083 Introduction to Nanomaterials 6
MScE3083 Introduction to Biomaterials 6
MScE2084 Materials Laboratory I 2
MScE3085 Materials Laboratory II 2

BSc Curriculum for MS&E

Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering

Course Number MScE1081

Course Title Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering
Degree Program B. Sc. in Materials Science and Engineering
Module Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer Service course MS&E Department
Instructor's Contact
Student workload Lecture Tutorials Laboratory or Practice Home study
Weekly basis 3 2 0 2
Semester basis (Total) 48 32 0 32
Mode of delivery Parallel
Course objectives and
The student will learn the basics en general knowledge about Materials Science and
competences to be
Structure and properties of metals, semiconductors, insulators, crystals, glasses, polymers
and ceramics. Limitation and opportunities of miniaturization and nanotechnology.
Differentiation between nanoscale materials and the macro world will be explored.
Pre-requisites None
Semester Year I, Semester II
Status of course Compulsory
Teaching and learning
Lecture, tutorials
Continuous Assessment 50%
Assignments (at least three) 15%
Quizzes (at least three) 15%
and grading system
Tests (at least two) 20%
Final examination 50%
Attendance: A student must attend at least 90% of the classes
Assessments: students are supposed to handle all assessments on time.
Cheating/plagiarism: it is strictly forbidden and any misconduct is accountable as per the
Course policy students’ code of conduct.
Note: do not chew gum, eat, listen to recorders or CD players, wear sunglasses, or talk about
personal problems. Please be sure to turn off pagers and cell phones before class and exam
Literature Introduction to Materials Science for Engineers, J.F. Shackelford, Prentice Hall,

Undergraduate Curriculum of Materials Science & Engineering

2009,ISBN:0136012604, 9780136012603
Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering, Y-W Chung, CRC Press, 2006,ISBN:
0849392632, 9780849392634
Approval section

BSc Curriculum for MS&E

Introduction to Nanotechnology

Course Number MScE1082

Course Title Introduction to Nanotechnology
Degree Program B. Sc. in Materials Science and Engineering
Module Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer Service course Material Department
Instructor's Contact
Student workload Lecture Tutorials Laboratory or Practice Home study
Weekly basis 3 2 0 2
Semester basis (Total) 48 32 0 32
Mode of delivery Parallel
Course objectives and
The main objective of this course is to introduce the student the field of nanotechnology and
competences to be
build their understanding on various technological terminology and descriptions.
This course provides strong foundation to various terminology and descriptions in the field
of nanotechnology from the point of view of physics, chemistry and engineering. We will
Course provide the students with demonstrative illustrations and multimedia presentations to make a
description/contents clear understanding on the size related properties and functions.
The student will obtain a clear understanding on nanotechnology and provide an
interdisciplinary approach to materials and devices.
Pre-requisites None
Semester Year II, Semester I
Status of course Compulsory
Teaching and learning
Lecture, tutorials
Continuous Assessment 50%
Assignments (at least three) 15%
Quizzes (at least three) 15%
and grading system
Tests (at least two) 20%
Final examination 50%
Course policy Attendance: A student must attend at least 90% of the classes
Assessments: students are supposed to handle all assessments on time.
Cheating/plagiarism: it is strictly forbidden and any misconduct is accountable as per the
students’ code of conduct.
Note: do not chew gum, eat, listen to recorders or CD players, wear sunglasses, or talk about

Undergraduate Curriculum of Materials Science & Engineering

personal problems. Please be sure to turn off pagers and cell phones before class and exam
Literature Introduction to Nanotechnology, C.P. Poole, F.J. Owens, John Wiley & Sons, 2003,
Nanotalk : conversations with scientists and engineers about ethics, meaning, and belief in
the development of nanotechnology, R.W. Berne, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.,
Publishers, 2005, ISBN 0-8058-4810-X (all. paper), ISBN 1-4106-1563-4 Master e-book
Approval section

BSc Curriculum for MS&E

Introduction to Nanomaterials

Course Number MScE2083

Course Title Introduction to Nanomaterials
Degree Program B. Sc. in Materials Science and Engineering
Module Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer Service course MS&E Department
Instructor's Contact
Student workload Lecture Tutorials Laboratory or Practice Home study
Weekly basis 4 2 1 4
Semester basis (Total) 64 32 16 64
Mode of delivery Parallel
Course objectives and
The main objective is to provide to the student an integrated foundation to nanoscience as
competences to be
future Engineer in materials science.
This course provides an integrated foundation to nanoscience from the point of view of
physics, chemistry and engineering. Based on nanoscience, we discuss nanotechnology,
which involves behavior and control of materials and processes at the atomic and molecular
The student will have an understanding of the theoretical basis, synthetic processes and
experimental techniques for nanomaterials and an understanding that nanotechnology is an
interdisciplinary approach to materials and devices.
Pre-requisites Introduction to MS&E
Semester Year II, Semester II
Status of course compulsory
Teaching and learning
Lecture, tutorials
Continuous Assessment 50%
Assignments (at least three) 15%
Quizzes (at least three) 15%
and grading system
Tests (at least two) 20%
Final examination 50%
Course policy Attendance: A student must attend at least 90% of the classes
Assessments: students are supposed to handle all assessments on time.
Cheating/plagiarism: it is strictly forbidden and any misconduct is accountable as per the
students’ code of conduct.

Undergraduate Curriculum of Materials Science & Engineering

Note: do not chew gum, eat, listen to recorders or CD players, wear sunglasses, or talk about
personal problems. Please be sure to turn off pagers and cell phones before class and exam
Literature Introduction to Nanomaterials and Devices, M.O. Manasreh, O. Manasreh, John Wiley &
Sons, 2012, ISBN:0470927070, 978047092707
Nanomaterials, Nanotechnologies and Design: An Introduction for Engineers and Architects,
D.L. Schodek, P. Ferreira, M.F. Ashby, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2009, ISBN:0080941532,
Approval section

BSc Curriculum for MS&E

Introduction to Biomaterials

Course Number MScE3084

Course Title Introduction to Biomaterials
Degree Program B. Sc. in Materials Science and Engineering
Module Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer Service course of MS&E
Instructor's Contact
Student workload Lecture Tutorials Laboratory or Practice Home study
Weekly basis 4 2 1 4
Semester basis (Total) 64 32 16 64
Mode of delivery Parallel
The goals of this course are to provide: a more detailed understanding of the properties of
Course objectives and
biological materials and how those properties influence the functionality of the systems that
competences to be
are comprised of them an introduction of materials that might be utilized in biomedical
applications and the properties that they need to exhibit in terms of their utility
This course is intended to provide an overview of materials used in biomedical applications,
both internal and external to the human body. The specific objective of this course is to
present the principles which apply to the properties and selection of materials used in
medical applications. Topics include structure and properties of metals, ceramics, polymers,
and composites; fundamental composition of biological tissues; material performance in
hostile environment, the basic processes associated with wound healing; and principles
associated with the interaction between biological tissues and artificial materials.
Introduction to MS&E
Pre-requisites Introduction to Nanomaterials
Material Laboratory I
Semester Year III, Semester I
Status of course compulsory
Teaching and learning
Lecture, tutorials
Continuous Assessment 50%
Assignments (at least three) 15%
Quizzes (at least three) 15%
and grading system
Tests (at least two) 20%
Final examination 50%
Course policy Attendance: A student must attend at least 90% of the classes

Undergraduate Curriculum of Materials Science & Engineering

Assessments: students are supposed to handle all assessments on time.

Cheating/plagiarism: it is strictly forbidden and any misconduct is accountable as per the
students’ code of conduct.
Note: do not chew gum, eat, listen to recorders or CD players, wear sunglasses, or talk about
personal problems. Please be sure to turn off pagers and cell phones before class and exam
Literature Introduction to Biomaterials, D. Shi, 2006,ISBN:7302108072, 9787302108078
An Introduction to Biomaterials, Second Edition, J.O. Hollinger, CRC Press, 2011, ISBN:
143981256X, 9781439812563
Approval section

BSc Curriculum for MS&E

Materials Laboratory I

Course Number MScE2085

Course Title Materials Laboratory I
Degree Program B. Sc. in Materials Science and Engineering
Module Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer Service course MS&E
Instructor's Contact
Student workload Lecture Tutorials Laboratory or Practice Home study
Weekly basis 0 0 2 2
Semester basis (Total) 0 0 32 32
Mode of delivery Parallel
Course objectives and
competences to be Bring general experimental skills to the students in Material synthesis and characterization
Experimental exploration of the connections between energetics, bonding and structure of
materials, and application of these principles in instruments for materials characterization.
Demonstration of the wave-like nature of electrons.
Pre-requisites Introduction to MS&E and Introduction to Nanotechnology
Semester Year III, Semester I
Status of course compulsory
Teaching and learning
Practices , test.
and grading system
Attendance: Obligatory
Assessments: students are supposed to handle all assessments on time.
Cheating/plagiarism: it is strictly forbidden and any misconduct is accountable as per the
Course policy students’ code of conduct.
Note: do not chew gum, eat, listen to recorders or CD players, wear sunglasses, or talk about
personal problems. Please be sure to turn off pagers and cell phones before class and exam
Literature 1. Text books
2. Journals magazine and in the web.
Approval section

Undergraduate Curriculum of Materials Science & Engineering

Materials Laboratory II

Course Number MScE3086

Course Title Materials Laboratory II
Degree Program B. Sc. in Materials Science and Engineering
Module Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer Service course MS&E
Instructor's Contact
Student workload Lecture Tutorials Laboratory or Practice Home study
Weekly basis 0 0 2 2
Semester basis (Total) 0 0 32 32
Mode of delivery Parallel
Course objectives and
competences to be Bring deepest experimental skills to the students in Material synthesis and characterization
Vector algebra; Hands-on experience with techniques to quantify energy (DSC), bonding
Course (XPS, AES, FTIR, UV/VIS and force spectroscopy), and degree of order (x-ray scattering) in
description/contents condensed matter. Investigation of structural transitions and structure-property relationships
through practical materials examples.
Introduction to MS&E; Introduction to Nanotechnology; Introduction to Nanomaterials;
Introduction to Biomaterials; Materials Laboratory I
Semester Year III, Semester II
Status of course Compulsory
Teaching and learning
Practices, test.
and grading system
Attendance: Obligatory
Assessments: students are supposed to handle all assessments on time.
Cheating/plagiarism: it is strictly forbidden and any misconduct is accountable as per the
Course policy students’ code of conduct.
Note: do not chew gum, eat, listen to recorders or CD players, wear sunglasses, or talk about
personal problems. Please be sure to turn off pagers and cell phones before class and exam
Literature 1. Text books
2. Journals magazine and in the web.

BSc Curriculum for MS&E

Approval section

Undergraduate Curriculum of Materials Science & Engineering

09. Materials in Energy Systems

09 Materials in Energy Systems

Module Category Core
Module Code MScE-M4091
Module Number 09
Module Weight
This module contains Introduction to electrochemical engineering, Electrochemical and
Module Description
Materials for Energy Systems, Solar cells.
Rationale and
The primary objective of the module is to equip the student with the essential knowledge to
Objective of the
understand, design and create useful materials that can be used in any energy system.
Module competency N/A
Mode of delivery Parallel
Learning teaching
Lectures, Tutorial, Home study, Practical
Assessment technique Assignments, Quizzes, Test
Courses of the module
Course code Course Name ECTS
MScE2091 Introduction to electrochemical engineering 6

MScE4092 Electrochemical and Materials for energy systems 6

MScE4093 Solar cells 6

BSc Curriculum for MS&E

Introduction to electrochemical engineering

Course Number MScE2091
Course Title Introduction to electrochemical engineering
Degree Program B. Sc. in Materials Science and Engineering
Module Materials in Energy Systems
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer Service course MS&E Department
Instructor's Contact
Student workload Lecture Tutorials Laboratory or Practice Home study
Weekly basis 4 2 1 4
Semester basis (Total) 64 32 16 64
Mode of delivery Parallel
The student will learn the basic concepts of electrochemical engineering, electrical
Course objectives and
conduction and measurement emphasizing the role and synthesis of electrodes, electrolyte
competences to be
and electrified interphase. In this course the student also will learn about the specific
materials designed for the electrochemical systems employed in MS&E.
1. Electrolyte solutions
2. Electrochemical cells:
Course 3. Thermodynamics and electrochemistry
description/contents 4. Electric double layer
5. Electrode kinetics
6. Technical and engineering applications
Pre-requisites None
Semester Year II, Semester II
Status of course compulsory
Teaching and learning
Lecture, tutorials, home study, practical
Continuous Assessment 50%
Assignments (at least three) 15%
Quizzes (at least three) 15%
and grading system
Tests (at least two) 20%
Final examination 50%
Course policy Attendance: A student must attend at least 90% of the classes
Assessments: students are supposed to handle all assessments on time.
Cheating/plagiarism: it is strictly forbidden and any misconduct is accountable as per the
students’ code of conduct.

