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Rhoko Quilban

9 – St. Albert

1. What factors determine climate?

Climate is usually described in terms of the mean and variability of temperature,
precipitation and wind over a period of time, ranging from months to millions of
years (the classical period is 30 years). The climate system evolves in time under
the influence of its own internal dynamics and due to changes in external factors
that affect climate (called ‘forcings’). External forcings include natural phenomena
such as volcanic eruptions and solar variations, as well as human-induced
changes in atmospheric composition.
2. Identify a region in the Philippines and describe its climate.
Mandaluyong City Climate during the past year for the month of:
January 30° / 24° 1 day(s)
February 31° / 24°0 days

March 32° / 25°0 days

April 34° / 26°0 days

May 33° / 27°7 days

3. What factors affect temperature and precipitation?

The temperature characteristics of a region are influenced by natural factors such
as latitude, elevation, and the presence of ocean currents. The precipitation
characteristics of a region are influenced by factors such as proximity to
mountain ranges and prevailing winds. The temperature characteristics of a
region are influenced by natural factors such as latitude, elevation, and the
presence of ocean currents. The precipitation characteristics of a region are
influenced by factors such as proximity to mountain ranges and prevailing winds.
The temperature characteristics of a region are influenced by natural factors such
as latitude, elevation, and the presence of ocean currents. The precipitation
characteristics of a region are influenced by factors such as proximity to
mountain ranges and prevailing winds.
Explain the following conditions:
a. A mountain near the equator has snow on its peak throughout the year.
The elevation at which you can get snow is called the "snow line." , there
can be snow if the mountain is taller than 18000 feet on average at the
equator. The snowline descends with increase of latitudes from the equator.
A desert exists on the eastern side of a mountain range.
Much of airborne moisture falls as rain on the windward side of mountains.
This often means that the land on the other side of the mountain (the leeward
side) gets far less rain—an effect called a "rain shadow"—which often
produces a desert
1. What factors do scientists believe might have caused climate change?

Climate Change have been caused by many natural factors, including changes in
the sun, volcanoes, Earth's orbit and CO2 levels. However, comprehensive
assessment by scientists shows that it is extremely likely that human activity has
been the dominant cause of warming since the mid-20th Century

2. How might the slow drifting of continents have caused the extinction of
the dinosaurs?

According to Australian paleontologist Dr Malte Ebach, the continental drift is a

factor in the mass extinction of the dinosaurs. He argues that the “dance of
continents”-the break-up, movement, collision and re-formation of continents
through time-creates the basic geographic and climatic conditions which drive the
decline and extinction of species.

3. What do you think happens to plants and animals when Earth’s climate
changes dramatically?

A drastic change to Earth’s climate can cause severe damages to the flora and
fauna. A sudden shift to the climate can cause plants and animals to be extinct.

4. Suppose a particular type of animal can adapt to climate change, but the
animal’s food source cannot. What happens to the animal? Why?

If a particular type of animal can adapt to climate change, it can also change
its food source, but it will be a gradual challenge and this may cause a shift in its
diet (example, from being carnivore to herbivore)

1. What is upwelling? How does it relate to El Nino?

Winds blowing across the ocean surface push water away. Water then rises up
from beneath the surface to replace the water that was pushed away. This process is
known as “upwelling.”.

El Niño is the warm phase of the El Niño Southern Oscillation or ENSO. During El
Niño, upwelling of cooler oceanic water decreases along the S. American coast.
What typically happens is that the trade winds move from S. America to
Asia/Australia, and warm surface water is dragged away from the coast and colder
nutrient water rises to shallow depths
1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the greenhouse effect?

Greenhouse effect is the mechanism by which thermal radiation from

earth’s surface is reabsorbed by greenhouse gases and redirected in all
directions. Some of the major green house gases are water vapour,
carbon dioxide, methane and ozone. Most of these gases are poor
absorbers of solar radiation, therefore allowing much of the solar energy to
pass through the earth’s atmosphere thereby warming up the earth’s
surface. On the other hand, a proportion of the outgoing energy is
absorbed by these gases, which is then redirected to earth’s surface
therefore further warming up the atmosphere. This is what is called a
greenhouse effect. For ages there has been a delicate balance between
how much solar energy is redirected to earth and how much is reflected
back to the space. With the increased burning of fossil fuels, the
percentage of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has significantly
increased thereby adding to the greenhouse effect.
The greenhouse buildings are made mostly of translucent material that
offers plants in the building maximum access to sunlight. When the
sunlight touches the solid surface inside the greenhouse, the surface
absorbs some of the energy and converts it into heat (infrared energy).
While light can easily pass through the glass walls, the infrared energy
(heat) cannot escape through the glass walls due to a longer wavelength.
Being trapped inside the building, the heat warms the air inside the
greenhouse and creates a favorable atmosphere for the plants inside the
building. There are several benefits of a greenhouse. Using this
greenhouse advantage, we are growing various crops in an artificial
atmosphere. Also, the solar powered water heaters are utilizing the
greenhouse effect to warm up waters, saving 20–30% of the energy bills
at home. Since green house gases helps to maintain the temperature, the
primary effect of the increase in greenhouse gases would be on climate.
This would mean warmer summers with natural disasters. Hurricanes
have become common in recent years.
Water level balance of the earth would be destroyed. Polar ice caps would
melt leading to an increase in the ocean level. Floods will inundate low
lying areas. Marine life and ecosystem would be destroyed. Oceans
absorb carbon dioxide thereby affecting the level of alkalinity. Many forms
of marine life would be adversely affected if alkalinity increases. Polar
ecosystems would be destroyed. In the Arctic, melting polar caps are
threatening the habitats of polar bears and penguins. Global warming
would also affect the weather pattern. Rainfall would become erratic in
many parts of the world. This might eventually lead to desertification. The
effect on human and economic life would also be tremendous. It is
estimated that the rise in temperature would reduce global output by 2 to 3
percent. This cost would run into trillions of dollars. As agricultural
production is affected, this might lead to frequent famines and famine
related diseases. Overall the impact of increased green-house effect on
climate and human life would be disastrous. The world community
therefore needs to wake up now before it is too late.

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