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Dragon Communication ebook

by Alphedia Arara

Welcome to the world of Dragons! Your soul has obviously called you to
remember and work with these wonderful beings of light!. The Dragon
consciousness has returned fully to Earth again after the 21.12.12 moment
and more and more Dragons are making themselves available to Humanity to
connect with. They are powerful spiritual energy beings and offer great
healing and transformation to those who call upon their sacred wisdom.

Dragons are very communicative beings when you have gained their trust
and will be loyal and helpful spiritual guardians and guides. They look for
respect, loyalty and integrity in those they work with. These are all qualities
that we as lightworkers will naturally carry. If there is any area of your life you
are living out of integrity with then the Dragons will highlight this to you.

When you decide to embark on a journey with the Dragon realm remember
they are masters of transformation, transmutation and alchemy (Divine
magic). They will start to transform areas of your life that are not in alignment
with your highest soul truth. This process can at times be challenging if we
are still attached to our ego (shadow) aspect but know that the key is to
surrender into the truth of your heart. This is not something your head can
figure out for you, it is something that comes through your intuition, your sixth
sense, psychic awareness and most people find it easier to connect with
Dragons in meditation and in dream time or healing sessions.
We are all here on Earth with the mission to find ourselves and follow our life
purpose. To be an expression of the Divine within and once we surrender our
ego to that way of being a life of magic, joy, soul happiness and success can

Allowing the Dragons into your life can bring great change, freedom, clear
direction and focus in life as well as deep soul healing. The Dragons are
returning to Earth from many realms and dimensions now through the Dragon
portals that were shut down at the end of Atlantis. Many lightworkers are
being called to work with the Dragons for Earth healing and to support others
going through the Ascension Process in the many realms.

You may have deep memories of working with Dragons in Atlantis especially
during the Golden Age, when Humans were at the height of their spiritual
powers. Their energy may feel familiar and natural, exciting your spiritual self
and deep remembrance of your life purpose.

If the Dragons have started to visit you in dreams, healing sessions and
meditations know they are calling to you wanting to work with you again. The
wisdom they offer can have a profound effect on your life bringing in joy, bliss
and inner soul satisfaction but the Dragons will push you to help you step fully
into the inner light. At times the journey of transformation is not always easy
as we go through the inner death cycle to rebirth into the new.

The Dragons offer us this opportunity to move more fully into the inner soul
truth of who we are. To do this we require to let go however of the trauma,
karma and conditioning of not just this life time but our past lives as well. We
are the product of many incarnations here on Earth. Everyone is at different
stages in their Ascension awakening. All of us are of different levels of
consciousness understanding. The Dragons are here, however, to work with
everyone who hears their call, feels curious about them and maybe even
hears an inner yearning and calling to connect.

Many lightworkers are returned to Earth as Earth healers to support Mother

Gaia as she goes through her Ascension process also. The Dragons are
coming to us Earth healers, calling to assist them with the leyline healing and
reactivation of the energy lines. Many of us are called to work with the crystal
Dragon skulls to strengthen the leylines and the Earth energy grid structures
and to reawaken dormant Earth energy vortexes and portals often at stone

Some of you will have your own Guardian Dragons who are around you
waiting for you to ask them to assist you in your life. They want to be called
upon and to be used to help you feel supported in life and fulfilled.

On the website you will find lots of invocations to call on different dragons
however by working on your intuition, your psychic self, you can develop to
be able to hear, see, feel or know what they are trying to communicate with

I have compiled a quiz to help you find out which is your strongest sixth sense
and how the Dragons are trying to communicate psychically with you. Once
you know, you can then start to work with them to receive psychic guidance
and wisdom from these powerful ally guides.

There is free information through the Dragon Wisdom School website on how
to open your sixth sense and what it is. Like everything, practice makes
perfect so the more you work on clearing your blocks and trusting your
intuition the easier the communication can become. I also offer Dragon Soul
Channellings, periodically, to help you get guidance from your Dragon guides
if you would like direct contact from the Dragons channelled personally for

Sixth Sense Quiz

These 4 questions will help guide you to what your strongest sixth sense is.
Ultimately we want to be able to receive Dragon wisdom from all four of our
main sixth senses.

The best way to experience this quiz is through taking your awareness into
your heart centre. You may wish to take a moment to close your eyes, take a
deep breath and relax. Focus on a ball of love within your heart centre. Feel
yourself relax as you do this. Let your muscles soften and just focus on your
rhythmical breathing. Ground your roots of light down deep into mother Earth.
Now you are ready to move your awareness into your intuitive self. The
intuitive self resides within the heart centre away from the active mind. Circle
or write down the letter of the statement that resonates with you most. You
can call on your Dragon guides to help you with it if you wish.