Undergraduate Curriculum of Materials Science & Engineering

Note: do not chew gum, eat, listen to recorders or CD players, wear sunglasses, or talk about
personal problems. Please be sure to turn off pagers and cell phones before class and exam
Literature Electrochemistry, Schaum's Outlines, P.H. Rieger, Ed. Springer, 1994, ISBN 0412043912,
Handbook of Solid State Electrochemistry, P.J. Gellins, H.J. Bouwmeester, Ed. CRC Press,
1997, ISBN 1420049305, 9781420049305.
Fundamentals of Electrochemistry, V.S. Bagotsky, Ed. John Wiley&Sons, 2005, ISBN
0471741981, 9780471741985.
Approval section

BSc Curriculum for MS&E

Electrochemical-materials for energy systems

Course Number MScE4092
Course Title Electrochemical-materials for energy systems
Degree Program B. Sc. in Materials Science and Engineering
Module Materials in Energy Systems
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer Service course MS&E Department
Instructor's Contact
Student workload Lecture Tutorials Laboratory or Practice Home study
Weekly basis 4 2 1 4
Semester basis (Total) 64 32 16 64
Mode of delivery Parallel
Course objectives and
The student will be introduced into the principles and models of electrochemical energy
competences to be
conversion and storage employed in MS&E.
Circuits theory
Transport phenomena
Course Porous media
description/contents Introduction to Batteries technology
Introduction to Fuel cells tecnology
Introduction to Supercapacitators
Pre-requisites Introduction to Electrochemical engineering
Semester Year IV, Semester II
Status of course compulsory
Teaching and learning
Lecture, tutorials, home study, practical
Continuous Assessment 50%
Assignments (at least three) 15%
Quizzes (at least three) 15%
and grading system
Tests (at least two) 20%
Final examination 50%
Course policy Attendance: A student must attend at least 90% of the classes
Assessments: students are supposed to handle all assessments on time.
Cheating/plagiarism: it is strictly forbidden and any misconduct is accountable as per the
students’ code of conduct.

Undergraduate Curriculum of Materials Science & Engineering

Note: do not chew gum, eat, listen to recorders or CD players, wear sunglasses, or talk about
personal problems. Please be sure to turn off pagers and cell phones before class and exam
Literature Newman, John, and Karen E. Thomas-Alyea. Electrochemical Systems. 3rd ed. John Wiley &
Sons, 2004. ISBN: 9780471477563.
Bard, Allen J., and Larry R. Faulkner. Electrochemical Methods: Fundamentals and
Applications. 2nd ed. John Wiley & Sons, 2000. ISBN: 9780471043720.
Torquato, Salvadore. Random Heterogeneous Materials. Springer, 2002. ISBN:
Deen, William M. Analysis of Transport Phenomena. Oxford University Press, 1998. ISBN:
Approval section

BSc Curriculum for MS&E

Solar cells
Course Number MScE4093
Course Title Solar cells
Degree Program B. Sc. in Materials Science and Engineering
Module Materials in Energy Systems
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer Service course MS&E Department
Instructor's Contact
Student workload Lecture Tutorials Laboratory or Practice Home study
Weekly basis 4 2 1 4
Semester basis (Total) 64 32 16 64
Mode of delivery Parallel
Course objectives and Knowledge of how these devices work, parameters that control their operation and skills in
competences to be efficient photo-to-electric energy conversion. These course will introduce the students in the
acquired fabrication, design and processing of Solar cells in MS&E industry.
Introduction to Solar Cells
Absorbing Solar Energy
Solar Cell Equations
Generalized Model of a Solar Converter
Concentrators of Light
Basic Economics of Photovoltaic Cells and Systems .
Pre-requisites Electrochemistry
Semester Year IV, Semester II
Status of course compulsory
Teaching and learning
Lecture, tutorials, practical, home study
Continuous assessment (50%)
Assessment/Evaluation Test / Quiz 25%
and grading system Assignment 25%
Final Exam (50%)
Attendance: A student must attend at least 90% of the classes
Assessments: Students are supposed to handle all the assessments on time.
Course policy
Cheating/ Plagiarism: It is strictly forbidden and any misconduct is accountable as per the
students’ code of conduct.
Literature Greg P. Smestad, Optoelectronics of Solar Cells, SPIE monographs, July 2002

Undergraduate Curriculum of Materials Science & Engineering

Approval section

BSc Curriculum for MS&E

10. Mechanics and Transformation of Materials in MS&E

10 Mechanics and Transformation of Materials in MS&E
Module Category Core
Module Code MScE-M4101
Module Number 10
Module Weight
This module contains Mechanics of Materials, Phase Transformation and Kinetics and
Module Description
Strength of Materials Laboratory
Rationale and
The primary objective of the module is to equip the student with the essential knowledge to
Objective of the
understand the Mechanics and Transformation of Materials in MS&E.
Module competency N/A
Mode of delivery Parallel
Learning teaching
Lectures, Tutorial, Home study, Practical
Assessment technique Assignments, Quizzes, Test
Courses of the module
Course code Course Name ECTS
MScE3101 Mechanics of Materials 6
MScE3102 Phase Transformation and Kinetics 6
MScE3103 Materials Processing 6
MScE4104 Strength of Materials Laboratory 2

Undergraduate Curriculum of Materials Science & Engineering

Mechanics of Materials

Course Number MScE3101

Course Title Mechanics of Materials
Degree Program B. Sc. in Materials Science and Engineering
Module Mechanics and Transformation of Materials in MS&E
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer Service course MS&E Department
Instructor's Contact
Student workload Lecture Tutorials Laboratory or Practice Home study
Weekly basis 4 2 1 4
Semester basis (Total) 64 32 16 64
Mode of delivery Parallel
The student will learn the basic concepts of mechanical materials science engineer and how
Course objectives and to measure the properties of ceramics, metals, and polymers, emphasizing the role of
competences to be processing and microstructure in controlling these properties. Basic topics in MS&E
acquired mechanical of materials including: continuum stress and strain, truss forces, torsion of a
circular shaft and beam bending.
Tensile Response of Materials
Simple Tensile and Shear Structures
General Concepts of Stress and Strain
Bending General Stress Analysis
Yield and Fracture
Pre-requisites None
Semester Year III, Semester II
Status of course compulsory
Teaching and learning
Lecture, tutorials, home study, practical
Continuous Assessment 50%
Assignments (at least three) 15%
Quizzes (at least three) 15%
and grading system
Tests (at least two) 20%
Final examination 50%
Course policy Attendance: A student must attend at least 90% of the classes
Assessments: students are supposed to handle all assessments on time.
Cheating/plagiarism: it is strictly forbidden and any misconduct is accountable as per the
students’ code of conduct.

BSc Curriculum for MS&E

Note: do not chew gum, eat, listen to recorders or CD players, wear sunglasses, or talk about
personal problems. Please be sure to turn off pagers and cell phones before class and exam
Literature Mechanics of Materials, M. Vable, Oxford University Press, 2002, ISBN:0195133374,
Mechanics of Materials, B.C. Punmia et al., Firewall Media, 2002,ISBN:8170082153,
Approval section

Undergraduate Curriculum of Materials Science & Engineering

Phase Transformation and Kinetics

Course Number MScE3102

Course Title Phase Transformation and Kinetics
Degree Program B. Sc. in Materials Science and Engineering
Module Mechanics and Transformation of Materials in MS&E
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer Service course MS&E Department
Instructor's Contact
Student workload Lecture Tutorials Laboratory or Practice Home study
Weekly basis 4 2 1 4
Semester basis (Total) 64 32 16 64
Mode of delivery Parallel
The student will learn fundamental principles to a describe phase equilibrium. Application to
Course objectives and single-component systems, single-component phase diagrams. Solution thermodynamics,
competences to be ideal and regular solution models, calculation of binary phase diagrams from solution models
acquired and free energy curves. Activity-composition diagrams knows how to use the information
given in phase diagrams and the kinetics of different phase transformation.
Introduction to surfaces and interfaces.
Material transport by diffusion.
Phase transformations.
 Nucleation
Nonequilibrium transition phases
Strain energy
Introduction to martensitic transformations.
Pre-requisites None
Semester Year III, Semester II
Status of course compulsory
Teaching and learning
Lectures, tutorials
Continuous Assessment 50%
Assignments (at least three) 15%
Quizzes (at least three) 15%
and grading system
Tests (at least two) 20%
Final examination 50%
Course policy Attendance: A student must attend at least 90% of the classes

BSc Curriculum for MS&E

Assessments: students are supposed to handle all assessments on time.

Cheating/plagiarism: it is strictly forbidden and any misconduct is accountable as per the
students’ code of conduct.
Note: do not chew gum, eat, listen to recorders or CD players, wear sunglasses, or talk about
personal problems. Please be sure to turn off pagers and cell phones before class and exam
Literature Porter and Easterling, Phase Transformations in Metals and Alloys, CRC Press; Textbooks,
journals, online materials, lecture handouts
Approval section

Undergraduate Curriculum of Materials Science & Engineering

Materials Processing
Course Number MScE-M3103
Course Title Material Processing
Degree Program B. Sc. in Materials Science and Engineering
Module Mechanics and Transformation of Materials in MS&E
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer Service course MS&E Department
Instructor's Contact
Student workload Lecture Tutorials Laboratory or Practice Home study
Weekly basis 4 2 1 4
Semester basis (Total) 64 32 16 64
Mode of delivery Parallel
This course surveys various processes that are used to produce Materials Structured at the
micron and nanometer scales for electronic, optical and chemical applications. Basic
Course objectives and principles of chemistry, physics, thermodynamics and kinetics are applied to solid state,
competences to be liquid, and colloidal approaches to making materials and various processes that are used to
acquired produce Materials Structured at the macro scales for several applications. The student must
acquire competences in basic principles of chemistry, physics, thermodynamics and kinetics
are applied to solid state, liquid, and colloidal approaches to making materials in MS&E.
Co-precipitation method
Solvothermal method
Reverse microemulsion polymerization
Suspension polymerization or mass polymerization
Bulk polymerization
Multistep swelling polymerization
Monolithic Imprinted Polymerization
Surface imprinted polymerization
Iron making and steelmaking
Production of Cu, Zn, Al and Mg by electrolysis
Solidification processing of alloys by ingot casting
Continuous casting and directional solidification
Growth of bulk single crystals of semiconductors and ceramics from melts.
Pre-requisites None
Semester Year III, Semester II
Status of course compulsory
Teaching and learning Lecture, tutorials

BSc Curriculum for MS&E

Continuous Assessment 50%
Assignments (at least three) 15%
Quizzes (at least three) 15%
and grading system
Tests (at least two) 20%
Final examination 50%
Attendance: A student must attend at least 90% of the classes
Assessments: students are supposed to handle all assessments on time.
Cheating/plagiarism: it is strictly forbidden and any misconduct is accountable as per the
Course policy students’ code of conduct.
Note: do not chew gum, eat, listen to recorders or CD players, wear sunglasses, or talk about
personal problems. Please be sure to turn off pagers and cell phones before class and exam
Literature Introduction to Micro fabrication, S. Franssila, John Wiley & Sons, 2010,
ISBN:0470666722, 9780470666722

Approval section

Undergraduate Curriculum of Materials Science & Engineering

Strength of Materials Laboratory

Course Number MScE4103

Course Title Strength of Materials Laboratory
Degree Program B. Sc. in Materials Science and Engineering
Module Mechanics and Transformation of Materials in MS&E
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer Service course MS&E Department
Instructor's Contact
Student workload Lecture Tutorials Laboratory or Practice Home study
Weekly basis 0 0 2 2
Semester basis (Total) 0 0 32 32
Mode of delivery Parallel
Course objectives and The student will apply the previous knowledge of mechanics in MS&E to practical cases. He
competences to be will learn to measure the strength of different materials using the common industrial
acquired techniques in MS&E.
Electrical Resistance Strain Gages
Tensile Testing
Torsion Testing
Beam Experiment
Column Buckling
Mechanics of Materials
Phase transformations and kinetics
Semester Year IV, Semester I
Status of course compulsory
Teaching and learning
Practical, Exam.
and grading system
Attendance: Obligatory
Assessments: students are supposed to handle all assessments on time.
Cheating/plagiarism: it is strictly forbidden and any misconduct is accountable as per the
Course policy students’ code of conduct.
Note: do not chew gum, eat, listen to recorders or CD players, wear sunglasses, or talk about
personal problems. Please be sure to turn off pagers and cell phones before class and exam
Literature Laboratory Notes on the Strength of Materials. M.O. Withey, Nabu Press,

BSc Curriculum for MS&E

2012,ISBN:1279236671, 9781279236673
Approval section

Undergraduate Curriculum of Materials Science & Engineering

11. Thermodynamics and Transport Phenomena in MS&E

11 Thermodynamics and Transport Phenomena in MS&E
Module Category Core
Module Code MScE-M3111
Module Number 11
Module Weight
This module contains Introduction to Chemical Physics and Thermodynamics,
Module Description
Thermodynamics of Materials and Transport Phenomena in Materials
The primary objective of the module is to equip the student with the essential competence to
Rationale and
understand transport phenomena and thermodynamics of materials and chemical reactions in
Objective of the
MS&E, taking in account the size of the system in order to apply the classical
thermodynamics or the statistical thermodynamics.
Module competency N/A
Mode of delivery Parallel
Learning teaching
Lectures, Tutorial, Home study, Practical
Assessment technique Assignments, Quizzes, Test
Courses of the module
Course code Course Name ECTS
MScE2111 Introduction to Chemical Physics and Thermodynamics 6
MScE3112 Thermodynamics of Materials 5

BSc Curriculum for MS&E

Introduction to Chemical Physics and Thermodynamics

Course Number MScE2111

Course Title Introduction to Chemical Physics and Thermodynamics
Degree Program B. Sc. in Materials Science and Engineering
Module Thermodynamics and Transport Phenomena in MS&E
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer Service course MS&E Department
Instructor's Contact
Student workload Lecture Tutorials Laboratory or Practice Home study
Weekly basis 4 2 1 4
Semester basis (Total) 64 32 16 64
Mode of delivery Parallel
Course objectives and
The student will learn the basic concepts of thermodynamics, chemical physics and how it is
competences to be
implemented in MS&E.
The laws of thermodynamics, internal energy and entropy
Criteria for equilibrium.
Partial molar quantities, the chemical potential
Course Chemical equilibrium in ideal and non-ideal systems
description/contents The thermodynamics of mixtures
Phase equilibria, phase diagrams for systems containing one, and two components
Chemical reactions
Introduction to Statistical Thermodynamics
Pre-requisites None
Semester Year II, Semester II
Status of course Compulsory
Teaching and learning
Lecture, tutorials, home study, practical
Continuous Assessment 50%
Assignments (at least three) 15%
Quizzes (at least three) 15%
and grading system
Tests (at least two) 20%
Final examination 50%
Course policy Attendance: A student must attend at least 90% of the classes
Assessments: students are supposed to handle all assessments on time.
Cheating/plagiarism: it is strictly forbidden and any misconduct is accountable as per the

Undergraduate Curriculum of Materials Science & Engineering

students’ code of conduct.

