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Enthusiasts of the psychedelic drug culture may dislike my conclusion: that DMT has no beneficial
effects in and of itself; that rather, the context in which people take it is at least as important

PG 68

When our individual life force enters our fetal body, the moment in which we become truly
human, it passes through the pineal and triggers the first primordial flood of DMT.

Later, at birth, the pineal releases more DMT.

In some of us, pineal DMT mediates the pivotal experiences of deep meditation, psychosis, and
near-death experiences. As we die, the life-force leaves the body through the pineal gland,
releasing another flood of this psychedelic spirit molecule.

PG 74

An example of the powerful effects of resonance is when a particular note shatters a glass, even
though the sound is not especially loud. The glass vibrates sympathetically, or resonates, at the
same frequency as that of surrounding sound. Certain notes can create intolerable stress within
the unique structure of the glass, and it bursts. In a similar way, meditative techniques using
sound, sight, or the mind may generate particular wave patterns whose fields induce resonance in
the brain.

PG 76

He has found that those born by Cesarean section are less able to "let go" in psychedelic therapy
than those born vaginally. The presence of psychedelic levels of DMT at normal birth, and
inadequate levels during Cesarean births due to too little stress-hormone-induced DMT output,
may explain this finding.

PG 82

Thus the soul's rebirth, the pineal, and the sexual organs all require forty-nine days before they

PG 83

In the case of human beings, these unmetabolized tendencies, this unfinished business, can enter
the fetus only when it is "ready." This readiness may require forty-nine days, too, and may take
the form of a pineal gland able to synthesize DMT. The pineal could act as an antenna or lightning
rod for the soul.

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