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Natural Language Understanding

(NLU, not NLP) in
Cognitive Systems

Marjorie McShane

I Developing cognitive agents with human-level nat-

ainstream natural language processing (NLP)
ural language understanding (NLU) capabilities of the past 25 years has concentrated on the
requires modeling human cognition because natural, manipulation of text strings within the empir-
unedited utterances are anything but neat and com-
ical — so-called knowledge-lean — paradigm, in which
plete; so understanding them requires the ability to
clean up the input and fill in the lacunae. Indeed, lan-
sophisticated statistical techniques operate over large
guage inputs regularly feature complex linguistic phe- corpora, often relying on manual annotations to seed
nomena such as lexical and referential ambiguity, the learning process. The empirical paradigm has been
ellipsis, false starts, spurious repetitions, semantically quite successful in achieving a useful level of results for
vacuous fillers, nonliteral language, indirect speech certain types of applications, such as knowledge extrac-
acts, implicatures, and production errors. Moreover, tion, question answering, and machine translation
cognitive agents must be nimble in the face of incom- between pairs of languages for which large parallel cor-
plete interpretations since even people do not perfectly
pora are available. It has also advanced our under-
understand every aspect of every utterance they hear.
This means that once an agent has reached the best
interpretation it can, it must determine how to proceed
— be that acting upon the new information directly,
remembering whatever it has understood and waiting
to see what happens next, seeking out information to
fill in the blanks, or asking its interlocutor for clarifi-
cation. The reasoning needed to support NLU extends
far beyond language itself, including, nonexhaustively,
the agent’s understanding of its own plans and goals;
its dynamic modeling of its interlocutor’s knowledge,
plans, and goals, all guided by a theory of mind; its
recognition of diverse aspects of human behavior, such
as affect, cooperative behavior, and the effects of cog-
nitive biases; and its integration of linguistic interpre-
tations with its interpretations of other perceptive
inputs, such as simulated vision and nonlinguistic
audition. Considering all of these needs, it seems hard-
ly possible that fundamental NLU will ever be achieved
through the kinds of knowledge-lean text-string manip-
ulation being pursued by the mainstream natural lan-
guage processing (NLP) community. Instead, it requires
a holistic approach to cognitive modeling of the type we
are pursuing in a paradigm called OntoAgent.

Copyright © 2017, Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence. All rights reserved. ISSN 0738-4602 WINTER 2017 43

standing of statistical “big data” methods them- goals of AI dating back to the 1950s, had dwindled to
selves, quite apart from their application to NLP. a trickle by the mid-1990s. The main culprit was dis-
However, the knowledge-lean orientation has illusionment with how difficult the automation of
become so thoroughly ensconced that its shortcom- language understanding turned out to be (see Niren-
ings — such as the inability to compute and record burg and McShane [2016a] for a historical perspec-
meaning (the basis of natural language understanding, tive). The one-liner scapegoat was the knowledge
or NLU) — seem to occupy a blind spot for the field bottleneck: the reality that language understanding
at large. This is unfortunate because NLP and NLU are requires machine-tractable lexical and ontological
different beasts entirely, and both have their place in knowledge, along with reasoners that can exploit it
the forward march of science and technology … or at — all of which are expensive to build. Although
least they should. Unfortunately, NLU has gotten knowledge-lean approaches purported to circumvent
squeezed almost to the point of extinction. this problem, those that involve supervised learning
Kenneth Church (2011) presents a compelling — and many do — simply shift the work of humans
analysis of this state of affairs, describing the pendu- from building lexicons and ontologies to annotating
lum swings between rationalism and empiricism corpora. When the resulting supervised learning sys-
starting with the inception of the field of computa- tems hit a ceiling of results, developers point to the
tional linguistics in the 1950s. He attributes the full- need for more or better annotations. Same problem,
on embracing of empiricism in the 1990s to a com- different veneer. Moreover, as Zaenen (2006) correct-
bination of pragmatic considerations and the ly points out, the success of supervised machine
availability of massive data sources. learning for syntax does not promise similar success-
The field had been banging its head on big hard chal- es for linguistic phenomena that are less well under-
lenges like AI-complete problems and long-distance stood, such as reference resolution or mapping lin-
dependencies. We advocated a pragmatic pivot toward guistic structures to the state of the world. In short, it
simpler more solvable tasks like part of speech tagging. is not the case that knowledge-based methods suffer
Data was becoming available like never before. What from knowledge needs whereas knowledge-lean
can we do with all this data? We argued that it is bet- methods do not: the higher-quality knowledge-lean
ter to do something simple (than nothing at all). Let’s
systems do require knowledge in the form of annota-
go pick some low hanging fruit. Let’s do what we can
tions. Moreover, all knowledge-lean systems avoid
with short-distance dependencies. That won’t solve
the whole problem, but let’s focus on what we can do phenomena and applications that would require
as opposed to what we can’t do. The glass is half full unavailable knowledge support. What do all of those
(as opposed to half empty) (Church 2011, p. 3). exclusions represent? All of the issues whose solution
In this essay, aptly titled “A Pendulum Swung Too is necessary to attain the next level of quality of auto-
Far,” Church calls for the need to reenter the debate matic language processing.
between rationalism and empiricism not only for sci- Unmotivated Axiom #2:
entific reasons, but for practical ones as well:
Knowledge-Based Methods
Our generation has been fortunate to have plenty of Were Tried and Failed
low hanging fruit to pick (the facts that can be cap-
tured with short ngrams), but the next generation will Yorick Wilks (2000) says it plainly: “… The claims of
be less fortunate since most of those facts will have AI/NLP to offer high quality at NLP tasks have never
been pretty well picked over before they retire, and been really tested. They have certainly not failed, just
therefore, it is likely that they will have to address facts got left behind in the rush towards what could be eas-
that go beyond the simplest ngram approximations ily tested!” Everything about computing has changed
(Church 2011, p. 7). since the peak of knowledge-based work in the mid-
My framing of the current article dovetails with 1980s — speed, storage, programming languages,
Church’s must-read essay. I will point out a number their supporting libraries, interface technologies, cor-
of unmotivated beliefs whose veracity crumbles as pora, and more. So comparing statistical NLP systems
soon as one scratches the surface. How these beliefs of the 2010s with knowledge-based NLP systems of
attained quasi-axiomatic status among the NLP com- the 1980s says nothing about the respective utility of
munity is a fascinating question, answered in part by these R&D paradigms. As a side note, one can’t help
one of Church’s observations: that recent and current but wonder where knowledge-based NLU would
generations of NLPers have received an insufficiently stand now if all, or even a fraction, of the resources
broad education in linguistics and the history of NLP devoted to statistical NLP over the past 25 years had
and, therefore, lack the impetus to even scratch that remained with the goal of automating language
surface. understanding.