Note: do not chew gum, eat, listen to recorders or CD players, wear sunglasses, or talk about
personal problems. Please be sure to turn off pagers and cell phones before class and exam
Literature Atkins and de Paula, Atkins' Physical Chemistry, 9th edition Oxford University Press 2010,
ISBN-13: 978-0-19-954337-3
Textbooks, journals, online materials, lecture handouts
Approval section

BSc Curriculum for MS&E

Thermodynamics of Materials

Course Number MScE3112

Course Title Thermodynamics of Materials
Degree Program B. Sc. in Materials Science and Engineering
Module Thermodynamics and Transport Phenomena in MS&E
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer Service course MS&E Department
Instructor's Contact
Student workload Lecture Tutorials Laboratory or Practice Home study
Weekly basis 4 1 1 3
Semester basis (Total) 64 16 16 48
Mode of delivery Parallel
Course objectives and
The student will acquire advanced knowledge in thermodynamics, phase thermodynamics in
competences to be
Laws of thermodynamics: equilibrium and the properties of materials.
General phenomena in materials science and engineering
Chemical reactions, magnetism, polarizability, and elasticity.
Multiphase equilibria.
Graphical constructions of phase diagrams.
Electrochemical equilibria and surface thermodynamics.
Statistical thermodynamics
Pre-requisites Introduction to Chemical Physics and Thermodynamics
Semester Year III, Semester I
Status of course compulsory
Teaching and learning
Lectures, tutorials
Continuous Assessment 50%
Assignments (at least three) 15%
Quizzes (at least three) 15%
and grading system
Tests (at least two) 20%
Final examination 50%
Course policy Attendance: A student must attend at least 90% of the classes
Assessments: students are supposed to handle all assessments on time.
Cheating/plagiarism: it is strictly forbidden and any misconduct is accountable as per the
students’ code of conduct.

Undergraduate Curriculum of Materials Science & Engineering

Note: do not chew gum, eat, listen to recorders or CD players, wear sunglasses, or talk about
personal problems. Please be sure to turn off pagers and cell phones before class and exam
Literature Materials Thermodynamics, Y.A. Chang, W.A. Oates, John Wiley & Sons,
2010,ISBN:0470549955, 9780470549957 and Thermodynamics of Materials, Q. Jiang, Z.
Wen, Springer, 2011, ISBN:3642147186, 9783642147180
Approval section

BSc Curriculum for MS&E

12. Application of Materials Science

12 Application of Materials Science
Module Category Core (1)
Module Code MScE-M4121
Module Number 12
Module Weight (ECTS) 20
Module Description This module contains courses aligned with various Applications of materials science
Rationale and Objective The primary objective of the module is to equip the student with the fundamental
of the Module classification of various materials and their versatile applications in MS&E.
Module competency N/A
Mode of delivery Parallel
Learning teaching
Lectures, Tutorial, practical and Home study
Assessment technique Quizzes, Assignments, Tests, Exams
Courses of the module
Course code Course Name ECTS
MScE2121 MS&E of Ceramic and Polymer 6
MScE4124 Optical Materials 4
MScE3122 Magnetic Materials 5
MScE3123 Electronic Materials 5

Undergraduate Curriculum of Materials Science & Engineering

MS&E of Ceramic and Polymers

Course Number MScE2121

Course Title MS&E of Ceramic and Polymers
Degree Program B. Sc. in Materials Science and Engineering
Module Application of Materials Science
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer Service course Materials science and Engineering Department
Instructor's Contact
Student workload Lecture Tutorials Laboratory or Practice Home study
Weekly basis 4 2 1 4
Semester basis (Total) 64 32 16 64
Mode of delivery Parallel
Course objectives and
The student will learn the basics of ceramic and polymeric materials, with appropriate
competences to be
introduction to their contents, formation and their applications in MS&E.
 What are ceramics?
 Ceramics – covalent and ionic bonding
 Traditional/Advanced ceramics – manufacture and uses
 Ceramics as superconductors; devices based upon superconductivity
Course  Ceramics as piezoelectric – muscles in robotic limbs.
description/contents Polymers
 The “repeat unit” and mechanical properties
 Failure modes (crazing, environmental stress cracking and creep rupture)
 Processing (uniaxial and biaxial orientation of polymer chains)
 In the application of Ophthalmic Lenses, Rubber tires, Kevlar bullet-proof vests,
Thermosets & Fibre reinforcement and Formula 1
Pre-requisites None
Semester Year II, Semester II
Status of course compulsory
Teaching and learning
Lecture, presentation and tutorials
Assessment/Evaluation Continuous Assessment 50%
and grading system Assignments (at least three) 15%
Quizzes (at least three) 15%

BSc Curriculum for MS&E

Tests (at least two) 20%

Final examination 50%
Attendance: A student must attend at least 90% of the classes
Assessments: students are supposed to handle all assessments on time.
Cheating/plagiarism: it is strictly forbidden and any misconduct is accountable as per the
Course policy students’ code of conduct.
Note: do not chew gum, eat, listen to recorders or CD players, wear sunglasses, or talk about
personal problems. Please be sure to turn off pagers and cell phones before class and exam
Literature William D. Callister, David G. Rethwisch 2010, Materials Science and Engineering: An
Introduction, Wiley and Online materials and lecture handouts
Approval section N/A

Undergraduate Curriculum of Materials Science & Engineering

Optical Materials

Course Number MScE4124

Course Title Optical Materials
Degree Program B. Sc. in Materials Science and Engineering
Module Application of Materials Science
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer Service course Materials Science and Engineering Department
Instructor's Contact
Student workload Lecture Tutorials Laboratory or Practice Home study
Weekly basis 3 1 1 2
Semester basis (Total) 48 16 16 32
Mode of delivery Parallel
Course objectives and
The student’s will make use of their prior knowledge in materials to know about the
competences to be
advanced optical materials employed in MS&E industry.
 Introduction
 Properties of isotropic linear materials (macro- and microscopic)
 Properties of anisotropic linear materials (normal surface, indew ellipsoid of
Fresnel, low and high frequency modulation techniques in phase, intensity and
polarization, optical activity, dichroism)
 Modulating optical properties of materials: electro-, elasto-, acousto- and magneto-
optic effects.
 Liquid crystals.
 Nonlinear optical materials: 2nd and 3rd order effects, phase matching.
Pre-requisites Ceramic and Polymeric materials; Magnetic materials and Electronic materials
Semester Year IV, Semester II
Status of course Compulsory
Teaching and learning
Lectures, presentations and practical classes
Continuous Assessment 50%
Assignments (at least three) 15%
Quizzes (at least three) 15%
and grading system
Tests (at least two) 20%
Final examination 50%
Course policy Attendance: A student must attend at least 90% of the classes
Assessments: students are supposed to handle all assessments on time.

BSc Curriculum for MS&E

Cheating/plagiarism: it is strictly forbidden and any misconduct is accountable as per the

students’ code of conduct.
Note: do not chew gum, eat, listen to recorders or CD players, wear sunglasses, or talk about
personal problems. Please be sure to turn off pagers and cell phones before class and exam
Literature Optical Materials, K. Neyts, J. Danckaert, P. Tassin, P. Van Brabant, J. Beeckman, I.
Veretennicoff, VUB Uitgaven; Optical Waves in Crystals, A. Yariv, Wiley;
Lecture handouts and online materials
Approval section N/A

Undergraduate Curriculum of Materials Science & Engineering

Magnetic Materials

Course Number MScE3122

Course Title Magnetic Materials
Degree Program B. Sc. in Materials Science and Engineering
Module Application of Materials Science
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer Service course Materials Science and Engineering Department
Instructor's Contact
Student workload Lecture Tutorials Laboratory or Practice Home study
Weekly basis 4 1 1 3
Semester basis (Total) 64 16 16 48
Mode of delivery Parallel
Course objectives and
The student’s will make use of their prior knowledge in materials to know about the
competences to be
advanced Magnetic materials employed in MS&E industry.
 Magnetostatics
 Origin of magnetism in materials
 Magnetic domains and domain walls
 Magnetic anisotropy
 Reversible and irreversible magnetization processes
 Hard and soft magnetic materials
 Magnetic recording
 Special topics include magnetism of thin films, surfaces and fine particles; transport
in ferromagnets, magneto resistive sensors, and amorphous magnetic materials.
Pre-requisites Ceramic and Polymeric materials
Semester Year III, Semester I
Status of course Compulsory
Teaching and learning
Lectures, presentations and practical classes
Continuous Assessment 50%
Assignments (at least three) 15%
Quizzes (at least three) 15%
and grading system
Tests (at least two) 20%
Final examination 50%
Course policy Attendance: A student must attend at least 90% of the classes

BSc Curriculum for MS&E

Assessments: students are supposed to handle all assessments on time.

Cheating/plagiarism: it is strictly forbidden and any misconduct is accountable as per the
students’ code of conduct.
Note: do not chew gum, eat, listen to recorders or CD players, wear sunglasses, or talk about
personal problems. Please be sure to turn off pagers and cell phones before class and exam
Literature O'Handley, R. C. Modern Magnetic Materials, Principles and Applications. New York: John
Wiley and Sons, 1999. ISBN: 9780471155669 and Lecture handouts and online materials
Approval section N/A

Undergraduate Curriculum of Materials Science & Engineering

Electronic Materials

Course Number MScE3123

Course Title Electronic Materials
Degree Program B. Sc. in Materials Science and Engineering
Module Application of Materials Science
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer Service course Materials Science and Engineering Department
Instructor's Contact
Student workload Lecture Tutorials Laboratory or Practice Home study
Weekly basis 4 1 1 3
Semester basis (Total) 64 16 16 48
Mode of delivery Parallel
Course objectives and
The student’s will make use of their prior knowledge in materials to know about the
competences to be
advanced Electronic materials employed in MS&E industry.
Introduction to Solid State Physics,
Crystal Bonding,
Basic Quantum Mechanics,
Electrical and Thermal Conduction,
Energy Band Structure of Solids,
Intrinsic and Extrinsic Semiconductors,
Carrier Transport and Recombination in Semiconductors,
Properties of Semiconductor Nanostructures,
Semiconductor Junctions,
Solar Cells, LEDs, Defects in Semiconductors,
Light Propagation, Absorption, and Emission in Solids.
Pre-requisites Ceramic and Polymeric materials
Semester Year III, Semester I
Status of course Compulsory
Teaching and learning
Lectures, presentations and practical classes
Continuous Assessment 50%
Assignments (at least three) 15%
Quizzes (at least three) 15%
and grading system
Tests (at least two) 20%
Final examination 50%

BSc Curriculum for MS&E

Attendance: A student must attend at least 90% of the classes

Assessments: students are supposed to handle all assessments on time.
Cheating/plagiarism: it is strictly forbidden and any misconduct is accountable as per the
Course policy students’ code of conduct.
Note: do not chew gum, eat, listen to recorders or CD players, wear sunglasses, or talk about
personal problems. Please be sure to turn off pagers and cell phones before class and exam
Literature S. O. Kasap, “Principles of Electrical Engineering Materials and Devices,” 3rd edition
C. Kittel, “Introduction to Solid State Physics,” 7th or 8th edition.
Lecture handouts and online materials
Approval section N/A

