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On the residual stress and fracture strength of crystalline silicon wafers

Chris Yang, Frank Mess, Kevin Skenes, Shreyes Melkote, and Steven Danyluk

Citation: Applied Physics Letters 102, 021909 (2013); doi: 10.1063/1.4776706

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APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 102, 021909 (2013)

On the residual stress and fracture strength of crystalline silicon wafers

Chris Yang,1 Frank Mess,1 Kevin Skenes,2 Shreyes Melkote,1,2 and Steven Danyluk2
Georgia Tech Manufacturing Institute, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia 30332, USA
George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta,
Georgia 30332, USA
(Received 28 November 2012; accepted 2 January 2013; published online 16 January 2013)
This letter reports on residual stress measurement in thin crystalline silicon wafers with a full-field
near-infrared polariscope. Residual stress is analyzed in combination with observed surface defects,
and the results are related to measured fracture strength variation in the wafers. Measurements
indicate that there is a sawing process-related residual stress in the as-cut wafers, and that etch-
removal of 5 lm from the wafer surface eliminates a damage layer that can significantly reduce
the residual stress in the wafer, and therefore increases the observed fracture strength. There is a
corresponding 2 to 3 lm reduction in the observed characteristic defect size after etching. Fracture
strength anisotropy observed in the wafers is related to defect orientation (scratching grooves and
microcracks) caused by the sawing process. V C 2013 American Institute of Physics.

Residual stress in crystalline silicon is of interest due to its dation, while the stress orientation is related to isoclinic
multiple adverse effects on mechanical, optical, and electrical fringes. The relationship of birefringence to residual stress is
properties of semiconductor wafers and devices.1–4 For a thin governed by the stress-optic law15
silicon wafer, tensile residual stress may cause wafer warpage
or even breakage during processing and handling. It can also smax ¼ jr1  r2 j ¼ d; (1)
introduce dislocation networks that decrease the minority car- 2ptC
rier life-time in devices.5 Regions of localized residual stress where smax is the maximum shear stress, which is related to
are generally produced during the solidification process, or the two principal stresses (r1 and r2, for the largest and small-
other thermal processing, where large thermal gradients are est stresses, respectively), k is the wavelength of the illuminat-
present, but may also come from wafer production processes ing light, d is the phase retardation of the two indexes, t is the
(e.g., diamond wire sawing) where ductile-mode deformation sample thickness, and C is the stress-optic coefficient that can
and/or phase transformation occur due to a high local contact be determined experimentally for a certain material and crys-
pressure. It is therefore critical to understand the residual stress talline orientation. From prior work,15 we use an average
distribution and magnitude in each process step to improve the stress-optic coefficient of 1.66  1011 Pa1.
manufacturing process and resultant products. Figure 1 shows a schematic of a full-field NIR polari-
Several methods, including hole-drilling,6 micro- and scope that can accommodate 156 mm  156 mm or larger
nano-indentation,7,8 x-ray,9,10 Raman,11 shadow moire,12 and wafers. A white light point source (tungsten-halogen lamp,
polariscopy,13–15 can be used to measure residual stresses in a with a 1150 nm filter) is first polarized linearly by an infrared
material. For thin crystalline silicon wafers, however, several polarizer and then the polarization state is changed to circu-
of these are impractical due to the required contact with the lar by a first-order quarter waveplate, followed by collima-
wafer, and some techniques only provide spot measurement. tion by an aspherical lens. A fringe multiplier consisting of
Polariscopy can overcome some of these limitations and our two beam splitters can be placed in the front and back of the
work has led to a development of a full-field near infrared sample to increase the transmitted signal, although the results
(NIR) polariscope for non-destructive residual stress meas- in this paper were obtained without using beam splitters. The
urements of silicon wafers of size 156 mm  156 mm or light transmitted through the sample then passes through
greater. This paper presents the application of this technique
and experimental results of residual stress measurements for
two types of photovoltaic (PV) silicon wafers: Multicrystal-
line Si (mc-Si) wafers and cast mono-like Si wafers, each cut
using an advanced diamond wire sawing technique. The
measured residual stress distribution and magnitude, together
with other surface defects, are used to explain the fracture
strength variation in the wafers.
The operational principle of the polariscope is based on
stress-induced birefringence. For thin silicon wafers, near
infrared polarized light is used for illumination. Optical ani-
sotropy in a material can cause double refraction of the trans-
mitted light, and this can be related to birefringence when
measured by a polariscope. The magnitude of the stress is
indicated by the isochromatic fringe count, i.e., phase retar- FIG. 1. A schematic diagram of a full-field NIR polariscope.

