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Grade 4 FSL 2021

Timeline: 15 weeks (4 lessons per week)

-Le meteo Jan. 11- Feb. 18 (6 weeks)
-La famille Feb. 22- April 1 (6 weeks)
-Review and fun time together April 12-14 (my last 3 days)

Inquiry questions / guiding questions/ units / focus :

-How does one talk about the weather in French?
-How does one talk about their family and the families of their friends in French?

-Many students struggle to sit and stay on task for very long, these lessons are designed to be
fast-paced and include many small activities to keep students engaged.
-ASL signs are demonstrated throughout each class, with the hope that it will help keep some
students' hands busy and away from other distractions.

Teaching strategies and Instructional approaches:

-Interleaving and spacing to ‘make it stick’
-Play-based learning
-ASL for vocabulary retention (experiential)

Guests / Events / Activities:

-Metis elder talk about Michif?
-Weather reports in French during the morning intercom messages

General learning outcomes

G L O s

Communication Language Culture Language Learning

Students will use their Students will use, with Students will use their Strategies
knowledge of French to accuracy, knowledge of knowledge of different Students will use their
understand and/or to linguistic elements of the Francophone cultures and knowledge of strategies to
express a message French language to fulfill their own culture to be enhance learning and to
effectively in various their communicative able to interact communicate in French
situations for a variety of intents. appropriately within these
purposes. cultures.
Week Themes/ Specific Learning Objectives Assessments

1 Observation and n/a n/a

(jan.4) climitization

(Students are doing

at-home learning)

2 Get to know me / Language Pre-

(jan.11) them • demonstrate an understanding of vocabulary associated assessment /
Expectations with: Get to know
Learn their names – introductions them worksheet:
– greetings Qui suis-je
Self assessments – leave-taking
– politeness Self-assessment:
Introduction to – classroom routines European
weather unit • use the following linguistic elements, mainly orally and language
(il fait froid/chaud) sometimes in written form, in modelled situations, to portfolio “i
communicate a simple message: can…”
Intro to weather – vocabulary associated with classroom routines and statements
reporting interactions (e.g., Est-ce que je peux aller aux
toilettes?/Répétez, s’il vous plaît.) Weather report
Meteorology -demonstrate an understanding of vocabulary associated #1
Intro. Into winter – days of the week
mini-unit – months of the year
– dates
– weather
– temperature

-identify reasons for learning a second language and more
specifically, French
-• demonstrate awareness of the following cultural
characteristics of the French language:
– greetings
– leave-taking expressions
– addressing people

– guess the meaning of an unknown word or expression
– use visual clues (e.g., pictures, gestures, illustrations) and
auditory clues (e.g., street noises, intonation, sighs)
– associate a gesture, a symbol or an illustration with a
– ask questions, in the first language, to clarify or verify that
a message has been understood
3 Unit 1: Le Temps Language Formative /
(jan.18) – vocabulary associated with an Alberta winter celebration following along
Winter / Hiver (e.g., cabane à sucre) activity:
mini unit – symbols associated with these holidays (e.g., une Mon
fleur/une rose, cupidon) dictionnaire
(il fait froid, il neige,
il gèle, il grêle, les Culture Weather report
flocons de neige, -Canadien culture (toques, double doubles?) #2
c’est glissant, la
glace) Strategies
– find a different way of conveying a message (e.g.,
gestures, drawing, pointing to an example, using a different
word or expression to approximate meaning)
-Play based learning

4 Winter review Language Weather report

(jan. 25) By completing and -Demonstrate an understanding of vocabulary associated #3 and #4
practicing weather with -seasons -weather -Quel temps fait-il?
reports Weather info.
Culture gap activity
Summer / l’Été mini -What is the weather like in Haiti?
unit Tout le temps
Strategies statement
(il fait chaud, il fait -Play based learning
du soleil, il fait – guess the meaning of an unknown word or expression
orageux, il fait – associate a gesture, a symbol or an illustration with a
nuageux, un éclair) message

Two meanings of
‘le temps’

Reading of ‘Pat le
chat: je danse tout
le temps’

5 Summer / l’Été Language LOTO weather

(feb. 1) review -Demonstrate an understanding of vocabulary associated vocabulary
with -seasons -weather -Quel temps fait-il? – days of the
Fall / Automne week – months of the year – dates Weather report
mini-unit #5 and #6
(Il fait frais - Identify the fact that calendars in France typically display Fall vocabulary
Le brouillard Monday as the first day of the week research
Le gel
Les feuilles) Strategies
– ask questions to clarify understanding
Le soleil et le vent – ask the speaker to repeat the message
reading and bingo – ask the speaker to speak more slowly
Les fermes
Les prairies