Question 1
Think about when you meet someone new for the first time. What do
you notice first about them?

a) The colour of the their hair, the clothes they are wearing, how they look?

b) What they say to you, how their voice sounds?

c) How the person made you feel? Safe, happy, uplifted, depressed,

d) What they told you, the information they imparted to you, the wisdom you

Question 2
Think of your favourite film or television show. When you think of it
what do you remember?

a) What the actors and actresses look like, what they are wearing, what the
scenery or staging looks like?

b) What they speak like, the words of lines, the music, the sounds of it

c) How the film or tv programme made you feel? Does invoke feelings of
happiness, joy, sadness?

d) What information you learned from it. The life lessons imparted or
knowledge you gained.
Question 3
Imagine you are going for a day at the seaside. If you have never been
to the ocean then somewhere you would go for a nice day out. What do
you remember first?

a) The sights of the waves, the colour of the sky, the views of the
environment, the clothes others are wearing?

b) The sounds of the waves, children playing, birds calling, people


c) How you felt when you were there, relaxed, peaceful, anxious, upset?

d) The information you learnt from that day trip. Any knowledge gathered?

Question 4
Think of your last holiday. What is the first memory that comes to mind?

a) The views, the scenery, what the landscape looked like, the clothes
people wore?

b) The voices of the people, the languages spoken, what people said to

c) How you were feeling when you were there. What you enjoyed or disliked
in the experience?

d) New wisdom you came back with, the lessons learned from the
experience, new knowledge or skills you learnt?

Now tally up your letters you circled. The majority of you will have one letter
that is more predominant than others. That is your primary sixth sense. If you
don’t and you have a mixture it means that you are using more then one sixth
sense which is ultimately what we are all aiming for.
If you were mostly As

This means you are primarily a clairvoyant. You receive your psychic
information through visions and dreams. You are able to see into other
dimensions from your third eye which is stored in the centre of your forehead.
This chakra helps you to see into other timelines also. The Dragons will give
you messages though dreams, visions, in meditations or may visually appear
to you. You notice the world through visual signs.You may see flashes of
colour as the Dragons come around you. Good crystals to enhance this sixth
sense are amethyst, lapis lazuli, sodalite.

If you are mostly Bs

This means you are primarily clairaudient. You are able to psychically hear
into other realms and the dragons talking to you. They will bring you guidance
through sound and words. You may clearly hear them speak words of wisdom
to you in meditations, dreams and healings. The ear chakras and throat
chakra help you to communicate with them. You will be sensitive to noise,
often hearing in the physical realm things others do not. Good crystals to help
you enhance this sixth sense are clear quartz (known as the amplifier crystal),
turquoise, aquamarine, blue topaz.

If you are mostly Cs

This means you are primarily clairsentient. 90% of lightworkers have this as
their primary sixth sense. You will psychically feel the dragons around you.
You will feel energy changes and feel their healing energy. The chakra you
experience this through is the heart chakra. The Dragons will communicate
with you through your feelings. Maybe butterflies in the stomach or waves of
tingles through your body when they want you to know you are on the right
path with your feelings. If they want to warn you, you will get gut feelings of
foreboding or warning. You will also feel drained if the energy around you is
not supportive for you or too low for your energy field to cope with. In
meditations and dreams you will get a sense of what the Dragons are trying
to convey in guidance to you and pick up on others energy fields intuitively
knowing if someone is upset or reacting even if they are not telling you they
are upset or unhappy about something. Good crystals to amplify this sixth
sense are rose quartz, green aventurine, chrysoprase.
If you are mostly Ds

You are primarily a claircognizant. This is the rarest to have as a primary sixth
sense. Claircognizance is also known as clear knowing. It is when the
Dragons’ knowledge is downloaded through your crown chakra. The Dragons
will often bring knowledge to you if you ask a question then meditate on it, the
knowledge is downloaded into you as wisdom. It can happen in your sleep
too so if you, for example, want the answer to a question ask it before bed
and you will awaken in the morning with the knowledge you are seeking.
Good crystals for claircognizance are sugalite, charorite and purple fluorite.

You can practice developing your sixth sense and your intuition by regular
chakra clearing, healing and balancing meditations which are a good place to
start to amplify your sixth sense. Once your chakras are balanced and
opened it is much easier to receive psychic guidance.

You can also try automatic writing as a way to get guidance. This is when you
connect into your intuitive self and ask the Dragons a question and allow
yourself to start writing down guidance that they wish to impart. Often it can
become like the words just flow through the pencil or pen onto the page. It is
how I started to get my psychic information. The key thing is to have
perseverance and if at the start nothing comes through just trust that it will
happen. So many people give up too early just before the break through of
communication starts.

The online shop has lots of different workshops I have channelled from the
Dragons over the years to aid you on your spiritual work with them. Most of
the workshops include chakra clearing meditations and healing.

You can also join our Dragon Wisdom School group on Facebook and
connect with other light minded Dragon lovers.

I wish you many blessings on your Dragon journey and feel free to contact us
with any questions or feedback on the website.

Love Alphedia xxx

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