Unmotivated Axiom #1: Unmotivated Axiom #3:

The Knowledge Bottleneck NLU Is an Extension of NLP
The early work on knowledge-based language pro- Fundamental NLU has little to nothing in common
cessing systems, which was inspired by the original with current mainstream NLP; in fact, I think it has


much more in common with robotics. Like robotics, methods and NLU has another. These programs of
NLU is most naturally pursued in service of specific work are complementary, not in competition.
tasks in a specific domain for which the agent is sup-
plied with the requisite knowledge and reasoning Unmotivated Axiom #5:
capabilities. However, whereas domain-specific ro- Whereas Mainstream NLP Is
botics successes are praised (and rightly so!), domain- Realistic, Deep NLU Is Unrealistic
specific NLU successes are criticized for not being The miscomprehension here derives from an undue
immediately applicable to all domains — under the emphasis on compartmentalization. If one plucks
pressure of evaluation metrics entrenched in statisti- NLU out of overall agent cognition, dangles it by
cal NLP.1 One step toward resolving this miscasting of itself, and expects meaning analysis to be carried out
NLU might be the simple practice of reserving the to perfection in isolation, then I would agree that the
term NLU for actual deep understanding, rather than task is unrealistic. However, this framing of the prob-
watering it down by applying it to any system that lem is misleading.4 To understand language inputs, a
incorporates even cursory semantic or pragmatic fea- cognitive agent must know what kinds of informa-
tures. Of course, marrying robotics with NLU is a nat- tion to rely upon during language analysis and why;
ural fit. it must also use stored knowledge to judge how
deeply to analyze inputs. Analysis can involve multi-
Unmotivated Axiom #4: ple passes over inputs, requiring increasing amounts
It’s Either NLP or NLU of resources, with the agent pursuing the latter stages
One key to the success of NLP has been finding appli- only if it deems the information worthy of the effort.
cations and system setups that circumvent the need For example, a virtual medical assistant tasked with
for language understanding. For example, consider a assisting a doctor in a clinical setting can ignore inci-
question-answering system that has access to a large dental conversations about pop culture and office
and highly redundant corpus. When asked to indi- gossip, which it might detect using a resource-light
cate when the city of Detroit was founded, it can hap- comparison between the input and its active plans
pily ignore formulations of the answer that would and goals. By contrast, that same agent needs to
require sophisticated linguistic analysis or reasoning understand both the full meaning and the implica-
(It was founded 2 years later; That happened soon after- tures in the following doctor-patient exchange
ward) and, instead, fulfill its task with string-level involving a patient presenting with gastrointestinal
matching against the following sentence from distress:
Wikipedia: “Detroit was founded on July 24, 1701 by Doctor: “Have you been traveling lately?”
the French explorer and adventurer Antoine de la Patient: “Yes, I vacationed in Mexico two weeks ago.”
Mothe Cadillac and a party of settlers.”2 However, For further discussion of the need for integrated cog-
not all language-oriented applications offer such nitive language processing — along with proven suc-
remarkable simplifications. For example, agents in cesses in a robotic implementation — see Lindes and
dialogue systems receive one and only one formula- Laird (2016).
tion of each utterance. Moreover, they must also deal
with performance errors such as unfinished Recap
thoughts, fragmentary utterances, self-interruptions, To recap, I have just suggested that five misconcep-
repetitions, and non sequiturs. Even the speech sig- tions have contributed to a state of affairs in which
nal itself can be corrupted, as by background noise statistical NLP and knowledge-based NLU have been
and dropped signals. Consider, in this regard, a short falsely pitted against each other. But this zero-sum-
excerpt from the Santa Barbara Corpus of Spoken Amer- game thinking is too crude for a domain as complex
ican English, in which the speaker is a student of as natural language processing/understanding. The
equine science talking about blacksmithing: NLP and NLU programs of work pursue different
we did a lot of stuff with the — like we had the, um, ... goals and promise to contribute in different ways, on
the burners? you know, and you’d put the — you’d different timelines, to technologies that will enhance
have — you started out with the straight iron? .. you the human experience. Clearly there is room, and a
know? and you’d stick it into the, into the, you know need, for both.
like, actual blacksmithing (Du Bois et al. 2000–2005).3 In the OntoAgent paradigm in which I work, we
Unsupported by the visual context or the intona- are as tantalized by the prospects of human-level lan-
tion and pauses of spoken language, this excerpt guage understanding as were the founders of AI over
requires quite a bit of effort even for people to under- a half century ago. We find it fascinating that lan-
stand. Presumably, we get the gist thanks to our onto- guage strings represent only the tip of the iceberg of
logical knowledge of the context (I told you that the language meaning, and that every speaker of every
topic was blacksmithing). Moreover, we make deci- language is a master of effortlessly recreating a func-
sions about how much understanding is actually tionally sufficient approximation of the whole ice-
needed before we stop trying to understand further. berg. Endowing agents with such immense capabili-
In sum, NLP has one set of strengths, purviews, and ties is challenging. This article identifies some of the

WINTER 2017 45

linguistic challenges faced by cognitive agents tasked published OS microtheories address topics such as
with fully interpreting natural language, and it lexical disambiguation (McShane, Nirenburg, and
explains the knowledge-based, reasoning-oriented Beale 2016), multiword expressions (McShane, Niren-
modeling strategies used to address them in the burg, and Beale 2015), nominal compounds (Mc-
OntoAgent cognitive architecture. In this article I will Shane, Beale, and Babkin 2014), verb phrase ellipsis
focus on select examples, keep formalisms to a mini- (McShane and Babkin 2016a), and unexpected input
mum, and omit details that can be found in cited (McShane, Blissett, and Nirenburg 2017).
publications. I will show that modeling cognition The OS language analyzer is supported by a 30,000-
requires an integrated approach to NLU, one that sense semantic lexicon and a 9,000-concept, property-
allows us to use many types of language analysis to rich ontology. Although knowledge bases of this size
attain a high quality of results that would be difficult do not provide comprehensive coverage of all
or even arguably impossible to achieve with string- domains, they are a far cry from the so-called toy sys-
level processing or narrow task- or method-driven tems of early AI, and they serve as a realistic test case
approaches. Finally, I will suggest that fundamental for our theories and methods. For example, the OS
NLU should return to the central agenda of AI, not to lexicon has several dozen senses of the word take,
compete with mainstream NLP on what the latter most of them idiomatic or construction-like (take pity
does well, but to give rise to a new generation of more on, take a shower, take leave of, and so on). Each sense
sophisticated language-endowed intelligent agents is supplied with lexical, syntactic, and semantic con-
(LEIAs). straints, which, in the best case, allow the analyzer to
A question that will naturally arise with respect to converge on exactly one disambiguation decision per
the descriptions that follow is, “Has all of this been context. However, given that most sentences contain
implemented?” The short answer, which I will more than one multiply ambiguous word, and given
expand upon at the end, is that much of it has been that extra-sentential context is often needed for dis-
implemented, with various levels of coverage of sub- ambiguation, other heuristic evidence can be required
phenomena. But more importantly, we have demon- to arrive at an interpretation, such as reference reso-
strated, through a combination of implementation lution, contextually triggered ontological scripts, the
and formal algorithm specification, that none of plans and goals on the agent’s agenda, and even the
what we do requires a “magic happens here” step: we results of processing inputs through other channels of
have developed methods to operationalize all of these perception, such as simulated vision.
capabilities and are testing these methods in imple- Although OS language analysis methods can be
mentations that use nontoy knowledge bases. No applied to any domain, the approach is better suited
doubt, additional knowledge engineering (the expan- to applications for which additional knowledge of the
sion of the lexicon, ontology, rule sets) is always use- types just mentioned can be recorded. This reflects
ful and will be an ongoing concern; but knowledge the fact that language understanding, for humans
engineering is just work, involving relatively straight- and machines alike, is never just about the words in
forward variations once the conceptual and method- a sentence, it always requires background knowledge
ological themes have been established. Our hope that and contextual awareness. A recent prototype system
this work will garner the enthusiasm, support, and that demonstrated how OS language understanding
resources to allow it to flourish is fueled by our can contribute to overall agent functioning within a
knowledge that eminent thinkers such as Annie Zae- defined domain is the Maryland Virtual Patient pro-
nen (2006), Ray Jackendoff (2007), Kenneth Church totype physician training system, in which a cohort
(2011), and John Laird (Laird, Lebiere, and Rosen- of intelligent agents — endowed with both physio-
bloom 2017), to name just a few, have been voicing logical and cognitive simulations — served as virtual
compatible views about the need for deep language patients who could be diagnosed and treated by sys-
understanding for language-endowed cognitive tem users (Nirenburg, McShane, and Beale 2008;
agents. McShane and Nirenburg 2012; McShane et al. 2012;
McShane, Nirenburg, and Jarrell 2013).