Undergraduate Curriculum of Materials Science & Engineering

13. Metallurgy and Properties of Materials in MS&E

15 Metallurgy and Properties of Materials in MS&E

Module Category Core
Module Code MScE-M4131
Module Number 13
Module Weight
This module contains Materials Design, Metallurgy, Composite Materials and Manufacturing
Module Description
Rationale and
The primary objective of the module is to equip the student with the essential knowledge to
Objective of the
understand the metallurgy and properties of materials in MS&E.
Module competency N/A
Mode of delivery Parallel
Learning teaching
Lectures, Tutorial, Home study, Practical
Assessment technique Assignments, Quizzes, Test
Courses of the module
Course code Course Name ECTS
MScE3131 Materials Design 6
MScE3132 Metallurgy 5
MScE4133 Composite Materials 5
MScE4134 Manufacturing Process 5

BSc Curriculum for MS&E

Materials Design

Course Number MScE3131

Course Title Materials Design
Degree Program B. Sc. in Materials Science and Engineering
Module Metallurgy and properties of the materials in MS&E
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer Service course Materials science and Engineering Department
Instructor's Contact
Student workload Lecture Tutorials Laboratory or Practice Home study
Weekly basis 4 2 1 4
Semester basis (Total) 64 32 16 64
Mode of delivery Parallel
Course objectives and
competences to be The student will learn the basics of Materials design employed in MS&E.
 Electric and magnetic fields interacting with molecules and materials.
 Basic techniques for evaluation of molecular properties.
 Optical techniques: Optical absorption, fluorescence, phosphorescence and dichroism.
 X-ray techniques: X-ray diffraction and X-ray spectroscopies.
 Magnetism from the molecular perspective: magnetizability and molecular magnets.
 Magnetic resonance techniques: nuclear magnetic resonance and electron paramagnetic
resonance properties.
 Molecular electronics: Basic properties of molecular electronic devices.
 Relations between microscopic and macroscopic properties.
 Materials with periodic symmetries; polymers and crystals.
 Materials without periodic symmetries; amorphous solids and biomolecules.
 Nanomaterials and nanoparticles
 Understanding structure-property and structure-function relationships.
 Some thumb rules for rational design of materials
 Overview of modern modeling methods for prediction of properties.
Pre-requisites None
Semester Year III, Semester I
Status of course Compulsory
Teaching and learning
Lecture, presentation and practical

Undergraduate Curriculum of Materials Science & Engineering

Continuous Assessment 50%

Assignments (at least three) 15%
Quizzes (at least three) 15%
and grading system
Tests (at least two) 20%
Final examination 50%
Attendance: A student must attend at least 90% of the classes
Assessments: students are supposed to handle all assessments on time.
Cheating/plagiarism: it is strictly forbidden and any misconduct is accountable as per the
Course policy students’ code of conduct.
Note: do not chew gum, eat, listen to recorders or CD players, wear sunglasses, or talk about
personal problems. Please be sure to turn off pagers and cell phones before class and exam
Literature Molecular Materials with Specific Interactions W.A. Sokalski, ISBN-10: 1-4020-5371-1
Lecture handouts and online materials
Approval section N/A

BSc Curriculum for MS&E


Course Number MScE3132

Course Title Metallurgy
Degree Program B. Sc. in Materials Science and Engineering
Module Metallurgy and Properties of Materials in MS&E
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer Service course MS&E Department
Instructor's Contact
Student workload Lecture Tutorials Laboratory or Practice Home study
Weekly basis 4 1 1 3
Semester basis (Total) 64 16 16 48
Mode of delivery Parallel

Course objectives and The central point of this course is to provide a physical basis that links the structure of

competences to be materials with their properties, focusing primarily on metals and addressing the concepts and

acquired point of view of MS&E.

Physical basis of structure of materials

Physical basis of materials properties

Alloy design and microstructural engineering

Processing and thermodynamics influence

Pre-requisites None
Semester Year III, Semester II
Status of course compulsory
Teaching and learning
Lecture, tutorials, home study, practical
Continuous Assessment 50%
Assignments (at least three) 15%
Quizzes (at least three) 15%
and grading system
Tests (at least two) 20%
Final examination 50%
Course policy Attendance: A student must attend at least 90% of the classes
Assessments: students are supposed to handle all assessments on time.
Cheating/plagiarism: it is strictly forbidden and any misconduct is accountable as per the

Undergraduate Curriculum of Materials Science & Engineering

students’ code of conduct.

Note: do not chew gum, eat, listen to recorders or CD players, wear sunglasses, or talk about
personal problems. Please be sure to turn off pagers and cell phones before class and exam
Literature Reed-Hill, Robert E., Reza Abbaschian, and Lara Abbaschian. Physical Metallurgy
Principles. 4th ed. Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning, 2008. ISBN: 9780495082545.
Textbooks, journals, online materials, lecture handouts
Approval section

BSc Curriculum for MS&E

Composite Materials

Course Number MScE4133

Course Title Composite Materials
Degree Program B. Sc. in Materials Science and Engineering
Module Metallurgy and Properties of Materials in MS&E
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer Service course MS&E Department
Instructor's Contact
Student workload Lecture Tutorials Laboratory or Practice Home study
Weekly basis 4 1 1 3
Semester basis (Total) 64 16 16 48
Mode of delivery Parallel
Course objectives and The student will acquire ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering,
competences to be apply to design and conduct experiments in MS&E, as well as to analyze and interpret the
acquired data generated in these MS&E experiments.

Introduction to Composite materials

Macromechanics of a Lamina

Course Micromechanical Analysis of a Laminate

description/contents Macromechanical Analysis of a Laminate

Failure, Analysis and Design of Laminates

Other mechanical design in laminated composites

Pre-requisites Metallurgy
Semester Year IV, Semester I
Status of course compulsory
Teaching and learning
Lectures, tutorials
Continuous Assessment 50%
Assignments (at least three) 15%
Quizzes (at least three) 15%
and grading system
Tests (at least two) 20%
Final examination 50%
Course policy Attendance: As per harmonized academic policy 100% during industrial visits
Assessments: students are supposed to handle all assessments on time.
Cheating/plagiarism: it is strictly forbidden and any misconduct is accountable as per the

Undergraduate Curriculum of Materials Science & Engineering

students’ code of conduct.

Note: do not chew gum, eat, listen to recorders or CD players, wear sunglasses, or talk about
personal problems. Please be sure to turn off pagers and cell phones before class and exam
Literature Composite Materials: Science and Engineering, K.K. Chawla, Springer, 2012,ISBN:
0387743642, 9780387743646
Approval section

BSc Curriculum for MS&E

Manufacturing Process

Course Number MScE4134

Course Title Manufacturing Process
Degree Program B. Sc. in Materials Science and Engineering
Module Metallurgy and Properties of Materials in MS&E
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer Service course MS&E Department
Instructor's Contact
Student workload Lecture Tutorials Laboratory or Practice Home study
Weekly basis 4 1 1 3
Semester basis (Total) 64 16 16 48
Mode of delivery Parallel
Course objectives and
The student will acquire the knowledge in material processing. From injection molding to
competences to be
sustainable process employed in MS&E.
Introduction to Processes
Injection Molding
Sheet Forming
Process Control
Supply Chains
Sustainable Manufacturing
Pre-requisites Composite Materials
Semester Year IV, Semester I
Status of course compulsory
Teaching and learning
Continuous Assessment 50%
Assignments (at least three) 15%
Quizzes (at least three) 15%
and grading system
Tests (at least two) 20%
Final examination 50%
Course policy Attendance: A student must attend at least 90% of the classes
Assessments: students are supposed to handle all assessments on time.

Undergraduate Curriculum of Materials Science & Engineering

Cheating/plagiarism: it is strictly forbidden and any misconduct is accountable as per the

students’ code of conduct.
Note: do not chew gum, eat, listen to recorders or CD players, wear sunglasses, or talk about
personal problems. Please be sure to turn off pagers and cell phones before class and exam
Literature Fundamental Principles of Manufacturing Processes, R.H. Todd, D.K. Allen, L. Alting,
Industrial Press Inc., 1994,ISBN: 0831130504, 9780831130503
Approval section

BSc Curriculum for MS&E

14. Material properties and Characterization

14 Material properties and Characterization
Module Category Core (1)
Module Code MScE-M5171
Module Number 14
Module Weight (ECTS) 11
Module Description This module contains courses aligned with the Material properties and characterization
Rationale and Objective The primary objective of the module is to equip the student with wide knowledge of materials
of the Module properties and different methods used in the characterization of materials.
Module competency N/A
Mode of delivery Parallel
Learning teaching
Lectures, Tutorial, practical and Home study
Assessment technique Quizzes, Assignments, Tests, Exams
Courses of the module
Course code Course Name ECTS
MS&E2141 Crystallography 5
MS&E3142 Materials Characterization 6

Undergraduate Curriculum of Materials Science & Engineering


Course Number MScE2141

Course Title Crystallography
Degree Program B. Sc. in Materials Science and Engineering
Module Material Properties and Characterization
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer Service course Materials science and Engineering Department
Instructor's Contact
Student workload Lecture Tutorials Laboratory or Practice Home study
Weekly basis 4 1 1 3
Semester basis (Total) 64 16 16 48
Mode of delivery Parallel
Course objectives and
The student will learn the basics of crystallography and its application in MS&E
competences to be
characterization techniques.
 Elementary crystallography.
 Basic diffraction theory;
Course  Reciprocal space.
description/contents  Applications to structure analysis,
 Preferred orientation.
 Diffractometer techniques with point detectors and 2D area detectors.
Pre-requisites None
Semester Year II, Semester II
Status of course Compulsory
Teaching and learning
Lecture, presentation and practical
Continuous Assessment 50%
Assignments (at least three) 15%
Quizzes (at least three) 15%
and grading system
Tests (at least two) 20%
Final examination 50%
Course policy Attendance: A student must attend at least 90% of the classes
Assessments: students are supposed to handle all assessments on time.
Cheating/plagiarism: it is strictly forbidden and any misconduct is accountable as per the
students’ code of conduct.

BSc Curriculum for MS&E

Note: do not chew gum, eat, listen to recorders or CD players, wear sunglasses, or talk about
personal problems. Please be sure to turn off pagers and cell phones before class and exam
Literature Averill, B., and P. Eldredge. Chemistry: Principles, Patterns, and Applications. v1.0. Flat
World Knowledge, 2011, ISBN-10: 1-4020-5371-1
Lecture handouts and online materials
Approval section N/A

Undergraduate Curriculum of Materials Science & Engineering

Materials Characterization

Course Number MScE3142

Course Title Materials Characterization
Degree Program B. Sc. in Materials Science and Engineering
Module Material Properties and Characterization
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer Service course Materials science and Engineering Department
Instructor's Contact
Student workload Lecture Tutorials Laboratory or Practice Home study
Weekly basis 4 2 1 4
Semester basis (Total) 64 32 16 64
Mode of delivery Parallel
The student will learn the Theory and practice of x-ray and electron diffraction. Basic
Course objectives and
elements of electron microscopy. Basic aspects of optical characterization methods including
competences to be
Raman and infrared spectroscopy and the latest techniques used in MS&E for characterizing
 x-ray generation; x-ray absorption and emission;
 geometric representation of crystals: crystallographic projections, Wulff net, Greninger
 crystal orientation;
 diffraction geometry: Bragg law,
 Ewald sphere; reciprocal space; Laue method; Debye-Scherrer method; diffractometer
methods; scattered intensities; Fourier methods;
 convolutions; thermal and disorder effects on diffraction; small angle scattering;
 stress measurements;
 electron microscope diffraction and imaging;
 Rutherford back scattering; Raman spectroscopy; Fourier transform infrared
 additional methods, such as NMR, ellipsometry, Hall effect, as time permits
Pre-requisites Crystallography
Semester Year III, Semester II
Status of course Compulsory
Teaching and learning
Lecture, presentation and tutorials
Assessment/Evaluation Continuous Assessment 50%

BSc Curriculum for MS&E

Assignments (at least three) 15%

Quizzes (at least three) 15%
and grading system
Tests (at least two) 20%
Final examination 50%
Attendance: A student must attend at least 90% of the classes
Assessments: students are supposed to handle all assessments on time.
Cheating/plagiarism: it is strictly forbidden and any misconduct is accountable as per the
Course policy students’ code of conduct.
Note: do not chew gum, eat, listen to recorders or CD players, wear sunglasses, or talk about
personal problems. Please be sure to turn off pagers and cell phones before class and exam
Literature B.D. Cullity and S.R. Stock, Elements of X-ray Diffraction — Third Edition, Prentice Hall,
Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ, (2001). Lecture handouts and online materials
Approval section N/A

Undergraduate Curriculum of Materials Science & Engineering

18. Materials Science Economy

18 Materials Science Economy
Module Category Core
Module Code MScE-M5181
Module Number 18
Module Weight
Module Description This module contains Economic and Environmental Material Selection
Rationale and The primary objective of the module is to equip the student with the essential knowledge to
Objective of the understand the relationships and synergy that there is in energy-economy-environmental for a
Module MS & Engineering.
Module competency N/A
Mode of delivery Parallel
Learning teaching
Lectures, Tutorial, Home study, Practical
Assessment technique Assignments, Quizzes, Test
Courses of the module
Course code Course Name ECTS
MScE5181 Economic and Environmental Materials Selection 5

BSc Curriculum for MS&E

Economic and Environmental Material Selection

Course Number MScE5181

Course Title Economic and Environmental Material Selection
Degree Program B. Sc. in Materials Science and Engineering
Module Materials Science Economy
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer Service course MS&E Department
Instructor's Contact
Student workload Lecture Tutorials Laboratory or Practice Home study
Weekly basis 4 1 1 3
Semester basis (Total) 64 16 16 48
Mode of delivery Parallel

Course objectives and Choice of material has many implications: economic, energetic and environmental. This

competences to be course will provide to the student a survey of methods in MS&E for evaluating those

acquired implications and help to make the most reasonable selection in each situation.

