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Roll No. [ a ‘Answer Sheet No. y Sig. of Candidate, Sig. of Invigilator. PHYSICS S@C-I SECTION — A (Marks 12) Time allowed: 20 Minutes NOTE: Section-A Is compulsory. All parts of this section age to be answered on the question paper Itself. It should be completed in the first 20 minutes amd handed over to the Centre Superintendent. Deleting/overwriting is not allowed. Do not use lead pencil. Q1 Circle the correct option i.e. A/B/C /D. Each part cartes one mark. (i) The Least Count of a measuring cylinder is: A im B0.01mL ©. OlmL Do ImL. (ii) Significant figures in a number are: ‘A. Allthe accurately known digits and the firet doubtful digit 8 Allthe digits C. —Allthe accurately known digits D. _Allthe accurately known digits and all the doubtful digits (ii) When an object is moving with uniformly changing speed then the slope of the speed-time graph determines the magnitude of: A Displacement 8. Velocity ©. Acceleration 0. Momentum (iv) Astring is stretched by two equal and opposite forces F Newton each. The tension in the string is: A Zero 8 -2FNewton CC. —-FNewton OD. 3F Newton (¥) body is said to be in equilibrium i A. is velocity is not changing B. Its acceleration is uniform C. Its velocty is changing D. ts acceleration is not uniform (wv) Moon completes its one revolution around the earth in: A 27Adays «= «BSB Sdays «= «C.—=«6SS.Zhours D.(3.96. weeks (vi) Ifthe mass of a body is halved and the velocity fa doubled, then its kinetic energy will be a Sm 8 om © mt 2 Gm (ul) S-Unit for the thermal conductivity ofa solidi: A dig'k BK cK D Wm'K* (o%) How much heat energy is required to melt 250g of ice? (Latent heat of fusion of ice is 336000Jkg") A 840007 B 84000000, D. 13440007 (%) Pressure of a liquid depends on: A Depth in the liquid B. Depth and density of the liquis C. Depth and mass of the D. Density and weight ofthe liquid (xi) IF 1001" force moves a body of mass 3kg through a distance of 3m then work done will be: A 9007 B 600s Cc 3007 DB 1007 (xi) * The value of the ‘gravitational field strength’ of the Earth at a distance R(where Ris the radius of the Earth) from the surface of the Earth will be A SNkg* 8 10Nkg* C. | 2SNag” Do LANKg" For Examiner's use only: ‘Total Marks: 2 Marks Obtained: 18a 1007 0— Roll No. ‘Answer Sheet No. Sig. of Candidate: Sig. of Invigitator: _ banal onl oS CaP) Jie eg AAR LG 140 ML Rerre #1 Ghee bt F suite, ernie ie Set IL 5 Olm gy, 0.0m. im ah ab ne aft! enh oe aEigsencgheutt si en Pre npheutt ene -& net Ohi, ae CR bg Las Se DL peat bey Pah ro J 4 én wy Shee Gre RPS id we Behe yA Naleot iL eyF 5 er & GF we » Stn tre StAsirt mort oe nse bast at nepinye es snbasnd — -& eG Linu Liki tutsss =» turhess2 § -& 4283 owe i274 ih Sn LSS RIE Valin AL PEA an at ge trey-S1 LEAL BUA Wm K ” Ki og JK Jkg'K oh 336000" Arh Seub LI De bnew ASE TLEL MLS 2509 13440007, 13447 _g 84000000 840007 ah erosive LO ESBS LSE ne ited pork iS BEE rewis GE — -& SPS, PI SALLIE Hf Sk GIMP PL HOON A wo 307g oor 9007 Se BRIE! Lich, Lie EMER RAEI L.Nkg™ o 25Nkg" Lg 1 SNkg' it 18a 1807) — LHe ie Bo ee Branfiter hud tp ALLE tart ef pLlee see gelsrg vinliie i Oy) ww) Ww) wi) wi) wii) (oo CS) Co) CO) pl fiw “a 3 3 : : : PHYSICS $@C-1 gt lowed: 2:40 Hours