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Why is RCT being considered better than CBT for VM Backup?

In today’s scenario in an organization, all the information stored in the computer might be extremely
crucial. Hence, regularly scheduled backups are required, as sequential backup of the data are being
done in order to provide speedy recovery during a disaster. Therefore, every time it is not feasible to
take a full backup. Once the first full backup of Virtual Machines is done, the consequent
incremental backup must transfer only the changed blocks of data rather than sending whole VM
data again. Change Block

One of the ways of efficiently implementing it in the form of Change block tracking (CBT). As it
effectively works on bitmaps. And it creates bitmap of all the blocks on a virtual hard drive. As soon
as it observes any data changes in a particular block, the respective block is marked as ‘changed’. At
the time of backup, it tracks the bitmap of the entire changed block since the last backup and only
those blocks are backed up. The CBT process helps in the scanning of the VM by tracking all the disk
blocks for incremental backup and drastically reduces the backup time.

However, although CBT is essential for VM data but it has no inbuilt features in window that could
help the backup vendors to monitor changes using the filter drivers. All the blocks that are
monitored are stored in the stored in the memory bitmap of the host. So, if anything happens to the
memory such as system crash, migration, power crash, data corruption, accidental deletion of data,
then in such circumstances the entire bitmap is lost and it is not easy to retrieve those changes. In
such a scenario, it is RCT which helps in the VM backup by replacing the inefficient filter and storing
bitmaps by using a more resilient strategy to reduce the risk of memory wipe out or loss of

Additionally, once a full backup of the computer is created, it doesn’t make sense to back it up again
after sometime because usually a lot of data doesn’t change. So, it is pointless to spend time and
resources on something that is already backed up. And RCT is the solution to this issue. RCT is
implanted in Hyper-V by generating three different bitmaps – two on the disk and one in the
memory. In the event of power outage or migration or data deletion – the disk backups are
available. RCT not just reduces the backup times but also offers greater resilience through enhanced
block tracking mechanisms in comparison to other backup solutions designed for virtual

In today’s world data, time and resource are everything. Backing up data has become significant due
to its high importance in various fields. Various events like system crash, accidental deletion, or data
corruption constantly impose threats to the consistency of data. So, data backup is necessary. For
this purpose, RCT is more effective than CBT to take the incremental backup of the data

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