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Critical Thinking


Critical thinking is the ability to think clearly and rationally, and understanding the logical
connection between ideas. The concept has been developing throughout the past 2,500 years
and has been the subject of debate since the time of early Greek philosophers such as Plato and
Socrates and has continued to the modern age.

Critical Thinking as Defined by the National Council for Excellence in Critical Thinking, 1987

Critical thinking is the process of skillfully analyzing the information gathered from experience,
or communication. It is based on universal intellectual values, clarity, sound evidence, good

Historical development of the concept of critical thinking

1) John Dewey.
The concept of critical thinking was first singled out just 100 years ago, by the
American philosopher, John Dewey. In a book entitled How We Think, first published in 1910,
Dewey presented what he called "reflective thinking" as an active, persistent, and careful
consideration of any belief or supposed form of knowledge in the light of the grounds
that support it, and the further conclusions to which it tends.
2) Edward Glaser
Inspired by Dewey, Edward Glatser developed critical thinking skills in 1940. He defined that
critical thinking involves several things: 1) a wise attitude in considering problems; 2)
knowledge of logical investigation; 3) skills in applying the methods of critical thinking. Watson-
Glatser provides the view that critical thinking is a skill set that strongly underlies students'
success in learning.

Essentials for Critical Thinking

Specifically we need to be able to:

 Think about a topic or issue in an objective and critical way.

 Identify the different arguments there are in relation to a particular issue.
 Evaluate a point of view to determine how strong or valid it is.
 Recognize any weaknesses or negative points that there are in the evidence or
 Notice what implications there might be behind a statement or argument.
 Provide structured reasoning and support for an argument that we wish to make.
Nature of Critical Thinking

Our critical thinking ability varies according to our current mindset it must keep in mind that

none of us thinks critically all the time. Sometimes we think in almost any way but critically, for

example when our self-control is affected by anger, grief or joy or when we are feeling just plain

‘bloody minded’.
Features of a good critical thinker:
 raises vital questions and problems, formulating them clearly and precisely;
 gathers and assesses relevant information, using abstract ideas to interpret it
effectively comes to well-reasoned conclusions and solutions, testing them against relevant
criteria and standards;
 thinks open-mindedly within alternative systems of thought, recognizing and assessing,
as need be, their assumptions, implications, and practical consequences; and
 Communicates effectively with others in figuring out solutions to complex problems.

How to teach critical thinking in education system?

It should be a goal of any system of education to teach the knowledge develops the skills
of students as critical thinker .Here is few suggestions for critical thinking.

(1) No one right way: There is no single right way to teach a critical thinking
Course. The design of the course is a means to an end, and the effectiveness of the
chosen means is influenced by the background of the teacher, the background and
Abilities of the students, the resources available and other situational factors.
(1) No one right way: There is no single right way to teach a critical thinking
Course. The design of the course is a means to an end, and the effectiveness of the
chosen means is influenced by the background of the teacher, the background and
Abilities of the students, the resources available and other situational factors.
(1) No one right way: There is no single right way to teach a critical thinking
Course. The design of the course is a means to an end, and the effectiveness of the
chosen means is influenced by the background of the teacher, the background and
Abilities of the students, the resources available and other situational factors.
(1) No one right way: There is no single right way to teach a critical thinking
Course. The design of the course is a means to an end, and the effectiveness of the
chosen means is influenced by the background of the teacher, the background and
Abilities of the students, the resources available and other situational factors.
No one right way: There is no single right way to teach a critical thinking
 No one right way: there is any single right way to teach a critical thinking course these
are the factors which play key role in critical thinking. The design of the course,
background of the teacher, abilities of the students, the resources available and other
situational factors.
 Communicate goals clearly: The goals of the course should be clear to the
instructor and should be communicated to the students at the very
beginning. It is helpful if the students can acquire at the beginning a sense of the
advantages of improving their critical thinking skills. Teachers should ask students to
think critically about a problem.

Foster a critical spirit: The goals should include fostering the attitudes of a
Critical thinker as well as developing skills and imparting the required knowledge.
 Use bridging/ Linking: Bridging is making links between the student’s real
experience outside the classroom and the experience inside the classroom. Bridging
should go in two directions. First, bridge from what the students already know to what
you are trying to teach in a particular lesson.
Second, bridge from what you teach in a particular lesson to the students’ activities
outside the classroom
Importance of critical thinking

Critical thinking is one of the most valuable skills that every student must learn. It is not just
limited to problem-solving skills in class but also in real-life situations. Here are some key points
that reflect on critical thinking importance.

i. It improves presentation expertise and language:

When a student works on developing critical thinking it enhances the ability to express
ideas efficiently. While learning to inspect the structure of texts logically it improves the
comprehension abilities as well.
ii. Critical thinking encourages creativity:
When we face a problem and try to save it with different solutions. It is important for
the student to understand that the new thoughts and solutions that have been
generated in his mind are applicable and useful or not for this problem. On this point
critical thinking plays an important role. By thinking critically It helps in the evaluation
of the solutions whether these solutions are helpful or not.

iii. Critical thinking helps in improved grades and achievements:

When students improve on the critical learning skills they show improvement in
academic performance as well. Students are able to connect theory that they had been
learning practically and that improves the overall knowledge. They are able to
understand and critique which helps in deeper understanding that will be evident in the

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