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D a s s a u l t A v i a t i o n • S n e c m a • T h a l e s


D A S S A U L T A V I A T I O N - S N E C M A - T H A L E S N°11


Maintaining operational combat readiness can be expensive. It’s why Rafale is designed
to be fully, quickly serviceable by a reduced ground crew. Compare that to the

maintenance requirements of other late-generation fighters. And then carefully
calculate the impact Rafale’s better design can have on your total life-cycle costs
and dispatch reliability. Rafale. A generation ahead. Rafale. The OMNIROLE fighter

In the 11th issue of Fox Free, The

Rafale Team is proud to report that the

Rafale has been engaged in combat for

the first time. During the last couple

of months, French Navy and French

Air Forces Rafales have successfully

participated in combat operations over

Afghanistan and have provided fire

support to NATO ground troops on

numerous occasions, scoring direct hits

with remarkable accuracy.

The “FOX THREE” Team

p.3/5 p.6/11 p.12-13 p.14/15

The Rafale omnirole fighter’s main air-to-air weapon, the MICA (Missile d’Interception,
de Combat et d’Autodéfense, Interception, Combat and Self-Defence Missile), is an
Unfair Advantage Engaged in combat With the navy A bright future advanced missile which provides unique capabilities. The fire-and-forget MICA was
developed as a multi-target multi-mission multi-wave weapon to replace both the
acclaimed short-range, IR-guided Magic 2 and the long-range, radar-guided Super
530D arming the Mirage 2000.

PEMA 2b - Crédit photos : F. Robineau • K.Tokunaga • A.Paringaux • HP.Grolleau • Dassault Aviation – Sirpa Air – Sirpa Marine - Print : Aviaplans.
This document is not contractual and cannot engage the responsability of the industrial partners in any matter. Dassault Aviation and the industrial partners reserve the right to modify any herein indicated characteristics without prior notice. FOXTHREE 3

MICA RF firing data are calculated for missile links which enable very
numerous priority targets which long-range multiple firings
With its Thales AD4A active can be engaged with MICA with an exceptionally high
radar homing head, the MICA BVR / air combat active radar probability kill rate, even
RF is fully autonomous after seeker missiles shot in quick against hard manoeuvring
launch so that a pilot can either succession. With its electronic enemy fighters. This gives the
engage several targets simul- scanning antenna, the Thales Rafale a unique combined
taneously or immediately turn RBE2 radar is fully capable of situational awareness and
away after a shot, reducing tracking another great number combat capability/efficiency
the time spent in a potentially
dangerous area or denying
the enemy aircraft any firing
possibility. Its high impulse
Protac motor ensures very long
range, and the short propulsion
time considerably reduces the
likelihood of visual detection.
The fighter/missile datalink
permits beyond-visual range
interceptions with a remarkable
probability kill percentage.
After launch, the MICA climbs
to ver y high level where its
aerodynamic configuration
minimises drag and signifi- of targets while updating the while considerably reducing
cantly increases range. MICAs via the dedicated, aircrew workload, especially
In the Rafale, interception and mid-course, secure, radar-to- in complex tactical situations.

MICA IR that is fully autonomous for interception tactics.

