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CHEST Recent Advances in Chest Medicine

Medication and Dosage Considerations

in the Prophylaxis and Treatment of
High-Altitude Illness*
Andrew M. Luks, MD; and Erik R. Swenson, MD

With increasing numbers of people traveling to high altitude for work or pleasure, there is a
reasonable chance that many of these travelers have preexisting medical conditions or are
receiving various medications at the time of their sojourn. As with all travelers to high altitude,
they are at risk for altitude illnesses such as acute mountain sickness, high-altitude cerebral
edema, and high-altitude pulmonary edema. While there are clear recommendations for
pharmacologic measures to prevent or treat these illnesses, these recommendations are oriented
toward healthy individuals and do not take into account the presence of preexisting medical
conditions. In this review, we consider how the choice and dose of the medications used in the
management of altitude illness—acetazolamide, dexamethasone, nifedipine, tadalafil, sildenafil,
and salmeterol—are affected by a patient’s underlying medical conditions. We discuss the
indications and current dosing recommendations for individuals without underlying disease, and
then consider how drug selection or dosing regimens will be affected by the presence of renal
insufficiency, hepatic insufficiency, other important medical conditions, and the potential for
serious drug interactions. We include comments about interactions with antimalarial medications
and antibiotics used in the treatment of traveler’s diarrhea, as well as the safety of use during
pregnancy. By giving these issues adequate consideration, clinicians can increase the chances that
properly evaluated patients with underlying medical conditions will enjoy a safe trip to high
altitude. (CHEST 2008; 133:744 –755)

Key words: acetazolamide; acute mountain sickness; altitude; dexamethasone; high-altitude cerebral edema; high-
altitude pulmonary edema; nifedipine; sildenafil; tadalafil

Abbreviations: AMS ⫽ acute mountain sickness; CAI ⫽ carbonic anhydrase inhibitor; GFR ⫽ glomerular filtration
rate; HACE ⫽ high-altitude cerebral edema; HAPE ⫽ high-altitude pulmonary edema; NSAID ⫽ nonsteroidal antiin-
flammatory drug

ndividuals who ascend to altitudes ⬎ 2,350 m

I (8,000 feet) are at risk for one of three forms of
who ascend to high altitude are fit individuals without
significant medical illness, it would be a mistake to
high-altitude illness: acute mountain sickness (AMS), assume that all high-altitude travelers fit this descrip-
high-altitude cerebral edema (HACE), and high- tion, particularly when one considers the high preva-
altitude pulmonary edema (HAPE). Clinical studies1–5 lence of clinical conditions such as diabetes, hyperten-
have established the effective doses of different medi- sion, atrial fibrillation, or depression in the general
cations for the prevention and treatment of these population. Despite the facts that many such patients
diseases, and several major reviews6,7 also provide may be traveling to high altitude and the potential for
dosing recommendations. significant adverse drug interactions exists, there is little
An often-overlooked limitation of the clinical studies, information to guide drug selection for management of
however, is the fact that they generally include only altitude illness in these people.
healthy individuals with no underlying medical prob- The purpose of this review is to address this issue.
lems. Similarly, the main review articles do not address For each of the medications used to manage altitude
how the pharmacologic options are affected by a illness—acetazolamide, dexamethasone, nifedipine,
patient’s medical history or the potential for drug tadalafil, sildenafil, and salmeterol—we discuss the
interactions. While it is true that the majority of people indications and current dosing recommendations for

