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(SOLVED) Following with Exercise 7 of Chapter 13 How

volatile are
Following with Exercise 7 of Chapter 13 How volatile are Following with Exercise 7 of Chapter
13: How volatile are house prices? You have downloaded house prices for several MSAs and
calculated their growth rate. Compute their 1-step-ahead volatility forecast by implementing the
best (G)ARCH process. Which MSAs are more […]

In Exercise 5 of Chapter 13 you downloaded the time In Exercise 5 of Chapter 13, you
downloaded the time series of US CPI and GDP and constructed the inflation rate and GDP
growth. For each, calculate the unconditional mean, and compute the 1-step-ahead volatility
forecast by implementing the best […]

Update the time series of the SP500 index in Section Update the time series of the SP500 index
in Section 14.1 and comment on the volatility of recent times compared to that of past times.
Compute the autocorrelation functions of returns and squared returns. Find the best ARCH
process to […]

Simulate two GARCH 1 1 processes one with low persistence and Simulate two GARCH (1,1)
processes, one with low persistence and the other with high persistence in variance. For each
process, plot the time series and the conditional variances. Plot the histograms of the original
time series and of the […]


In Section 14 2 we have constructed the daily realized volatility In Section 14.2 we have
constructed the daily realized volatility measurement for the SP500 index returns. Suppose that
we would like to construct the monthly realized volatility of the SP500 index returns by
aggregating daily squared returns. Construct such […]

Simulate an ARCH 4 process with high persistence in variance Simulate an ARCH (4) process
with high persistence in variance. Plot the time series and the conditional variances. Plot the
histograms of the original time series and of the standardized time series. Comment on their
differences. Compute the autocorrelograms of […]

Download the daily stock prices of several stocks that belong Download the daily stock prices of
several stocks that belong to the index that you downloaded in Exercise 8. Calculate their
returns and compute their 1-step-ahead volatility forecast by implementing MA and EWMA. Are
they more or less volatile than […]


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