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The increase of compressive strength of natural polymer modified concrete with

Moringa oleifera
Rr. M. I. Retno Susilorini, Budi Santosa, V. G. Sri Rejeki, M. F. Devita Riangsari, and Yan’s Dianaga Hananta

Citation: AIP Conference Proceedings 1818, 020059 (2017); doi: 10.1063/1.4976923

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Published by the American Institute of Physics
The Increase of Compressive Strength of Natural Polymer
Modified Concrete with Moringa oleifera
Rr. M. I. Retno Susilorini1a), Budi Santosa1b), VG. Sri Rejeki1c), M.F. Devita
Riangsari1, Yan’s Dianaga Hananta1
Department of Civil Engineering, Soegijapranata Catholic University, Jl. Pawiyatan Luhur IV/1, Bendan Dhuwur,
Semarang 50193, Indonesia
Corresponding author:

Abstract. Polymer modified concrete is one of some concrete technology innovations to meet the need of strong and
durable concrete. Previous research found that Moringa oleifera can be applied as natural polymer modifiers into
mortars. Natural polymer modified mortar using Moringa oleifera is proven to increase their compressive strength
significantly. In this resesearch, Moringa oleifera seeds have been grinded and added into concrete mix for natural
polymer modified concrete, based on the optimum composition of previous research. The research investigated the
increase of compressive strength of polymer modified concrete with Moringa oleifera as natural polymer modifiers.
There were 3 compositions of natural polymer modified concrete with Moringa oleifera referred to previous research
optimum compositions. Several cylinder of 10 cm x 20 cm specimens were produced and tested for compressive strength
at age 7, 14, and, 28 days. The research meets conclusions: (1) Natural polymer modified concrete with Moringa oleifera,
with and without skin, has higher compressive strength compared to natural polymer modified mortar with Moringa
oleifera and also control specimens; (2) Natural polymer modified concrete with Moringa oleifera without skin is
achieved by specimens contains Moringa oleifera that is 0.2% of cement weight; and (3) The compressive strength
increase of natural polymer modified concrete with Moringa oleifera without skin is about 168.11-221.29% compared to
control specimens

After the invention of conventional concrete in the last 19 th century [1], people met the need of durable rather
than only strong concrete. Innovation of concrete polymer and also polymer modified concrete could be an
alternative to meet the needs. Some definitions of polymer modified concrete stated as composites made by using
polymer, cement and also aggregates, depend on the size of granule [2, 3]. ACI Committee 548 Report noted that the
admixtures generally used in concrete and mortar mixtures may be called as polymer modifiers [4]. It is proven that
polymer modified concrete will increase strength, and durability of concrete and also accelerate curing of concrete
[5]. Due to the concrete technology innovation, some chemical and organic polymer modifiers have been applied
into mortar and concrete.
Previous research of Susilorini, et. al. [6] found that Moringa oleifera can be applied as natural polymer
modifiers into mortars. Moringa oleifera is known as coagulant and also clarifying agent for water. It is also known
that Moringa oleifera contains cationic protein of high molecular weight that destabilizes the particles exists in the
water and flocculates the colloids [7]. Obviously, seeds of Moringa oleifera contain rhamnosyloxy-benzil-
isothiocyanate that will adopt and neutralize the metallic particles in the water [8]. Due to the performance of mortar

Engineering International Conference (EIC) 2016

AIP Conf. Proc. 1818, 020059-1–020059-5; doi: 10.1063/1.4976923
Published by AIP Publishing. 978-0-7354-1486-0/$30.00

and concrete, Moringa oleifera gives advantages because it contains glyceride. Glycerides known as esters formed
by glycerol (or glycerine) and fatty acids. Glycerol (or glycerine) has proven to increase mortar and concrete
compressive strength [9, 10]. When glycerine combined with litharge, then there will be quick setting in the fresh
mortar to become stronger and harder [9]. In order to improve durability, Moringa oleifera has performed as
corrosion inhibitor for mortar and concrete [11]. Susilorini, et. al [6] noted that natural polymer modified mortar
with Moringa oleifera improved bonding mechanism, strength and durability in plain water, seawater and brackish
water. It is also reported by [6] that optimum composition of natural polymer modified mortar contains Moringa
oleifera that is 0.2% of cement weight.
In this research, Moringa oleifera has been added into concrete mixtures for natural polymer modified concrete
based on the optimum composition of previous research that was applied into natural polymer modified mortar[6].
This research investigates the increase of compressive strength of polymer modified concrete with Moringa oleifera
as natural polymer modifiers.

This research conducted by experiment activities. Several concrete cylinder specimens of natural polymer
modified concrete were produced with dimension of 10 cm x 20 cm while compressive strength of concrete were
designed as about 30 MPa. There were three compositions of natural polymer modified concrete referred to previous
research [6] which is described by Table 1. There were 5 specimens produced for each composition. All specimens
were tested by compressive test at 7, 14, and 28 days age.

