Student's Name:: Unit 2 - Activity 2

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Student’s Name: María Romina Cabrera Moreira

Career/ Level: Ingeniería Industrial 7° “A”


Cell phone number: 0987680168

Professor: Lic. Yuliana Roca Castro Mg.Eii.
Activity 2
Grammar - Information questions with the verb be.

WH questions are very common in English. The lesson below shows you how to use
them correctly. You can find the exercises at the bottom of the page.

Let’s get started with the lesson.

WH questions ask for information. Here are the six questions and their answers:

Question Answer Example

What Thing What is your name?
When Time When is the party?
Who Person Who is your brother?
Where Place Where is the bank?
Why Reason Why do you like pizza?
How Directions How do you spell your name?



Here are the examples:

 Where are you from?

 Who is that man?
 When is your class?

Open and Closed Questions

In English you will find two main types of questions: open and closed. Closed questions
have simpe answers with few options. Open questions have many options.

(En inglés encontrará dos tipos principales de preguntas: abiertas y cerradas. Las preguntas cerradas
tienen respuestas simples con pocas opciones. Las preguntas abiertas tienen muchas opciones.)
WH Questions are similar to YES/NO questions, but they have WH words at the start.
Let’s look at an example of a yes/no question:

(Las preguntas WH son similares a las preguntas SÍ / NO, pero tienen palabras WH al principio.
Veamos un ejemplo de una pregunta de sí / no:)

 Are you from Canada? Yes, I`m / No, I`m not

Now, take a look at similar question, but with a WH word:

(Ahora, eche un vistazo a una pregunta similar, pero con una palabra WH:)

 Where are you from? I`m from Canada.

The first question had an answer of yes or no (Yes, I am from Canada). The second
question could have many different answers (Japan, Brazil, Poland, etc.). This is the
difference. One is open and the other is closed.

(La primera pregunta tenía una respuesta de sí o no (sí, soy de Canadá). La segunda pregunta podría
tener muchas respuestas diferentes (Japón, Brasil, Polonia, etc.). Esta es la diferencia Uno está abierto
y el otro está cerrado.)

Here are some example questions and answers:

 Where are you from?

I am from India.

 What is your name?

My name is Jacob.

 When do you wake up?

I wake up at 7:30 am.

 Why are you angry?

I am angry because, I did not pass my exam.

 Are they Brazilian?

Yes, They are / No, They’re not

 Are you Japanese?

Yes, we are / No, we’re not


1.- Complete the conversations with the correct word.

1. A: Where are you from?
B: We`re from Mexico.
A: Oh? What city are you from? Are you from Mexico City?
B: No, we are not. We’re from Monterrey.

2. A: Are Jim and Carly American?

B: No, they aren’t . They are Canadian.
A: What city in Canada are They from?
B: They are from Toronto.

2.- Write sentenses with the information in parentheses and the correct from of be.
1. (Carla and Rafael / be / from Peru ) Carla and Rafael are from Peru.____________
2. (Be / Josh and Ann / Canadian?) Are Josh and Ann Canadian?_______________
3. (Jon and I / not / be / from China.) Jon and I are not from China.______________
4. (Be / Kyle and Tim / American?) Are Kyle and Tim American?_______________

3.- Cicle the correct words to complete each sentences.

1. Are / Where are you and Denise from?
2. What / Where city is Ahmed from?
3. Are / Is you Jpanese?
4. Are / What country are they from?
5. What / Where are they from?
6. Are / Is they Turkish?
4.- Read the information in the guest book. Answer the questions.

1. Are Leo and Isabel American? No, they aren`t.__________________________

2. What city is Emily from? She`s from Dallas.________________________
3. Is Kwan from Pusan? Yes, He is.______________________________
4. Where are Todd and Mike from? They’re from Canada._____________________
5. What city is Daniel from? He’s from Memphis.______________________
6. Where is Evren from? He’s from Turkey.________________________
7. Is Mr. Reynolds from Toronto? No, He isn’t._____________________________
8. Are Aya and Leo from Turkey? No, They aren’t__________________________

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