Total Marks Sections B and C: 53 ‘Answer any eleven parts from Section ‘B” and any two @vestions from Section Provided answer book. Use supplementary answer shest Le. Sheot-S If required. Write your answers Neatly and legibly. ‘SECTION — B (Marks 302 Q.2 Answer any ELEVEN parts. The answer to each part should not exceed three to four lines. (11x 3= 33) ()_Oncclosing the stud and spindle of a screw gauge, the zero of the circular scale is behind the index line and 8th division of the circular scale coincides withthe index line. There are 50 divisions on the circular scale and the distance between two consecutive threads on the spindle 's 0.5mm. Find its zero error and zero correction (Define Atomic Physics and Nuclear Physics. (ii) A-cyclist competes half round of a circular track of diameter 636m in 1.5 minutes. Find his velocity (v) Define inertia. Describe the factor on which it depends. (¥) How much time is required to change 22Ns momentum by a force of 20 ? (vi) Cana small child play with a fat child on the see-saw? Briefly explain how? (vi) On the surface of the earth, the weight of a boy is 400NV but on a mountain peak his waight is 360 Calculate the value of ‘gon the mountain peak (vii) State the taw of gravitation. (x) Make a flow-diagram of energy conversion for a hydroelectric power station. (%) Describe Hooke's Law. (xi) Describe the factors on which upthrust ofa liquid depends, (xi) Why are a large number of slots made in radiators? (xi) Convert Igem” into kgm (xiv) a. Whydoes the temperature of a solid substance not increase during its fusion process? b. Differentiate between boiling and condensation. (xv) How does evaporation differ from vaporization? ‘SECTION - C (Marian. 20) Note: Attempt any TWO questions. All questions carry equal marks. (2x10 = 20) 3 a —__Drawdistance-time graph for an object moving with variable speed. (2.5) ii, How can the slope of the graph be determined? (1.5) ‘ii, What information does the slope provide? (02) b. State and explain Newton's first law of motion (242) 4 a. Define three states of equilibrium. Explain these statwe with reference to the centre of gravity. (2+2+2) b. _ Amotor boat moves at a steady speed of 4ms™'. Water resistance acting on itis 4000N . Calculate the power of its engine. (04) QS a. Define Pascal's Law and name any four working systems (machines) of its application. (142) b. Whats a bimetal strip? Name any two instrument where bimetal strip is used. (14) c. How much heat is lost in an hour through a glass window measuring 2.0m by 2.5m when inside temperature is 25°C and that of outside is 5°C,, the thickness of glass is 0.8cm and the value of K for glass is 0.8Wm'K~ (08) 184 1807 4 — a Pecgut cnal al Uh . Bed pe 1S £240 sb : PAN (200 SF BF pre at 2 (11) AL pre Le MRSS recattioynLetrl pr ob pn eed t Api nboatootia L Seg Siegd Abisheet B24 | 3344) pe @1x3=33) ute fuypipe FL Iz (Me dette Ur ESE fg He i Extent beg edie inti Be Lhe elEAG t Fhe bg Hb0.5 bb ientugig Ping leet a 0800 ; ALAA Wi) } Leb hinbrie tert SEU LE LLU K66 FALL dil) a serge tnt An ueassea — (wy Se Kr OTIS IONE LE Sigh SION PL Ww) Si forln Me Dor LEL AL SHS — (vi) eh S 9 chatty -< 20NU MU gbe Uy A ANIL IL gti (vi) voit HeS — wily { ae Meher sand LM wo ; fwitQf | Sebadin hc