TABLE 1. Compositions of natural polymer modified concrete and mortar of conducted and also previous research [6]

% weight Moringa with / without

Mix Code Remarks
oleifera of cement skin
C-0.2-TK 0.2 without Conducted Research
C-0.2-K 0.2 with
M-0.2-TK 0.2 without Previous Research [6]
M-0.2-K 0.2 with

The natural polymer modifier used for the research is Moringa oleifera that is produced by grinding Moringa
oleifera seeds to become powder, with or without skin (Figure 1 and 2).

FIGURE 1. Moringa oleifera seeds with skin [12] FIGURE 2. Moringa oleifera seeds with skin [12]

The result of compressive strength has shown that natural polymer modified concrete with Moringa oleifera for
C-0.2-TK (without skin) achieved the highest compressive strength compared to control specimens and C-0.2-K
(with skin) as described by Figure 3. The compressive strength of C-0.2-TK at age 28 days increased 104.82%,
while C-0.2-K increased 52.57% compared to control specimens (C-Control). It is interesting that C-0.2-TK
achieved very high compressive strength of at age 7 days (63.52 MPa) compared to C-Control and C-0.2-K.
Compressive strength of C-0.2-TK decreased slightly at age 14 days and getting increased slightly again at age 28
days. Different phenomenon found for C-0.2-K specimens that its compressive strength increased gradually from
28.43 MPa (age 7 days), 33. 97 MPa (14 days), and 48.09 MPa (28 days).
Moringa oleifera profoundly increased compressive strength of natural polymer modified concrete. Glyceride
ingredient of Moringa oleifera accelerated setting, hence, at 7 days age, the natural polymer modified concrete
reached very high compressive strength (63.52 MPa) as described by Figure 3. The natural polymer modified
concrete was getting stronger and harder because of very good bonding mechanism contributed by Moringa oleifera.
For C-0.2-K (without skin), the fiber of skin probably prohibited good bonding mechanism, then the natural polymer
modified concrete will not be as not as strong as C-0.2-TK.

70 63.52 64.56

50 48.09

Compressive 33.97
(MPa) 28.43 14 DAYS
30 26.57
22.52 28 DAYS


C-CONTROL C-0.2-TK C-0.2-K

FIGURE 3. Compressive strength of natural polymer modified concrete with Moringa oleifera at ages 7, 14, and 28 days
(modified [12])

Is is interesting to compare the result of conducted research to previous research [6]. Moringa oleifera has
influenced the compressive strength of natural polymer modified concrete in significant way as described by Figure
4. Compressive strength of C-0.2-TK specimens were found about twice or three times higher compared to M-0.2-
TK specimens. It is found that compressive strength of C-0.2-TK specimens increased 221.29% at age 7 days,
202.06% at age 14 days, and 168.11% at age 28 days compared to M-0.2-TK. For C-0.2-K specimens, the increase

is exist but not so high, 42.08% at age 7 days, 84.22% at age 14 days, and 43.83% at age 28 days compared to M-
It is noted that bonding mechanism contributed by Moringa oleifera is very much better for natural polymer
modified concrete compared to natural polymer modified mortar as shown by Figure 4. The presence of skin of
Moringa oleifera may give influence of prohibiting maximum bonding mechanism that caused lower compressive
strength. It should be noted that the presence of Moringa oleifera provided very good bonding mechanism that
improved compactness and compressive strength of plymer modified concrete. Hence, it is understood that natural
polymer modified concrete with Moringa oleifera has higher compressive strength compared to natural polymer
modified mortar with Moringa oleifera and also control specimens as described by Figure 4.

70 63.52 64.56
Compressive 40 33.73 33.97 34.13
31.52 M-0.2-TK
Strength 28.43
30 26.05 26.57
(MPa) 22.52 24.08 C-0.2-TK
19.77 20.01 20.40 18.44
20 M-0.2-K

10 C-0.2-K

FIGURE 4. Compressive strength of natural polymer modified concrete and mortar with Moringa oleifera at ages 7, 14, and
28 days (modified [6] and [12])

This research meets conclusions:
1. Natural polymer modified concrete with Moringa oleifera, with and without skin, has higher compressive
strength compared to natural polymer modified mortar with Moringa oleifera and also control specimens
2. Natural polymer modified concrete with Moringa oleifera without skin is achieved by specimens contains
Moringa oleifera that is 0.2% of cement weight
3. The compressive strength increase of natural polymer modified concrete with Moringa oleifera without skin
is about 168.11-221.29% compared to control specimens

This research is funded by Competence Grant 2014-2016, Contract No. 052/K6/KL/SP/Penelitian/2014,
Directorate of Research and Community Service, General Directorate of Research Empowerment and Development,
Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education.

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