Divine Word College of Calapan Senior High School

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Divine Word College of Calapan Senior High School

Absenteeism and its Effect to the Academic Performance of Senior

High School Students in Divine Word College of Calapan

Presented to the Faculty of the School of Basic Education

Divine Word College of Calapan

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Academic Strand

Humanities, and Social Science





Divine Word College of Calapan Senior High School

Absenteeism and its Effect to the Academic Performance in Specialized

Subjects in DWCC Senior High School Students


According to Garcia & Weiss (2018), education research has long

suggested that broader indicators of student behavior, student engagement,

school climate, and student well-being are associated with academic

performance, educational attainment, and with the risk of dropping out.

Education is very important to every person and is just right to attend every

classes they are in. As they attend their classes, they also discover their new

personality, how far can they interact with others, will gain more knowledge,

but there will be a really big impact if they miss even their one class and will

be worsen if their absenteeism will continue.

Going to school regularly is crucially important for a student’s education

and social skills chronically absent students are at a disadvantage both

socially and academically. They miss out on critical stages of social

interaction and development with their peers (Malcolm et al., 2015). If a

student used to miss their class, it will become a habit and as time goes by, it

will be hard for them to cope with the school works they have missed. It will

also affect their academic performance, as they are not attending their class.

It may not seem like a big deal if a student is missing just one or two

days of school a month, but over time, those days lost learning can lead to

years of academic struggles, as well as challenges beyond the classroom

(Wierman, 2017) Absenteeism will affect the most important reason why
Divine Word College of Calapan Senior High School
people attends school, which is specifically, their academic performance.

They will miss all the lectures/lessons their teachers have given their

students and it will be hard to make up of all the school works they have

missed especially if they have no valid reason for their absenteeism.

Absenteeism is a habit of failure to present himself or herself

frequently in program or event without a reasonable excuse and an

absentee is used to describe somebody who is not there to do a

particular task in person. Absence can be defined as a very personal

decision based on both motivation to attend and ability to attend. (Ahmad

et al., 2018). One of the reason of being absent of a student, is family

problem. They somewhat want to solve their problems on their home first

before they face other problems on school or they are being involved on their

parent’s problem that they should not care as that is not their business

anymore. As they absent without permission, there is a higher chance they

will get low grades on their subjects depending on their previous

performance or the teacher itself.

Objectives of the Study

The study attempted to figure out how absenteeism can affect the

academic performance of the senior high students of Divine Word College of


Statement of the Hypothesis

There is no significant difference between the Absenteeism of students

and their Academic Performance in DWCC, in terms of:

Divine Word College of Calapan Senior High School
1.1 Class Participation

1.2 Coordination among Peers and Teachers

1.3 Grade Point Average

Review of Related Literature

Effects of Absenteeism

Absenteeism is a tendency to be away from work or school without a

good reason. The students who do not come in schools, colleges and

universities regularly and not attend the classes are called absent. Some

students who come in universities but not attend the classes are sometimes

marked absent already, depending on the current teacher. This habitual act

of students is called absenteeism.

Due to absenteeism, the teacher, if possible, have to reteach the lesson

and take instructional time away from those students who attend regular

classes. They spend extra time to absent over doing extra homework and

class assignments. It is beyond the planning period of lecturers and time

needed to provide individual assistance to students (Williams, 2014).

Sometimes, teachers do not have a choice but to make the students who are

frequently absent, understand their previous lessons so the student can make

up for their missed school works.

Student miss valuable information when they are absent from classes.

They also misses the interaction between the lecturer and benefits of specific

examples which are used to clarify the difficult concepts. The valuable

information cannot be repeated when teacher reteach lecture to absent

students (Williams, 2014). Even though the lessons are being reteach
Divine Word College of Calapan Senior High School
somehow, it will not be repeated those important details they had discussed

in that actual day because of course, it would be hard for the lecturers to

mention again those specific details. That’s one of the effects of absenteeism.

Reasons of Absenteeism

According to Mensah (2017), parents with little or no educational

background do not motivate their children enough to achieve higher

academic levels unlike those with good educational background that always

see to it that, their children’s education becomes a major concern and a

priority. Family number is also one of the cause of absenteeism when these

student came from a low profile family, parents were not able to sustain all of

their children to go to school. Also students that are handled by their nannies

have the tendencies to lose interest studying, because their parents can

monitor them.

Asikhia (2017) concludes that, the larger family, the less attention and

devotion from parents to each child and the more the difficulties encountered

by the parents in meeting the needs of the children. History repeats itself. It

happens when a parent don't finish their studies, they don't push their

children to finish their studies. Broken family can also be the cause of

absenteeism because of lack of concern from the family.

Carlson (2017) indicates that, the main direct effect of absenteeism on

the pupil is low academic performance. He explains that pupils who miss

most of their instructional hours and in no doubt behind the school’s

curriculum, based on which they are assessed at the end of the term.

Students having no passion in studying were not heavily motivated by having

Divine Word College of Calapan Senior High School
big dreams by the time they finish studying. There are students idolizing a

person that are successful but don't finish studying.

Though academic difficulties are problematic, for many students,

bullying can make school feel unsafe, both physically and emotionally and

while children can be reluctant to talk about bullying they’re experiencing,

there are plenty of resources, even apps that offer tips on how to have these

kinds of conversations (Anonymous, 2016). Absenteeism can lead student in

losing interest in school performance, like taking exams so they get low

grades. Bullying can also be the cause of excessive absents of a one person.

It’s a tough choice students and families shouldn’t have to make, but

there are ways of easing the burden of caregiving places on

families (Anonymous, 2016). Absenteeism may be the vital factor of poor

school academic performance. A pupil who absents in class more often are

struggling or have issues about their family or financial problem.

Teasley (2016) have noted other numerous risk factors that contribute

to student absenteeism such as family health, low income, poor school

climate, drug and alcohol use, transportation problems, and community

attitudes towards education. Other reason is, lack of interest. Students could

lack in interest in studying, which could be a result of absenteeism. Hence,

unintentionally pushing them away from school and teacher could be a

misunderstanding for some students. Approaching used by teachers may not

be understood by the student and this could lead them to lose interest in

school. Punitive attendance policy plays a big role in absenteeism too.

Divine Word College of Calapan Senior High School
Tibag, Calapan City

_____ __, 2020

Dear __________,

We are the Humanities and Social Sciences students of Divine Word College
of Calapan. Attached herewith is a questionnaire to gather data and/or
information for our research content: ”Absenteeism and its Effect to the
Academic Performance in Specialized Subjects in DWCC Senior High School

In this connection, may we solicit your kind indulgence and consideration by

answering every question included in this questionnaire. Your responses will
remain confidential and anonymous. Data from this research will be kept under
lock and key and reported only as a collective combined total. No one other than
the researchers will know your individual answers to this questionnaire.

If you agree to participate in this project, please answer the questions on the
questionnaire as best you can. It should take approximately 5-10 minutes to
complete. Please return the questionnaire as soon as possible.

Thank you very much for sharing your precious time and effort.

Sincerely Yours,
Jesser R. Custodio
Jhon Marc A. Madrigal
Bea Mikaella D. Pechon
Justine Blare B. Rodriguez

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