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1. Naturalist and positivist

- to discuss similarities and differences of those views
- characteristics

2. Function of law ​(not problematic, just find contemporary writers that discuss on this
● tengok balik the 1st discussion for function of law (tuto)
● can be more philosophical abt it [eg: slide 23 - relationship of function and purpose]
● law as religious tool (agreement amongst members of society where the fx of law is to
gazette and implement sebarang keputusan yg dibuat oleh society melalui social
● isu moral lebih banyak menggunakan fx ini (melibatkan proses pembuatan uu yang
reflect polisi etc)
● kaitkan Akta/polisi semasa
● berbentuk overview/pengenalan kepada teori dan falsafah
● theory Hart, Hobbes (lebih kepada pengenalan)
● characteristics on function of laws [FOCUS]
● [FOCUS] law is a social engineering in contemporary context
○ quote on jurists in both modern and classic jurists) [SLIDE 15] + factor yang
mengubah keadaan uu tersebut dan keperluan consultation dalam law making
process (bottom of process, therefore we need to observe the factors that
changes the state of law in making the best decision).
○ perbezaan antara peranan hakim dan legislative bodies dalam buat keputusan
(berkaitan dengan social engineering + development of process in making the
● view the contemporary application of law making process in malaysia works (adakah
ianya melibatkan consultation and how effective they are and how extensive they are +
● peranan hakim (adakah hakim mangsa of the law + look on dworkin's theory which are
related to adjudication by judges bukan kepada executive)

2. Justice
➢ application kpd beberapa polisi dan uu yang telah diperkenalkan oleh kerajaan
(affirmative action/ income tax/utilitarian theory)
➢ Rawls & Norbick theory of justice [FOCUS] + critics to Rawls is the intro for the concept
of utilitarianism​.

2.1 Rawls principle to Justice + focus on 2 principle of justice by Rawls

a. Rawl principle of justice (equal opportunity of principle, etc), focus on bagaimana
negara memperkenalkan uu berkaitan affirmative action
- kalau guna prinsip Rawls, masyarakat gelandangan, can malaysia enact
law semata-mata memberi priveledge kpd mereka shj? kalau ikut prinsip
Rawl, kena ikut 3 stages kemudian barulah kerajaan akan fokus kepd
social and economic theory kpd sesebuah society dan bagaimana ia
dapat diatasi menurut Rawls dalam uu (lebih kpd economic advantages
where they are unequal in terms of economic)
b. social inequality (OKU and disprivilege society)
● tak mendapat equality yang mencukupi
● kerajaan tak boleh menjurus kepada economic justice
● economic and equalities by giving subsidies
- kalau soalan problematic terus masuk dalam teori tersebut dan application

2.2 Norbik's theory of justice

● pertentangan yg hebat dengan Rawls theory
● beri pandangan terhadap scenario tersebut

3. Rights and liberties

● kaitkan dengan morality and justice
● lihat theory rights and liberties secara individual
● flow of discussion: naturalist, positivist, nature of human rights according to some
philosophy, sources of rights, SOCIAL CONTRACT THEORY ​(hobbes, locke, Hohfeld
and Hart)
● focus on tuto question
● pastikan jelas​ perbezaan ​antara kesemua jurist

4. Moral [not coming out for Dr Rohaida's part]

5. theory of adjudication
● Dworkin [FOCUS]
● can be more elaborative, try to look at his theory in relation to Hart's theory
● he critiques hart on law of recognition and discretionary powers
● apakah yg unlimited dan juga apakah yg boleh dirujuk utk membantu hakim dalam
membuat keputusan
● adakah hakim membuat law semasa membuat keputusan seolah olah dia adalah badan
● our understanding on doctrine of precedent
● perbandingan civil law dan common law system (peranan hakim)


Contoh Soalan Lepas (Rights Theory) 
1. Hak (Rights) adalah merupakan aspek yang penting dalam kehidupan. Bincangkan
bagaimana persoalan rights ini difahami oleh ahli juris. Bagaimana ianya diaplikasi
ketika ini dalam perundangan yang digubal oleh legislatif. (20 markah)
Contoh Soalan Lepas (Moral Theory) 
1. Setakatmanakah undang-undang boleh dengan wajar menguatkuasakan batasan
terhadap kebebasan individu berdasarkan kepada pertimbangan moral. Bincangkan
dengan mengambilkira pandangan dari pelbagai sarjana berserta contoh-contoh atau
kes-kes yang relevan mengenai isu ini. (20

Contoh Soalan Lepas (Justice Theory) 

1. Teori keadilan Rawl’s dibina berdasarkan ’two principles of ​justice​’. Bincangkan
kedua-dua prinsip tersebut dan bagaimana ianya boleh diaplikasi dalam masyarakat .
Bolehkan prinsip yang dikemukakan oleh Rawls ini memastikan keadilan dan kesaksamaan
berlangsung dalam masyarakat.
(20 markah)

Contoh Soalan Lepas (Law Theory @ Sociology) 

1. Undang-undang mempunyai pelbagai peranan dalam masyarakat, berdasarkan
kepada aliran pemikiran sosiological dan dengan menggunakan statut yang ada,
bincangkan bagaimana undang-undang memainkan peranannya dalam masyarakat.
(20 markah)

Contoh Soalan Campur (10 marks each) 

1. Bincangkan DUA (2) dari perkara-perkara dibawah:

(a) Ciri-ciri Undang-undang Aliran Semulajadi (10 markah)

(b) Ciri-ciri aliran undang-undang Sociological (10 markah)

(c) Ciri-ciri undang-undang Positivist (10 markah)

2. Bincangkan DUA (2) dari konsep dibawah:

(a) Undang-undang sebagai ”social engineering” (10 markah)

(b) Ungkapan ”inner ​morality​ of law” (10 markah)

(c) Fahaman Legal Pluralism mengenai undang-undang (10 markah)

- to test our ability on our understanding those schools
- will not be abt debatable issues, so we are free to provide any aspects of the view, regardless
if its contemporary or classical
- answer in English
- go through the slides and preferably answer according to timeline (he said it impliedly)
- look on the diagrams and figures in the slides (ATTN)

4 important school of thought:
1. naturalism
most important school of thought
● understand the justifications
● direction of judges (important to understand the legal principle of rules of law)
● most of domestic laws in some countries adopted the principles of natural law (can try
looking at those laws as reference)
● understanding the way of governing the society in compliance with natural law, more
than the other schools
what to read and focus on?
● historical scene of this school of thought (classical - mainly aristotle and aquinas)
● directions from many scholars on this matter (can refer natural law lecture)
● understand the metaphysics on this school of thought

2. positivism
● don't ignore the intakes on this school of thought
● to analyze justice vs morals, go thru the cases as well to understand the logic of this
school of thought
● analyze relationship law and moral and practical scenes rather than depending on the
non-material status of the scene(?)
● analyze the intakes which was adopted by positivists
● focus on ​bentham, austin and hart

3. Sociology
focus on Max Weber as he is the most influential figure in jurisprudence AS A WHOLE (not just
in sociologist POV)

4. Legal pluralism
analyze several things:
● decentralised work especially the advancement and development of cyber among the
● multiple society living in one state, increasing number of countries that are debating abt
their acceptance to 1 legal system (centralised)
● check on the reaction of countries in regards with multiple legal pluralism applied in the
respective countries (ie: iraq and united states)
● look at the nature of malaysia as a state (ie: federation and cultural society and
communities) = the legal pluralism will be a tremendous tool as a mechanism legal
system to interact and work collectively to have the coherence in 1 legal system and its
sub legal system.

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