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Department of Education

TLE 10
Prepare Vegetable Dishes
Second Quarter –Week 6Module

Mrs. Teovalda E. Francisco




Quality Assurance Team Chair

Quality Assurance Team Chair

Schools Division Office – Muntinlupa City
Student Center for Life Skills Bldg., Centennial Ave., Brgy. Tunasan, Muntinlupa City
(02) 8805-9935 / (02) 8805-9940
Lesson 2 : Prepare vegetable dishes TLE-HECK 10VD-11b-c-10

At the end of the module, you should be able to:

1. identify market forms of vegetables
2. select various kinds of vegetables according to a given menu
3. cook variety of vegetable dishes following appropriate cooking methods
to prepare optimum quality of nutrition
4. prepare suitable sauces and accompaniment in serving vegetables

Directions: Read each question carefully and Write the letter of the correct answer
on a separate piece of paper.

1. Which of the following describe vegetable?

A. it is edible , herb like plant
B. It includes various types of fruits.
C. is leafy only
D. a plant or part of plant used as food.
2. Which of the following is consider vegetable benefits?
A. Avoid cholesterol
B. Provides vital for health and maintenance
C. Reduce risk of some chronic diseases including heart attach
D. All of the above
3. Which of the following are not belong to the group of vegetable?
A. petchay C. cabbage
B. kangkong D. squash
4. Which of the following vegetable cooked uncovered?
A. fruit vegetables C. roots and tubers
B. greenvegetables D. yellow vegetables
5. Which is not included in the group as market form of vegetable?
A. fresh C. canned goods
B. frozen D. cooked
6. Vegetables are categorize in it’s origin except one
A. flower vegetables C. green leafy vegetables
B. fruit vegetables D. yellow vegetables
7. Why vegetable is important in our body?
A. you get to enjoy variety of flavor
B. help you maintain good health

C. there low calorie and low fat
D. all of these
8. The following are considered a good food value, specially in eating vegetables
except one.
A. Left over shoud be stroredd in cool place in containers
B. Proper storing of vegetables is also example of food valueC. Fresh
vegetables just out of the garden are best in flavor and highest in
D. If peeled and cut into pieces and left standing in water for several hours
large amount of vitamins and minerals are lost
9. Which of the following vegetables is rich in carbohydrate?
A. legumes, peas, and beans
B. nuts, olives, avocado
C. mushrooms, tomatoes, and radish
D. roots , and tubers
10. What is the flavor of component vegetables likes onions leeks , garlic chives ,
cabbage and broccoli
A. flavonoids C. sugar
B. glutamic D. sulfur

Directions: Label the types of vegetable, Write your answer on the blank

1.___________ 6.____________

2.___________ 7.___________

3.___________ 8.____________

4.___________ 9.____________

5.___________ 10.___________

A vegetable is edible herb like plant . The edible parts of vegetables include the
leaves , fruits, stems, roots tubers,seed and flowers.Vegetables are often categorize
by their botanical origins or by their edible parts.
• Flower vegetables include broccoli , cauliflower,brussels sprouts and
• Fruit vegetables include avocados ,cucumbers.eggplants,peppers
squash,and tomatoes
• Green leafy vegetables includes various types of lettuce mustard green,
spinach and swiss chard.
Some green plants are lettuces; some are related to cabbage ; others like radicchio,
are chicory ,Even leafy herbs the cilantro find their way flavourd salads.

Market forms of vegetables:

1.Fresh, frozen, dried, canned
• Fresh vegetables-are vegetables that have undergone little or no
processing from the time were harvested to the time they were
marketed or sold.
• Frozen vegetables – arboe commercially packed in plastic bags or
cardboard are boxes.They undergo several steps that ensure the
quality before their actual freezing process.
• Dried – Drying or dehydrating preserves vegetables and prolong s
their shelf life.Removing water from vegetables that inhibits the
growth of bacteria.
• Canned – like drying and frozen canning is a process of preserving
food.It helps make the vegetables last longer.

Accompaniments –Are complementary additions to the main ingredients of

meal.It is typically things like vegetables and side saladas but they also
include sauces and relishes. Sometimesthe accompaniment also comes
garnish of it’s own.

ActivityA :Select Me
Directions: Identify and describe kind of vegetables according to agiven menu.

Menu Kind of vegetables

Activity B : Make Me
Directions:Study the picture below, Make your own dish using different vegetables

Guide Questions:
1. What kind of menu do you prepare? Why do you choose that menu? Explain
your answer.

Directions: Identify and give the classification of the following vegetables.

Name Classification

Directions:Identify each method in preparing vegetables.Write your answer inside
the box.

Directions: Cook your favorite vegetable dish. List down for scoring rubric the
ingredients below and the procedure in preparing the dish.Write your honest

Name of the Dish:________________________

Ingredients Procedures

Find out by accomplishing the scoring rubric honestly and sincerely

Remember it is your learning at stake.
5 -excellent 4- Very satisfactory 3- Satisfactory
Demonstrate good preparation
Demonstrate good taste
Demonstrate on exact
Demonstrate good working habit
Demonstrate Creativity

Directions: Read the following question below . Write the letter of correct
answer on a piece of paper.

1.Which of the following vegetables is rich in carbohydrate?

A. legumes, peas, and beans
B. nuts, olives, avocado
C. mushrooms, tomatoes, and radish
D. roots , and tubers
2. What is the flavor of componentvegetables likes onions leeks , garlic
chives , cabbage , and broccoli?
A. flavonoids C. sugar
B. glutamic D. sulfur
3. Which tool is used to drained excess water washing vegetables?
A. bowl C. steamer
B. colander D.utility tray

4. Which of flat soluble compound is responsible for the green coloring of
A. athocyanins C. chlorophyll
B. carotenoids D. lycopene
5. Which is not included in the group as market form of vegetables?
A. fresh C. canned goods
B. frozen D. cooked
6. Vegetables are categorize in it’s origin except one
A. flower vegetables C. green leafy vegetables
B. fruits vegetables D. yellow vegetables
7. Why vegetable is important in our body?
A. You get to enjoy variety of flavor
B. Help you maintain good health
C. There low calorie and low fat
D. All of these
8. Mrs. Cabrillas supply of , which of the following will she eat to give the
nutrients she wants?
A. alugbati C. potatoes
B. potatoes D. saluyot
9. Which of the following described vegetables?
A. an edible, herb like plant
B. it includes varios type of fruits
C. it is leafy only
D. combination of green and yellow color
10. Which of the following is considered vegetable benefits?
A. avoid cholesterol
B. provides vital for health and maintenance
C.educe risk of some chronic disease including heart attach
D. all of the above

TG10 cookery pdf
Curiculum-Guide TLE H.E.ccokery with code>vegetables recipe
ISHS Acta Horticulture 921>eylinmeyy>market forms-of-veg.



1. A (Performance Task)
2. D
3. D
5. D 1.D 6.B
6. D 2.D 7.B
7. D 3.B 8.D
8. B 4.C 9. A
9. D 5.B 10.D
10 .D



3. Beans

4. Okra

5. String beans

6. Broccoli


8. Spinach

9. Carrots

10. Lettuce


A. 1.Vegetables with quail

2.Ampalaya with egg
3.Adobong kangkong
4.Stir and grill chicken


1.Patani/ Fruits and vegetables

2. Squash /Vegetables

3. Chayote/Fruits vegetables

4. Spinach/Leafy green vegetables

5. Patola/vegetables


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