cooling. A vertically launched
The extremely manoeuvrable In hard manoeuvring combat, naval/land variant of the
MICA IR missile has now the MICA IR allows both lock MICA, the VL MICA, is on offer
become the Rafale’s standard before launch or lock after for both naval and land
short-range IR-guided air-to- launch attacks to be performed. applications. The naval
Interception environment, and the trial enhanced tactical flexibility, air missile. Over the years, In the lock after launch mode, configuration comprises a
and Combat programme culminated in the and hampers enemy counter- the successive development off-axis shots and even ‘over- var ying number of missiles
engagement by two MICAs measure selection, both MICA of various generations of the-shoulder’ interceptions can housed in vertically-mounted
Produced by MBDA, the fired from one fighter of two seekers also having excellent infrared sensors for the Matra be undertaken if required to containers for ship defence
extremely advanced MICA is widely separated targets using counter-countermeasure 530, Magic 1 and Magic 2 defeat an aircraft approaching against saturation attacks. The
capable of both beyond visual countermeasures. capabilities. When under a missiles has allowed French from behind. The IR seeker has land version is adapted to a
range interceptions and close-up Two variants of the MICA are Rafale's MICA threat, a target specialists to design a highly- many advantages for such truck, and could prove highly
dogfights, a crucial advan- now in service with French Air would have difficulties choosing effective passive, dual-band a long range missile. It has efficient to defend high-value
tage for air-to-air combat. Force and Navy Rafales: the between two ver y different imagery IR seeker for the MICA excellent angular resolution static targets such as air bases
Thanks to its thrust vectoring radar-guided MICA RF (Radio- types of defensive tactics. and countermeasure resist- or refineries. Using either IR
vanes and long-cord wings, Frequency) and infrared-guided On the Rafale, the MICA ance - thanks to dual band or active RF seekers, the VL
this lightweight (246 lb, 112 MICA IR. The interchangeable missiles are fitted to two imagery - and is totally stealthy: MICA system is claimed to be
kg) weapon has excellent range seekers ensure a massive reduc- hardpoints under the sides of when used in conjunction with capable of engaging up to
and manoeuvrability, even at tion in direct operating and the rear fuselage, and to wing the Rafale’s revolutionary Front eight different targets spread
high angle of attack. This trans- maintenance costs as the pylons and wing-tip points. Sector Optronics system, the over a 360 degree arc in less
lates into a ver y high kill airframes, warheads and The fuselage-mounted MICAs passive homing head enables than 12 seconds. The VL MICA
probability against hard turning motors are the same for both can be ejected at up to 4 g ‘silent’ interceptions without and the airborne MICA are
targets at very long ranges. variants, the only difference whereas the wing-mounted tell-tale radar emissions to fully interchangeable, helping
During the development b e i n g t h e s e e k e r. M o r e missiles can be rail-launched IR. Compared with the other betray the fighter’s position; reduce costs of ownership
programme, the MICA has significantly, the availability at up to 9 g. IR-guided missiles, the MICA a clear illustration of the when both variants are
been tested in very demanding of two guidance systems offers IR has been fitted with a seeker Rafale's multiple covert purchased by a single country.

The Rafale omnirole fighter was engaged in combat
for the first time in March 2007 by French Air Force
and French Navy aviators.

In early October 2006, the French Ministry of Defence was officially launched on 17 November 2006, the Flight testing with a combat load of six A total of six Navy and Air
GBU-12s, three 2000-litre fuel Force Standard F2 Rafales
announced an urgent operational requirement for the adop- contract signed with Dassault calling for an entr y into
Capitalising on a series of tanks, and four Mica air-to-air deployed to Afghanistan, the
tion of laser-guided weapons on French Air Force Rafales. service as soon as possible with both the Armée de l’Air and
trials already carried out by missiles for interception, three Armée de l’Air two-seat
The anticipated rise of Taliban activity in Afghanistan in the the Marine Nationale. To cut development time, it had
Dassault in 2001, the ‘Echo’ combat and self-defence. It fighters flying into Dushanbe,
spring had led to the decision to fit the Rafale with the 500 been decided not to equip the Rafale with a laser designation
development and test took Dassault less than four in Tadzhikistan, on the 12th
lbs-class GBU-12 / 22 laser-guided bombs. Standard F2 pod. Instead, the aircrews rely on buddy-lasing,
programme moved for ward months to deliver the complete of March 2007 while the three
Rafales then in service with the Air Force and the Navy the cooperative technique where another fighter holds a laser
ver y rapidly to comply with LGB package to the armed Marine Nationale single-seat
were capable of firing Scalp cruise missiles, AASM spot on a target so that it can be struck by weapons dropped
the expected release dates. forces, including aircraft aircraft had joined the Charles
modular stand-off precision weapons and Mica air-to-air from the Rafale. Alternatively, a forward air controller
The project was a total suc- modifications and armourers de Gaulle’s carrier air group
missiles, but it was felt that a GBU-12-class weapon would on the ground - or a suitably trained special forces commando
cess, only 15 sorties being training. The Rafale was at Djibouti a few days earlier,
prove ideal in Afghanistan where laser designation was - could designate targets for the Rafales. It should be noted,
required for the flight declared operational with the bringing the overall number
adapted due to stringent rules of engagement. Accordingly, however, that, from early 2009, the Standard F3 Rafales
envelope expansion and the laser-guided bombs in early of Rafales in the area to
a feasibility study was launched by the Defence Procurement will be fitted with a Damoclès laser designation pod under
weapons-separation test/firing March 2007 after some 15 fifteen, including the nine
Agency and Dassault Aviation. In less than a month, Dassault the right forward fuselage hardpoint. The introduction of
trials which culminated with GBU-12s had been dropped by Standard F1 aircraft used for
Aviation engineers developed a technical solution to the Damoclès targeting pod will allow Rafale aircrews to
the qualification live firings, Navy and Air Force aircrews air-defence and buddy-buddy
integrate the GBU-12 and GBU-22 bombs on the Rafale. self-designate targets at extended ranges, both in daytime
at Cazaux, in mid-Februar y for evaluation and training refuelling missions from the
The technical proposal was accepted and the ‘Echo’ project and at night.
2007. Trials were carried out purposes. French Navy flagship.