Engineering Economy

Materials Selection
Cost Modeling
Manufacturing economics

Life-cycle environmental evaluation

Pre-requisites None
Semester Year V, Semester II
Status of course compulsory
Teaching and learning
Lecture, home study
Continuous Assessment 50%
Assignments (at least three) 15%
Quizzes (at least three) 15%
and grading system
Tests (at least two) 20%
Final examination 50%
Course policy Attendance: A student must attend at least 90% of the classes
Assessments: students are supposed to handle all assessments on time.
Cheating/plagiarism: it is strictly forbidden and any misconduct is accountable as per the
students’ code of conduct.

Undergraduate Curriculum of Materials Science & Engineering

Note: do not chew gum, eat, listen to recorders or CD players, wear sunglasses, or talk about
personal problems. Please be sure to turn off pagers and cell phones before class and exam
Literature De Neufville, R. Applied Systems Analysis: Engineering Planning and Technology
Management. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 1989.
Sullivan, W., E. Wicks, and J. Luxhoj. Engineering Economy. 12th ed. East Rutherford, NJ:
Prentice-Hall, 2002.
Ashby, M. F. Materials Selection in Mechanical Design. 3rd ed. San Diego, CA: Elsevier,
Approval section

BSc Curriculum for MS&E

15. Internship
15 Internship
Module Category General
Module Code MScE-M5151
Module Number 15
Module Weight
This module is a 30 ECTS which is given in first semester of fifth year. This is a one
Module Description
semester course and gives practical experience.
Integrating on-the-job, practical field experience with academic studies, offer students a
chance to extend the classroom into a work place setting. Internship experiences require a
three-way working relationship among an employer, the faculty and the student. Effective
Successful Internship experiences. Overall Course Objectives:
Rationale and To integrate classroom learning with field experience
Objective of the To gain work experience in the student’s career field
Module Provide exposure to advanced skills and knowledge
To develop foundation for workplace competencies
Provide exposure to job opportunities and potentials
To clarify and confirm career goals
To increase understanding of workplace culture
After completing the internship students:
Gain practical experience
Module competency Improving communication skills with different profession workers/ industrial society.
Be capable of identifying chemical process problems and developing strategies to solve the
Mode of delivery Block (One Semester)
Learning teaching
Industrial practical attachment with the support of instructors and company supervisors.
Assessment technique Industrial Supervision, Report writing, presentation
Courses of the module
Course code Course Name ECTS
MScE-M5151 Internship 30

Undergraduate Curriculum of Materials Science & Engineering


Course Number MScE-M5151

Course Title Internship
Degree Program B. Sc. in Materials Science and Engineering
Module Internship
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N
Instructor's Contact
Student workload Lecture Tutorials Laboratory or Practice Home study
Weekly basis 0 0 30 30
Semester basis (Total) 0 0 480 480
Mode of delivery Block (for one semester)
Integrating on-the-job, practical field experience with academic studies, offer students a
chance to extend the classroom into a work place setting. Internship experiences require a
three-way working relationship among an employer, the faculty and the student. Effective
communication between all parties is essential to the development of successful Internship
experiences. Overall Course Objectives:
Course objectives and
 To integrate classroom learning with field experience
competences to be
 To gain work experience in the student’s career field
 Provide exposure to advanced skills and knowledge
 To develop foundation for workplace competencies
 Provide exposure to job opportunities and potentials
 To clarify and confirm career goals
 To increase understanding of workplace culture
1. Planning and scheduling stay in industry
2. Management Structure
3. Process Diagrams and Descriptions
4. Operational Management
5. Material and Energy Balance.
6. Overall Analysis
7. Problem Identification and Improvement Strategies
Pre-requisites Successful completion of 4 years of studies
Semester Year V, Semester I
Status of course compulsory
Teaching and learning Industrial practical attachment, mentoring, home study

BSc Curriculum for MS&E

On site activities 25%
Assessment/Evaluation Assignment 10%
and grading system Project work 35%
Document Preparation and Presentation 30%
Course policy A student must fully engage in the project works
Literature Literature applicable to the internship
Approval section

Undergraduate Curriculum of Materials Science & Engineering

16. Material Structure

16 Materials Structure
Module Category Core
Module Code MScE-M4161
Module Number 16
Module Weight
Module Description This module contains Microstructure of Materials and Organic and Biomaterials Chemistry
This module helps students determine and analyze of forces and their influence in
components and systems under static and dynamic conditions. It covers physical body
interaction with their surrounding and the attainment of a state of rest. The main objectives of
this module is:
Rationale and · To apply the principles of force systems for analyzing structures, understand the nature of
Objective of the friction and quantify it,
Module · To Understand and apply basic principles that govern the motion of objects,
· To Develop appropriate mathematical models that represent physical systems,
· To Select appropriate coordinate systems for physical systems and analyze motion variables
such as position, velocity, and acceleration.
· Derive equations of motion that relate forces acting on systems and the resulting motion.
At the end of this module students will able to draw free body diagrams of complex static
Module competency and dynamical systems for characterizing the forces involved to understand the properties of
areas, solve different engineering problems where the internal forces are to be determine
Mode of delivery Parallel (Semester)
Learning teaching
Lecture, practical, tutorial , Home study
Assessment technique Test, Assignments, Quizzes, Final Exam
Courses of the module
Course code Course Name ECTS
MScE4161 Solid State Science 6
MScE4162 Organic and Biomaterials Chemistry 5
MScE4163 Structure of materials 5

BSc Curriculum for MS&E

Solid State Materials Science

Course Number MScE4161

Course Title Solid State Materials Science
Degree Program B. Sc. in Materials Science and Engineering
Module Material Structure
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer Service course Materials science and Engineering Department
Instructor's Contact
Student workload Lecture Tutorials Laboratory or Practice Home study
Weekly basis 4 2 1 4
Semester basis (Total) 64 32 16 64
Mode of delivery Parallel
Course objectives and
The student will learn the fundamentals of Solid state Materials Science and the fundamental
competences to be
properties which governs the materials at any scale in MS&E aspects.
 What is Solid State Materials Science?
 Crystalline Solids: Symmetry and Bonding
 Experimental Determination of Crystal Structures
 Electronic Band Structure of Solids
 Quick and Dirty Introduction to Mott Insulators
 Crystal Lattice Vibrations: Phonons
 Thermal Properties of Crystal Lattices
 Semiclassical Electron Transport
 Quantum Transport in Mesoscopic Nanostructures
 Review of Quantum Mechanics
 Review of Statistical Mechanics
Pre-requisites None
Semester Year IV, Semester I
Status of course Compulsory
Teaching and learning
Lecture, presentation and practical
Assessment/Evaluation Continuous Assessment 50%
and grading system Assignments (at least three) 15%
Quizzes (at least three) 15%
Tests (at least two) 20%

Undergraduate Curriculum of Materials Science & Engineering

Final examination 50%

Attendance: A student must attend at least 90% of the classes
Assessments: students are supposed to handle all assessments on time.
Cheating/plagiarism: it is strictly forbidden and any misconduct is accountable as per the
Course policy students’ code of conduct.
Note: do not chew gum, eat, listen to recorders or CD players, wear sunglasses, or talk about
personal problems. Please be sure to turn off pagers and cell phones before class and exam
Literature Kittel, Charles. Introduction to Solid State Physics. 8th ed. New York, NY: John Wiley &
Sons, 2004. ISBN: 9780471415268;
Ashcroft, Neil W., and N. David Mermin. Solid State Physics. New York, NY: Holt, Rinehart
and Winston, 1976. ISBN: 9780030839931; Lecture handouts and online materials
Approval section N/A

BSc Curriculum for MS&E

Organic and Biomaterials Chemistry

Course Number MScE4162

Course Title Organic and Biomaterials Chemistry
Degree Program B. Sc. in Materials Science and Engineering
Module Materials Structure
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer Service course by MS and Engineering Department
Instructor's Contact
Student workload Lecture Tutorials Laboratory or Practice Home study
Weekly basis 4 1 1 3
Semester basis (Total) 64 16 16 48
Mode of delivery Parallel
Course objectives and
This course covers principles of materials chemistry common to organic materials ranging
competences to be
from biological macromolecules to engineered materials.
Molecular structure
Polymer synthesis reactions
Course Protein-protein interactions
description/contents Multifunctional organic materials
Conducting polymers
Biological-organic synergic materials
Pre-requisites None
Semester Year IV, Semester I
Status of course compulsory
Teaching and learning
Lecture, practical
Continuous Assessment 50%
Assignments (at least three) 15%
Quizzes (at least three) 15%1
and grading system
Tests (at least two) 20%
Final examination 50%
Course policy Attendance: A student must attend at least 90% of the classes
Assessments: students are supposed to handle all assessments on time.
Cheating/plagiarism: it is strictly forbidden and any misconduct is accountable as per the
students’ code of conduct.
Note: do not chew gum, eat, listen to recorders or CD players, wear sunglasses, or talk about

Undergraduate Curriculum of Materials Science & Engineering

personal problems. Please be sure to turn off pagers and cell phones before class and exam
Literature Engineering Mechanics (Statics) J.C. Meriam and lecture handouts, journals and online
Approval section

BSc Curriculum for MS&E

Structure of Materials

Course Number MScE4163

Course Title Microstructure of Materials
Degree Program B. Sc. in Materials Science and Engineering
Module Materials Structure
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer Service course by MS and Engineering Department
Instructor's Contact
Student workload Lecture Tutorials Laboratory or Practice Home study
Weekly basis 4 1 1 3
Semester basis (Total) 64 16 16 48
Mode of delivery Parallel
Course objectives and Students shall understand principles governing structure of materials, reinforce basic
competences to be theoretical background, acquire the capacity for structure analysis and predictions and
acquired acquire skills in structure modification.
Solidification, nucleation and growth of crystals
Phase diagrams, eutectic and peritectic systems
Recrystallization and grain growth
Structure and properties of some selected materials
Strength and deformation of solids
Hot and cold work.
Structure/property relationships in polymers, glasses and ceramics
Fiber reinforcement of materials.
Structural ceramics.
Pre-requisites Organic and biomaterials chemistry
Semester Year IV, Semester II
Status of course compulsory
Teaching and learning
Lectures, tutorials, practical, Home study
Continuous Assessment 50%
Assignments (at least three) 15%
Quizzes (at least three) 15%
and grading system
Tests (at least two) 20%
Final examination 50%
Course policy Attendance: A student must attend at least 90% of the classes
Assessments: students are supposed to handle all assessments on time.

Undergraduate Curriculum of Materials Science & Engineering

Cheating/plagiarism: it is strictly forbidden and any misconduct is accountable as per the

students’ code of conduct.
Note: do not chew gum, eat, listen to recorders or CD players, wear sunglasses, or talk about
personal problems. Please be sure to turn off pagers and cell phones before class and exam
Literature Microstructure and Wear of Materials, K.-H. Z. Gahr, Elsevier, 1987, ISBN:0080875742,
Approval section

BSc Curriculum for MS&E

24. Advanced Characterization

24 Advanced Characterization
Module Category Core
Module Code MScE-M4241
Module Number 24
Module Weight
Module Description This module contains Spectroscopy and Diffraction of Materials and Imaging of Materials
Rationale and This module helps students to acquire relevant techniques for characterization of materials.
Objective of the The basic understand of each advance technique will be given and the physical principles it is
Module based on, as well as advantages and limitations.
At the end of this module students will able to prepare different samples in function of the
Module competency characterization technique used.
Perform the measurements.
Mode of delivery Parallel (Semester)
Learning teaching
Lecture, practical, tutorial , Home study
Assessment technique Test, Assignments, Quizzes, Final Exam
Courses of the module
Course code Course Name ECTS
MScE4241 Spectroscopy 6
MScE4242 Imaging of Materials 6

Undergraduate Curriculum of Materials Science & Engineering

Spectroscopy in MS&E

Course Number MScE4241

Course Title Spectroscopy in MS&E
Degree Program B. Sc. in Materials Science and Engineering
Module Advanced characterization
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer Service course by MS and Engineering Department
Instructor's Contact
Student workload Lecture Tutorials Laboratory or Practice Home study
Weekly basis 4 2 1 4
Semester basis (Total) 64 32 16 64
Mode of delivery Parallel
Course objectives and
After the course, students should be able to understand and describe the fundamental
competences to be
principles behind the methods of characterization.
Light microscopy

Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)

Transmission electron microscopy/diffraction (TEM)

X-ray diffraction (XRD) and neutron diffraction
Electron induced x-ray emission (EDS) in SEM and TEM

Electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) in TEM

X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and fluorescence (XRF)

Pre-requisites None
Semester Year IV, Semester I
Status of course compulsory
Teaching and learning
Lecture, practical
Continuous Assessment 50%
Assignments (at least three) 15%
Quizzes (at least three) 15%
and grading system
Tests (at least two) 20%
Final examination 50%
Course policy Attendance: A student must attend at least 90% of the classes

BSc Curriculum for MS&E

Assessments: students are supposed to handle all assessments on time.