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healthy individuals, and then consider how drug hypertension), lung disease (FEV1 ⬍ 25% of pre-
selection or dosing regimens will be affected by various dicted), and pregnancy. These individuals will rarely
underlying medical conditions and the potential for ascend ⬎ 2,500 to 3,000 m in elevation, where AMS
important drug interactions. We also provide infor- and HAPE are much less common than at higher
mation about the safety of use in pregnancy and, altitudes and HACE is essentially not seen. For that
because many travelers worry about the potential for reason, a slow ascent should be sufficient to prevent
interactions with medications used for travel in the altitude illness in these patient groups. Nevertheless,
developing world, antimalarials and antidiarrheal with the ease of car or plane travel to high elevations, it
antibiotics, we include information about these clin- is expected that some people with severe disease may
ical situations as well. exceed recommended ascent rates and the need for
Before considering how to properly prescribe prophylactic or treatment medications will come into
high-altitude medications for people with underlying play. It is for that reason that we provide recommen-
medical conditions, it is important to state two dations for patients with severe disease who might not
caveats. First, we are in no way arguing that all such otherwise be expected to require their use.
patients are, in fact, safe to travel to this environ-
ment. These patients should undergo a thorough
pretrip evaluation to determine their fitness for Medications Used in the Treatment of
travel to high altitude. Only after such an evaluation Altitude Illness
is conducted and the patient is deemed safe, can they
travel to these environments; it is then that dose In the space that follows, we consider each of the
considerations for high-altitude medications should medications used in the treatment of high-altitude
be considered. The details of appropriate pretrip illness. For each drug, we discuss the basic indica-
evaluations are beyond the scope of this review and tions for its use and then review use of the medica-
are not considered. For such information, the reader tion in patients with renal insufficiency, hepatic
is referred to reviews that discuss issues relevant for insufficiency, and other important medical condi-
patients with various underlying medical conditions8 tions, as well as the potential for drug-drug interac-
including lung disease,9 heart disease,10 pregnancy,11 tions. Other information is summarized in tabular
neurologic conditions,12 diabetes,13,14 and ocular form apart from these discussions. The doses used for
conditions.15 management of altitude illness in normal individuals
Second, because the main risk factor for high- are presented in Table 1 and have been reviewed
altitude illness is an overly rapid ascent,16 the single elsewhere.6,7,17 Information about the use of these
best way to prevent altitude illness is by ascending at drugs in pregnant or lactating women is presented in
an appropriately slow rate. By adhering to published Table 2, and the use of these medications in travelers
recommendations6 regarding safe ascent rates—at who might be receiving malaria prophylaxis or medica-
⬎ 2,000 m individuals should not increase their tion for traveler’s diarrhea is presented in Table 3. We
sleeping elevation by ⬎ 300 to 500 m/d and should will not discuss the clinical features of the high-altitude
include rest days every 3 to 4 days—the majority of diseases themselves because these have been well
individuals should be able to ascend without the described in earlier reviews.6,7,18
need for prophylactic medications. This is a particu-
larly important point to keep in mind regarding Acetazolamide
patients with severe renal disease (glomerular filtra-
tion rate [GFR] ⬍ 10 mL/min), liver disease (portal The carbonic anhydrase inhibitor (CAI) acetazol-
amide is the mainstay for prevention and treatment
*From the Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine of AMS and HACE. Research studies in several
(Dr. Luks), University of Washington; and Division of Pulmonary animals21,22 and a single study in humans23 have
and Critical Care Medicine (Dr. Swenson), Puget Sound Veterans shown that acetazolamide can block hypoxic pulmo-
Health Care System, Seattle, WA.
The authors have no financial interests in or relationships with nary vasoconstriction and may play a role preventing
companies that produce any of the medications discussed in this HAPE, but in the absence of studies demonstrating
article. There are no other conflicts of interest to report. a prophylactic effect in HAPE it cannot be recom-
Manuscript received June 6, 2007; revision accepted June 28,
2007. mended for this purpose as this time. The dosing of
Reproduction of this article is prohibited without written permission acetazolamide in normal individuals is provided in
from the American College of Chest Physicians (www.chestjournal. Table 1.
Correspondence to: Andrew M. Luks, MD, Acting Instructor,
Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, University of Renal Insufficiency: Because up to 90% of acet-
Washington, Box 356522, 1959 NE Pacific Ave, Seattle, WA
98195-6522; e-mail: azolamide elimination occurs via the kidney24 and
DOI: 10.1378/chest.07-1417 50% of clearance depends on tubular secretion,25 CHEST / 133 / 3 / MARCH, 2008 745

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Table 1—Dosing Recommendations for the Primary Medications Used in the Management of Altitude Illness for
People With No Underlying Medical Issues

Medications* Indication Route Prevention Dose Treatment Dose

Acetazolamide AMS Oral 125 or 250 mg bid 250 mg bid

Dexamethasone AMS Oral, IM, or IV 2 mg q6h or 4 mg q12h 4 mg q6h
HACE Oral, IM, or IV 2 mg q6h or 4 mg q12h 8 mg initially then 4 mg q6h
Nifedipine HAPE Oral 20 to 30 mg of sustained- 20 to 30 mg of sustained-
release version q12h release version q12h
Tadalafil HAPE Oral 10 mg bid Unknown
Sildenafil HAPE Oral 50 mg q8h Unknown
Salmeterol HAPE Inhaled 125 ␮g bid Unknown
*Recommended doses for acetazolamide, dexamethasone, and nifedipine adapted from Hackett and Roach.6