Ontological Semantics for LEIAs

Reasoning During
NLU in OntoAgent follows the theory of Ontological
Semantics (OS; Nirenburg and Raskin 2004). The goal
Language Understanding
of OS language understanding is to generate contex- This section presents a sampling of the types of rea-
tually disambiguated, ontologically grounded text soning applied to language understanding by lan-
meaning representations that are stored to agent guage-endowed intelligent agents (LEIAs) in OntoA-
memory in support of subsequent reasoning about gent, starting with the simplest example and
action. Individual linguistic phenomena are treated progressing to more complicated cases.5 In all
by microtheories which, at any given time, can be at instances, the reasoning is inspired by our hypothe-
various stages of advancement both descriptively and ses about human cognition, but the implementations
in terms of implementation. For example, recently reflect computationally expedient ways of realizing


humanlike results. Readers who choose to skim

through the technical details are nevertheless
encouraged to reflect on how much reasoning people
actually apply to language understanding — auto- INGEST-1
matically, without effort, and usually without even AGENT SQUIRREL-1
noticing that there is anything to reason about. THEME NUT-FOODSTUFF-1
TIME find-anchor-time
Matching Recorded Constraints
The simplest case of language analysis is illustrated SQUIRREL-1
by the example A brown squirrel is eating a nut. For this COLOR BROWN
input, like any other, the LEIA must disambiguate AGENT-OF INGEST-1
each lexeme (that is, understand it as an instance of
a particular concept in its ontology) and combine NUT-FOODSTUFF-1
those interpretations into an overall semantic repre- THEME-OF INGEST-1
sentation like the one in figure 1.
The representation in figure 1 is read as follows.
The first frame is headed by a numbered instance of
the concept INGEST, concepts being distinguished
from words of English by the use of small caps.6
INGEST-1 has three contextually relevant property val- Figure 1. The Text Meaning Representation for
ues: its AGENT (the eater) is an instance of SQUIRREL, its A Brown Squirrel Is Eating a Nut.
THEME (what is eaten) is an instance of NUT-FOODSTUFF,
and the TIME of the event is the time of speech, which
must be computed by the agent, if possible, using the
procedural semantic routine find-anchor-time (this
routine has not yet been launched at the stage of eat-v1: “ingest,” as in “He was eating (cheese).”
analysis shown here). The next frame, headed by
syn-struc sem-struc
SQUIRREL -1, shows not only the inverse relation to
subject $var1 INGEST
INGEST-1, but also that the COLOR of this SQUIRREL is
root $var0 AGENT ^$var1
BROWN . Since we have no additional information directobject $var2 (optional) THEME ^$var2
about the nut, its frame — NUT-FOODSTUFF-1 — shows
only the inverse relation with INGEST-1. Developer
views of text meaning representations also include
many types of metadata, such as which word of input
gave rise to each frame, which lexical sense provided
the given interpretation, and so on. Figure 2. A Simplified Version of the INGEST Sense of Eat.
Abstracting away from details of particular imple-
mentations of OS,7 let us work through the analysis
process. First the input is syntactically parsed using a
parser developed externally from our system.8 Then Those variables are linked to their semantic interpre-
the LEIA attempts to align the parse with the syntac- tations in the sem-struc (^ is read as “the meaning
tic expectations recorded in the lexicon for the words of”). So the word that fills the subject slot in the syn-
in the sentence. For example, when it looks up the struc ($var1) must first be semantically analyzed,
verb eat, it finds three senses: one is optionally tran- resulting in ^$var1 (the meaning of $var1); that con-
sitive and means INGEST; the other two describe the cept can then be used to fill the AGENT role of INGEST.
idiom eat away at in its physical and abstract senses For example, given our input A brown squirrel is eating
(The rust ate away at the pipe; His behavior is eating a nut, the LEIA links the word squirrel to $var1 then
away at my nerves!). Since the idiomatic senses require semantically analyzes it as SQUIRREL before using it to
the words away at, which are not present in our fill the AGENT role of INGEST. An analogous process
input, they are rejected, leaving only the INGEST sense occurs for $var2/^$var2. The ontology, for its part,
as a viable candidate.9 A simplified version of the constrains the valid fillers of the case-roles of INGEST
needed lexical sense is shown in figure 2. as shown in figure 3.
The syntactic structure (syn-struc) zone says that This excerpt from the ontological frame for INGEST
this sense of eat is optionally transitive: it requires a — which actually contains many more properties
subject and can be used with or without a direct and expectations about their values — says that its
object. The semantic structure (sem-struc) zone says typical AGENT (that is, the basic semantic constraint
that this sense of eat means INGEST. Each constituent indicated by the sem facet) is an ANIMAL; however, this
of input is associated with a variable in the syn-struc: constraint can be relaxed to SOCIAL-OBJECTs (for exam-
the subject is $var1 and the direct object is $var2. ple, The fire department eats a lot of pizza). Similarly,

