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Bahria University, Lahore Campus

Department of Computer Sciences

Lab Journal 04
(Fall 2020)

Course: Human Computer Interaction Lab Date:

Course Code: SEL - 320 Max Marks: 20
Faculty’s Name: Lab Engineer:

Name: Mohammad Jasim Waqar Enroll No:03-135172-055

Objective(s) :
● Microsoft Visio Tutorial.
● Understanding Normans Principle of Interaction Design

Lab Tasks:

1. There are six main Normans principle of Interaction and Design
a. Visibility
b. Feedback
c. Constraints
d. Mapping
e. Consistency
f. Affordance

Give a score for these five components to the website mentioned below and also
explain why you have given the score

a) Visibility:
2/5 score I will give the website on the visibility because the options are not in proper
format and the options are so complicated even, I cannot understand for what
purpose I use them.
b) Feedback:
3/5 score I will give the website on the feedback because when I click on an option
or a menu, it gives me a response by going to that page.
c) Constraints
3/5 score I will give the website on the Constraints as there is some limit for the
person who uses the website without creating an account on it, and also some we can
also post only one post in 48 hours and in order to post anything user must be logged
d) Mapping:
3/5 score I will give the website on the Mapping as some of the menus are tells us
where they lead us or which page they are going to lead to and how they work like
login button tells it will use to log in the account
e) Consistency
1/5 score I will give the website on the Consistency as the website is not consistent.
Each page make more confusing than the other that is the reason it does not achieve
the Consistency
f) Affordance:
2/5 score I will give the website on the affordance because as I open the website, I
am on my own to discover which option does what.

2. Apply Normans Principle of Interaction Design on your wireframe designed in Lab-2

and perform the following tasks
a. Identify Problem
• Ultimate scrolling interface (Consistency not Achieved)
• Not divided in proper Sections (Visibility not Achieved)

b. Give a solution
• Remove Scrolling and Divide the website in Proper sections
• Make some additional menus so user facilitate from them rather than finding
his/her interest from long scrolling

c. Create a wireframe of the proposed solution on paper

d. Create the wireframe on Microsoft Visio

Lab Grading Sheet :

Task Max Marks Obtained Marks Comments(if any)

1. 10
2. 10
Total 20 Signature

Note: Attempt all tasks and get them checked by your instructor.

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