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First My "ideal" Design Concept--

Prior to sizing a BiopTESS system BioPCM mats would be first specified into the building prior in order
to reduce the source cooling load demands in the standard locations listed below in order of
1. Externally adjacent ceiling and/or roof.
2. South & west walls. (northern hemisphere)
3. For zones with heavy internal loads and diurnal temperature shifts the rigidized Metal and
acoustic of products.
Assuming the Industry standard ASHRAE standard procedure of sizing the cooling at 1.15 of the peak
outdoor temperature design day loads would be assumed for safety factor. The BioTESS system would
be designed as a demand limiting partial storage setup to meet 65% of the peak cooling cooling load.
BioTESS system would have a melting temperature optimized for the local climate night temperatures
so that the PCM could be charged with a drycooler that only requires running circulation pumps and
heat rejection equipment for a majority of the days requiring cooling. In parallel there would be a
screw type rotary chiller with a air cooled condenser with the with a control strategy that causes run
only when the outdoor air can is not a low temp to run freeze the BioPCM with the dry cooler, and is
sized to meet the remaining 55% of the load not covered by the the BioTESS system. The system would
use a non toxic glycol such as Dynalene BioGlycol as its working fluid to circulate thermal energy
between the dry cooler or chiller and the BioTESS tubes & manifolds and for supply to the air handler
units. This design would use a concept known as "free cooling" to cold charge the BioPCM, and would
be very efficient because it would not need the compressor and refrigeration cycle of the chiller for most
cooling days of the year. The total chiller capacity would be 55% of a standard design, at a comparable
first cost. The system would have a fast ROI due to the reduction of total energy consumption and use of
off low cost -peak energy and reduction of chiller maintenance and reduction of chiller capacity costs.

Because of the total phase our of CFC's and phase out of HCFC's by 2020 due to Ozone depletion and
global warming potential there will be a constant market growth in the chiller replacement market. Older
chiller that use these types of refrigerant are required by law to be replaced, and thermal energy storage
can reduce the size of a new chiller by an average of 50%.
● If our BioPCM Thermal Energy Storage Solutions can come in at a total installed system price
point that is lower than that of stand alone chillers than we have a very valuable product line on
our hands.
Thermal energy storage can be used in virtually any building; the merits are compelling in the right
situations. The main concepts involved with proper specification are the type of storage system and the
amount of cooling load to be shifted. The economics are particularly attractive where the cost of on-peak
demand and energy is high.