WINTER 2017 47

bucket could refer to dying or making foot contact

with a container. Both of these interpretations are
provided for by the OS lexicon: there is an idiomatic
sense of kick that requires the direct object to be the
bucket and means DIE; and there is a physical-action
relaxable-to SOCIAL-OBJECT
sense that can take any physical object as its THEME
and means KICK. Disambiguation requires context,
relaxable-to ANIMAL, PLANT
but “using the context” is impotently vague until
grounded in machine-tractable heuristics. Luckily, in
this case, we have a point of traction, but under-
standing it requires appreciating the multifunction-
ality of the easily overlooked word the in English.
Apart from indicating coreference with an already-
introduced object (A dog loped into the room, startling
Figure 3. An Excerpt from the Ontological Frame for INGEST. the resident cat. Luckily, the dog turned out to be friend-
ly), the is used in proper names (the CIA), in idioms
the description of the THEME indicates that FOOD, BEV- (on the one hand … on the other hand; kick the bucket),
ERAGE, and INGESTIBLE-MEDICATION are the most typical in so-called “universally known” objects (the sun, the
THEMEs, but other ANIMALs and PLANTs not already sub- solar system), in superlatives (the best ice cream in the
sumed by the FOOD subtree might be consumed as world), in ordinals (the second barn on the left), and
well. HUMANs are explicitly excluded as ingestibles more. So, every time a LEIA encounters the word the
using the not facet since they would otherwise be it must ask, “Does this indicate coreference, or is its
understood as unusual-but-possible ingestibles due to use licensed in some other way?” To decide, the LEIA
their placement in the ANIMAL subtree.10 searches the context for an available coreferent. If it
Having narrowed down the interpretation of eat to finds a strong candidate, it creates the coreference
a single sense, the LEIA must now determine which link and selects the associated interpretation; if not,
senses of squirrel, brown, and nut best fit this input. it uses an interpretation that does not require an
Squirrel and brown are easy: the lexicon contains only antecedent. Let us trace how this works using the
one sense of each, and these senses fit well semanti- examples that follow.
cally (SQUIRREL is a suitable AGENT of INGEST, and BROWN (1) Be sure your paint is in a tall bucket and on a tarp
is a valid COLOR of SQUIRREL). However, there are three so that if you accidentally kick the bucket you won’t
senses of nut: an edible foodstuff, a crazy person, and stain the floor.
a machine part. We just saw that neither people nor (2) Claude tried to milk the cows quietly so as not to
machine parts are suitable THEMEs of INGEST, leaving wake everyone up, but he kicked the bucket, which got
the dogs barking, which roused the whole house.
only the NUT-FOODSTUFF sense, which perfectly fits the
ontological constraints of INGEST and is selected as a When processing (1), the LEIA will evaluate and score
high-confidence interpretation. all candidate antecedents for “the bucket”: your paint,
Operationally speaking, the meaning representa- a tall bucket, a tarp. The candidate “a tall bucket” (ana-
tion for A brown squirrel is eating a nut is generated by lyzed as [BUCKET: HEIGHT .8]) will receive a very high
(1) copying the sem-struc of eat-v1 into the nascent coreference score since it is nearby and maps to the
text meaning representation; (2) translating the con- same ontological concept. This coreference score will
cept type (INGEST) into an instance (INGEST-1); and (3) be combined with the high semantic score for the lit-
replacing the variables with their appropriate inter- eral interpretation of kick the bucket since the physical
pretations (SQUIRREL-1 [COLOR BROWN], NUT-FOODSTUFF- interpretation of BUCKET is a perfect THEME of KICK. The
1). In terms of run-time reasoning, this example is as resulting high score for the contextually sensitive, lit-
simple as it gets since it involves only constraint eral interpretation of kick the bucket will win out over
matching, and all constraints match in a unique and the idiomatic reading, since the latter will be penal-
satisfactory way. “Simple constraint matching” does ized for having to ignore the available coreferent for
not, however, come for free: its precondition is the the bucket.
availability of high-quality lexical and ontological Example (2) also introduces a bucket into the con-
knowledge bases that are sufficient to allow the LEIA text, but it does so implicitly. Even nonfarmers know
to disambiguate and validate the semantic congruity that to milk a cow one takes a bucket, puts it under
of its interpretations. the cow’s teats and squeezes them to release the milk
into the bucket. Therefore, as soon as cow milking
Incorporating Contextual Clues enters the context, a bucket is virtually available.
The combination of lexical, syntactic, and semantic How can we be sure that bucket has been virtually
constraints within the local dependency structure introduced into the context? By the fact that we can
does not always lead to a single high-confidence refer to it using the! Consider some analogous con-
interpretation of an input. For example, He kicked the texts: On my flight to Hawaii the pilot talked a lot; Oh,


1. Definition: A professional advises someone.

Example: My doctor sees patients every day from 8 till 5.
Constraints: The subject indicates a PROFESSIONAL and the direct object indicates a HUMAN.

2. Definition: Someone consults with a professional.

Example: I see my doctor regularly.
Constraints: The subject indicates a HUMAN and the direct object indicates a PROFESSIONAL.

3. Definition: Someone visually perceives something.

Example: I see a blue car.
Constraints: The subject indicates an ANIMAL and the direct object indicates a PHYSICAL-OBJECT.

Figure 4. Three Senses of See in the OS Lexicon.

dreaded lectures when the speaker mumbles!; If you buy defeasible preferences. Consider the sentence My
an old car, don’t expect the air conditioning to work. grandmother saw her doctor yesterday. Outside of con-
LEIAs can carry out this same kind of reasoning if text, the default interpretation is that my grand-
their ontologies are supplied with scripts — that is, mother attended a medical consultation provided by
typical sequences of events and their participants her doctor. However, my grandmother could also
(Schank and Abelson 1977). In order to find a script- have simply caught sight of her doctor, an interpre-
based justification for a the-phrase, the agent must tation preferred if we add the modifier at the beach.
search its ontology for all of the events mentioned in Moreover, if we really beef up the context, we can
the immediate context and see if the given object is turn grandma into the person providing the profes-
listed among the participants. Finding one both jus- sional consultation: My grandmother is the leading
tifies the use of the and suggests a literal interpreta- lawyer in the city. Everybody looks to her for advice. In
tion of the object in the context. If, by contrast, the fact, she saw her doctor yesterday and Dad’s chiropractor
agent does not find a strong coreferent for bucket, it day before, both of whom were dealing with malpractice
will happily use the idiomatic reading (DIE) that does suits.
not require one. Consider how a LEIA can use rules of thumb to
help its understanding of these contexts. Among the
Leveraging Rules of Thumb many senses of see in the OS lexicon, three are rele-
When recorded constraints, reference resolution, and vant here. Informally, they are depicted in figure 4
ontological scripts are still not sufficient to disam- (note that I saw my doctor and My doctor saw me can
biguate an input, rules of thumb can sometimes help mean the same thing in the professional-consultation
— as long as they are appropriately understood as sense):

