Universitas Teknologi Yogyakarta 2-3

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Mata Ujian : Basic English for Academic Purposes
Hari, tanggal : Rabu, 18 November 2020
Dosen : Zakiah Spd. M.Hum
Waktu : 60 Menit
1. Complete the text below using words in the box !

Strategic attend career prestige climb

Fits motivation respected success weighing

Choosing which university (1)______your interests and academic background is an

important decision that will greatly influence the (2)_____of your university study.
In the Uk alone, there are hundreds of choices and therefore you need to
be(3)_____ in making a shortlist of universities and narrowing down your choices
into second and first choice. This involves (4)_____some factors such as your
(5)_____ and aspiration, your personality, your location, and your budget.

People (6)_____university for different reasons so ask yourself what you want from
your target university and what you want to do after your graduate. Many people
attend top university because of the (7)_______without considering their choice of
future career. If you have interest in a particular (8)____ you should find university
with a better reputation for your career choice than others with a degree from a
university that is most(9)______in the profession you want to enter, it will be easy
for you to get your dream job and you will be able to (10) _____the career leader
II. Complete each sentence with the correct ending A- J from the box below.
1. Teachers help their students to become qualified_________________.
2. Sheila on the other hand has made________________
3. Is it only a matter of time until the generation above and below Peter
Catches up with______________
4. Robots will probably never ___________
5. Robot Could ___________
6. The tongue or a red-colored, boneless organ used to__________________.
7. The legs are the long, muscular body parts that allow human to_________
8. I have a good job, but I have to drive for an hour to get to work. I don’t like
9. Jobs, or forms of employment wherein employees perform a service or
10. Chloe’s age group is spending so much time on their phone at home that they are
missing out on________________________________.

a. chew food and speak f .move from one spot to another

b. mark homework g.have human understanding and emotions
c. commute so much h.the new trend for a less digital life?
d. contact with old friends i.in exchange for financial compensation.
e. for their future careers j. spending time with their friend in real life.

III.Complete the paragrap with the correct words. Choose one out of the words provided
Teenagers might have (1)_______(they/ their/there/they’re) parents to thanks for their
smartphone and social media as their parents were the early adopters of the smartphone. Peter,
38 and father of two teenagers, reports that he used to be on(2)_____(their/he/her/ his) phone or
laptop constantly. ‘I was always connected and I felt like I was always working,’ he says. ‘How could I
(3)______(told/ tell/tells/telling) my kids to get off their phones if I was always in front of a screen
myself?’ So, in the evenings and at weekends, he(4)______(took/ takes/take/taking) his SIM card
out of his smartphone and puts it into an old-style mobile phone that can only make calls and send
text messages. ‘I’m not completely cut off from the world in case of emergencies, but the important
thing is I’m setting a better example to my kids and (5)_____( spend/spent/to spend/spending )more
quality time with them.’

IV. Answer these questions clearly!

1. Mention two advantages of robot teachers !

2. What are the factors to be considered when choosing the right university?
3. Which university should you go to if you already have a career choice?
4. How to use social media in a positive way?
5. How to deal with addiction to social media?

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