Cheating/plagiarism: it is strictly forbidden and any misconduct is accountable as per the
students’ code of conduct.
Note: do not chew gum, eat, listen to recorders or CD players, wear sunglasses, or talk about
personal problems. Please be sure to turn off pagers and cell phones before class and exam
Literature Materials Characterization: Introduction to Microscopic and Spectroscopic Methods, Y.
Leng, John Wiley & Sons, 2013, ISBN:3527670807, 9783527670802
Approval section

Undergraduate Curriculum of Materials Science & Engineering

Imaging of Materials

Course Number MScE4172

Course Title Imaging of Materials
Degree Program B. Sc. in Materials Science and Engineering
Module Advanced Characterization
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer Service course by MS and Engineering Department
Instructor's Contact
Student workload Lecture Tutorials Laboratory or Practice Home study
Weekly basis 4 2 1 4
Semester basis (Total) 64 32 16 64
Mode of delivery Parallel
Course objectives and
Students shall The course gives you a unique opportunity to develop knowledge and skills in
competences to be
a wide range of techniques and approaches in both medical and materials imaging.
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance imaging

Optical Coherent Tomography

Diagnostic sonography
Computed tomography and X-ray medical imaging
Digital imaging and image processing

Confocal and near field microscopes

Interferometry and its applications

Pre-requisites None
Semester Year IV, Semester I
Status of course compulsory
Teaching and learning
Lectures, tutorials, practical, Home study
Continuous Assessment 50%
Assignments (at least three) 20%
Quizzes (at least three) 20%
and grading system
Tests (at least two) 10%
Final examination 50%
Course policy Attendance: A student must attend at least 90% of the classes

BSc Curriculum for MS&E

Assessments: students are supposed to handle all assessments on time.

Cheating/plagiarism: it is strictly forbidden and any misconduct is accountable as per the
students’ code of conduct.
Note: do not chew gum, eat, listen to recorders or CD players, wear sunglasses, or talk about
personal problems. Please be sure to turn off pagers and cell phones before class and exam
Literature Handbook of Imaging Materials, Second Edition, A.S. Diamond, Edr. CRC Press, 2001,
ISBN:0824789032, 9780824789039
Approval section

Undergraduate Curriculum of Materials Science & Engineering

23. Research Project

23 Research Project
Module Category General
Module Code MScE-M5231
Module Number 23
Module Weight
Module Description This module contains Research Methods Course and Final year Project.
The presence of this module in the study program is in the view that a Materials science
Rationale and engineering graduate should have a sound understanding and skill to perform relevant and
Objective of the priority research to design efficient and generation considerate development. The objective
Module then is to enable students with basic research method as a professional language and to apply
their knowledge on a research project as a fulfillment of the undergraduate study.
After completion of this module the students expected to have the following expertise and
design a priority research
develop materials science engineering project proposal
Module competency equips students with a knowledge and skill to design and conduct materials science
engineering projects
able to demonstrate competence to independently identify,
analyze, and solve technical problems in materials science engineering
acquire in-depth knowledge of materials science engineering related issues
Mode of delivery Parallel
Learning teaching
Lecture and Project Work
Assessment technique Assignments, Quizzes, Tests, Project, Final examination
Courses of the module
Course code Course Name ECTS
MScE-M5231 Research project 12

BSc Curriculum for MS&E

Research Project

Course Number MScE-M5231

Course Title Research Project
Degree Program B. Sc. in Materials Science and Engineering
Module Research project
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N
Instructor's Contact
Student workload Advisory time Tutorials Laboratory or Practice Home study
Weekly basis 12 0 0 12
Semester basis (Total) 192 0 0 192
Mode of delivery Parallel
The course aims to enable students to work on project of practical importance as team. Upon
the completion of the course the students expected to have the following expertise and skills:
Course objectives and complete a design project through the detailed design stage in a timely manner
competences to be sound understanding the overall design process
acquired enhanced ability to work in teams
profound research conducting and presentation skills
acquired in-depth knowledge of materials science engineering related issues
Laboratory oriented research project on any materials science engineering related area.
Pre-requisites Internship and all MS courses passed
Semester Year V, Semester II
Status of course compulsory
Teaching and learning
Project Work
Continuous Assessment 50%
Term Presentation I 15%
Term Presentation II 15%
Term Presentation III 20%
and grading system
Final Project Presentation 50%
Technical Manuscript Evaluation 20%
Final Project Presentation 30%
Course policy Cheating/plagiarism: it is strictly forbidden and any misconduct is accountable per the
students’ code of conduct.
Also, please do not chew gum, eat, listen to recorders or CD players, wear sunglasses, or talk

Undergraduate Curriculum of Materials Science & Engineering

about personal problems. Please be sure to turn off pagers and cell phones before class and
exam sessions
Literature Literature applicable to the research project
Approval section

BSc Curriculum for MS&E

19. Synthesis of Materials

19 Synthesis of Materials
Module Category Elective
Module Code MScE-M5192
Module Number 19
Module Weight
This module will give students a thorough understanding and knowledge of materials
Module Description synthesis techniques. It will contains tools for materials synthesis and some practical way to
obtain materials.
Rationale and
The main objective of this module is to support to the student knowledge to be able to design
Objective of the
the synthesis protocol of materials then, be able to realize it in the practice.
Module competency N/A
Mode of delivery Parallel
Learning teaching
Lectures, Tutorial, Home study
Assessment technique Quizzes, Assignments, Tests, Exams
Courses of the module
Course code Course Name ECTS
MScE5191 Advanced design and simulation of materials 5
MScE5192 Advanced methods in MS 5
MScE5193 Synthesis of Materials Lab 3

Undergraduate Curriculum of Materials Science & Engineering

Advanced Design and Simulation of Materials

Course Number MScE5191

Course Title Advanced Design and Simulation of Materials
Degree Program B. Sc. in Materials Science and Engineering
Module Synthesis of Materials
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer Service course MS&E Department
Instructor's Contact
Student workload Lecture Tutorials Laboratory or Practice Home study
Weekly basis 4 1 1 3
Semester basis (Total) 64 16 16 48
Mode of delivery Parallel
This course provides an introduction to some tools used in engineering design, including the
Course objectives and use of engineering drawing, the use of CAD in design and the course will include elements
competences to be of reverse engineering. It also includes a detailed examination of the functional properties of
acquired different materials classes that are relevant to aerospace, mechanical and medical
Materials classification
Atomic structure and bonding
Engineering drawing
Pre-requisites None
Semester Year IV, Semester II
Status of course compulsory
Teaching and learning
Lecture, tutorials
Continuous Assessment 50%
Assignments (at least three) 15%
Quizzes (at least three) 15%
and grading system
Tests (at least two) 20%
Final examination 50%
Course policy Attendance: A student must attend at least 90% of the classes
Assessments: students are supposed to handle all assessments on time.
Cheating/plagiarism: it is strictly forbidden and any misconduct is accountable as per the
students’ code of conduct.
Note: do not chew gum, eat, listen to recorders or CD players, wear sunglasses, or talk about
personal problems. Please be sure to turn off pagers and cell phones before class and exam

BSc Curriculum for MS&E

Literature Advanced System Modelling and Simulation with Block Diagram Languages, N.M.
Karayanakis, CRC Press, 1995,ISBN: 0849394791, 9780849394799
Modeling and Simulation for Material Selection and Mechanical Design, G.E. Totten, L. Xie,
K. Funatani, CRC Press, 2003, ISBN:0824758765, 9780824758769
Approval section

Undergraduate Curriculum of Materials Science & Engineering

Advanced Methods in MS&E

Course Number MS&E5192

Course Title Advanced Methods in MS&E
Degree Program B. Sc. in Materials Science and Engineering
Module Synthesis of Materials
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer Service course of Materials science Department
Instructor's Contact
Student workload Lecture Tutorials Laboratory or Practice Home study
Weekly basis 4 1 1 3
Semester basis (Total) 64 16 16 48
Mode of delivery Parallel
Course objectives and
competences to be The student should know analytical methods in Materials Science, chemical or physical.
The role of chemical kinetics and thermodynamic in materials science. The course will begin
with derivation and description of some fundamental kinetic and thermodynamic phenomena
such as Gibbs free energy, rate equations, equilibria etc. The effect of variables such as
temperature and pressure will be examined. The module will then go on to demonstrate with
examples how these can be applied to solve problems for gas, solution and solid phase
scenarios with a particular emphasis on polymer synthesis. SEM, TEM, FT-IR etc.
Quantification or qualification.
Pre-requisites None
Semester Year IV, Semester II
Status of course Compulsory
Teaching and learning
Lectures, tutorials
Continuous Assessment 50%
Assignments (at least three) 15%
Quizzes (at least three) 15%
and grading system
Tests (at least two) 20%
Final examination 50%
Course policy Attendance: A student must attend at least 90% of the classes
Assessments: students are supposed to handle all assessments on time.
Cheating/plagiarism: it is strictly forbidden and any misconduct is accountable as per the
students’ code of conduct.

BSc Curriculum for MS&E

Note: do not chew gum, eat, listen to recorders or CD players, wear sunglasses, or talk about
personal problems. Please be sure to turn off pagers and cell phones before class and exam
Literature Encyclopedia of Materials Characterization: Surfaces, Interfaces, Thin Films, C.R. Brundle,
C.A. Evans, S. Wilson, Gulf Professional Publishing, 1992, ISBN:0750691689,
Analytical Methods In Corrosion Science and Engineering, P. Marcus, F.B. Mansfeld, CRC
Press, 2005, ISBN0824759524, 9780824759520
Approval section

Undergraduate Curriculum of Materials Science & Engineering

Synthesis of Materials Lab

Course Number MScE5193

Course Title Synthesis of Materials Lab
Degree Program B. Sc. in Materials Science and Engineering
Module Synthesis of Materials
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer Service course of MS&E Department
Instructor's Contact
Student workload Lecture Tutorials Laboratory or Practice Home study
Weekly basis 0 0 3 3
Semester basis (Total) 0 0 48 48
Mode of delivery Parallel
At the end of these laboratory sessions students will be familiar with some practical way to
Course objectives and synthesize materials and recognize them through elementary characterization. Competences
competences to be to be acquired: polymerization, Processing of rubbers, vulcanization, latex balloon
acquired fabrication, Heat treating steel, quenching, hardness testing, Shaping and molding plastics,
Experiences that should be done are :Polymerization, Processing of rubbers, vulcanization,
latex balloon fabrication, Heat treating steel, quenching, hardness testing, Shaping and
molding plastics, Multiple integrals;
Pre-requisites Chemical knowledge
Semester Year IV, Semester II
Status of course compulsory
Teaching and learning
Practices and examination
and grading system
Attendance: Obligatory
Assessments: students are supposed to handle all assessments on time.
Cheating/plagiarism: it is strictly forbidden and any misconduct is accountable as per the
Course policy students’ code of conduct.
Note: do not chew gum, eat, listen to recorders or CD players, wear sunglasses, or talk about
personal problems. Please be sure to turn off pagers and cell phones before class and exam
Literature Laboratory manuals and hand outs
Approval section

BSc Curriculum for MS&E

Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Materials

20 Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Materials
Module Category Elective
Module Code MScE-M5202
Module Number 20
Module Weight
This module contains Anatomy and physiology, Pharmaceutical applications and
Module Description
Biotechnology laboratory
Rationale and
The primary objective of the elective module is to equip the student with the cutting edge
Objective of the
knowledge in biomedical and pharmaceutical technologies, methods, protocols and probes.
Module competency N/A
Mode of delivery Parallel
Learning teaching
Lectures, Tutorial, Home study, Practical
Assessment technique Assignments, Quizzes, Test
Courses of the module
Course code Course Name ECTS
MScE5201 Advanced Biomaterials 5
MScE5202 Pharmaceutical applications 5
MScE5203 Biotechnology laboratory 3

Undergraduate Curriculum of Materials Science & Engineering

Advanced Biomaterials

Course Number MScE5201

Course Title Advanced Biomaterials
Degree Program B. Sc. in Materials Science and Engineering
Module Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Materials
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer Service course MS&E Department
Instructor's Contact
Student workload Lecture Tutorials Laboratory or Practice Home study
Weekly basis 4 1 1 3
Semester basis (Total) 64 16 16 48
Mode of delivery Parallel
Course objectives and Provide a comprehensive overview of how biomaterials such as artificial organs, tissues or
competences to be cells can be prepared, employed or modified for applications in biotechnology, biomedicine,
acquired and pharmaceuticals.
Healthcare & Biotechnology

Technology & Biosecurity

Medical Imaging
description/contents Microchips & Biomaterials

Biological Physics

Cells and tissues

Pre-requisites None
Semester Year V, Semester II
Status of course compulsory
Teaching and learning
Lectures, tutorials
Continuous Assessment 50%
Assignments (at least three) 15%
Quizzes (at least three) 15%
and grading system
Tests (at least two) 20%
Final examination 50%
Course policy Attendance: A student must attend at least 90% of the classes
Assessments: students are supposed to handle all assessments on time.
Cheating/plagiarism: it is strictly forbidden and any misconduct is accountable as per the

BSc Curriculum for MS&E

students’ code of conduct.

