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Food Poisoning Cases and Measures Taken to Prevent Food Poisoning in 3 Towns (2018)

Figure 1 depicts the number of cases of food poisoning in 4 months in 2018 whereas Table 1

shows the measures taken to prevent food poisoning in 2018. Generally, the measures taken

correlated with the number of cases in that year.

Begonia took the least number of measures: ‘Inspect food outlets’ and ‘Impose fines on dirty

premises’, so the number of cases rose from 110 in January to its highest, at 750 in October.

The number of cases in Rose increased from 200 in January to 250 in April. The number

dropped to 180 in July and remained constant in October. Additionally, Rose had the overall

lowest number of cases (810) in 2018 because it took the most number of measures (5).

However, despite taking more measures (5) than Begonia (2), Rose had the same number of

cases as Begonia in April at 250. Tulip had the highest number of cases in January, at 800 but

the number dropped to 550 in April, but it rose to 600 in July then dipped to 400 in October. This

trend was possibly due to the 3 measures it took.

In conclusion, the number of food poisoning cases in the towns was influenced by the measures

they took in 2018.

199 words

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