Into combat 2000Ds as a mixed force, problems. On average, about

each pair comprising a Rafale 50 sorties are flown each
At Dushanbe, Air Force Rafales and a Mirage, explains Colonel month, with each aircraft
were usually equipped with François Moussez, French Air logging about 80 flying
four GBU-12s and two 2000- Force Rafale Project Officer. hours per month. The initial
litre drop tanks only. With no We usually launch two waves maintenance team was
perceived air threat, Mica per day, one in the morning, composed of 50 engineers,
missiles were not fitted. From and one in the afternoon, with but experience shows that we
early May 2007, the 30 mm mission duration varying from will be able to significantly
cannon was declared opera- 4 h 30 min to 6 h 30 min. cut down that number soon.
tional and, from then on, Overall availability has been All maintenance data is
Rafales flew with 125 rounds, excellent since the beginning transmitted back to France via
ready to respond to any call for of the deployment, and we a militar y satellite link for
strafing. “The Rafales always have not cancelled any single storage and analysis.”
operate with the Mirage mission due to mechanical

A giant leap forward where the number of air-traffic provide fire support to NATO
control radars is rather low. ground forces. Since then, the
For the French Air Force, the The Rafale’s electronic scanning Rafales have delivered a large
introduction of the Rafale over radar is also an essential tool number of weapons in combat
Afghanistan represents a major for combat effectiveness, with outstanding precision.
capability boost. “Compared allowing tankers and other The Rafale omnirole fighter
with the Mirage 2000, the fighters to be detected at very was engaged into combat eight
Rafale offers a much longer long ranges.” months only after being
range and a much higher The Rafale aircrews did not declared operational by the
payload, with up to six GBUs have to wait long to become French Air Force, an achieve-
available per aircraft instead combat proven. The first GBU- ment which has attracted a lot
of two for the Mirage, stresses 12 firings were carried out by of interest from foreign
Colonel Moussez. With its L16 a Navy Rafale on Wednesday observers. Since the beginning
datalink, the Rafale easily 28 March 2007 when two of the deployment, the Rafale’s
plugs into command and bombs were delivered in availability rate has continu-
control networks and tactical support of Dutch troops on the ously been better than 90%
data is routinely exchanged ground. The laser illumination and the aircrews did not
via datalink with USAF F-15E was provided by a Super experience any difficulty inte-
Eagles and US Navy F/A-18 Etendard Modernisé. Two days grating into a complex
Hornets. Situational aware- l a t e r, a n A i r F o r c e R a f a l e command network thanks to
ness is significantly improved working in conjunction with a the fighter’s advanced systems
by the L16, a crucial advantage Mirage 2000D dropped for and state-of-the-art man-
for flight safety in a country the first time a GBU-12 to machine interface.

In May 2006, the first Standard F2 Rafale M omnirole fighter was delivered to the
French Navy Operational Evaluation Unit, at Mont-de-Marsan, in the South of France.
Compared with earlier Standard F1 Rafales in service with Flottille 12F (the first Navy
Rafale squadron), the improved Standard F2 offers expanded capabilities thanks to the
introduction of the L16 datalink, the Front Sector Optronics, the MICA IR air-to-air
missile, the AASM modular air-to-surface armament and the Scalp cruise missile.

Short notice deployment

In December 2006, the Navy Operational Evaluation Unit rement. By early March 2007, the Navy Rafales had been
was ordered to get ready for a deployment to the Afghan modified and the fully trained detachment was ready to
theatre of operation. At the time, the unit was busy devising deploy to Afghanistan with three aircraft and five pilots. At
new tactics and operational procedures to prepare the the time, the Charles de Gaulle nuclear aircraft carrier
new version’s entry into front-line service. The OEU’s efforts was already off Djibouti, and the three Standard F2 Rafales
immediately switched to the introduction of the GBU-12 had to trap aboard after a seven-hour high-altitude transit
laser-guided bomb as part of the urgent operational requi- with the help of French Air Force C-135FR tankers.