6 Fall / Automne Language L’arc-en-ciel

(feb. 8) Review -Demonstrate an understanding of vocabulary associated color review
with -seasons -weather -Quel temps fait-il?
Spring / Le – vocabulary associated with an Alberta winter celebration Weather reports
printemps mini unit (e.g., cabane à sucre) #7 and #8
– the names of traditional holidays (e.g., la Saint-Valentin)
Bonhomme est – the colours associated with these holidays (e.g., la Saint- Formative
Métis Valentin – le rouge et le blanc) assessment: Par
– symbols associated with these holidays (e.g., une le fenêtre
Carnival de fleur/une rose, cupidon) drawing
Quebec – vocabulary related to specific holiday greetings and wishes
(e.g., Bonne fête des mères!)
(il fait beau, les
fleurs, la pluie, il Culture
pleut, l’arc-en-ciel, -Métis culture
-identify French songs, nursery rhymes or counting rhymes
Color review (e.g., Savez-vous planter les choux?) (does this count?)

L'araignee Gypsy Strategies

(itsy bitsy spider) – activate prior knowledge and experiences
– represent meaning by using mental images, illustrations or
graphic representations

7 No school feb. 15 Language Final weather

(feb.15) (family day) -Demonstrate an understanding of vocabulary associated reports
with -seasons -weather -Quel temps fait-il? – basic colours - (recorded or
Final projects an Alberta winter celebration – holiday greetings and wishes acted in front of
Weather reporters – common holiday symbols the teacher)

Recorded for Culture

morning intercom -identify reasons for learning a second language and more
announcements specifically, French

– reflect on and articulate, in English, what they have
learned and can demonstrate in French
– develop a plan, in English, to complete a class project
(e.g., create a timeline for completing research or for the
preparation of a piece of writing or artwork)
– combine new learning of vocabulary with previously
learned vocabulary
– practise a word, an expression or a grammatical pattern
– participate willingly in French language learning

8 Unit 2: La Famille Language Personal stick

(feb. 22) Sensitivity -associate each letter of the alphabet with its corresponding family
Pets -demonstrate an understanding of vocabulary associated
Family members with:– family pets La famille de
-use the following linguistic elements: -family pets mon animal de
Comment compagnie
s’appelle… Culture
-recognize that there are often equivalents in French for
il/elle s’appelle common English first names (e.g., Pierre = Peter; Marie =
Mary) (morty?)
Le cas du manteau
mystérieux Strategies
Some clothing -develop and use comprehension strategies to facilitate the
vocab. (manteau, understanding of an oral or written message – guess the
souliers, chapeau, meaning of an unknown word or expression – use visual
carte) clues – associate a gesture, a symbol or an illustration with a
message – activate prior knowledge and experiences

9 Review: les Language La famille de

(mar. 1) membres de la -state that there are three different words to indicate mon ami
famille ownership for “my” (mon, ma, mes) and “your” (ton, ta, tes)
-demonstrate an understanding of vocabulary associated Mon > Son
Mon/Ton/Son with: – family members sentences
Voici ma famille -identify reasons for learning a second language and more
specifically, French (helping others communicate about their
Extended family families)?
– guess the meaning of an unknown word or expression
(No school march 4 – represent meaning by using mental images, illustrations or
- Teachers graphic representations
convention) – use repetition (e.g., listen again to a text or reread a text
that is causing difficulty)

10 Cluedo Language Family trees are

(mar. 8) -demonstrate an understanding of vocabulary associated being added to
Talk about words with: – family members
for grandparents in – vocabulary for making introductions Pre-assessment
different cultures -’où est’ about a friend :
Qui es-tu?
Qui suis-je? Culture
-recognize that learning another language and developing
Present tense of knowledge about other cultures is a lifelong learning process
avoir (j’ai un mere)

Rap de famille Strategies

-collaborate with others to brainstorm, resolve problems,
rehearse and communicate messages
- use a rhyme or a song to help remember vocabulary,
expressions or grammatical rules.

11 Labelled family Language Family portraits

(mar. 15) portraits -demonstrate an understanding of vocabulary associated : SDS30
with: – family members – approval and praise summative
Reading the case assessment
Solve the case -recognize that learning another language and developing
knowledge about other cultures is a lifelong learning process
Métis infinity
symbol Strategies
– guess the meaning of an unknown word or expression
Le cas des photos – use visual clues (e.g., pictures, gestures, illustrations) and
melangees auditory clues (e.g., street noises, intonation, sighs)
– associate a gesture, a symbol or an illustration with a
Classroom objects message
review – identify cognates (e.g., forest–forêt; carnival–carnaval)

