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Course Module

Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across the Curriculum-

Module 3
OBJECTIVES Define Social Literacy
Explain the importance of Social Literacy
Identify essential benefits and possible threats of using
social media.
Formulate judgement on how to counter social media
issues such as fake news, bullying and backlashes.
CONTENT Social Literacy
Importance of Social Literacy
The top 10 networking websites
COURSE What is Social Literacy? (2019), IGI Global
MATERIAL Disseminator of Knowledge, retrieved from

TIME FRAME 4 hours

ENGAGE Watch a pre-recorded instructional video sent via
messenger and read the hand-outs on Concepts,
importance of Social Literacy and the top ten social
networking websites.
STUDY Discussion Questions:
1. What is social literacy?
2. What are the famous networking websites
around the internet world?
3. How does social literacy boost individual to
become socially responsible to community
ACTIVATE Enumerate and discuss the importance and concepts of
social literacy in the context of education.

Establish the number of famous social networking

websites across the world and take into account their
effects in the society.

Write an essay which explains the importance of social

literacy in education and how social media affect their
lives and lives’ of other people.
EVALUATION Recitation, Assignment, Quiz
CONSULTATIO 3:00pm-4:30pm WTH
N HOURS AND Mobile No: 09952631380
MENTOR’S Schoology Account Access Code: (to be followed)
LINKS Messenger Account: TMPG-BEED1

Performance Task Sheet for Module 3

Name: Section:

Course Code & Time:

1. Briefly discuss the following. Write your answers in five (5) sentences only

a. What is social literacy? (5 points)

b. How does social literacy affect you as student?

2. Lists down the essential benefits and threats of Social Media around the internet
in education and how would it affect you as a future educator? (10 points)


1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.

3. Any individual can be threatened by proliferation of fake news, bullying and

backlashes. As a responsible netizen what measures should you practice to
counter these threats?

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