From Me To You!!!

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-1From me to you!!!

Your Depicted email sent to me below.

Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2011 13:56:20 -0800

Subject: Listen Up

Your Pathetic You Block Me Of Facebook.. You Are Sleeping With Other Woman.. That's
Sad STOP THINKING WITH YOUR DICK N Think With Your Head N Your Heart..
Sex ISN'T Everything.. When You Make A Promise To Stay By My Side Threw Hard
Times, N You Were Only Mine N No Other Girl Bc I Was "Everything" To You.. Did You
Ever Tell The Truth? You Ignore Me On Facebook BE A MAN N FACE ME LIKE A
MAN.. You Want To Run Your Lil Mouth About Me N YOUR Daughter Then Were Gone
N Out Of Your Life. You Need To Grow Up Trenton Your Having A Kid Wether You Like
It Or Not. Shes Your Daughter 100% You Can Pay For YOur Stupid DNA Test But If
Your Treating Her Like Your Daughter While Shes In Mine Stomach Your Not Getting
The Satisfaction Of Getting To Be In Her Life Bc Of It. Thats Sad You Know Shes Yours
But You Wanna Push Me N Kaydan Out Of Your Life Then Were Gone. Im Maturing N
Working On My Problems Its Time You Work On Yours As Well..
Everything in this email has been broken down to just give you a small hint of what you put me
threw .
Please enjoy!!!! :D
(For your information)
1. I Am A Very Successful Young Adult.
2. I have a mature reason For everything I do. If you don't like it walk away .
3. I don't have to explane my reasons or choices to anyone who continually
disrespects me.
4. I am old enough and have experienced more in my life then you have.
5. I understand how to deal with difficult situations .
6. I don't know where you get off thinking you can tell me what I can do or why
you ever thought you could!
7. I could care less what you think of my choices anymore ! (Good)-(Bad) You
chose to treat me the way you have and lost me. (Deal with it)
8. I know that when I am treated poorly nothing can stop me from walking
away at any point. (Baby)-or-(Not)
9. I don't have to deal with your immaturity.
10. I have proved I wanted to be by your side and the babys countless times. Im
11. I have every right to question whether that baby is mine or not! (You Told Me
when we got back together after Devon that you would "Pay some one to get
you prego so that way you would always have something to love" Cus I was
not in your life! We have been having unprotected sex for more then 3 years
cus I was not to be able to have kids. Why all the sudden are you prego?
within 2 months of that comment. We had been on and off in our relationship,
Sorry it dose not add up! Their is no reason why I should not be interested in
knowing if it is mine with your (history)of sleeping with other guys. (because
of me not being in your life)
12. I am not denying I want to be apart of the baby's life!
13. I dont have to put up with your bullshit!

To help you better understand !!!
(The numbers above correspond with the reasons Below.)

• (2.) I am not "Pathetic" to Block you off (MY) Facebook. (I don't have to
have your Drama posted on my wall)
• (8.) Starting your first accusation agents me saying that I am "Sleeping
with other woman" is a very (POOR)and(IMMATURE) way to start a
conversation with me.
• (6.) (This comment is an example of telling me what I can and cant do)
• (10) "When You Make A Promise To Stay By My Side Threw Hard
Times, N You Were Only Mine N No Other Girl Bc I Was "Everything" To
You.."<I have taken time off work and spent many days hours and cash on you.>
[Including all the doctor and emergency visits]
• (10) "Did You Ever Tell The Truth?"
• (3) "You Ignore Me On Facebook BE A MAN N FACE ME LIKE A MAN.."
• (11) "You Want To Run Your Lil Mouth About Me N YOUR Daughter
Then Were Gone N Out Of Your Life."
• (12) "You Need To Grow Up Trenton Your Having A Kid Wether You
Like It Or Not." ( I dont need To deal with you ) (Baby)-or-(not)
• (5)‘You Can Pay For YOur Stupid DNA Test But If Your Treating Her Like
Your Daughter While Shes In Mine Stomach Your Not Getting The
Satisfaction Of Getting To Be In Her Life Bc Of It.”

(You said)

I am maturing N Working On My Problems Its Time You Work On Yours As Well.."

Just in this one email? I think your all the same

(You tell me all the time that its not my fault its yours)
(Your face book msg to me)

You Are 100% Right I Am A Selfish Bitch.. Im Immature, Unstable, Insecure.. I Do

Attack You Way More Then Need N I Treated Like Shit N You Dont Deserve To Be
Treated The Way I Treated You This Week.. I Have Major Jealous N Temper Issues N I
Am Very Sorry For The Way I Treated You.. You Think After 4 Years I Would Get The
Picture The You Havent Cheated Or Anything But I Havent.. Ive Only Been Insecure Is
Bc Im Afraid Of Loosing You N I Feel So Stupid All The Time Bc Im Reason I Loose
You Bc I Pull Shit Like This.. I Act Immature When I Know Someone Is Right Or I Made
A Fool Of Myself.. Im Unstable Bc I Never Really Had Something Like This N I Dont
Know How To Reacted To Things Without Making Myself Look Like A Total Retard..
You Have Every Right To Be Mad At Me N Hate Me.. I Acted The Way I Acted Out Of
Jealously Bc I Havent Seen You In A Week N I Felt Like I Was Going Crazy N I Was
Jealous Of Tawny N Other People That You Saw BC I Never Saw You.. Im A Retarded
Bitch Who Acts Stupid BC Im Afraid N I Dont Know What To Do.. I Do Want You In
Kaydans Life BC Your Her Father N She Will Need You.. Im Not Asking For You To
Forgive Me N Go Back To The Way Things Were Even Though I Want That I Dont
Except You To Ever Forgive Him.. What I Pulled Was Really Stupid N Uncalled For.. N I
Is Not That I Dont Care For Mila Its BC I Think You Like Her A Lot N Im Afraid You
Might Do Something. I Should Have Never Said You Were Sleeping With Another Girl
That Was Very Immature On My Part Your Not A Low Life Either Your Prob The Most
Successful Men I Have Ever Been In Love With Yet Again You Were The Only Guy Ive
Been In Love With.. I Should Have Never Took That Ride With Roger N Daniel N
Karissa I Wasn't Thinking Clearly N It Was A Dumb Move For Wat He Did To You.. Its
Not That Is Dont Believe In You Trent I Dont Trust Girls Dont Get Me Wrong Your
Amazing In Every Way I Could Think Of N A Lot Of Girls Will Do Anything To Get
With You N Im Afraid That They Would Pull It Off N You Would Leave BC They R
Better BC I Know Im Not Perfect I Am A Piece Of Shit N It Took A Child, N For You To
Leave Me To Realize That I Cant Live Without You, I Think Without U Being In My
Mind 24/7, To Know What I A Retard For Pulling That Shit N Letting You Go, N You
Really R The Best Thing That Has Happened To Me Other Then Kaydan But Since
Kaydans Your Shes Like A Bonus.. You N Kaydan R My Life Without Even One Of You
Im Nothing.. Well Srry I Went One For So Long I Thought About This A Lot.. N I Just
Wanted To Say Im Sorry So Sorry N Ill Bring Your Cloths N Jacket N Stuff Over Prob
Monday After My Mom Takes Me To At&t Ok So Yeah.. Im Just Gunna Stop Writing
Now Bye


("i just never took the time to really think about whats all wrong with me n y i acted
the way i did now i do n now im bettering myself n i never felt better")
You tell me you are bettering your self I just don't see it.

You get upset twords me when you see less and less of me.

(Have you ever wondered Why )

(please feel free to reread agin if you have forgoten)

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