12 Cultural holidays Language Exit slips for

(mar. 22) -demonstrate an understanding of vocabulary associated cultural elements
La famille de Luc with: – family members– the names of traditional holidays –
likes and dislikes - age -dates Comprehension
Red River jig questions
Likes/dislikes -Students cultural celebrations and diversity
-recognize that the song “Happy Birthday” varies from
Happy birthday culture to culture (e.g., Bonne fête in Canada/Joyeux
song anniversaire in France/ Gens du pays in Québec)

Some personality Strategies

characteristics – take the risk to listen to or read a new text in French
-Use a rhyme or a song to help remember vocabulary,
expressions or grammatical rules.
-combine new learning of vocabulary with previously learned

13 Work time Language Final project:

(mar. 29) For final projects -state that there are three different words to indicate Photo album
ownership for “my” (mon, ma, mes) and “your” (ton, ta, tes) descriptions
Talk about family -state that voici and voilà are used to point out a person or a
celebrations thing
– physical and personality traits – likes and dislikes – family
members – family pets

-recognize that learning another language and developing
knowledge about other cultures is a lifelong learning process
-recognize elements of Francophone cultures in the

– read instructions thoroughly before beginning a task
– ask for clarification of a task before beginning
– develop a plan, in English, to complete a class project
(e.g., create a timeline for completing research or for the
preparation of a piece of writing or artwork)

14 Easter Break all n/a n/a

(april 5) week

15 Review and party Language Family member

(april 12- -state that voici and voilà are used to point out a person or a info. gap
14) thing activity
– physical and personality traits – likes and dislikes – family
members – family pets

-recognize that learning another language and developing
knowledge about other cultures is a lifelong learning process

– combine new learning of vocabulary with previously
learned vocabulary
– practise a word, an expression or a grammatical pattern
– repeat a new word or expression, silently or aloud
– repeat a new word silently and associate it with an image
Grade 6 FSL 2021

Timeline: 10 weeks (18 lessons, 2 per week)

-Les sports: Fév. 1- April 1
-Review and fun time together April 12-14 (my last 3 days)

Inquiry questions / guiding questions/ units / focus :

-How does one talk about the sports and activities in which they participate in French?

Teaching strategies
-Interleaving and spacing to ‘make it stick’
-Play-based learning

-Many students struggle to pay attention or be engaged during this class. Stretching and brain
breaks will be incorporated at the beginning or the middle of class, according to when the
students appear in need of a break.
-ASL signs are demonstrated throughout each class, with the hope that it will help keep some
students' hands busy and away from other distractions.

Guests? / Activities
-Lacrosse player talk about First Nations background??
-Mystery games played in the exercise room

General Learning Outcomes

G L O s

Communication Language Culture Language Learning

Students will use their Students will use, with Students will use their Strategies
knowledge of French to accuracy, knowledge of knowledge of different Students will use their
understand and/or to linguistic elements of the Francophone cultures and knowledge of strategies to
express a message French language to fulfill their own culture to be enhance learning and to
effectively in various their communicative able to interact communicate in French
situations for a variety of intents. appropriately within these
purposes. cultures.
Week Themes/ Activities Objectives Assessments

5 Get to know me / Language Pre-assessment /

(feb. 1) them – introductions Get to know them
Expectations – greetings worksheet: Qui
– leave-taking suis-je
Intro to unit: Les – politeness
sports – classroom routines Self-assessment:
• use the following linguistic elements, mainly orally and European
Le cas de la sometimes in written form, in modelled situations, to language
catastrophe au communicate a simple message: portfolio “i
gymnase – vocabulary associated with classroom routines and can…”
interactions (e.g., Est-ce que je peux aller aux statements
J’aime / J’adore / toilettes?/Répétez, s’il vous plaît.)
Je déteste
-identify reasons for learning a second language and more
specifically, French
-• demonstrate awareness of the following cultural
characteristics of the French language:
– greetings
– leave-taking expressions
– addressing people

– guess the meaning of an unknown word or expression
– use visual clues (e.g., pictures, gestures, illustrations) and
auditory clues (e.g., street noises, intonation, sighs)
– associate a gesture, a symbol or an illustration with a
– ask questions, in the first language, to clarify or verify that
a message has been understood

6 Review sports Language SDS101 formative

(feb. 8) vocabulary with -recognize that jouer à is used with certain sports and assessment of
guessing game activities and that faire de is used with others sports
– common physical activities – seasonal sports and equipment and
Sports equipment activities – expressions of personal preference the body parts
– expressions of personal preference (e.g., j’aime, je n’aime they belong on
Simon a dit (body pas, je déteste, je préfère…)
parts review or
introduction) Culture
-recognize that subject area content can be learned in
Preferences French