dose adjustments are necessary in renal insufficiency stream. In the setting of impaired synthetic liver
and failure. Patients with a GFR of 10 to 50 mL/min function, the extra NH4⫹ cannot be converted to
should not take the medication more frequently than urea and accumulates to levels that can provoke
every 12 h, while patients with GFR ⬍ 10 mL/min encephalopathy.30 Any degree of hypokalemia that
should not use the drug.26 Patients with preexisting results from acetazolamide may exacerbate this process
metabolic acidosis should also avoid acetazolamide because hypokalemia accelerates diffusion of NH4⫹
because it will cause a greater degree of acidosis that into cells. Finally, evidence suggests that CAI therapy
may increase minute ventilation needs to levels that can reduce urea synthesis itself and lead to accumula-
are uncomfortable for the patient, or for which they tion of NH4⫹.31 It is not clear what degree of liver
may not be able to generate effective respiratory dysfunction is necessary to cause such problems with
compensation. Finally, patients with hypercalcemia and acetazolamide, but given its potential problems and the
hyperphosphatemia or patients with a history of neph-
lack of such side effects with dexamethasone in these
rolithiasis should avoid acetazolamide because there
patients, we recommend that patients with any degree
have been reports27,28 of calcium-phosphate stone for-
of underlying liver disease (Child’s class A through C
mation during CAI therapy as a result of urinary
cirrhosis) avoid acetazolamide.
alkalinization and suppression of citrate excretion.

Hepatic Insufficiency: Patients with liver disease Other Medical Conditions: Care should be taken
should not receive acetazolamide.29 Because acet- when administering acetazolamide to patients with
azolamide alkalinizes the urine, ammonium ion severe COPD or other disorders associated with
(NH4⫹) is diverted from the urine to the blood- ventilatory limitation (FEV1 ⬍ 25% of predicted). In
addition to the fact that acetazolamide increases
ventilation by creating a metabolic acidosis, doses
⬎ 2 mg/kg can begin to cause significant red cell
Table 2—Use of High-Altitude Medications in Pregnant
carbonic anhydrase inhibition and, as a result, impair
or Lactating Women
carbon dioxide (CO2) excretion.32 In patients with
Safety During Safety During limited ventilatory reserve, increased ventilatory de-
Medications Pregnancy* Breastfeeding mand and CO2 retention may lead to worsened
Acetazolamide Category C; may Not established dyspnea and/or respiratory failure.33 In such pa-
increase minute tients, we recommend limiting the dose to 125 mg
ventilation needs and bid or using dexamethasone instead.
create increased
Caution should also be used in patients with a sulfa
Dexamethasone Category C Debate about allergy because acetazolamide contains a sulfon-
safety† amide and the potential exists for cross-reactivity.
Nifedipine Category C Compatible The likelihood of a reaction in patients with self-
Tadalafil Category B Not established reported “sulfa allergy” is low (7 to 10%),34,35 but
Sildenafil Category B Not established
case reports36,37 have described anaphylactic reac-
Salmeterol Category C Not established
tions in patients with documented sulfa allergies who
*Pregnancy category B ⫽ presumed safe based on studies in animals received acetazolamide. In addition, remote regions of
but no data from humans. Pregnancy category C ⫽ no human
studies demonstrating harm, but animal studies show evidence of
the mountains are not the place to discover that a
teratogenicity. patient is one of the rare people who do, in fact,
†Some authors19 claim compatibility with breast feeding, while cross-react and have anaphylaxis. For that reason, we
others20 recommend against use in this situation.
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Table 3—Use of High-Altitude Medications in Travelers in Malaria-Prone Areas or With Traveler’s Diarrhea

Medications Malaria Traveler’s Diarrhea

Acetazolamide No known interactions with prophylaxis medications; No interactions with fluoroquinolones or

can increase serum concentrations of quinine and macrolides; avoid in patients with active
increase risk of quinine toxicity diarrhea or vomiting due to risk of
dehydration or hypokalemia
Dexamethasone No known interactions with prophylaxis or treatment Potential increased risk of tendon injury when
medications used in conjunction with fluoroquinolones
Nifedipine No reported interactions with prophylaxis or Avoid clarithromycin; azithromycin and
treatment medications but potential interaction fluoroquinolone use is safe
with mefloquine
Tadalafil No reported interactions with prophylaxis or Avoid clarithromycin; azithromycin and
treatment medications but potential interaction fluoroquinolone use is safe
with mefloquine
Sildenafil No reported interactions with prophylaxis or Avoid clarithromycin; azithromycin and
treatment medications but potential interaction fluoroquinolone use is safe
with mefloquine
Salmeterol Avoid chloroquine due to increased risk of QT- Avoid clarithromycin; azithromycin and
interval prolongation and ventricular arrhythmia; fluoroquinolone use is safe
other agents are safe to use