The French Navy Rafale operations over Afghanistan were tically exchanged data with other assets in the area, and
a total success, and thirty missions were flown with a 100% our RBE2 electronic scanning radar and our Front Sector
dispatch rate, the first GBU-12 firing being recorded on Optronics proved invaluable for flight safety. The FSO was
Wednesday 28 March 2007. “On average, mission dura- also ver y useful to identify at standoff distances which
tion was just over five hours, with tanker support provided aircraft in a box was our allocated tanker. The Rafale’s
by French Navy Standard F1 Rafales, Royal Air Force excellent bring-back capability was a real bonus, and we
Tristars, and US Air Force KC-10s and KC-135s, explains could trap aboard the carrier with four GBU-12s and 1700
the Commanding Officer of the French Navy Operational kg of fuel, which gave us a much improved safety margin
Evaluation Unit. We normally flew with four GBU-12s and compared with that of our Super Etendard colleagues.”
two 1250-litre drop tanks. With no air threats, no air-to-air The Rafale is now firmly in service with Flottille 12F and the
missile was required. Missions were flown in conjunction unit recently passed a significant milestone when the 10000
with Super Etendard strike fighters. Thanks to the Rafale’s flying hour mark was reached. In 2008, the first Standard
advanced man-machine interface, we did not experience F3 Rafale M will be delivered to the French Navy and,
any difficulty operating in such a complex operational under current plans, the second Naval Rafale squadron
environment in a single-seater. With the L16, we automa- will be created in 2009.

In late 2006, it was announced that a contract had been signed for
the development of an improved variant of the Rafale omnirole fighter.

Damoclès and AESA infrared detector. The intro- ideal for operations with
duction of the Damoclès will t h e M e t e o r, a l o n g - r a n g e
As part of the Rafale ‘road allow Rafale pilots to self-desi- interception missile now being
map’, French Air Force and gnate targets at substantially tested by MBDA. The AESA
French Navy Standard F3 greater ranges and higher radar array will be made up of
Rafales will be equipped from altitudes than earlier systems. more than 1,000 trans-
early 2009 with the Damoclès Its excellent resolution means mitter/receiver modules so
laser designation pod. At the it can also be used for battle that several can fail with no
same time, the current inventory damage assessment and stand- significant degradation in acuity.
of 250 kg-class GBU-12 and off reconnaissance. It will further contribute to the
GBU-22 LGBs will be expanded F r o m 2 0 1 2 , t h e R a f a l e ’s Rafale’s excellent reliability.
with the entry into front line current electronic scanning The RBE2’s open architecture
ser vice of the much more RBE2 radar will be fitted with will facilitate upgrading, and
powerful, 1000 kg-class GBU- a new generation Active the new AESA array is totally
24. Electronic Scanning Array ‘plug and play’, switching from
Produced by Thales, the which will offer increased the passive to the active array
Damoclès is a state-of-the-art detection range and better configuration taking less than
targeting pod fitted with a 3rd angular coverage in azimuth. two weeks.
generation staring array The Thales AESA will prove

FSO-IT and MWS-NG NATO exercises (Tiger Meet and warning capabilities
a n d Ta c t i c a l L e a d e r s h i p thanks to a lower false alarm
Improvements will not be limited Programme) and recent combat rate and to an increased
to the radar, however, and operations over Afghanistan, detection range. As a result, the
new variants of the Front Sector providing Rafale aircrews with survivability of the Rafale will
Optronics and of the Missile unprecedented situational be further boosted.
Warning System will be intro- awareness. The new variant With the adoption of cutting
duced in 2012. will offer outstanding perfor- edge technology, the Rafale
FSO-IT (Front Sector Optronics- mance levels and will contribute will become more lethal, more
Improved Technolgies) is a to an even better understanding survivable, more reliable and
further step of the current FSO of the tactical situation. more affordable, and French
with which pilots are able to The MWS-NG (Missile Air Force and French Navy
covertly detect targets at very Wa r n i n g S y s t e m - N e w aviators will be well armed
long ranges and to identify Generation) will benefit from and prepared to face future
them at stand-off distances. the introduction of new threats.
The FSO has already proved technologies which will signi-
its wor th during numerous ficantly ameliorate its detection


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