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Question or Your speech Pictures that illustrate what you are
topic to going to say.
Say hello Hello everyone/hi, there!/good Cover
This is my oral presentation of English level
Introduce the Well, the topic of this presentation is the Outline
topic of your impact of Coca Cola Company on the
video environment. I want to start by
introducing myself, then I will give a
brief explanation about the impact of Coca-
Cola Company to the environment, and to
finish I will describe actions to reduce this

Introduce Let’s start/Let’s get started

My name is
(name)_____________________, I study
(program)________________. I am
(age)__________ years old. I live in
(city)_________. I work at
(occupation)_________________. I am Anne Systems engineering

What is Coca- Let’s move to the main topic of this

Cola Company? presentation.
The Coca-Cola Company is an American
multinational beverage corporation
headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia.
The company produces Coca-Cola, invented
in 1886 by pharmacist John Pemberton. Its
presence around the world has affected the
environment mostly because of the massive
plastic production.

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