recommend that patients with documented sulfa al- Because acetazolamide is a diuretic with kaliuretic
lergy undergo a physician-supervised trial of acetazol- effects, care is necessary when administering it to
amide at sea level prior to their trip to document the people already receiving diuretic drugs (eg, furo-
presence or absence of a reaction. If there is any semide or hydrochlorothiazide) because this may
uncertainty, the patient should simply use dexametha- increase the risk of electrolyte abnormalities and
sone instead. dehydration. The kaliuretic effects mandate caution
Because pregnant women already have increased when administering acetazolamide to people receiv-
ventilation due to higher circulating levels of proges- ing digoxin for atrial fibrillation or cardiomyopathy
terone, the metabolic acidosis generated by acetazol- because hypokalemia increases the risk for junctional
amide, a pregnancy class C medication, might increase bradycardia or other forms of digoxin toxicity.45 The
a pregnant woman’s sensation of dyspnea. It has been kaliuretic effects of acetazolamide may also affect ad-
ministration of antiemetics to patients with GI symp-
demonstrated to have teratogenic effects in animals
toms; concurrent use of droperidol and potassium-
during the first trimester38 and may cause neonatal
wasting diuretics increases the risk of QT-interval
jaundice when used after 36 weeks of pregnancy.39
prolongation and subsequent arrhythmia.46
Because of its ability to alkalinize the urine, acet-
Drug Interaction Issues: Acetazolamide should be azolamide may increase the excretion of acidic drugs
avoided in patients receiving long-term high doses of such as barbiturates while decreasing the excretion
aspirin. By decreasing protein binding and renal of alkaline drugs such as ephedrine, ephedra, or
tubular secretion of acetazolamide, concurrent aspi- amphetamines.47 Acetazolamide can also increase
rin use can impair acetazolamide elimination.40 This serum cyclosporine concentrations, although the
leads to a greater degree of metabolic acidosis, mechanism of this effect does not appear related to
which, in turn, increases CNS penetration of aspirin, urinary alkalinization.48
thereby increasing the risk of aspirin toxicity.41 Ac-
etazolamide should also be avoided in patients re- Dexamethasone
ceiving ophthalmic CAIs such as dorzolamide be- The corticosteroid dexamethasone is an alternative
cause the combination of drugs may have an additive to acetazolamide for the prevention and treatment of
effect.42 Finally, patients receiving topiramate for AMS and is the primary drug in the management of
seizure management or migraine prophylaxis should HACE. Maggiorini et al4 demonstrated that it may
avoid acetazolamide because topiramate has CAI also be effective for prevention of HAPE in known
activity, and the combined use of the medications susceptible individuals, but given that this result is from
may increase the risk of renal stone formation.43 a single trial with eight individuals per arm of the study,
Clinically significant interactions have also been it has yet to become a standard part of the regimen for
described with carbemazepine.44 HAPE prevention. It should be noted that, unlike CHEST / 133 / 3 / MARCH, 2008 747