WINTER 2017 49

Without further contextual clues or background whether or not to agree to the procedure. This partic-
knowledge, the input My grandmother saw her doctor ular virtual patient has character traits that block it
yesterday will be accommodated by senses 2 and 3; it from agreeing to any advice without having sufficient
will not match sense 1 because there is no evidence in information to make an informed decision (for more
this minimal context that grandma meets the PROFES- on our modeling of character traits, see McShane
SIONAL constraint on the subject. The LEIA’s rule of 2014). This virtual patient is particularly concerned
thumb for selecting a default interpretation among about the risk and pain of the recommended proce-
these is to prefer the interpretation with the tighter dure and asks about them. It knows that procedures
semantic constraints on its arguments. In this case, can have RISK and PAIN because all MEDICAL-PROCEDUREs
sense 2 wins since its subject/object constraints are in its ontology inherit these properties. Only when
HUMAN / PROFESSIONAL versus sense 3’s broader con- satisfied with the levels of risk and pain does the
straints ANIMAL/PHYSICAL-OBJECT. This rule of thumb is patient agree to the procedure. In short, the LEIA’s
inspired by, and aligns with, human intuitions about learning of lexicon and ontology — which is an
the default interpretation of this sentence. essential part of its language understanding capabili-
However, this rule of thumb only applies if all ties — is both driven by and contributes to its rea-
properties of the context align with basic ontological soning about action.
expectations. This is not the case in My grandmother
Resolving Ellipsis and
saw her doctor at the beach because the beach is not a
typical location for a professional consultation —
Interpreting Fragments
information that is available in the ontology. Based Natural language is highly elliptical and would be
on this, the agent must reject the narrower interpre- gruelingly longwinded otherwise. Some types of ellip-
tation and opt for the broader one, INVOLUNTARY-VISU- sis, such the ellipsis of verb phrases (example 3) are
AL-EVENT, which violates no ontological expectations. found in all language genres, whereas other types,
As for the context in which lawyer-grandma consults such as fragmentary rejoinders (example 4), are par-
her doctor — that requires a type of dynamic analy- ticularly common in dialogues.
sis of saliency that is on agenda to be modeled. (3) Aid workers in war-ravaged Kabul were stunned
when a toddler from a poor family offered to teach illit-
Learning New Words and Concepts erate women to read and write — and then promptly
proved he could [e]. (Graff and Cieri 2003)11
Language understanding often results in learning. A
straightforward type of learning involves learning (4) “Everybody has to help clean up.” “Not me.”
new facts about already-known types of objects and No matter the type of ellipsis, both stages of its pro-
events. For example, if a LEIA knows that people can cessing — detecting the gap and reconstructing its
get the flu, and it knows various ways of expressing meaning — can be quite difficult. One of our methods
“getting the flu” in English, then it can readily learn for treating ellipsis in the near- to midterm is teaching
the fact that John got the flu yesterday. More compli- LEIAs to independently detect which instances they
cated is learning about new kinds of objects and think they can treat with high confidence and focus
events along with the words and phrases used to their resources on those.12 As for the residual cases,
describe them. In the Maryland Virtual Patient (MVP) agents can react using their usual repertoire of moves:
clinician training application mentioned earlier, ask a human for clarification, wait and see if upcom-
LEIAs playing the role of virtual patients carried out ing utterances make things clear, and so on. Although
such learning in dialogues with human users. there are many types of elliptical and fragmentary
Consider figure 5, which depicts an example utterances, three will be sufficient for illustration: verb
extracted from the middle of a system run at a point phrase ellipsis, fragments in question-answer pairs,
when the user, playing the role of clinician, has and stand-alone fragments.
enough information about the virtual patient to sus- Verb phrase ellipsis is the nonexpression of a verb
pect an esophageal disease. He recommends that the phrase whose meaning can be reconstructed from the
patient agree to have a diagnostic procedure called context. For example, the elided verb phrase in exam-
an EGD. In the excerpt, the utterances themselves ple 5 means be in the kitchen.
are presented in semibold font. The italics indicate (5) “We’re celebrating the fact that we’re living in a
traces of system functioning, presented in human- time where, when we want to be in the kitchen, we can
readable form for demonstration purposes (the [e],” says Tamara Cohen, Ma’yan program director.
agent “thinks” in the ontological metalanguage, cer- (Graff and Cieri 2003)
tainly not in English!). Our verb phrase ellipsis module (McShane and
When the virtual patient receives each of the doc- Babkin 2016a) uses lexical and syntactic heuristics to
tor’s dialogue turns as input, it analyzes it, generating select which contexts it knows how to treat, and it
an ontologically-grounded text meaning representa- identifies the antecedent for those cases. Compare
tion of the type described earlier. This not only sup- example 5, which the system can treat, with example
ports the learning of ontology and lexicon, it also 6, which it cannot.
feeds into the agent’s decision function about (6) The former Massachusetts governor called on Unit-


MD: I suggest having an EGD, which is a diagnostic procedure.

VP: I do not know the word “EGD”.
I record the concept EGD as a child of DIAGNOSTIC-PROCEDURE in my ontology.
I record the word “EGD” as a noun in my lexicon, mapped to the concept EGD.
I don’t know enough about the properties of EGD to agree.
I need to ask questions about RISK and PAIN.
How risky is it?
MD: It’s not risky at all.
VP: I add the property-value pair “RISK: 0” to the ontological specification of EGD.
Is it painful?
MD: It’s only a little uncomfortable.
VP: I add the property-value pair “PAIN: .1” to the ontological specification of EGD.
I can tolerate that amount of risk and pain.
OK, I’ll agree to that.

Figure 5. Example Maryland Virtual Patient Clinician Training Application System Run.

ed Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon to revoke question-answer pairs. As described in McShane,
Ahmadinejad’s invitation to the assembly and warned Nirenburg, and Beale (2005), the text meaning repre-
Washington should reconsider support for the world sentation of a question (How much ice cream do you eat
body if he did not [e] (Graff and Cieri 2003). every week?) includes the expectation that its answer
Both contexts are complex enough to offer multiple will follow (A half gallon). So, when the question-
candidate antecedents for the ellipsis: in example 5 answer pair occurs in sequence — which, however, is
the elided verb phrase could be headed by celebrate, far from always the case in real language use — incor-
live, want or be; and in example 6 it could be headed porating the meaning of the fragment into the mean-
by call on, revoke, warn or reconsider. However, ing of the overall context is straightforward.
whereas example 5 can be successfully simplified Although the aforementioned strategies are largely
using automatic syntactic tree trimming procedures, domain-independent, they are best supplemented by
example 6 cannot. Specifically, when processing domain-sensitive ones, when available. For example,
example 5, the system can leverage a pruning func- imagine that a surgeon, assisted by a LEIA robot, yells
tion that crosses out the material prior to the first to the robot, “Scalpel!” We know that the surgeon
comma, leaving a much simpler context from which wants to be handed a scalpel, but how do we prepare
to select the antecedent. Since such generic text sim- the robot to understand that? On the one hand, we
plification procedures are not applicable to example could write a rule saying that “Scalpel!” always means
6, the context remains complex and ambiguous. “Hand me a scalpel”; but unless the robot has an
Once the string-level antecedent in example 5 has extremely narrow repertoire of capabilities, this type
been identified, its semantic analysis is incorporated of listing will be inefficient and ultimately unsatis-
into the overall text meaning representation. This factory. Zooming out one level of abstraction, we
involves not only concept selection but also the could generalize that “PHYSICAL-OBJECT!” always means
determination of whether there is a type-coreference “Hand me a PHYSICAL-OBJECT.” This will often work —
or instance-coreference relationship between the except when it doesn’t: Nuts! Lawyers! My foot! Con-
antecedent and the elided category. straining the applicable objects still further to IMPLE-
Another type of ellipsis is characterized by frag- MENTs would help — and, in fact, it might be entirely
ments occurring in typical dialogue strategies, such as sufficient for our robot. However, a more fundamen-