Note: do not chew gum, eat, listen to recorders or CD players, wear sunglasses, or talk about
personal problems. Please be sure to turn off pagers and cell phones before class and exam
Literature Advanced Biomaterials for Medical Applications, D.W. Thomas Ed. Springer, 2005,
Advanced Biomaterials: Fundamentals, Processing, and Applications, B. Basu et al, Ed.
Wiley, 2010, ISBN0470891300.
Advanced biomaterials--characterization, tissue engineering, and complexity, S.C. Moss, Ed.
Materials Research Society, 2002, ISBN1558996478
Approval section

Undergraduate Curriculum of Materials Science & Engineering

Pharmaceutical Applications

Course Number MScE5202

Course Title Pharmaceutical Applications
Degree Program B. Sc. in Materials Science and Engineering
Module Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Materials
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer Service course MSE Department
Instructor's Contact
Student workload Lecture Tutorials Laboratory or Practice Home study
Weekly basis 4 1 1 3
Semester basis (Total) 64 16 16 48
Mode of delivery Parallel
Provide a comprehensive overview of how nanomaterials such as nanoparticles,
Course objectives and
nanocapsules, micelles, microemulsions, liposomes, nanoporous materials, and polymer
competences to be
multilayers can be prepared, stabilized, surface-functionalized, and assembled for
applications in biotechnology, biomedicine, and pharmaceuticals.
Soft and hard nanomaterials preparation

Preparation of nanoparticles and nanoporous materials

Soft and hard nanomaterials modification

description/contents Methods to stabilize and functionalize nanomaterials

Use in biotechnology and biomedicine

Use in pharmaceutical applications

Pre-requisites None
Semester Year V, Semester II
Status of course compulsory
Teaching and learning
Lectures, tutorials
Continuous Assessment 50%
Assignments (at least three) 15%
Quizzes (at least three) 15%
and grading system
Tests (at least two) 20%
Final examination 50%
Course policy Attendance: A student must attend at least 90% of the classes
Assessments: students are supposed to handle all assessments on time.

BSc Curriculum for MS&E

Cheating/plagiarism: it is strictly forbidden and any misconduct is accountable as per the

students’ code of conduct.
Note: do not chew gum, eat, listen to recorders or CD players, wear sunglasses, or talk about
personal problems. Please be sure to turn off pagers and cell phones before class and exam
Literature Polysaccharides for drug delivery and pharmaceutical applications, R.H. Marchessault et al.,
American Chemical Society, 2006, 2010, ISBN: 0841239606, 9780841239609
Pharmaceutical Applications of Polymers for Drug Delivery, D. Jones, iSmithers Rapra
Publishing, 2004, ISBN:1859574793, 9781859574799
Approval section

Undergraduate Curriculum of Materials Science & Engineering

Biotechnology Laboratory

Course Number MScE5203

Course Title Biotechnology Laboratory
Degree Program B. Sc. in Materials Science and Engineering
Module Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Materials
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer Service course MS&E Department
Instructor's Contact
Student workload Lecture Tutorials Laboratory or Practice Home study
Weekly basis 0 0 3 3
Semester basis (Total) 0 0 48 48
Mode of delivery Parallel

Course objectives and The course will concentrate on modern laboratory methods in biotechnology. These include

competences to be the engineering and analyses of genes and gene products (RNA and proteins) in bacteria,

acquired yeasts, and cell culture.

Site-directed mutagenesis
Tissue culture technique
Yeast two-hybrid analysis
Protein analysis
Gene expression analysis

Pre-requisites None
Semester Year V, Semester II
Status of course compulsory
Teaching and learning
Practical, examination
and grading system
Course policy Attendance: Obligatory
Assessments: students are supposed to handle all assessments on time.
Cheating/plagiarism: it is strictly forbidden and any misconduct is accountable as per the
students’ code of conduct.
Note: do not chew gum, eat, listen to recorders or CD players, wear sunglasses, or talk about
personal problems. Please be sure to turn off pagers and cell phones before class and exam

BSc Curriculum for MS&E

Literature Lab Manual in Biochemistry: Immunology and Biotechnology, Nigam, Tata McGraw-Hill
Education, 2007, ISBN: 0070617678, 9780070617674
Biotechnology: A Laboratory Course, J.M. Becker, G.A. Caldwell, E.A. Zachgo, Academic
Press, 1996, ISBN: 0080528198, 9780080528199
Approval section

Undergraduate Curriculum of Materials Science & Engineering

21. Energy Materials

21 Energy Materials
Module Category Elective (2)
Module Code MScE-M5212
Module Number 21
Module Weight (ECTS) 13
Module Description This module contains courses aligned with the Energy Materials.
Rationale and Objective The primary objective of the module is to equip the student with knowledge of Materials used
of the Module in various energy management aspects
Module competency N/A
Mode of delivery Parallel
Learning teaching
Lectures, Tutorial, practical and Home study
Assessment technique Quizzes, Assignments, Tests, Exams
Courses of the module
Course code Course Name ECTS
MScE5211 Catalysis 5
MScE5212 Industrial materials 5
MScE5213 Combustion lab 3

BSc Curriculum for MS&E


Course Number MScE5211

Course Title Catalysis
Degree Program B. Sc. in Materials Science and Engineering
Module Energy Materials
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer Service course Materials science and Engineering Department
Instructor's Contact
Student workload Lecture Tutorials Laboratory or Practice Home study
Weekly basis 4 1 1 3
Semester basis (Total) 64 16 16 48
Mode of delivery Parallel
Course objectives and
The student will learn the advanced engineering aspect of materials as catalysts and how
competences to be
MS&E can provide these materials to the Chemical industry.
Basic concepts
Homogeneous catalysis by transition metals
Course Heterogeneous catalysis
description/contents Important organometallic-catalyzed reactions (fundamentals, examples, enantioselective
Relevant examples of catalytic processes in industry
Pre-requisites None
Semester Year V, Semester II
Status of course Compulsory
Teaching and learning
Lecture, presentation, tutorials and practical
Continuous Assessment 50%
Assignments (at least three) 15%
Quizzes (at least three) 15%
and grading system
Tests (at least two) 20%
Final examination 50%
Course policy Attendance: A student must attend at least 90% of the classes
Assessments: students are supposed to handle all assessments on time.
Cheating/plagiarism: it is strictly forbidden and any misconduct is accountable as per the
students’ code of conduct.
Note: do not chew gum, eat, listen to recorders or CD players, wear sunglasses, or talk about

Undergraduate Curriculum of Materials Science & Engineering

personal problems. Please be sure to turn off pagers and cell phones before class and exam
Literature Shriver & Atkins, P. W., Langford, Cooper Harold (1999). Inorganic chemistry (3rd ed.).
Oxford University Press;
Steinborn, Dirk, Fundamentals of organometallic catalysis, Wiley-VCH, 2012, Weinheim,
Nanoparticles and catalysis, edited by Didier Astruc, Wiley-VCH, 2008, Weinheim,
Germany; Catalysis : selected applications, editor, B. Viswanathan, Alpha Science
International, 2009, Oxford, UK;
Sheldon, Roger A., Green chemistry and catalysis, edited by Roger A. Sheldon, Isabel
Arends, and Ulf Hanefeld,: Wiley-VCH, 2007, Weinheim, Germany;
Catalysis from A to Z : A Concise Encyclopedia, Wiley-VCH, 2003 2nd, completely revised
and enlarged ed. Weinheim, Germany;
Leeuwen, Piet W. N. M. van, Homogeneous catalysis : understanding the art, Kluwer
Academic, 2004, Dordrecht, The Netherlands;
Lecture handouts and online materials
Approval section N/A

BSc Curriculum for MS&E

Industrial Materials

Course Number MScE5212

Course Title Industrial Materials
Degree Program B. Sc. in Materials Science and Engineering
Module Energy Materials
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer Service course Materials science and Engineering Department
Instructor's Contact
Student workload Lecture Tutorials Laboratory or Practice Home study
Weekly basis 4 1 1 3
Semester basis (Total) 64 16 16 48
Mode of delivery Parallel
Course objectives and
The student will learn the properties and selection of Industrial Materials i.e., the Industrial
competences to be
application of Polymers, Ceramics, Glass, Carbon, Steel and Alloys.
 Introduction to materials, market, and economic impact.
 Introduction to engineering materials system
 Introduction to metals, ceramic, polymers, and composites
 Introduction to physical, mechanical and chemical properties
 Identification of metal
Pre-requisites None
Semester Year V, Semester II
Status of course Compulsory
Teaching and learning
Lecture, presentation, tutorials and practical
Continuous Assessment 50%
Assignments (at least three) 15%
Quizzes (at least three) 15%
and grading system
Tests (at least two) 20%
Final examination 50%
Course policy Attendance: A student must attend at least 90% of the classes
Assessments: students are supposed to handle all assessments on time.
Cheating/plagiarism: it is strictly forbidden and any misconduct is accountable as per the
students’ code of conduct.
Note: do not chew gum, eat, listen to recorders or CD players, wear sunglasses, or talk about
personal problems. Please be sure to turn off pagers and cell phones before class and exam

Undergraduate Curriculum of Materials Science & Engineering

Literature Helsel and Liu.2008.Industrial Materials (Latest Edition). The Goodhart Willcox Company,
Inc.; Lecture handouts and online materials
Approval section

BSc Curriculum for MS&E

Combustion Lab

Course Number MScE5213

Course Title Combustion Lab
Degree Program B. Sc. in Materials Science and Engineering
Module Energy Materials
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer Service course Materials science and Engineering Department
Instructor's Contact
Student workload Lecture Tutorials Laboratory or Practice Home study
Weekly basis 0 0 3 3
Semester basis (Total) 0 0 48 48
Mode of delivery Parallel
Course objectives and
The student will acquire hands on experience on the application of various materials in the
competences to be
combustion process.
 Introduction to combustion process;
 Combustion thermodynamics,
 Reaction kinetics and combustion transport.
Course  Chain reaction,
description/contents  Ignition, quenching and flammability limits,
 Detonations, deflagrations and flame stability.
 Introduction to turbulent premixed combustion.
 Applications in IC engines, furnaces, gas turbines and rocket engines
Pre-requisites None
Semester Year V, Semester II
Status of course Compulsory
Teaching and learning
Pratices, examination.
and grading system
Course policy Attendance: Obligatory
Assessments: students are supposed to handle all assessments on time.
Cheating/plagiarism: it is strictly forbidden and any misconduct is accountable as per the
students’ code of conduct.
Note: do not chew gum, eat, listen to recorders or CD players, wear sunglasses, or talk about
personal problems. Please be sure to turn off pagers and cell phones before class and exam

Undergraduate Curriculum of Materials Science & Engineering

Literature Laboratory manual and online materials
Approval section N/A

BSc Curriculum for MS&E

22. Materials in Hi-Tech

22 Materials in Hi-Tech
Module Category Elective
Module Code MScE-M5222
Module Number 26
Module Weight
This module contains Smart materials, Semiconductor technology and Materials simulation
Module Description
Rationale and
The primary objective of the elective module is to equip the student with the cutting edge
Objective of the
knowledge in Materials in Hi-Tech, methods, protocols, tendencies and probes.
Module competency N/A
Mode of delivery Parallel
Learning teaching
Lectures, Tutorial, Home study, Practical
Assessment technique Assignments, Quizzes, Test
Courses of the module
Course code Course Name ECTS
MScE5221 Smart materials 5
MScE5222 Semiconductor technology 5
MScE5223 Materials simulation laboratory 3

Undergraduate Curriculum of Materials Science & Engineering

Smart Materials

Course Number MScE5221

Course Title Smart Materials
Degree Program B. Sc. in Materials Science and Engineering
Module Materials in Hi-Tech
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer Service course MS&E Department
Instructor's Contact
Student workload Lecture Tutorials Laboratory or Practice Home study
Weekly basis 4 1 1 3
Semester basis (Total) 64 16 16 48
Mode of delivery Parallel
Course objectives and
The course will provide these engineers with alternative design solutions for applications
competences to be
with challenging space, power and bandwidth constraints.
Piezo-electric materials

Piezo-resistive and Piezo-restrictive materials

Magneto-strictive and Magneto-resistive materials

Course Shape Memory Alloys

description/contents Magnetically Activated Shape Memory Alloys

Active Fiber Composites

Electro and Magneto-Rheological Fluids

Smart Gels and Shape Memory Polymers

Pre-requisites None
Semester Year V, Semester II
Status of course compulsory
Teaching and learning
Lecture, tutorials, home study, practical
Continuous Assessment 50%
Assignments (at least three) 15%
Quizzes (at least three) 15%
and grading system
Tests (at least two) 20%
Final examination 50%
Course policy Attendance: A student must attend at least 90% of the classes

BSc Curriculum for MS&E

Assessments: students are supposed to handle all assessments on time.