durger odin — Oi) i surbediuxS uuuLAeit (xii) | waptbaat kam” f gem (xy ‘ Seon técegim< ILL gua th (xiv) AAR one ae | te Bere Miguel! — wv) j (20%) pre | (2x10=20) Cpe Lui EU » SN) 42.8) wf stb LL nL Lae de hls We tir {as SUL ARE CG (ii) a) sere Kas (ily |eas2 afer sunFoeesugirLidke age kav242) FeLi lS elnS Ho ALA RMEIAE A (04) pp SAL tig MOON i SSpSod Ate Vee beet hE Ams tL ne e+) RE EY Bir wu su aon A, ah adr eo) ne bn alemsrcttenicme biadon ae i Soh 8C Sivan 2C fi bus tabrb ire sF LE fle LEAS IM 25m x2.0m 2 i (08) ge OW mK SISK E hag 08cm Sey 184 1207) — ; i i a my) Roll No. Answer Sheet No. Sig. of Candidate. Sig. of Invigilator,___ PHYSICS S8C-1 SECTION — A (Maske 12) Time allowed: 20 Minutes NOTE: Section-A Is compulsory. All parts of this section are to be It should be completed in the first 20 minutes and handed over to the Centre Superintendent. Deleting/overwriting is not allowed. Do not use lead pemcil. Q.1 Circle the correct option i.e. A/B/C /D. Each part cartes one mark. () 1.45 is rounded to: A 15 B14 ce 145 Dd (i) Asstone is dropped from a height of 30m. After 2 seconds its height from the Earth will be: A 10m Bo 1Sm C.20m D Sm (ii) Newton's first law of motion is valid only in the absence of: A Force B. Friction Momentum =D. Net force (iv) Aracing car is made stable by: A. Increasing its speed B. Decreasing its mass C. Lowering its centre of gravity D. Decreasing its width (¥) __SLUnit of the ‘gravitational field strength’ of the Eath is: A Nig" Bo Nk" c ms* D. NmPkg? (vi) The value of 'g' at a distance of 2 (where Ris the radius of the Earth) from the centre of the Earth is: A 20ms* B Sms? Cc 25ms? Be Norse (vil) In Einstein's mass-energy equation, ‘c”is the: A Speed of sound B. Speed of ight ©. Speed of electron D. Speed of Earth (vil) Ifthe power of a working system (machine) is 2088.8 wauts then its power in horsepower will be: A thp Bo o2.Thp Cc 29hp D.(2.8hp (fa matter has fixed volume but not permanent shape then the matter is in the state. A Plasma B Gaseous = C. Liquid D. Solid (Normal human body temperature is: A 18 B o3TC c 3TF dD 98eC (x) Sea breeze blows: A. Fromiand to sea B Atnight ©. _Fromland to sea in daytime D. —_Indaytime (xi) If 20N force produces an acceleration of Sms” in a body then the mass of the body will be A akg Bo oSkg c jhe D. ig For Examiner's use only: Total Marks: (2) | Werks Obtained: 184 1807 (0M — Roll No. / ‘Answer Sheet No. | Sig. of Candidate: Sig. of Invigilator: tp a C124P) Jim 2420 ey prt Wie 8 ei eretp ul ALLE Bat KS Alle tggonle tiie ahs | ge ALG LO Ay Sohne F 9 Glog bh F wiles adie i be, ALIAS (i) | 1 4 145 1a oe 15 re ible. or. babi ie otal. 30 il) bee sah oil 558 i we Hb PAS ne 210 ah | frgiteljetbardbetboe (ii) | Whee fe PF ww vai oh Surg treo, Ww) | LIN we Lifig \ -. ” Nmbkg? ms? Nmkg Neg! oh edd Sg HIKE. wi 1 1627 25ms? Sms | eUbotenesnrnd 28hp 29 21h, ips (9 ws Oo) 98.6°C ” oe =o j TE Ox) | enlen Phere as etl 9 here Ftcwin & | TWAT Aig HAW Sms? LPL vichc20— (xi | tig os the 2% Ske oe Oo pollo 12 AS fu 188 1007 (on) — TF wily | wbti elo KS owe DSi ah CaS tag uq Fre 2088846 Bins i) a he gh PHYSICS SSC-I Time allowed: 2:40 Hours Total Marks Sections B and C: §3 NOTE: Answer any eleven parts from Section ‘B’ and any #wo questions from Soction ‘on the separately provided answer book. Use supplementary answer, sheet i.e. Shest-5 if required. Write your answers neatly and legibly. SECTION — B (Magiae 33) @.2 Answer any ELEVEN parts. The answer to each part should not exceed three to four lines. ( 11x 3= 33) “ w@ iy (i) “7 wi) «wi wil) (oo Cc) (xi) xi) xi) xiv ow) Note: as a ce On closing the jaws of a Vemier Callipers, zero of the Vernier Scale is on the left to its main scale zero such that 4th division of its Vernier Scale coincides with one of the main scale division. Find its zero error and zero correction Name any six base quantities. Whyis the value of 'g' taken as negative when a body is thrown vertically upwards? Find the acceleration of a body ifit is moving with uniform velocity? ‘State Newton’s second aw of motion. Astone attached to a In: long string is moving with a speed of Sms“ in a circle. Find the centripetal acceleration of the stone, ‘Why a body cannot be in equilibrium under the aation of a single force. (On what factors the orbital speed of a satelite depends? Define work. Give its two formulas and SI-Unit, Atsea level, the atmospheric pressure is about 0.01013kVem"*. Convert it into No Define specific heat and give its formula, How does hot tea remain hot for a long time in a thermos flask? Define conduction and convection of heat. ‘Amachine is 12% efficient. If useful work done by the machine is 6 joules then calculate the total energy consumed by the machine. ‘What is the purpose of constriction in a clinical thermometer? SECTION ~ C (Mase 20) Attempt any TWO questions. All questions carry equal marks. (2x10= 4 Define and give two examples of each: (2+242) Prefixes i. Vibratory motion Third law of motion Find the magnitude and direction of a force if its x-component is 12/V and y-component is 5. (2+2) Define equilibrium and expiain first condition for equilibrium. (142) ‘The acceleration due to gravity on the surface of the moon is 1.62ms" and the radius of the moon is 1740km . Find the mass of the moon. (94) Write a note on Kelvin Scale of temperature. (93) How does Archimedes Principle help to determine the density of an object? (04) Define latent heat of fusion. Also give its formula. (21) How does greenhouse trap solar energy? (03) —18a 1007 (oN — bet odd onl GaS5A eat prio hh 220 sh +r AS & L pre wR AN WE pie py QietSrardtoyrLewrL py ot py eed yi nbvaslote L Se Stezd LWsheet sez) { | 0349) prio Lent flyripe FLiAz (Iie Se ttioue he | nebee Le mL Met entehe Ub ik ete nih La peigeen (i) | ES es oh ung Cig En ' pasf ti) a ea ea «iy Se ees WA wy | obdrgliithe — (w) | LIRA Se Sete tbe GS Sms" ALinieie GiSH1 (i) | See P IL toh eeseiersy — (viip | we tn A ieee Mec” (i | | { 1 aust they st vist! (Formulas) inl eaAs —in) AL ALRE Nm Se sig O.0101SNEM E32, etch (x) ut brsbu aS Specitic heat) o%.17 (xi) te diKhsenepecon? — (i BAS? (xi UF PREIS eh ie rst 68 Ag 2S (xv) Se ths (Constnction AeA — Ow) a0) pra x10=20) CurdeALuiirp LEU vw eS) +242) UttomS timc AS Lretibiow ah nde | oyiet i Ine Aww po Pieced oe SAIN DEY INGER KL oe 4) aor liARSEA W POALE ASE! ah indir ) LA pty g 140k 2b rye 162m? RLY oe 3) ted tw i } Seat MALL MSE Aetits +2) Aria BEE ong ) WL Giri 184 1607 (0M —

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