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Brozas, Bianca R. Engr.

Maria Jessica Ebio

1620123 - BSME Engineering Management

Reflection Paper

I am currently on my fifth year of mechanical engineering, as an irregular student. Other than my

Mechanical Engineering and Math courses, I took my other subjects not following my curriculum on the

order on when you should take it. It is just this semester I just realized how important Engineering

Management is. Engineering management is the practice that connects an engineer’s technical skills and

his business acumen.

Regarding our research in Tanduay Distillers Inc., I am very lucky and happy to conduct a research

in their engineering managerial skills. We were able to see on how, as one of the most successful

companies in the Philippines, they were able to overcome issues and crisis with their management. They

also told us that even though they have different managerial techniques, they were able to surpass those

differences through the use of constant and effective communication.

Lessons in school would have a much bigger impact on students when they are shown on how it is

applied on the real world. Through the use of our research, we were able to see the lessons in our subject

in engineering management being applied on an actual management. We were able to see that technical

skills won’t make you a good engineer, in order to be successful, you need to have and develop certain

skills in making connections with colleagues, managers, and etc.

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