Cool storage systems are most suitable where any of the following criteria apply:
1. The chiller compressors are reciprocating screw or scroll type, or if the chiller is a centrifugal
type it should either have variable frequency drive or should have a "pony" chiller that operates
well under part load conditions so that the addition of thermal energy storage does not cause
the cooling system to run outside of its optimum efficiency range.
2. The maximum cooling load of the facility is significantly higher than the average load. The
higher the ratio of peak load to average load, the greater the potential.
3. The electric utility rate structure includes high demand charges, ratchet charges, or a high
differential between on- and off-peak energy rates. The economics are particularly attractive
where the cost of on-peak demand and energy is high.
4. The electric utility rate structure includes high demand charges, ratchet charges, or a high
differential between on- and off-peak energy rates.
5. An existing cooling system is being expanded. The cost of adding cool storage capacity can be
much less than the cost of adding new chillers.
6. Electric power available at the site is limited. Where expensive transformers or switchgear
would otherwise have to be added, the reduction in electric demand through the use of cool
storage can mean significant savings.
7. Backup or redundant cooling capacity is desirable. Cool storage can provide short-term backup
or reserve cooling capacity for computer rooms and other critical applications.
8. Cold air distribution can be used, is necessary, or would be beneficial. Cool storage technologies
using ice permit economical use of lower temperature supply water and air. Engineers can
downsize pumps, piping, air handlers, and ductwork, and realize substantial reductions in first
If one or more of the following are true, thermal energy storage may not be an appropriate technology:
1. Older Centrifugal chillers that do not use variable frequency drive and do not have a "pony
chiller" for part loads and do not have good part load performance. These types of chillers can
actually be destroyed due to "surging" that comes as a result of operating at low loads, also they
become expediently less efficient under part loads, and can actually use more energy to do less
work because of their poor part load performance.
2. The maximum cooling load of the facility is very close to the average load. A BioTES system
would offer little opportunity to downsize chilling equipment.
3. On-peak demand charges are low and there is little or no difference between the costs of on-
and off-peak energy. There is little economic value for customers to shift cooling to off-peak
4. The space available for storage is limited, there is no space available, the cost of making the
space available is high, or the value of the space for some other use is high.
5. The cooling load is too small to justify the expense of a storage system. Typically, a peak load of
100 tons or more has been necessary for cool storage to be feasible.
6. The design team lacks experience or funding to conduct a thorough design process. The design
team should be capable of BioTES design, which differs from standard HVAC system design. If
this is not the case, or if funding for design fees is limited, the chances for a successful system
are reduced.
BioTESS can reduce overall energy consumption even though there may be increased use in the chiller.
Distribution of colder chilled water can allow use of smaller pumps and less fan horsepower to circulate a
smaller quantity of air through the cooling coils. In retrofits it also is possible to reduce energy
consumption but generally less so than in new construction. Here energy savings result from chillers
operating at full load nearly all the time, potentially at higher efficiency. And operation is generally at
night when lower ambient temperatures make for cooler condenser temperatures, reducing energy use.
The use of colder chilled water supply temperatures can allow for smaller air flows to provide adequate
cooling; This can decrease the duct diameter, ductwork, fans, and pumps but also the installation labor
cost and increase rentable area.
The main advantage of BioTess storage over chilled water thermal energy storage is that it requires less
space. The main advantage over Ice thermal energy storage is due to the higher melting temperatures and
thereby lower energy consumption for charging and potential for interoperability with standard chillers
allowing for retrofits.
It may be possible to use a BioTESS system
to decrease chilled water temperature in the loop, adding as much as 50% more cooling capacity to
piping, this would also provide a drop the leaving air temperature, which increases capacity utilizing the
same duct and fan systems.
Related to Implementation Cost-- Carefully TESS designed systems will cost less than equivalent capacity
chiller systems, System sizing is critical. For example, a careful assessment of the number of hours that
peak load must be met with stored cooling could show that a considerably smaller storage system may
only minimally affect demand reduction. A properly sized system can cause be a cash flow
positive/profitable purchase when compared to purchasing the equivalent tonnage of chiller capacity.
Sometimes BioTESS systems can cost more but save energy and peak priced power for fast ROI's.

System capacities can be sized to meet loads in three ways-

1. Full Storage, or load-shifting shifts the entire on-peak cooling load to off-peak hours and
usually operates at full capacity to charge storage during all non-peak hours. On peak all
cooling loads are met from storage, and the chiller does not run. A full-storage system requires
relatively large chiller and storage capacities and is most attractive where on-peak demand
charges are high or the on-peak period is short.
2. Demand-limiting partial-storage system operates the chiller at reduced capacity on-peak. The
chiller may be controlled to limit the facility demand at the billing meter. This strategy falls
between load shifting and load leveling. Demand savings and equipment costs are higher than
for load-leveling, and lower than for load-shifting. Here too care must be taken not to deplete
storage before the end of the on-peak period.
3. Load-leveling partial-storage system, the chiller typically runs at full capacity for 24 hours on
the design day. When the load is less than the chiller output, the excess charges storage. When
the load exceeds chiller capacity, the additional requirement is discharged from storage This
approach minimizes required chiller and storage capacities and is particularly attractive where
peak cooling load is much higher than average load. In many systems, cooling loads during off-
design periods are small enough that partial-storage systems may be operated as full-storage
systems. This can increase savings but care must be taken to not deplete storage before the on-
peak period is over.
BioTESS can be configured in three different ways;

Chiller in serries upstream position;

● Primarily for Larger systems ie, centrifugal chillers
● Increases chiller efficiency
● Increases chiller capacity
● Decreases BioTESS capacity
● Simplifies system layout
● Tank capacity loss does not exceed chiller efficiency and capacity benefits
Chiller in series downstream position;

● Primarily for Smaller system, ie screw or scroll chillers

● Chiller in downstream position:
● Decreases chiller efficiency
● Decreases chiller capacity
● Increases ice capacity (reduced number of tanks?)
● Tank capacity benefit is substantial
Dedicated Chiller in parallel position;
This involves a small chiller that is designed and sized to run only at nighttime and is used only to charge
the BioTESS unit- this configuration has the advantage of needing the smallest and most cost & energy
efficient chiller. Possibly we should partner with a scroll or screw chiller manufacture to have a perfect fit
for this ideal setup.

