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Are photo filters harmful?

seen to be perfect, and so we try and

reach that peak.”
How Snapchat
dysmorphia drives people Sometimes her followers would suggest
meeting in person. “Then it would be like,
to seek cosmetic surgery ‘I have to look like my selfie.’” It was
around this time, the height of her
Snapchat obsession, that Anika started
contacting cosmetic doctors on Instagram.

The phenomenon of people requesting

procedures to resemble their digital image
has been referred to as “Snapchat

The term was coined by the cosmetic

doctor Tijion Esho, founder of the Esho
People used to call Anika the Snap clinics in England. He had noticed that
Queen. Between 19 and 21, she was where patients had once brought in
“obsessed with Snapchat, to the point pictures of celebrities with their ideal
where I had 4,000 followers”. At the peak nose or jaw, they were now pointing to
of her “tragic” behaviour, she reckons photos of themselves.
now – a year after quitting the image-
sharing app – she was taking 25 selfies a While some used their selfies – typically
day. edited with Snapchat or the airbrushing
app Facetune – as a guide, others would
She liked the sense of having a platform, say, “‘I want to actually look like this’,
she says, with the average selfie getting with the large eyes and the pixel-perfect
300 replies. “It was like, ‘Oh my God, skin,” says Esho. “And that’s an
I’m so popular – I’ve got to show my unrealistic, unattainable thing.”
A recent report in the US medical
But the filters were also part of the journal JAMA Facial Plastic
appeal. Anika had long been insecure Surgery suggested that filtered images’
about the slight bump in her nose. “blurring the line of reality and fantasy”
Snapchat’s effects, which let you could be triggering body dysmorphic
embellish your selfies with dog ears, disorder (BDD), a mental health
flower crowns and the like, would also condition where people become fixated
erase the bump entirely. “I’d think, ‘I’d on imagined defects in their appearance.
like to look how I look with this filter that
makes my nose look slimmer’.” Dr Wassim Taktouk remembers a client
coming to see him in his clinic, upset
Socialising in the real world, she would after a date made through an app had
choose her seat to avoid being seen in gone south.
profile. She recognises that this was
irrational – “but it happens. I feel like
we’re in a world where a lot of people are
“When she’d met the man, he had been they are at it. (Snapchat declined to
quite disparaging: ‘You don’t look respond on the record.)
anything like your picture.’”
“The first thing that any of these filters do
The woman showed Taktouk the heavily is give you a beautiful complexion,” says
filtered image on her profile and said: “I Taktouk. “Your naso-labial [laugh] lines,
want to look like that.” It was flawless, he from the nose to mouth, aren’t existent –
says – “without a single marking of a but that’s not a human face. No one
normal human face”. He told her he doesn’t have those. You can see them in
couldn’t help. “If that’s the picture you’re children.”
going to put out of yourself, you’re
setting yourself up for disappointment.” Clients still request their removal, and
that of “the tear trough” – the groove
Why do we take so many photos of down from the inner corners of the eyes.
ourselves? A 2017 study into “selfitis”, as “People wanting bigger eyes is another
the obsessive taking of selfies has been one – it’s just not possible.”
called, found a range of motivations, from
seeking social status to shaking off So when does what is meant to be
depressive thoughts and – of course – harmless fun start to become a problem?
capturing a memorable moment. The general rule, says Professor David
Veale, a consultant psychiatrist is that you
Another study suggested that selfies can “think about your appearance for an
served “a private and internal purpose”, hour a day before it becomes a disorder”
with the majority never shared with – but for a diagnosis, it must be
anyone or posted anywhere – terabytes, accompanied by significant distress or
even petabytes of photographs never to be inability to function normally. People
seen by anyone other than their subject. with BDD take selfies because they are
convinced “that they are hideous”.
Esho says the pervasiveness of
airbrushing on social media means it can In 2014, then 19-year-old Danny
create “unrealistic expectations of what is Bowman from Northumberland in
normal” and lower the self-esteem of northeast England was reported to be
those who don’t use it. “It’s a vicious “Britain’s first selfie addict” after being
cycle.” interviewed about his experience of BDD.

When the American Academy of Facial His problems had begun four years
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery earlier, when he was rejected by a
surveyed its members in 2017, 55 per modelling agency at the same time as he
cent of surgeons said patients’ motivation was being bullied at his new school and
was to look better in selfies, up from just on Facebook. “For me, it was
13 per cent in 2016. confirmation that I did look ugly.”

Even novelty filters such as Snapchat and Bowman was soon spending hours before
Instagram’s, as well as adding bunny ears the mirror, slathering himself in acne
or specs to your selfie, plump your lips, cream and moisturiser and monitoring a
erase your pores and lift your jowls while steady stream of selfies for real-time
improvement. After three months he
dropped out of school, and the selfie- Source:
taking increased to hundreds a day.
“I was trying to see some gradual harmful-how-snapchat-dysmorphia-drives
improvement, and take that photo that I
was pleased with. I was just trying to get
that relief, and I couldn’t get it. There
wasn’t a perfect photo. There isn’t a
perfect photo.”

After six months of being housebound,

consumed by his daily rituals, he tried to
kill himself. “A lot of people say looking
at themselves in the mirror probably
makes them feel insecure, but imagine
scanning through 200 pictures a day. I
was just exhausted. I felt like there was
no way out.”

His mother – like his father, a mental

health professional – found him in time
and he was diagnosed with BDD. Part of
his 12-week treatment involved
restricting access to his phone.

Now 24, Bowman is studying at the

University of York in the north of
England and campaigns on issues related
to mental health and positive body image.

He has raised concerns about the impact

of Instagram with friends he sees “posting
photographs of themselves every other
day, Facetuning themselves, making
themselves look unlike the way they look.
That was me, but on an amplified scale.”

They have reacted defensively, he says.

“It has become such a normal thing that
people don’t see what they’re doing as

He very rarely takes selfies now. “I just

don’t feel the need to do it,” he says.

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