WINTER 2017 51

tal solution would be for the agent to figure out what hypothesize that it most likely corefers with the truck.
was needed through reasoning about its collabora- The main heuristics it uses to reach this judgment are
tor’s plans and goals, in conjunction with its under- the truck and it have matching features (inanimate,
standing of its own capabilities. If all the robot can singular); they are the subjects of sequential clauses;
do is hand objects to humans, then there is no lan- those clauses are joined by the conjunction-adverb
guage analysis problem: as long as the robot can iden- pair and then. Our experimentation has shown that
tify, reach, and lift the object, it knows what to do. this configuration highly suggests that the truck and it
But if, by contrast, the robot can do many things with are coreferential (for details of this and other predic-
the same set of objects — hand them to someone, tive coreference configurations, see McShane and
hold them steady in the given position, turn them to Babkin [2016b]). Moving to example 7b, once the
the right, replace them to their storage area — con- agent has hypothesized that it refers to the truck, it
textual cues have to be incorporated into the lan- can penalize all senses of take whose subject must be
guage understanding process. There is nothing par- either pleonastic (that is, nonreferential, as in It takes
ticularly difficult about specifying these cues, but it time to learn things well) or refer to a HUMAN. This aids
cannot be done generically, it must be done for each in word-sense disambiguation because take is a light
robot (or unembodied intelligent agent) functioning verb that has dozens of senses. Of course, subsequent
in each context of interest. To reiterate a point made words of input can always alter the agent’s current
earlier, in order to function usefully in an application, analysis: for example, 7a could have continued as “…
intelligent agents need knowledge about their and then it started to rain.” In this case, the agent
domain, their own capabilities, their collaborators’ would have to overturn its early coreference link
needs, and so on, and this knowledge can efficiently between it and the truck based on the new evidence.
be reused to support language understanding. A major reasoning challenge in this approach
involves weighing competing preferences posted by
Interpreting Utterances Incrementally different analysis modules. Consider in this regard
NLP has most often been approached by subjecting example 8:
full sentences to a pipeline of processing: preprocess- (8) The boy’s father talked at length with the surgeon
ing followed by syntactic analysis and whichever and then he proceeded to operate.
aspects of semantic and pragmatic analysis might be Readers might find this sentence rather awkward
undertaken (often none). By contrast, we have recent- since, like our LEIAs, they might intuitively expect
ly begun exploring incremental NLU, defined as “and then he” to signal coreference with the preced-
building up meaning representations using whatever ing clause’s subject and then have to switch their
heuristic evidence is available as early as possible. This interpretation midstream. In fact, an editor would
not only more closely emulates what people do,13 it likely improve this sentence by avoiding the subopti-
should allow for time-sensitive actions by the agent, mal “he” in favor of something less ambiguous, like
such as interrupting for clarification and starting to “the latter.” However, faced with exactly this sen-
take action before the speaker has finished a long sen- tence — since it could realistically be pronounced by
tence: By the time one says “Grab the fire extinguish- a person in regular discourse — the LEIA must over-
er” the robot should already be on its way, no matter ride its syntactically grounded preference for the
what subsequent instructions might follow. father/he coreference by prioritizing the semantic
Our approach to incrementality is inspired by what preference for the AGENT of SURGERY to be a SURGEON.
we think people do but with a large dose of system- Managing competing heuristic evidence is chal-
building practicality. For example, although syntactic lenging. The LEIA must not only estimate confidence
analysis is run on each new word of input, semantic in each of its individual calculations (each word
analysis is run only if the last word is a noun or a verb sense, each coreference decision), it must weigh that
— that is, a semantically heavy element. So the LEIA evidence to arrive at a single overall analysis. Our
will attempt semantic analysis at each of the points agent’s advantage in cutting through the complexity
indicated by an asterisk in the following input: The is that its language understanding takes place within
green machine * makes * great coffee * in no time.* This a task-oriented context that provides it with expecta-
strategy operationalizes our opinion that there is no tions about what the interlocutor is likely to say,
added value in forcing the agent to attempt to seman- want, and need. Those expectations can guide deci-
tically analyze The or The green in isolation, no matter sion-making in what might otherwise be an infeasible
what people may or may not do with such fragments. amount of residual ambiguity.
As an example of incremental analysis, consider
the following inputs: Reasoning About the Results
(7a) The truck delivered the soil and then it
(7b) The truck delivered the soil and then it took
of Language Understanding
(7c) The truck delivered the soil and then it took the We have just considered a handful of language under-
lumber away. standing challenges and how LEIAs address them. In
Even given only the string in input 7a, the LEIA can passing, we have mentioned some key decision


points involving reasoning about the results of lan- reports my feeling of chilliness but it can indirectly
guage understanding. Now let us consider the latter imply anything from “Close the window behind you”
more fundamentally. to “Do something about it, I don’t care what” to
“Although I know you can’t do anything to change
Learning Words and Concepts this state of affairs, please say something sympathet-
Every word or phrase an agent encounters in an input ic or encouraging.” Since indirect speech acts are
can have various statuses: it can be a known most often requests or commands expressed as inter-
word/phrase used in a known sense; a known rogative or declarative statements (Would you mind
word/phrase used in a canonical sense that simply helping me fold the tablecloth?; I’ll never finish on time by
hasn’t been recorded in the lexicon yet; a known myself; The lawn needs mowing), every declarative or
word/phrase used in a noncanonical sense — for interrogative statement the agent receives could, in
example, as a metonymy; or an unknown principle, be a cloaked indirect speech act. This could
word/phrase. In all but the first case, the agent faces send the agent on a never-ending wild goose chase
incongruity resulting in an incomplete meaning rep- for indirect-speech-act interpretations:
resentation, and it must decide what to do next. Let
Ann: “I love chocolate!”
us concentrate on the case of completely unknown
LEIA (thinking): What does she want me to do about
words, with the understanding that unknown senses
of known words — and all corresponding eventuali-
ties for phrases — can be handled similarly. The question is, how to constrain this chase? One
If learning words of a particular ontological type is way is to record in the lexicon a large inventory of
among the agent’s active goals, then it will go ahead canonical patterns for expressing indirect speech acts.
and learn the new word — as explained earlier using For example, among the dozens of frequent para-
the example of EGD. If, by contrast, the given type of phrases for asking someone to do X are I’d like to ask
word does not have special priority in the applica- you to do X, Would you mind doing X?, It would be (real-
tion, then the agent can attempt some straightfor- ly) great if you’d do X, and so on. Since formulas like
ward inferencing techniques to glean at least a coarse- these are known by people, we must make them
grained meaning. For example, given an input like known to our agents as well, thus taking care of a
The jiffers took a bath, the agent can infer that jiffers is large number of indirect speech situations. A more
probably some sort of HUMAN or, at a minimum, some domain-specific way of detecting indirect speech acts
ANIMAL, based on the combination of lexical knowl- relies on domain modeling, as described earlier on
edge (take a bath is a phrase that points to the concept the example of a robotic helper for a surgeon. As long
BATHE) and ontological constraints (the AGENT of BATHE as the agent understands the inventory of actions it
is, by default, HUMAN, but its basic semantic constraint can take, it can attempt to align any speech act with
is ANIMAL) (Nirenburg and McShane 2016b; McShane one of those actions. However, as mentioned earlier,
et al. 2017). If this example seems farfetched, think seeking indirect speech act interpretations too rigor-
about how many canonical and slang terms one can ously will clearly be counterproductive: after all,
use for humans at all stages of life — from schoolchild many utterances are simply for information, with the
to oldster to dude to punk — any of which could be interlocutor not expected to respond at all.
missing from the agent’s lexicon at a given time. The
results of this on-the-fly learning can be used imme- Managing Residual
diately and can then either be forgotten, be recorded Ambiguity or Incongruity
permanently in the knowledge base, or be passed on
In many cases, the agent will either not be able to dis-
for human vetting. If simpler word-learning
ambiguate some aspect of input (residual ambiguity)
approaches do not apply, then the agent can leverage
or it will have no high-confidence analyses available
the big guns of learning by reading: it can collect con-
texts that use the word from a large corpus, classify (incongruity) (for discussion of both of these, see
those contexts into hypothesized senses of the word, Nirenburg and McShane 2016b). The question then
and then attempt to determine the meaning of the becomes, Does this matter? That depends on the
word in each of those classes of examples (ibid). application. On the lenient end of the spectrum is the
Although this kind of learning is the Holy Grail of Senior Companion system (Wilks et al. 2011), which
knowledge-based systems, it does not, as yet, yield seeks to keep human users engaged in conversation
high-quality results. Other options for handling while reminiscing over photographs. This brilliantly
unknown words include asking a human to define selected domain is at once forgiving of near-term lim-
them, ignoring them, or waiting to see if further con- itations in language processing and AI, and open to
text makes their meaning clear. iterative enhancements over time. By contrast, a lan-
guage-endowed military robot capable of carrying out
Seeking Indirect Speech Act Interpretations. irreversible actions offers no tolerance for less than
Many utterances can have both direct and indirect full and confident language understanding as soon as
meanings. To take a typical example, I’m cold directly it is deployed.14