0003-6951/2013/102(2)/021909/5/$30.00 102, 021909-1 C 2013 American Institute of Physics


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021909-2 Yang et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 021909 (2013)

another aspherical lens and is acted on by a second quarter wafer. Due to the inherent inhomogeneity of residual stress
waveplate and an analyzer. The transmitted image is collected across the wafer surface, traditional point-measurement tech-
by a high sensitivity infrared camera in combination with a niques previously cited are not sufficient or practical for
frame grabber. The fast axis of the two quarter waveplates is evaluation of mc-Si or mono-like PV wafers.
independently adjusted using a phase stepping technique. A The cast mono-like wafers show similar residual stresses
six step method was utilized in this work to calculate the but with a slightly lower magnitude. As there are only large
phase retardation and isoclinic angle, although ten-step meth- grains in the mono-like silicon wafers, the residual stresses
ods have also been used. The details of the phase stepping are observed to vary with the grain orientation. High and low
technique employed can be found in the literature.15 residual stresses vary alternatively in the neighboring grains
Representative residual stress maps of mc-Si and mono- (Figure 2(d)). A maximum residual stress of 38.9 MPa and
like Si wafers in the as-cut condition and after 5 lm etching/ an average residual stress of 5.61 MPa are observed in the
damage layer removal are shown in Figure 2. The images in as-cut mono-like wafers. As with the mc-Si wafers, etching
Figure 2 are colorized gray-scale data for the wafer with a has a pronounced effect on the reduction of residual stress in
pixel size of 64 lm. These data are for wafers cut to a the mono-like Si wafers. The residual stress decreases to
200 lm nominal thickness using a diamond wire saw. It can 28 MPa for the maximum and 3.25 MPa for the average after
be seen that there is a non-uniform distribution of residual the same 5 lm etching (Figure 2(e)). The residual stress dis-
stress in these wafers. A pattern of narrow strips of alterna- tribution (Figure 2(f)) indicates that the peak intensity is
tive high and low residual stresses oriented in a roughly located at 5.36 and 1.1 MPa for the as-cut and post-etch
upward (vertical) direction is observed in the as-cut mc-Si wafers, respectively. The surface characteristic of the resid-
wafers (Figure 2(a)). A maximum local residual stress of ual stress suggests that stresses are correlated to the diamond
37.5 MPa and an average residual stress of 6.69 MPa are wire sawing process where ductile-mode deformation and
observed in this wafer. Chemical etching in HF/HNO3 solu- phase transformation may occur.
tion was done to remove a 5 lm layer on each side, and the Wafer surfaces before and after etching were examined
maximum observed residual stress in the wafers is reduced by scanning electon microscopy (SEM), as shown in Figure 3.
to 21.9 MPa, and the average residual stress is reduced to There are long parallel grooves, interwoven with random pits,
2.86 MPa (Figure 2(b)). A statistical analysis of the measured on the as-cut wafer surface (Figure 3(a)). The long grooves
residual stresses (Figure 2(c)) indicates a skewed distribution are evidence of scratching and ductile-mode deformation
with a large residual stress tail for the as-cut wafers, but a during diamond wire sawing. Even in the case of crystalline
hyperbolic distribution for the post-etch wafers. The residual silicon, an inherently brittle material, plastic deformation is
stress at peak probability is 6.09 MPa for the as-cut mc-Si possible under a high, local contact pressure. Amorphous sili-
wafers, and close to zero for the post-etch wafers. Note the con is often found on the silicon surface after sawing as a
non-uniformity of the residual stress distribution across the result of pressure-induced phase transformation.16 High

FIG. 2. Residual stress maps for (a) as-cut cast mc-Si wafers, (b) post-etch cast mc-Si wafers, (d) as-cut cast monolike Si wafers, and (e) post-etch cast mono-
like Si wafers, and statistical distributions for (c) mc-Si wafers and (f) moonlike Si wafers. Pixel size ¼ 64 lm in the images.

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021909-3 Yang et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 021909 (2013)

FIG. 3. Representative surface SEM

images of (a) as-cut mono-like wafers
and (b) post-etch wafer.

contact pressure at the diamond grit and wafer interface where F is the applied load (resultant of the normal and tan-
causes local deformation in the silicon, similar to a shot peen- gential forces), b is the sample width, d is the wafer thick-
ing process. Unlike shot peening, however, the deformation is ness, and lo and li are the distances between the lower
highly directional due to the dragging and scratching process supports and the upper loading beams, respectively.
of the diamond grits across the wafer surface during cutting. Figure 4 shows the Weibull plots of the fracture strength
The unidirectional deformation in the sawing process also cre- distributions for both multicrystalline and mono-like wafers
ates microcracks along the sawing direction. The slightly in the as-cut and etched states for bending in two orientations
overetched microcracks can be clearly seen in the post-etch relative to the saw marks. A significant fracture strength dif-
surface where microcracks are widened by chemical etching ference is observed between the as-cut and the post-etch
(Figure 3(b)). It can be seen that there are many small dimples wafers, and between the two orthogonal bending orienta-
and a few elongated holes on the wafer surface after a shallow tions. A statistically higher fracture strength is obtained on
(5 lm) etch. The small dimples are a remnant of the original the post-etch wafers than on the as-cut samples for all
surface contour due to nonuniform etching, but the elongated wafers. Fracture strength anisotropy with bending orientation
holes are evidence of microcracks that are widened by chemi- is also observed. A higher fracture strength is measured
cal etching. These long surface microcracks or holes can have when bent perpendicular to the sawing direction, with a
a significant (adverse) effect on the mechanical, electronic, lower fracture strength in the orthogonal direction. The Wei-
and optical properties of silicon wafers. bull distribution is observed to be similar in both multicrys-
The fracture strength of the silicon wafers was measured talline and mono-like wafers.
using the four line bending method. Full-sized wafers of The characteristic fracture strength at the 63.2% failure
156 mm  156 mm were cut by dicing into 32 individual rec- probability is calculated for each wafer type as shown in
tangular samples of 19.5 mm  29 mm. The details of this Figure 5. The change in measured fracture strength between
experimental method and a discussion of the inflluence of the as-cut and the post-etch wafers can be clearly seen. The
the dicing damage on the fracture strength can be found else- fracture strength of the post-etch wafers is substantially
where.17 The fracture strength for each rectangular sample is higher than for the as-cut wafers and there is a fracture
determined as strength difference between the two bending orientations.
The characteristic fracture strength in the perpendicular ori-
3Fðlo  li Þ entation is almost double that in the parallel direction. When
r¼ ; (2) bent parallel to the saw marks, the characteristic strength for
2bd 2