Commissioning will normally be done for TESS units, so being prepared for performance testing is
particularly important. Each system will be tested for charge capacity, discharge capacity, scheduling and
control sequences. The charge capacity test verifies that the system can fully charge storage within the
available time. The discharge capacity test verifies its ability to provide the required cooling, at or below
the maximum usable supply temperature, for each hour over the design load profile. Of primary concern
is that stored thermal energy is used at a rate consistent with the design. Especially in chilled water
systems, if over sized pumps circulate water at higher than design flow rates, a smaller supply return
temperature difference will reduce the capacity of the storage system. A test of scheduling and control
sequences confirms the proper operation of valves, resetting of setpoints, and starting and stopping of
equipment, according to scheduled operating modes. It is highly recommended that each install should
use ASHRAE standard 150 testing procedures: Important
aspects of ASHRAE Standard 150 are that it requires and details initialization requirements (e.g., the TES
system shall be operated through at least five cycles before testing), the testing apparatus required (e.g.,
flow and temperature elements), and points to be measured. Standard 150 also provides instrumentation
calibration procedures, and accuracy, precision, and resolution requirements to minimize test
uncertainty. For example, temperature difference sensors must have accuracy of at least plus or minus
0.2°, and flow meters must be installed with 20 pipe diameters upstream and 10 diameters downstream
in order to achieve an uncertainty of plus or minus 10%.
To meet ASHRAE Standard 150 requirements, the following are completed:
● Discharge test;
● Charge test;
● Cool storage capacity test; and
● The cool storage system efficiency test.
Other information that is useful to keep in mind when thinking about BioTESS:

Chiller types (Chillers are classified by their compressors)

1. Reciprocating compressors--These units are very loud rather cheep and typically used for
smaller capacity applications where loudness and vibrations are not an issue. They require
significantly more maintenance than other chiller types but are generally very energy efficient
and do not have long equipment life. (It is said that the cost of the maintenance out weighs the
value of the energy savings by 100%-300%) These chillers are efficient because they have very
high ILPV/run very well under part load conditions.
2. Screw & Scroll rotary compressors-- these run at very good part load and full load values,
require minimal maintenance and have very long equipment lifecycle.
3. Centrifugal compressors-- Older models are known for poor part load performance and
potential for damage from surging. Newer variable frequency drive units have good part load
performance down to 10%, and have options for magnetic levitation bearings that mitigate the
potential for damage from surging.
Part Load Efficiency:
ARI Standard 550/590 is the primary performance standard for screw and centrifugal chillers up to 2,000
tons chillers. This standard provides a testing protocol for determining the chiller capacity (tons), energy
usage (kW/ton), fluid pressure drop (ft of water), and IPLV/NPLV.
● IPLV stands for Integrated Part Load Value that predicts chiller efficiency at the ARI Standard
Rating Point and
● NPLV is for Non standard Part Load Value that predicts chiller efficiency at rating conditions
other than the ARI Standard Rating Point but within prescribed limits.
The IPLV number is calculated as a weighted average of four load points. The weighting is based on a
“blend” of operating-hour scenarios from many different building types and 29 geographic locations.
Anytime multiple chillers are used, the IPLV has little validity. Likewise, if control of the condenser water
temperature control method does not allow the supply temperature to go as low as 65°F, then the IPLV is
not valid. ARI recommends another efficiency term, Non-standard Part Load Value (NPLV), if chiller
design conditions are anything other than the standard ARI Standard.

In air conditioning systems, the peak load occurs only for a very limited number of hours during the year.
On an annual basis, the imposed load will vary based on the time of day due to occupancy patterns, solar
heat gains, and diurnal temperature swings, etc. and the time of year due to solar and temperature
seasonal variations. With all of these variables, every chilled water system operates at “off-design”
conditions most of the time. Various studies indicate that a chiller is at 100% capacity about 1% of the
time, 75% capacity about 42% of the time, 50% capacity about 45% of the time, and 25% capacity about
12% of the time.System part load performance is thus a crucial factor in chiller selection. Simply put, the
system part load, when multiplied by total annual ton-hours of cooling, provides an estimate of the total
annual kilowatt- hour consumption or the chiller with the lowest system part load performance will
provide the greatest energy savings across its entire operational range.

-Tons Capacity
● One ton of cooling is the amount of heat absorbed by one ton of ice melting in one day, which is
equivalent to 12,000 Btu's per hour, or 3.516 kilowatts (kW) (thermal).

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