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acetazolamide, dexamethasone does not facilitate accli- tory drugs (NSAIDs).53 This concern is important in
matization. As a result, abrupt cessation of dexameth- light of a recent report54 suggesting that the risk of
asone may lead to a rebound effect and the manifesta- GI bleeding may be increased at altitude.
tion of altitude illness symptoms that were not present
while receiving the medication. Drug Interactions: The effectiveness of dexameth-
asone may be decreased in patients being treated
Renal Insufficiency: Dexamethasone is an ideal with antiseizure medications such as phenobarbital,
drug for the management of altitude illness in pa- carbemazepine, and phenytoin because these agents
tients with underlying renal insufficiency. There are have been shown to increase corticosteroid metabo-
no contraindications to its use, and dose adjustments lism.55–57 According to the product information58 for
are not necessary in patients with impaired glomer- the fluoroquinolone levofloxacin, postmarketing sur-
ular filtration. Based on the problems noted above veillance studies demonstrated that concomitant use
regarding acetazolamide use in the setting of renal of the antibiotic and corticosteroids may increase the
insufficiency, dexamethasone should be the drug of risk of tendon rupture. The literature does not
choice for prevention and treatment of AMS and contain any reports of such events, and it is unclear
HACE for this patient population. if the risk is increased during the short duration
someone might be receiving dexamethasone at high
Hepatic Insufficiency: Dose adjustments are also altitude; but given the central role levofloxacin,
not necessary for patients with hepatic insufficiency. ciprofloxacin, and other fluoroquinolones play in
Given the risks of acetazolamide use in such patients, management of traveler’s diarrhea in the developing
dexamethasone is the drug of choice for preventing and world, careful attention should be paid to symptoms
treating AMS and HACE in this patient population as suggestive of tendon injury if dexamethasone is used
well. If further research supports the findings of Mag- concurrently with these agents.
giorini et al4 on dexamethasone and HAPE prevention,
it may also become the drug of choice for HAPE Nifedipine
prevention in cirrhotic patients because, as discussed
below, there are important dose considerations in Nifedipine is a calcium-channel antagonist that
patients with hepatic insufficiency for each of the other plays a primary role in the prevention and treatment
oral agents used for this purpose. of HAPE.6 By its ability to inhibit hypoxic pulmonary
vasoconstriction, it blunts the rise in pulmonary
Other Medical Conditions: Patients with diabetes artery pressures that is responsible for the develop-
mellitus may have higher blood glucose levels while ment of pulmonary edema.
receiving dexamethasone and should be provided
with instructions for managing the dose of oral Renal Insufficiency: Because plasma concentra-
diabetes medications and/or insulin at altitude. For a tions are the same in patients with and without renal
full discussion on diabetes at high altitude, the insufficiency,59,60 dose adjustments are not necessary
reader is referred to several reviews13,14 on this topic. in the setting of renal disease.61 As a result, nifedi-
Patients suspected of having amebiasis or strongy- pine represents an ideal drug for prophylaxis or
loidiasis should consider avoiding dexamethasone. In treatment of HAPE in patients with underlying renal
the case of amebiasis, concurrent steroid use can disease, particularly given the issues noted below
lead to acute amebic dysentery and potentially ful- with the other agents, tadalafil and sildenafil, that are
minant hepatic disease49; while in the presence of now also used in the management of this disease.
strongyloides infection, corticosteroid use can pro-
voke a hyperinfection syndrome.50 Individuals who Hepatic Insufficiency: Unlike the lack of issues in
have spent considerable time traveling in the devel- the setting of renal insufficiency, use of nifedipine in
oping world are at high risk for these infections; if the presence of hepatic insufficiency is potentially
they plan to use dexamethasone for AMS prophy- problematic. Several studies have demonstrated that
laxis, they should be screened for the presence of despite having similar rates of absorption and peak
these infections prior to initiating dexamethasone or plasma concentrations as normal patients, cirrhotic
consider using acetazolamide instead. patients have a fourfold increase in the elimination
Finally, patients with active peptic ulcer disease or half-life, a twofold increase in the area under the
recent upper-GI tract bleeding should avoid dexa- plasma concentration-time curve,62 and increased
methasone because corticosteroids have been shown systemic bioavailability63 when compared to normal
to increase the risk of both problems.51,52 This risk patients. Despite this evidence of increased risk of
may be further increased by concurrent use of drug accumulation, these studies do not provide
alcohol, aspirin, or other nonsteroidal antiinflamma- guidance on the best means for adjusting drug

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dosage. As a result, it is difficult to determine the Given the results of a prior study71 that demon-
proper dose for prophylaxis and treatment of HAPE. strated that calcium-channel blockers may increase
At a minimum, we recommend halving the dose and the risk of GI bleeding, it would be reasonable to
using only 10 mg of the long-acting version every avoid other medications, such as NSAIDs, that are
12 h for HAPE prevention and treatment with also known to increase the risk of this problem,
careful follow-up of BP. particularly in light of the report by Wu et al54 of an
increased risk of GI bleeding associated with altitude
Other Medical Conditions: There are no other exposure itself. The link between calcium-channel
major diseases in which nifedipine use appears to be blockers and GI bleeding is not a strong one,
a problem, but it is worthwhile to comment on its use however, as other studies72,73 have not found a
in patients with preexisting cardiovascular disease. In relationship between this class of medications and
the 1990s, there was debate about the safety of increased risk of GI hemorrhage. Patients with gas-
calcium-channel blockers in patients with hyperten- troesophageal reflux disease should also exercise
sion and coronary artery disease64 after several stud- caution when using nifedipine because the drug can
ies demonstrated an increased risk of myocardial decrease lower esophageal sphincter tone and pro-
infarction65 and even death66 in patients with hyper- mote increased reflux of gastric contents into the
tension or coronary artery disease receiving calcium- esophagus.74,75
channel blockers. This concern has since dissipated. Finally, it is worth discussing the potential interac-
A report67 following the release of these studies tion with gingko biloba. Although several trials76,77 have
documented an insufficient degree of evidence to shown that the supplement is no better than placebo at
conclude that calcium-channel blockers increased preventing altitude illness, earlier studies78,79 were sug-
the risk of adverse cardiovascular events, and several gestive of a benefit, and it is conceivable that people
trials68,69 have demonstrated that long-acting dihy- traveling to high altitude will use this medication for
dropiridine calcium-channel blockers are, in fact, AMS prophylaxis. Two studies80,81 have shown that
safe in patients with stable coronary artery disease. plasma concentrations of nifedipine may be increased
While the evidence does suggest that long-acting by concurrent use of gingko biloba and, as a result, the
nifedipine is safe for use in patients with stable risk of hypotension on nifedipine may be increased.
coronary artery disease traveling to high altitude, we Rather than stopping nifedipine, however, we recom-
must stress again that such patients must be evalu- mend avoiding gingko biloba because the data are not
ated prior to high altitude travel to determine their sufficient to support its use at high altitude.
fitness for this environment.
Phosphodiesterase Inhibitors: Tadalafil
Drug Interaction Issues: Several potential drug and Sildenafil
interactions warrant attention. Nifedipine is elimi-
nated via the cytochrome P450 3A4 pathway. As a Because of its pulmonary vasodilatory effects, the
result, drug concentrations may be reduced if it is phosphodiesterase inhibitor tadalafil can be used for
administered in conjunction with inducers of these prevention of HAPE. Maggiorini et al4 demonstrated
enzymes, including rifampin or seizure medications that tadalafil prevents the disease in known HAPE-
such as phenobarbital, phenytoin, and carbemaz- susceptible individuals. No studies have examined
epine. Alternatively, inhibitors of the 3A4 pathway whether the drug can also be used to treat HAPE.
such as azole antifungal agents, protease inhibitors, Although no systematic studies have examined
doxycycline, and macrolide antibiotics may increase whether sildenafil is effective in the prevention and
nifedipine concentrations. Nifedipine also inhibits treatment of HAPE, it is worth considering this
the 1A2 pathway and, as a result, may cause in- medication as well because it has a similar mecha-
creased levels of agents, such as aminophylline, nism of action and should exert a similar benefit as
theophylline, or mirtazapine, that are metabolized by tadalafil and because there are reports of its use in
this pathway. clinical practice as treatment for HAPE82 or preven-
Because of its effects on BP, caution should also tion in children with underlying cardiopulmonary
be exercised when administering nifedipine to pa- disease and HAPE.83
tients receiving antihypertensive agents, such as
␤-blockers or ␣-blockers, because the combination Renal Insufficiency: Despite the fact its renal
may precipitate hypotension. Patients receiving ni- clearance is minimal, the half-life of tadalafil is
fedipine should also avoid grapefruit juice, which can prolonged in patients with renal insufficiency.84 Pa-
decrease systemic bioavailability,70 and calcium sup- tients with creatinine clearance ⬎ 50 mL/min do not
plements, which may inhibit its effects at the site of require dose adjustments, but patients with creati-
action in vascular smooth muscle. nine clearance between 30 and 50 mL/min should CHEST / 133 / 3 / MARCH, 2008 749

