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Environmental risk assessment

Look for hazards

Hello Hello into both ears, Shake, squeeze Shoulder
Help, call 2222 Adult cardiac arrest and bring cardiac arrest crash trolley
Community - 999

Look in mouth - if you see something don’t put your fingers in there - turn head to side if
needs be
Expose chest

Head lift, Chin tilt - 10 seconds look listen feel for normal breath sounds
armpit - drag hands backwards in straight line

CPR - if not breathing/breathing abnormally. If help hasn’t arrived at this point, the best
thing is to find more help and come back to them
Start compressions - lower half of sternum
2 compressions per second
Press a third of the way down
Allow the chest to fully recoil before the next compression if someone takes over count
them in 3-2-1

AED - analysing heart rhythm do not touch the patient STOP COMPRESSIONS,
look at patient while pressing shock button
it will assess rhythm every 2 mins
restart compressions
stop when more help arrives or patient comes to

Choking - foreign body stuck in your airway

PARTIAL - body will try to get rid by coughing
(If patient is coughing but looks normal - stay with patient monitor them, make sure they
are still able to talk, you can also give high flow 02)
When cough is not effective anymore or patient is not able to cough because
obstruction is COMPLETE
Call for Help - 2222 cardiac arrest
Community - try each manoeuvre once before calling for help

Back blows - patient slightly leans forward. Arm across patient chest, explain that you
are going to hit him 5 times between the shoulder blades
Abdominal thrusts - NON DOM HAND - my arms under patient’s arms, feel for
xiphisternum and belly button DOM HAND - make a fist and place it between these two
points. NON DOM HAND then on top.
Move in and up in a J shaped movement up to 5 TIMES
DONT PERFORM ATs on babies under a year, pregnant women and bariatric patients

Repeat manoeuvres until blockage freed or patient collapses

If you had to do thrusts - patient must be reviewed by doctor or GP because you may
have done internal damage to liver, spleen

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