WINTER 2017 53

Pursuing Implicatures language understanding. However, I have concluded

A longstanding and largely unsolvable philosophical with an example in which basic language under-
and practical problem is, Where does language under- standing serves as a springboard for reasoning about
standing end and general reasoning begin? Given a things other than language, such as the knowledge,
dialogue exchange like (9), what should the text opinions, and goals of one’s interlocutor. This type of
meaning representation include?15 reasoning falls between the cracks of agent modeling
communities, equally far from raw perception as it is
(9) A: Gerard is gluten-free.
from the flavors of reasoning pursued by formal
B: But he eats pizza.
semanticists and logicians. The need for agents to
Clearly, there are two assertions: Gerard does not eat engage in this type of holistic modeling argues in
food containing gluten and Gerard eats pizza. The “but” favor of integrated architectures like OntoAgent.
signals a contrast between them. However, the spe- Let us now briefly return the status of LEIA imple-
cific implicatures of B’s statement, and the type of mentations, with details available in the cited refer-
contrast involved, depend upon such things as A’s ences. The two main implementations of the OS
and B’s individual and shared knowledge, their atti- approach to language understanding, called Onto-
tude toward Gerard, B’s intonation, and their goals in Sem and OntoSem2, use the same inventory of
having this conversation to begin with. For example, microtheories and knowledge bases, but whereas
does B know that gluten-free pizza exists? Is he saying OntoSem interpreted sentences on the whole,
that has seen Gerard eat regular, gluten-containing OntoSem2 works incrementally (McShane, Niren-
pizza? Is he confused by an apparent incongruity or burg, and Beale 2016; McShane and Nirenburg 2016).
is he trying to discredit Gerard or speaker A? Making As expected for a research and development effort,
all of these determinations depends not only on the more functionalities have been specified than have
larger speech context, but also on the successful min- been implemented, and more have been implement-
dreading (that is, mental model ascription) of all par- ed than have been formally evaluated. Formal evalu-
ticipants. ations have so far targeted word sense disambiguation
Although we have, in fact, pursued mindreading in (McShane, Nirenburg, and Beale 2016), multiword
OntoAgent (for example, McShane, Nirenburg, and
expression processing (McShane, Nirenburg, and
Jarrell 2013; ), describing those strategies goes beyond
Beale 2015), the processing of difficult referring
the scope of this article. I mention the issue of impli-
expressions (McShane and Babkin 2016b), and the
catures only to underscore that, when we evaluate
detection and resolution of VP ellipsis (McShane and
agents for their ability to understand language, we
Babkin 2016a). Algorithms that have been imple-
must be very clear about what we mean. I couldn’t
mented16 but have not been formally evaluated
agree more with Ray Jackendoff’s opinion that we
address nominal compounding (McShane, Beale, and
cannot, as linguists, draw a tight circle around lin-
Babkin 2014) and fragment interpretation (McShane,
guistic meaning and expect all other aspects of mean-
Nirenburg, and Beale 2005). We are currently prepar-
ing to be taken care of by someone else. He writes:
ing for the first formal evaluation of OntoSem2,
If linguists don’t do it [deal with the complexity of which has two foci: threading word sense disam-
world knowledge and how language connects with
biguation with reference resolution (McShane 2009;
perception], it isn’t as if psychologists are going to step
McShane and Nirenburg 2013; McShane, Beale, and
in and take care of it for us. At the moment, only lin-
guists (and to some extent philosophers) have any Nirenburg 2010), and determining the extent to
grasp of the complexity of meaning; in all the other which local dependencies can and cannot resolve lex-
disciplines, meaning is reduced at best to a toy system, ical ambiguity. The virtual patients in the MVP sys-
often lacking structure altogether. Naturally, it’s daunt- tem (cited earlier) were able to learn new words, con-
ing to take on a problem of this size. But the potential cepts, and properties of concepts, and they could
rewards are great: if anything in linguistics is the holy interpret various types of indirect and elliptical utter-
grail, the key to human nature, this is it. (Jackendoff ances. Approaches to incorporating mindreading and
2007, p. 257) reasoning with language understanding are detailed
Although pursuing this level of understanding is both in the papers by McShane et al. (2012); McShane,
correct and necessary, the practical down side is clear: Nirenburg, and Jarrell (2013); McShane (2014);
the higher the language understanding bar, the more McShane and Nirenburg (2015); and Nirenburg and
difficult it is to show results that will be positively McShane (2015). Our group’s near-term agenda
evaluated in the current climate, which so strongly includes endowing a furniture-building robot with
favors breadth over depth and immediate results over language understanding capabilities (Roncone, Man-
long-term prospects. gin, and Scassellati 2017) and configuring a dialogue
agent that is not only able to compute meaning incre-
mentally (albeit with human-like levels of residual
Conclusion ambiguity) but also to recover from unexpected input
Much of this discussion has concentrated on ways in using expectation-driven strategies that leverage
which knowledge and reasoning can be leveraged for domain knowledge and mindreading of the inter-


locutor (Nirenburg and McShane 2016b; McShane, phrasal senses, such as eat one’s hat, eat one’s heart out, eat
Blissett, and Nirenburg 2017). someone alive, and so on.
How long will it take for LEIA applications to come 10. Yes, a lion can eat a human … and a car can be hot pink,
to fruition? About the same amount of time as it takes and some dogs have no tails — none of which is covered by
to learn to play the violin: anywhere from a year to a our current ontology, which is intended to provide agents
lifetime, depending on time spent, resources avail- with knowledge of how the world typically works.
able, and target quality and coverage. 11. [e] indicates an empty category — that is, ellipsis. The
italics indicate the antecedent.
12. Although this might seem like the obvious approach, it
Acknowledgments is actually not typical in mainstream NLP, where entities of
interest in a corpus — so-called markables — tend to be
This research was supported in part by Grant
selected manually prior to system training and evaluation
#N00014-16-1-2118 from the US Office of Naval (for the example of coreference resolution, see Hirschman
Research. Any opinions or findings expressed in this and Chinchor [1997]).
material are those of the author and do not necessar-
13. See Tanenhaus et al. (1995) for a discussion of ground-
ily reflect the views of the Office of Naval Re- ing linguistic references in the real world as early as possi-
search. Thanks to Micah Clark for his insightful com- ble.
ments on a draft of this article. 14.  Of course, full language understanding far from
exhausts such a robot’s responsibilities, as discussed by
Matthias Scheutz (Scheutz 2017) with respect to ethics.
15.  This example arose in conversation with Selmer
1. Church (2011, p. 18) writes: “[John] Pierce objects to Bringsjord about the division of labor between language
attempts to sell science as something other than it is (for processing and general reasoning.
example, applications), as well as attempts to misrepresent
16.  In some cases iplementations are partial. Most
progress with misleading demos and/or mindless metrics
microtheories include aspects ranging from simple to
(such as the kinds of evaluations that are routinely per-
extremely complex. Consider the example of nominal com-
formed today).” Evaluating NLU systems using the metrics
pounds: in the simplest case, they are recorded explicitly in
imposed by the NLP community is not only impossible, it
the lexicon; in the most complex case, the agent doesn’t
falls squarely into the category of mindless metrics.
know the meaning of either of the words; and there are
2. Cited from on December
many eventualities in between. In developing microtheo-
10, 2016.
ries, we attempt to flesh out the full problem space even if
3. Some annotations have been removed for concise pres- we cannot immediately achieve high-quality results for the
entation. more difficult component phenomena.
4. It does, however, follow a typical NLP practice of isolating
a particular phenomenon, such as reference resolution or
word-sense disambiguation, annotating a corpus for a sub- References
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strategy — reasoning by analogy — see Forbus and Hinrichs Forbus, K. D., and Hinrichs, T. R. 2017. Analogy and Rela-
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6. The OS ontology is language independent. The names of tecture. AI Magazine 38(4).
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sentences at once, an approach typical for syntactic parsers. co_task.html)
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2015 pursues incremental (word-by-word) analysis, which guists. Journal of English Linguistics 35(3): 253–262.
more closely emulates what people do. See McShane and
Nirenburg (2016) for an in-depth juxtaposition of these Lindes, P., and Laird, J. E. 2016. Toward Integrating Cogni-
implementations. tive Linguistics and Cognitive Language Processing. Paper
8.  We currently use select outputs from the Stanford presented at the 14th International Conference on Cogni-
CoreNLP tool set (Manning et al. 2014). tive Modeling (ICCM). University Park, Pennsylvania, 4–6
9.  A more complete lexicon would include many more August.