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receive a maximum of 5 mg/d and should not receive cirrhosis and portopulmonary hypertension who
⬎ 10 mg in 48 h.84 Back pain and myalgias have also were treated with and tolerated 50 mg tid.
been reported in patients with creatinine clearance Although standard doses may be well tolerated
30 to 50 mL/min receiving 10-mg doses of tadalafil. from a BP and side effect standpoint, there is one
Patients with creatinine clearance ⬍ 30 mL/min additional risk that must be considered in these
should not receive ⬎ 5 mg of the medication.84 The patients. Because sildenafil may increase splanchnic
pharmacokinetics of sildenafil appear to be the same blood flow92 at the same time that it lowers pulmo-
in patients with mild-to-moderate renal impairment nary artery pressures, patients with portal hyperten-
(creatinine clearance ⬎ 30 mL/min) as in normal sion may be at increased risk for variceal bleeding
individuals, but in patients with creatinine clearance while receiving sildenafil. Finley et al,93 for example,
reported a fatal variceal hemorrhage in a patient with
⬍ 30 mL/min drug clearance is reduced and bio-
portopulmonary hypertension during treatment with
availability is increased, necessitating dose reduc-
sildenafil. The presence of a single case report
tions.85 Interestingly, in dialysis-dependent patients,
should not preclude use of this medication in pa-
the pharmacokinetic profile again resembles that tients with cirrhosis who are traveling to high alti-
observed in volunteers with normal renal function.86 tude, but one should consider adequate screening
It should be noted, however, that most studies of prior to travel and consider alternative agents for
sildenafil dosing in renal failure have examined HAPE prophylaxis in patients found to have signifi-
single-dose administration in dialysis-dependent pa- cant esophageal or gastric varices. Concurrent use of
tients; no studies have examined whether dose ad- NSAIDs should also be avoided in such patients.
justments are necessary with repeated drug admin-
istration as would be used in a HAPE-prevention Other Medical Conditions: Patients with coronary
regimen, although the package insert87 for the drug artery disease whose medication regimen includes
does mention that no dose adjustment is necessary nitrates should not receive tadalafil or sildenafil for
for treatment of pulmonary hypertension in patients HAPE prophylaxis because the combination of the
with renal insufficiency. Given these considerations medication classes may cause profound hypotension.
and the lack of problems associated with nifedipine In patients with stable coronary artery disease not
use in renal insufficiency, we recommend that pa- receiving nitrates, tadalafil appears to be safe from a
tients with moderate-to-severe renal insufficiency cardiovascular standpoint because several studies
avoid tadalafil and sildenafil at high altitude. have shown that the drug does not increase the time
to exercise-treadmill–induced ischemia,94 or in-
Hepatic Insufficiency: There are little published crease the risk of serious cardiovascular events such
data on tadalafil pharmacokinetics in patients with as myocardial infarction, stroke, or cardiovascular
hepatic insufficiency. Forgue et al84 demonstrated death.95 Sildenafil has also been shown to have no
that peak and average plasma concentrations of the effect on symptoms, exercise tolerance, or ischemic
drug were actually lower in patients with mild-to- threshold in this patient group.96,97 Like nifedipine,
moderate hepatic insufficiency than in patients with tadalafil and sildenafil decrease lower esophageal
normal liver function, but evidence is lacking regard- sphincter tone and may increase symptoms of gas-
ing outcomes in patients with severe hepatic insuffi- troesophageal reflux.75
ciency. Despite these lower peak and plasma con-
centrations, the product information88 for tadalafil Drug Interactions: In addition to concern about
stipulates that patients with mild-to-moderate hepatic concurrent nitrate use, two other potential drug
insufficiency (Child’s class A and B) should not receive interactions warrant attention. Because tadalafil and
⬎ 10 mg/d. This dose is lower than that used by sildenafil are metabolized via the cytochrome P450
Maggiorini et al4 and, therefore, it is not known if it is 3A4 pathway, high plasma concentrations of the
sufficient for HAPE prophylaxis. Patients with Child’s drugs may result if they are administered in conjunc-
class C cirrhosis should not receive the medication. tion with inhibitors of this pathway, such as protease
Eighty-five percent of sildenafil metabolism oc- inhibitors, macrolide antibiotics, and azole antifungal
curs in the liver, and in the setting of hepatic agents. There is no evidence to suggest adverse
impairment peak plasma concentrations are elevated consequences if the medications are used in con-
by as much as 47% compared to normal control junction with antimalarial agents including meflo-
subjects.85 As a result, it would be prudent to use quine, which, as noted above, is also metabolized via
lower starting doses for HAPE prevention (25 mg the 3A4 pathway. However, given the short duration of
tid). While this recommendation agrees with the time that tadalafil has been on the market, it is possible
product information for sildenafil,89 the literature that reports will emerge about this or other potential
does contain several reports90,91 of patients with interactions. Caution should also be exercised in cases