Cheating/plagiarism: it is strictly forbidden and any misconduct is accountable as per the
students’ code of conduct.
Note: do not chew gum, eat, listen to recorders or CD players, wear sunglasses, or talk about
personal problems. Please be sure to turn off pagers and cell phones before class and exam
Literature Nanoengineering of Structural, Functional and Smart Materials Ed. Mark J. Schulz, Ajit D.
Kelkar, Mannur J. Sundaresan CRC Press, 2004 ISBN0203491963, 9780203491966
Smart Materials and Structures Autores M.V. Gandhi, Brian S. Springer, 1992 ISBN
0412370107, 9780412370106
Smart Materials Mel Schwartz CRC Press, 2008 ISBN1420043730, 9781420043730
Approval section

Undergraduate Curriculum of Materials Science & Engineering

Semiconductor Technology

Course Number MScE5222

Course Title Semiconductor Technology
Degree Program B. Sc. in Materials Science and Engineering
Module Materials in Hi-Tech
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer Service course MS&E Department
Instructor's Contact
Student workload Lecture Tutorials Laboratory or Practice Home study
Weekly basis 4 1 1 3
Semester basis (Total) 64 16 16 48
Mode of delivery Parallel
Course objectives and
To equip students with specialized skills and knowledge in the semiconductor field and
competences to be
acquire sound foundation in semiconductor technology principles
Packaging and Electrical Testing

Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits

description/contents Wafer Fabrication Technology

Cleanroom and Vacuum Technology

Pre-requisites None
Semester Year V, Semester II
Status of course compulsory
Teaching and learning
Lectures, tutorials, practical, home work
Continuous Assessment 50%
Assignments (at least three) 15%
Quizzes (at least three) 15%
and grading system
Tests (at least two) 20%
Final examination 50%
Course policy Attendance: A student must attend at least 90% of the classes
Assessments: students are supposed to handle all assessments on time.
Cheating/plagiarism: it is strictly forbidden and any misconduct is accountable as per the
students’ code of conduct.
Note: do not chew gum, eat, listen to recorders or CD players, wear sunglasses, or talk about

BSc Curriculum for MS&E

personal problems. Please be sure to turn off pagers and cell phones before class and exam
Dasgupta, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2004, ISBN: 812032398X, 9788120323988
Handbook of Semiconductor Technology: Electronic structures and properties of
semiconductors, K.A. Jackson, W. Schröter, Wiley-VCH, 2000, ISBN: 3527298347,
Comprehensive Semiconductor Science and Technology, Six-Volume Set, P. Bhattacharya,
Elsevier Science & Technology, 2011, ISBN: 0444531432, 9780444531438
Approval section

Undergraduate Curriculum of Materials Science & Engineering

Materials Simulation Laboratory

Course Number MScE5223

Course Title Materials Simulation Laboratory
Degree Program B. Sc. in Materials Science and Engineering
Module Materials in Hi-Tech
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer Service course MS&E Department
Instructor's Contact
Student workload Lecture Tutorials Laboratory or Practice Home study
Weekly basis 0 0 3 3
Semester basis (Total) 0 0 48 48
Mode of delivery Parallel
The course is intended to acquire experience in modeling and simulation of crystal structures
Course objectives and
and diffraction spectra, modeling and simulation of simple phase diagrams and more
competences to be
advanced phase diagrams and introduce students to atomistic modeling and simulation
methods to estimate energies of perfect crystals and energies of defects.

Crystal Visualization and Diffraction

Thermodynamic Modeling and Simulation
Atomistic Modeling and Simulation
Transport phenomena simulation
Simulation of Non stationary processes
Pre-requisites None
Semester Year V, Semester II
Status of course compulsory
Teaching and learning
Practical, Examination
and grading system
Attendance: Obligatory
Assessments: students are supposed to handle all assessments on time.
Cheating/plagiarism: it is strictly forbidden and any misconduct is accountable as per the
Course policy students’ code of conduct.
Note: do not chew gum, eat, listen to recorders or CD players, wear sunglasses, or talk about
personal problems. Please be sure to turn off pagers and cell phones before class and exam

BSc Curriculum for MS&E

Literature Continuum Scale Simulation of Engineering Materials: Fundamentals - Microstructures -

Process Applications, D. Raabe, F. Roters; F Barlat, L-Q Chen, John Wiley & Sons, 2006,
ISBN: 3527604219, 9783527604210
Nano Mechanics and Materials: Theory, Multiscale Methods and Applications, W.K. Liu, E.
G. Karpov, H.S. Park, John Wiley & Sons, 2006, ISBN: 0470035218, 9780470035214
Approval section

Undergraduate Curriculum of Materials Science & Engineering

25. Community Based Education

25 Community Based Education
Module Category Core
Module Code
Module Number 25
Module Weight
This module contains the basic knowledge and aptitudes oriented to the benefit of the local
Module Description
community. This special program is delivered only in Jimma University.
Rationale and To enable students to work in addresing community problems.
Objective of the To enable students to apply the kowledge and skills of BSc. in MS&E.
Module To give students a chance to learn from real situations
Module competency N/A
Mode of delivery Parallel
Learning teaching
Lectures, Tutorial, Home study, Practical
Assessment technique Assignments
Courses of the module
Course code Course Name ECTS
TCBTP1002 CBTP-Phase I 4
TCBTP2004 CBTP-Phase II 4
TCBTP3006 CBTP-Phase III 4
TCBTP4007 CBTP-Phase IV 4

BSc Curriculum for MS&E

CBTP-Phase I

Course Number TCBTP1002

Course Title CBTP-Phase I
Degree Program B. Sc. in Materials Science and Engineering
Module Community Based Education
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer CBE Department
Instructor's Contact
Student workload Lecture Tutorials Laboratory or Practice Home study
Weekly basis 1 2 2 2
Semester basis (Total) 16 32 32 32
Mode of delivery Parallel
Course objectives and To enable students to work in addresing community problems.
competences to be To enable students to apply the kowledge and skills of BSc. in MS&E.
acquired To give students a chance to learn from real situations
Baseline data and situation analysis

Collect demographic data, mapping and zoning

Socio-economic survey

Climatic and geographic data

Cultural survey
Resource endowment


Ranking of community problems

Report writting and presentation

Pre-requisites None
Semester Year I, Semester II
Status of course compulsory
Teaching and learning
Lecture, tutorials, home study, practical
Assessment/Evaluation Peer Evaluation 5%
and grading system Supervisor 25%
Community leader 10%
Writen exam 20%
Report 20%

Undergraduate Curriculum of Materials Science & Engineering

Presentation 20%
Attendance: Obligatory
Assessments: students are supposed to handle all assessments on time.
Cheating/plagiarism: it is strictly forbidden and any misconduct is accountable as per the
Course policy
students’ code of conduct.
Note: do not chew gum, eat, listen to recorders or CD players, wear sunglasses, or talk about
personal problems.
Literature Recommended by CBE Office
Approval section

BSc Curriculum for MS&E


Course Number TCBTP2004

Course Title CBTP-Phase II
Degree Program B. Sc. in Materials Science and Engineering
Module Community Based Education
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer CBE Department
Instructor's Contact
Student workload Lecture Tutorials Laboratory or Practice Home study
Weekly basis 1 2 2 2
Semester basis (Total) 16 32 32 32
Mode of delivery Parallel
Course objectives and To enable students to work in addresing community problems.
competences to be To enable students to apply the kowledge and skills of BSc. in MS&E.
acquired To give students a chance to learn from real situations
Evaluation of the previous data

Discipline Base study

Preparation of action plan on priority problems
Intervention on prioritized problems

Report writing and presentation

Pre-requisites None
Semester Year II, Semester II
Status of course compulsory
Teaching and learning
Lecture, tutorials, home study, practical
Peer Evaluation 5%
Supervisor 25%
Assessment/Evaluation Community leader 10%
and grading system Writen exam 20%
Report 20%
Presentation 20%
Course policy Attendance: Obligatory
Assessments: students are supposed to handle all assessments on time.
Cheating/plagiarism: it is strictly forbidden and any misconduct is accountable as per the

Undergraduate Curriculum of Materials Science & Engineering

students’ code of conduct.

Note: do not chew gum, eat, listen to recorders or CD players, wear sunglasses, or talk about
personal problems.
Literature Recommended by CBE Office
Approval section

BSc Curriculum for MS&E


Course Number TCBTP3006

Course Title CBTP-Phase III
Degree Program B. Sc. in Materials Science and Engineering
Module Community Based Education
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer CBE Department
Instructor's Contact
Student workload Lecture Tutorials Laboratory or Practice Home study
Weekly basis 1 2 2 2
Semester basis (Total) 16 32 32 32
Mode of delivery Parallel
Course objectives and To enable students to work in addresing community problems.
competences to be To enable students to apply the kowledge and skills of BSc. in MS&E.
acquired To give students a chance to learn from real situations
Evaluation of the previous data

Discipline base study

Action plan on priority problems

description/contents Intervention on prioritized problems


Report writing and presentation

Pre-requisites None
Semester Year III, Semester II
Status of course compulsory
Teaching and learning
Lecture, tutorials, home study, practical
Peer Evaluation 5%
Supervisor 25%
Assessment/Evaluation Community leader 10%
and grading system Writen exam 20%
Report 20%
Presentation 20%
Course policy Attendance: Obligatory
Assessments: students are supposed to handle all assessments on time.

Undergraduate Curriculum of Materials Science & Engineering

Cheating/plagiarism: it is strictly forbidden and any misconduct is accountable as per the

students’ code of conduct.
Note: do not chew gum, eat, listen to recorders or CD players, wear sunglasses, or talk about
personal problems.
Literature Recommended by CBE Office
Approval section

BSc Curriculum for MS&E


Course Number TCBTP4007

Course Title CBTP-Phase IV
Degree Program B. Sc. in Materials Science and Engineering
Module Community Based Education
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer CBE Department
Instructor's Contact
Student workload Lecture Tutorials Laboratory or Practice Home study
Weekly basis 1 2 2 2
Semester basis (Total) 16 32 32 32
Mode of delivery Parallel
Course objectives and To enable students to work in addresing community problems.
competences to be To enable students to apply the kowledge and skills of BSc. in MS&E.
acquired To give students a chance to learn from real situations
Problem based Research

Updating of the previous data

Discipline base study

Preparation of action plan on priority problems
Intervention on prioritized problems


Write comprehensive final report

Pre-requisites None
Semester Year IV, Semester II
Status of course compulsory
Teaching and learning
Lecture, tutorials, home study, practical
Peer Evaluation 5%
Supervisor 25%
Assessment/Evaluation Community leader 10%
and grading system Writen exam 20%
Report 20%
Presentation 20%

Undergraduate Curriculum of Materials Science & Engineering

Attendance: Obligatory
Assessments: students are supposed to handle all assessments on time.
Cheating/plagiarism: it is strictly forbidden and any misconduct is accountable as per the
Course policy
students’ code of conduct.
Note: do not chew gum, eat, listen to recorders or CD players, wear sunglasses, or talk about
personal problems.
Literature Recommended by CBE Office
Approval section

BSc Curriculum for MS&E

10. Resource requirement

Qualified professionals, laboratories and other facilities are fundamental requirements to be fulfilled and are
indicated as follows:

10.1. Teaching and Learning Facilities Required (Laboratories, libraries)

The following laboratories are fundamental and have to be established to make the teaching learning process
practical and produce graduates with the desired profile.

No Types of Laboratory required No Required

1 General Chemistry Lab 1
2 Materials Lab 1
3 Department Computing Lab 3 (10 computers each)
4 Mechanics and transformation Lab 1
5 Materials Processing Lab 1
6 Materials Characterization Lab 1
7 Strength of Materials Lab 1
8 Materials fabrication Lab 1
9 Biotechnology Lab 1
10 Combustion Lab 1
11 Material synthesis lab 1
12 Workshop To be shared from other departments
13 Library (books) One book per student
14 University specific laboratories As per the need

10.2. Human Resource Requirements

The staff requirement in launching and running the program is indicated below and it shall also be amended as
per every university’s need.

No Position Number of Staff requirements

1 Ass. Professor or Above (PhD) 25% in each stream
2 Lecturer 1 to 40 students
3 Ass. Lecturer 1 to 40 students
4 Technical assistant 1 to 15 students
5 Lab attendant 2
6 Administrative Assistant 1
7 Office assistant 1
8 Messenger 1


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