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tions, 55–60. Stroudsburg, PA: The Associa- 2017. Treating Unexpected Input in Incre- and Electronics Engineers.
tion for Computational Linguistics. mental Semantic Analysis. In Proceedings of ICRA.2017.7989122
10.3115/v1/P14-5010 The Fifth Annual Conference on Advances in Schank, R. C., and Abelson, R. P. 1977.
McShane, M. 2009. Reference Resolution Cognitive Systems. Palo Alto, CA: Cognitive Scripts, Plans, Goals, and Understanding: An
Challenges for an Intelligent Agent: The Systems Foundation. Inquiry into Human Knowledge Structures
Need for Knowledge. IEEE Intelligent Systems (Artificial Intelligence Series). Hillsdale, NJ:
McShane, M.; Nirenburg, S.; and Beale, S.
24(4): 47–58. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
2005. Semantics-Based Resolution of Frag-
McShane, M. 2014. Parameterizing Mental ments and Underspecified Structures. Traite- Tanenhaus, M. K.; Spivey-Knowlton, M. J.;
Model Ascription Across Intelligent Agents. ment Automatique des Langues 46(1): 163– Eberhard, K., M.; and Sedivy, J. C. 1995.
Interaction Studies 15(3): 404–425. 184. Integration of Visual and Linguistic Infor-
mation in Spoken Language Comprehen-
McShane, M., and Babkin, P. 2016a. Detec- McShane, M.; Nirenburg, S.; and Beale, S.
sion. Science 268(5217)(Jun 16): 1632–1634.
tion and Resolution of Verb Phrase Ellipsis. 2015. The Ontological Semantic Treatment
Linguistic Issues in Language Technology of Multiword Expressions. Lingvisticæ Inves- Wilks, Y. 2000. Is Word Sense Disambigua-
13(1): 1–34. tigationes 38(1): 73–110. John Benjamins tion Just One More NLP Task? Computers
Publishing Company. and the Humanities 34(1): 235–243.
McShane, M., and Babkin, P. 2016b. Resolv-
ing Difficult Referring Expressions. Advances
in Cognitive Systems 4: 247–263. McShane, M.; Nirenburg, S.; and Beale, S. Wilks, Y.; Catizone, R.; Worgan, S.; Dingli,
2016. Language Understanding with Onto- A.; Moore, R.; Field, D.; and Cheng, W.
McShane, M., and Nirenburg, S. 2012. A
logical Semantics. Advances in Cognitive Sys- 2011. A Prototype for a Conversational
Knowledge Representation Language for
tems 4: 35–55. Companion for Reminiscing About Images.
Natural Language Processing, Simulation,
Computer Speech & Language 25(2): 140–157.
and Reasoning. International Journal of McShane, M.; Nirenburg, S.; and Jarrell, B.
Semantic Computing 6(1): 3–23. 2013. Modeling Decision-Making Biases.
1142/S1793351X12400016 Biologically-Inspired Cognitive Architectures 3 Zaenen, A. 2006. Mark-up Barking Up the
Wrong Tree. Computational Linguistics 32(4):
McShane, M., and Nirenburg, S. 2013. Use (January 2013): 39–50.
of Ontology, Lexicon, and Fact Repository j.bica.2012.09.001
for Reference Resolution in Ontological Nirenburg, S., and McShane, M. 2015. The
Semantics. In New Trends of Research in Interplay of Language Processing, Reason-
Ontologies and Lexical Resources, ed. A. Oltra- ing, and Decision-Making in Cognitive
mari, P. Vossen, L. Qin, and E. Hovy, 157– Computing. In Natural Language Processing
185. Berlin: Springer. and Information Systems, Proceedings of the
Marjorie McShane is an associate professor
3-642-31782-8_9 20th International Conference on Applica-
of cognitive science, and codirector of the
McShane, M., and Nirenburg, S. 2015. tions of Natural Language to Information
Language-Endowed Intelligent Agents (LEIA)
OntoAgents Gauge Their Confidence in Systems, Springer Lecture Notes in Comput- lab, at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Her
Language Understanding. In Self-Confidence er Science 9103, ed. C. Biemann, S. Hand- research focuses on enabling multifunction-
in Autonomous Systems: Papers from the AAAI schuh, A. Freitas, F. Meziane, and E. Métais, al intelligent agents to perform with the lin-
Fall Symposium, ed. N. Ahmed, M. Cum- 167–179. Berlin: Springer. guistic dexterity of their human collabora-
mings, and C. Mille, 22–29. AAAI Technical Nirenburg, S., and McShane, M. 2016a. Nat- tors.
Report FS-15-05. Menlo Park, CA: AAAI ural Language Processing. In The Oxford
Press. Handbook of Cognitive Science, Volume 1, ed.
McShane, M.; and Nirenburg, S. 2016. Deci- S. E. F. Chipman. Oxford, UK: Oxford Uni-
sions for Semantic Analysis in Cognitive versity Press.
Systems. In Proceedings of The Fourth Annual Nirenburg, S., and McShane, M. 2016b.
Conference on Advances in Cognitive Systems. Slashing Metaphor with Occam’s Razor. In
Palo Alto, CA: Cognitive Systems Founda- Proceedings of The Fourth Annual Conference
tion. on Advances in Cognitive Systems. Palo Alto,
McShane, M.; Beale, S.; and Babkin, P. 2014. CA: Cognitive Systems Foundation.
Nominal Compound Interpretation by Nirenburg, S., and Raskin, V. 2004. Ontolog-
Intelligent Agents. Linguistic Issues in Lan- ical Semantics. Cambridge, MS: The MIT
guage Technology 10(1): 1–34. Press.
McShane, M.; Beale, S.; and Nirenburg, S. Nirenburg, S.; McShane, M.; and Beale, S.

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