750 Recent Advances in Chest Medicine

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where the drugs are used in combination with salmeterol poses risks to patients with a history of
␣-blocker medications, such as doxazosin, terazosin, or cardiac disease or who are prone to tachyarrhyth-
prazosin, for benign prostatic hypertrophy because the mias. Ferguson et al100 conducted a metaanalysis of
combination may lead to postural hypotension. seven randomized studies that compared salmeterol
50 ␮g bid against placebo in patients with COPD
Salmeterol and found an equal risk of cardiovascular adverse
Salmeterol is a long-acting inhaled ␤-agonist that events as well as equal ventricular and supraventric-
has been shown to be effective at preventing HAPE ular ectopic events, QT intervals, and 24-h heart
in known susceptible individuals.5 These results have rates in the placebo and salmeterol groups. The dose
not been validated in further studies and, at present, examined in this analysis, however, was 60% lower than
the drug is largely used as an adjunct to nifedipine that used for HAPE prevention. Other studies101,102
prophylaxis rather than being used as the sole pro- have examined higher doses but unfortunately did not
phylactic agent. Although no studies have examined include patients who might also be at risk for cardiac
whether salmeterol may play a role in the treatment disease. Given the lack of data with high doses in
of HAPE, there is a report82 that it is being used for patients at risk for cardiac disease, it is difficult to draw
this purpose in clinical practice at a dose equivalent firm conclusions about the risks posed by HAPE-
to that used for prophylaxis. prevention doses. For this reason, it may be prudent to
avoid the medication in this class of patients.
Renal Insufficiency: Dose adjustments do not
appear to be necessary in patients with renal insuf- Drug Interactions: Patients receiving ␤-blockers
ficiency. When administered in inhaled form at such as metoprolol or atenolol may have decreased
doses recommended for the treatment of asthma (50 effectiveness of either the ␤-blocker or salmeterol
␮g bid), low-to-undetectable plasma concentrations because the two classes of medications have opposite
are achieved. It should be noted, though, that the effects on ␤-receptors. Caution is necessary when
dose used in the single HAPE prevention trial98 (125 using salmeterol in conjunction with or shortly fol-
␮g bid) is much higher than the standard dose for lowing discontinuation of two classes of antidepres-
asthma treatment, and the higher doses can lead to sant medications: monoamine oxidase inhibitors and
detectable plasma concentrations and signs and tricyclic antidepressants. In the case of the mono-
symptoms typical of systemic adrenergic activation. amine oxidase inhibitors, there is concern that con-
However, it is not clear that such concentrations are current use of a ␤-agonist with sympathomimetic
of clinical significance and, more importantly, be- effects might lead to hypertensive crisis, although
cause the kidney plays a minimal role in salmeterol there are no cases of this reported effect with
elimination, renal insufficiency would not be ex- salmeterol.103 In the case of tricyclic antidepressants,
pected to affect drug clearance or clinical effects. there is concern that concurrent use of the medica-
Because ␤-agonists cause cellular uptake of potas- tions could lead to increased incidence of BP eleva-
sium, caution should be exercised when using the tion, tachycardia, and ECG changes. There are no
drug in patients with a predisposition toward hypo- case reports in the literature for such interactions,
kalemia, particularly when such patients are receiv- but this warning is stipulated in the drug product
ing other agents such as acetazolamide that can information.103
provoke hypokalemia. Salmeterol is metabolized by the cytochrome P450
CYP34A, but the likelihood of clinically relevant
Hepatic Insufficiency: Salmeterol is metabolized interactions is probably low because serum concen-
predominantly through the cytochrome P450 34A trations of salmeterol are low when it is used in the
pathway, with the hydroxylated metabolites being inhaled form.99 Caution should be exercised when
excreted through the biliary system and eliminated using salmeterol in conjunction with chloroquine for
in the feces.99 There are no studies examining the malaria prophylaxis because the latter medication
pharmacokinetics of the drug in patients with hepatic may prolong the QT interval and increase the risk of
impairment. Because, as noted above, the plasma ventricular arrhythmia.104
concentrations achieved with the inhalational form are
quite low, one would not expect major issues in this
class of patients, but in the absence of firm data in this Conclusions
regard it would be prudent to avoid use of the drug in
patients with underlying hepatic insufficiency. This review demonstrates that many factors can
affect the medication choices for patients with un-
Other Medical Conditions: Because of its sympa- derlying medical conditions who seek pharmacologic
thomimetic effects, it is worthwhile to consider if options for the prophylaxis or treatment of altitude CHEST / 133 / 3 / MARCH, 2008 751