FIG. 4. Weibull distribution of fracture strength for (a) mc-Si wafers and (b) cast monolike Si wafers, in as-cut and after etching under two orthogonal bending
orientations (parallel, P, and perpendicular, V) relative to saw marks.

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021909-4 Yang et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 021909 (2013)

FIG. 5. Characteristic strength for mc-Si and monolike wafers bent (a) parallel to saw marks and (b) perpendiuclar to saw marks.

the as-cut mc-Si and mono-like wafers is 109 and 121 MPa stress applied to the sample. The fracture strengh is then
for the as-cut wafers, respectively, and 165 and 181 MPa for determined by the resultant stress as follows:
the post-etch wafers, respectively. When bent perpendicular pffiffiffi
KIc ¼ Yðr þ rr Þ c; (3)
to the saw marks, the characteristic stregnth for mc-Si and
mono-like wafers is 229 and 212 MPa for the as-cut wafers, where r and rr are the applied stress and residual stress,
respectively, and 292 and 343 MPa for the post-etch wafers, respectively, c is the length of defects (cracks), and Y is a
respectively. The difference in measured fracture strength of dimensionless parameter that is related to the defect shape
these wafers can be explained by the residual stresses and and location, and KIc is the fracture toughness. Equation (3)
the orientation of microcracks in the wafers. suggests that a tensile (negative) residual stress will decrease
In four-line bending tests, the fracture strength of a sam- the fracture strength. This also explains the low fracture
ple will be determined by the largest tensile stress present, strength measured in the as-cut wafers.
which is usually located along the bottom surface of the sam- Equation (3) also indicates that there is a defect size
ple due to loading geometry. If there is residual stress present effect on the fracture strength. The characteristic defect size
in the sample, it will contribute additively to the bending on a diamond wire sawn wafer will vary depending on the

FIG. 6. (a) A representative surface topographical map of a diamond wire sawn wafer measured by a 3D laser confocal microscope, and schematics of charac-
teristic defects viewed from two prespectives: (b) perpendicular and (c) parallel directions.

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021909-5 Yang et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 021909 (2013)

FIG. 7. Distributions of the theoretically calculated defect size for (a) post-etch wafers and (b) as-cut wafers.

viewing orientation. It is known that in general the diamond maximum in the post-etch wafers. The high residual stresses,
sawn wafer surface consists of many scratching grooves and together with large microcracks, lead to low fracture strength
microcracks, as shown in Figure 6. As both the grooves and of the as-cut wafers. The fracture strength increases signifi-
microcracks are unidirectional, their effect on the observed cantly after removing the surface damage layer, which trans-
fracture strength will be quite different for different load ori- lates to a 2 to 3 lm defect size reduction for a 5 lm etch. The
entations, as can be explained from the perspective of frac- fracture strength anisotropy is related to the defects, scratch-
ture mechanics. Bending perpendicular to the saw marks, the ing grooves, and microcracks on the wafer surface.
scratching grooves can be considered as small round defects The results show a detrimental effect of tensile residual
as shown schematically in Figure 6(b). Bending parallel to stresses on the fracture strength of crystalline silicon wafers.
the direction of the saw marks, the long scratching lines and Higher tensile residual stresses will lead to lower fracture
associated subsurface microcracks effectively form a large strength. It is therefore critical to measure and quantify the
sharp defect as shown in Figure 6(c). The two different char- residual stresses in a wafer. The non-destructive measure-
acteristics of the defect size as a function of the relative ori- ment provided by a full field NIR polariscope is expected to
entation of applied load and cutting direction cause the be valuable for both offline and inline wafer inspections in
fracture strength anisotropy observed in the silicon wafers. solar cell manufacturing.
The characteristic length of defects in the two bending
orientations is calculated by Eq. (3) with parameters of The authors would like to thank the Silicon Solar Con-
Y ¼ 1:12, KIc ¼ 0:95 MPa m1=2 , and a maximum tensile re- sortium (SiSoC) industry members for providing the experi-
sidual stress of rr ¼ 37:5 MPa. Figure 7 shows the distribu- mental samples.
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