À l’action game

7 No school feb. 15 Language Checklist for

(feb.15) (family day) -recognize that jouer à is used with certain sports and participation in
Spring activities and that faire de is used with others games
– common physical activities – seasonal sports and
Review class and activities – expressions of personal preference
games (chat – vocabulary associated with le Carnaval de Québec (e.g.,
perché, balle- Bonhomme Carnaval, les sculptures de glace, défilé)
mystère) (as one
class will only Culture
have one lesson - the names of two winter Francophone celebrations in
this week) Canada (e.g., le Festival du Voyageur à Saint-Boniface au
Manitoba, le Carnaval de Québec au Québec)
Carnival de -recognize that subject area content can be learned in
Quebec / Mardi French

8 -er verbs Language Checklist for

(feb. 22) -explain, orally in their own words, the –er verb conjugation participation in
instructions/impera pattern in the present tense games
tive commands – singular forms of common –er verbs (e.g., jouer, danser,
(vas-y, allez, regarder) – all forms of the verb aimer – all forms of the verb SDS104 : Mettez
frappez, lancez, détester le cas en ordre
etc.) -state, orally in their own words, that in French the verb avoir
is used in some expressions where the verb “to be” is used
Il y a in English (e.g., J’ai faim. vs I am hungry.)
– expressions of physical state (e.g., J’ai
Ball mystere chaud/froid/soif/faim.)
– expressions of health (e.g., J’ai mal à la tête./Je suis en
Effects of sports bonne santé.)

-recognize that subject area content can be learned in

9 Prepositions Language Checklist for

(mar. 1) -state, orally in their own words, that the preposition used in participation in
Visit the exercise conjunction with the means of transportation varies games
room to practice according to the type of transportation being used (e.g., à
prepositions using bicyclette, en autobus) Copie mon
our bodies dessin

Review verbs in Culture Vrai ou faux?

the imperative -recognize that subject area content can be learned in
Review of body
parts (simon a dit)

Lacrosse (First
Nations game with
a French name)

Reading the case

10 Final project work Language Final project:
(mar. 8) time : design your -state, orally in their own words, that the preposition used in Mystery games
own mystery game conjunction with the means of transportation varies
and teach us to according to the type of transportation being used (e.g., à SDS113 and
play it bicyclette, en autobus) SDS114
-recognize that jouer à is used with certain sports and
activities and that faire de is used with others
– common physical activities – seasonal sports and
activities – expressions of personal preference
– expressions of physical state (e.g., J’ai

-recognize that subject area content can be learned in

11 Cas 8 : cas du Language L’heure

(mar. tournoi de la – the names of common physical activities (e.g., une
15) coupe mystère promenade, des exercices d’aérobie) – the names of L’horaire des
seasonal sports (e.g., le soccer, le ski) trains
Geography of – expressions related to physical activities and seasonal
Quebec sports (e.g., Je joue au baseball en été./Je fais du ski en
hiver./Je saute à la corde.)
Expressions of – names and locations of major towns and cities (e.g.,
weather and Edmonton se trouve au centre de la province./Brooks est
seasons review dans le sud de l’Alberta.) – names and locations of some
Francophone communities (e.g., Falher est dans le nord de

-recognize that subject area content can be learned in

12 Clothing to pack Language Quel temps fait-

(mar. according to – the names of common physical activities (e.g., une il?
22) weather promenade, des exercices d’aérobie) – the names of
seasonal sports (e.g., le soccer, le ski) Des phrases
Travel – expressions related to physical activities and seasonal fofolles (oral
sports (e.g., Je joue au baseball en été./Je fais du ski en checklist)
hiver./Je saute à la corde.)
Dans ma valise
-recognize that subject area content can be learned in

13 Final project work Language Final project:

(mar. time – the names of common physical activities (e.g., une Notre voyage
29) promenade, des exercices d’aérobie) – the names of
seasonal sports (e.g., le soccer, le ski)
– expressions related to physical activities and seasonal
sports (e.g., Je joue au baseball en été./Je fais du ski en
hiver./Je saute à la corde.)
-state, orally in their own words, that the preposition used in
conjunction with the means of transportation varies
according to the type of transportation being used (e.g., à
bicyclette, en autobus)
-recognize that jouer à is used with certain sports and
activities and that faire de is used with others

-recognize that subject area content can be learned in
-state, in French, that Canada has two official languages—
French and English
-recognize elements of Francophone cultures in the
community (e.g., a French restaurant offering service in
French; a police officer who can speak French and English)

14 Easter Break n/a n/a

(april 5)

15 Review and Language Formative final

(april 12- celebration – the names of common physical activities (e.g., une project (ASL?)
14) promenade, des exercices d’aérobie) – the names of
seasonal sports (e.g., le soccer, le ski)
– expressions related to physical activities and seasonal
sports (e.g., Je joue au baseball en été./Je fais du ski en
hiver./Je saute à la corde.)

-recognize that subject area content can be learned in

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