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Table 4 —Summary of Recommendations for Primary Medications Used in the Treatment and Prevention of Altitude Illness

Medications Renal Insufficiency Hepatic Insufficiency Other Major Dosing Issues

Acetazolamide Avoid use in patients with GFR ⬍ 10 mL/min, Acetazolamide use is contraindicated Avoid in patients receiving long-term high doses of aspirin or with
metabolic acidosis, hypokalemia, hypercalcemia, ventilatory limitation (FEV1 ⬍ 25% of predicted); caution in
and hyperphosphatemia, or recurrent patients with documented sulfa allergy; avoid concurrent use of
nephrolithiasis topiramate, potassium-wasting diuretics, and ophthalmic CAI
Dexamethasone No contraindication and no dose adjustments No contraindication and no dose adjustments Expect elevated blood glucose values when used in diabetic
necessary necessary patients; avoid in patients at risk for peptic ulcer disease or
upper-GI bleeding; caution in patients at risk for amebiasis or

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Nifedipine No contraindication and no dose adjustments Best to avoid; if use is necessary, administer Caution in patients at risk for GI bleeding or with gastroesophageal
necessary at reduced dose (10 mg bid) of sustained- reflux; caution in patients taking medications metabolized by
release version CytP450 3A4 and 1A2 pathways; caution during concurrent use
with other antihypertensive medications
Tadalafil Dose adjustments necessary if GFR ⬍ 50 mL/min; Child’s class A and B: maximum 10 mg/d; Increased risk of gastroesophageal reflux; caution in patients
if GFR is 30 to 50 mL/min, use 5-mg dose, Child’s class C: do not use tadalafil receiving medications metabolized by CytP450 3A4 pathway;
maximum 10 mg in 48 h; if GFR is ⬍ 30 mL/ avoid concurrent use of nitrates or ␣-blockers
min, no more than 5 mg
Sildenafil Dose adjustments necessary if GFR ⬍ 30 mL/min Dose reductions recommended; starting dose Increased risk of gastroesophageal reflux; caution in patients
is 25 mg tid; avoid use in patients with receiving medications metabolized by CytP450 3A4 pathway;
known esophageal or gastric varices avoid concurrent use of nitrates or ␣-blockers
Salmeterol No contraindication and no dose adjustments Insufficient data; best to avoid the Potential for adverse effects in patients with coronary artery
necessary medication in these patients disease prone to arrhythmia; avoid concurrent use of
␤-blockers; avoid concurrent use of monoamine oxidase
inhibitors or tricyclic antidepressants

Recent Advances in Chest Medicine

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